Teacher Quote
TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America.
STUDENT: Here it is!
TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America?
CLASS: George!!
TEACHER: Willy, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have 10 years ago.
SUBSTITUTE TEACHER: Are you chewing gum?
STUDENT: No, I'm Billy Anderson.
TEACHER: Alfred, how can one person make so many stupid mistakes in one day?
STUDENT: I get up early.
TEACHER: Didn't you promise to behave?
STUDENT: Yes, Sir.
TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you if you didn't?
STUDENT: Yes Sir, but since I broke my promise, I don't expect you to keep yours.
TEACHER: Tommy, why do you always get so dirty?
STUDENT: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are.
HAROLD: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
TEACHER: Of course not.
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework.
TEACHER: Why are you late?
WEBSTER: Because of the sign.
TEACHER: What sign?
STUDENT: The one that says, "School Ahead, Slow Children crossing."
TEACHER: I hope I didn't see you looking at Don's paper.
JOHN: I hope you didn't either.
GARY: I don't think I deserve a zero on this test.
TEACHER: I agree, but it's the lowest mark I can give you.
MOTHER: Why did you get such a low mark on that test?
JUNIOR: Because of absence.
MOTHER: You mean you were absent on the day of the test?
JUNIOR: No, but the kid who sits next to me was.
SYLVIA: Dad, can you write in the dark?
FATHER: I think so. What do you want me to write?
SYLVIA: Your name on this report card.
TEACHER: Well, at least there's one thing I can say about your son.
FATHER: What's that?
TEACHER: With grades like these, he couldn't be cheating.
TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-foot snake.
SAMMY: You can't fool me, teacher....snakes don't have feet!
TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".
ELLEN: I is....
TEACHER: No, Ellen, Always say "I am."
ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet".
TEACHER: Max, use "defeat", "defense", and "detail" in a sentence.
MAX: The rabbit cut across the field, and defeat went over defense before detail.
MOTHER: Why on earth did you swallow the money I gave you?
JUNIOR: You said it was my lunch money.
TEACHER: If you received $10 from 10 people, what would you get?
SASHA: A new bike.
TEACHER: If you had one dollar and you asked your father for another, how many dollars would you have?
VINCENT: One dollar.
TEACHER: (sadly) You don't know your arithmetic.
VINCENT: (sadly) You don't know my father.
TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have?
BOY: Isn't the principal a dummy!
GIRL: Say, do you know who I am?
BOY: No.
GIRL: I'm the principal's daughter.
BOY: And do you know who I am?
BOY: Thank Flashy for that!!
"HAROLD: Teacher, would you punish me for something I didn't do?
TEACHER: Of course not.
HAROLD: Good, because I didn't do my homework."
Hehe, i did that once
TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I".
ELLEN: I is....
TEACHER: No, Ellen, Always say "I am."
ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet".
lol true, don't get me wrong there are some tutors i love, but most tutors i had were very predaduce, like my Step dad is Jehovas Witness and my Mums a Christian (both the same really) and some didnt agree cause they were either Catholic and just ddnt like it :-S
Dont know if any o' that made sence
Yea, I think I did
Hmm. when to think about it then some teachers are really pain in the butt. (there are few teachers in my school who really enjoy teasing nd putting bad marks)
But some are really nice, like my brother lol. (thank god he is not in my school tho) And there are many teachers like that in my school.
I've realised that they are great people.
since I don't go to "government school" I've never had to make homework excuses except one time when I first started taking violin classes I had to (truthfully) tell my teacher "my goat ate my homework!