you can find all the info you need in the FM solo collection. There's no info on how much demo's Freddie made. Only Greg Brooks can say how much approx. But he's too busy being funny at QOL it seems.
I found one called Yellow Breezes and one called Green, with Freddie and some other people talking at the beginning. Has anyone heard these ones?
I found them on Kazaa.
"I found one called Yellow Breezes and one called Green, with Freddie and some other people talking at the beginning. Has anyone heard these ones?
I found them on Kazaa."
You can also find them (shock, horror!) in a SHOP!!!!! - ever heard of those? link
"You can also find them (shock, horror!) in a SHOP!!!!! - ever heard of those?"
Well SORRY. I wasn't aware of that, I was just downloading some so I could hear what they sound like. Is that a problem?
Well SORRY. I wasn't aware of that, I was just downloading some so I could hear what they sound like. Is that a problem?
i dont see a problem with it so why not :)
It's funny how sometimes when I mention MP3's there's someone who goes totally mad and starts getting angry. I have bought most of their albums from the shops, but when it came to Freddie's solo projects I was unsure so I started to download the songs. That's what they're there for. It's not a crime, some people are so sensitive, do I dare mention the word MP3 again? Oh no I just did.
I know I'm weird! LOL
Sorry Pim Derks it's just that I assumed that you would have considered getting the NATO album as it's a reasonable price, wheras with Freddie's solo projects they're in a box set and therefore, not cheap.