CHEVYMAN 30.05.2020 22:49 |
CHEVYMAN 30.05.2020 23:18 |
Hi ! I don’t want to have pages on this subject just curious I got to thinking I wonder if Brian Is experiencing some stress at all that helped to contribute to his recent health situation.I say this because their have been so many books Queen productions has wanted them to endorse over the years and of course it’s their band and their going to do it.They aren’t young fellas anymore though I just wonder if the coming along of Rudi’s book which Queen productions is affiliated with and the pressure of this other book by comparison is just all too much. We all know Queen productions likes everything to fit and all stories to collaborate with one another they have already proven that. Scratch my back and I will scratch yours lol.I just think maybe that might have been a little stressful at his age don’t get me wrong Brian’s a good guy but everybody has a boss right?oh by the way Rudi has a book coming out titled MY FRIEND FREDDIE I’m sorry my finger got stuck on caplock. Oh and Queen management has one coming out too isn’t that lovely and special and at a hefty price.Did Freddy just have one friend was he hopelessly devoted to Rudi only or something I am curious because that title has him in question.I think Freddie had a lot of friends from what I hear more like our friend Freddie yes that’s much better isn’t it.Yes I’m a little bothered by the title and the fact Queen is jumping on the bandwagon with their own book as well it’s so obvious.A nasty ploy to sell two books just want to know what you think the title just pissed me of when I seen it then I had time to think about it and laughed it’s not very original. |
matt z 31.05.2020 05:59 |
U need an editor, or less caffeine and pills. But i get it. I had no idea there's another Queen book coming out authorized by the band. Are you certain it's not a re-release? Be safe out there. No idea about Rudi's. My guess is that he held onto old production values and possibly lost a shit ton of money when the new formats came in. Everything is digital. He'd enhance bumping into woody Allen in a bathroom stall at a party soon enough if it garnered some dough. But I'll take it with "a grain of salt etc etc" if iy ever happens |
CHEVYMAN 31.05.2020 12:24 |
Thanks for your input . |
CHEVYMAN 31.05.2020 12:35 |
I don’t take stimulants or pills I have never engaged in any type of speed that’s not my thing I’m hyper by nature. ,That was a little rude but I get it. Let’s be polite I’m being polite so I see no reason for you not to be as well thank You for your feedback and time. |
CHEVYMAN 31.05.2020 13:05 |
I kinda opened this page as well so people could drop by and lift Brian up during his time of healing and give him prayer if any of you are prayer warriors. If that’s not your thing still stop by and give him luck in his return to a complete recovery don’t forget his wife Anita. |
matt z 31.05.2020 18:44 |
Yeah I totally agree, He'd recently sent out a mass thank you to folks from the incredible amount of appreciation and uplifting responses people had. Apologies if I came off as glib there, it was just convoluted. I had no idea Queen Productions had another book coming as well. Do you happen to know what it is? Title/author etc? Fraid' to say but I'm a little/huge bit burnt out with things going on as they are here in the states. The compromised buffoon in office is endorsing all kinds of mayhem while seemingly "denouncing" mayhem. Blatant contradictions and he's still somehow got a support base. It's all transparent when this is now becoming a G-8... as if it wasn't bad enough... It's clear where the loyalties lie. And it's not with the American people. Forgive me for going off topic. i hope these books and Thor/Lee's books come out, and will even BE ABLE to come out. |
Holly2003 31.05.2020 19:20 |
I assume the book is Freddie Mercury unseen by photographer Neal Preston, with some input by Brian and Roger. It's a coffee table photo book, according to a UK daily newspaper's webpage. |
CHEVYMAN 31.05.2020 19:21 |
Matt, Right off the top off my head I can’t remember the new Queen book . I know It’s while Rudi was with them and they were on tour. Supposed to be a lot of pics new ones not Ever before seen.I hope all the books the ones with honesty and true sincerity in them do well. Yes I’m talking about Thor and Lee”s book.I don’t feel like the other side of the fence has given them the recognition as Freddie’s close friends like the others. Certainly were ignored in my opinion but that’s what saying the truth and honesty gets you sometimes it takes you to a place where you can’t spell happiness. But the truth with sail at the end of the day and all will be good.By the way us US folks got balls we speak the truth and how we feel it may not be pretty or popular but sometimes it has to be done. Peace to you and yours. |
CHEVYMAN 31.05.2020 20:01 |
