If I ask myself what makes Britain truly Great ? What is Britain truly renowned for, it is always only for it's literary genius and its great poets, and the richness of its literary estate, and perhaps to a lesser extent for its progress in science as well ,never its monarchy, although the royalty has been known to be patrons of the arts and the sciences, and known to support worthy environmental causes and such, but it is certainly not appreciated and remembered for it's Lord Mountbatten's and General Dyre's (No dictionary or word processor recognizes proper nouns, other than very few and very select, known more for their notoriety and ignominy, like Hitler or Mussolini and the likes, maybe few for their positive contribution to society). That is one sure way to attain immortality. But Britain or perhaps different European countries as a whole was the nursing ground and the hotbed and what sparked the industrial revolution so where does it leave the world but in a moral crisis or a crisis of conscience, as a result of which we have a psychological and an ecological and an environmental crisis, and an administrative and a health crisis, since science is driven by energy which it must draw from its environment . The scientists say there is no perpetual motion m/c, but does not the gospel say that, if one uses ones resources, emotional, mental and physical creatively for the good of others and for helping others, one gains in ones energy and if one uses them destructively for the harm of others, one loses in ones energy. Every scientific law has a moral basis or a moral foundation, at least some of the few like, "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction". So is science really the devil ? It could be in one sense I suppose, because people would rather do the wrong and the immoral thing, which is in violation of god's moral law, and expect science to come up with miracle cures and magic potions, so that they can continue to indulge in their wrong and immoral activities; sort of remove god out of the equation and eliminate god altogether and let science solve the problem, or at least find a temporary make shift solution to seemingly fix the problem for the time being, sort of like forever finding a sacrificial lamb whose blood could cover their sins for a while. The god that I would like to believe in, is not one who makes beings and things that are less than him, but one who at the very least makes them his equal, if not also a mite better than him. One way to be a good musician is to practice and to play music and become a good musician, and another way would be to take a magical pill or a magic potion or chant some mantra or pray to some GOD to be miraculously changed and transformed into a good musician, which in the christian circles is called a transference of an anointing or a transference of power, not different from the transference of power in other religions. In Hinduism, as is read in the Gospel of Ramakrishna, there is a transference of power from the Master to the Disciple, which I feel is always illegitimate and cheap, worthy of one who is a false GOD perhaps, never worthy of one who is truly good. Which is happening in the arena of sports, and science and every other field of human endeavor. But then the true glory or more appropriately the true credit for any such achievement by any such individual would never be to him or even to the god who truly created him I feel.
wt-holy-fuck is this crap? ^
the "Great" in Britain refers to the largest of the British Isles.
as for the Good/God part of your message...what space-dust have you been inhaling?
"A paragraph is a series of related sentences developing a central idea, called the topic. Try to think about paragraphs in terms of thematic unity: a paragraph is a sentence or a group of sentences that supports one central, unified idea. Paragraphs add one idea at a time to your broader argument."
Largest of the British Isle's. Which would it be, England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales ? As far as space-dust is concerned thankfully not the one between your ears. Suggest you read my seemingly incoherent string of ideas, line of thought, chew on it, digest it, reflect on the point it is trying to make and then remark on its validity, instead of simply rejecting it and blurting out the first thing that comes to your head. If you happen to be blind, that does not mean there is no such thing as light. But then if you happen to be sighted, neither does it mean there is no darkness. Whereas the one with sight can always recognize darkness the one without sight, cannot see the light. Stimulating discussion but there is only one way to lead, from the front and by setting a good example. Leaders are few, followers are many, but opposition are the most. This would mean, in a democratic set-up, since we know what popular taste and popular opinion gravitates towards, the ruling majority would always be the opposition.
sundar wrote:
Suggest you read my seemingly incoherent string of ideas, line of thought, chew on it, digest it, reflect on the point it is trying to make and then remark on its validity, instead of simply rejecting it and blurting out the first thing that comes to your head.
An interesting post, with lots of differing threads running through it. I’m not sure exactly where you are going with the thought...are you saying that musical talent, art, or any skill can be granted by God if you pray for it? (In your Christian example). I can agree with that, God could grant that through prayer or otherwise, but it is not very likely to actually happen. Talent, whether musical or otherwise is typically born in the person, and practice/work will hone it.
Using science and development of new ideas is practical...for example you can get an illness like cancer, and there have been cases where it has miraculously disappeared when there was prayer and reliance on God. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that God wants us to abandon science and common sense, and not treat illnesses. So science and advances have their place, all within a central basis of trust in God.
I probably completely missed what you were implying in your post, but I gave it my best shot....let me know if I am anywhere near the mark! : )
sundar wrote:Largest of the British Isle's. Which would it be, England, Scotland, Ireland or Wales ?
England, Wales and Scotland are NOT separate islands, you fool.
you need to check Geography. Great Britain (as in largest) - a land mass that includes mainland England, Wales and Scotland - is the name given to the largest of the British Isles.
Which is exactly why the UK's correct title is:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland.
My comment on the space-dust stands...you clearly have no idea as to what constitutes an island. i accept your gracious withdrawal of your comment about the space between my ears.
Sundar - I think you should travel to northern Italy and help the desperate people there.
Because of your strong faith and belief in your god, you are effectively immune to the coronavirus, because your god will never forsake you.
By working in service to the lord by helping the desperate people of northern Italy, your god will declare you a saint, and you will receive a harem of virgins.