Katydyd5 23.02.2020 00:29 |
Hi, I am hoping to have those who have developed friendships on Thor's threads migrate here to continue chatting about Freddie and life in general. This will free up Thor's threads for updates that are easy to find. Although he does update on his GFM page, that site doesn't allow for supportive responses. By moving here we can continue to grow our friendships while allowing Thor to use his thread for the original intention. |
Katydyd5 23.02.2020 00:35 |
Ok, I'll start by telling Jo T that I think her idea for photos of Thor's book in its new home on our coffee tables is great! Once my son finally hangs all of my Freddie canvases that I got for Christmas, I'll share a pic of that. I've been wanting to share that with you all. Finally, my old desktop died and I had to get a new computer. It has been a remarkably easy adjustment, but unfortunately I lost ALL of my Freddie files and folders. The Geek Squad transferred everything except those files. Yikes!! I'm working on rebuilding them but I would love if you guys would continue to share the Freddie videos and interviews that you find. It will help me rebuild my files. One thing I am looking for is a video I shared with you all showing Freddie running off stage and into the doll house at the end of a song. There is a quick snippet showing people helping him into the robe and crown before he exists back onto the stage. Did anyone happen to save that? I have no idea what the song was so I am unable to find it on YouTube. |
Thereuhaveit 23.02.2020 02:23 |
Nice new place you've got here, Katy. Lots of room to grow. :) |
Katydyd5 23.02.2020 02:35 |
I'm so glad you dropped in TUHI. But yikes, I don't want anyone to think if it as mine. I felt as if I needed to do this because I'd been so strong last week about keeping Thor's page for updates. But I knew I would miss you guys. I just don't like to put my name as creator of a thread. St. Jiub tried to create a chit chat thread but he started it with such an intriguing topic that people spoke to that and then it died. The same thing may happen here, but I hope those of us who were gathering on Thor's thread can come here and to the book thread. I'll be posting three soon as I am about to finish the book you recommend. I've just been very busy. |
lsg 23.02.2020 03:55 |
Hey there! Made it! Thanks katyd for starting this new thread. My heart dropped when I read you lost your Freddie files, which I assume was huge. Wow, and I’m sure that took over a year to build. |
maudtv 23.02.2020 09:15 |
Thanks for starting this new thread ! ;) |
Katydyd5 23.02.2020 12:29 |
Hi Maud and Lsgp! My files were actually years in the building, but they needed to be cleaned out. I'll be able to replace the music videos quickly, it was the files of interviews and documentaries that will take longer. I also had files of written articles that I probably can't replace. Besides the doll house video, one other I am looking for is an early version of the DORO production of the Untold Story. It had fun scenes not included in the final cut that I'd like to have back. Anyone? |
Amidds 23.02.2020 14:35 |
Great idea, thanks for doing this Katydyd! So sorry to hear about your lost files, how frustrating! I have been going through the old threads so I will keep an eye open for the doll house vid. In the meantime, I attached a link to part 1 of the Untold Story. Not sure if this is what you were looking for so didn’t want to post more links if it’s wrong. Figured this would put you in the right place for the rest if it’s what you needed :) link |
Amidds 23.02.2020 15:03 |
Katydyd, try this one... link |
Katydyd5 23.02.2020 16:26 |
Amidds, thank you! That clip of We Are The Champions is exactly what I was looking for! I love seeing Freddie running off to the dollhouse, getting help with the cape, and then walking regally back out on stage. I've always like behind-the-scenes clips and though this one is brief, it's the only one I've ever seen of the dollhouse other than seeing the guys duck into it prior to a concert. The Untold Story link you posted is from the final version I think and I do have that. The one I'm looking for was incomplete and more of a working version. It had interviews that were not included in the final. For example, Mary talks about being sent to Sotheby's to buy a clock, and like Phoebe, she was given a price limit for bidding. When she saw the clock she thought it was in terrible shape and couldn't see why Freddie wanted it, but she bought it and took it home. He held up one finger and said something like, "Ah, but just wait". Then he sent it off to be re-gilded and when it came back it was a true treasure. Is that sounding familiar to anyone? Along with that particular clip there were several scenes showing the interior of Sotheby's. Maybe that IS in the final version and I need to watch the whole thing again. Guys, I"m not intending to dominate this thread. I really wanted to find us a new home where we could continue to build friendships and play without bothering those purely wanting updates from Thor. I hope more of you will jump in. I realize that the info I posted for finding us wasn't exactly clear and I apologize for that. Since he closed the other thread I'd like him to have the last word, so I can't really go back and post the link now. I'm hoping word of mouth works. I figured using the Personal Forums was a risk, but it seemed the most appropriate place to me because it allows for purely personal posts too. I guess we shall see what happens. |
Katydyd5 23.02.2020 16:38 |
OK, I edited my post on Thor's thread to include the link. Maybe that will help. |
Rainbow61 23.02.2020 21:24 |
Hey Katydyd...Many thanks for starting this new thread!!! I, too, have missed sharing with this friendly QZ family that I have gotten to know on Thor's threads over the past couple of years. This "Personal" forum seems like the perfect place to do that. Am looking forward to many interesting conversations in the weeks and months to come. By the way...that's a drag about losing your Freddie files. I have a ton of documentaries, articles, and videos that are bookmarked, but unfortunately, they are not particularly well organized! (story of my life!) Lspg...You asked on Thor's thread if there was any word on Rudi doing a new documentary about Freddie? I read an interview a year or so ago where he mentioned that, but haven't read anything since. Others have mentioned that Rudi is very active on Instagram, so he might have mentioned something there. I'd love to see another documentary about Freddie. That's funny about your hairdresser...at least he is considering buying Thor and Lee's book. Jo T. Your coffee-table book photo idea sounds like fun. All my Freddie/Queen books are on a shelf in my library. I had to remove some books to make room for those. Some book are shelf-worthy and others are relegated to a neat pile on the floor. Freddie and Queen will ALWAYS be shelf-worthy! Amidds...Thank for the WATC link. I have seen SO many Freddie videos that I am not sure if I had watched that particular one before. I enjoyed the quick behind the scenes peek of Freddie getting his robe and crown on and also watching the guys as they came off the stage ( I had seen that part before). Do you know if Freddie's robe and crown are part of the Queen Studio Experience in Montreux? |
Amidds 24.02.2020 00:18 |
Katy, glad I got one right ;). Will keep my eyes open for the other. Re Rudi....he is on Instagram and this weekend there have been a lot of posts from him and Phoebe. Apparently, they were together for whatever reason and are talking about doing a “new project” together. No idea what yet but when/if I hear, I will post for those of you not on Insta. Rainbow, I have never heard anything specific about the robe and crown. Having just reread a few Queen books, I don’t remember hearing anything except when Phoebe mentions that most of Freddie’s costumes had been in the loft (?) at GL and were still there when Phoebe moved out. There were a few exceptions of course, like the jacket using by the sculptress for the Montreux statue and the yellow jacket that Jim had and was auctioned years ago. Awesome question though, would love to hear if anyone knows anything! |
JB050 24.02.2020 01:04 |
Hi all. I echo thanks to Katy for gathering us here. So nice to know we will still have a hangout. Katy... Ugh. Technology! I have a notes page in my phone with tons of links. Just say the word if you want a copy I’d be so happy to send you one. Am sure it’s no deep in the archives as yours went but maybe it could help restore some of what you lost. Guessing your geek squad-ers went Queen fans. (Haaahaaa) I think at least a few had tix to upcoming shows. Can’t wait to hear. Would love to hear when and where people are going so can live vicariously. I also need to get back to the book and book thread. :-). It’s a great place. |
Katydyd5 24.02.2020 01:13 |
Thanks for the offer of your links list JB. I'm actually having a lot of fun rebuilding my files as things occur to me. I just remembered that great interview with Mike Moran, Mack and another man whose name always escapes me. Dave Something I think. He always seems sort of a gentle man and I do know he's passed on now. I'm going to go poke around in YouTube now to see if I can find it. |
Amidds 24.02.2020 01:59 |
Oh Katy, don’t forget this little nugget... link The Queenzone list of documentaries! Lots to find in there! |
lsg 24.02.2020 04:15 |
Wow Ammids, that’s great! Thank you. JoT I second the photo of the book sitting on our coffee tables. |
Katydyd5 25.02.2020 00:51 |
Thanks Amidds! I think you shared that site once before, but it's another file that didn't transfer to the new computer. As soon as I opened your link I found the documentary I was looking for, and I've saved it to look at later . I'm too busy for the next few days, but I'm glad to have it again. I did check to make sure the Sotheby's section was there and it is, so now I have something to look forward to when I have some down time. Thanks again! I'm sure you've all seen the Moran, Mack, and Dave (Roberts? Robertson? I feel badly every time I forget his name) collection of interviews, but if you haven't, it's really special. They share so much personal information about a man they clearly loved and everything they say just reinforces how lovely he was. I'm sharing it in case there is anyone who hasn't seen it. link |
MisterCosmicc 25.02.2020 02:36 |
Katydyd5 wrote: Thanks Amidds! I think you shared that site once before, but it's another file that didn't transfer to the new computer. As soon as I opened your link I found the documentary I was looking for, and I've saved it to look at later . I'm too busy for the next few days, but I'm glad to have it again. I did check to make sure the Sotheby's section was there and it is, so now I have something to look forward to when I have some down time. Thanks again! I'm sure you've all seen the Moran, Mack, and Dave (Roberts? Robertson? I feel badly every time I forget his name) collection of interviews, but if you haven't, it's really special. They share so much personal information about a man they clearly loved and everything they say just reinforces how lovely he was. I'm sharing it in case there is anyone who hasn't seen it. linkHow do you forget his name?! |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:06 |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:07 |
Trying to upload a couple pics, and not finding the upload button. Anyone see it? I just see the “ post reply” button only |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:09 |
Never mind! I figured it out! |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:09 |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:12 |
Katyd, reviewing that video, takes me back again, and it feels great. I love Mack. Ammids, great link, the mother of all links. |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:12 |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:13 |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:14 |
lsg 25.02.2020 03:16 |
I think we would agree the guitar neck makes for an interesting photo. |
Katydyd5 25.02.2020 13:57 |
Great photos Lsgp! I've always liked listening to Mack any time he appears in interviews. That particular piece opens a small door into the private Freddie. Such a giant on stage, I like knowing he was so different with friends. BTW, that interview was another DORO production. Rudi has been all over his Instagram and FB page with Peter Freestone, hinting about doing a project with him. Lsgp, I do remember Rudi saying something about another video, maybe this might be it. |
lsg 25.02.2020 22:49 |
Katydy, I was under the impression he wanted to do a film himself on the man he and his brother knew so well, not just a documentary. Maybe I misunderstood but he felt BoRap did zero justice and left out the funny, outrageous, caring, giving friend he knew, and also left out how his mind worked while composing. I mean let’s face it, he’s right. Freddie may have taken piano lessons during school, but he is a self- taught composer with a real gift. |
maudtv 25.02.2020 23:13 |
Personally, I can't wait to see what Phoebe and Rudi are up to !!! I hope this is a new documentary with invisible interviews or something like that! And yes, rudi is right, borhap (the film) was not at all representative of Freddie, his funny, kind, shy, gentle and other sides have not been shown that it is a pity ... especially that Roger and Brian were also executive producers and most of the filming was attended by phoebe .... |
Katydyd5 26.02.2020 00:16 |
Lsgp, I'm kind of confused. I'm not sure who you mean when you are referring to "he and his brother". I'm also confused as to who you mean when you say "he" felt BoRhap did zero justice to Freddie. I'm probably out of the loop somewhere here. I'm also reluctant to get into a debate about Bo Rhap as it is kind of a hot button issue. I did have several written interviews given by Rudi, but alas, lost with everything else...…………... Maud, I'm curious too. Rudi does like to throw out teasers so I guess we will just have to wait. |
lsg 26.02.2020 00:27 |
Katyd, Rudi Dolezal, the Dolezal brothers, are also called the Torpedo twins. Rudi worked together with his brother. Don’t worry, lol....I’m not trying to debate the movie, it was just what I heard in a translated German interview with Rudi which had English subtitles. I wish I had saved it, but alas, I didn’t. |
lsg 26.02.2020 00:39 |
Correction, they are not brothers, but they were called the torpedo twins. Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher. |
Katydyd5 26.02.2020 00:43 |
Oh, ok. I was trying to remember some brothers who had worked together. : ) I've got so much Queen stuff in my head that it's hard sometimes to pull out relevant facts. I did find an article about Rudi where he mentions the film. link |
lsg 26.02.2020 00:55 |
Nice little studio clip here. I’m sure everyone has seen it already. link |
lsg 26.02.2020 01:02 |
Nice article katyd. What I saw was all in German with English subtitles, he was included among other professionals. The whole video was him being interviewed either in Germany or Austria. But he said something along the lines of doing a movie himself. Maybe he’s moved on from that. |
lsg 26.02.2020 01:14 |
Here’s an interview with Mick Rock which can be watched in segments on rainy nights. link |
Rainbow61 26.02.2020 01:21 |
I also look forward to the Rudi/Phoebe collaboration...whatever it is. Could be a lot of fun. I was happy to read an article on the Queen site today about the street in Feltham that was named after Freddie. Something in the article caught my attention: "...Freddie is also graciously honoured by the Friends of Feltham Pond, residents led by Angela Parton, who also maintain and tend the recently refurbished memorial space around the now thriving tree on Feltham High Street planted by the late Jer Bulsara, his Mother." I know there was a ceremony in 2009, attended by Jer Bulsara and Brian May, where a large star memorial was dedicated. Apparently that fell into disrepair and was removed. A new plaque (smaller star) and tree were dedicated some years later. (Not sure how much later though) I found a picture of the second memorial marker and tree, but could not find any info about a ceremony. I was hoping to see a picture of Jer helping plant the tree. Does anyone have more information about that? |
lsg 26.02.2020 03:54 |
Just finished watching the Mick Rock interview with Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher. V |
lsg 26.02.2020 03:58 |
Looks like it uploaded before I finished. As stated above, had watched the entire Mick Rock interview with the link I pasted a couple posts up, and it’s a great interview. He gives a lot of “little details” gems all throughout. Quite enjoyed that interview. |
lsg 26.02.2020 04:39 |
Just looked at Rudi’s Instagram, yes, Rudi and Peter are cooking something up....hmmmmm.....I’m liking it. |
lsg 26.02.2020 05:50 |
I kept scrolling and reading Rudi’s page and he did write a book which isn’t released yet, aside to whatever the secret is with Peter. We shall see, like he says “ stay tuned” |
Katydyd5 26.02.2020 13:12 |
Rainbow, I'm sorry, I don't have anything on your question about Jer, the tree, and a ceremony. You are a champion researcher so if you can't find it, I doubt it exists. |
Perk 26.02.2020 14:20 |
Are Thor and Lee joining this thread not that you guys aren't good enough just wondering |
Perk 26.02.2020 14:21 |
Katy go to my PINTEREST page you will find all the Freddie stuff there! Katydyd5 wrote: Ok, I'll start by telling Jo T that I think her idea for photos of Thor's book in its new home on our coffee tables is great! Once my son finally hangs all of my Freddie canvases that I got for Christmas, I'll share a pic of that. I've been wanting to share that with you all. Finally, my old desktop died and I had to get a new computer. It has been a remarkably easy adjustment, but unfortunately I lost ALL of my Freddie files and folders. The Geek Squad transferred everything except those files. Yikes!! I'm working on rebuilding them but I would love if you guys would continue to share the Freddie videos and interviews that you find. It will help me rebuild my files. One thing I am looking for is a video I shared with you all showing Freddie running off stage and into the doll house at the end of a song. There is a quick snippet showing people helping him into the robe and crown before he exists back onto the stage. Did anyone happen to save that? I have no idea what the song was so I am unable to find it on YouTube. |
Katydyd5 26.02.2020 14:55 |
Perk, Thor and Lee are way too busy to join in here. Thor closed his thread because he has no time to come by QZ at this time . He left a lovely good-bye to all of his QZ friends on his thread. |
Jo T. 27.02.2020 03:57 |
