Does anyone have any of these or know of where i can look at them?
I know there are a few photos out there of freddie in September of 1991 going to his doctor...i remember seeing them in People Magazine here in America..
So if anyone has any links or knows where i can view some of the very last pictures of Freddie Mercury ..feel free...thanx.
I hate this subject but I might aswell clear the air in saying that link
is a definite picture from the Mercury Album period, Freddies face did look plump witout his tash during these times,
but link
is definatley a '91 photo, this photo reminds me to what that ladie said about her last visit with Freddie
""thank you for spending sometimes with an old man""
Freakin sad, and this is not the plump mid eighties Freddie or the wild headlonging Freddie, its his most humane, no hawain shirts no jumper no tight clothes just a lose oversized clothes held on by a loose so it dont touch his painful skin.
Thats what see from this.... I mean if he was so healthy He would atleast pick the cat up as it was his adorables, I guess that monster is to heavy for him then.
The pic with the car is not taken in Barcelona for sure since the number plate of the car behind has English style so it is possible taken in London.
The worst Freddie pic I have ever seen is one that was taken when he was inside a car going to visit the doctor (if I rememebr well he was wearing blue trousers there), but that is no fun to see I tell you.
"is a definite picture from the Mercury Album period, Freddies face did look plump witout his tash during these times,
The Freddie Mercury Album was released 1 year after Freddie's death, so it's highly unlikely this pic is from that era.
"I do hope the "Days of our lives" video making won't be included in GVHIII"
I hope there isn't a GVHIII at all. It's time to stop re-releasing the same stuff over and over again, and get to some things we haven't heard/seen before.
I realize the new GVH releases have had some extras that most people haven't seen before, but they're just reasons to prolong the releases of further live concerts and the boxed set (if that ever does happen).
Honestly I wouldnt be surprised if the making of the videos of TATDOOL and IGSM are going to be released on GVH3. I'm sure that the DoRo, and QP would have some respect for Freddie, and edit the parts in which feature Freddie in his vunerable moments during the making of the videos.
However, I wouldnt be surprised either if DoRo and Queen Productions would include EVERYTHING that happened during the filming of those two videos. As we have seen before, there are Queen fans that are very interested in seeing how was Freddie acting, and looking during his last months, which I think it quite unappropriate.
We just have to see, won't we?
BTW, people that ask piccies about Freddie's last days, are just plain sick IMO. Wouldn't you like if people ask you piccies of an ill loved one?! I know I wouldn't.
I'd rather remember Freddie Mercury as he was when he was healthy not sick and dying. What kind of sick person wants to see any person suffering as their body is ravaged by AIDS or any other disease. Get a bloody life!
Kriz :^(
1. I fucking hate the papparazzi. I despise them with every inch of my being.
2. I personally would rather keep my eyes on moustache-era Freddie. Even some stuff from The Miracle (like I Want It All) is kind of hard to watch for me.
the photo from the garden comes from the May 1991 shooting clip before it is days of our lives
The first photo appears as Freddie comes from the years 1987
in the Daily Mirror published the very last photo of September or October 1991 and the sun was photo as Freddie is returning from a doctor September 1991 and still sometimes picture of his last birthday 1991
the photo from the garden comes from the May 1991 shooting clip before it is days of our lives
The first photo appears as Freddie comes from the years 1987
in the Daily Mirror published the very last photo of September or October 1991 and the sun was photo as Freddie is returning from a doctor September 1991 and still sometimes picture of his last birthday 1991
this is his last birthday 1991 see how Freddie is overgrown and beside him is his cook
Joe Fanelli photo was also published in newspapers, "The Sun" and the tables have turkey or chicken
the first to leave a car is finally in August 1987
and the other standing in the garden comes from spring 1991
significance of further example, from Fall 1991
walk away from a doctor from the early October 1991
Last slide is titled "The Last Night off Garden Lodge"
one with a photo of how Freddie was visiting Gordon Atkinson and another image is how Freddie's dead body to handle funeral services other pictures just do not attack me with his funeral November 27, 1991
1: Photo originates officially in spring 1988 or 89
2: The photo comes from the May 1991 "Spring"
significance of an even older example, one rare photo of his last birthday 91
For some summer before his house standing at 91 cars with guys
then go from doctor to october 91
some pictures of Freddie wears black glasses I think it was in September 91
do not attack me next I think I saw one or two photos from November 91 but I do not know where those pictures were
Somewhere I saw a photo of how Freddie standing in front of his house with Barbara Valentin, Jim Hutton, Mary Austin and a few other well-known the photo was written "last photo"
it seemed so for 1990, but allegedly the photo is published in October 1991 but otherwise I do not know