Worldwide release my ass!!
Nov 11th i called every music and video store in the area here and they said that in america it GVH2 will be released nov 25th.....ugh....this pisses me off greatly. I guess im just gonna loath while i read all of the reviews u guys have wrote.
Sometimes its great to live in NY/NJ but then again sometimes its not....
this is one of those times.
But it IS available in America! Maybe not in North America, but down here in South America I can find it in every little tiny shop :) Jealous?! LOL
Sorry, buddy, no harm meant. Just wait some more weeks. Believe me, I know how it feels. Sometimes we got the releases with 2 or more months of delay. :/
It's nice to see the boot on the other foot for once...often we in the UK have to wait weeks, months or even years for stuff that's released on DVD in the States ! Global market ? Pah !!!
The real reason why the US doesn't get the DVD releases first is because most companies figure Queen is not "hot" product (read: Britney Spears, Justin Trousersnake, Eminem, et al) and see things in terms of dollar signs and nothing in terms of who would like to see what released. Opinions don't matter in America; it seems you have to like everything that everyone else likes to be worth "selling".
UGH! I'm moving to the UK someday where Queen still has a huge following and people know who Freddie Mercury was!