Queenfanatic_ 16.04.2020 22:31 |
I decided to waste my time amidst this global panic and quarantine, to figure something almost nobody asked for When was the thunderclap on Dead on Time recorded? Short answer is below the long one, read the long one for the research process. Long Answer: From what’s been told, the thunderclap on the record was recorded at Switzerland. Queen moved to Switzerland for the Jazz sessions on August 1st / 2nd. This is just a shot in the dark date, Queen usually scheduled recording stuff to begin sometime at the dead start of the month. New month, new you I guess. I believe they had a 3pm - 11pm shift, this was revealed from News of the World session documentation that’s listed sessions from August 22nd - September 5th, 1977. A majority of sessions started at 3:00pm, and ended at 11:00pm. There would usually be a break from around 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Sometimes the times were slightly moderated. Examples: A session on September 2nd lasted from 3:00pm to 12:00am. On session on August 9th lasted from 2:30pm to 12:00am. Some were pushed back or later times in the day or were very greatly pushed into the next morning. A session on August 26th, 1977 (costing about £486) lasted from 3:00pm - 4:00am. Another one, on September 4th, 1977, lasting from 3:00pm - 6:00am. Anyway, enough with the tangent. I looked up the weather report in Switzerland for August 1978. All I got was pages about a band named Weather Report. So I worded it as Weather Archives, and then, I found a site that would have given me the the reports, but when I entered “August 1st, 1978”, it said: “You must enter a date form the past” so I tried rewording again. I looked up any storm reports or archives from Switzerland. After about 17 or 18 pages of just surfing, I found a PDF providing me a timeline on storms in Switzerland from 1975 - 1982. I found a storm that formed at 4:58pm on August 6th, 1978. Four years to the date when Queen began recording the backing track to Father to Son (to son). I looked into it a bit further. 80mm (3.1 inches) an hour of rain and hail fell down onto Switzerland that night. No thunder, but the next night, it was vicious. It crept into Montreux past midnight on August 8th. I’d say the thunder woke up Brian, who thought it would have been a good idea to record the thunderstorm. So our final date was August 8th, 1978. You’re probably thinking, there must have been more storms, yes, but Queen were in France when those storms stopped by. No more storms were reported in Switzerland until June 10th, 1979. I’m sorry for making you read all this, it was useless information, but I thought I’d give it a go anyway. Short Answer: August 8th, 1978, shortly after midnight. Remember, this is presumably, not the real deal. This is second hand information. We don’t have any strict documentation telling us when this was recorded. The photo I provided is the weather reports from Switzerland (from July 8th, 1975 - July 16th, 1982) News of the a World Documentation: link Anyway, that’s the deal. |
Queenfanatic_ 16.04.2020 22:33 |
Five years since the Father to Son date, my apologies. |
matt z 17.04.2020 04:51 |
This seems like a great thing to post to Brian's soapbox AND Instagram Or just submit it to soapbox and get a hot chick to post it to Brian's IG |
cmi 17.04.2020 07:43 |
Great idea and excellent analysis. Thanks! |
moonhead79 17.04.2020 08:22 |
Really interesting! Thanks! Where do you take the pics in the wetransfer file? |
MyHumanZoo 17.04.2020 15:45 |
No Queen related information is ever worthless! Great sleuthing! |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 15:59 |
Nice work! But I’m a little bit confused. the notes say : thunderbolts, courtesy by God. Aren’t there any religious sources that give us some more information? |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 16:45 |
Found this... According to this interview with Brian, the thunder was recorded in France... link |
Ale Solan 17.04.2020 18:53 |
GoodTimesAreNow wrote: Nice work! But I’m a little bit confused. the notes say : thunderbolts, courtesy by God. Aren’t there any religious sources that give us some more information?Just a joke. |
Ale Solan 17.04.2020 18:56 |
GoodTimesAreNow wrote: Found this... According to this interview with Brian, the thunder was recorded in France... linkPoor Queenfanatic_, all that work for nothing lol |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 19:22 |
I’m sorry (2 times).... |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 20:07 |
link According to this source, Queen was in Nice between July 1 (or a few days later) and July 18 (perhaps a few day shorter). Brian’s birthday was celebrated on July 19 in Montreux. They returned to Nice in October to finish the album. So we need to check the weather forcasts for Nice from July 1 to July 18, 1978 and find out if there was any thunder going on... |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 20:07 |
link |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 20:13 |
