"The package didn't arrive. Could I have miss printed that package? Maybe. Could it have been lost in the mail? Maybe. Was I late in sending it? Yes. Was that my fault? Yes."
You know, rather than insult me and hope that others tell me to "fuck off," you could have accepted the blame like this literally months ago. But even after you were given a couple chances to do that, you still denied doing anything wrong. If you choose to apologize to the person in question, then I will leave it alone.
Personally, too many things went wrong with your end of the trade ("missed" emails, "mis-sent" packages) for me ever to trust you again, and I would caution others to think twice when dealing with you. As for you hoping that others will tell me to fuck off, fight your own battles, Matt.
Ignore away; you're good at that, apparently.
What is going on? As far as I can see, someone has had an ebay-related argument with someone else on the board, and is threatening them with news stories from CNN.
I apologize to those of you seemingly confused by this turn of events. I posted in this thread because I felt it had the greatest possibililty that Matt would read it. I never followed the link that was posted, but I find it strangely humorous that this thread became what it did.
For those who could care less about this particular argument, then there's no need to continue reading. Wave on your way out.
I firmly believe that when you look at the threads in question, you will see the full story of how things happen. None of this occurred spur of the moment, nor am I ganging up on Matt out of spite. Matt was contacted politely by myself and another, and was given several opportunities to make amends.
One month after I politely contacted him on the notice board (look at the dates of the threads for proof) and only after I publically "outed" him in the bootleg thread, did he claim to fulfill his responsibilities. Again, look at the dates in the Bootleg thread for more proof. I was prepared to publically apologize to Matt when the discs arrived, but they never did.
At least a month after that, and after another member of the Tree finally sent the discs to fulfill Matt's job, I stated in a thread that I was disappointed in Matt's behavior. With this comment, Matt lashed back, still refusing to acknowledge any mistakes.
For those that take the time to read the threads, the true story emerges. This is not a case of he said/she said with the only evidence hidden in emails or in claims no one can prove. The truth is clearly apparent on the notice board. Read it first, then disagree with me.
I do not claim to be perfect, but I did what I thought was neccessary. Our Bootleg Tree was dependent on public accountability, and I was not prepared to just let Matt slink away and let the one person get screwed over. As for Matt, I stated that if he apologized, then I would let it go. He has, stating that he hoped someone else would send the discs. I stand by my word and am done with Matt.
Did you actually bother to read what Zeni wrote in the last paragraph of her post?
"As for Matt, I stated that if he apologized, then I would let it go. He has, stating that he hoped someone else would send the discs. I stand by my word and am done with Matt."