Hello everyone!
Soo this is a small project by me and CaptRobau (you can check his channel here: link.
CaptRobau restored The Tops Of The Pops video of Crazy Little Thing Called Love from 240p to 576p and I mixed and synched the audio from MP2 to 5.1 Surround (I don't know is my mix good but I don't care about it.)
Video and Audio source: Pittrek's youtube channel link
Enjoy and have a nice day!
- Velizar
Velizar wrote:
This was our first restoration ever. And there were some mistakes.
No worries, you made a decent effort with the source you used, and the sync issue is easily fixed.
Always try to make sure you use the best raw source to start with, although that's not easy to assess (or get hold of) sometimes.