matt z 13.07.2020 11:03 |
Quoted per : link Good News! The sample completed book samples will arrive on July 14th. I will need to go to Palm Springs to see Lee so we can both comb through the books for any printing errors or other errors. I will try to meet up with him on the 18th and 19th of July. Things are looking up! Thank you all for your continued support and patience! Regards to all, Thor and on behalf of Lee" SOOOOO.. in the end, we may at least read this book before annihilation, courtesy of the POSUS and his administration's crony criminal negligence. FFS, other countries can get it under control... but it took nearly 5 fucking months to get the Orangutan to wear a mask. Now there'll be talk of "it was a body double!" To quote "MONTY PYTHON & THE HOLY GRAIL" : "AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaagghhh!" At least this book it coming forward. October? November?.... September would be ideal without a grim anniversary thing.. but Christmas would be cool as well... Just tossing this out there. |
Misfire. 13.07.2020 11:55 |
Looking forward to seeing this new book on Freddie. Thor & Lee were quoted as been Freddie's daughters lol love it lol |
dudley-fufkin 7834 13.07.2020 12:00 |
Gay as fuck, people shouldnt be writing books about what freddie got up to, he was a private person. |
Misfire. 13.07.2020 15:47 |
Dudley-fufkin Nothing wrong even if it is gay as fuck people love every inch of Freddie and cant get enough of the master ! |
Anton3283 13.07.2020 15:56 |
Who are they? |
brENsKi 13.07.2020 21:55 |
Anton3283 wrote:Who are they?Thora Hurd and Peggy Lee |
Saint Jiub 13.07.2020 23:59 |
dbl post |
Saint Jiub 13.07.2020 23:59 |
triple post |
Saint Jiub 14.07.2020 00:03 |
Photo: |
Saint Jiub 14.07.2020 01:28 |
Thor in LA (with Freddie) link |
Jeremy 14.07.2020 04:55 |
Great news. Matt, I meant to thank you for your really kind comments about my re-EQ'd Cosmos Rocks sample. I really appreciated it. And it's cool that the Greatest American President in modern history lives in your head rent free. ;) |
Anton3283 14.07.2020 06:02 |
brENsKi wrote:I wonder who they are, what they did for Queen? What did they do to Freddie? Who are they for Freddie and Queen?Anton3283 wrote:Who are they?Thora Hurd and Peggy Lee |
matt z 14.07.2020 06:05 |
^it's happening in the streets and we're all under suspension owing to the admins neglect. ... . And he's a lifetime crook. Not sure if you're being sarcastic. Hard to avoid the daily trainwreck.NM, FL, & AZ avoided it and look what's happening.... Yeah the Cosmos EQ was elsewhere but even as a sample it was a more natural sound. And back to point. I'm looking forward to the book. If i get some extra cash I'll fork out for another pre-order copy |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 00:55 |
Matt’s, Great idea I cant believe the book is finished that sounds awesome thanks for update.Anton the two MEN who wrote the book we’re friends of Freddie’s and they all went out and spent time together in the 80”s. They have always been left out of the story lines I ain’t going into that. Well it’s time for Freddie’s story to be told I guess with this book and some fun stories too.Yes they are gay men and so was Freddie that’s kinda the point so I guess when everybody purchases a book they can be prepared for some great fun and stories that haven’t been heard 100 times and actually are true and not about him crying in his soup about about women. From what I was told he sure liked the men and that’s okay.We all are okay aren’t we God Bless! |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 01:00 |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 01:22 |
Benross, I agree it seems they all were close to Freddie it’s hard to trust I think especially men you get screwed over so many times you find love and some friends that are true you have to keep them around.Im glad Freddie had them . I hope you enjoy the book.Dudley I hope you change your feelings I can tell you from experience the Gay community are good peoples. They love they accept even if your strange that’s okay with them.I struggled with my sexual identity my who young adult hood. I was with a girl 6 years and then discovered I had stronger attractions to men. I still even after marriage felt uncomfortable around straights. So I stay we’re I’m happy and have friends hate is a terrible thing. Love is the answer. |
Katydyd5 19.07.2020 01:32 |
brENsKi 19.07.2020 10:37 |
dudley-fufkin 7834 wrote: Gay as fuck, people shouldnt be writing books about what freddie got up to, he was a private person.they're no worse than anyone else who write these kind of books. anyone - black, white, gay, straight, animal, vegetable, journo, friend, foe or Martian - who write these "expose" type books are just cashing in on someone else. shameful. |
CHEVYMAN 19.07.2020 18:58 |
