could some kind soul post links for Richfield 77, the speed corrected version of Boston 77, Seattle 77, and the audience source for Earl's Court please? It'd be very much appreciated
I have Boston "Nordico remaster" and Boston "audio definitive version" in FLAC and I've just downloaded a fresh new Marlamir Earl's court FLAC remaster.
The following are only MP3s that I got years ago from a weird russian torrent:
Richfield ("A day at the Coliseum")
Boston ("Breathtaking beauty")
Seattle ("In the lap of the Queen", "Duck soup", "A day at Seattle")
Earl's Court ("A night at the court", "A day at the court - Audience recording" and only 3-4 tracks from the next day show, "Carnival at the court").
Will any of those be helpful?
Richfield is a decent enough copy, but still not great.
Boston is the Nordico remaster with my fixed version of Liar.
Seattle is Pittrek's EQ'd version of the master.
Earls Court is from the master, but still not great. Sounds like it was recorded from someone's pocket.
Links last for a week.
Enjoy !