Thanks, Holly a FB private group I recently left for a personal conflict had posted there. I couldn’t remember what it was called . It’s hell of an expensive book like 70 something to rich for my blood I’m on disability. If I were rich I still wouldn’t purchase I don’t think. One thing that truly bothers me about some of these people writing these books it seems like they waited till a couple Freddie’s buddies wanted to share a few stories and memories of their own. Then it’s like they have their scrap bucket open and ready fishing for bait to throw to the fans just as this other book is about to be released. I find it sad really Freddie was a person not an object and it’s like they aren’t taking him to be important anymore just something to bitch about and throw around .I have never seen a celebrity done this way to the degree Freddie has been its shameful.First he can’t be Gay then he can’t have more than one friend.What”s next? |
Green_Room 01.06.2020 19:27 |
The new Queen book by Neil Preston is £45 which is way too much for many of us to afford and personally should be around £19.99 In fact i have seen many of the pics already without buying this book. |
CHEVYMAN 01.06.2020 20:49 |
GreenRoom, I figured pics were ones that had already been seen don’t get the whole purpose for writing the book then I really think enough is enough the remaining members are semi retired. I’m sure at some point they will want to enjoy that without the added stress of worrying about what they need to sign off on. There is such a thing as a stress induced heart attack . I’m not saying this is what happened to Brian but all this drama about their deceased brother and band mate can’t be easy on them. People have said some of the most vulgar vile things I have ever heard. It embarrassed me seriously. No one should talk about a mans body like that unless they belong to them and certainly not in public. Him being deceased makes it morbid in my opinion. These things can’t make Brian or Roger feel good at all. I do hope it ends soon and it scales back and they can step out of the spot light into retirement like they should be.They might just live another peaceful 20 years. |
CHEVYMAN 01.06.2020 20:57 |
I will say this same goes for Thor and Lee’s book too. I hope they are able to scale back I know it hasn’t been easy on them either.No one should have to take their friends being talked about especially when they aren’t here to defend themselves.I will say to them as well take care of your health and the book will be here when it’s here.Hopefully you guys then can enjoy a peaceful retirement out of the spotlight and sometimes madness. |
matt z 02.06.2020 02:37 |
^ I'm pretty sure it's old age. Brian is a relatively tall guy as well. Hitting the stage like that with the guitar (*they're not that heavy but it's an equivalent of repetitive motion strain ISOMETRIC strain) Things like that and a slight bend that might happen (he's over 70) well? ... That'll manifest itself in problems. Getting old sucks. He does a bike, but he's probably got to include stretches and aerobics. It's hard when you're likely such a mental person. I'll bet Brian sits a lot during the day (reading or traveling), and your body will send you those messages. Spinal compression isn't only from a freak accident, it's probably a significant cause of higher blood pressure and poor circulation. The human machine/body was never meant to be confined this way. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 19:37 |
Matt, I never thought about that but you may be right, That stage over the years is hard on the body. He probably doesn’t have as much circulation now for sure. I hope these stints work and nothing else happens fingers crossed. |
matt z 05.06.2020 07:16 |
link Per this story: I guess he'd addressed some similar concerns recently. I don't do instagram. It's pretty upsetting to read some of the hateful comments though. Lots of truly empty, bitchy people read those rags (formerly magazine rags) |
Green_Room 05.06.2020 11:17 |
No ones making Brian go on tour it is his choice and greed. He should spend some time with Anita for a change as she never sees Brian. Brian should slow down now he has had his warning sign and just because you have stents fitted does not mean he will be ok, because you can still have a heart attack. |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 13:19 |
I truly hate arguing I think this would make Freddie so sad to see his band mates done this way. My only concern with any of this retiring age gentlemen is their health none of this shit is worth it . At the end of the day the touring the dam books nothing is worth someone’s health. I guess I’m a bitch today the people that really care know who Freddie’s friends and relationships were. They also know his true story I just think if you need to walk away for your own sanity and take care of you do it.Thanks Matt for the link.To bad things can’t be rolled back to 1980s when this legend was rocking and the fans were happy. |
brENsKi 05.06.2020 14:47 |
