I've never seen that before... when nobody has posted in a certain section for so long, in this case 17 days for the 'Convention' section of the board, it just says 'There aren't any active topics.' If you don't believe me, go and have a look before MexQueen posts on there.
Amazing these computers.
They will take over the world one day, just you wait and see. You'll remember when the day comes, you'll be there about to be vapourised into a pair of smouldering boots, and you'll say to yourself "If only I had listened to old Flashy, instead of daydreaming about what a dreamboat he undoubtedly is."
Don't worry about me though folks. You sit around and wait for the Reaper and buy yourself some 'anti-smoulder' boots. They won't do you any good.
I'll be long gone Gentle Reader - off no doubt creating my own underground empire of pure evil, waiting for the time I can resurface and lay claim to that which is rightfully mine.
Hmmm... I have told you too much. Perhaps I should just click the 'submit' button with aplomb, content with my little post before reading it through after entering, realising I have made a stupid spelling mistake, 'edit' it, after clicking 'profile' by mistake and having to repeat the procedure, oh for fuck's sake the screens froze, I'll have to log on again and type it all out again now. I really could have done without this, I'm dying for a shit as well - turtle's head! Touching cloth! This is one log I want off! Come on screen! Why is that blue line crawling across the bar when it usually races along? Oh it's stopped completely and now I'll have to click on that swirly arrow icon. Oh what's up with the fucking thing? I didn't pay nine hundred quid to be fucked about like this. Well, it's stolen, but that's beyond the point. I prefer to think of it as 'permanently borrowed without owner's consent'.
Yes they'll take over one day. Don't worry though - the fuckers will crash.
I had 8 junk e-mails this morning.
Does anyone ever read them? Am I missing out on something? Why is there no 'return to sender' option? Or 'not known at this address'? Or better still 'Fuck off and die maggot'.
And that Charles Baer really pisses me off. Constantly getting his shite topics back to the top of the board in errrmm... much the same way I have just done.
Ah yeah my arse.