Katydyd5, thanks for taking the initiative to start the thread! Lsgp03, you uploaded some great photos of Freddie. I esp. liked the 1st photo. He was so young and fresh-faced. Perk, when I get Thor and Lee's book, I'll post not only a photo of it on my coffee table, but you'll also see my framed Ansel Adams prints on the wall in the background, above my living room sofa! How's that? LOL If you wash your hands beforehand using soap and water (vs. hand sanitizer) and avoid the use of any hand cream/lotion, you're less likely to leave any smudges on "Queen in 3-D." The pages ARE glossy. |
Katydyd5 28.02.2020 02:39 |
Jo! Nice to see you! I hope you'll come around often. You guys are inspiring me to actually get a coffee table. I had one of course but gave it away because I was in the process of redecorating. That came to a halt when I had to buy a vacuum, washing machine and computer all at once. All of my Queen coffee table books are currently just piled on a couch. Not a picture I want to post. Hopefully I'll be ready once we all have Thor and Lee's book! BTW, are you all getting Thor's GFM updates by email? I have to check the site to see updates, but I got the impression from someone that I could be getting emails. I just looked, but don't see how to do that. Anyone? |
Amidds 28.02.2020 17:58 |
Katy, I do get the GFM updates but I'm not sure how lol. I tried logging in, assuming I had to set up an acct when I donated but don't remember my login info!! If you can sign in, I bet you'd find it there, sorry. Did want to let you all know about this new podcast series I heard of, episode one just came out. I haven't watched any yet but sound interesting: link |
Katydyd5 29.02.2020 00:41 |
Thanks Amidds! I didn't remember creating an account, but I had, so I simply changed notifications. Oh wow, that podcast is terrific! It's funny but I'm always a bit surprised to see how those people have all aged because I feel as young as ever. I thought it was funny when David Wigg described hiding in the balcony and listening to what people were saying about the house. All of his friends say such kind things about him. How lucky they were to be in his inner circle. |
Thereuhaveit 29.02.2020 02:36 |
Thanks, Amidds for this link. Wonderful snippets about Freddie! Is this a series? |
Amidds 29.02.2020 13:25 |
Lol Katy I always think the same thing about age! Of course, then I’m reminded how old I am....:) TUHI, yes I believe it’s the first in a series. I finally had some time to watch the podcast but not to learn too much about it. Rudy is doing a live today on Instagram for anyone who’s interested. Says he’s gonna answer as many questions “as he can”. I won’t be able to watch and I highly doubt he will announce what he is working on with Peter but who knows! |
Thereuhaveit 29.02.2020 14:06 |
Thanks, Amidds. I went back to the link and read the synopsis at the side bar (duh--could have done that earlier) and it does use the term "series" but that's all the info given. I'm probably not as big a fan of Freestone as many here, as I'm a little suspect about his motivations and his stories morph with time and who pays him. I guess it will be interesting to see what he and Dolezal are collaborating on. I've always thought it would be fascinating if Diana Moseley wrote about Freddie. Theirs was a working relationship, but apparently, they were fond of one another. |
Katydyd5 29.02.2020 16:51 |
Amidds, I'm going to try to catch Rudi's Instagram live. I have an Insta account, but I don't use it. I actually created it only because I wanted to hear Villiers' live with Thor and Lee. I checked it out this morning and I think I'll be able to listen today. We shall see. TUHI, I like Phoebe, but I do look at him with some misgivings. That wouldn't stop me from seeing him in person if given the chance. I do hope Amidds can do his boat tour in Montreux and report back. I'm a bit cynical at times, but I do believe he is still a great Freddie source. I've always wished Diana Mosely would write a book, though I'm not sure she would have enough material for a full book.. Did you see her panel discussion from an appearance in Montreux? I would have loved to be there because she even gave away one of her costume drawings from I'm Going Slightly Mad. I'm not going to be able to pinpoint the exact documentary that was made after his death, but she appears and talks about an afternoon she spent with him toward the end of his life. They played Scrabble and she drank champagne. At the end of the visit he thanked her for spending time with an old man. She cries as she tells the story, and I cry every time I see it. |
Thereuhaveit 29.02.2020 17:16 |
I agree that Moseley wouldn't have enough for a full biography, but maybe an in depth interview would be nice. I know the bit you're referring to where she talks about the afternoon with Freddie, and his thanking her for spending the afternoon with "... an old man." Heart-wrenching and I tear up too, her grief is so palpable. I'm pretty sure it's from "The Untold Story" which is one of the better documentaries. A little sappy in places, but, it is Freddie's story after all. :) I think it's wise to be skeptical of Freestone, especially 28 years on from FM's death. He seems to tell the "stories" that his audience wants to hear, rather than sticking to his remembrances closer to his time with Freddie. I never thought he was as good a friend to Freddie as he claims, (certainly not the one who knew him best), though obviously, Freestone knew him somewhat well. I'd say, more of an employee/friend, rather than friend/employee, where I'd place others in Freddie's life. |
CHEVYMAN 29.02.2020 18:00 |
TuhI , I hope you guys dont mind if I make one post on this subject about Peter I feel the same as you do it is heart breaking to me to watch such a shift in his stories about Freddie .Rudi has the right to write a book I just dont think he was close enough to Freddie to make that one to one impact on his readers.I feel the good ole boy book about Freddie's time with his buddies which includes Peter if he hasn't forgotten them is what people will want to read.It will be written with Freddie's heart and truth in mind that's just my opinion.Thanks for letting me speak. |
lsg 29.02.2020 22:13 |
Katyd I also saw that same video with Diana Moseley. I think Peter freestone has some of these videos on his website Freddiemercury.com You have to dig around in there, but I think that’s where I found it sometime last year. |
lsg 29.02.2020 22:21 |
JoT sorry for late response but it’s definitely a perfect coffee table book. As per Thor’s first description of the book, he mentioned “coffee table style “ Perk, I read your last comment on Part3, and glad you found your way here. I know what you meant, it would have felt like the end of an era. We can thank Katydy for this continuation. Katydy I’m sure by the time the book comes out you’ll have a new coffee table. But I understand, just paid for painting in dining room and kitchen, new washing machine and dishwasher repair. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ |
Katydyd5 01.03.2020 00:21 |
Lsgp, LOL, there's no coffee table in my future. Prior to all the expenses I mentioned in a previous post, I had also had the entire interior of the house painted. I've learned not to ask "what else could go wrong" because you always find out. On Friday, I realized that someone had hit my car in a parking lot, and done quite a bit of damage to the side trim and bumper. It is always something and lately it's all about $$$$. Did any of you listen to Rudi Live? I did and it was interesting. This is the first time he's done something like that so he wasn't exactly prepared. He had a list of some questions to answer, but he answered them early on and then started to pull questions from the incoming comments. But it was till fun to listen to, and I'll tell you some of what I remember. First of all he is coming to Breakthru in Cleveland this summer. He said he's not sure what his role will be there, but he's excited. He said if he were invited to Montreux, he would go. He talked about the book a lot and it sounds like it is going to be full of new info. He said when he and Phoebe got together recently and started sharing memories, many things came up that they'd forgotten and that led to the idea for this secret project. He toyed around with that for about half an hour, but then got a phone call from Phoebe who said to go ahead and release limited info. It sounds like it will be a joint project about Freddie, but I didn't hear any more details than that. Let's see...…..oh, he said he and Freddie often planned out videos at GL. He talked about Phoebe taking Freddie to video shoots, and picking him up, but that all the time in-between was Rudi's. He said he still misses Freddie and even wiped a tear away, though I don't remember if it was then or when he was talking about making one of the final videos. I'm very excited that we will have both Rudi's book and Thor's, hopefully sometime this year. I wanted to make one short comment about memories from the past. My brother and I don't live close to each other but we talk on the phone quite often. It is amazing to me how differently we both see incidents from our past, especially our childhood. I'll remember it one way, while he remembers another and somewhere in between is probably the truth. I think some memories sort of soften around the edges as time passes. Sometimes they seem to change with the frequent re-telling. I'm not too hard on Phoebe, though as I've said before, I don't think he is the only one we can rely on. |
JB050 01.03.2020 02:53 |
Hi all! Amidds! Thanks for the podcast link. Can’t wait Katy! Thank you for listening to Rudi and reporting. How cool! Such great insights. It is something with loss time gets so blurry and how those emotions come at various times. Must have been emotional listening too. Yes, very exciting to have both books coming. Woo hoo. Absolutely love your beautifully made point about memories. Nice! I had to laugh about coffee table. I was dropping off at Good Will few years ago and guy in car in front of me was dropping off two items. A bike and a coffee table. At the time, I was in a convertible (don’t have it anymore :) my I sprung up in my car, pointing “I’ll take that coffee table” had to go in store while they priced it... $7.00. My most fun purchase. Haha. So now I call it my seven dollar coffee table. It will be in the photo shoot. Haha. Sorry I’m not around as regularly. My first reading mission is to catch up here and on the book thread. Excellent conversations!! Also really exciting that Rudi will be at Cleveland convention. Great to know. |
Rainbow61 01.03.2020 04:03 |
Katydyd...Thanks for the recap of "Rudi-Live". Did he mention any plans to do another live chat? I wish I lived closer to Cleveland as I would think about attending the Breakthru conference this summer! Sounds like a good time. Sorry to hear about your car. Seems like there are never any cheap car repairs. I'm looking forward to Thor and Lee's book as well as Rudi's. Looks like 2020 will be a great year for new Freddie info. I think the books will be quite different, yet equally relevant for the part of Freddie's life they will be sharing. Katy, you are correct about memories. That's why multiple points of view are always nice to have. Amidds...Thanks for the podcast link. It always warms my heart to hear Freddie's friends talks about him. He was truly loved! |
JB050 01.03.2020 14:16 |
Watched the podcast. I agree with you Rainbow! Nice that they started this series. I like how they ended it with there is always more to know about Freddie... would be fun to see if one of the series includes people who we haven’t heard from much yet. :) |
Katydyd5 01.03.2020 17:25 |
Rainbow, yes Rudi said he'd be doing another Live. I think he had fun though this was his first and as I said, he was a little disorganized. He said he had never talked on his own for an hour and by the end of the time he was wiping sweat off his forehead. He had hoped Martina would be there but she was working. He did want to talk about some of his other projects and the people he has worked with but all of his listeners wanted to talk about Freddie so he went with the flow for the most part. One thing he said that we've heard from so many others is that the meals at GL were fantastic. He said Joe Fanelli had done most of the cooking for the meals he had with an occasional assist from Phoebe. I have a question for you regular Instagram users. Would that Live be saved somewhere on Rudi's page so others could have a listen? JB, loved your story about the coffee table. There have been times when I donated to Good Will and then had second thought and almost went back to the store to see if I could buy my item back. Luckily I've resisted. |
lsg 01.03.2020 18:43 |
Katyd, I don’t have an Instagram account but I’d like to watch that podcast. It’s got to surface somewhere soon, whoever finds it first please let everyone here know. I do know that Peter does have most Freddie related videos when Peter is the organizer on Freddiemercury.com. So hopefully it will resurface there since Peter was involved. |
lsg 02.03.2020 19:04 |
In one of Rudi’s running videos from 1 day ago, he typed on the side, that he is returning to Miami to “Finish” his Freddie Mercury book! Woohoo! |
Amidds 02.03.2020 20:45 |
I did end up watching some on the live before it expired. I agree with Katy that it was an obvious first for him. There was more teasing from him and Phoebe about their upcoming project which is something I wish they would refrain from but, they can do what they want! It seemed like it wasn't too much later when Rudi announced his break-up with his fiancee. Very sad and Rudi won't say what happened (not our business anyway). Katy, I believe that once a "live" is done on Instagram, it is gone forever unless the author reposts so, doubt we'll find it elsewhere, sorry. |
Amidds 03.03.2020 01:38 |
And here it is Lgsp, posted by Jake12 on another thread. The Instagram live. link |
lsg 03.03.2020 04:21 |
Thank you Amidds! |
JB050 03.03.2020 10:24 |
Really interesting to see that snip. Love that he snuck video footage. Can’t wait to see what he releases. Thanks a lot for the link Amidds! |
Katydyd5 03.03.2020 16:36 |
Amidds, I agree with you that the teasing re the new project between Rudi and Peter wasn't necessary. I've always been one for either say it or don't, but don't fool around. I only see about two minutes of the Live on your link Amidds. I guess it would help if I'd learn how to really use Instagram. I do have the Live Villiers did with Thor and Lee but that's because she made a YouTube page for it and her other Lives. |
Amidds 03.03.2020 17:55 |
Sorry, I actually didn't watch the clip as I had seen it on Instagram. Didn't mean to tease! Unfortunately that might be all we get unless Rudi reposts. It does look like we're getting a bit closer to Thor and Lee's book though, so at least we have something to look forward to. Yea, Katy, when the teasing happens, I feel the same. It actually diminishes my interest too I hate to say. Plus, between Rudi's book and all that Peter has put out in the past, sometimes I wonder what could be left??? Sure, there's a lot I'm sure Peter hasn't wanted to divulge but the chances of that coming out are slim. That's OK, not complaining but, again, what's left then lol??? |
lsg 04.03.2020 03:04 |
Thank you Ammids! |
CHEVYMAN 04.03.2020 16:52 |
Peter has changed so much I totally agree with TUHI I do feel someone has influenced this gradual change in him.It started with the biopic I watched it again yesterday great music terrible interpretation of Freddie's story.It portrayed Gays as evil people that lured him off into a lifestyle that ended with him contracted that virus that would take his life and that he wouldve been better of with a more traditional lifestyle.There is one problem with that he was gay he didnt become gay he was gay.They included no scenes that backed this up only messing around with some bisexual or bicurious tendencies which were false.They left out his most crucial time of his life where he fully explored his sexuality to the fullest in Newyork.They could've wrote that in there and still left it pg rated somehow.I feel they deliberately did this on purpose.Peter was consulted about the biopic read the script and approved he did have a voice he didnt speak up why is this ? This is your best friend someone you looked up to and nursed while they were terminally I'll I just dont get that.I like Peter as a person I think he is doing great things but I'm a bit uneasy with what he and Rudi are cooking up since Queen Management seems to be Peter's main focus these days. . |
Katydyd5 05.03.2020 18:16 |
I saw this video of Elton John talking about Freddie on FB yesterday and thought you all might enjoy it. He's telling the story of the Christmas present Freddie had sent to him after he died. You've probably read the story, but this is the first time I've seen Elton talk about it. He shares a few other memories of Freddie and it's clear that he still misses him. Freddie is the subject for about half the video, the other half deals with Ryan White and Elton's AIDS foundation. It's worth a look. link |
CHEVYMAN 05.03.2020 20:44 |
Katydyd, I have seen Elton talk about Freddie many times he seems to be another true friend I watched his movie Rocket Man and loved how it was portrayed with honesty .I found it very sad however how his parents treated him I'm so glad he got his life together and is blissfully happy into his retirement with a beautiful family. |
Rainbow61 05.03.2020 22:55 |
Katydyd 5...Thanks for the video clip. I've also heard the story about Freddie's gift to Elton before, but I find it deeply moving every time...and it ALWAYS makes me tear up. Ryan White...What an amazing young man. He and his mother embodied dignity and courage under the worst of circumstances. Ryan deserved far more years than he had, but in his beautiful young life, he made a profound difference, helping to change the public perception of what it meant to be a person living with HIV/AIDS. His legacy lives on nearly 30 years after his death. |
Rainbow61 06.03.2020 00:51 |
By the way...thanks to all who post video clips here. I'm glad you're not assuming that all of the readers here have seen them before. That's especially true for people like me who are not on Facebook or Instagram and would otherwise miss those nuggets! |
Katydyd5 06.03.2020 02:39 |
Rainbow, I'm always happy to see people post video clips too! Even though I do see a lot of clips on FB, people here still seem to find things I haven't seen. I was so excited when Amidds posted the link to the podcast. Even though it seems almost impossible, there always seems to be something new to explore. Ryan White truly was amazing and he helped to make people aware that AIDS wasn't just a gay plague. During the time he was diagnosed I had a teaching partner whose son was also a hemophiliac. I remember she and her husband were terrified once it became known that it could be in blood used for transfusions. At the time they were agonizing over whether to have him tested or not. They finally decided that the chances were good that he would be HIV + and they chose not to test. They just couldn't handle knowing. Shortly after that her husband was transferred and I lost touch with her I often wonder what happened. I can't imagine the pain. |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 04:12 |
