SkyeTV 10.04.2020 23:11 |
"What is the point of been a Queen fan if you think Adam was different from Freddie?" I don't understand the question. What on Earth is he talking about? It's fairly obvious Adam is different from Freddie, so if we know that, we can't "been" Queen fans? Eh? |
stevelondon20 11.04.2020 08:25 |
SkyeTV wrote: "What is the point of been a Queen fan if you think Adam was different from Freddie?" I don't understand the question. What on Earth is he talking about? It's fairly obvious Adam is different from Freddie, so if we know that, we can't "been" Queen fans? Eh?We asked ourselves the same thing. A pointless question. One that has got him banned. |
Freddie Jupiter 11.04.2020 08:27 |
With all that banning going on at Brenski's fascist forum, you guys just be careful that you don't ban each other. It would be a tad embarassing if Brenski got inadvertantly banned, I should think. |
Freddie Jupiter 11.04.2020 08:44 |
Also it would be funny if everyone got banned, and no one would be able to post anything. LMAO. |
stevelondon20 11.04.2020 10:11 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: Also it would be funny if everyone got banned, and no one would be able to post anything. LMAO.Yeah, that's REALLY going to happen isn't it? What an idiot.... |
brENsKi 11.04.2020 10:15 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: With all that banning going on at Brenski's fascist forum, you guys just be careful that you don't ban each other. It would be a tad embarassing if Brenski got inadvertantly banned, I should think.idiot. only Gerry, runner_70/Freddie Jupiter and aristide1 are the only ones ever likely to be banned - everyone else rubs along nicely. amazing what two days without your poison has done... 152 new members - hurrying to get away from your 3/4 morons, 130 new threads, 630 new posts - sounds like people are enjoying it. what we're doing is a challenge - but genuine music fans are with us and offering to help in any way possible. we'll do our best to make it work, because the alternative - you morons, is worse than nothing. once we're fully up and running, and all of the links have been updated, it'll feel like home - for everyone. you - on the other hand, have inherited the dust. enjoy! |
Freddie Jupiter 11.04.2020 10:21 |
Everybody except Gerry, runner and Jupiter got a lobotomy. Thats why everybody is rubbing along nicely. |
Freddie Jupiter 11.04.2020 10:24 |
Besides, I'd rather have an intellectually stimulating discussion with 2 or 3 people than go to your forum and talk to a million lobotomised, intellectually dishonest idiots. |
brENsKi 11.04.2020 10:26 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote:Gerry, runner and Jupiter got a lobotomy.FIFY this forum used to be great, then the toilet of humanity: Gerry, Weckworth, Freddie Jupiter and Aristide1 showed up and shat all over the place. truth be told: you never thought we'd do this - you figured "it seems too much of an effort, they'll never set up something else" - it's worth the effort to be rid of you clowns. our new place smells fresh and harmonious, enjoy the rank odour here - it was all of your own creation, turdlings. |
Freddie Jupiter 11.04.2020 10:30 |
You mean it was great for you. You could bully people with your intellectually deficient, fallacious arguments left, right and centre, but now it's not so easy for you. So now you need a new place to carry on doing your usual bullshit. |
Star* 11.04.2020 11:55 |
Brenski For your information i am not that stupid to join your madhouse club thank you very much and shocking that it may seem to you many people hate Adam Lambert. Every little thing and you blame me and you even have the nerve to come back onto this site to troll You are the lowest of the low so get back to your shit new site and bully over there . I honestly think you have mental health issues son. |
Star* 11.04.2020 11:58 |
Brenski What on earth are you going to do when you have no one to bully on your new crap site you will end up in a padded cell lol |
*goodco* 11.04.2020 12:53 |
Freddie Juvenile wrote: Besides, I'd rather have an intellectually stimulating discussion with 2 or 3 people than go to your forum and talk to a million lobotomised, intellectually dishonest idiots.Well, as with all your posts, I can't find any intellectually stimulating comments. Just name calling. No class. No principles. It'll be interesting to check back here in a few weeks to see what the Renfields will have achieved without 'bullying and oppression' brENsKi : It's time to move on. Check in on occasion, but there is no need anymore to stir the hornets' nest. Plus, it's a waste of time and energy. I'm doing the same. This is my last comment to them. Leave the rats alone. They'll soon start feeding on themselves. Oh, and it's 'lobotomized'. Ciao. |
