PAPA EMERITUS VI 31.03.2020 23:23 |
This is my 100th post on this forum. There you go... |
mr mason 31.03.2020 23:48 |
Dickhead. |
stevelondon20 01.04.2020 07:22 |
PAPA EMERITUS VI wrote: This is my 100th post on this forum. There you go...Oh dear. |
Deaky. 01.04.2020 12:07 |
100 post that is utter crap just like you. Learn to string a sentence together dude. |
brENsKi 01.04.2020 14:47 |
[color=SaddleBrown] You&I wrote: 100 post that is utter crap just like you. Learn to string a sentence together dude.[/color]did you look at the transparent qualities of your own surroundings, prior to lobbing that particularly ironic/moronic stone? |
Deaky. 01.04.2020 15:25 |
You should look in the Mirror Brenski because you have problems matey. |
PAPA EMERITUS VI 01.04.2020 16:47 |
You&I...canyou speak swedish? No? Then shut the fuck up about my english and go learning a foreign language first you fuckin cocksucker |
brENsKi 01.04.2020 17:02 |" title="source:" /> |
Deaky. 01.04.2020 18:07 |
@Papa Emeritus vi "Said the man who puts shit threads on Queenzone, and you can shut your gob as well Brenski the wanker of Queenzone. Two idiots of Queenzone who should be in the gutter where they belong. |
Deaky. 01.04.2020 18:09 |
Brenski Those two hands above should be slapping over your thick head you dildo. |
andres_clip 02.04.2020 03:15 |
Papa är du svensk? |
thomasquinn 32989 02.04.2020 11:41 |
You&I wrote: @Papa Emeritus vi "Said the man who puts shit threads on Queenzone, and you can shut your gob as well Brenski the wanker of Queenzone. Two idiots of Queenzone who should be in the gutter where they belong.Really? You think YOU'RE in a position to call out someone, anyone, for posting "shit threads", with YOUR track record for posting crap? |
Deaky. 02.04.2020 12:08 |
At least i have had some great topics on my threads as you cannot even string a sentence together moron. |
thomasquinn 32989 02.04.2020 12:21 |
You&I wrote: At least i have had some great topics on my threads as you cannot even string a sentence together moron.I'm a Dutchman. You're an Englishman. And still, I can *easily* run circles around you when it comes to constructing a correct English sentence. You just wrote 20 words, a tiny post, and you still managed to cram a number of mistakes in there: - 'I' should be capitalized - Aside from the rather weird semantics going on, you can't have "great topics" ON "threads". It's "in my threads". - The use of the conjunction "as" is incorrect, since the part after that word is not something that follows from the part before it - in fact, those two parts don't seem to be logically connected at all. - Interpunction. Ignoring for a moment that, based on the last point I made, your post should've been divided into two sentences, we should still have a comma before "as" and a comma before "moron". FIVE language errors in twenty words. And in your native tongue, no less. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? |
Deaky. 02.04.2020 13:10 |
Who gives a damn about spelling mistakes you should grow up and stop playing teacher. So your Dutch well go get in the fields and pic some tulips with Bakker ! |
brENsKi 02.04.2020 15:50 |
thomasquinn 32989 wrote:FIVE language errors in twenty words. And in your native tongue, no less. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?you're being grossly unfair. his native tongue is Moronican. |
Deaky. 02.04.2020 15:59 |
At least i am not Irish ha ha ha British and proud of it ! |
stevelondon20 02.04.2020 16:38 |
Avatar wrote: At least i am not Irish ha ha ha British and proud of it !Why do you feel the need to be racist? There is no place for racism here. |
Deaky. 02.04.2020 16:43 |
Who said i am a racist show me the proof? |
brENsKi 02.04.2020 17:00 |
SaddleBrown blueblue purplepurple greengreen orangeorange brownbrown redred brENsKi wrote:Gerry, are you being paid by the BNP to be a racist pig?...or is racist pig your natural disposition?tealteal DodgerBlueDodgerBlue oliveolive maroonmaroon darkgreendarkgreen OrangeRedOrangeRed LimeGreenLimeGreen LimeGreenLimeGreen BrownBrown BlueBlue darkgreen[color=darkgreen]Brenski Come and say that to my face you Irish moron and i will personally knock you into the next Irish bank holiday you cunt. You are quite happy to sit on your keypad typing but i bet your a shit wipe in real life[/color] LimeGreenLimeGreen oliveolive BlueBlue LimeGreenLimeGreen OrangeRedOrangeRed SaddleBrown orangeorange |
Deaky. 02.04.2020 17:04 |
What is your point then ? You are not in court your on Queenzone so grow up child. |
stevelondon20 02.04.2020 22:23 |
brENsKi wrote:SaddleBrownbluebluepurplepurplegreengreenorangeorangebrownbrownredredbrENsKi wrote:Gerry, are you being paid by the BNP to be a racist pig?...or is racist pig your natural disposition?tealteal DodgerBlueDodgerBlue oliveolive maroonmaroon darkgreendarkgreen OrangeRedOrangeRed LimeGreenLimeGreen LimeGreenLimeGreen BrownBrown BlueBlue darkgreen[color=darkgreen]Brenski Come and say that to my face you Irish moron and i will personally knock you into the next Irish bank holiday you cunt. You are quite happy to sit on your keypad typing but i bet your a shit wipe in real life[/color] LimeGreenLimeGreen oliveolive BlueBlue LimeGreenLimeGreen OrangeRedOrangeRed SaddleBrown orangeorangeI think that covers it. Cheers Brenski. Clearly racism. |
The Real Wizard 03.04.2020 07:45 |
