7265Jonathan 21.04.2020 23:25 |
Hi all, been listening to ADATR's this evening and thought what a good song this was re the current lock down situation, lyrics wise. At the end there's a choir joining in with the chorus and wondered who they are? Googled it and one article just said a local choir? Apologies if this has been previously mentioned on here, I had a quick ish look and couldn't find anything?must be bored!! |
Sebastian 22.04.2020 02:06 |
Usual crowd, plus extras: studio staff, roadies, girlfriends, etc. |
Star* 22.04.2020 13:11 |
I would imagine it was a lot of overdubs as that is how Queen made that big production choir, a bit like on "Somebody to Love" |
Sebastian 22.04.2020 15:33 |
Not quite the same case. The overwhelming majority of big choir effects were indeed achieved via overdubbing Roger, Brian and Frederick many times (though certainly not 180, by the way). Then there were very few exceptions, 'Teo Torriatte' included. Here's a quote from Frederick Mercury published by Hit Parader in July 1977: ‘At the end of that song, Teo Torriatte, we did have a few friends in to sing. But mind you, it was just about six or so.’ |
Sebastian 22.04.2020 15:38 |
Here's a scan from the magazine in case anyone thinks I just made that quote up. |
JS21 22.04.2020 17:57 |
@Sebastian - nice article. thanks for sharing |
7265Jonathan 22.04.2020 18:52 |
Thanks Sebastian, certainly never seen that before so interesting, I wonder who sang? It does sound like a school choir kind of so I thought maybe they'd done a pink floyd! Expect they just worked with who they had around as you say. Cheers for the scan! |
Sebastian 22.04.2020 23:04 |
There's another comment about it, from Brian's website, but I seem to have lost it and it's quite old so it's not there any longer. It must be from around 2003 - 2006. Anyway, as far as I remember (and I haven't got eidetic memory so take this with a pinch of salt), Brian said it was some of their friends and girlfriends. |
Dim 23.04.2020 03:24 |
Brian have spoken about this song in 2005 when he did the HD remix. He said about the choir that they were just the three of them. The effect was done by their engineer and producer were Brian said he was great. No choir and friends. The leaked pre effect mix proved that. P S. Listening carefully the original or the HD mix the vocal slave have the tiny time delays. |
Saint Jiub 23.04.2020 04:14 |
Freddie's memory of six people less than a year later ... or Brian's notoriously bad memory of three people nearly 30 years later ??? |
The Real Wizard 23.04.2020 04:32 |
Sebastian wrote: There's another comment about it, from Brian's website, but I seem to have lost it and it's quite old so it's not there any longer. It must be from around 2003 - 2006.https://web.archive.org/web/20050207005441/http://www.brianmay.com/brian/brianssb/brianssbdec04.html BOOM. Looks like Brian remembered quite a lot: "Teo Torriatte end section choir ?? It was a multi-overdub "virtual" choir, which we recorded sequentially ... it included ourselves, some friends, our girl-friends, and some of our team ..... I particularly wanted it to have a female and child-like quality, as opposed to the very male-sounding "We Will Rock You" effect .... I should write more about this song ... now the new mix is finished .... there's quite a lot to say ..." "I can assure you that whatever our new mix may be, it certainly wasn't "easy" ! Actually hundreds of hours have gone into rescuing every morsel of the original recordings in order to be able to attempt the new version. I have contributed a little to the work, and there are some areas which only I can answer the relevant questions, since I was there all those years ago, trying to make this then new thought into a 'proper record'. But mainly the credit is due to Kris Fredriksson and Justin Shirley-Smith. These guys are so dedicated to the excellence of these projects, that they work much longer hours than anyone could ask, and treat every part of every Queen note ever recorded as a priceless gem. I too love the original mix, and it will always be there. But I have always known it suffered from the limitations of pushing the existing equipment past its limit. This new mix will be only very subtly different - I hope nobody expects modern "beats" or dance mixes ! If we succeed, it will sound just as you perhaps THOUGHT the old mix sounded, but comparing the two, it will be as if a veil had been lifted after nearly 30 years... a bit like cleaning an old Botticelli! ... making it possible to dive much further into the sound image without coming up against noise and distortion. Also, as the writer of the song, it's very satisfying to be able to revisit the scene of this ancient battle. We have been able to get back into many of the fine adjustments which were impossible with the old technology, for instance updating some of the old 'bounces' and 'comps', while yet retaining all of the inherent character of the original analogue recordings. Well, you'll see. Er, hear ! Personally, I like it a lot already. I have high hopes (I always do, don't I?!). But you, folks, will be the judge of whether all this was worth while !!" |
