I take it most of us sleep walk?
Well I do about once every week, but not as embaracing as this, I stayed at a "Friend's of the Family" house, their a young couple in their 20's, now I was in their flat mates bed room and he didn't know so we decided to share a double bed in stead of one of us sleeping on a hard horrid couch, now at about 2-3am I woke up to hear this iddling sound, I turned on the bed side lamp to see Robert pissing on the electric heater (lucky it wasn't on right lad's ;-)
I screamed and shouted "Robert what are you doing? Thats the heater!"
All he did was turn around and pissed on the floor then got back into bed, he couldn't remember any of it in the morning, then he believed me when there was a stain on the whit fluffy carpet and when you turn the heater on... Old peoples smell.
I had to share that with you, couldn't keep it in any longer.
LOL, I remember when I was staying at me Mates house, I slept walked but I had a night mare and apparently put my hands out shaking screaming "no no get off you're hurting me, stop it, HELP!"
I woke suddenly to my friend brother who was shouting "Chaz stop it you're scareing me!"
I woke up and gave one hell of a scream i woke up the next door neighbours even!
Me and Simon were soo freaked out we had to read the Bible to each other to get back to sleep! O_O
I used to sleep walk downstairs to the living room couch and sleep there all the time when I was a little kid in B.C., Canada. 'f course I could never remember walking down there, and so I was wondering then why I kept ending up on the couch!
And in the 3rd last house we lived in, my first sister wakes me up at three in the morning, and asks me to come down and watch the TV and I said no. When I asked her about that the next morning, she didn't remember a thing...so it was obvious she had been sleep walking.
I've heard about this type of thing on Oprah. Some people even get up and eat *anything* without knowing what they're doing.
I know I sometimes wake up in a very strange state and don't know exactly what I'm doing, but I have memory of it later so I guess it's not the same. I'll do things such as knocking a lamp over, thinking it's someone attacking me, or throw a pillow at something that looks threatening. Thank goodness I live alone... but the cats must think I'm nuts and hopefully they know to stay out of harm's way :-P
LOL ive sleep walked a few times, nothing really embarrasing happened though *thinks i may have just jinxed it* If im not on the board you'll know whats happened lol
I don't know about Sleep Walking, but I once Sleep Shagged The Tasty Vicar's Wife Down The Graveyard one evening which was rather hairy.
I'd have gotten away with it too, if it wan't for those pesky kids.
When I shared a flat with my brother, many years ago, I was once woken up in the middle of the night and subjected to the sight of him taking a leek over my stereo system. He was as pissed as a fart and had taken a wrong turning out of his bedroom and into what he thought was the bathroom. The following morning I made him clean up and hoped he had learned his lesson - I was foolish to even consider it - the following week he pissed on the clean washing that was drying in the lounge.
Brotherly love (the bastard)!