Screenshot Sorry... I don’t know how to make a link clickable and how to check it before posting the message... |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 20:21 |
I’ll have to do some re-research, I’ll hopefully be back with some kind of result by the end of the day. |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 20:23 |
I got some info from QueenSongs.info, they said they were in Super Bear until August. I got screwed over lmao |
GoodTimesAreNow 17.04.2020 21:03 |
I’m truly sorry my friend. It was not my intension to proof you’re wrong, but your research started with a wrong assumption. The work you did still deserves respect. So, now we’re looking for a date in the first half of July 1978, when the weather in Nice wasn’t very nice... Regards! |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:19 |
No worries! I mean, it’s worst than accidentally spreading wrong information. So, the Tour de France crossed Queen’s path on July 18th, 1978, they were in Switzerland on their way to Belfort, France. So, Queen likely we’re at Montreux by July 16th or 17th. So that’s just a a day or two taken off the research. |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:19 |
It’s worse spreading around* not Than. Sorry lol |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:20 |
They’re path was no where near Nice for the record |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:25 |
According to Diary.QueenSongs.info “Jazz” started directly on the 1st of July, and I‘m very sure it’s a trustworthy source. So I guess there isn’t much of a need to tackle June 1978. |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:25 |
According to Diary.QueenSongs.info “Jazz” started directly on the 1st of July, and I‘m very sure it’s a trustworthy source. So I guess there isn’t much of a need to tackle June 1978. |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 21:40 |
Okay, so for Southern France weather reports, I found footage of the Tour de France in South France from July 11th - 17th, 1978. The path was no where near France, but not for a walking distance. For storms and their sizes, it’s a different story. That roughly narrows it down from July 1st - 10th. |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 22:31 |
Here are the weather reports from Nice Côte d'Azur International Airport, USAF Surface Hourly observation, and METAR Aviation routine weather reports. They reported the weather roughly every half an hour. I looked all the way up to the 18th, just in case The only thunderstorm report found was on July 14th, 1978. It lasted from 9:00pm - 11:00pm. It wasn’t very windy, so it was probably perfect to record so there would be no additional noise on the recording. Since the final touches were made in October 1978, I took a look at the weather, the worst weather was only moderate intermittent rain. This is our final answer Here is the source that collected the reports, I’ll link the day of the thunderstorm. link |
Queenfanatic_ 17.04.2020 22:52 |
Maybe I can find out ITLOTG...R (One can only hope lol), all I need is a year (most likely 1974) and a location. |
The Real Wizard 18.04.2020 00:41 |
As you can see, most people who would care about your excellent research no longer post on this forum because it had been taken over by trolls. This place is pretty well empty now. https://i.imgur.com/ZeadiFa.png"> Sign up to https://queenforum.net and you're bound to get a better discussion. |
GoodTimesAreNow 18.04.2020 05:40 |
link Small correction: The 18th stage of the Tour the France 1978 was on July 19th, started in Morzine and ended in Lausanne (via Montreux). So on that day (Brian’s birthday) the Tour crossed Freddie’s path. In theory Queen stil could have been in Nice in the early morning of July 19 1978. |
GoodTimesAreNow 18.04.2020 05:51 |
Wel done Queenfanatic_ ! |
GoodTimesAreNow 18.04.2020 06:19 |
The thunder at the and of ITLOTG...G very likely comes from a soundeffects LP, just like Carousell on Brighton Rock |
Ale Solan 18.04.2020 16:27 |
GoodTimesAreNow wrote: The thunder at the and of ITLOTG...G very likely comes from a soundeffects LP, just like Carousell on Brighton RockYes, artificial sound effect. Remember y'all to join in here https://i.imgur.com/KPSeKxE.png"> |
Sebastian 20.04.2020 16:56 |
GoodTimesAreNow wrote: link Small correction: The 18th stage of the Tour the France 1978 was on July 19th, started in Morzine and ended in Lausanne (via Montreux). So on that day (Brian’s birthday) the Tour crossed Freddie’s path. In theory Queen stil could have been in Nice in the early morning of July 19 1978.No, they were in Switzerland. Sessions began in Switzerland (including the date you mention, Brian's birthday) and at some point in August moved to France. There's nothing to confirm they began sessions on the first of the month. It wasn't the case for A Night at the Opera (where they were still rehearsing the first weeks of August), The Game (Frederick is supposed to have flown on the 22nd and 'Crazy' was reportedly the first song they did), Innuendo (it began in late November 1989), etc. |
Golden Salmon 20.04.2020 21:14 |
