philip storey 16.05.2020 16:12 |
Hi there did any of you go to this indoor concert at the NEC Birmingham in 1979 ?It was apparently a world record for the biggest indoor standing concert at that time.I was16 at that time and went on a bus trip from Nottingham,the ticket price was £5 and £4 for a seat on the bus.On the morning of the concert Roger and John were on Tiswas ,my favourite show.They were interviewed by the beautiful Sally James who had her blouse very open and she had a beautiful,pair of you know what.Roger and John managed to escape the Phantom Flan Flinger and his pies!!Anyways after lunch of Fish and Chips and Mushy Peas,a favourite meal of mine and still is ,I made my way to Nottingham centre met my mates at mid afternoon.It even said Queen NEC Birmingham on the outside of the Bus.God I was so excited,i had dreamt of this moment ,I was finally go to see my heros in the flesh !! I had been playing my Queen LP'S to death,playing guitar with my Tennis Racket and doing my Freddie poses in front of a hallway mirror.This was it ,we got the coach driver to play Queen all the way to Birmingham NEC.I had never been to a concert before so I knew very little of what to expect.When we got to the NEC it seemed a bit strange as you came off the motorway and then spent some more time on another road before you got to the Car Park.Into this massive hall we went and I was very excited to see a merchandise stall,i think I bought a tee shirt,programe and a sew on patch.We made our way into this massive shed of a hall we were about 50 yards from the front.So we stood there listening to the pre show selection of music.After about an hour and half it was jam packed,as I looked around some people had really cool Denim Jackets on with Led Zep,Deep Purple,Pink Floyd Patches on them.Suddenly the lights went out and this really loud drowning started getting louder and louder and then lights started flashing on stage everyone was going bonkers and then my four heros appeared on stage.I think I was almost in tears with emotion,the band launched into We Will Rock You [Fast] version.Then Let Me Entertain You.The whole concert was fantastic the even did Save Me which I had never heard before.As the show went on I was aware of how hot I was getting ,there was no air.At the start of Bohemian Rhapsody with all the heat and nervous exhaustion I am afraid I collapsed and passed out.There was no medics in those days,luckily my mate helped me and got me back on my feet for Tie Your Mother Down and I managed to stay on my feet until the end of the show.We all agreed it was a fantastic night I was a bit annoyed that I missed a bit of the show but it was just so hot.The show was so loud my ears did not stop ringing for two days,lol.Anyway that was my first ever Queen show and I will never forget it.My last Queen show was at Knebworth Park 1986, but that's another story! Cheers Phil. |
brENsKi 16.05.2020 16:43 |
@Phil i was at that gig. in fact we both bookend our Queen live experience with the same two gigs: NEC '79 and Knebworth '86. in between, i also attended, MK '82, NEC '84 and Wemb (Sat) '86. the "shed" was horrible - just like Bingley Hall (Stafford) where i saw Rainbow a year and a bit later. but the gig was great. |
Deaky. 16.05.2020 16:46 |
Hi Phil and what great memories going back to 1979 when Queen were on fire and Freddie was the driving force ! Yeah in 1979 i attended the bands gig at City Hall Newcastle December 4th 1979 and it was my first gig too, and like you i was gobsmacked when the loud droning started in blackness and it got louder and louder until flashing lights revealed the four guys i have been idolising over for 6 years appeared real on stage in front of my very eyes - wow they were magnificent. Three gigs later it was July 86 and my very last gig at St James Park Newcastle and that was a brilliant show, we all never knew that five years later Freddie would be gone it was so heartbreaking because he was and still is the only lead singer to drive Queen. I never saw Queen live again. |
master marathon runner 16.05.2020 20:23 |
Well I was at Newcastle '79 and '86 too. Also Liverpool '77, Stafford bingley hall & Wembley arena '78, Birmingham NEC '80 and Edinburgh '82. The NEC gig in December 1980 was, if my memory serves me rightly, was in the newly opened hall 5, which was all seating, no standing, especially for concerts not exhibitions. so I presume the '79 concert was in another hall. I had been to the nec in '77 for a trade show and can appreciate the enormity of a all standing event. Stafford bingley hall was much like this and there was talk of the '77 gig being a record breaker. This concert sewed the seed for we will rock you/ champions after the crowd belted out 'You'll never walk alone' |