Lsgp03,Instagram is pretty easy to set up I dont post much on there but enjoy looking at all the photographs and taking some and posting them lol.Thats about all I do there.So if you want to stay in the loop it's easy to set up and alot of people do post there regular like. |
Amidds 06.03.2020 14:27 |
Episode 2 of the pod cast is out! I haven't watched it yet but it looks like it will be very interesting! link Katy, I haven't had time to watch what you posted but I look forward to it. I think we've all heard Elton's story many, many times but it is such a heartwarming story that seems to be so reflective of Freddie's heart that I don't mind hearing it!! |
Katydyd5 06.03.2020 14:47 |
Thanks Amidds! I’m anxious to see the new podcast but I’ll have to look later because I’m getting ready to go out. The clip of Elton that I posted is no big deal but I liked it because it was a good quality video. Elton does share a few quick stories about Freddie that were new to me. His behind the scenes at Live Aid was just so Freddie! |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 16:14 |
Amidds, yes I agree Elton does tell his stories with much love and tenderness and they are timeless they never get old.He is such a kind and talented soul. |
Amidds 06.03.2020 19:35 |
LMAO - just watched the 2nd podcast. Don't want to give anything away but, the funniest part is when David says that anyone else standing on top of the world would've looked like a dick. But not Freddie!!! I also noticed I posted the link w/o removing the "s". Sorry guys!! |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 22:34 |
Yep he could wear and do things and somehow he could pull it off because it was him.The man lived life to the fullest and by the seat of his pants I do admire him for that.This podcast was a wonderful idea everyone has sure aged though goodness. |
Katydyd5 07.03.2020 00:21 |
Amidds, that podcast was so much fun! Did you subscribe so that you are notified each time there is a new podcast? I remember hearing Diana Mosely talking about Freddie standing on top of that world and having vertigo. I can't give you a source, but I think it might have been when she did the panel discussion at Montreux, though I could be wrong. Anyway she said he was up there and very nervous and he kept asking Phoebe or Diana to give him a cigarette, but no one would. I have to give him credit for being up there because it's something I could never do. |
Amidds 07.03.2020 02:57 |
Katy, I follow ‘freddiemercury’ on IG and it showed up on that feed. It says it’s the “official” FM Instagram if that helps you find it. Lol, I couldn’t do that either, I literally get vertigo in situations like that and would’ve done an epic face plant I’m sure ;) |
Katydyd5 07.03.2020 03:44 |
Amidds, I don't use IG enough to really follow anyone. Well, not entirely true. I marked Brian, Rudi and Roger's page as "favorites" on my computer and I check them out that way. I don't go through Instagram. Some of my friends followed me when I first got on and I told them it would be a total waste of their time. I have one picture on my page. It would be great if you would just let us know when a new podcast appears. I'm really enjoying them. If I had been up on that globe, and they couldn't have paid me enough, but if I was, I would have been hunched down in a ball begging someone to get me down. |
Rainbow61 07.03.2020 04:39 |
Katydyd ...Another place you can find the links for those podcasts is on the Queen online site. I check there fairly often. Amidds and Katydyd,,,I am not crazy about heights either, but if I were Freddie, I would have been FAR more worried about the possibility of the wire breaking when "flying" off the world!!! I wonder where all those Freddie cutouts from "The Great Pretender" went to? Wouldn't it be great if they were in some storage unit somewhere? They could be auctioned off and the money donated to the Mercury Phoenix Trust. (Of course, some should be put aside for posterity) |
Rainbow61 07.03.2020 07:23 |
Because we were talking about Elton John and Ryan White the other day... Here is a video of Elton performing his song "Skyline Pigeon" at Ryan's funeral. The lyrics are quite lovely. (The audio is not great though) link |
CHEVYMAN 07.03.2020 13:29 |
It was a lovely piece Rainbow are their anymore new contributors coming to this new thread or is it just this 5 or so I was just wondering it just looks like the ones from the book thread that's okay just curious.That boy was a very brave young man to have gone through everything he did at sc much a young a age. |
CHEVYMAN 07.03.2020 13:47 |
The Great Pretender is one of my favorite music pieces to me it perfectly represents who Freddie was to many people.He was one person to one friend maybe he needed to provide another personality to another he was chopped full of personality and greatness.But the song does have a sadness about it a pretender can't ever be themselves or can they? |
Rainbow61 07.03.2020 18:41 |
I look at this thread as a friendly place for people to post if and when they have something they would like to share. That probably means that most will only post on occasion. I'm guessing many are too busy with jobs, family, just life in general, to keep up a running conversation...and that is fine. It actually seems far more natural that way and that is a good thing. Personally, I prefer to read other people's posts far more than I want to post myself, so I often I don't comment. Others might feel the same way as well. This thread will not be active all the time, but since that is not the goal, I don't worry about it. Have a lovely weekend folks! I see blue skies and sunshine. Might be a good day to get some fresh air, even though it is a brisk 35 degrees out now...or it could be a good day to curl up with a book. :) |
CHEVYMAN 07.03.2020 23:10 |
Rainbow, couldnt agree with ya more sister same ole subjects are rather boring after a while I get it .I just figured it would be more built up than this but I see this is under personal meaning person I get that now lol you have a lovely weekend too! |
Katydyd5 08.03.2020 18:13 |
Rainbow, I was thinking about your post. As always, well said. You often put my thoughts into words. :) I knew going in this chat thread would not be as active as Thor's thread was in the beginning. Thor's thread had dwindled down to a very small number of people posting and I think most, if not all, came over here. I also know we have lurkers, and that's fine too. My hope was that this new thread would become a place where friendships could continue but with no pressure to be as active as we were on Thor's thread. I was hoping for a little spot here to gather and share when the urge hit. That might mean some quiet days since we are all so busy in our lives, but that's ok. It's also the reason I chose the Personal Forum rather than the General because it gives us the freedom to mix Freddie and non-Freddie comments together, but by choosing that I also knew it might be harder to find. Maybe we have to rely on word of mouth. To be honest, while I'd like to see it grow, I'm very ok if it stays small and intimate. |
CHEVYMAN 08.03.2020 19:25 |
Completely understand I just stumbled on it maybe others will too.For those that like discussions in large forums and are comfortable in crowds this might not be the place for them but for those that are more sensitive maybe and are used to smaller places spot on good choice job well done. |
JB050 09.03.2020 15:49 |
Hi all!! I completely agree!! When not on, am still thinking about all of you and love knowing our group is still here!!! I just saw Thor’s book update!! Sooo exciting!! I’m sure this will light up the book thread for a bit too!!! I was just thinking about Freddie and how much fun it sounds like he had giving and receiving and sharing in the exchange. Don’t remember where I read it but how he really appreciated the gesture if giving and something about how he felt dome didn’t know what to give for someone who could get what they want and he did not feel that way. :-)))) I try to remember that.... every gesture of kindness and giving is good and can mean so much!! Happy Monday all Xo |
Katydyd5 13.03.2020 02:11 |
JB, nice to see you! It's been a busy week and I'm just now finding time to get back to you. Yeah, it sounds like Thor's book is really close now. I hope it does light up the book thread. I was really enjoying sharing about books there so I was sorry to see it fade. I guess part of the problem is too few discussable books and too little time. I have several coffee table books but there isn't a whole lot to say about them. Maybe both Thor and Rudi will get their books out soon. I love Freddie's generosity too. I've read in several sources that he also liked to receive gifts. I used to think about what I would have given him if I had the chance. I finally came up with what I think he would have enjoyed. I have a small collection of antique salt cellars and I love to poke around in antique shops for them. They are small and usually affordable. Since Freddie liked to give special dinner parties I think it would have been fun to find the perfect antique salt cellar or cellars for him to use when he set a fancy table. Anyone have any other ideas? What do you get for someone who needs nothing, but loves to be remembered with a gift??? Hope you are all staying well. Things are kind of crazy in my state. |
Amidds 13.03.2020 13:13 |
Hi everyone! Episode 3 of Finding Freddie is out! I haven't had a change to watch yet but it looks like it's interviews with David Wigg. So, may be all stuff we've seen before: link Katy, I'm ashamed to say I've never heard of a salt cellar before. Didn't know those things existed lol! Might've been the perfect gift for someone who can buy themselves anything! Don't know what state you are in Katy, but I hope you aren't suffering in the crazy. Things haven't gotten bad by me yet except for the toilet paper being sold out. Gotta say, if things get that bad, I don't think a stockpile of t.p. is gonna help us survive!!! Oh well, to each their own! I am still scheduled to go on my Ireland vacation in 3 weeks (shocked face). None of the companies I have booked with (airlines, hotels, airbnb's, car rental) have cancelled anything. I'm too close to cancel and get my money back so I am either waiting on them to do so or we're still going. Good news is there will be 2 nurses and a cop in my group so they will keep me safe, I hope ;) |
Rainbow61 13.03.2020 19:50 |
Just saw the latest "Finding Freddie". Even if I have heard certain stories before, there are always new and interesting tidbits. I absolutely love to watch Freddie laugh because that laugh of his is SO infectious. His eyes even smile at the same time. What can I say...he just radiates charm! I have a salt cellar that I bought at an antiques fair over 36 years ago...I simply referred to it as a "little salt dish". Katydyd...the salt cellar is a good gift idea. Would you be a guest at Freddie's dinner party as well? :) In regards to finding a good present for Freddie...that's a hard one. Maybe a cell phone that had Delilah's meow as a ring tone! (While Freddie does not seem like the kind of person who would have a cell phone glued to his hand, everyone uses one now and then) Amidds...you probably told us before, but where in Ireland will you be traveling? I love Ireland and hope to go back one day in the not too distant future. It's one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Soup and bread at a small pub with music...perfect evening! In regards to the coronavirus situation...if someone expects to use 50 rolls of TP in a month, I dare say there might be something else going on with that person! Events are getting canceled left and right. I had tickets to see a Yankee/Blue Jays spring training game, but that has now been canceled (birthday gift to my husband). I'm hoping this virus is quickly contained for the sake of those who are most susceptible to getting sick. |
Katydyd5 13.03.2020 23:45 |
Amidds, thanks for the link to the podcast. I've always enjoyed Freddie's interviews with David Wigg because he seems so relaxed. I could listen to him laugh all day. I hope I'm attaching a picture of the salt cellars I got from my grandmother's house when she died. We were all allowed to choose something and I was so impressed with these as a little girl that I chose them. We were not a fancy family, but on special occasions my grandmother did like to set a pretty table. I recall seeing them every Easter. I remember loving these for the little glass "shovels" though it was easy to get too much salt! I have never actually used them in my home. They are just part of a small collection of salt cellars in a corner cabinet. Rainbow, I'd like to have been a fly on the wall at one of Freddie's dinners. I think I would have been too intimidated to take part in the clever repartee if I was actually there. Rainbow, I did like your idea of a Delilah ringtone. Freddie seemed to like gadgets so I'll bet he'd have loved cell phones. Amidds, I hope your trip to Ireland works out. That's a country I've always wanted to see. Will you visit Jim's home of Carlow? I imagine you'd have to have very tolerant travel companions to do that. :) As for the virus, it's been crazy around here. Schools in my state are out for three weeks, and my church just canceled services for the next two weeks. I don't get the TP run either, but I know it's out of stock in all the local stores. We had heard here that P and G said they might not be able to get the components they need to manufacture paper products, so that's part of the reason for madness in my area since P and G is a big employer. I know I saw a lot of empty shelves in the store on Wednesday. |
Amidds 14.03.2020 01:11 |
Ok, first, Ireland since you all asked ;). We are SUPPOSED to start in Dublin and take the typical southern loop around for Killarney and Blarney castles, ring of Kerry, Limerick, Cliffs of Moor, Galway, Knebworth, then, back to Dublin. very typical touristy stuff which I LOVE! Of course we’re all a little worried our plans will be cancelled! Second, I take care of my mother who is 89, immunocompromised, and doesn’t get around much. I grocery shop for her weekly. Stopped on my way home from work and had to go to 3 stores to get the 10 things she needed because the shelves were EMPTY!!! I laughed to myself cause, just earlier today, I had made the comment here that I didn’t see a lot of crazy in my area. Well, I stand corrected!!! But, I get the whole toilet paper thing now.....every time one person sneezes, 100 people shit themselves ;) Ok, off to finally watch the new Finding Freddie episode....and see if I can find toilet paper anywhere lol. Might go out and steal napkins from restaurants! Have an awesome, non-crazy Friday y’all! |
CHEVYMAN 14.03.2020 14:20 |
Katydyd, I'm not much of a book person but I would assume Thor and Lee would set something up for themselves when and if it is time.If i were to publish a book i would be concerned with selling it first you work so hard on something it's also a investment as well.Discussing something and giving away information in a book your trying to get off the ground wouldnt make much sense to me.Ofcourse you want to keep a friendly relationship among your fan base that's were some of your money comes from .But it kinda defeats purpose to jump right in before you start selling your product.They are smart guys not born yesterday it seems everyone has rushed them so with this book.I think they been pretty generous with the threads and info they have given so far.I think this is a great buisness and retirement investment for them and that does take time. |
CHEVYMAN 14.03.2020 15:32 |
Amidds, I get you wanting protect mom till this thing with the virus rolls over we just have to be strong as nations until it passes or they come up with a vaccine.Im putting off my treatments too they do weaken the immune system.Stay well wash hands everyone and make sure and by toilet paper there isnt hardly any. |
JB050 14.03.2020 18:27 |
Katy! Thank you for sharing picture of your grandmother’s salt cellar ... absolutely beautiful. And I love the conversation about what yo give. For Freddie, maybe a few coffee table books of artists? Or piece of clothing that was “different” I wonder what guests at the hat party brought. It was also funny reading that they had a place in the attic where some gifts would go. :). I do love the thought of giving no matter how much or little someone has we can always brighten a day. I love when people have commented years later that they still have something I gave them. Amidds- I wasn’t familiar with salt cellars either :) and thank you for the link! Looking forward to watching. I hope your trip goes off ok. I was supposed to go to New York this weekend see billy Joel and a Broadway show but of course cancelled it. We are already discussing a re-do trip. I know what you mean, right after the CH press conference, seems everyone hit the stores. There were no shopping carts available. Toilet paper comment-hysterical-I didn’t understand. Haha. The one good thing, I think, coming from it is global, true concern and compassion for one another... let’s hope that continues. Tomorrow may be comfy Queen yoga pants day for me. Maybe I’ll get some reading in. :-))) |
JB050 14.03.2020 18:28 |
Oh. And a backscratcher..., everyone can use a good backscratcher. :—)))) |
JB050 14.03.2020 18:39 |
And- Katy— brilliant and thoughtful idea for a gift for Freddie! |
JB050 14.03.2020 18:39 |
And- Katy— brilliant and thoughtful idea for a gift for Freddie! |
Katydyd5 14.03.2020 23:33 |
JB, don't be too impressed with my Freddie gift idea. It isn't something that just popped into my head. I got curious a long time ago about what I would give him since he could/did buy everything he wanted. But I think it was Phoebe who said he loved to be remembered with gifts too, so I started to think about it. It took me a while to come up with salt cellars. I like your idea of an art book, maybe something rare and out of print. Of course that gets expensive. I also think clothing would be fun. He wore some crazy socks! I'll bet an awful lot of gifts went up to that attic space. Did you see his interview with Montserrat where they were both given silver replicas of the Santa Maria? I think that's the right ship. As soon as I saw it I thought there's one for the attic. It was beautiful but didn't seem to be Freddie's style. I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip to NY. What Broadway show were you going to see? I knew Broadway was dark but I never thought about musical concerts. Wow, this is going to hit so many people economically. I think you are right about global concern and compassion. We have needed that for a long time. I have friends who are sort of gypsying their way around the world. They just left Croatia, and are now in an AirB&B in Spain. Spain just went on total lockdown. She said the same thing happening in grocery stores here is happening there too. Amidds, LOL on the TP joke. : ) |