The Real Wizard wrote: As you can see, most people who would care about your excellent research no longer post on this forum because it had been taken over by trolls. This place is pretty well empty now. https://i.imgur.com/ZeadiFa.png"> Sign up to https://queenforum.net and you're bound to get a better discussion.You'd think something would be done about these posts encouraging users to abandon this forsaken place, but I haven't seen any attempt at making things better here in the slightest. Funny how this is either a ghost town, a worthless board or both. People, considering the new, modern, actually functional and highly successful forum, you are wasting your time here. You are welcome to join a moderated board where the user experience is meaningful and troll-free. |
runner_70 21.04.2020 05:23 |
The Real Wizard wrote: As you can see, most people who would care about your excellent research no longer post on this forum because it had been taken over by trolls. This place is pretty well empty now. https://i.imgur.com/ZeadiFa.png"> Sign up to https://queenforum.net and you're bound to get a better discussion.The discussion went along great until a clueless troll came along trying to advertise his new shitty forum. But glad to see you say goodbye -close the door on your way out |
runner_70 21.04.2020 05:25 |
Golden Salmon wrote: People, considering the new, modern, actually functional and highly successful forum, you are wasting your time here. You are welcome to join a moderated board where the user experience is meaningful and troll-free."moderated board" means only the stupid arguments by The Real Wanker and his idiot colleagues are allowed and no critical discussions. What a wankhead |
The Circle of Eidolon 21.04.2020 08:37 |
runner_70 wrote:The Circle of Eidolon sees everything. We understand that which some can't even see.The Real Wizard wrote: As you can see, most people who would care about your excellent research no longer post on this forum because it had been taken over by trolls. This place is pretty well empty now. https://i.imgur.com/ZeadiFa.png"> Sign up to https://queenforum.net and you're bound to get a better discussion.The discussion went along great until a clueless troll came along trying to advertise his new shitty forum. But glad to see you say goodbye -close the door on your way out runner_70 you have much to learn. Learning leads to understanding, you appear to have neither capability. You, runner_70 look at the world and pass judgement. But you have no idea which side of the glass you are on. Are you looking out, or looking in. We The Circle of Eidolon have spoken, you as usual have attacked and already lost, there can be no argument. |
brENsKi 21.04.2020 16:30 |
runner_70 wrote:there are plenty of critical discussions - just no abuse from trolls like you.Golden Salmon wrote:People, considering the new, modern, actually functional and highly successful forum, you are wasting your time here. You are welcome to join a moderated board where the user experience is meaningful and troll-free."moderated board" means only the stupid arguments by The Real Wanker and his idiot colleagues are allowed and no critical discussions. What a wankhead best part of the new board? a complete absence of Gerry, Aristide, FJ, and yourself...why don't you go ask your great mate Gerry how his Registration followed by immediate ban worked out for him? |
runner_70 21.04.2020 17:04 |
brENsKi wrote:I can almost see how you licking each others dicks there you sad fucktarts. Why are you still here then if you have your super douper new forum you prick?runner_70 wrote:there are plenty of critical discussions - just no abuse from trolls like you. best part of the new board? a complete absence of Gerry, Aristide, FJ, and yourself...why don't you go ask your great mate Gerry how his Registration followed by immediate ban worked out for him?Golden Salmon wrote:People, considering the new, modern, actually functional and highly successful forum, you are wasting your time here. You are welcome to join a moderated board where the user experience is meaningful and troll-free."moderated board" means only the stupid arguments by The Real Wanker and his idiot colleagues are allowed and no critical discussions. What a wankhead |
runner_70 21.04.2020 17:05 |
Sebastian wrote:Can you fuck off to the new Forum as well you sad prick? Just posting your stupid drivel to include the word "Frederick" as usual you bungholeGoodTimesAreNow wrote: link Small correction: The 18th stage of the Tour the France 1978 was on July 19th, started in Morzine and ended in Lausanne (via Montreux). So on that day (Brian’s birthday) the Tour crossed Freddie’s path. In theory Queen stil could have been in Nice in the early morning of July 19 1978.No, they were in Switzerland. Sessions began in Switzerland (including the date you mention, Brian's birthday) and at some point in August moved to France. There's nothing to confirm they began sessions on the first of the month. It wasn't the case for A Night at the Opera (where they were still rehearsing the first weeks of August), The Game (Frederick is supposed to have flown on the 22nd and 'Crazy' was reportedly the first song they did), Innuendo (it began in late November 1989), etc. |
