I just did my aerobic/toning treadmill workouts to Queen 2. I love all the songs but the only problem is the pace. Is there an album you can think of that starts out slow and gets faster? I kept trying to run along with the beat and it screwed things up lol... I ended up keeping time with handweights.
That was the first time in a while I had listened to Queen as well... it was a toss up between that and Stabbing Westward but Queen won.
I've been thinking about this as well.. I thought of suggesting that we come up with a good Queen workout CD (a compilation) with warm-up and cool-down songs as bookends.
So there you have it... who wants to start? LOL
Queen is not that great for exercise, I think. The music is too engaging for that. But the middle of The Miracle works pretty well. The guitars and everything get you going. I can't comment on the pacing, since I take everything off my CDs and put them into a little mp3 player for workouts. (Running does not work that well with CDs in my experience.)
Anyway, back to the Miracle. I Want It All, The Invisible Man, Breakthru, Rain Must Fall, and Scandal, are ones I like for workouts. There are more tracks that could work well off The Miracle, but I usually just take these (along with other non-Queen music).
It's too difficult to concentrate on your exercises whilst listening to Queen. You just can't fight the urge to break into a bit of a strut, which could lead to broken toes when there are dumbbells about.
No, far better to sit down with your pint and listen to 'em as nature intended: belching at one end and farting at t'other.
I was thinking Queen Rocks may be good for exercise... I'll try that one out tomorrow to see if it works better. Good idea, coming up with a compilation CD... the problem is sitting down and actually figuring it out. It's far too nice outside! :D
"I was thinking Queen Rocks may be good for exercise... I'll try that one out tomorrow to see if it works better. Good idea, coming up with a compilation CD... "
if you want i can post the songs in my cd
Im my Gym they only have Greatest Hits 2 on the jukebox so i have that on sometimes :D
ME TOO! I usually will warm up with kind of magic, and do crnches to radio ga ga. the beat in it is separated just enough to do them.
Flashman, you're hilarious!! :-D
I always find myself doing the little Freddie leg shake while I'm flat-ironing my hair. Then I have to look in the mirror and stare and look evil yet energetic at the same time.
This is why it takes about an hour to make my hair straight... and why it results in many little burns on my fingers.
Why don't you burn yourself a Queen exercise album? Use the slow songs to begin with, and progress to heavier and faster ones. That way, not only do you get a Queen exercise CD, you can also filter out the crap.
Hot space is my ultimate Gym...bodystretching...muscle tensing song to listen to, ending with under pressure it hits me in the right places,, and life is real makes me do extra 12 or so push ups. and cool cat... well always som cool cats in ma gym on them treadmills.
think I put it on too much though they gettin bored and I always put it on a cycle so when it ends it starts over again... so far I havent seen any one that managed to stay over on cycle while I stay for a good 2 to 3 hours when I go.
Yesterday was a non-Queen workout day (I was doing faster stuff and I wanted angry music) but today I did some fat-burning treadmill work to Queen Rocks, and it was quite good!!! Simpler than waiting for someone to come up with a good exercise track list. :P
Ha, Deacon fan! Well, I wasn't trying to plagiarise your idea...just serves me right I guess for not thoroughly reading the posts before I bulldoze my way to the "Post Reply" button :-)