Do you ever get these stupid prank phone calls?
I've had one every night in two weeks so far, and it's really getting on my wick!
I had one just now, the same thing happens on my mobile and it's the same number.
So to anyone in the UK, can you block Phone numbers?
No, I don't get em cause only my friends and some people I have to communicate with have my number
But sometimes at parties with my friends I'm making them :P I know it's childish and all. But it's fun!
Right on Gerli :-) I love making prank calls! But i usally make them by myself. They certainly are a charm to piss off people sometimes, despite how sad that may sound.
lol yeah. Once we called to some lady and lied that we were from local radio stadion. She actually bought that and wanted a song from us :D
Usually we call to people with funny family names or just dial number randomly
I don't know how it works in the UK, but here in Canada, if we have someone doing the equivalent of e-mail prank/spamming, via the phones here, we just call the operator and ask to have a phone number blocked. If you have caller ID on your phone, you can give them this number and then there will be steps taken to block the caller.
Of course, if you have their home number you can use the internet to track them down, remove their eyes with a rusty fork and tip salt into the sockets.
I used to love making prank calls, back in the days before caller I.D.
Sometimes I'd record interviews and stuff and then call a live show and play parts of it back as if the poor host were actually talking to a celebrity. Public service announcements were good for this since they'd introduce themselves.
And calling PBS or public radio during pledge breaks just to make the phone ring in the background and get them excited.
I stopped when I was about 12 or 13. That's when the sex calls started, but I'll save that for another time.
deleted user 10.03.2004 18:30
*makes mental note to never ever prank call (or even consider, for that matter) Bob*
Thank goodness for blocking phone numbers and caller IDs.
However, I HATE it when someone calls my mobile and when you see the number it says private number. Grrrr
Sex calls eh Jeffrey? ;) :P lol