@The Fairy King, I'm sorry. The first option sounds so very implausble. Perhaps I should have said: "in a once-in-a lifetime fit of divine inspiration lambert singlehandedly writes a number 1 hit for queen".
Once again, please accept my sincere apologies for making it kind of airy fairy.
Actually, it still sounds pretty implausble. Perhaps it should be"in a once-in-a-lifetime fit of divine inspiration lambert singlehandedly writes a top ten hit for queen".
Yes i would respect the talent-less drip if he done the decent thing and let Queen get there respect back.
Nice to know on the poll everyone is voting for the twat to leave - nice one !
no you would not. you couldn't even be truthful about something as basic as that.
btw - almost a new error-ridden record for you: two sentences.
SaddleBrown = did
SaddleBrown = their
also at least five grammar and punctuation errors