I've just been going through an old photo album and found that I have another six photos i took at MK.
admittedly, the two i previously uploaded weren't great - they were taken on an old 110 instamatic camera. but at least they are part of a record of "the day" itself.
i suppose this is mainly for Bob - and anyone else interested.
if anyone wants them, i'll get them into PShop and see if i can improve them a little.
well, i've found the photos - as I said, all from Kodac Pocket Instamatic 110
these cartridge cassette cameras, were perfect for smuggling into concerts, but terrible for taking pictures: with a fixed 1/60th shutter speed and f/11 aperture there was precious little light gathering. the fixed focus didn't help much either.
- so photo quality wasn't great to begin with.
some have aged quite badly - as below. but i'll see if there's a rescue possible https://i.imgur.com/NMT2CXi.jpg" title="source: imgur.com" />
Penetration_Guru wrote:
Do you have the negatives?
i've gone though all my old photo envelopes - you know the things that used to come back from the developers? - nothing.
i doubt he can do much with these - as i said the f/11 / 1/60th (combined with the fixed focus) on those old kodak pocket instamatics was its own saboteur...just a bit of movement between you and the target and the focus shifted.
if Chief Mouse PMs me, i'll happily send them on to him.
HelloDelilah wrote:@brENsKi, how fortunate you are to have been able to see them in concert back then. And be so close to the stage too!!
it's a shame my pics were so crap. gigs back then, banned cameras of any kind, so i risked the Instamatic 110 - a crappy little cartridge cassette thing - thinking it wouldn't be a huge loss if it were confiscated.
FWIR there was little or no proper searching - save for huge piles of confiscated bottles and cans of beer etc.