brENsKi wrote:SaddleBrownbluebluepurplepurplegreengreenorangeorangebrownbrownredredbrENsKi wrote:Gerry, are you being paid by the BNP to be a racist pig?...or is racist pig your natural disposition?tealtealDodgerBlueDodgerBlueoliveolivemaroonmaroondarkgreendarkgreenOrangeRedOrangeRedLimeGreenLimeGreenLimeGreenLimeGreenBrownBrownBlueBluedarkgreen[color=darkgreen]Brenski Come and say that to my face you Irish moron and i will personally knock you into the next Irish bank holiday you cunt. You are quite happy to sit on your keypad typing but i bet your a shit wipe in real life[/color]LimeGreenLimeGreenoliveoliveBlueBlueLimeGreenLimeGreenOrangeRedOrangeRedSaddleBrownorangeorange Avatar wrote: So your Dutch well go get in the fields and pic some tulips with Bakker !Add this latest gem to the bunch. Turgid grammar notwithstanding. |
thomasquinn 32989 03.04.2020 07:54 |
And now it seems he has a buddy in the equally crazy "Freddie Jupiter". You should check out his latest rant in the Live Aid Multitracks thread. There's some serious crazy on QZ of late. |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 08:48 |
Everyone is not putting up with bullies like Brenski and he has been bullying on this web site for at least 6 years. He has met his match with me because i will stand up to him and not let him get away with his disgusting arrogant attitudes. The coward sits behind his comp every day but he would not face me man to man = wimp. |
brENsKi 03.04.2020 09:05 |
[color=SaddleBrown] You&I wrote: Everyone is not putting up with bullies like Brenski and he has been bullying on this web site for at least 6 years. He has met his match with me because i will stand up to him and not let him get away with his disgusting arrogant attitudes. The coward sits behind his comp every day but he would not face me man to man = wimp [/color]only ONE bully here - you. and a racist, homophobic, bigoted one - at that. nobody is bullying you, people are trying to address your behaviour. stop and think for a minute - only Freddie Jupiter (who could well be runner_70) is backing your position. And yet, you still fail to grasp that your "isms" have no place in modern society. as i said (i think) you're little more than a psychotic, schizophrenic, sociopath, with sub-50 IQ rating. this (on the Levine and Marks Classification) does actually classify you an imbecile (25–49 Imbeciles). blueblue purplepurple greengreen orangeorange brownbrown redred brENsKi wrote:Gerry, are you being paid by the BNP to be a racist pig?...or is racist pig your natural disposition?tealteal DodgerBlueDodgerBlue oliveolive maroonmaroon darkgreendarkgreen OrangeRedOrangeRed LimeGreenLimeGreen LimeGreenLimeGreen BrownBrown BlueBlue darkgreen[color=darkgreen]Brenski Come and say that to my face you Irish moron and i will personally knock you into the next Irish bank holiday you cunt. You are quite happy to sit on your keypad typing but i bet your a shit wipe in real life[/color] LimeGreenLimeGreen oliveolive BlueBlue LimeGreenLimeGreen OrangeRedOrangeRed SaddleBrown orangeorange tealteal DodgerBlueDodgerBlue |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 09:20 |
We all know Brenski makes up all those quotes with my user name tagged to them so grow up idiot or get back to school. |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 09:22 |
I have no sympathy towards liars like Brenski he is Queenzone mafia or maybe a friend of Sinn Fein ! |
thomasquinn 32989 03.04.2020 13:06 |
We've all seen those quotes and you know very well that you wrote them. To try and make it out that they're inventions is pathetically low, even by your already disgraceful standards. I will ask you again - have you no shame, have you no self-respect? |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 13:27 |
Sadly you do not even know what Brenski is capable of. Sorry but you are misled. |
thomasquinn 32989 03.04.2020 13:31 |
I have seen many of those posts with my own eyes. Even better, many of them have been preserved - the Internet Archive's WayBackMachine - so they're still available for all to verify that yes, you wrote them. Not only does your gaslighting not work, it just makes you look worse. Which, I must say, is quite a feat. |
brENsKi 03.04.2020 14:12 |
SaddleBrownwhat utter rubbish. you think people here are stupid enough to swallow your sh*t? i've quoted your racist/abusive posts for three months now. and your usual response is usually along the lines of saying your reply was accruate/deserved. you've never once called them out as lies or "made up" - until now. SaddleBrownno i haven't. more Gerry lies. I have not been here between 2016 and November 2019. so that proves you wrong again. go on search - find a post from me in from that time - where i replied to can't moron. there weren't any. SaddleBrowndon't flatter yourself. this is just the shallows and you're still flailing around like your drowning. time to back away Gerry. your ban is imminent. |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 15:03 |
Time you shut your filthy mouth up or just stay away from me or else..... |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 15:14 |
Thomasquinn you need to keep your beak out of my business and shut up. |
Vocal harmony 03.04.2020 15:17 |
Avatar wrote: Time you shut your filthy mouth up or just stay away from me or else.....Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha a ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha You going to get your "four mates" together again? Is the entire forum membership going quack in our collective boots Lock your doors people, especially BrENsKi, Gerrys going to come around and insult you. . . . Oh wait of course he isn't it would mean leaving the protection of his keyboard and mental health team! |
Deaky. 03.04.2020 15:24 |
You should be ashamed of yourself making fun of people who are mentally ill you are a fucking disgrace. A lot of people who are genuinely mentally ill get abuse from people like you all the time and you are another cyber bully as your post above proves. Mental health is all you can think off to attack people fuck off and get some manners you low life. |
PAPA EMERITUS VI 03.04.2020 18:22 |