matt z 23.04.2020 07:32 |
One of the failed/refracted DTS 5.1 MIXES? Gosh and i never ever got THE GAME on DVD AUDIO |
Sebastian 23.04.2020 15:46 |
Dim wrote: Brian have spoken about this song in 2005 when he did the HD remix. He said about the choir that they were just the three of them.Fake news. He didn't say that. By the way, did he do the mix, or did he supervise it (not the same thing)? |
Dim 23.04.2020 20:01 |
Sébastien my wrong since I confused in my memory few things. But if I remember correctly Brian have also spoken for this song saying that he wanted to bring up some elements, since he felt that was a veil on the original mix. This was the time he spoke about mixing with the others. If he supervised or anything else is vague. |
Dim 23.04.2020 20:03 |
It was an interview but I can't find it. |
Vocal harmony 24.04.2020 12:14 |
7Seas. wrote: I would imagine it was a lot of overdubs as that is how Queen made that big production choir, a bit like on "Somebody to Love"You would, would you? You're a mine of information that no other Queen fan would know about. A lot of overdubs. . . . . Gerry knows his stuff. |
Star* 24.04.2020 12:48 |
@vocal Harmony Cut the attitude mate and join in on the topic or go away. |
The Real Wizard 24.04.2020 18:56 |
7Seas. wrote: I would imagine it was a lot of overdubs as that is how Queen made that big production choir, a bit like on "Somebody to Love"Wrong again, Gerry. There are almost no similarities. This choir is a far smaller collection of individuals singing in unison, not a complex harmony arrangement for three people to overdub themselves. The fact that you cannot differentiate between harmony and unison indicates for the umpteenth time that you know nothing about music. Aren't you bored yet of being told what a complete fool you are? |
Star* 24.04.2020 20:46 |
Real Wizard you should fuck off back to your new site and dont come back on here causing rows. Canada is a big place so go and piss off. |
brENsKi 25.04.2020 15:32 |
SaddleBrownit's amazing that a fan of 46 years (or so you claim) knows so very fucking little about your favourite band. so little about the recordings, the recording process, their techniques, their live setup and performances - in fact anything at all about Queen - or any other music, for that matter. every new post outdoes your previous, your stupefying ignorance of your band [sic] seems boundless. almost every living piece of crap and thickitudity you post is easily verified as incorrect - with even the most cursory google searches. try using google BEFORE hitting the post button. - or better still, don't post at all...or even better still forget your wifi password...or even best of all - burn your computer. in addition to the existing two sub-boards: DarkBlue DarkBlue the Forum Owner creates a new Sub-Board to house all of Gerry's Posts: DarkBlue |
Star* 26.04.2020 09:22 |
Brenski You claimed i would never hear from you again on here but you have just proved to be the liar that you already were before. You come on here to spout your venom and hatred about me yet again, just to make yourself look good, Everyone can enjoy music without wanting to get too involved in the ins and outs of how a song was created so back off and stop been such a prick. Just off the record there has been no rows or arguing on ere since you and your Canadian prick of a friend fucked off to your new crap site. We all know you are five slices short of a loaf and feel so sorry for your well being since you are thick in the head. |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 10:44 |
SaddleBrowni never said you would never hear from me again. i offered you a peace deal several weeks ago - you broke the deal by replying to me - i told you that deal had ended when you did that, so i will reply to your posts as/when i like. SaddleBrownno venom or hatred - just correcting your wildly inaccurate postings. SaddleBrownFFS Gerry, you could make Pol Pot and Amin look good. SaddleBrownthen stop making stupid claims - if you're out of your depth technically (by your own admission) - then why make such stupid claims? bluethe choir on TT is nothing like STL. tell us, racist moron, where are all the overdubs in TT's choir? |