philip storey 16.05.2020 21:10 |
I went back to the NEC the year later 1980 and had a seat,so no fainting this time!Another fantastic show the light show was even better,i then had a great day out at Milton Keynes.With support from Heart and Joan Jett and the Tear Drop Explodes who went down very badly.I saw two shows on the Magic Tour Newcastle 86,stayed overnight in a B.B and enjoyed the Newcastle night life after the show.Then my last show with Freddie and probably the greatest day of my life a huge crowd at 200,000 at the majestic Knebworth Park.A beautiful Summer's day and I think Queen gave one of their best performances of all time.The hands in the air for Radio Ga Ga was very memorable.I have seen Queen twice with Paul and twice with AL ,but its nowhere near those concerts with Brian,John,Freddie and Roger.At least nobody can take away those memories that will live with me till I bloody well die,Cheers Phil. |
RStanton 16.05.2020 23:55 |
Hi Philip, I don't want to "piss on your parade" so to speak but I was there in '79 and they actually started with Let Me Entertain You not We Will Rock You (fast) and Tie Your Mother Down was 2nd as I recall - strange but true. |
RStanton 17.05.2020 00:04 |
I also remember them leaving the stage for quite some time at one point early on in the show for some reason, maybe a problem with the lights or sound? It was the first time I heard Save Me as well, my ears were ringing for a couple of days after as it was so LOUD! |
brENsKi 17.05.2020 05:02 |
philip storey wrote:I think I was almost in tears with emotion,the band launched into We Will Rock You [Fast] version.Then Let Me Entertain You.The whole concert was fantastic the even did Save Me which I had never heard before. philip storey wrote:At the start of Bohemian Rhapsody with all the heat and nervous exhaustion I am afraid I collapsed and passed out.There was no medics in those days,luckily my mate helped me and got me back on my feet for Tie Your Mother Down and I managed to stay on my feet until the end of the show. RStanton wrote:Hi Philip, I don't want to "piss on your parade" so to speak but I was there in '79 and they actually started with Let Me Entertain You not We Will Rock You (fast) and Tie Your Mother Down was 2nd as I recall - strange but true.i'm wondering if Philip is confusing several gigs he attended? NEC 1979 ¦ Let Me Entertain You ¦ Tie Your Mother Down ¦ Somebody To Love ¦ etc NEC 5:12:1980 1980 ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ Let Me Entertain You ¦ Play The Game ¦ etc....¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ Tie Your Mother Down ¦ NEC 6:12:1980 1980 ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ Let Me Entertain You ¦ Play The Game ¦ etc....¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ WWRY¦ WATC ¦ ....Tie Your Mother Down was an encore? MK 1982 ¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ Tie Your Mother Down |
philip storey 17.05.2020 10:52 |
Hi there i am certain it was 1979 and 1980 at the NEC i went to,just mixed up the running order of the songs,sorry it was a long time ago.In 1979 it must have been the Pizza Oven light show.In 1980 they had four banks of lights ,was it called the fly swooter ?It was very impressive.Has anyone got the setlists for these two shows,i would be very interested to see. |
thomasquinn 32989 17.05.2020 11:31 | is your friend! Birmingham '79 Birmingham '80 (Dec. 5) Birmingham '80 (Dec. 6) I hope this helps. |
brENsKi 17.05.2020 11:33 |
philip storey wrote:Hi there i am certain it was 1979 and 1980 at the NEC i went to,just mixed up the running order of the songs,sorry it was a long time ago.In 1979 it must have been the Pizza Oven light show.In 1980 they had four banks of lights ,was it called the fly swooter ?It was very impressive.Has anyone got the setlists for these two shows,i would be very interested to see.@philip storey NEC gigs 79/80 24:11:1979 - then Bo Rhap was the end of the show, you may have regained consciousness for the first encore: Crazy Little Thing Called Love 5:12:1980 - Bo Rhap was penultimate song in setlist, so you could've recovered to hear Tie Your Mother Down 6:12:1980 Tie Your Mother Down was encore? Here's some setlists to cover the gigs you refer to: Note the change of running order over two NEC gigs in 1980. hopefully something will help clear the fog for you: NEC Birmingham 24:11:1979 Let Me Entertain You ¦ Tie Your Mother Down ¦ Somebody to Love ¦ If You Can't Beat Them ¦ Mustapha ¦ Death on Two Legs ¦ Killer Queen ¦ I'm in Love With My Car ¦ Get Down, Make Love ¦ You're My Best Friend ¦ Save Me ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Don't Stop Me Now ¦ Spread Your Wings ¦ Love of My Life ¦ '39 ¦ Fat Bottomed Girls ¦ Keep