Bee ski, That’s not correct with these guys at all they lost so many friends almost all I believe to AIDS. Those pictures containing Freddie and the rest of their friends that have been tucked away in the back of their minds hidden for so many years since young men were probably like reliving the trama. Trama isn’t just experienced from war it’s from life’s experiences in childhood and young adulthood. All you want to do is get away from it. It’s called ptsd most people don’t know they have it what they experienced as young men was horrific and they survived it. It was like a war.They will never forget any of those faces in those photos. Maybe that’s one reason they moved the hell away.All their fucking friends were dead.I don’t want to here one other person say they are cashing in.Maybe this book will help give them peace and deal with something they have avoided I don’t know. Have some damn respect enough is enough. |
CHEVYMAN 19.07.2020 19:20 |
Dudley, I don’t think Freddie was private with them from what I know he trusted them above anyone when it came to men and his sexuality. They were like his family a lot of the time when gays tell their folks they are gay it changes things . So they form their own family’s with their own people that accept them and that’s what Freddie did that’s my opinion.Even if your biological family comes around to the fact and accepts you things are never truly the same. |
Saint Jiub 21.07.2020 02:07 |
brENsKi wrote:Brenski -dudley-fufkin 7834 wrote: Gay as fuck, people shouldnt be writing books about what freddie got up to, he was a private person.they're no worse than anyone else who write these kind of books. anyone - black, white, gay, straight, animal, vegetable, journo, friend, foe or Martian - who write these "expose" type books are just cashing in on someone else. shameful. While you were away on your QZ sabbatical, Thor Arnold (one of Freddie's NY daughters) appeared on QZ in July 2017 in this thread: link. I recommend that you scan the first 25 pages of this thread, There were a wide variety of QZers that asked questions, including two of your moderators. Thor later mentioned that he started this thread after googling his own name and see many "fictional" stories, and felt that he might set the record straight on QZ. The subject of a possible photo book with Lee Nolan's photos did not arise until November 2017. This photo book will not be an expose, as Thor and Lee are gentlemen, and I believe both show excellent discretion at responding to salacious inquiries. |
CHEVYMAN 21.07.2020 21:58 |
SaintJuib, I agree completely well said I can’t believe someone running a Queen site with all those anti bulling rules would come here with this behavior. Well said. |
Saint Jiub 22.07.2020 00:10 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: SaintJuib, I agree completely well said I can’t believe someone running a Queen site with all those anti bulling rules would come here with this behavior. Well said.I am merely trying to provide a balanced perspective about the book. Your comments are not helping. |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 12:43 |
SaintJuib, They know what the truth is they choose to say nasty hate they know what they are doing. Nothing I said was damaging the hatefulness does need to stop. Every time someone mentions their name someone comes over for nasty remarks.i never been a person with no balls but enough is enough. If you dislike someone that’s fine but to scream hate over something that happened many moons ago makes no sense have a nice day. |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 12:47 |
By the way sir These people or persons have read QZ from front to back you can’t bank on that . I mean you no disrespect but it’s true. |
Rainbow61 22.07.2020 19:31 |
Saint Jiub...Nice mini recap of Thor's first thread! The love and respect Thor and Lee had for Freddie was evident in their posts. Just as you said, they showed discretion in the way they answered questions...and there were many. At its core, I think their book will simply be a celebration of an amazing friendship. People do not need to ascribe motives or read more into it than that. |
brENsKi 22.07.2020 21:33 |
CHEVYMAN wrote:SaintJuib, I agree completely well said I can’t believe someone running a Queen site with all those anti bulling rules would come here with this behavior. Well said.grow up. there's nothing "bullying" about my remarks. in fact, your comments (are closer to bullying) - accusing someone with a personal opinion of "all of these types of books" of being a bully, ridiculous. how do you survive in the real world? people disagree with each other all the time - that's normal life. and if you think our forum rules are hypocritical, then you know where the door is. CHEVYMAN wrote: Every time someone mentions their name someone comes over for nasty remarks.i never been a person with no balls but enough is enough. If you dislike someone that’s fine but to scream hate over something that happened many moons ago makes no sense have a nice need to stop being so ultra-defensive. i don't dislike them in particular. i suggest you re-read my post. it's about (as i said anyone - black, white, gay, straight, animal, vegetable, journo, friend, foe or Martian) who releases books (or other stuff) about dead celebrities. if the subject didn't expressly give their permission/or doesn't endorse it in some way then i disagree with it. you seem to take the whole thing personally. get off your high horse. i'm as entitled to my opinion as you are - i haven't flamed you for yours, so kindly refrain from doing this to me. fwiw (IMO) - friends (or not) making money out of someone who's dead is immoral and money-grubbing. |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 22:01 |
