i feel aweful to say this but somebody( one of "friends") stole my queen CD.
it was the second CD from Live at Wimbely 2003 release with the bonus materials. I'm so pissed off and I know who took it but I can't just go and tell her that she is a theif(?).
what's wrong with this people.you invite them to your house just to have fun but they go to your closet and take you CD.
I had a mate like that :( he used 2 steal everything, he used to deny it but then i saw my things round his house when he invited me over. I asked him about them and he gave em back :)
Some friends arent real friends :(
Go to this "friends" house and either get it back or re-arrange their face. Or just do both - its the only way that some people learn not to do it again.
Thieves?? Bastards more like. But on the other hand, Id have been a lot more dissapoited if they'd stolen Live at Wembley. Im not much for Live at Wimbley. Go Knock on her door and say - "Give me back my Wimbley CD you thieving little cow or ill break your teeth" she might own up then.