Star* 26.04.2020 11:56 |
Brenski For your information i will say what i want and when i want on here and you are not here to judge anyone at all that is how arrogant you are. I will stop your plan of trying to wind me up so that stops right now. I therefore do NOT have to answer to you or your mafia i.e Vocal Harmony, Real Wizard Stevelondon20 etc..... You have all made your bed to jump ship so fuck off and stay there. I knew you were a liar when you said i would not hear from you again, too good to be true because viruses just keep coming back. |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 12:57 |
SaddleBrownsuggest you go back and check the offer i made. i said that we agree to NOT reply to each other - you broke that deal several weeks ago, from that point forward there was no deal - something i've pointed out to you several times. but you as English is only your second language after Moronish, i've been kind enough to confirm this one last time. so stop crying like a baby and grow up you fucking child. ps - still quoting you i shit brown - this will continue until you stop talking shit. |
Star* 26.04.2020 14:21 |
Brenski bullies like you can be treated in several ways. I am not rising to your bullshit so do one. You do know things would be a lot different if you came face to face with me yeah. You need to realise who you are talking too and i guess a face to face meeting would make you learn respect more ways than one. You talk utter shit and i will also treat you like the piece of fucking shit that you are. Old man that has a sad life. |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 15:06 |
SaddleBrownyet another threat of violence? is that all you've got? what an idiot. your argument is spent, so pull out your Dukes eh? cos that solves everything. what a moron. i've quoted this - so that you can't delete your post, then - if your account is removed by mods, everyone will know why. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:09 |
7Seas. wrote: I therefore do NOT have to answer to you or your mafia i.e Vocal Harmony, Real Wizard Stevelondon20 etc.....But you still do. .every. single. time. You're a toy we get to play with, Gerry. Just for a couple minutes now and again when we're bored. And trust me - the pleasure is all ours. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:11 |
7Seas. wrote: Everyone can enjoy music without wanting to get too involved in the ins and outs of how a song was createdThen a simpleton philistine like you shouldn't have responded to a thread like this, because you clearly aren't the target audience. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:30 |
Oh i am inundated with the three freaks Vocal Harmony Real Wizard and Bastard Brenski now put three of you together and you may get one brain cell working ! |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:31 |
7Seas. wrote: Oh i am inundated with the three freaks Vocal Harmony Real Wizard and Bastard BrenskiWow - did you come up with that alliteration all by yourself? And you actually managed to find the shift key almost every time. We're impressed, Gerry. Really. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:34 |
Brenski You really are wuss, ive never even mentioned violence you knob head. |
Vocal harmony 26.04.2020 17:34 |
brENsKi wrote:Ooh little Gerry's playing the if you met me card. . . . Again.SaddleBrownyet another threat of violence? is that all you've got? what an idiot. your argument is spent, so pull out your Dukes eh? cos that solves everything. what a moron. i've quoted this - so that you can't delete your post, then - if your account is removed by mods, everyone will know why. Time to remind him again of the time he challenged me to a fight (threat of broken legs, head kicked in) of course. He then claimed I hadn't turned up to his chosen venue HMV Oxford st because he and his four mates were waiting for me. Gerry you're a little squirt, if you had turned up with four mates it's fucking obvious you know you're incapable of getting the job done yourself. So that brings us neatly to your line above "you need o realise who your talking too". You're such a thick little peanut head fool you don't realise that we all know exactly who we're dealing with. A stupid little keyboard warrior who has no knowledge of anything. As far as being a threat to anyone YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE AN IDIOT. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:35 |
