Does anyone have a karioki version of the song. I love the riffs they are some of the bands bet,but the lyrics kinda get in the way of the feel. Help please!!!
That's not karaoke but a capella, dear! ;-)
I could send you a recording of me playing the riffs. Best you can get because there is no officially knows karaoke tracks of this song.
You're right by the way: the riffs are killer!
I can't help either, but this is strange because I was just listening to it last night and thinking how awesome the guitar is. Would have made a nice addition to 'Rocks'.
"Would have made a nice addition to 'Rocks'"
Yeah, but it isn't commercial. I think I read somewhere the original idea for Rocks was to compile tracks like that with NO hits, but that Brian though they also should include tracks like WWRY, Headlong and TYMD to appeal to the masses who only know the hits.
The idea for QR was 'nice' - the final cd-tracklisting sucked (except for the new track and the remix).
Well, it seems like a good compromise. 'Tear It Up' and 'Put Out The Fire' weren't very commercial or well-known either.
The slightly longer video version of Headlong would have made its inclusion more worthy and perhaps something like 'Liar' rather than one of the tracks already featured on GH.
"The idea for QR was 'nice' - the final cd-tracklisting sucked (except for the new track and the remix)."
Wise words; I've been saying that for years now.
It was a great idea, but as Pim alluded to, Brian felt that it needed some hits on it to sell. That right there killed the concept and made it yet another marketing ploy.
To think Brian risked his life to catch a thunderclap in the pouring rain for that song!!
Love that song. Hard to sing, was even harder to figure out the words when the album came out (no lyric sheet in the US version), but oh such fun learning!!
Every time I see Brian play those licks on Star Licks I just think to my self "you TWAT!!" And then he goes "heres a slow version!" and I'm still lagging behind with my poor guitar!
Very good work Deaconfan, but how do you do this to tracks?
My only critique is that the solos disapeared from the mix along with the main vocals still somewhat audible. But anyways you made my day, good work!