Star* 11.04.2020 13:28 |
Goodco Another scab frightened of Brenski - wimp. |
stevelondon20 11.04.2020 13:28 |
brENsKi wrote:Couldn't have said it better myself Martin.Freddie Jupiter wrote: With all that banning going on at Brenski's fascist forum, you guys just be careful that you don't ban each other. It would be a tad embarassing if Brenski got inadvertantly banned, I should think.idiot. only Gerry, runner_70/Freddie Jupiter and aristide1 are the only ones ever likely to be banned - everyone else rubs along nicely. amazing what two days without your poison has done... 152 new members - hurrying to get away from your 3/4 morons, 130 new threads, 630 new posts - sounds like people are enjoying it. what we're doing is a challenge - but genuine music fans are with us and offering to help in any way possible. we'll do our best to make it work, because the alternative - you morons, is worse than nothing. once we're fully up and running, and all of the links have been updated, it'll feel like home - for everyone. you - on the other hand, have inherited the dust. enjoy! |
Star* 11.04.2020 13:35 |
Brenski or Martyr Martin, we would not go any where near your festering fascist empire because we are not wimps like those that have crossed over to obey you and your arrogant regimes. In fact you only keep popping back on here to see if were having a good time and we will now all the scum has gone, lets see how you will last ? And prove it was me who supposedly logged on to your boring web site then? There is a whole world out there but you choose to blame what works for you. |
brENsKi 11.04.2020 16:32 |
Mercury. wrote:Brenski or Martyr Martin, we would not go any where near your festering fascist empire because we are not wimps like those that have crossed over to obey you and your arrogant regimes. In fact you only keep popping back on here to see if were having a good time and we will now all the scum has gone, lets see how you will last ? And prove it was me who supposedly logged on to your boring web site then? There is a whole world out there but you choose to blame what works for you.your quote is returned to shit-brown - fittingly. you are the world's biggest liar. in a world that includes Prince Andrew - that is some incredible yardstick. only reason i'm here - i've been here 16 years - YOU don;t get to boot me out, Mr Loony Tunes. here's your proof." title="source:" />" title="source:" /> |
SkyeTV 11.04.2020 17:47 |
Hahaha |
Vocal harmony 11.04.2020 18:06 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: Besides, I'd rather have an intellectually stimulating discussion with 2 or 3 people than go to your forum and talk to a million lobotomised, intellectually dishonest idiots.The only way could have an intellectually stimulating discussion is if someone had it for you. |
Vocal harmony 11.04.2020 18:10 |
Mercury. wrote: Brenski What on earth are you going to do when you have no one to bully on your new crap site you will end up in a padded cell lolOh it's you. Did you enjoy your two minutes in the grown ups forum, nice in there isn't. Anyway welcome back to your play group. Your friend Freddie Pluto or what ever he's called was crying because he couldn't find the person with the other half of his brain cell. He'll be pleased your back. |
Star* 11.04.2020 18:19 |
@Vocal Harmony: More name calling you troll that is all you do . If its so good over the new site what you doing back here then? You are another low life bully so get back in the gutter where you belong ! |
Vocal harmony 11.04.2020 18:29 |
Mercury. wrote: @Vocal Harmony: More name calling you troll that is all you do . If its so good over the new site what you doing back here then? You are another low life bully so get back in the gutter where you belong !What am I doing here? Pissing you off for fun and enjoying it. |
Star* 11.04.2020 18:31 |
I know exactly why you are here and you are not pissing me off because i wont let you child. |
Anton3283 11.04.2020 18:59 |
Mercury. wrote: Brenski For your information i am not that stupid to join your madhouse club thank you very much and shocking that it may seem to you many people hate Adam Lambert. Every little thing and you blame me and you even have the nerve to come back onto this site to troll You are the lowest of the low so get back to your shit new site and bully over there . I honestly think you have mental health issues son.Hey, listen to me very carefully You are a jerk. By what right do you dare to insult people. |
Vocal harmony 11.04.2020 22:09 |