Katydyd5 15.03.2020 00:29 |
Rudi is doing another Instagram live tomorrow at 2 pm Miami time. |
Rainbow61 15.03.2020 06:25 |
JB050...Sorry to hear your shows in New York were cancelled this weekend. My husband and I have tickets to see "Brit Floyd" in mid April, and that show has been cancelled as well. Can you imagine how frustrating it would have been if Queen had to cancel the Knebworth concert for something like this? What an administrative nightmare it would have been to refund all of those tickets as I'm not sure how many people paid with a credit card back then. The Queen + AL show in Paris has already been postponed. Safety is more important though, so it's makes sense to take these precautions. Amidds...Your trip sounds wonderful. When I went to Ireland, we landed in Shannon and traveled counter-clockwise (in a rental car) over a 2-week period to the Dingle Peninsula, Ring of Kerry, over to Cahir, Avoca (Where Ballykissangel was filmed) up to Dublin, and back across to Cong and Doolin. Glad you will see the Cliffs of Moher...stunningly beautiful. We were there all day. We stayed in 10 B&B's and 1 hotel on our trip, moving to a different place almost every night. Some days we only traveled about 50 miles, but that meant we could spend a lot of time at the places we loved...which was pretty much every place we visited. I hope I can catch a part of Rudi's Instagram Live in the coming days. Someone posted a 2 minute video of if the last time and Katydyd, you gave us a nice summary..hint hint!!! I'm sure once Thor/Lee and Rudi's books are out, there will be plenty to discuss, whether on the book thread or on this new "all purpose" thread. Katydyd and Thereuavit both had high praise for a book they recently read entitled "The Great Believers" by Rebecca Makkai. It's primarily set in 1980's Chicago and is about a group of friends and acquaintances and how they are impacted by the AIDS crisis. It's quite engrossing. |
CHEVYMAN 15.03.2020 08:32 |
Rainbow, I didnt mean my statement to be a pissing contest all I was stating was my opinion on generosity and the fact I actually worked in sales and financing since I was 19 years old that includes marketing.If you have a new product you dont in my opinion want to give information for free if your trying to get your product out thete.There would be no need to by it if you give it away for nothing.Afyer you see a reasonable profit yes ofcourse .As far as discussing Rudis book on the same thread as they would their own I dont know about that one that doesnt make sense either .But these are only my opinions of course not to be taking personal.Regardless of how how some feel not everyone is head over heals for Rudis book I have no feeling about his book rather than Peter's collaborations with him and I wont discuss that one to each their own. |
CHEVYMAN 15.03.2020 08:32 |
Rainbow, I didnt mean my statement to be a pissing contest all I was stating was my opinion on generosity and the fact I actually worked in sales and financing since I was 19 years old that includes marketing.If you have a new product you dont in my opinion want to give information for free if your trying to get your product out thete.There would be no need to by it if you give it away for nothing.Afyer you see a reasonable profit yes ofcourse .As far as discussing Rudis book on the same thread as they would their own I dont know about that one that doesnt make sense either .But these are only my opinions of course not to be taking personal.Regardless of how how some feel not everyone is head over heals for Rudis book I have no feeling about his book rather than Peter's collaborations with him and I wont discuss that one to each their own. |
Katydyd5 15.03.2020 12:36 |
Rainbow I'm going to try to remember to catch Rudi's Live chat and if I do I'll give a quick summary. I'm going to be kind of busy today so it may not be something I remember in time. LOL, maybe I can have Alexa remind me. |
Amidds 15.03.2020 13:14 |
Wanted to post about Rudi’s live today at 11:00 (LA time), looks like you all may be on top of it! I will prob miss it but will see if he keeps it in his feed. Rainbow, your trip sounds a lot like mine except in reverse :). Now, unfortunately, looks like it may be cancelled. However, I follow an Ireland Travel on IG and they were showing pics of People swarming Temple Bar prob in some kind of protest of social distancing. That just tells me that the chances of us getting Corona and being quarantined skyrocketed! Not to mention that all tourist locations have now closed. The nurses in my group REALLY can’t be off work for a trip and quarantine time cause they will be needed. I know I sound selfish but I’m really bummed and am hoping our Paris/Montreux trip isn’t affected in September (all the crying emojis!) Oh, and add my high praise for The Great Pretenders...couldn’t put it down! |
Thereuhaveit 15.03.2020 14:14 |
Amidds, lol-- 'The Great Believers', but I've also said the same on several occasions--it's a Freddie thing. :) Glad that all who've read it, loved it. I'm encouraging my 25 year-old to read it, but he hasn't--yet. |
Amidds 15.03.2020 16:56 |
OMG was that a Freudian slip or what?!?! You can tell what I think about most days! |
lsg 15.03.2020 17:23 |
Amidds....too funny about the sneezing comment! Lol....I do hope your trip to Ireland works out because, well, it means the CV is contained. The 2 countries I’m most drawn to visiting are Ireland and Austria. I love the ancient mysticism of Ireland. While I was the state of Galicia in northern Spain, ( Galicia means Gaelic) you could definitely see the ancient Gaelic- Irish influences with their modified bag pipes they play in that region of north western Spain, also their folkloric dance and costume. Katydy.....interesting, I had never heard of a salt cellar, they are beautiful and pristine. I love going through antique markets, but not for collecting so much , but for the wonderful childhood memories it gives me when I recognize something from childhood. |
Katydyd5 15.03.2020 18:49 |
Listened to Rudi. No big deal. He's not so good at Live. He's all over the place in conversation, sometimes reading from a prepared list of questions, other times reading right off the screen. Part of the time today he spoke in German. He also did a lot of walking around his office which was hard to follow because of the motion of the camera. He says he's going to do this weekly for half an hour at a time, so I'm hoping he gets better with practice. |
Holly2003 15.03.2020 19:12 |
Katydyd5 wrote: Listened to Rudi ... I'm hoping he gets better with practice.Judging by the documentaries they made about Queen, don't count on it. |
CHEVYMAN 15.03.2020 19:34 |
Holly2003, I agree with you on that one I dont follow Rudi but I have heard he isnt very natural or organized in his live interviews I wonderi its being nervous.The only live I have seen is with Thor and Lee and it looked like they were just setting at home they looked very relaxed they did pretty well to have not have done that before. |
Amidds 15.03.2020 20:17 |
Katydyd, agree 100%! I didn’t see it live but just after in his story. He def needs to get better organized and stay on topic. He did announce his and Peters “secret project” will be done at Breakthru. Didn’t say what it is exactly, so back to the hinting which I don’t like :(. I thought I noticed some QZ peeps popping in with questions though! Thanks Lgsp, keeping my fingers crossed! Having the nurses ck with their hospital today to see if their vacation time could be rescinded if their area gets hit hard so, that may be the deciding factor. |
Katydyd5 15.03.2020 23:35 |
Amdds, I'm with you. I find the hinting about the "secret project" annoying. I noticed some QZ people too! I don't use this name on Insta so no one would recognize me if I did comment. : ) I know we had some people who are planning to go to Breakthru, so they will probably know before the rest of us. As for your trip to Ireland, I'm so sorry. I would think your Montreux trip would still be safe. Surely by then this will all be over. It seems to be getting worse by the hour, but I have to believe it will turn around at some point soon. |
Jo T. 15.03.2020 23:59 |
JB050, I tried to send you a PM earlier last week, but it never went through. The site is a technical dinosaur. Anyway, it's hard to believe that a week ago today, my sister and I flew home FROM NYC, after our vacay in early March. That was all BEFORE Broadway went dark, the museums closed, etc. - due to the coronavirus. We saw Lee Nolan's recommended "Come From Away" on Broadway. Unfortunately, actor Jenn Colella of the original Broadway cast had left the role of American Airlines' Captain Beverley Bass for other projects last Nov. 2019. I loved her performance of "Me and the Sky." However, she was replaced by the talented Rachel Tucker, who was nominated for an Olivier Award for the same role in the London production. My sister really liked "CFA." Of course, I had seen it already back in the fall, when the Broadway touring company had stopped in my metropolis. I hope our country and parts of the world come together over the coronavirus like it had for 9/11, as in "CFA." Perhaps long after it's all over one day, somebody shall make a Broadway production about the year 2020 and COVID-19. I have no doubt TP shall be mentioned in a song! We also saw "Jagged Little Pill" on Broadway. If you're a fan of Alanis Morissette, you'll really like it. Thus, I would highly recommend it for you - once Broadway is operational again. Alanis' songs wove seamlessly into the story. It's as if they were made specifically for the musical. The musical covers current issues about opioid abuse, date rape, LGBT, race, etc. JB, I'm sorry to learn you had to cancel your vacation, Billy Joel @ MSG and Broadway. The Broadway touring company of "Dear Evan Hansen" was cancelled in my metropolis, but these are 1st-world complaints. People are dying from coronavirus. I also feel for those industries (theatres, restaurants, bars, hotels, etc.) who are losing revenue, as well as the workers and their families affected by the coronavirus. Some folks don't get paid if they don't work. They don't have PTO. I'm very blessed to be able to work from home online, even though it'll be an inconvenience. Katydyd, I had to look up "salt cellar." Obviously, I don't own one nor have I heard it of it! LOL |
Rainbow61 16.03.2020 00:57 |
Amidds...It would certainly be disappointing if your trip gets cancelled, but it sounds like you would not have the full "Ireland experience" if many tourist areas are closed. If your trip is cancelled, then on the day you are supposed to depart, go out and buy a lottery ticket. If you win BIG, you won't be as disappointed that you missed your trip and you'll have plenty of money to plan future trips! Jo T.... I'm fortunate that I can also work from home if necessary, but you are right, this is a scary time for those who do not get paid time off. There are many people who live paycheck to paycheck and losing wages means the difference between paying rent or making a car payment etc. Today it was announced that all the schools in the counties around me are closed until at least April 19. That means there are a lot parents looking for someone to watch their children while they work. They must be scrambling now. Katydyd...Did Rudi say anything about when his book will be out? Although I am not on Instagram, I can still read the comments that are posted. It sounds like Rudi is still writing the book. I do admit to being curious about what his secret project is! I bet the Breakthru conference will be really fun this year. |
Katydyd5 16.03.2020 01:34 |
Rainbow, during a Live on Insta, you can see comments from the people watching. Several people asked Rudi when the book will be out, but he didn't say. I do believe he is still writing. I thought the whole secret project thing was confusing. It almost sounded like it would be some kind of live performance which doesn't really make sense. I guess we will find out in time. Jo, you have the best trips to NY! It's so hard to imagine Broadway is dark now. What do all of those actors do? How do they stay fresh for performances when they begin again? This is all such new territory. My next local Broadway series show isn't until May and I'm not planning on attending that one. It's Anastasia and I have no interest. LOL, salt cellars...………….I hope you guys realized I meant what I said when I told you I have never used them. They aren't my style at all. It was just something that impressed me as a child because they were so fancy. So when I thought about a gift for Freddie, antique salt cellars seemed like something he might enjoy using. We've all seen the pictures of him making sure the table settings were perfect and I can see him fussing around with placing them on the table just so. When my family is all here for a dinner we use Chinette paper plates and the salt is in an old wooden salt shaker that I've had forever. |
CHEVYMAN 16.03.2020 15:25 |
Corona virus update thought to be caused from bats and estimated 60 percent of people will be infected by the end of the year. |
Amidds 16.03.2020 17:06 |
Yep, we're officially cancelling Ireland. The nurses in our group were told that, if they still went, they would have to be quarantined at least 2 weeks after their return (no pay) before they could go back to work. B/t that and everything being closed, we're trying to reschedule for May, assuming life will be back to normal then lol! Yikes, Broadway dark???? Can't even imagine. Sorry, JB, that you lost out on a vacation as well. Obviously, things are weird right now and, if that's all we have to suffer through, I'll count it as a win. I don't know anyone that has the virus though my son-in-law in now on quarantine for treating a COVID patient 2 weekends ago. He's a paramedic and is getting pretty frustrated being at home!! No word on if he actually contracted it. Rudi gave no indication on book timing. I find it a little weird cause he's always posting about how he just "finished another chapter" and that's been going on for a year now? I would think that would give him an idea, but, what do I know?? Katy, I'm with you....Chinette or my everyday Corelle lol! My whole family has all these nice dishes they love to use/show off. I feel as if you're gonna cover it with food, who cares??? |
CHEVYMAN 16.03.2020 19:23 |
For one these guys writing these books unless you have been an author of a book yourself I dont think it's weird at all for them to do anything they do in the book writing process.Im not a fan of Rudi for reasons known to me but everyone wonders why it took so long for Thor and Lee's book to complete.Well I want anyone to set down with a blank sheet of paper and have at it.Its a tedious process I'm sure.They will complete when they do and everyone can then be happy I do hope it brings the ones that have worked so hard the recognition they deserve because so far I have heard how long these books are taking and no I'm not talking about everyone so please save face and dont jump to conclusions.Im sure the books will be well worth reading when complete and a view from different perspectives one from a personal account which will be nice and one from a buisness side. |
JB050 16.03.2020 20:35 |
So great to hear from everyone and read the conversation. Thank you to each of you for commiserating with/for me. Jo T -well said. These are for sure 1st world problems. I was ok with it. Soooo glad you got there and saw and enjoyed the shows and trips. Jagged Little Pill Recommendation appreciated and noted if I do get there in September. As always, I really appreciate this group!!! Like Amidds, my Mom is in her 80s and I was concerned if I travelled would need to quarantine from her so worked out well anyway. Am so ok with it and also heartbroken and concerned for all effected and all types of impacts. Chilling at home works for me for now. You will hear me if I get stir crazy. Haha. Thank you each again I truly, truly appreciate your caring!! And, here is how I am flipping it: got tickets for Dear Evan in CH in August, and we may get to have re-do Billy Joel in September. |
Katydyd5 16.03.2020 20:37 |
Amidds, LOL, I could use the every day plates but then I'd have to wash them. When the whole crowd is here, I'm about paper. Wow, I hope you are not overly optimistic by considering May for your trip. I hope things are good by then too, but it sounds more dire every day. My niece just canceled her wedding scheduled for April 14 in Mexico. My heart breaks for her but she really had no choice. Her uncle is a doctor in a NYC hospital and he was told he couldn't go because they may need him as things get worse. Her sister is a research scientist in a Philadelphia cancer center and she was told she could go, but would have to isolate for 14 days upon return without pay. I think my niece has known for a few days that this was coming, but she finally had to face the decision. I'm so sad for her. LOL Amidds, I know what you mean about Rudi saying almost daily that he's finished another chapter. I suspect, like most authors, he sets aside a designated time for writing every day. When he tells us he's "finished another chapter", I think he means he finished the day's quota of work. If not his book will have such a huge number of chapters it might be hard to lift. Both books will reach us when ready and I'm excited to have new material whenever we get it. |
JB050 16.03.2020 20:39 |
Jo T. Same back to you. Really disappointing about your trip, but better safe and healthy for now. Will you be able to do make-up trip. Fingers and toes that your other trip won’t need cancelling. I agree that it should be okay by then.... hopefully. :)) All—I’m with you... anxiously awaiting the next book. Even if I am behind on current reading list!! Loved the Great Pretender Freudian slip. Perfection. |
JB050 16.03.2020 20:40 |
Amidds. Re: trip that is. Hasahaaa. Now I’m slipping. :-)) |
Katydyd5 16.03.2020 20:41 |
JB I too am so happy to see the conversations here. It's a source of joy and support to hear from you guys and to see that we are all in this together. |
JB050 16.03.2020 21:01 |
Yessss!!! Xoxo!! |
CHEVYMAN 16.03.2020 21:25 |
JoT, I was glad to here about your trip as well but I had a little heads up being as I actually collaborated with ya while you were on your trip thanks for sharing it with us especially the art iit was gorgeous.Im glad you made it home safe and I'm looking forward to you going back.I laughed at the fact you get I D everywhere so do I.I guess that's a good thing we will age gracefully.Stay healthy my friend.I actually did a little research on the artist and how he got his start and how his art had to first appear in mens health and fitness magazines.By the 70s it was booming. |
