i'm hoping to buy the complete set of queen singles on vinyl , just curious , how much do you think i should be paying for the colleciton? every singles there up to bohemian rhapsody/these are the days of our lives.
Pay no more than £3 for any 80's one.
Before that, make sure you get picture sleeves - if not £3 each.
If they do have pic sleeves, up to £15 depending on which single and quality of sleeve.
well teh 80's one's are mostly picture sleeves , keep yourself alvive , seven seas of rhye , and a few more erlier ones , the actual record is in great condition but the actual packaging is a bit "tatty" but i suppose being the age i shouldnt expect perfect ones .
Check your used record store please!! I've found many a rarity that I got for a song, like a picture-sleeved I Was Born To Love You (45 was in perfect, unplayed shape) for a mere $1.99 USD and bagged in plastic also! Nice to find stuff like that!
(BTW, most of my singles collection are promotional copies that were free for the asking!)
Picture sleeves that old in mint shape (no browning, no curled corners, no splits) are very rare to find indeed! And yes PROMOTIONAL copies (especially white labelled one) are worth more than a commercially-released one. Any artist, any label.
Also, banned sleeves (i.e. Body Language) are worth a lot as well. Limited editions, numbered copies. Goldmine had a Queen issue in July of 2001 (Brian May was on the cover) and there was an interesting Queen discography in it. Record Collector has things like that from time to time too. I finally broke down and got a subscription. I was really awed to find out a Stones album I've had forever (Their Satanic Majesties Request, with a 3-D cover) is worth $350 just for the cover alone!
I really feel for people who get rid of their vinyl. It's going to be harder to find in years to come!
Hey Queenrox, drop me a e/mail, i can sell you the whole collection including some solo stuff, also i will let you have concert programmes, concert ticket stubs, magazines and many other items, all good condition, all very cheap. davepd59@yahoo.co.uk