Mercury. wrote: I know exactly why you are here and you are not pissing me off because i wont let you child.If you knew why I'm here why did you ask me why I'm here. Are you stupid or do you have a job comprehending the basic use of you native language. I'm not pissing you off? Why are you replying to me then and asking stupid questions? |
stevelondon20 12.04.2020 07:04 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Because he's an arsehole troll. Simple.Mercury. wrote: I know exactly why you are here and you are not pissing me off because i wont let you child.If you knew why I'm here why did you ask me why I'm here. Are you stupid or do you have a job comprehending the basic use of you native language. I'm not pissing you off? Why are you replying to me then and asking stupid questions? |
Star* 12.04.2020 10:04 |
Two stupid arseholes Stevelondon who wants his tongue up Adam Lambert's arse and Vocal Harmony puppet on a string to Brenski. |
GoodTimesAreNow 12.04.2020 12:31 |
Obey to rule no. 1, 2 and 3 Mercury or Freddie Jupiler gets pissed! |
stevelondon20 12.04.2020 12:33 |
Mercury. wrote: Two stupid arseholes Stevelondon who wants his tongue up Adam Lambert's arse and Vocal Harmony puppet on a string to Brenski.You are a class A wanker. Posting for a reaction. Bravo. You're a big man aren't you. Feel good does it? This is my last post here. Fucking good riddance to all of you trolls and shit stirrers. Anyone who actually want to discuss Queen, then please join our forum at |
Star* 12.04.2020 16:30 |
Stevelondon20 For a moderator like yourself on your new crap site name calling is pretty bottom of the barrel. I bet you will be back because you are like the rest hypocrites. |
Vocal harmony 12.04.2020 19:56 |
Mercury. wrote: Stevelondon20 For a moderator like yourself on your new crap site name calling is pretty bottom of the barrel. I bet you will be back because you are like the rest hypocrites.Says the person who has based almost everything they post on name calling in someway! Thing is no one gives a flying one anymore, and you've insulted so many for so long your a valid target. |
Star* 13.04.2020 08:26 |
I can look after myself mate and a pip squeak like you does not phase me so jog on to your leader balmy brenski. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 08:35 |
@vocal harmony,"your a valid target?" Shouldn't it be "You're a valid target"? See, I can correct people's spelling too. |
Star* 13.04.2020 08:44 |
Maybe it was vocal harmony that opened a new account on that crap new site pretending to be me? |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 09:20 |
Mercury. wrote: Maybe it was vocal harmony that opened a new account on that crap new site pretending to be me?Using your e-mail address and your ISP, as proven by Brenski's screenshot? You are utterly pathetic to still deny this. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 09:51 |
@Thomas Quinn, why don't you ask vocal harmony if he'd like you to work as his proofreader. Also Brenski needs one. |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 10:05 |
Ah, another non sequitur. I'm glad you found a new shtick to alternate with overusing the term "intellectual integrity" in the way of a small child that's proud of having just learned a big word. It was getting very tedious. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 10:15 |
@how can it be a non sequitur when I'm not drawing any conclusions from any premises. All I'm doing is asking a simple question. How can a question be a non sequitur WTF? |
Star* 13.04.2020 10:16 |
Thomasquinn You cant stop away can you, is it too much on the other site getting controlled by a control freak brenski? Everyone will soon be back here when they realise they have no freedom of speech otherwise they get banned. |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 10:17 |
Because the question does not in any way follow logically from the context. It really is that simple. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 10:23 |
Thomas Quinn, it doesn't have to follow from anything. I'm merely asking if you'd like to work for vocal harmony as his proofreader. That's literally all. You've made the assumption that it followed from something else, but I never made that claim. |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 11:52 |
So, you don't understand the concept "non sequitur" either. Figures. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 12:00 |
So your response is to accuse me of not understanding the concept of non sequitur, after I explained it to you? Niiiiiiiiice. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 12:12 |