SaddleBrownyou're going to have to explain the "greed" to which you refer. no one can "take their money with them" into the afterlife, so the one thing it can't be - at Brian's stage of life - is greed. did it ever occur to your Brian-hating, Freddie-absorbed brain that, he might be doing if for reasons other than greed? 1. i think that for a musician - the performance is "it": job, vocation, art and the drive to continue living. don't believe it? listen to "Guitar Man" by Bread, and "Spotlight Kid" by Rainbow. 2. he may, just be "banking some more money to ensure future generations of the May lineage never have to worry about money. i doubt very much, you'll see any other perspective than your own jaded anti-Brian viewpoint. because, well frankly - you've proven (over 6+ years here) incapable of doing so. SaddleBrownperhaps you should practice what you preach. you've had multiple "warnings" - in the form of a dozen bans. your two most recent accounts - Star* and Deaky have been banned (along with 10 other accounts). But still you find any conceivable way possible to reply about Brian with something anti-Q+AL (this time it's touring). looks like you will never learn. |
Vocal harmony 05.06.2020 15:18 |
Green_Room wrote: No ones making Brian go on tour it is his choice and greed. He should spend some time with Anita for a change as she never sees Brian. Brian should slow down now he has had his warning sign and just because you have stents fitted does not mean he will be ok, because you can still have a heart attack.Oh, you're back. Still saying loads but not really saying anything. Your new role as, life coach, doctor and marriage councillor doesn't suit you. You lack the intelligence to be passing on such advice, as with life in general Gerry. |
MyHumanZoo 05.06.2020 16:39 |
Brian wants to perform because he loves it, he loves the crowd and playing and making people happy. It is his art. We don’t tell artists to stop painting, or writers to stop writing, why must we tell Brian to stop performing? It is his life’s blood, and most likely stopping will kill his spirit and him much faster than staying on the stage. My guess is, he will continue, even if it gets to the point of just sitting with his guitar and playing on the stage. Everyone loves it when he does that on Love of My Life and 39, who cares if he does it for an entire concert? Let him do as he pleases! |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 17:15 |
My human zoo, I didn’t set this up for people to argue I don’t get why they are I was hoping they would pay their respects. Thanks for stoping by.As long as they argue I don’t have nothing further to say my health isn’t good and I do like to see positive things about him and upcoming events they do play their hearts out but if this is respect they get from Instagram from almost a fatal heart attack enjoying time time with the wife and grand babies is important too. Same for writers that give it their all. |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 18:33 |
And as far as writers I support only one book right now I don’t think they should ever stop writing just stay away from any of these threads that don’t show them respect. I support them since I started their thread and will never betray them because I think what Thor and Lee are doing is for the right reasons.I can’t say that is true for all that will and have written in the past everyone try and have a blessed weekend. |
brENsKi 05.06.2020 21:24 |
MyHumanZoo wrote:Brian wants to perform because he loves it, he loves the crowd and playing and making people happy. It is his art. We don’t tell artists to stop painting, or writers to stop writing, why must we tell Brian to stop performing? It is his life’s blood, and most likely stopping will kill his spirit and him much faster than staying on the stage. My guess is, he will continue, even if it gets to the point of just sitting with his guitar and playing on the stage. Everyone loves it when he does that on Love of My Life and 39, who cares if he does it for an entire concert? Let him do as he pleases!absolutely spot on. thanks for your agreement with my point - something Green_Room completely failed to see. sometimes, people only see what their myopia allows - in Gerry's case, Brian continuing to work as Queen/Queen+ is "greed" and nothing to do with natural drive. CHEVYMAN wrote:My human zoo, I didn’t set this up for people to argue I don’t get why they are I was hoping they would pay their respects. Thanks for stoping by.As long as they argue I don’t have nothing further to say. my health isn’t good and I do like to see positive things about him and upcoming events they do play their hearts out but if this is respect they get from Instagram from almost a fatal heart attack enjoying time time with the wife and grand babies is important too. Same for writers that give it their do realise, that this is not how conversation, discussion, debate is conducted? you may start a discussion, but you don't get to control what is said. you can't censor comments just because you don't like them. the adult thing to do is engage in the discussion...walking away is "taking your ball home" because your team is 5-0 down. |
Green_Room 06.06.2020 12:38 |
Natural Drive can cause damage to the body i.e Heart Attack /Stroke or sudden death as in the case of Tommy Cooper he just dropped and died, and Brian will be next if he does not slow down. And to all you narrow minded loons on here Brenski /Vocal Harmony, My opinion is nothing to do with you so stop the bitching. I will say what i want when i want. |
MyHumanZoo 06.06.2020 13:57 |
