Killer Queen is the best book for sure :-) The Leslie Ann Jones book was very good too and written in a much better style than As It Began although it was a bit shorter.
Deacon Fan - if you want the Box Of Tricks book, just let me know, I have a spare copy.
Mr Gumby-- the Peter Freestone book was good but didn't it get a bit boring when he was describing Garden Lodge? I found myself sleeping a few times during that part.
Oh well. :X
Yes because they do make thesauruses (thesauri?) for a reason. (That was to Peter Freestone not to you guys lol)
Courtesy of the AOL Thesaurus I bring you:
Entry Word: amuse
Function: verb
to pass or cause to pass time in pleasant or agreeable activity
Synonyms: divert, entertain, recreate
Related Words: absorb, distract, engross; animate, enliven, fleet, quicken; beguile, charm, delight, enchant, fascinate, wile; while
Contrasted Words: fatigue, irk, jade, pall (on), tire, wear (on), weary; bore, ennui
Yeah, you're both right- it was boring and pretensious at times, but there were some amazing infos in it, some absolutely uncovered before ground...
The most interesting bits for me were the ones about Queen... Priceless!