Been ski everyone does have a right to their opinion but since none of us were their we don’t know what kind of permission was given to these friends to use friendly fun loving pictures to show to Freddie’s fans who loved him so much. We shouldn’t speculate. Maybe he said you ever get the opportunity let the world know who I was times have changed.They are within their rights. |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 22:17 |
It’s always okay not to agree with something but to but a slur behind it saying a Gay person doesn’t have the the right is wrong. We all are one the old man made us just as he wanted us in his own vision of perfection.We need not forget when we throw out slurs against gay men we are attacking Freddie too those were his people his family the ones who loved and accepted him.I think the book is gonna be fun loving not a tell all and it’s gonna represent the true man himself don’t miss out. |
brENsKi 22.07.2020 22:22 |
brENsKi wrote:dudley-fufkin 7834 wrote:Gay as fuck, people shouldnt be writing books about what freddie got up to, he was a private person.they're no worse than anyone else who write these kind of books. anyone - black, white, gay, straight, animal, vegetable, journo, friend, foe or Martian - who write these "expose" type books are just cashing in on someone else. shameful. WEAKMAN wrote:It’s always okay not to agree with something but to but a slur behind it saying a Gay person doesn’t have the the right is wrong.i suggest you re-read my original post - i've re-quoted it for you above. i have NOT criticised any gay person anywhere. if anything i've said they are NO WORSE than anyone who releases this kind of material. i respectfully ask that you withdraw your claim that i did. and in turn focus your attention on the person i quoted - who was the only person to make a disparaging comment about homosexuality. check again, and retract your comment." title="source:" /> |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 22:36 |
There are many not apart of your forum not just me. I wasn’t referring to your comment about the billing but someone had made a nasty remark here as such about Gays not writing a book. It’s okay though because from the update it’s been done great news that is. I checked out your forum as did some others I don’t think many will move over they like this place, It’s home so good luck with the new thread and God bless to you and free will. |
brENsKi 23.07.2020 05:18 |
Blue CHEVYMAN wrote:There are many not apart of your forum not just me. I wasn’t referring to your comment about the billing but someone had made a nasty remark here as such about Gays not writing a book.yes you did imply it was me - see your comment above^. so, i'll ask once again, please retract that comment. CHEVYMAN wrote:I checked out your forum as did some others I don’t think many will move over they like this place, It’s home so good luck with the new thread and God bless to you and free will.not many? we have 800 members - in 3 months!. almost 500 have/had accounts here. so your judgment is way off here too. you post (in blue above) is a fine example of what this "home" (as you call it) has become: a place of inaccurate comments and accusations - from people who fail to attribute posts to the correct person and then later refuse to acknowledge their own mistake. |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 16:52 |
Been ski, I will remove nothing you run a site and feel comfortable that it’s a great place to be and it may be it looks like you would want or desire to spend all your time there. I thought Dudley was one of the people running that site so my apologies to you on that one . However, you had made a remark giving Thor and Lee females names which is perfectly fine if you were a close friend like Freddie was . He gave them these female actress names from my understanding out of love and caring for his friends.I don’t think it’s appropriate or would I ever give one of them a females name I’m just a fan not a close friend.So when you took it upon yourself to do so What did you call Thor? And What did you call Lee?In my opinion I thought that was a tad out of line.Yes I know they were female actress names but Freddie already took care of that I believe.I won’t give Lees name away because that’s their job and the story is probably explained again in their book.Maybe they aren’t that touchy but what you said when asked who they were struck me wrong I guess. |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 16:57 |
Congratulations on the new site I wish it nothing but the best!!!!! |
brENsKi 24.07.2020 17:58 |