It’s true that the activity could cause death, but I am pretty sure he would rather die doing something he loves and being joyful, rather than sit back and wither away as an old man that can’t do anything. He could die tomorrow in an accident, or he could die even if he does sit there and doesn’t push his activity level. Moderate activity is much better for our physical health than sitting in a chair anyway, even following a heart attack patients are encouraged to gradually undertake and increase activity in order to keep themselves healthy. In any case, we should all leave it to Brian to decide what he is comfortable with, and what risks (if, indeed, performing is a risk) he feels he should take. |
brENsKi 06.06.2020 15:40 |
SaddleBrownyou've never mentioned natural drive until others brought it to your attention. you can't use that in your argument - because natural drive and greed are very different. stick to your own "greed" argument, c'mon, provide proof and reasoning. SaddleBrownthere's no need to insult people. i didn't call you anything. you call us narrow-minded loons, having just inadvertently agreed with my "drive" comment. opinions start with phrases like: "in my opinion", "i feel", "i think", "i would say" etc. you have not done so, your comment is an attempt to pass something off as fact. you missed the point of my reply: SaddleBrownyou can't call Brian greedy if you don't have proof. prove it - with facts. or, disprove my alternative suggestions. but don;t attack me, because of your own poor arguments and inability to articulate yourself correctly in your own native tongue. Note: have you noticed that of the Four Trollmen of the QZone Apocalypse, there's only you currently posting on here [sic] ? and you've only posted 9 times in a month! if this place really is much better without us, then why are the four of you not really bothering to post? this is absolute proof that all four of you are trolls (FJupiter, Aristide, Weckw**th and you Gerry) - once you have no-one to pick on/attack, you've no purpose for living on here [sic]. btw - our new place is thriving: 2 months old, 700+ members (on average 600+ visit every day), 700+ threads and 7,000+ posts. |
Vocal harmony 06.06.2020 16:07 |
Green_Room wrote: Natural Drive can cause damage to the body i.e Heart Attack /Stroke or sudden death as in the case of Tommy Cooper he just dropped and died, and Brian will be next if he does not slow down. And to all you narrow minded loons on here Brenski /Vocal Harmony, My opinion is nothing to do with you so stop the I will say what i want when i want.Tommy Cooper's "sudden death" was the result of a history of health conditions including alcoholism and a weight problem. Brian May is generally fitter then Cooper was and indeed many others in his age group. You said earlier he should slow down, stop touring, stop being greedy and spend more time with his wife. What gives you the right to make those judgments. Anita Dobson is an actress, like her husband she spends time away from home perusing her art. There are many musicians in Brian May's age group who still tour. Did you join a Rolling Stones forum to say they should stop touring in the last few years, did you then voice the opinion that Jagger should stop after his heart op. As usual your full of it. |
Saint Jiub 06.06.2020 16:39 |
brENsKi wrote: you may start a discussion, but you don't get to control what is said. you can't censor comments just because you don't like them.Really? I posted a link twice in the announce section for the unusual collection for those that cannot register to, but the mega link was changed both times. How is that not censorship? Also, I believe your permanent banning of mooghead was ham-fisted and premature. However, I do agree with your banning of gerry. mooghead is the only banning I find to be an overreaction thus far. Have you banned anyone since mooghead? |
AlbaNo1 06.06.2020 18:21 |
Here’s some Brenski posts from July 2011. Obviously didn’t clear these with Bob. “Brian, sadly, would be David Gates' archetypal "guitar man" the'll understand” “you knew exactly WHAT i was referring to in the David Gates' song analogy....The cosmos Rocks, American Queen Idol, collaborations with 5ive, Blobbie Williams, McFly etc etc etc......the guitar man is clinging desperately to what's left of the spotlight “ link |
brENsKi 06.06.2020 20:53 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:Here’s some Brenski posts from July 2011. Obviously didn’t clear these with Bob. “Brian, sadly, would be David Gates' archetypal "guitar man" the'll understand” “you knew exactly WHAT i was referring to in the David Gates' song analogy....The cosmos Rocks, American Queen Idol, collaborations with 5ive, Blobbie Williams, McFly etc etc etc......the guitar man is clinging desperately to what's left of the spotlight “ linklazy. you didn't even go to the actual post. you went to the reply. like the moron you are, you take everything out of context. you deliberately avoided using the actual post because that backs up my point about Brian being driven by the need to perform. there's no actual criticism of Brian there - if you read properly - it was about the different directions of Freddie/John as opposed to Brian's preference for playing classic rock. yet again you prove what a class-A troll you are. and 100% my own personal stalker; you don;t post here for weeks at a time, but then when you do - it's to seek me out. very flattering, but creepy...i must really get under your skin. - fortunately our new forum has a closed door policy to your like. for the benefit of the jury here's the actual post: blue [color=green] stand by my comments Roger would be living the |RnR lifestyle and possibly on his third liver by now.....doing springsteen-tribute-soundalike tunes Brian would be "Gates' Guitar man" Then the lights begin to flicker and the sound is getting dim The voice begins to falter and the crowds are getting thin But he never seems to notice he's just got to find Another place to play, Anyway Got to play, anyway Got to play[/color] link |
