Saint Jiub wrote:Do you have evidence of censorship on this unnamed website or are you nursing a grudge?
forum has a set of rules. he breached them (repeatedly), and pushed to test the mods' limits. he was warned, and then (very correctly) banned by one of our mods.
1. he registered on our forum using the username Gerry with a first post: "Hello! He he he" - wonder what his childish intent was? probably no less than a deep desire to actually be about a low Benchmark.
2. he visited another thread - that he had absolutely no interest in, to post: I'm not going to read all that like some attention-deficient moth? not going to read something? not interested? just don't bother reading/posting. no he clearly decided to be contrary/negative just for the sake of it. he was warned about this, but:
3. then posted again to the same thread: Check out my massive willy xx
4. and this: Do not say anything remotely negative or it will be deleted. There is no grey area.
his post here on QZ is flagrant hypocrisy: he (previously) posted these to our forum: Boo Hoo for Richard Orchard if he has suddenly realised what's happening. Bollocks to him, he doesn't care about his board so why should anyone else. Good riddance.
and this: Looking at the way the number of daily new posts are dwindling on the old board I reckon within a week it will be only bots on there.
wonder what his QZ friends/fellow trolls think about his disloyal comments?
never mind, he'll feel at home here then.
Note: quotes are from a public forum, no personal data shared.
Deliberately engineered a situation to set up your own forum (most threads were made up of you and "The Real Wizard" thread crapping and engaging with someone most people managed to ignore), and keep coming back here posting about it. Yay.
Negative Creep wrote:Deliberately engineered a situation to set up your own forum (most threads were made up of you and "The Real Wizard" thread crapping and engaging with someone most people managed to ignore), and keep coming back here posting about it. Yay.
there was no engineering. the new forum was created after 6 years of QZ being littered with spam, bots, and trolls. no amount of reasoning - or troll removal stopped them rejoining and starting all over. in the end, they get to keep the dust. instead of attacking those who actually do something positive and for better, try condemning the trolls. if a few less "ignored them", then Richard might actually be bothered enough to change things.
it's a public forum. if he (Gerry) (or anyone else) posts inaccurate/racist/homophobic/bigoted comments, then the correct thing to do is challenge it.
the sanctimonious who claim to "ignoring" to be the correct route are enabling him. you can't even see the folly of your solution, can you?
you think that if someone does wrong and you ignore it, they'll stop? they won't. Gerry, Aristide, Runner and Freddie Jupiter never did.
the only thing to stop them is being banned. Gerry is currently on his fourth enforced absence in three weeks, because I was bothered enough to ensure YV and Richard received proof that each "old" acct he regenerated, had actually posted offensive comments.
you can thank me later. you probably won't though.
I don't hate him but he's not by any means my favourite character. Edmund Blackadder and Johnny English (plus the characters he played in 'Not the Nine O'Clock News') were far more interesting to me, because I really like his voice (yes, I know Mr Bean also speaks sometimes, and I do enjoy those instances too, such as the calculus/trig exam).
Sebastian wrote:I don't hate him but he's not by any means my favourite character. Edmund Blackadder and Johnny English (plus the characters he played in 'Not the Nine O'Clock News') were far more interesting to me...
I love Rowan Atkinson's standup comedy work more than anything ('Toby' welcoming new arrivals in hell!), although Blackadder was wonderful too. Mr. Bean and Johnny English don't appeal to me - but that's not because of Rowan Atkinson, it's simply a style of comedy I'm not into.
I'm sure we can all agree that Rowan Atkinson at his very worst still runs rings around mooghead at his finest.
mooghead wrote:
.. than someone staring over me tapping me on the head telling me what I can and can't say.
Bye Adolf xx
If you're going to resort to a reductio-ad-Hitlerum over getting kicked off a forum, that just shows that you're an utterly pathetic, self-obsessed person without any sense of perspective, decency or good taste.
You tried to smear brenski. You succeeded in smearing yourself. Good job!
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:
If you're going to resort to a reductio-ad-Hitlerum over getting kicked off a forum...
He wasn't kicked off: he posted some stuff that wasn't allowed, mods spoke to him about it, and he proceeded to throw a tantrum and leave. Then, a few days later, he moaned here.
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:
If you're going to resort to a reductio-ad-Hitlerum over getting kicked off a forum...
He wasn't kicked off: he posted some stuff that wasn't allowed, mods spoke to him about it, and he proceeded to throw a tantrum and leave. Then, a few days later, he moaned here.
Thanks for mentioning this. A ban seemed too harsh to me.
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:If you're going to resort to a reductio-ad-Hitlerum over getting kicked off a forum...
He wasn't kicked off: he posted some stuff that wasn't allowed, mods spoke to him about it, and he proceeded to throw a tantrum and leave. Then, a few days later, he moaned here.
one little point of order. although he may have claimed to have left - he'd have (likely) returned to cause more mischief.
our mods (appropriately) took the precaution of locking and banning his account - it will require his guarantee of no "repeats" before his acct can be unlocked.
interesting that Mooghead has not returned to his own thread. Perhaps TQ's (well-made) point killed off any ill-conceived follow-up he may have considered?
Our forum ban list: two bots, someone we suspect to be Fr****ie Ju***er, Sweet Caroline and Gerry. Mooghead is now in distinguished company.