Rainbow61 16.03.2020 21:53 |
So many people adversely affected. Everyone will be talking about this global event for years to come. It will be one of those "Do you remember when....?" stories. Things are unfolding rapidly. At the beginning of the day, my agency held a meeting and we were told that we could split our work hours between the office and home in whatever combination worked best for us. In addition, we were requiring our consumers to call first; We were no longer taking walk-ins. By the end of the day, I received an agency directive that we were closing until further notice. All work is to be done at home. That is fine with me...I can handle working in my sweat pants. Katydyd...How disappointing for your niece. Will she still get married on that date and have the wedding celebration another time? I have a few books in progress (coincidentally, one is about the Spanish Influenza pandemic entitled "The Great Influenza". Another is about an American couple who buy a cottage in Ireland entitled: O Come Ye Back To Ireland") I GUARANTEE when Thor/Lee and Rudi's books come out, they will immediately skip to the top of my reading list! Those will be "hunker down and read all at once" books. (The equivalent of finding a great series to watch on Netflix, and before you know it, you've watched almost an entire season in one evening. |
Amidds 16.03.2020 23:11 |
Oh noooo Katy, your poor niece! Hope all works out for her!! Planning a wedding is soo stressful, can’t imagine having to cancel! May might be optimistic, my daughter is a nurse manager and has to sit in on all “those” meetings...the scuttle butt is that it will be on the down slide at that time, so I’m gonna trust her on this. Aannnnnddd, will be keeping my fingers crossed!! Also, didn’t even think that Rudi may be using incorrect vernacular, lol, I think every time, “whoa, another War and Peace or what?” I needed that perspective, thanks. JB, good work in flipping it! No point in getting worked up over it, really, just give yourself something positive to look forward to!!! Rainbow, you are spot on. I’m sure we will be talking about this for years. It’s really crazy! My office is still open and it doesn’t look like they’ll be doing a shut down at all. I’m not too concerned cause I have a corner office that keeps me away from others and it’s a small company and not the “walk-in” kind but, gotta admit, I’d like to work from home in my sweatpants too!!! |
Katydyd5 16.03.2020 23:41 |
Rainbow, I'm not sure what my niece is going to do. Though she doesn't see it now, this will be a great story to tell her grandchildren some day. She and her fiancé met at Oklahoma State and are both vets in Texas now. She's definitely a transplant from the East coast so she was so excited to be seeing family and friends at the wedding that she rarely sees now. Not sure how easily they can get time off since they are both new to the practices.. Amidds, I would trust what your daughter says! I sure hope she is correct. My friend's son is a PA in an ER in North Carolina. He said he normally has 10 nurses working his shift, but today he only had 3 because the others were home with their kids. Rainbow, I'm a reader too. I probably read a book a week so I'm always up for a good recommendation. |
CHEVYMAN 18.03.2020 23:58 |
Hi fellow lurkers just wanted to say hi and let you guys know how friendly this thread is it says ALL welcome I have made several polite statements and not one response.I hope this isnt the way all new posters are treated or poster that may just not agree with a topic .Have a peaceful evening and stay healthy to all you lovely people.Acceptance is a word only unless it is reinforced by actions.Its ok to be a little weird it's what makes you unique and different from everyone else.So come one come all you freaky people you are loved and awesome! |
CHEVYMAN 19.03.2020 00:01 |
Oh I forgot to say I love you! |
MyHumanZoo 19.03.2020 16:29 |
I found this thread...thank you Katydid for the heads-up! I feel so badly for those of you with vacations and events cancelled, it’s so hard to miss out on those special times. I really hope everything can get caught up once this virus has calmed down. I coach high school tennis, and it is heart-breaking for the seniors who have worked so hard for years to reach the top of their game and now it is all cancelled. They also don’t get their final fun times with high school friends and possibly even their graduation walks. Kind of amazing how many things are touched by this! |
CHEVYMAN 19.03.2020 23:24 |
Mhz, It really is scary I havent seen anything like this in my time. |
Katydyd5 20.03.2020 01:30 |
Good to see you MHZ! You'll find that this thread can be very active for a few days and then slow down, only to pick up again when the urge hits someone to post. I hope you will come by often. There were several news stories today on high school seniors and the things they will be missing due to the current situation. It seems the longer this goes, the more things are affected. It's like ripples on a pond that just keep getting bigger and bigger. I follow a local city page on FB and today some of the kids were worrying about when they could get their yearbooks and if they would ever be able to have friends sign them. Seems a small issue, but to them, it's huge. MHZ do you coach both boys and girls? It's so sad to see the spring sports canceled. The kids must be heartbroken. (Yikes, the storm sirens are going off. Tornado warning a little too close for comfort...……..back in a sec) 15 minutes later, storms breaking up. It's going to be a long night. Anyway...……...I'm going to share a video that most of you have probably already seen this week . It's been all over FB and there is even a thread for it on the General Discussion forum. People seemed to be most impressed that they are hearing John Deacon's voice for the first time in years. That isn't a big deal to me, but I thought it was just a cute conversation between father and son. Cam had such a typical reaction to his father. And I have to admit, I love the rabbit hat. Boy could I use one of those to annoy my grandkids. They never think I'm as amusing as I think I am. link |
Amidds 20.03.2020 13:23 |
Hi Everyone!! MHZ! Glad you found us! So sad to hear about the high schoolers, I remember how important those times were to my kids. Hopefully, the powers that be, will reschedule events that are important. It can be done!!! Katy! Just what you need right? Coronavirus AND a tornado. Geez!! Thanks for the vid, it was cute! Latest Finding Freddie it out today. Making Barcelona: link Also, Rudi announced another live this Sunday at 4:00 pm Miami time. If anyone, who doesn't get IG Live, is interested, I can attempt to screen record it and forward it to you. Just DM me. Have to say, don't have a lot of hopes for this weeks, he has been complaining a lot about the Coronavirus this week and lack of supplies available. I get his frustration, just sayin he might be a little preoccupied for a good live right now. I feel like I should also take this time to let you know that no one should be panicking about the masks that "aren't" available right now to consumers. Generally, the ones we buy off the shelf are not the right type to prevent contracting this virus. You really need special ones that you can pretty much only find in a Dr office or hospital (and don't steal them, our healthcare workers need them to take care of the ill!) Also, while gloves may be a good idea if you are out touching things, unless you sterilize everything you bring home, you can still bringing it in your house. Just trying to be real, y'all. The best way to prevent this is to wash your hands, use hand sanitizer (which seems to be in supply again), don't touch your face and stay home! That being said, I am still at work everyday because I work for a small company with an owner who can be stupid at times. :(( Stay safe y'all!!! |
Katydyd5 20.03.2020 13:29 |
Amidds, I’m about to make a fast trip to the bank, and then I’m sheltering in. But quick question for you or anyone else: I’m a foodie, used to eating out with friends at least twice a week. So....what do you think about food delivery such as Door Dash or even pizza? Safe? More later on the podcast and Rudi. |
Amidds 20.03.2020 14:12 |
Katy, I actually questioned "my nurse" thoroughly this week about what to do and not do as my husband and mom are both in high risk groups. Basically, she said the above and, the rest, you have to decide where you want to draw the line. Anyone can have it and not know about it, therefore spreading it unknowingly. Anytime you go out, have someone over, etc. you are taking a chance. If it helps at all, she is NOT walking around wearing gloves and masks every time she goes out or even when she is entering/leaving work. She is following the above guidelines and not going to bars, restaurants, stores, etc unless she absolutely has to. She has postponed hair and nail appts, dr appts and our vacation (obviously). She still works 3-5 shifts per week, carries around hand sanitizer and orders Door Dash. Her only advice when ordering out was to wash your hands after handling packaging but before eating. Does that make sense? Open the pizza box, wash your hands, then grab that slice! |
Katydyd5 20.03.2020 14:27 |
Thanks Amidds! Door Dash has initiated a “non-contact” delivery meaning they leave it outside your door. I’ll probably go ahead with lots of hand washing. My bank was interesting and I’m glad I went today because I won’t need to go again until May. They had tape on the floor so you knew where to stand for social distancing and also tape to keep you away from the counter. I was second a line of two when I got there, but there were six in line when I left. I’m in for the duration now. My thoughts are with those of you who have the care of elderly parents. The news is changing so fast it is hard to keep up. |
MyHumanZoo 20.03.2020 16:58 |
I saw that video with John’s son, I actually follow him on YouTube but his videos are kind of strange to me...probably geared towards kids his age, I suppose. I don’t watch them often. I wonder how old he is, seeing as he is living at home? Since John is near 70 it seems like his kids would be grown and gone, but I know he had 6 kids so maybe this is the youngest. On Rudi, he was fun while he had his girlfriend, but lately I find him a little annoying. Hhhmmm, maybe I am just getting grumpy from being isolated, lol! It seems a bit unfair that he comes from a foreign country after the virus has started taking over, and then complains that there are no supplies here. There aren’t supplies anywhere, people have been buying up gloves and masks (and tp!) all over the world, it’s not specific to the US and it kind of irks me that he feels like we did it to him on purpose and that he deserves better. We all deserve better, but here we are and we’re dealing with it and not complaining! Rant over on that...I guess! As far as his book goes, I read on another thread a while back that he has been “writing” and promising this book for years and has never delivered. I am hoping that he is really working on it, but he has said that he wrote a chapter in one night, which seems odd to me. Writing isn’t easy, and I can’t imagine he can just rip through a chapter like that, unless the chapter is a few paragraphs long. And he doesn’t appear to have an editor or anyone reviewing it or helping, so I have to wonder if it is really happening. Oh well, I’ll hang on and monitor, he does drop a few Freddie tidbits in his IG stories if you can keep him focused! Katydid, I have coached boys in the past, but currently I coach girls. It is fun, but a lot of work. I miss the girls and the matches, but I don’t miss standing outside in the March cold and winds for hours on end! As far as deliveries and the virus go, I saw some info on TV yesterday about a study on how long the virus survives on different surfaces. For most surfaces (like plastic, etc) it was maybe 6 hours or something. But they said on cardboard it could last up to 24 hours....so now I am wondering how safe shipping boxes will be...my Amazon fix may be ending, lol! |
Galileo1564 20.03.2020 17:22 |
Katydyd5–there is some risk. On one of the affected cruise ships there were people who fell ill and their only contact was delivered food left outside their doors. This was mentioned on TWiV podcast, sorry I don’t remember which episode number. Having said that eating is essential, and most of us don’t have months of food stashed in our homes. I’m getting groceries delivered today. There are several medicines now being used or under study. In that respect things are getting better. I live close to New York State and they’re going into lockdown. But grocery stores will still be open. We have to eat. |
Galileo1564 20.03.2020 17:28 |
MyHumanZoo—amazon boxes should be safe as long as your delivery man is not a carrier of the virus. The study you’re referring to is under lab conditions. They can’t for obvious reasons put virus on a box and then ship it and study how long the virus remains infectious! WHO is saying delivery boxes are OK. As a precaution I’m unboxing everything outside, bringing my stuff in and putting the boxes straight into recycling, and then washing hands. This is still less risky than going to the store. I don’t know if this precaution is really needed, but I’m doing it anyway. It might not be a bad idea to put off non-essential purchases for the time being. |
Katydyd5 21.03.2020 01:04 |
Galileo,hello! I think of you every time I leave the "s" off a link to make it live. :) Thanks for all of the advice. I'd had two Amazon boxes just sitting in the entryway until I could get to them. You spurred me to action. All this hand washing is drying out my hands! I'm going to try to remember to watch Rudi this week, but if he's as scattered and unorganized as he has been, this may be my last time. I'm kind of tired of Run, Rudi, Run, though I do say good for him for making the effort and keeping at it. He does look thinner. MHZ, we did talk a bit about his book before. Personally I think he's given himself an allotted amount of time each day to write, and quite possibly he's calling that given time a chapter. It's also possible that he's been working on the book for a long time, but pushing it aside for other projects. I actually thought I might use some of this time confined to the house to finish a Shutterfly book I started a long time ago called "Family Fun 2017". At that time my goal was to make a book a year. I do have two books for the years prior, but then I ran out of steam. Cameron Deacon does seem a bit quirky but I think you are right MHZ that's he's geared towards people his age or younger. I think I read that he is 27 and he is John's youngest child. Amidds, thanks for the podcast link. I just watched it. Nothing new in this one, and not enough Freddie for me. it indicated that this was Part 1 so maybe we will see more of Freddie in part 2. I do enjoy listening to Mike Moran though. |
CHEVYMAN 21.03.2020 02:17 |
Galileo, at least the stores are open my whole town everything is shut down. I have to go to the city to get anything.Walmart wont let you order toilet paper online you have to get it in store and they are out. |
CHEVYMAN 21.03.2020 02:28 |
Mhz, Do you coach girls wrestling my son wrestled all through highschool and junior high and even went to wrestle in Japan to represent the US.When you said matches It sounded like you might be a wrestling coach.In junior high he wrestled in the 90 weight division.In his senior year it was the 130 or 140 I think.Rudi gets on my nerves a bit but people like him so who am I to say .I just am not too interested in those German years they dont impress me they seem to have been some of his darker times from a personal perspective. |
JB050 21.03.2020 13:56 |
Hi everyone! So good to see the conversation and information about this current situation (yes the ‘ion’s were intentional.... haha). I’ve been thinking about all of you and so glad to hear you are all safe and hunkering in. I agree about concern for those with higher risk. did just get the stay-home order in IL from the Governor starting tonight at 5pm. Amidds — did that change your going in to work? Our company is instituting full work at home at least thru end of month. So, I believe it’s Rainbow I’ll be joining for working in PJs. :) Great to know about pizza box!!! I have one from last night. Based on this knowledge I will take it out of the box. Thanks!! Rainbow- thank you for Your message re: show. the one you were going to looks so good too. There will be shows in our future!!! I have made an exception and let the dog on the bed yesterday. I think I’ve started something. It’s great though. Anyone else find your doing something differently? I agree that we will always remember this moment. And I really hope the in it together, global caring, slowing down, being together aspects do change us and do Stay. I felt such gratitude seeing them restocking at grocery store. As usual I’m going back thru posts. Think I may owe a few more answers. :) |
JB050 21.03.2020 14:25 |
And MHZ!! Hi!! So glad your here!!! |
MyHumanZoo 21.03.2020 15:10 |
Thanks JB! Good to know on the boxes, thank you Galileo. I agree that we’ll always remember this time, and I’m sure this will change things going forward. Soon we’ll be saying “remember when people used to shake hands and hug when they met?” Ha! My life hasn’t changed a lot, I am retired so most of my time is already at home. We are fortunate in that there are no known cases in my county yet. I feel for people in small apartments and without access to outdoor space, I imagine the domestic fighting cases may jump in number. What’s the saying? Familiarity breeds contempt? Lol! |
MyHumanZoo 21.03.2020 15:15 |
Sorry Chevyman, I forgot to answer...no I don’t coach wrestling. That made me laugh, I can’t imagine myself wrestling at all! I coach tennis, mainly because the outfits are way cuter than the wrestling ones. Just kidding! ; ) Another thing that makes me sad though, professional tennis is suspended and now the French Open has been moved to fall. I am desperately hoping that Wimbledon doesn’t also get cancelled or moved. I live for tennis tournaments and watch as much as possible. |
CHEVYMAN 21.03.2020 20:45 |
Mhz, The worst thing I hated about my son wrestling had to wax his legs .Tennis is a cool sport I love to watch it. |
CHEVYMAN 21.03.2020 20:51 |
I could've killed my son he went to the city and went to a place pub in the city last night to eat drink and hear a band I could've killed him.I chewed him out horribly this virus scares me to death people are dying it reminds me of when I became sick and they could do very little.Young people just dont understand and think they are invinsible. |