BULLSH*TMAN wrote: However, you had made a remark giving Thor and Lee females names which is perfectly fine if you were a close friend like Freddie was .idiot. it was a dig at the guy who didn't know who they were. i didn't just invent the names - they were well-known people: Thora Hurd (an old English comedy actress) and Peggy Lee (an old singer) - the point being that it was a sarcastic dig at the guy who asked who Thor and Lee were. talk about over-reaction. i shouldn't have to explain my comment to you because you are too lazy to type the names into google. you claim to not be "having a go" - well if that were the case, you wouldn't deliberately keep misspelling my name, would you. so to afford you the mutual disrespect you have dispensed to me, your name will be edited too...enjoy." title="source:" /> |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 19:53 |
Okay enjoy your evening love is love We are all are one . I knew who the women were.Maybe he was a sincere fan dear and didn’t know who they were. It’s just my opinion like you said my sweetheart I really like your boldness but we really all need to be family.Its benski right I don’t know why it was coming out wrong my apologies friend. Hugs and kisses Chevy!!!!!!!! |
brENsKi 24.07.2020 21:33 |
ILLITERATETROLLMAN wrote:Its benski right I don’t know why it was coming out wrong my apologies're either an idiot or a troll - what other reason for getting my name wrong again?" title="source:" /> |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 22:23 |
I bet your sexy! Brenkski no I’m not a troll but I bet you are extremely sexy when your mad. No harm intended I’m just a practical joker that is fucking with you . Say what you want I won’t be talking to ya no more. P. S. I still think your sexy! |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 22:45 |
Are you blonde I don’t need to know your gender but I do love blondes they are beauties |
Saint Jiub 25.07.2020 00:25 |
Appropriate now ... |
CHEVYMAN 25.07.2020 04:35 |
This was appropriate on the first page when folks were making hate remarks and such saint Juib. It’s never stupid to defend what you belief in. It’s a coward not too!I have seen one of these same names arguing with someone named jerry and others I don’t care why he or she just wasn’t going to to mess with me have a nice evening. |
thomasquinn 32989 25.07.2020 13:47 |
Jesus H. Christ, will you just put an effing sock in it?!! |
brENsKi 25.07.2020 15:40 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:Jesus H. Christ, will you just put an effing sock in it?!!applauds. |
FreddieDearie 08.08.2020 01:10 |
Please Chevyman, do a little thinking. Freddie was only in New York a few years, at a time when he was either touring extensively or recording OUTSIDE of New York 90% of the time. How much time could they ACTUALLY have spent with him? These guys tried to cash in and get a book released before the movie was, but the timing didn't work out for them. You can literally see their stories ”grow” on Queenzone like Pinocchios nose. They deny Freddie slept with John Murphy, who was a airline steward who had slept with a fellow airline steward Gaëtan Dugas. Who was a relatively early HIV patient, and defiantly continued to have unprotected sex after his diagnosis. Who, can blame them as they would want to protect their friend from being pegged ”the man who infected Freddie Mercury”. Of course that is no one’s fault. Many, if not most people , gay or straight were promiscuous back then and AIDS not completely understood. And it was horribly wrong that Dugas was demonized as ”patient 0”. 1) because he never was actually ”patient 0”, that's a false accusation, and 2) No one deserves to be demonized when in fact they are merely a victim of circumstances. However, Dugan WAS an early AIDS patient and Freddie’s friend, John Murphy, had slept with him, and we can't be sure if Freddie slept with Murphy or not. But, over all, I question the wisdom in heralding the times where Freddie Mercury was infected with a deadly disease. |
FreddieDearie 08.08.2020 01:15 |
Saint Jiub: ” The subject of a possible photo book with Lee Nolan's photos did not arise until November 2017. ” So what that means is that when he saw how people were fawning over him he saw an opportunity to make money off of them. ????? |
FreddieDearie 08.08.2020 01:20 |
Chevy man: ”everyone does have a right to their opinion but since none of us were their we don’t know... ” Why is it that when people who like Thor, Lee, Hutton talk as if they were there, you never seem to have a problem with it... It's only when someone contradicts their claims that suddenly ”we weren't there, so we don't know”. Double standards. |
CHEVYMAN 08.08.2020 01:21 |
I will keep Thor’s privacy I will do nothing to betray that . My silence shall remain. |
FreddieDearie 08.08.2020 01:27 |
Thor hasn't kept Thor’s privacy, he talks to every Jane, Mick and Harry if they fawn over him. ?????? |
CHEVYMAN 08.08.2020 01:43 |
CHEVYMAN 08.08.2020 01:47 |
Saint Jiub 08.08.2020 01:53 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: I will keep Thor’s privacy I will do nothing to betray that . My silence shall remain.What Silence? Please ignore and isolate Dearie. Her baseless bile does not deserve a response. |
CHEVYMAN 08.08.2020 02:04 |
CHEVYMAN 08.08.2020 02:17 |
Okay |
FreddieDearie 08.08.2020 02:28 |
Chevy man, If Saint Juib tells you to jump off the Empire State Building will you do it? Thanks for demonstrating you have no mind of your own. |