Real Wizard I can easily come on your new site and ruffle your feathers so stfu |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:36 |
Vocal Harmony You are such a snowflake and drama queen and i pity you call yourself a man, sad cunt. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:38 |
7Seas. wrote: You really are wussA grown man calling someone a "wuss" yet unable to string a sentence together. At least we know why threatening physical violence is your last resort - it's also your only resort. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:39 |
7Seas. wrote: Real Wizard I can easily come on your new site and ruffle your feathers so stfuYou don't seem to understand what an IP address is and how it can be banned by people who are even marginally more intelligent than you. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:39 |
I can put a sentence its just you been a fucking thick bastard that you cannot read arse wipe. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:40 |
Real Wizard Sadly you were not in queue when brains were handed out other wise you would not be on here now trolling |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:43 |
7Seas. wrote: wise youYes, yes I am. You make this far too easy, Gerry. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:43 |
link is run by three thick twats with no brains among them Real Wizard Brenski & Stevelondon20 If you all like free speech then do not use that site as it is a mafia site and if they do not like your opinions you get called a troll. Fascists for fascists. |
Star* 26.04.2020 17:45 |
Goodbye i am not replying to you anymore you are a sad excuse for a man. Go and play with your friends at the paedo websites. |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 17:46 |
SaddleBrown Bluethen explain what you meant by this ^^^ - you fucktard. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 17:46 |
7Seas. wrote: link is run by three thick twats with no brains among them Real Wizard Brenski & Stevelondon20And you, Gerry, who are still chronically unable to locate the comma on your keyboard, are the brainiest one of all. So brainy that you just haven't quite figured out why you're unable to register there (even though the answer has been provided on multiple occasions). |
Vocal harmony 26.04.2020 17:51 |
7Seas. wrote: Vocal Harmony I am such a snowflake and drama queen and i pity myself I call myself a man, but I'm a sad cunt.Gerry speaks the truth! |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 17:52 |
SaddleBrowni'll give you 2/10 for that one ^. and that's a sympathy mark. are you completely sure you're not the subnormal lovechild of Stanley Unwin and Yoda ? |
Saint Jiub 26.04.2020 18:15 |
"Let's see how long it takes for the mudslinging to reach page three. And.... go !" |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 18:21 |
Saint Jiub wrote: "Let's see how long it takes for the mudslinging to reach page three. And.... go !"Man, you're the best. |
Star* 26.04.2020 18:34 |
Going to be no mud slinging because i do not tolerate trouble makers like Real Wizard its obvious he only came back on ere to start a fight with his mafia gang Brenski Vocal Harmony ..... Bullies like that need taking down. |
Star* 26.04.2020 18:41 |
Vocal Harmony Real Wizard & Brenski i know you have planned this out between yourselves to harass me on here but your plan has back fired. i can take the three of you's on instantly. You lot are naive and thick if you think you can play with me and get a reaction. Get back over to your shit site because Queenzone is a better place without you three and we all get along fine. You hate the fact that this site is calm without you three mud slinging and trolling, well save your time because i will not rise to your insults. |
Star* 26.04.2020 18:41 |
Vocal Harmony Real Wizard & Brenski i know you have planned this out between yourselves to harass me on here but your plan has back fired. i can take the three of you's on instantly. You lot are naive and thick if you think you can play with me and get a reaction. Get back over to your shit site because Queenzone is a better place without you three and we all get along fine. You hate the fact that this site is calm without you three mud slinging and trolling, well save your time because i will not rise to your insults. |
The Real Wizard 26.04.2020 19:29 |
