mrjangoon2020 11.03.2020 09:22 |
I think its their true masterpiece, not that Bohemian Rhapsody is bad or anything but I think it is far better than Bohemian Rhapsody when it comes to quality and the vocal harmonies are far stronger. But I acknowledge that Bohemian Rhapsody has a lot more heart and soul in it. |
The Fairy King 11.03.2020 09:50 |
Agreed and welcome! |
Freddie Jupiter 11.03.2020 10:43 |
Bohemian rhapsody has a much better flow to it. March tends to be very start and stop and the middle part is a bit slow. The first part and the ending absolutely rock though. In my opinion BR sounds more polished but I think March is more interesting. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Freddus was on another level in the mid 70s. |
JAZZ 1978 11.03.2020 12:48 |
It goes to show what happens when a band like Queen goes into a studio with more time to spend recording. Their first album was recorded on "down time" and Queen II allowed them to really explore the studio. There's so much information on that track with the vocal harmonies, tubular bells etc. The whole album is fantastic but this one track is a standout! |
matt z 11.03.2020 13:39 |
It's a good introduction to Funny How Love Is. If it weren't for that, I'd skip it. |
Cello0 11.03.2020 14:25 |
Queen at their best. They sound fresh, energetic and really having fun with the studio opportunities. Freddie never sounded better either. It seems to be a fan favorite too, usually being in the Top 5 songs by "serious" fans, not the casual bandwaggoning ones. It's too disjointed and long for it to be anything other than an album track though.. |
MyHumanZoo 11.03.2020 16:16 |
One of their best ever.....creative, varied, over-the-top, intriguing....I could go on and on! |
brENsKi 11.03.2020 16:38 |
MyHumanZoo wrote: One of their best ever.....creative, varied, over-the-top, intriguing....I could go on and on!i think four fifths of Side Black: FFMS/Nevermore/March.../Funny How Love Is/SSOR - as a pseudo-medley (they all kind of segue nicely) stands up against the two great medleys on Abbey Road. (Freddie and RTB's Paul/George Martin moment.) "March" is epic...but spliced between those other songs, the flow works so well - making it sound like it's the only place it belongs. just remember how "strange" it sounded on "Deep Cuts" |
stevelondon20 11.03.2020 17:13 |
matt z wrote: It's a good introduction to Funny How Love Is. If it weren't for that, I'd skip it.I agree mate. |
brENsKi 11.03.2020 17:47 |
stevelondon20 wrote:so that's 2 against MoTBQ ?matt z wrote: It's a good introduction to Funny How Love Is. If it weren't for that, I'd skip it.I agree mate. . funny that you mention FHLI - i like it a lot. would not have been out of place on the Lurex single - as an E.P. |
Russian Headlong 2 11.03.2020 18:02 |
Agree. Superior to Bo Rhap in everyway. Many casual Queen fans won't even know the track it but then again Queen 2 is their best album in my opinion. No hits (SSOR except), It rocks hard. No pop crap on it like Hot Space onwards. Every time I hear this album on headphones I hear something new. A Master piece. |
mike hunt 11.03.2020 18:30 |
Excellent song and one of my favorites along with the rest of side black, but better than BO Rhap? Nope...Bo Rhap is one of those songs that people love At any age.. You could be 8 or 80. Black Queen is loved by a select group. |
Jimmy Dean 11.03.2020 18:39 |
i disgree. i like March a lot more than BohRhap. But in my opinion, BohRhap is substantially better than March. In other words, I acknowledge that I may like a song more than i give it credit. I would take it a step further and say the quality and vocal harmonies is substantially greater in BohRhap. March was a first take, BohRhap was studio perfection as if their lives depended on it. As popular as BohRhap is, you can't shit on it by saying March is better. March IS Queen's most underrated track. But there are so many other songs out there that, in my opinion are inferior to BohRhap, that i may like more than BohRhap. I point to Yes as a good example. They have an abundant catalog of complicated compositions many of which can be argued to be high in quality and in vocal harmony - on a given day I may say that i like Heart of the Sunrise and And You and I more than i like BohRhap - but never in a million years would i argue that they are better musical pieces than BohRhap. My point is BohRhap is a masterpiece - March is a great album track. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder so we are all entitled to our opinion, really. |
Jimmy Dean 11.03.2020 18:41 |
mike hunt wrote: Excellent song and one of my favorites along with the rest of side black, but better than BO Rhap? Nope...Bo Rhap is one of those songs that people love At any age.. You could be 8 or 80. Black Queen is loved by a select group.well put mr. hunt - if i read that, i wouldn't have posted mine! that's exactly what in wanted to say. |
Jimmy Dean 11.03.2020 19:00 |
brENsKi wrote:i'm quite sure they were being sarcastic.stevelondon20 wrote:so that's 2 against MoTBQ ? . funny that you mention FHLI - i like it a lot. would not have been out of place on the Lurex single - as an E.P.matt z wrote: It's a good introduction to Funny How Love Is. If it weren't for that, I'd skip it.I agree mate. |
AlbaNo1 11.03.2020 20:08 |
One is definitely sarcastic , not sure on the other. Definitely a masterpiece track on a masterpiece album. I need to be in the mood for it though and give it full attention , it’s not casual Queen listening. |
Nathan H 11.03.2020 21:25 |
The March Of The Black Queen is an experimental record, thank god they did it because it helped made Bohemian Rhapsody the huge song it is. Queen II is an old record, Funny How Love Is in terms of sound quality is one of the worst sounding Queen songs (not musically or lyrically but it's production). Even SHA which was recorded just a year later sounds years fresher, I just wish Queen II did too because that's what in my opinion holds it back from more recognition. |
