I listened to his latest bit of riffing here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uf7BWTGK70
and while it wasn't terrible I can't listen to any more that about 2 minutes of that kind of guitar noodling before getting bored. A more interesting soloist like Jeff Beck can hold my attention longer but not Brian these days. Pains me to say it. Sorry Brian :(
i would like it if it included a full band including a reknowned bassist and Spike ... Something like 1979-1981 Brighton Rock live with a shorter guitar solo.
There is something rather pure and strangely elegant about Queen performing the songs as instrumentals without crapbert tainting the whole thing, isn't there?
Many Queen fans continue to take the piss with this poll just to be spiteful.
Still at least i saw Queen live with Freddie and i saw the band when they were on fire all those years ago.
Today they continue but they are no where near brilliant as they were.
millionaire_waltz wrote:
Many Queen fans continue to take the piss with this poll just to be spiteful.
Still at least i saw Queen live with Freddie and i saw the band when they were on fire all those years ago.
Today they continue but they are no where near brilliant as they were.
Sorry I might be being dumb here but how can you take the piss with a poll you can only vote once on?
@e-man I agree it would great to keep it strictly Queen with out waves & strays mucking the vocals up with Lambert.
Keep it original to Freddie's original line up.