Amidds 22.03.2020 00:49 |
Katy, couldn’t agree more on the Rudi thing. More power to him, I hope he does well with his projects but, it’s getting tiresome for me. Also not holding my breath on his book cuz that also seems to be dragging on. HI JB, you been missing girl ;). Yes, as of yesterday, Illinois is on lockdown (as I call it), and I am now out of work until 4/8. I am fortunate enough to work for a company that is small enough and (occasionally) generous enough to pay us for 3 weeks max before we have to dip into our vacations. Of course, I brought home my laptop and will continue to work as I do the acct, payroll and HR stuff. My husband, unfortunately, works for a government contractor and his employer has gotten an exemption for their 2000+ employees to continue to work as they are “necessary for national defense”. He even got a letter sent home to carry with him in case he gets stopped. Pisses me off....my hubby is a bit older than me and this outside him at risk. Not to mention my mom as, if he brings it home, I can spread it to her and I’m the only family she has to help her. I am trying to get him to use up his vacation. *sigh* |
Katydyd5 23.03.2020 00:42 |
Well, I watched Rudi today and he did marginally better than the last time. He reminds me of the students I used to have who could not sit still. He showed off his office again, but then settled into answering questions. He did talk about the corona virus a bit. It was disconcerting to watch him repeatedly touch his nose and mouth after he showed off the sanitary station he has by his front door. I have noticed that I touch my face much more often than I ever knew too but watching him was an additional reminder for me. He talked a lot about the chapters he is working on and I have to believe "chapter" has a different meaning for him than it does for most of us. I guess we'll find out soon enough. Nothing new today but he did say that one chapter will be about Jim and he might have said some of Freddie's other lovers too. Sorry, I wasn't paying close enough attention. My state is on lockdown too as of tonight. If you are "caught" out you have to be able to prove you are on essential business. I was hoping to make a quick trip to the grocery store this week but now I don't know. You are lucky you can do your job from home Amidds. Are all 2000+ of your husband's fellow employees in the same building? It's so hard to believe that he has to carry a letter with him in case he is stopped. I hope he considers your situation and decides to use up some vacation. I hope all of you are well. Be safe...………... |
Saint Jiub 23.03.2020 04:33 |
I am also in Illinois and have one of those letters as I work in the tranportation industry for a manufacturing company that sells steel products. I am a quality engineer, and could work at home, but there is only so much email I can read and respond to. Our company's business software works well remotely, but I rarely use it. I need to use and maintain our custom quality inspection database and also have access to the company network files, and this does not work well remotely at my company. Also, I would feel guilty abandoning our inspectors. Why should I get to safely work at home while they risk going to work? It would seem like I thought that the lower level people who perform the real work are "expendable" while I safely work in luxury at home. I am in my upper 50's and have diabetes, but even so, my risk of death is probably eaily less than 5%. |
Jo T. 23.03.2020 05:07 |
St. Jiub, speaking of diabetes, even though you're under 60, your diabetes would be considered an underlying medical condition that places you at greater risk for complications from the coronavirus (COVID-19). Seriously, take advantage of the "luxury" of being able to work from home. Not all are afforded the same. Katydyd, it was awesome to hear John Deacon's voice - after all these years - from the YouTube livestream. His son, Cameron, has type 1 diabetes, formerly known as insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus or juvenile diabetes. Cam wears an insulin pump. That's why John expressed concern how Cam's "blood sugars are up." He IS quirky, but I do like him. I've watched his YouTube videos. BTW, I have a vested interest in diabetes because of my family history. My late father had type 2 diabetes, even though he was slender. My sister had gestational diabetes. My 1st cousin has type 1 diabetes from the age of 8. It's in my blood. Anyway, I'm sharing a humorous image of John Deacon that was posted earlier in a private FB group by another QZ member. I do NOT treat COVID-19 lightly, but the image made me laugh. I hope nobody gets offended. |
Thereuhaveit 23.03.2020 14:14 |
The photo is funny and with a good message, Jo T.--thanks! |
Katydyd5 23.03.2020 15:53 |
St. Jiub, just be careful! You have some risk factors, as do many of us. I'm exploring some options now for having groceries delivered. My older son lives in KY and manages a Donatos pizza place, so he is still working delivery. His wife is a teacher and is at home. My son here is considered essential so he's still working, though I wish he wasn't. My DIL here is a supervising nurse at a nursing home/rehab so she's still working. She said it was rough this weekend since they allow no visitors except for people who are actually dying and they only are allowed one at a time. I can't imagine how heartbreaking that is. JO, I think humor is essential now. It's always been my way of coping so I appreciated the image of John. I'm attaching another video of Cameron's. He shares his top 10 Queen songs. I really do get a kick out of him. I'm not sure if this is the video where he talks about his diabetes and learning disability, but he's very open about both. Actually I think that might have been in a video where he was introducing himself and answering personal questions. link |
Katydyd5 23.03.2020 16:05 |
BTW, TUHI, haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well with you. |
Amidds 23.03.2020 16:53 |
St Jiub, I work for a steel contractor - I wonder if our companies do business together???? NOT taking what you said personally so I hope this doesn't sound like an attack.....my husband is one of those "lower level" employees due to a work injury he sustained years ago where 3 of his discs were compressed. He took a year to recover and had to start entry level in his 50's for this new company. I hear what you're saying about "why should you get to stay at home when others have to risk it" BUT, that's just doing our part in not spreading this. His company had an employee show up with Corona. They cleaned the one area this person spent most of his day - none of the other areas where he could've come into contact with the other 2500 employees who share space. They do have a responsibility toward their employees if they want them to come in, I don't see my husband taking that risk right now when he can bring it home to me and then my elderly mother who has NO ONE else to help her. We are literally her only remaining living relatives within 500 miles. This does NOT make us any more important than anyone else but makes me grateful that he has vacation accrued and can take some while the company implements additional measures to keep their employees safe. Jo T., love the pic. Makes you wonder if John has incredible foresight lol! John "Nostradamus" Deacon Katy, will keep your working relatives in my thoughts. It's unfortunate that anyone has to take a chance being out there right now and I know how difficult it is to worry about them!! Was very thankful to hear that my daughter's hospital has put an end to all visitation and non-essential personnel except in very limited situations where they are tested, then walked through a washing/PPE routine under the watchful eyes of managers. I hope this keeps her safer. Unfortunately, she is also a trained ICU nurse so she will prob be recruited back to that area if/when things continue to worsen which will up her exposure again. *sad emoji* |
MyHumanZoo 23.03.2020 16:59 |
I watched Rudi's IG yesterday too...I feel like he answered pretty much the exact same questions as last week, very little new information. I feel like he likes showing everyone the people/groups he has worked with, that seems to be his main focus. It is an amazing list, for sure! It really doesn't make sense for him to share a lot of info before his book comes out, so I'm not sure why he does these videos. Our Governor just announced a stay at home requirement, so I guess I'm now officially at home! Oddly, now that I have been told I HAVE to stay home...all I want to do is go out, LOL! My husband owns a construction business, so this is not good for him but I guess we are all in the same boat. He is also a commissioner in our county, and I can say being in government and trying to do what is right for everyone while also juggling economy and ongoing business concerns, as well as medical status and trying to keep government going while not putting people at risk....it is a hard job. I feel for all our government officials having to manage this...it is 24/7 and full of stress. I have to say, I am amazed that Cam Deacon is 27...I would have guessed about 17. I think I am at that age where everyone under 40 looks like a teenager to me! |
CHEVYMAN 23.03.2020 17:57 |
I want a hamburger right now but I'm so afraid to get one in my state they will deliver them to your home through this tragedy.I would be thinking the whole time with every bite about the virus so I guess I will cook at home.I have a damaged immune system so I do have to be careful.People are hoarding food and toilet paper like crazy.The stores are gonna have to put limits on the stuff they can purchase.Well enough of that I hope everyone Is well and stays well and is still able to work you too St Juib. |
Amidds 23.03.2020 18:49 |
I forgot about Rudi's live. I mean, I watched it (kinda) but couldn't get into it. Probably won't bother again. I agree, not sure why he's doing these. However, Katy, your recaps are so awesome - are you a writer? MHZ, right after I posted my last comments, I got word from the owner of my company that we are declaring ourselves an "essential" business. Myself and my assistant are going to continue to stay home until 4/8 but, that means all other employees are going in. As I mentioned, my work is also in construction, not sure how we would be deemed essential according to the official IL explanation but, my boss is going for it anyway. Point being, I would assume maybe your husband could do the same? And, who would questions him if he is the commissioner lol? Yes, it really is a balancing act that would be very tricky for anyone to make decisions on. I don't envy them having to decide between people's health and, basically, the good of the economy and these people's livelihoods after this is over? The one thing I have learned that keeps me feeling strong about staying in is the permanent scarring on the lungs that this could do to anyone, at any age, like pneumonia :(((( |
Thereuhaveit 23.03.2020 19:12 |
Hi Katy--still around, I check in from time-to-time, but didn't feel like I had much to add. But that little bit from Jo T. was great, so had to weigh in and chortle a bit. My son lives in Amman, Jordan and is in lock-down. We talk every day. He's fortunate because he lives on the ground floor of his building and has a nice, walled-in porch. We spoke this morning (morning--my time, his time--late afternoon) and he'd been reading outside because the weather was lovely. I'm fortunate to have some space and an extensive garden--both to work and seek refuge in. I've never seen the Rudi "lives"--sheesh, I hope he quit smoking sometime in the last few decades! In all those out-takes from Queen videos, he always had a cigarette in-hand, so hope he managed to dispense with that bad habit. I've seen one or two of Cam's videos--"vlogs" I believe they're called? He's very sweet, if quite young for his age. Still, there's a kindness there that I find charming. Here in Austin, we're mostly hunkered down, if not completely locked-down. I'm glad SXSW was canceled a few weeks back! Our local leadership is good, the state? Not so much. Stay safe and be well all of you!! |
Rainbow61 23.03.2020 22:58 |
Hello Everyone, The song "Don't Stop Me Now" just finished playing on our local radio station! That certainly was a pick-me-up. It has been snowing fairly steadily for a while now...it's quite peaceful and lovely. It's a bit of a visual respite from all the uncertainty in the world. I stepped outside just to breathe in deeply. Cold, fresh air always seems so clean, doesn't it? Nice to see so many friendly faces here again...although under extraordinary circumstances. I work for a not-for-profit agency and have been working at home since last week. I'm fortunate that my agency has been wonderful throughout this ordeal. They understand that most people will not be able to work regular hours from home...especially those who have children to care for at the same time. We can flex our hours any way we like. The management has encouraged us to take good care of ourselves, mentally and physically, and just do the best we can to get our work done without stressing about it. I work as a Navigator, helping people sign up for health insurance, so I am expecting an upswing in calls as people get laid off and their insurance ends. I am also in a "lock down" state. I can hardly believe the pace at which this pandemic has touched everyone. I have been drawn to watching the news...but one can only watch so many stories about how bad things are. I have enjoyed listening to Brian May's little "microconcertinos". I love watching him play guitar. It reminds me of how much I want to learn how to play the electric guitar myself. That shouldn't be difficult at all...I am only lacking the electric guitar...and the musical skills! :) Hey JB050....Ha, Ha...No, I am not working from home in my PJ's...my wardrobe is far more sophisticated than that...I have been wearing baggy sweatpants and a Freddie shirt! Jo T...Thanks for the funny picture of John Deacon. It made me chuckle. TUHI...Welcome back. Your "oasis" sounds wonderful. To all you lovely QZ folks. Thanks for sharing your stories and advice. I wish you and your loved ones the best as we all struggle through this new reality. A special shout-out to all the men and women working in our nation's hospitals, clinics, and doctor's offices. You are amazing! |
Katydyd5 24.03.2020 01:31 |
Wow, you guys are on a roll. I like that our little community is sharing our way through this crisis. So many comments I want to reply to, but I think it might be impossible. So, a few...…. MHZ, I know what you mean when you say now that you can't go out, it's all you want to do. I usually treasure the days when I can just stay home and hang out, but now that that is all I can do, I want to go out and be with friends. Well, actually I want to go anywhere! I almost drove to the post office today instead of just putting the mail out in the box just so I could be out. TUHI, can you share more about your garden? I used to do a lot of gardening, but now I prefer to set up my deck for hummingbirds with lots of hanging baskets to attract them and a feeder on my window. I do have a couple of big pots of basil and patio tomatoes though the raccoons tend to go after the tomatoes. Oh, and I have a large tub with a fairy garden in it that my granddaughter made last year. I hope we are able to be out and about again when it's time to get plants because it's my favorite part of spring. Rainbow, I love the mini concerts Brian is giving on Instagram every day. LOL, you've got a lot of time on your hands right now. Maybe it's a sign that you should get that guitar and go for it! Did you notice that Roger is giving drum lessons on his Insta? TUHI, there is something endearing about Cam. He always seems so happy and upbeat and he has a beautiful smile. One more thing. TUHI, I hadn't heard much about the virus situation in Jordan. Since your son is in lockdown I'm assuming the situation there is not good either. I'm glad you have the chance to talk to him daily, I hope it offers some comfort. |
MyHumanZoo 24.03.2020 01:49 |
We got fortunate today, Amidds, construction was designated by the governor as essential. So things are still going, although some of the suppliers are shutting down or slowing...so if there is no wood there is no construction! But there are still things that can be done, so we are thankful not to have to shut down and have those consequences. In theory the commissioners (there are 3) could designate certain businesses as essential, but they can’t really vote on anything that might benefit themselves. And trust me...people are VERY vocal if they think commissioners have overstepped! Lol! My husband is painfully honest though, he could never do it anyway. I love Brian’s concerts too, his Last Horizon solo today brought tears to my eyes. Have you listened to Roger’s drumming instruction? That’s pretty cool too. |
lsg 24.03.2020 04:08 |
Funny JoT. |
Jo T. 26.03.2020 05:10 |
Sir Elton John is hosting a corona virus relief concert featuring other artists on Sun. to benefit Feeding America and First Responders Children's Foundation. link |
Katydyd5 26.03.2020 11:25 |
Thanks Jo! Normally I'm a news junkie with the news on constantly in the backgroun, but I'm pacing myself lately and I look forward to a break of any kind. I got up very early this morning with the intention of dashing to the grocery store, but I just can't do it. I'm going to try Amazon Fresh delivery. Another friend used it and she said the convenience of having groceries dropped off on your porch with no contact with the driver was great. I realize there is still risk, but I hope it will be somehow safer. Needless to say I'm having trouble getting a delivery time but I will persevere. If I can't get one in the next few days I'm going to have to go out. UPDATE: I was able to schedule the grocery delivery for this morning. I will let you know what I think in case anyone else is looking at this option. Stay safe all. On a Freddie related note (another escape at this time) we are discussing Peter Hince's book over on the book thread. |
CHEVYMAN 26.03.2020 14:53 |
I think everyone is taking this Corona virus scare a little too far my husband works at the hospital and they have set up tents to care for infected patients outside the hospital.Him being in law enforcement he is seeing everyone in a sheer panic if they just get the sniffles.He has been spit on almost had to shoot someone he didnt want too but he said those measures may happen to protect the facility.I just wish everything would return to normal.Im having to homeschool my grandson the best I can because no more school for the rest of the year he is 4. |
MyHumanZoo 26.03.2020 22:46 |