brENsKi 06.06.2020 20:57 |
Saint Jiub wrote:Also, I believe your permanent banning of mooghead was ham-fisted and premature. However, I do agree with your banning of gerry. mooghead is the only banning I find to be an overreaction thus far. Have you banned anyone since mooghead?mooghead can return - but only on the basis he agrees not to repeat that sh*t. he has opted not to, so he stays out. his choice. yes, a spam bot (or similar) who posted several links to pharmaceutical products. global banning works nicely. |
Saint Jiub 07.06.2020 00:46 |
Saint Jiub wrote:Brenski -brENsKi wrote: you may start a discussion, but you don't get to control what is said. you can't censor comments just because you don't like them.Really? I posted a link twice in the announce section for the unusual collection for those that cannot register to, but the mega link was changed both times. How is that not censorship? Can you please respond to the above (and below)? There are three people in the following thread that cannot download "The Unusual Anthology", with at least one of the three unable to register at One of the three was a first time poster. link Trying to be helpful, I provided the link twice, but each time the link on was changed. Why? Why is the sharing section hidden to those who cannot register? It seems to me that hiding the sharing section is antithical to the spirit of sharing, and prevents some people from listening to excellent music like the "The Unusual Anthology", |
Saint Jiub 07.06.2020 01:07 |
brENsKi wrote: blue [color=green] stand by my comments Roger would be living the |RnR lifestyle and possibly on his third liver by now.....doing springsteen-tribute-soundalike tunes Brian would be "Gates' Guitar man" Then the lights begin to flicker and the sound is getting dim The voice begins to falter and the crowds are getting thin But he never seems to notice he's just got to find Another place to play, Anyway Got to play, anyway Got to play[/color]How can you be so disrespectful to Brian (and Roger)? "What about Bob?" link link link |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 05:58 |
Saint Jiub wrote:How can you be so disrespectful to Brian (and Roger)? "What about Bob?"i don't see any disrespect. i'm a huge fan of both. my comments are observational. much of Roger's solos stuff, does veer toward the American-style rock of artists like Springsteen, Mellencamp, Seger etc....both in song construction and lyrical themes/tone the "Guitar Man" comment: Brian does appear to live to perform. no doubt about it. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 06:04 |
Saint Jiub wrote:Can you please respond to the above (and below)? There are three people in the following thread that cannot download "The Unusual Anthology", with at least one of the three unable to register at One of the three was a first time poster. link Trying to be helpful, I provided the link twice, but each time the link on was changed. Why? Why is the sharing section hidden to those who cannot register? It seems to me that hiding the sharing section is antithical to the spirit of sharing, and prevents some people from listening to excellent music like the "The Unusual Anthology",here isn't the place to respond to that. if you send me a PM over at queenchat (you can cut n paste all of the above) - i'll reply to you there. i will say that, a small part of queenchat is not accessible by guests - this is to encourage folk to join/login/engage in discussion. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 08:27 |
Why does Brenski return on here for when he has his own shit site to slag people off? No one on here is attacking and the only person on here attacking is Brenski and bragging about the new shit site he calls his own. Well many of the old members on here have been returning to Queenzone because the new site is far too boring and not that easy to get used too. Proving Brenski is a fascist and control freak. He is also a hypocrite sending me private mail saying he would never use this site ever again. Talks utter shite. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 09:59 |
