Ever wondered what song would best represent Earth if there was to be a Universal Song Contest?
No? Well you have now, because I've just implanted a grain of thought in your brain and now there's no escaping it. Except for Dark, where it's just rolled out of his left ear and landed slap in the middle of his own excrement.
No offence.
But wait! Bear with me just for a bit...
Hang on, what was I on about? Something about me being great and shagging two 17 year old birds this Christmas... No, I've got it!
Over here in Euroland we have this annual Intercontinental Crap Karoake Contest. Where people from Norway come on stage with bowls of fruit on their heads and sing about finding love and herpes by the fjords in pigeon English. Where Greece always give Cyprus top points and nobody ever votes for the Brits as they're all jealous because we are so great and they just sit about eating their own shoes all day. They take it so seriously on account of them all being so completely nuts over there, while we have Terry Wogan pissing himself when some beardy twat from Bavaria starts barndancing before no doubt devouring his own footwear. Mind you, the Swedes usually roll out a tidy bit of crumpet or two. "I won't give 'em the full twelve points " thinks Flashy, " but I'll give those Swedish trots one each."
Oh I've lost my thread now.
Aha! So if there was a Universal version of said contest, what song would you have to represent our dear Mother Earth?
Classical? Rock? Chas n' Dave?
Personally I think it has to be something anthemic. Something that shows what a warlike race we are and if Planet Zarg wants a piece, well it had better come 'tooled up'.
I go for Queen and 'We Are The Champions'.
I thought I would give it a whirl Catgoddess. I bet you can imagine me, warbling away in nothing more than a wet towel. Flexing my naked torso as the crowd bays for more.
I'll leave you with that precious thought.
And dear Archie - 'Oh Mr. Wu! What shall I do?' Good old George, the giraffe-toothed bungling idiot.
everyone here can atest to the fact that you are MUCH better than orlando dear!
Okay I'm editing since the forum is f****d up and we can't post.
I have to say that while I love Greig and lots of other classical music, and perhaps they would be good representations of the world of music, Flashman did say "song" which I suppose Grieg and Beethoven wrote "songs" but a lot of their best work I would not exactly call a "song." The other thing is this: You say that classical music is harder to write than rock or someting. That does not nessecarily make it better. It may be better but juust because something is harder does not make it so. Just something I had to say.
deleted user 03.01.2004 19:50
"No sane female would ever turn down Flashy."
i'm clearly insane then...
"I don't wanna be buried in a pet semetary" by the Ramones. Not only is it totally pointless, like life itself, but it would also notify the Zargians of our burial wishes in the event of inter-planetary invasion and annihilation.
Either that or the theme from Rainbow.
It's easily got to be a classical piece. Namely for one that beings from other planets no doubt would not be able to speak English and to them it would be like how we feel when listening to the Norwegian entry in the Eurovision Song Contest. No matter how good the song is in English. Something by Mozart, Chopin or Beethoven. Maybe Handel. Or Grieg. It's hard to choose. But I'll give it to Grieg's March of the Mountain King. Or the old Alton Towers theme if you want it in layman's terms.
Can I just say that any of those easily outrank Queen in great musicians. Sorry, but it's true. Classical pieces are much harder to compose than songs are, even if the song is BoRhap.
Actually caught a bit of it on TV last night. The Eurovision, I mean, not my Univision idea which never really caught on.
A vintage year for cracking bits of fluff, I thought. I recall 3 blond birds who would certainly have received it. But yet again, next to no votes for our effort. Crap it may have been, but no worse than the rest of them. Sheer jealousy.
Loved Moldova's Grandma Has A Drum, or whatever it was called. Mind you, I was tanked up, which may have had something to do with it.
Good ol' Tel on form again, after Germany's attempt: 'That was awful, wasn't it?'
It always is, Terry. It always is.