I’m having to homeschool my grandkids too, and I will tell you it’s no picnic! The second graders stuff is fine, it’s the kindergarten stuff that is hard. It’s really the teacher’s instructions that are complicated. These kids have iPads with different apps on them to use....it is never clear which app she is to use for each assignment, and then of course each one has login and passwords and for a kid that can’t keep track of the 2 shoes on her feet there’s no way we can ever find ways to get into the apps! I hate to complain to the school though, I just try to negotiate as best I can. It sure isn’t what I expected though...all I did in kindergarten is color and eat paste! |
CHEVYMAN 27.03.2020 02:56 |
Mhz, I used too have a little that set by me he always ate his buggers and crayons as we got older he was the biggest muscled up jock and had all kinds of gfs.If they only knew how many buggers he used to eat .I was I band of course different end of the social spectrum they could have them him I remember how nasty he was when we were young every time I looked at him I remember him picking his nose gross. |
CHEVYMAN 27.03.2020 03:04 |
I meant little boy I left that out he also used to eat chewed up gum under the desks.My grandson picks his nose too why do kids do this ? I asked him and he cant give me an answer.But he dearly loves doing this .I wont let him drink out of anything that is mine because that just makes me sick in sorry I'm a little bored MHZ mentioned the glue fetish so i thought of nose picking lol |
lsg 27.03.2020 03:50 |
Well been away awhile, had to set up to work from home, and work hard is all I do. It’s more convenient to be here but without your usual equipment you use at work, it’s a bit uncomfortable. I haven’t read most posts, haven’t played catch-up here yet, think I left off at page 5 or 6. Can you believe what we are living through? These poor healthcare workers! My goodness! Unreal! Watching Brian May isolate and give guitar lessons, and Roger Taylor give drum lessons while in isolation has been nice. On YouTube, QueenFanOfficial, plus Brian’s IG. Man did they end this tour and world traveling just in time or what? Pure timing and luck. Getting the book update prompted me back here. Almost done except for book cover. Very close. I’ve been watching Run Rudi Run, I commend him for staying the course with his health, but that’s about it. I would purchase his book as well. This confinement in Miami ought to let him finish sooner than later. Oh well, good to see all is here. I enjoy working from home, thought I would organize my closets, but rolling out of bed, rolling to the computer. No makeup, hair up.....no car, no traffic, and Queen playing in the background. Good night all. |
Katydyd5 27.03.2020 14:37 |
Good to see you Lsgp! I wondered where you had gotten to. I know you like Queen discussions so I was afraid maybe we were talking too much of the world right now. I commend all of you who are working from home. I'm sure I would have trouble disciplining myself because I'm fairly easily distracted. I did think staying at home might spur me to do some much needed things around the house. So far I have done NOTHING of consequence. I can't even imagine home schooling all the children. MHZ, does your granddaughter's K teacher have an email where you can reach out to her for help? If not, I think it would be ok to contact the school and ask for some guidance re passwords, etc. Don't look at it as "complaining", rather as seeking assistance. My one DIL is a teacher, so homeschooling comes a bit easier in some ways. But speaking from experience it can be much harder work with your own children as a teacher than working with other peoples' kids. When I was teaching I would often find that my daily quota of patience had been used up at school by the time I needed to help my boys with homework. My best advice is to stick with it as long as you and the child are productive, but walk away when the frustration level is too high. Take a break and come back to it. I follow both Brian and Roger on Instagram and am really enjoying both of them these last few days. What a creative way to spend time. Last night's post from Brian was wonderful. He's playing Killer Queen, makes a mistake and the look on his face is priceless. I looked at it over and over just to see the look. The only other person I follow on IG is Rudi, and I'm only peeking in at him from time to time. I give him great credit for his fitness routine and the fact that he is sticking to it, but there is only so much Run, Rudi, Run I need to see. |
MyHumanZoo 27.03.2020 15:22 |
I have been watching Brian and Roger’s stuff on IG too, it is really fun. I haven’t experienced the drums much so I love seeing what Roger does...and how quickly he gets out of breath. I am learning guitar, but now I’m thinking I should do drums so that I can get my aerobic workout at the same time! Brian’s mistake and the look on his face last night were great, good entertainment! I must admit I’ve had my fill of Run Rudi Run too....especially when he is doing it indoors. I do understand I could reach out to my granddaughter’s teacher, Katyd, I have done that to some extent but I hate to be that clueless grandparent that becomes irritating, lol! Also my competitive self is determined to figure things out without admitting I need help. The real source of the problem is the girl’s mother (divorced from my son) who has all the passwords and info and doesn’t send it with our granddaughter, yet she still expects us to complete the assignments (she refuses to complete the assignments with her kids herself). But that is a whole other story, yikes! Funny Chevy, we all had that nose-picking kid in our class, lol! I don’t know what fascinates kids about that...funny story though, my niece got married last Memorial Day...and my granddaughters were flower girls. There is a beautiful video of the ceremony...which pans to my youngest granddaughter with her finger up her nose!! I remember I was sitting off to the side motioning crazily for her to cut it out...so funny! |
Katydyd5 27.03.2020 15:46 |
MHZ, I didn't mean to come off preach-y about reaching out to the teacher and I apologize if I did. Just figured you might be able to save yourself from some frustration. I would be like you...……….I WILL succeed at this! Your personal situation only makes the whole thing more difficult. I feel for you. MY DIL is very frustrated with my granddaughter's K teacher for the same reasons. K is nothing like it used to be. |
JB050 27.03.2020 17:18 |
Hi All!! Sorry I’ve been MIA. I can’t wait to really read all the posts thoroughly this weekend. I skimmed. A few replies so far. Jo T. Loved the image. Thanks for that!! Amidds. Hi. :)). I really, really feel for you and relate to your situation and concern for your Mom. I’ve had to set some limits that are being met with some resistance to do all I can to keep my Mom and our space protected. So difficult when you have someone at home who still has to go out. It’s so hard to have to think about using vacation I’m sure. Hopefully he can work something out. To all. - I echo: I really feel for all who are so deeply impacted And I deeply appreciate all that essential workers and everyone including our entertainers are doing. Sure is a moment of pause, sadness, adjustment, awareness. And deep and daily gratitude. Thanks so much for Elton concert link. Yay! Am spreading it around. (Have to look back to recall who posted—yes am a little scattered—haha) Love to all!...more very soon.., |
CHEVYMAN 27.03.2020 17:42 |
I agree it is so frustrating my daughter and law got pissed at me yesterday because I have my grandson writing his last name .She told me they arent doing that yet well he wanted to try I didnt see the harm and he is doing it at 4 his first and last name.He knows all his sight words He can count to 50.He recognizes all his capital and lower case letters.I just cant make her happy.Take a breath |
CHEVYMAN 27.03.2020 18:05 |
Just checked I seen book update on fb group this is a triumph to success in the making folks.They are at the finish line fixing to cross that means they won.I bet they will be pleased to have this book finished even though it brought great memories and joy.It also probably brought great deadline and stress.I guess that's the price you pay for fame I'm just joking.We can now say we knew those guys.I wasnt worried I had faith it would get completed those two are some perfectionists and hard working fellas I had no doubts.A little bird just told me one sunny day the time was near and here it is how awesome!!!!! |
lsg 28.03.2020 05:06 |
As we self isolate David Mallet on filming Freddie link David Wigg on interviews link Mike Moran today on the writing of Barcelona link Tim Rice on writing lyrics for Freddie link |
lsg 28.03.2020 05:14 |
Friends on Freddie link |
Katydyd5 28.03.2020 15:27 |
Lsgp, I've been following those weekly podcasts and it has been fun. I'm not a big fan of opera but I really love the Barcelona CD. Freddie's voice is so pure when he's not using the "rock growl" voice. I think my favorite track is La Japonaise. |
MyHumanZoo 28.03.2020 15:45 |
Hi JB, good to see ‘ya! Katyd, no worries, I didn’t take your suggestion as preachy! It is really common sense to contact the teacher and I know I should, just that old stubbornness coming out in me. I shall not let a kindergarten assignment get the better of me, lol! Lsgp, thank you for the links, I watched the first few but handn’t seen the most recent. I am not an opera person either but I really love the Barcelona album. And of course I sing all of Montsy’s parts with Freddie! (Good thing I live in the country and only my dogs suffer through that....) |
Amidds 28.03.2020 16:03 |
Hi all! Glad to see someone posted the weekly podcast link ;). I've been sooo busy working from home this week that I've lost track of everything. Not even getting any reading done - I'll be glad when life goes back to normal. Gotta be honest though, I bounce between working and getting a LOT of stuff done around the house that I never seem to have time for. So, kinda my own fault for falling behind. My heart goes out to all out you trying to home school kids. I remember when my kids were in middle school and it got to be difficult just helping them with homework....new methods, lack of instructions, etc. Made me feel dumb. Then, I felt dumber when they got in h.s. and college - I always felt like their education went a lot deeper than mine! Now I only edit papers when asked. I laugh every time cause I have no idea what the content of the papers are! Especially with my daughter who is working on her Masters in nursing. She'll ask what I think of the content and I always tell her it's like trying to read Chinese for me! Lsgp, thanks for the links, something to look forward to! Hope everyone is doing well in these crazy times! |
CHEVYMAN 28.03.2020 21:17 |
Mhz,I love Barcelona they looked stunning together up there.There is nothing better than a good opera album they are both gone now hopefully making beautiful magic in heaven. |
stevendabudgie 28.03.2020 21:34 |
@Chevyman Thank you for giving insight into you Background. Yeah, nobody wants to be considered a snitch in an environment like that… @Chevyman @MyHumanZoo I read two other Reviews of the same new Manson book link link Bob Dylan has released a new song, "Murder Most Foul". It is About the JFK assassination link A couple of well-known names and ideas from conspiracy lore Pop up: link @Katydy5 There are a lot of good history books and authors, but unfortunately, one cannot read all of them. The novel "The Gilded Age" gives an insight, into the times after Civil War, although sometimes in in an ironic and satirical way. The last time I read a book on American history was years ago,, "American Genesis: A Century of Invention and Technological Enthusiasm, 1870–1970" by Thomas P. Hughes. I found it interesting. It starts with the lone inventors, mostly laymen tinkering in their workshops, and progresses to the huge industrial undertakings like the Manhattan Project involving thousands of specialists and new levels of management and organization. |
CHEVYMAN 28.03.2020 23:00 |
Steven, Its just the environment I was subjected too as a young child till the age of 8.We were family I maybe had a aunt of no blood relation but she was in the club on down the line her folks were two .My moms parents who I eventually went to live with were Irish and catholic so they really hated the fact she picked up with a Hells Angels.They were some good times I remember my dad teaching me to play the guaitar .There was always people around for sure .Loyalty got you protection snitches got you stitches lol.So yes it was a huge adjustment living with catholic grandparents compared to carefree gypsies lol.I adore Bob Dylan I love the song tambourine Man it speaks to me in many ways.I like to read about anything on Manson he actually was trying to get a record deal with the Beach Boys and they turned him down.The man could play and sing though beautifully.Iheard that's what lead to his killing spree Sharon Tate bought the house one of the Beach Boys was living in and Charlie Manson thought he still lived there. |
Katydyd5 28.03.2020 23:28 |
Hi Steven, nice to see you here on Friendly Chat!! Some people may not realize that the conversation you are continuing is actually one from the book thread that some of us participate in. I'm going to address your comment to me back over there. I do hope you'll come around here too though! We enjoy seeing old friends. I'd be very interested to hear what life is like in Germany right now. |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 00:04 |
Steven we understand just fine you talk your head off friend about what ever you want it doesnt matter the subject as long as we respect eachother.Peace my friend |
stevendabudgie 29.03.2020 00:35 |
@Katydy5 My understanding was that the book thread is about "As It Began" and other books on Queen. Should I reply to your post on the Civil War book here or over there? |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 00:38 |
Steven, this is a chit chat group you can discuss anything you want nobody is in charge.Books are welcome here too chit chat could be anything |
Katydyd5 29.03.2020 00:41 |
Oh gosh Steven, it doesn't matter either way. We had been discussing non-fic and Manson on the book thread and I just thought maybe you'd gotten confused. There is a discussion going on about the Hince book over there too, but it's surely not limited to that. I was happy to see you poke your head in here!! |
Jo T. 29.03.2020 04:36 |
@stevendabudgie, I'm so glad you posted here on the thread! I remember your name from a previous thread back in 2019. You had recommended the 2013 Oscar-nominated Best Documentary by David France "How to Survive a Plague." I saw the 2-hour documentary on YouTube and was absolutely blown away by it. I was so moved. It was the 1st time I learned of AIDS activist, Larry Kramer, and ACT UP. I remember the footage of the AIDS Quilt sprawled out on the National Mall in DC and hearing Freddie Mercury's name, among others, called out and remembered as those who had died from AIDS. In fact, it later spurred me to buy journalist/author Randy Shilts' 1987 classic "And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic." I've been reading the book on/off slowly - even before the COVID-19 pandemic started in China - but have yet to complete it. I was sad to learn Randy Shilts had succumbed to AIDS in his early 40s in 1994. Besides Freddie Mercury, he was another extremely talented soul who died too young. Shilts may have unintentionally maligned Gaetan Dugas as Patient Zero, but I honestly believe he would've rectified the error today, out of journalistic integrity. Even though the book "And the Band Played On" is over 30-years-old and progress has been made in terms of HIV/AIDS treatment, it's scary to realize that no vaccine has yet to be developed - or a cure to be found for HIV. Gosh, I pray it's not the same for COVID-19, a RESPIRATORY disease! It's far easier to avoid the exposure to HIV found in blood and bodily fluids. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and today's U.S. medical expert and advisor to the POTUS on COVID-19, was even mentioned on 6 pages from the 1987 book! |
Rainbow61 29.03.2020 04:39 |
On Friday, I finished my first full week of working from home, and I have to admit that I really like it. My husband is retired, so I enjoy being able to see him during the day. Speaking of my husband, I got a surprise gift from him today...a new Freddie tee-shirt. One can never have too many Freddie shirts! This one has a picture of Freddie in his classic pose wearing his yellow jacket with the words "The Show Must Go On". I am very lucky and grateful. :) In the midst of this awful pandemic, I am truly heartened by the many acts of kindness that have emerged. Both individuals and organizations are reaching out to provide assistance or simply lift spirits during this stressful time. In the late afternoon today, I heard the sound of emergency vehicles coming down our street...lots of them. I stepped outside and watched as 5 large firetrucks and EMT vehicles slowly drove down the street, lights flashing and horns blaring. No emergency...they were just driving around and waving to people. My neighbors around me had also stepped outside and everyone waved as they drove by. That was fun. My father-in-law asked me to send him a link to the song "Amazing Grace" by Il Divo. This is such a beautiful song...majestically done by the group at the Roman Coliseum in Croatia. Thought I would pass it along in case some of you have never heard this version before. It is truly magnificent and uplifting. link |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 05:47 |
Rainbow, that is a beautiful song my grandmother's favorite I had to play it for her every holiday. |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 05:56 |
Steven, I second that I'm glad your here too everyone is I hope there are more to come .You seem very knowledgable about the civil war era.As far as the band played on it wasnt one of my favorite movies.They really screwed that one up I think blamed that poor guy made him look like satan himself when he was no different from anyone else of those times that knew nothing about the virus.If anything he was cooperative and it helped them figure out it was sexually transmitted I believe dont quote me on that. |
lsg 29.03.2020 06:26 |
regarding Manson attacking Sharon Tate’s-Roman Polanski home thinking it belonged to one of The Beach Boys. What I understood Actress singer Doris Day, her only son, Jerry Melcher was a music producer and was good friends with Beach boys Brian Wilson. Manson lived with Wilson as a means of being helpful with a music guy interested in writing songs, but living as roommates went south. Wilson introduces manson to Melcher (Doris Day’s son) who USED to live in Sharon Tate’s house. Melcher had ZERO interest in Manson. Melcher told his mother that the guy was creepy and was giving death threats to Melcher. Doris Day told her son to move. Melcher sold his house to Sharon Tate and Roman Polanski. Manson got his indoctrinated zombies to go murder Melcher only not realizing Melcher moved, Sharon being 8 months pregnant and pleaded for her son to be spared, but we all know the rest of the story. I met the L.A. Prosecutor Vincent Bugliosi back in the 70’s, and the story he told of the trial would make your neck stand off your neck. I remember The Who Manson-Tate and La Bianco murders like it was yesterday. |