Yourself Alive ¦ Brighton Rock ¦ Bohemian Rhapsody Encore: Crazy Little Thing Called Love ¦ Sheer Heart Attack ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ We Are the Champions NEC Birmingham 05:12:1980 Jailhouse Rock ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ Let Me Entertain You ¦ Play the Game ¦ Mustapha ¦ Death on Two Legs ¦ Killer ¦ I'm in Love with My Car ¦ Get Down, Make Love ¦ Need Your Loving Tonight ¦ Save Me ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Dragon Attack ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Fat Bottomed Girls ¦ Love of My Life ¦ Keep Yourself Alive ¦ Battle Theme ¦ Flash ¦ The Hero ¦ Brighton Rock ¦ Crazy Little Thing Called Love ¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ Tie Your Mother Down Encore: Another One Bites the Dust ¦ Sheer Heart Attack ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ We Are the Champions NEC Birmingham 06:12:1980 Jailhouse Rock ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ Let Me Entertain You ¦ Play the Game ¦ Mustapha ¦ Death on Two Legs ¦ Killer ¦ I'm in Love with My Car ¦ Get Down, Make Love ¦ Need Your Loving Tonight ¦ Save Me ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Dragon Attack ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Fat Bottomed Girls ¦ Love of My Life ¦ Keep Yourself Alive ¦ Battle Theme ¦ Flash ¦ The Hero ¦ Brighton Rock ¦ Crazy Little Thing Called Love ¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ We Are the Champions Encore: Another One Bites the Dust ¦ Sheer Heart Attack ¦ Tie Your Mother Down Milton Keynes Bowl 05:60:1982 The Hero ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ Action This Day ¦ Play the Game ¦ Staying Power ¦ Somebody to Love ¦ Now I'm Here ¦ Dragon Attack ¦ Now I'm Here (Reprise) ¦ Las Palabras de Amor (part) ¦ Love of My Life ¦ Save Me ¦ Back Chat ¦ Get Down, Make Love ¦ Under Pressure ¦ Fat Bottomed Girls ¦ Crazy Little Thing Called Love ¦ Bohemian Rhapsody ¦ Tie Your Mother Down Encore: Another One Bites the Dust ¦ Sheer Heart Attack ¦ We Will Rock You ¦ We Are the Champions |
philip storey 17.05.2020 11:49 |
Many thanks for that Brenski yeah I must have fainted at the start of Bo Rhap and got back on my pins for Crazy Little thing called Love in 1979 at the NEC.Do you still go to many gigs these days Brenski ? I was interested in going to see Genesis later this year but it looks very unlikely that will happen now. |
brENsKi 17.05.2020 15:24 |
philip storey wrote:Many thanks for that Brenski yeah I must have fainted at the start of Bo Rhap and got back on my pins for Crazy Little thing called Love in 1979 at the NEC.Do you still go to many gigs these days Brenski ? I was interested in going to see Genesis later this year but it looks very unlikely that will happen now.i saw almost all of what i wanted to see between 1979 and 1990: Queen, AC/DC, Purple, UFO, Scorpions, Rainbow, Bowie, Elton, INXS, Quo, Dire Straits, Whitesnake, Slade...and many many more. my last few years have been "bucket list only" groups: ELO, Killers and Eagles. oh and a couple more Rainbow gigs. i'd only see Genesis if it were with Gabriel and Hackett. Would love to see any form of Macca/Starr gig and Zep under any guise. Most else i want to see - just won't come to the UK (or have died/retired): Petty, Dylan, Seger, Fogerty, Mellencamp, Eddie Money, Jackson Browne, Rush etc. |
philip storey 17.05.2020 17:56 |
Hi Brenski yeah I have seen pretty much of the cream of what I wanted to see,i wish I had seen Pink Floyd when it was Roger,David,Rick and Nick,i only got to see The David Gilmour version of Floyd without Roger at Earls Court.Of course I would have liked to have seen Led Zep but I was too young to see them really and AC/DC in their prime is another one that I never got to see.I am not sure I would have enjoyed Yes but I would have loved to have seen seen Peter Gabriel on his "Games Without Frontiers Tour."I would of course liked to have seen Queen with Freddie a lot more,but I served in the "Royal Navy" from 1982 until 1990,so unfortunately I missed the "Works Tour" complety.I did see Roger at Rock City during his "Elecric Fire Tour."I really enjoyed that gig up close and I thought he had a good band with him also.I saw Brian on his "Back to The Light" gig at Nottingham Royal Concert Hall,again being more close up was great,it was a shame that Brian did struggle a bit doing Guitar and Lead vocals,but I enjoyed it and had really good seats.Iam sorry for going on a bit ,but with this lockdown and being disabled I don't get out really ,I have my carer come in for a hour a day and that's it.So I do get a bit lonely sometimes so its nice to have a chat with some of you and learn new things about the glory days.Cheers Phil. |