brENsKi 21.04.2020 21:47 |
runner_70 wrote:Why are you still here then if you have your super douper new forum you prick?getting a rise out of pond life like you. |
Holly2003 22.04.2020 14:16 |
I'm not an expert in comparing thunderclaps, but I'm assuming it's the same thunderclap that appears on Live Killers before WWRY. I assume that means Frederick approved. So in the absence of any other thunderclaps in the Queen repertoire, I'm going to conclude that the 'Dead on Time' thunderclap was Frederick's favourite burst of thunder. Good for you Frederick. You're also my favourite Frederick, Frederick. |
Sebastian 24.04.2020 12:45 |
runner_70 wrote: Can you fuck offOf course I can, but I won't. runner_70 wrote: ...to the new ForumI'm there, and I enjoy my time there. But I can also stay here and be a member of both forums, so here I am, whether you like it or not. runner_70 wrote: ...you sad prick?I'm not sad. I may be a prick, though, which is fine. runner_70 wrote: Just posting your stupid drivel to include the word "Frederick" as usualIt wasn't stupid, and it came up organically. We were discussing the beginning of album recording sessions and then Frederick (one of the band members) was relevant because of the date in which he (Frederick) flew from London (where Frederick lived) to Munich (where Frederick didn't live, though Frederick was due to record there because Frederick was earning loads of money and Frederick didn't want to pay so much in taxes, so Frederick and Frederick's colleagues spent a big part of the year outside Britain, where Frederick and Frederick's colleagues had been based for years). It's not like I'm seeking any excuse to say Frederick, though it doesn't mean I'll refrain from typing Frederick if Frederick comes up in the conversation. Seeing that this is a forum devoted to a band where Frederick sang, where Frederick often played instruments, where Frederick produced, where Frederick composed, where Frederick arranged and where Frederick was heavily involved in terms of design (which was one of Frederick's non-musical specialities) and image (because Frederick was well-known by the audience), then it may not be a surprise that Frederick gets mentioned sometimes. If, moreover, typing Frederick annoys a few imbeciles (and, alas, a few innocent bystanders too - collateral damage), then typing Frederick is an activity I can thoroughly enjoy. Frederick, after all, was a man who lived life to the fullest, according to Frederick's friends, Frederick's acquaintances and perhaps Frederick's relatives too - though, to be fair, I can't remember any interview in which Frederick's sister, Frederick's mum, Frederick's dad, Frederick's brother-in-law or any of Frederick's nieces or nephews that Frederick may have had claimed that, though that doesn't mean at all that Frederick's sister, Frederick's mum, Frederick's dad, Frederick's brother-in-law or any of Frederick's nieces or nephews that Frederick may have had never said that. It could simply be that Frederick's sister, Frederick's mum, Frederick's dad, Frederick's brother-in-law and perhaps some of Frederick's nieces or nephews that Frederick may have had (if Frederick's nieces and nephews were old enough to have met their uncle Frederick and to remember who Frederick was and how Frederick behaved towards Frederick's nieces or nephews, or anybody else in Frederick's life (such as Frederick's mum, Frederick's dad, Frederick's friends, Frederick's acquaintances, Frederick's accountants, Frederick's surgeons, Frederick's chauffeurs, Frederick's PA's, Frederick's colleagues, Frederick's managers and so on) knew that about Frederick but didn't say so publicly. runner_70 wrote: you bungholeOnce you run out of arguments, you start with insults. How mature! I don't know if Frederick would've approved or not as I never ever met Frederick and I've no idea whether Frederick would've liked it or not. Frederick died too young to have been able to actively visit online debates anyway, so Frederick didn't get to live long enough to have an opinion on what the effects of typing Frederick would have on Frederick's audience, Frederick's public, Frederick's extended community. Too bad for Frederick. |
FriedChicken 04.05.2020 06:10 |
Frederick? I always assumed Freddie was the diminutive of Fredward. Fredward Mercury. |
brENsKi 04.05.2020 16:16 |
Sebastian wrote:It wasn't the case for A Night at the Opera (where they were still rehearsing the first weeks of August), The Game (Frederick is supposed to have flown on the 22nd and 'Crazy' was reportedly the first song they did), Innuendo (it began in late November 1989), etc. FriedChicken wrote:Frederick? I always assumed Freddie was the diminutive of Fredward. Fredward Mercury.and - before you get carried away with other derivations, like Wilfred, Alfred, Manfred, Godfred, Siegfred, Wynfred or similar: you've been misinformed. Freddie is short for Fredbert. |