[color=SaddleBrown]Green_Room wrote: Why does Brenski return on here for when he has his own shit site to slag people off? No one on here is attacking and the only person on here attacking is Brenski and bragging about the new shit site he calls his own. Well many of the old members on here have been returning to Queenzone because the new site is far too boring and not that easy to get used too. Proving Brenski is a fascist and control freak. He is also a hypocrite sending me private mail saying he would never use this site ever again. Talks utter shite. [/color]you're a profound troll and a confounded proven liar. i haven't slagged you off, i've disputed the wildly inaccurate posts you've made. name the "many" who have returned - people can post and be active in more than one place you know, individuals can be members on several forums - except for you, who only has this place (despite being banned 11 times). For a new forum (we've only bee around since Apr 8th) we're doing very well. oh, and the new site [sic] (it's a forum and so is this Gerry) - is much easier to navigate than this. everything is easy to find/locate...but you wouldn't know that - because you were instantly banned upon your registration. you forget to tell people how you love this place so much that you tried to join us. - or was it to spread your trolling out over two sites [sic]? let's look at facts: (source waybackmachine link Qzone: ......................Apr 8th..............June 7th...............Total General Discussion...266,800..............267,436 posts......636 Serious Discussion....370,805..............371,612 posts......807 hardly any activity in 2 months...1,443 posts - and most of them spam! Queenchat Apr 8th - June 7th Page Views: 555,378 Posts: 7,640 New Threads: 748 Members: 719 June 1st-6th: Page Views: 39,350 Posts 356 i never said i would never use this site [sic] again. prove i said it, post the actual PM with date and time. gerry, time for you to take stock. no one likes you and most left here to get away from you, FJ, Weckwerth and Aristide. the fact that you are hardly ever posting these days proves you are a troll living off the oxygen of your own vapid, bigoted, racist, homophobic, aggressive posts. your last five bans were because i could be bothered to provide proof of your posts to the moderator. go on, do it again, and i'll get your Green_Room acct banned also. you don't want rows? then don't reply to people in your usual aggressive tone. your next ban is now visible on the horizon. do yourself a favour - stop replying to're beating yourself with your own stick! if you can't engage and discuss the points being made then you're trolling. so discuss the points i raised, or don't. your choice. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 11:07 |
Brenski getting banned was because you tell lies and you did say to me in a private message that you would not use this shit site again because there was nobody around on here anymore as they had migrated to your new hell . Holly2003, ThomasQuinn, Real Wizard, Vocal Harmony, Brenski all returned back to this site because the new site is utter shite. I do not have your private messages because the profiles disappeared when you got me banned idiot. You just hate people discovering that you are a liar and you hide your deceit by accusing others. I will say one thing about you, you are a polished fraud on these sites with your lies. People get banned because freedom of speech is not allowed and you hate people to have opinions god help us all the other person allowed opinions is you and no one dare question them in case you get them banned. You are so up your own arse and arrogant i pity your family mate. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 13:19 |
SaddleBrowni haven't lied about anything. i kept your offensive posts: racism, homophobia, bigotry and threats of violence. i sent the posts to the mods with times, dates and links to the pages. mods banned your many accounts because the case was proven. you're an aggressive, idiotic, homophobic, racist moron - and you've been found out. this place - probably the least proactive on the internet with regard to addressing abuse, has banned you 11 times. what does that tell you about YOU Gerry? SaddleBrownyou are a liar and wrong (again). i kept all of our PMs - because (unlike you) i've never been banned. none of the PMs state i will not come back. your memory is like everything else you ever say/do - an utter shambolic steaming turd (hence, i still quote you in sh*t-brown) SaddleBrownno. we use BOTH sites [sic] - it's a forum idiot! ah yes, you neglect to tell your readers that you joined the "utter shite" forum. SaddleBrownwhat are you talking about? apart from some spam accounts (something this place fails to deal with), the only other bans on our forum are YOU (username silvermoon), sweetcaroline, Mooghead (username Gerry - so funny) and another who appears to be Freddie Jupiter. Our site [sic] - it's a forum, idiot! is well-managed, and people respect each other. this place (unfortunately) still has your poison coursing through its veins. SaddleBrownno i'm not. if i were, why would 700+ join a forum i built? my family are fine - we don't argue and bicker - because we don't have you among our kin, and i'm not (and never will be) your mate. i'd be f*cking desperate if i ever counted you as a friend. you're not even a worthy adversary. the Qzone cabaret - a mild amusement for intelligent folk to toy with...that's your one and only function. unless you have something valid to say, that's game, set and match. come back after your next brain implant operation has been completed - because the "hamster brain" they implanted last time has rejected you due to under-use. BTW - and why did you use my name as a username here? i'm flattered by your attention, but you're just not my type - or anyone's type, for that matter.. and you still (having been asked at least half a dozen times over the last two months) haven't answered... why did you try to join our forum "silvermoon"? |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 13:29 |