in addition to Gerry we now have FJ joining for someone who hates the mafia [sic] so much, you BOTH seem very desperate to join us. people who communicate with these bozos should be aware that they've both proven their only purpose to be that of a troll New Member: silvermoon Email: g**********lies@pobr***** Posts: 1 Date Registered: Apr 10, 2020 at 9:32pm ban reason: troll post - owner is Gerry. New Member youpissmeoff Email: te****n@fr** Posts: 0 Date Registered: April 13, 2020 at 12:42pm Last Online 18 minutes ago ban reason: offensive username - owner is Freddie Jupiter |
Star* 13.04.2020 12:18 |
what the fuck is all this Brenski ? User name Freddie Jupiter more lies from you yet again You are really desperate and i cant honestly see what you are getting at? How is Freddie Jupiter an offensive name? i was not even on your site 13 mins ago so more lies and slandering my name to which i can take legal action mate |
Star* 13.04.2020 12:21 |
I would be very careful if i was you Brenski because what you are doing is close to prosecution. Keep pushing and i will contact the police and that is a promise. |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 12:44 |
Ah, so you don't know the law either. |
thomasquinn 32989 13.04.2020 12:46 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote: So your response is to accuse me of not understanding the concept of non sequitur, after I explained it to you? Niiiiiiiiice.Your egomania doesn't constitute an explanation. I recommend you consult a good dictionary or encyclopedia for the term "non sequitur". Hint: the term "non sequitur" does not *solely* refer to the formal fallacy in the branch of philosophy called logic. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 13:01 |
SaddleBrown [color=SaddleBrown] Mercury. wrote:what the fuck is all this Brenski ? User name Freddie Jupiter more lies from you yet again You are really desperate and i cant honestly see what you are getting at? How is Freddie Jupiter an offensive name? i was not even on your site 13 mins ago so more lies and slandering my name to which i can take legal action mate[/color]you need to learn to read. - nowhere have i stated anything you claim. read again - properly. are you really that simple that you can't actually read and understand English: 1. YOU were on our forum Apr 10, 2020 at 9:32pm. 2. YOUR username was silvermoon 3. Your account was banned 4. username name youpissmeoff is a second banned account - for a second individual 5. youpissmeoff account was online "18 minutes ago" 6. the account was banned and we believe the owner to be Freddie Jupiter. btw - go ahead - please DO report it to the Police. because when they come visiting and i provide them with your email address and IP address, they'll then be visiting you for "making false complaints and wasting police time". - and you really don't want that - because i may also give them copies of dates, times and quotes of every nasty, bigoted, racist, anti-trans, homophobic comment you have made. you selectively forget (again) i worked in the judicial system for 33 years - i know how it works and i know where this will end for you. if i were you Gerry, this would be an ideal time to back away from this argument. choice is all yours: try and learn from this. |
Star* 13.04.2020 13:03 |
Hey you dont frighten me and yes i will gladly contact the police and for the record you are twat who keeps coming back on here to stir things up. You are really a nasty piece of work and the sooner the police know this you will be one getting shamed in front of your family Mr. big. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 13:06 |
Mercury. wrote: Hey you dont frighten me and yes i will gladly contact the police and for the record you are twat who keeps coming back on here to stir things up. You are really a nasty piece of work and the sooner the police know this you will be one getting shamed in front of your family Mr. big.i am not "coming back" - i have an acct here. i'm free to come and go as i like. until you own this forum, you can do nothing about that. i suggest - one last time. you re-read my post, so - instead of accusing folk of doing things they haven't, try to learn how YOU completely misread my posts. |
Star* 13.04.2020 13:08 |
Do yourself a favour and fuck off you are not wanted on here. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 13:11 |
Mercury. wrote:Do yourself a favour and fuck off you are not wanted on here.says the troll who hates us so much he joined our forum? as i said, i have an acct here. i'm free to come and go as i like. i and many others were here 10 years before you. you are not able to ban me, but we can ban you from our place. anyhow, i've made my point -and in the process proven that: > you're unable to read and understand basic sentences, > you're still aggressive and foul-mouthed. i'm off (for a bit) to a place where you don't exist - Utopia by any other name. have fun |
Star* 13.04.2020 13:15 |
