I went to this Queenday in Harderwijk last night and saw The Dutch Queen Cover Band, Miracle for the first time. I must say I was stunned by their performance. I mean...they played Brighton Rock!! That was absolutly amazing!
Unfortunaly (IMO) they didn't got the response from the audiance they deserved. Dunno what they thought themselves, but that was they way I felt about it.
Anyone else ever seen them live, and what did you think?
I've seen them lots of times at various Queen parties in the Netherlands - they're great. But now that I've seen them like 8 times or so, I wouldn't mind seeing another band sometime... Maybe the Dutch Queen Fanclub can arrange Robby Valentine or Valensia next year? :-P I know Robby has performed on the Dutch Queen Meeting in the past so...
True... the response wasn't really that big, but on the other hand, people standing there listening is also a compliment on its own. They didn't talk throughout the songs or anything. I think that either a very enthousiastic crowd or a crowd that stands there enjoying the show are a big compliment to us.
The organisation said they will surely do this again, cos they heard nothing but compliments about us and we received loads of them ourselves afterwards.
Of course we want an audience like at the convention in Wales, like at Montreux, like at the Dutch meeting (where they still want us back after Hannie asked the fanclub members :P) and Waalre. Everywhere we play it's succesful, to our own surprise sometimes. We also play the bigger festivals and are usually asked to close it down as the main act. We're honored, of course!
I enjoyed myself very much so last night and I won't hesitate to play there again if they will ask us.
Great that you enjoyed yourself!!!
John, you got any gigs planned in Brabant?
And maybe the response wasn't that big because a Queen day attracts Queen fans, and a lot of those fans also attend the meetings in Waalre, and Vlaardingen, where Miracle plays very often aswell. Maybe thats why...
Not really... those who attend those concerts were the ones that shouted the most and loudest. A lot of people saw us for the first time and came to us afterwards and complimented us.
Don't worry, it's not that we feel offended because they didn't shout as usual! :P
And no concerts planned in Brabant as of yet. Suggestions?
The gig in Harderwijk went well indeed :-)
Pity that even though the Dutch convention was cancelled, the amount of visitors was quite low, less than I expected.
Nice to hear that they want to organize it again! Maybe with a bit more advertisements they can get more visitors next time!
I liked the way we were positioned for the Queen market, 2 large tables, space enough to show all the merchandize.
Only the amount of visitors during the market was extremely low, 30 or so...
Not only bad for sales but also I was nose-picking most of the time because I had no one to chat with :-(
Coming up now: Miracle gig in Poeldijk near The Hague coming Saturday 22 Nov. :-)
And 29 Nov. German Convention in Essen.
Greetz, Freddie