SaddleBrownyou're going to have to explain the "greed" to which you refer. no one can "take their money with them" into the afterlife, so the one thing it can't be - at Brian's stage of life - is greed. did it ever occur to your Brian-hating, Freddie-absorbed brain that, he might be doing if for reasons other than greed? 1. i think that for a musician - the performance is "it": job, vocation, art and the drive to continue living. don't believe it? listen to "Guitar Man" by Bread, and "Spotlight Kid" by Rainbow. 2. he may, just be "banking some more money to ensure future generations of the May lineage never have to worry about money. i doubt very much, you'll see any other perspective than your own jaded anti-Brian viewpoint. because, well frankly - you've proven (over 6+ years here) incapable of doing so. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 13:41 |
Brenski the insults do not bother me so do your best to show what a stupid low life you really are. Sure i would not want you for a mate anyway because you have the sensitivity of a truck. You just cannot see what you say or do, attacking people yet trolling on here towards me is just laughable. You are so stupid that you slag this site off yet your back on it what a tit you really are. Don't bother replying back because i do not want to deal with people like you who have learning disabilities from inbreeding parents. bog off back to your shit shack. |
Holly2003 07.06.2020 13:53 |
Green_Room wrote: Holly2003 ... returned back to this site because the new site is utter shite.I never left Queenzone, nor have I registered on the new forum. Carry on ... |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 13:58 |
just shows what a liar Brenski is then he says everyone left Queenzone what a tosser. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 14:06 |
[color=SaddleBrown]Green_Room wrote: Brenski the insults do not bother me so do your best to show what a stupid low life you really are. Sure i would not want you for a mate anyway because you have the sensitivity of a truck. You just cannot see what you say or do, attacking people yet trolling on here towards me is just laughable. You are so stupid that you slag this site off yet your back on it what a tit you really are. Don't bother replying back because[/color] redkept for evidence. post reported. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 14:11 |
Oh dear you are a pathetic little wimp . |
Holly2003 07.06.2020 14:12 |
Green_Room wrote: just shows what a liar Brenski is then he says everyone left Queenzone what a tosser.It shows you're talking from your derriere. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 14:45 |
SaddleBrowni think you love me really. sometimes your hate-mask slips and you can't hide your compliments for me: remember this when you even chose a username similar to mine? SaddleBrownFYI - to barely doubt something, is to be absolutely sure of that something. therefore you are complimenting me, by saying you're almost 100% sure I am a Queen fan. thanks. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 15:03 |
Brenski Do not flatter yourself and i chose a user name like yours to piss you off but your too thick to even consider that. tut tut, Still we understand your vulnerability. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 15:39 |
you're such an intelligent, knowledgeable bloke: remember this:
SaddleBrownthey DID play, fuckwit! JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, [13:07:1985 - 09:55 local time] blue JFK Stadium, Philadelphia, [13:07:1985 - 20:10 local time] blue |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 16:21 |
Led Zep did play Live Aid yeah and it was purely awful and everyone still talks about how shit Zeppelin were on that day. Queen wiped the stage with everyone that day. |
Saint Jiub 07.06.2020 16:38 |
Gerry - You are the lowest form of subhuman shit. Are you capable of not uttering baseless insults and inane ramblings? |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 16:49 |
Saint Jiub Do you always attack someone for no reason at all then? I pity your intelligence you pond life. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 18:17 |
[color=SaddleBrown] Green_Room wrote: Led Zep did play Live Aid yeah and it was purely awful and everyone still talks about how shit Zeppelin were on that day. Queen wiped the stage with everyone that day.[/color]yes they did (and Sabbath too)...but you had no idea of either... - as evidenced by your "even if" and "Queen would still have" comment: SaddleBrownyou're 100% an idiotic, banal, vacuous life form. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 18:20 |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 18:23 |