7Seas. wrote: Going to be no mud slinging because i do not tolerate trouble makers like Real Wizard its obvious he only came back on ere to start a fight with his mafia gang Brenski Vocal Harmony ..... Bullies like that need taking down.As usual, spoken like a moron at best or a sociopath at worst. Either you possess zero self-awareness or you are projecting. It's you that's been taken down, Gerry. All you have is Queenzone because its engine does not have the ability to ban an IP address. This place has about a dozen active members, and you are three of them. Cheerio for now. |
brENsKi 26.04.2020 21:47 |
[color=SaddleBrown] thus spake 7Seas bullshit-meister: i can take the three of you's on instantly. You lot are naive and thick if you think you can play with me and get a reaction.[/color]you reply to almost every single post. so how's that "not reacting" working out for you? epic fail, Gerry - just like everything you ever do...like attempting to join our forum - and getting an instant ban. RAOTFPMSL blue - a forum completely free of:- Gerry - attempted registration - BANNED Freddie Jupiter - attempted registration - BANNED Aristide1 runner_70 SweetCaroline - registered, 1 post - BANNED |
Sebastian 27.04.2020 01:06 |
Remember when this thread was about a beautiful ballad penned by Brian and sung by Frederick? |
brENsKi 27.04.2020 05:56 |
SaddleBrownyou can try, but - like everything else in life - you'll fail SaddleBrown SaddleBrownperhaps Gerry is implying that; meeting him face-to-face, i'd be awestruck by his intelligence, humanity, wisdom and grace, and would instantly feel the utmost respect for him? nah, can't be that. it's without doubt, yet another threat of violence. RAOTFPMSL blue - a forum completely free of:- Gerry - attempted registration - BANNED Queenzone is now defined by two epochs: Before & After Gerry. BG 1996-2013 AG 2014-to date |
Star* 27.04.2020 07:32 |
Brenski People get banned because you cannot win an argument your weak and worthless. I will always win over you because i am right. |
brENsKi 27.04.2020 07:40 |
[color=SaddleBrown] 7Seas. wrote:Brenski I continually get banned because I cannot win an argument because I am weak and worthless. You will always win over me because you are right.[/color]Gerry has been banned from QZ again. thank me later. a new world record (for any forum, anywhere) 11 unique account bans: DELETED/REMOVED ACCOUNTS: Crimson Orange Brown blue purple green blue orange purple blue green |
Star* 27.04.2020 14:44 |
Brenski Try and humiliate me but you've failed yet again because no one gives a fuck. Everyone here knows you to be the vile arrogant little old Irish man who has a problem with his head. Sort yourself out man because you are coming across child like and very petty for a retired old man on the scrap heap. Yet again you have deliberately ruined this thread but that was your plan right from the start with the other two wankers Vocal Harmony and Real Wizard. Sad pathetic excuses for grown up men. |
brENsKi 27.04.2020 14:57 |
SaddleBrownremember this "Gerry pearl of Nonsense? green SaddleBrown definitely one of your worst ever misses! SaddleBrownnone of this requires any actual "trying" - you do a fantastic job of humiliating yourself. racism, homophobia, threats of violence, trans-phobia - you humiliate yourself with every new post. SaddleBrownwrong again. NONE of my posts have ever been removed. in excess of a whole page of your posts have been removed form this thread. in a plcae with almost zero moderation. ffs Gerry - you must be a fucking abysmal example of online humanity if QZ's ultra-liberal Mods actually delete your posts. why would you keep coming back to a place that repeatedly removes your posts? it's obvious even the Mods don't want you here. how worthless does that make you feel? |
brENsKi 27.04.2020 15:53 |
SaddleBrown [color=SaddleBrown] 7Seas. wrote: Brenski People get banned because you cannot win an argument your weak and worthless. I will always win over you because i am right. [/color]this looks very much like a reply, Gerry. so, in addition to being a proven racist, trans-phobic, homophobic, thug - you can now add barefaced liar to your CV of Shame |
mooghead 27.04.2020 16:15 |
What was the point of starting/joining the new board if the old guard are still going to return here to carry on the the stupid squabbles? It completely undermines the reason for its existence. Wasn't it so that we could watch this place die? |
Star* 28.04.2020 08:51 |
Brenski wont shit on his own doorstep so he comes here to do it. He is the original troll and he is 100% why rows happen on this site. |