Holly2003 11.03.2020 21:30 |
Young Music Fan wrote: Queen II is an old record, Funny How Love Is in terms of sound quality is one of the worst sounding Queen songs (not musically or lyrically but it's production). Even SHA which was recorded just a year later sounds years fresher, I just wish Queen II did too because that's what in my opinion holds it back from more recognition.There must be something wrong with my ears then because to me Queen II sounds as fresh and clear as the day it was recorded. |
AlbaNo1 11.03.2020 21:54 |
Very fresh. Right from the first notes of Procession. Those comments would make more sense about the first album . |
brENsKi 11.03.2020 22:21 |
AlbaNo1 wrote:One is definitely sarcastic , not sure on the other. Definitely a masterpiece track on a masterpiece album. I need to be in the mood for it though and give it full attention , it’s not casual Queen the Abbey Road medleys i mentioned earlier - i prefer to listen to as part of the bulk of Side Black |
MyHumanZoo 12.03.2020 01:56 |
Agreed Brenski...the flow on side black (and on side white as well, for that matter) is just perfection. Those songs were made to go together and are unmatched, in my opinion. |
Nathan H 12.03.2020 07:03 |
The first time I listened to it was 2011 so I'm used to more modern stuff. It's a great record but it just sounds a bit tired compared to other Queen albums, it needs freshing up. |
dastard 12.03.2020 08:08 |
Young Music Fan wrote: Queen II is an old record, Funny How Love Is in terms of sound quality is one of the worst sounding Queen songs (not musically or lyrically but it's production). Even SHA which was recorded just a year later sounds years fresher, I just wish Queen II did too because that's what in my opinion holds it back from more recognition.Funny How Love was an 'Wall Of Sound' experiment, if you are not into that kind of production then I can understand you don't like it, for me it is one of my favorite tracks. |
stevelondon20 12.03.2020 08:42 |
dastard wrote:Well said mate. Love the wall of sound effect.Young Music Fan wrote: Queen II is an old record, Funny How Love Is in terms of sound quality is one of the worst sounding Queen songs (not musically or lyrically but it's production). Even SHA which was recorded just a year later sounds years fresher, I just wish Queen II did too because that's what in my opinion holds it back from more recognition.Funny How Love was an 'Wall Of Sound' experiment, if you are not into that kind of production then I can understand you don't like it, for me it is one of my favorite tracks. |
brENsKi 12.03.2020 09:17 |
dastard wrote:Funny How Love was an 'Wall Of Sound' experiment, if you are not into that kind of production then I can understand you don't like it, for me it is one of my favorite tracks.definitely, which is why i said it sits nicely with the Lurex tracks. i think, perhaps the Lurex recording inspired Freddie to try write his own "spector" treatment with RT Baker. |
PAPA EMERITUS VI 12.03.2020 15:00 |
The song is way too simplistic for me. It could have more different segments. |
August R. 12.03.2020 16:24 |
August R. 12.03.2020 16:31 |
Wasn't FHLI produced by the late Robin Cable, who loved the wall of sound approach? |
brENsKi 12.03.2020 16:32 |
August R. wrote:Wasn't FHLI produced by the late Robin Cable, who loved the wall of sound approach?excellent point. as he produced the Lurex single. |
mike hunt 12.03.2020 17:23 |
Funny how love Is fine, It fits the flow of the album. Loser In The End doesn't. The only song I don't like. |
stevelondon20 12.03.2020 18:20 |
mike hunt wrote: Funny how love Is fine, It fits the flow of the album. Loser In The End doesn't. The only song I don't like.Not a big fan of LITE either. |
PAPA EMERITUS VI 12.03.2020 18:31 |
I think they should've put Hammer back chat on the album instead of Funny How Love Is. #missedopportunity |
PAPA EMERITUS VI 12.03.2020 18:32 |
Or Delilah….would've been great if they had that song about John's cat on the album. |
stevelondon20 12.03.2020 20:53 |
Haha. Trolling again. |
people on streets 12.03.2020 23:26 |
MOTBQ is my favourite Queen song. Queen II is my favourite Queen LP |
MyHumanZoo 13.03.2020 02:16 |
I love Loser in the End...perfect change-up needed at that point, yet still fits. |
Freddie Jupiter 13.03.2020 02:48 |
Love the vocals on funny how love is. Honestly I don't understand why this song gets so much hate. |
Jimmy Dean 13.03.2020 04:53 |
stevelondon20 wrote:same. i especially hate the door slam sound effect after "and all she gets is good bye ma"... why?! why ruin an already weak song!mike hunt wrote: Funny how love Is fine, It fits the flow of the album. Loser In The End doesn't. The only song I don't like.Not a big fan of LITE either. |
Nathan H 13.03.2020 07:06 |
Jimmy Dean wrote:I agree. There are weaker songs on the album like there is on every album but the rest work really well when you listen in entirety.stevelondon20 wrote:same. i especially hate the door slam sound effect after "and all she gets is good bye ma"... why?! why ruin an already weak song!mike hunt wrote: Funny how love Is fine, It fits the flow of the album. Loser In The End doesn't. The only song I don't like.Not a big fan of LITE either. |
k-m 13.03.2020 17:50 |
I will be in the minority. I think March is very overrated. It is quite complex, there is a lot of harmonies, it is different, but for me, the melody is not very strong, it doesn't have any outstanding instrumental sections and although it starts well, it gets quite cacophonic towards the end. It's a far cry from Bohemian Rhapsody (no matter how overplayed it is). I love the Queen II album though and March works much better in the context of the album than on its own. |