and talking of idiotic: remember when you said this:
[color=SaddleBrown]gerry wrote:15 Oct 14 Brenski: Queen album sales are over 300 million fact. Abba come second to Queen,look at your own spelling doit should be "idiot"silly boy.[/color]you mistook "dolt" for "doit"...because you're such a DOLT you had no idea what a DOLT is - despite seeing a perfect representation of a DOLT everytime you use a mirror. |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 18:31 |
Are you such a petty child that you want to fetch up a simple spelling mistake because my finger never hit the appropriate letter on my keypad that is so petty Brenski. Tell you what you have ruined another discussion on here because you want to have a pop at me, well done simpleton you have done it again. Top marks for the idiot who persuaded all the other idiots to join his fascist Queen site, keep your mouths closed or get banned, do as Brenski says otherwise you get locked out. Hey that is dictatorship from the silly Irishman. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 18:42 |
SaddleBrownyour keypad had nothing to do with it. you had no idea what a DOLT is. and even now you can't admit it. if you knew what a dolt is then you'd have realised that "dolt" and "idiot" mean (more or less) the same thing. you imply that these two posts of yours were not the norm. we all know this is not the case. there are literally thousands of your idiotic posts here. if you were a circus act you'd be Berk de Soleil |
Green_Room 07.06.2020 19:07 |
Not sure were this is going but it is history and totally irrelevant and i feel you would get better thought of if you treated me with respect instead of been bitter and petty posting items that are 6 or 7 years old! Move on and stop been childish. I am actually a nice person but you are obviously trying for a fight to get me banned but sorry to tell you i am not biting. I have chatted to a few civil guys on here and they do not tear my posts to shreds like you do they are polite and we get on great. Try is sometime its called be sociable. |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 19:31 |
I totally get if people don’t want to try the new site it’s their decision. Your not able to be yourself their and some of the posters may want to discuss certain topics when they receive their books from the NY Daughters and from what I understand those subjects are banned. You will never reach a lot of the fans limiting the talk of such subjects. They want to be able to come somewhere and be themselves that’s what was so nice about Some of the Threads on this forum. I didn’t say all but some. I think we all are missing a great point here everyone makes mistakes what about forgiveness. Can we not forgive eachother and make this a nice thread. You say Green Room hasn’t been nice in the past we all have a past what about a future we’re we give someone another chance. Isn’t that what your trying to create over at the other site how can you do that when you don’t do it here. |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 19:39 |
On a good note Mr. Brian May was voted number1. guitarist of Total Guitar Magazine. |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 19:47 |
What I suggest everyone do is what someone told me to do and it took me a while to listen. Don’t engage in negative conversation even if it’s about you. So I would like you guys to take a challenge and keep your posts to each other about upcoming positive on Brian past and present even include Roger he is a hell of a drummer. Don’t respond to one negative word.Search for positive news if you have too on Brian that’s what I did today and found that on the magazine. |
brENsKi 07.06.2020 21:16 |
CHEVYMAN wrote:What I suggest everyone do is what someone told me to do and it took me a while to listen. Don’t engage in negative conversation even if it’s about you.i think you miss the point. Gerry is, was and always will be an intolerant bigot. the only way to deal with his like is to address it head on and when he ramps it up beyond acceptability levels - report it. that's what i did earlier today, and (thankfully) red it's not difficult to do. i've reported his comments five times and each time he's been deleted. i even told him his next ban was not far away...but he elected to ramp it up further." title="source:" /> purple |
Saint Jiub 08.06.2020 00:37 |
brENsKi wrote:greenSaint Jiub wrote:How can you be so disrespectful to Brian (and Roger)? "What about Bob?"i don't see any disrespect. i'm a huge fan of both. my comments are observational. much of Roger's solos stuff, does veer toward the American-style rock of artists like Springsteen, Mellencamp, Seger etc....both in song construction and lyrical themes/tone the "Guitar Man" comment: Brian does appear to live to perform. no doubt about it. No disrespect to Roger? Really? I believe he still has original liver. |
brENsKi 08.06.2020 05:48 |
c'mon. that was a joke. lighten up. |
CHEVYMAN 09.06.2020 17:47 |
Cant wait till Brian , Adam, and Roger on the road again i bet they are ready too!Anita is probably keeping Brian busy no doubt. But he is probably missing the fans and the stage. |