Vocal harmony 28.04.2020 11:48 |
7Seas. wrote: Brenski wont shit on his own doorstep so he comes here to do it. He is the original troll and he is 100% why rows happen on this site.You've been shitting on this site for years and years. As for the 100% reasoning for rows. Through your years of shit posting you've also claimed a number of other people are responsible for rows. Of course it had escaped you that the common denominator ( you do understand what co. On denominator means, don't you?) is you. |
Vocal harmony 28.04.2020 11:55 |
7Seas. wrote: Brenski People get banned because you cannot win an argument your weak and worthless. I will always win over you because i am right.No, people get banned in order to stop the new site from becoming contaminated like this site has, with people like you. And as long as you're here then any of us can come and take advantage of your lack of intelligence and light the tough paper and watch you explode, like you're doing now. |
Star* 28.04.2020 12:20 |
i am not exploding in fact i am laughing my arse off because you and the others leaving have cleaned up Queenzone thanks for that ! All the simpletons and bullies have joined Queen.forum.net |
Vocal harmony 29.04.2020 17:17 |
Zest wrote: i am not exploding in fact i am laughing my arse off because you and the others leaving have cleaned up Queenzone thanks for that ! All the simpletons and bullies have joined Queen.forum.netIf you really believe that, then good luck. You're in a majority of one! |
*goodco* 30.04.2020 05:16 |
mooghead wrote: What was the point of starting/joining the new board if the old guard are still going to return here to carry on the the stupid squabbles? It completely undermines the reason for its existence. Wasn't it so that we could watch this place die?Seconded and thirded |
brENsKi 30.04.2020 16:55 |
SaddleBrown [color=SaddleBrown] Zest wrote:Brenski wont shit on his own doorstep so he comes here to do it. He is the original troll and he is 100% why rows happen on this site. [/color]Gerry, if you answer both of these two questions truthfully, it'll put the discussion to bed. 1. you have no idea about the world around you at all, do you? 2. why did YOU join our forum? |
mooghead 30.04.2020 18:39 |
*goodco* wrote:Doesn't get it does he? Breathing life into the place with every bite at gerry.mooghead wrote: What was the point of starting/joining the new board if the old guard are still going to return here to carry on the the stupid squabbles? It completely undermines the reason for its existence. Wasn't it so that we could watch this place die?Seconded and thirded No idea they are as bad as each other. |
*goodco* 30.04.2020 19:11 |
^ Again....'yup' As stated in another thread...'' if you fling enough sh*t needlessly, you end up getting it on yourself as well. It's really quite embarrassing." |
runner_70 30.04.2020 23:43 |
Sebastian wrote: Not quite the same case. The overwhelming majority of big choir effects were indeed achieved via overdubbing Roger, Brian and Frederick many times (though certainly not 180, by the way). Then there were very few exceptions, 'Teo Torriatte' included. Here's a quote from Frederick Mercury published by Hit Parader in July 1977: ‘At the end of that song, Teo Torriatte, we did have a few friends in to sing. But mind you, it was just about six or so.’Who is Frederick Mercury you asshat? |
Sebastian 01.05.2020 04:34 |
Frederick Mercury was Queen's lead singer, chief piano and synth player, most prolific composer, songwriter, arranger and producer, most frequent backing vocalist, and also the one who came up with the band's name and logo. He was also the band's oldest member and the first one to die. |
Vocal harmony 01.05.2020 16:43 |
runner_70 wrote:Last time I looked Frederick was the correct spelling of Mr Mercury's name.Sebastian wrote: Not quite the same case. The overwhelming majority of big choir effects were indeed achieved via overdubbing Roger, Brian and Frederick many times (though certainly not 180, by the way). Then there were very few exceptions, 'Teo Torriatte' included. Here's a quote from Frederick Mercury published by Hit Parader in July 1977: ‘At the end of that song, Teo Torriatte, we did have a few friends in to sing. But mind you, it was just about six or so.’Who is Frederick Mercury you asshat? Asshat is not how you spell Sebastian |
Sebastian 01.05.2020 17:23 |
I don't mind answering to 'asshat'. It's fun! |
ANAGRAMER 03.05.2020 08:07 |
Why does every topic of conversation on here end up with insults and arguments Worse than a classroom of 10 year olds |