i've lost some weed in the house and if my mum finds it i'm dead.
what a dilemma. and on boxing day aswell. sort of.
i'm gonna vacuum the house tomorrow in an attempt of desperate proportions to try and suck the fucker up and prevent gaining any beatings
Whoa, you are deeply fucked then, buddy.
You should keep your weed in one place and never forget when you put it, even while you are on high, like all the normal people.
You should find it before your mamma does, and slaps your ass.
deleted user 28.12.2003 01:04
England superior civilisation???????
thats fuckin news for me no wonder u are still having a Queen and king and a asshole for a PM
cheers for the sympathetic words!
Alexey, i do keep my weed in one place, in my pocket!
And Lord Vultan, you can't say a thing about civilisation in England, according to your profile you hail from India!!!! (sorry that was evil, I'm sure India is a great place to live!)
one time I left my weed in a medicine bottle with a tiny chillem in it also in a bag of food crap for a party at my very strait family reunion.
My brother brought the bottle to me and said i must have forgot it was in there.
I was mortified!
But he had no clue what it was!
he thought it was just herb.lol
one time my friend had stuff in a pringles container and her sister (of 11) found it! But thankfully I was there and confiscated it for her and her sister didn't realize what it was.
"i've lost some weed in the house and if my mum finds it i'm dead.
what a dilemma. and on boxing day aswell. sort of."
Well, what the hell ya wasting time typing this crap up for?! Go find it!
LOL. The same thing happened to me a couple of years ago. I left a score bag of heroin lying around and my youngest daughter ate it.
We saw the funny side once the convulsions and fitting finally stopped.