LMAO! What class? If it's First Aid, That could prove entertaining!
"Billy was bitten on the leg by a puppy Mrs. Bradley, I'm afraid he just won't pull through..."
Narr:"That's what would happen without the wonders of First Aid."
*ahem* Sorry... I think I may have gotten a bit side tracked... ;)
lol, no, it's not First Aid, thank Heavens, though we do watch crappy films in that class too! This class is Child Growth and Development, which is the class that I can just sit through and not have to pay attention to at all...which is almost worst than having to pay attention.
*stops babbling*
LOL @ Amanda! By the way, Babbling never hurt anyone.;) And, Yes, I do all the pictures I put in my profile myself. They're one of the only things that keep me sane.
If you had asked me that a year or two ago, I would've gladly done it. But I don't like drawing other people's characters anymore. I only do my own characters now. Though they aren't ALL original as God made them first (ie, they are real people).;) Oh, And I do characitures as well. I know I HAVE drawn Inu Yasha before, again, a couple of years back, for my brother a few times, though I have no idea where those pictures are. I would just assume forget them anyhow. I just don't get any enjoyment out of copying other people characters. I think I could convey my own story/characters good enough.