Brenski i would read this if i were you Publishing Personal and Private Information When you publish information about someone without permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate. Most states have laws limiting your ability to publish private facts about someone and recognizing an individual's right to stop you from using his or her name, likeness, and other personal attributes for certain exploitative purposes, such as for advertising goods or services. These laws originally sprang from a policy objective of protecting personal privacy; the aim was to safeguard individuals from embarrassing disclosures about their private lives and from uses of their identities that are hurtful or disruptive of their lives. Over time, the law developed and also recognized the importance of protecting the commercial value of a person's identity -- namely, the ability to profit from authorizing others to use one's name, photograph, or other personal attributes in a commercial setting. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 13:28 |
Mercury. wrote: Brenski i would read this if i were you Publishing Personal and Private Information When you publish information about someone without permission, you potentially expose yourself to legal liability even if your portrayal is factually accurate. Most states have laws limiting your ability to publish private facts about someone and recognizing an individual's right to stop you from using his or her name, likeness, and other personal attributes for certain exploitative purposes, such as for advertising goods or services. These laws originally sprang from a policy objective of protecting personal privacy; the aim was to safeguard individuals from embarrassing disclosures about their private lives and from uses of their identities that are hurtful or disruptive of their lives. Over time, the law developed and also recognized the importance of protecting the commercial value of a person's identity -- namely, the ability to profit from authorizing others to use one's name, photograph, or other personal attributes in a commercial setting.Mistake no1 - you've printed something from USA law. Mistake no2 - there is no personal information in my post - i suggest you check again. no full names, no addresses, phone numbers - i've even blanked out most of the email address. there is NOTHING to identify anyone in those posts. why do you insist on making yourself look so foolish? i refuse to argue with someone who cannot read. one last time Gerry. read your post about the law, and then check EXACTLY what i've posted. i was deliberately careful to ensure NOTHING was included that can individually identify a person. now, if you don't mind. there's another forum i'd rather spend some time on, right now. you don't give up, because you are unable to see how far out of your depth you are. this would be a perfect place for you to stop this now. so, stop now, please. |
Star* 13.04.2020 14:01 |
You still downloaded private details and Queenzone policy instinctively says personal information abused on this site is taken quite seriously, no matter how you blanked things out you still downloaded personal information which is forbidden. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 14:52 |
Mercury. wrote:You still downloaded private details and Queenzone policy instinctively says personal information abused on this site is taken quite seriously, no matter how you blanked things out you still downloaded personal information which is forbidden.btw - the word you're looking for is POSTED. i have not downloaded anything. you really are stupid, aren't you? there are no full names, phone numbers, addresses or email addresses - therefore THERE IS NOTHING PERSONAL DISCLOSED what i have posted - and (again) i'll point this out to you - represents nothing more than a bunch of random alpha/numeric characters. there is NOTHING there that could be used to identify anyone. i work in a Company that is GPDR compliant - i know exactly how personal data law works. if i had done what you claim, i'm sure your friends runner and Jupiter would be backing you up here. they're not, are they? - because they are actually intelligent enough to know you are COMPLETELY IN THE WRONG. they've left you fighting alone, because they know you can't win. i'm out, and not discussing this with you further. if you don't drop this now i will email every single hate comment you have ever posted on this forum. - to the forum owner Richard. He will then be duty bound to report you for hate crimes. i'm genuinely giving you one final chance to drop this. . |
Vocal harmony 13.04.2020 14:53 |
Mercury. wrote: I can look after myself mate. . . . .Most people who feel the need to use that line can't even look after a hamster. |
Star* 13.04.2020 15:06 |
