Who was using that whistle on Live Killers (and other times during the '79 tour)? One place you can hear it is after the sound-effects section of "Get Down, Make Love"...
whistle?! what whistle?! i obviously haven't listened to that CD close enough although it's one of my favs... *gets up and searches for Queen Live Killers CD1 and starts playing it loud and has ears pinned back for that ever elusive whistle!*
The whistle was used by Roger. When the band extemporised during live renditions (that is musically make it up as they went along) the whistle was used as a signal to draw the band back together again.
It was also used at the start of Let Me Entertain You. then Fred goes, "Hello, everbody! Feeling good? Are you ready to rock? Are you ready to roll?" Alright!!!"