Hey, I read about this late last year, but I never paid attention to it until I finally watched my GVH2 DVD on TV...
On the videos for IWTBF and "Invisible Man", there is a flicker/stutter on the video during the whole videos (I believe there was another video that had the same problem, if I am correct). I only noticed it on my TV, and never when I watched it on my computer. Why is this?
And is anyone else having those problems?
You either have to live with it or get another player for your TV. Many DVDs have problems when played on certain players, that's just the way it is. You've already confirmed that this one is fine on the computer.
Hmm... interesting. I'm going through video editing hell at the moment because of various shitty things happening to the video on dvd playback. And this was one of them. I figured out that there are two possible reasons:
1. Video is being played in progressive when it's not really supposed to be - Might be changeable and may not. But if the rest of the vids are fine, then you're stuck with it. :(
2. Or these videos were encoded with the wrong field-order, i.e. lower-field first or upper-field first.
An annoying phenomenon. Btw, this video will look fine on a computer! But when viewed on a tv, because of the different playback system it'll be jerky or move strangely.
Hmm... I don't think I've seen the GVH2 dvd on a tv yet. Damn, I hope this isn't true.
I've made the first post about this problem in November 2003, after I'd bought the dvd in London. I have not seen it on my pc (will get a new dvd burner soon - the old one's - a player - not working correctly anymore) but on tv those two videos do stutter a lot. Got replies from others back then who had the same problems.
I had the same problem, tracks 4 and 11 (Break Free and Invisible) on Disc one and the first two tracks on Disc two (Back Chat, Calling All Girls) flutter/stutter. I'm certain it's not my player; the other videos play fine, as do other DVDs from a variety of manufacturers.
I went through 4 copies of the DVD with my local store; I finally got a cash refund and bought a DVD from another great band.
Charlie D' Atri, sometimes I vote with my wallet, and when Hollywood corrects your problem with DVD encoding, let us know.
I've also had the same problem on IWTBF... but I haven't noticed it or remembered about it on the others.
Now I know I'm not having problems seeing! :D
Neither GVHI OR II will play on my Apex player without the flicker. But they play okay on other players.
I think I may have damaged the discs pulling them out of the awful cases they come in...they're SO hard to get out without bending them. Why are DVD cases made like that?!? Why don't they use the same plastic center piece as CD jewel cases to hold the discs in?
Were your discs hard to pull out too? Maybe that's why they're not working very well....