Brenski You are the one posting snarky remarks on here all day not me, so stop playing the victim card. You always get out of the shit by playing that trick. Leave me alone i am tired of all your trolling on here and if you have got a web site to go to then go... Dont wanna speak to you again got it? Get on with your life and move on. |
brENsKi 13.04.2020 15:37 |
SaddleBrownour forum requires unique email address and IP address for registrations, therefore your comments that VH and myself are the same person are proven to be idiotic and inaccurate. [color=SaddleBrown] Mercury. wrote: Brenski You are the one posting snarky remarks on here all day not me, so stop playing the victim card. You always get out of the shit by playing that trick.[/color]i haven't made snarky comments - i completely debunked your claims about me - as always. where have i played the victim? idiotic comment. [color=SaddleBrown] Mercury. wrote: Leave me alone i am tired of all your trolling on here and if you have got a web site to go to then go... Dont wanna speak to you again got it? Get on with your life and move on.[/color]i will stop replying to you when you stop making baseless moronic statements in reply to me. i will stop replying to you when you stop making false accusations about me. i will stop replying to you when YOU stop replying to me. you say you don't want to speak to me anymore - well you know how to achieve that - don't mention my name...and i have nothing to talk to you about. your choice. try and resist the urge to reply - you said you don't want to speak with me - prove it. |
*goodco* 13.04.2020 19:07 |
THEY will never stop replying, unless there is no reply to reply to. Isn't all the years of this dribble proof enough? To all of you: ........give it a rest and frickin' move on !!!!!! Most of you are better than this. And with the new website, there's no need for it. |
Star* 13.04.2020 19:36 |
Goodco Thank you at last someone with common sense, |
The Real Wizard 13.04.2020 20:02 |
*goodco* wrote: THEY will never stop replying, unless there is no reply to reply to. Isn't all the years of this dribble proof enough? To all of you: ........give it a rest and frickin' move on !!!!!!It's like watching a train wreck, seeing someone so stupid that they don't even know what an IP address is and what the implications are when it becomes known. You want to look away, but it's just too goddamned entertaining. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 22:03 |
Brenski, I wouldn't touch your fascist, prison of a forum with a 1000000 foot pole -- it's not even worthy of trolling. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.04.2020 22:10 |
@goodco, isn't it ironic that the very people who accuse others of trolling are now trolling this site? We were having a pleasant relaxed discussion in the "Watch this Lamebird" thread until they got bored on Brenski's fascist site and came here in droves. It's pretty clear that they thrive on name calling, shit stirring and trying to win arguments by making intellectually dishonest arguments. Obviously they can't do any of that on Brenski's fascist forum because they fear that the mighty Brenski will ban them, so they come here instead like the hypocrites that they are. I've said it before and ill say it again: going to Brenski's site will end up biting them on the ass, as choosing fascism instead o freedom always does. |
*goodco* 13.04.2020 23:40 |
I am going to keep viewing this train wreck. I will not be participating. It is way too denigrating at this point in time. I would really like to see what happens when left to their own devices, without the pot being constantly stirred. We're better than that. Let's practice what we preach, and take the high road while their images get smaller and smaller in our rear view mirrors. |
Freddie Jupiter 14.04.2020 00:03 |
The Brenski mafia are now trying to destroy this forum and force everyone to head over to Brenski's fascist forum and worship the mighty, illiterate Brenski. However, when they have the need to speak freely, they will still come here, to avoid a ban from the mighty Brenski. Hypocrites. |
brENsKi 14.04.2020 09:14 |
Freddie Jupiter wrote:The Brenski mafia are now trying to destroy this forum and force everyone to head over to Brenski's fascist forum and worship the mighty, illiterate mafia. just a vehicle for change. you still have no idea sense of irony. this place was destroyed by you and your cohorts. you speak so badly about a place - yet You and Gerry actually tried to join (as proven previously). how did that instant ban work out for you? only people to have been banned: Gerry and Freddie Jupiter. so, if people want a place they can go to - that's free of these two creatures then they will be very welcome at: |