lsg 29.03.2020 06:29 |
Typo .....The Who Manson-Tate.....The Who? My mind always on rock music. Lol |
lsg 29.03.2020 06:35 |
Wow just saw the link for Amazing Grace, AWESOME and uplifting, thank you! |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 06:45 |
Lego, Charles Manson Helter Skelter true Crime.The one that killed Sharon Tate. |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 06:46 |
Lsgp, typo sorry ! |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 06:49 |
Lsgp, Yes that's why Sharon got killed basically Mansonnthought he still lived there and sent his trippy hippies to murder all the rich folks.He called it Helter Skelter.He loved The Beatles and lots of LSD. |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 06:55 |
Lsgp, I dont remember it but my family stayed and had dealings with them when they stayed at spawn Ranch.My Dad is part of the Hells Angel's and they used to run guns and drugs for the Hells Angel's Chapter.They were even too creepy for my people and you know how crazy Hells Angel's were.My Aunt told me they even gave their children dope and let them take acid trips with them .That's nuts. |
Katydyd5 29.03.2020 11:44 |
Rainbow, thank you so much for that beautiful link. It's a favorite song of mine and there are so many wonderful versions out there. I'd heard the Il Divo version before, but this time I've saved it to one of my files. I've always loved bagpipes, and I have to admit that when they begin to sing right after the bagpipes it always brings tears to my eyes. I'm also heartened Rainbow by the many acts of kindness during this dark time. Yesterday the teachers of the children in my neighborhood drove in a car parade around the neighborhood just to see the kids. They had balloons, placards and lots of honking horns. The kids loved it! It was unseasonably warm so many were outside playing in their own yards and since the "parade" was scheduled, the kids also had signs and shows of support for the teachers. My neighborhood has really pulled together with offers of help and shows of kindness to each other. As we sat outside in our driveways calling back and forth to each other it was such a feeling of community. Jo T, I remember when Steven shared the David France documentary and I, too, watched it. Seeing that quilt laid out, hearing the roll call of names was so moving. I wasn't expecting to hear Freddie's name and it jolted me. I haven't read "And the Band Played On" though I have seen the movie. |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 14:02 |
Many lives were lost with Aids epidemic everyone man or woman was someones friend, brother, son, Dauhter, aunt, Or Uncle.I often thought I wonder how many of these people died alone and had no support from family it leaves a lump in my throat.Everyone was just being young out celebrating and enjoying life and the grime Reiper came in like a tornado and destroyed one life and spared another it didnt disriminate.How did their mother's go on I know from experience most mothers and their sons are close. They know their sons better than anyone.To lose them like that with this terrible virus would be a never ending suffering and pain that their sons and Daughters died in the 30s and didnt see love now marriage and retirement.But yes when I think of that quilt I automatically think of loneliness dying alone being scared and their mothers. |
Thereuhaveit 29.03.2020 14:14 |
I've no wisdom to impart, no review of books or movies to debate and discuss, and certainly no suggestions for parents/grandparents supervising home schooling. But there are some funny ditties out there to lighten the load--and with good messaging for us all. If you're offended at "colorful" language, these might not be for you. On the other hand, you're all Freddie Mercury fans, so scratch that last statement. :) link link Bohemian Rhapsody for the age of covid: link |
Thereuhaveit 29.03.2020 14:17 |
Sorry, forgot to take the "s" out of the last link: link |
Katydyd5 29.03.2020 14:43 |
TUHI, you made me laugh. I absolutely think humor is incredibly important now. I particularly loved the Broadway parody and immediately sent it to me B'way friends. Thanks!!! |
MyHumanZoo 29.03.2020 16:04 |
Wow...so many good posts to answer, I fear I will miss out on responding to a few! On The Beach Boys connection (from the Manson stuff), I read Brian Wilson’s book last year...it was good but what a life that guy has had. I do recommend it. Speaking of that, I also saw him in concert last summer, and it was the saddest thing. I was excited, thinking it would be my chance to see a piece of something famous. He had recently had back surgery, he shuffled out with a walker and needed help sitting down at the piano. He sang maybe 2 or 3 of the songs overall, and his voice was so bad he could not carry the tune...the whole crowd (of which there were very few, actually) was embarrassed for him, and sitting there you just didn’t know what to do. We clapped and supported him but it was awkward as I’ve ever felt. Luckily the rest of the band was fantastic and covered for him. Rainbow, congrats on the shirt, that is enough to lift the spirits! I broke down and ordered the t shirt of Freddie at the piano looking like Schroeder from the Peanuts cartoon recently and it makes me happy. Jo T thanks for the reminder, I still need to read “And the Band Played On”. On another topic, I watched Mick Rock’s documentary called “Shot” on Netflix last night. He is the photographer that took Queen’s picture for the Queen II cover, which later was in the famous BoRap video. He shot tons of famous musicians and groups. The documentary is done a little strangely, but it’s interesting. Talk about another drug-filled life....the 70s was quite a time! |
CHEVYMAN 29.03.2020 16:04 |
TUHI, Thanks hun glad to see you!Hope you are well.Stay safe and protect yours. |
Thereuhaveit 29.03.2020 16:36 |
You too, Chevy. Katy, I'm glad you laughed and forwarded the humor. It's sooo important to laugh right now. |
Thereuhaveit 29.03.2020 16:39 |
You too, Chevy. Katy, I'm glad you laughed and forwarded the humor. It's sooo important to laugh right now. |
CHEVYMAN 30.03.2020 16:42 |
Good morning fella Quarantinors I had a counseling session by phone today because that's the way they are handling it right now.We starting talking about Elton John and my counselor saw him in concert at a county fair in the state of Iowa before he got rich and famous.I thought that was pretty amazing.We started discussing how his childhood affected his life.His father to me was so disconnected with him.His mother wasnt much better.A child usually has one parent their close too but this poor child had noone .He found comfort in his piano and music.I really can relate to this boy.People wonder how he became such an amazing singer and artist well it's simple his dysfunctunctional childhood.It also had a price he paid though throughout the years his substance abuse and the fact his parents never really came around to the fact he was gay.It makes you wonder how many artist out there came from dysfunctional past and came out on the other end of the rainbow. |
stevendabudgie 30.03.2020 17:13 |
@Katydy5 I also read novels, but try to read more "classics", although I still have a soft spot for SciFi. The only Jack London novel I have read so far is "The Iron Heel", a dystopian story. The same applies to Twain and "Gilded Age". I still have many gaps in literature. Regarding history books on US wars, I have read 2 or 3 about the early years of Vietnam due to my interest into the JFK assassination. I was part of a group organizing annual silent movie Symposiums. In '14 we did one about WW1. I read quite a lot material about it, especially medical and psychiatric aspects and the way crippled veterans and shell shock vicims ("war quiverers" in German) were treated and presented in media which was appalling. Last year I read "Genius for War" by Trevor N. Dupuy. It's about the history of the Prussian, later German Joint Chiefs of Staff, the oldest Institution of its kind in the world (founded in early 19th century). France, the US and other countries followed suit later with their own JCS. What was surprizing to me was that the picture of the disciplined, obedient Prussian Military officer who would easily merge with the Nazi soldier was not entirely true. @MyHumanZoo Wilson also has a history of drug abuse and psychiatric illness. That must have damaged his voice. Also, sedating drugs can turn you into emotionless zombies and make you tired. I on once saw an interview with Mike Love saying that Wilson is not in really in control, the people behind him are. So Maybe they put Wilson udner pressure to perform even though he's not fit enough. I feel nothing but sympathy for Brian Wilson. @Joe T Hi! When I saw Dr. Fauci at the press conferences for the first time, I recognized him immediately. "That's the guy whom Larry Kramer called "an incompetent idiot" in the Eighties." :D According to this article, they have been friends since then: link |
CHEVYMAN 30.03.2020 19:05 |
Anyone interested on Netflix there is an awesome documentary on Joe king murder it's about animal rights .Its very interesting. |
lsg 30.03.2020 23:05 |
Loved the “Stay the F at Home “ parody!!!!! Here’s another good one link |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 00:19 |
Lsgp, That's so funny it fits perfect for this situation I'm watching a movie about a virus outbreak on Netflix great choice in movies dont you think.Im going stir crazy lol. |
Katydyd5 31.03.2020 01:15 |
Lsgp, thanks for the laugh. Steven, thanks for the link about Dr. Fauci. I think he's one of the most trusted figures in the US right now. I also have to say I'm impressed by your reading and interests in general. You seem knowledgeable in many areas. Is it work related or a hobby? I do read a lot, with time set aside each day for enjoying whatever book I'm currently reading. I'm having trouble focusing for long periods right now though. Instead of reading today I found myself up here on my desktop watching every concert video I could find of Freddie in Montreal. I must have watched Dragon Attack several times. Somebody To Love and Another One Bites the Dust were also on my set list. I actually own the Montreal DVD but...……..gasp...…...I've never watched it. I tend to save things for a special time and I think maybe this is it. Sounds like a good way to spend my time tomorrow. |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 06:02 |
Steven, I think you can definately teach us alot about history it's very welcoming to know someone with so much knowledge. |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 06:05 |
I do know alot about Vietnam Steven my father served in the army during that war. |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 14:30 |
I'm so bored anyone with me I'm hyper by nature.So I been indulging in some very old music and run across and old ACDC song Big Balls i have to be completely bored to be listening to this.I have to admit i bet people back were horrified at such a song didnt it come out in the Dirty Deeds era.Its really talking about a big party a ball room but it dont come off that way.With words such as Dirty big balls and held for pleasure.I never really paid that close attention to the song but it's very naughty lol. |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 15:01 |
I know this sounds negative but one of my all time favs is Hells Bells and highway to Hell however I wasnt aloud to play it my grandparents home they were devoted Catholics and ACDC was devil worship.SO were alot of other things and still are.But I do love some of their music and so did Brian May he said he considered joining them at one point but he had committed to Queen.I think ACDC was too heavy for even Queen. |
MyHumanZoo 31.03.2020 16:18 |
Steven, that was the impression I got about Wilson, that he either desperately needed the money or his backers were forcing him on stage. It was incredibly sad, either way. I was never a big AC/DC fan Chevy, but I do enjoy their stuff from time to time. I remember when the guys I knew thought that the Big Balls song was hilarious and played it all the time. It fed their juvenile humor, lol! |
CHEVYMAN 31.03.2020 17:39 |
Mhz, I'm just trying to cheer everybody up by my weird sense of humor.I like some Bob segar , Fleetwood mac,Eagles are good.I cant stand the bee gees my mother tortured me as a young child of 5 or6 with that disco era.She was in love with John Travolta and that whole bit.I survived it thank God I was so young I dont remember too much but that awful polyester and huge turtle necks and wide leg pants and puffy hair. |
MyHumanZoo 01.04.2020 16:38 |
Katyd, if you have the Montreal DVD, watch it with Brian and Roger’s commentary turned on, you’ll love it! |
stevendabudgie 01.04.2020 22:04 |
@Chevyman Having read one or two books on a subject I am not in the position to teach. I read About about Vietnam due to my interest in the JFK assassination and the question whether Kennedy really decided to withdraw, whether LBJ revoked that order or just continued JFK's policies. I met a Vietnam war vet by Chance in the local Irish Pub a few years ago. He shared a few experiences, but he was not the average Marine, he was Special Forces. He also mentioned that Prussian military theorists like von Clausewitz are still being taught at US Army schools. The author of said book was American. In his introduction thepPoints out that the German Army in WW2 was the best in the world, not in the moral or ethical sense, but in terms of fighting power, training etc. Maybe you can tell us more about your father. @Katydy5 it's my hobby. @MyHumanZoo I got into the Beach Boys just recently. I think Freddie was inspired by their harmonies and took them even further. |
CHEVYMAN 02.04.2020 01:34 |
Steven, My Dad not isn't real open about his experiences in the war what I do know he was the oldest boy of eight in his family so the army drafted him.His position in the army was a field medic that's a pretty rough job from what he told me.He seen alot of blown up bodies.His job was to run his ass off in the field load bodies on helicopters start a I V if needed and get the guy to military safety care.He did tell me he wasnt aloud to place the guts back in a person if they were blown out he had to lay them beside them.If he came across dead bodies he had to place their dog tags in their mouth and kick it between their teeth till they had time to come back for the bodies.He said the enemy would steal the dog tags if they didnt and and it was hard to identify the bodies.He is retired now but while he was over there like many others he became addicted to heroin and had to go to treatment before returning home.He has severe PTSD from the trauma over there and so do I from living part of my life with a parent with it.So that's about all I really feel I can say on the matter but war just doesnt affect the veterans it affects their children born after they come home. |
Katydyd5 02.04.2020 01:34 |
MHZ, I finally broke out my DVD of the Montreal concert, but it doesn't have Brian and Roger's commentary. I was so disappointed. Instead it has Live Aid and also some of their Live Aid rehearsal footage. I'm aware of the B and R commentary so I went to Amazon to see if that version was available and it isn't. Again, so disappointed. I'm going to keep my eyes open because if I could find the version you mentioned, I would buy it and pass the one I have on to a friend. Having said that, I LOVED the DVD! It was just what I needed to see this afternoon. I think Freddie is in top form and many of my favorite YouTube versions of their songs are from this DVD. If I remember correctly Thor said he and the guys went to this concert. I remember asking Thor early on if he was ever star struck at the concerts he attended and he said only the very first one in Philadelphia. After that he said they enjoyed seeing their friend on stage and were always impressed with his incredible talent, but it was just good ole Freddie. I cannot imagine being in the audience and knowing that man was my friend. I think I'd be constantly pinching myself knowing that when the concert was over we'd be hanging out. Edited update: I found the DVD with Brian and Roger! I wasn't thorough in my first search. |
CHEVYMAN 02.04.2020 01:43 |
Steven, My Dad did tell me a story once when he was high and drinking heavily on about a three year old boy that was walking toward them with a can that appeared to be a can of fruit and his seargant ordered him to shoot the child .My Dad didnt want to but he had orders so he did shoot the child.The reason he was ordered was because the enemy would send their own children up to the Americans with cans with bombs in them.It turned out the child just had a can of fruit and was offering it to my dad that really haunted my dad his whole life having to take that childs life. |
JB050 02.04.2020 04:51 |
Hi all. Just popping in to see how everyone’s doing. Looks like some great conversations happening. Like Amidds, been busy work week here too. Am really grateful for that. Am actually exhausted after workday, even being home. Anyone picking up new hobbies. I’m thinking about all of you every day!!! |
Rainbow61 02.04.2020 07:49 |
Steven...I have only read a few books about the Vietnam War. My favorite was "Home Before Morning" by Linda Van Devanter, It's the true story of a young US Vietnam war nurse. War is truly a soul-scarring experience for all involved....her book helped shine a light on the contributions of women veterans. Katydyd...I have the Montreal concert DVD. Freddie sings my favorite version of "Somebody to Love" during that show. One evening, I watched the entire concert, then immediately rewatched it with the commentary on. I obviously had a lot of time on my hands that evening! Particularly noteworthy is when Freddie starts singing "Love of my Life" and the audience does not sing along like he had become accustomed to. You can hear him say to Brian, "They don't know it" with Brian responding "That's alright". JB050....I haven't picked up any new hobbies yet, but I did teach my husband how to play "Liverpool Rummy" this past weekend. It's a card game I used to play with my Grandmother when I would spend the night at her house as a youngster. My grandma and I would play multiple games in the evening at the kitchen table. She'd usually put out a dish of M&M's to nibble on, then after a few games, we would take a break and have either homemade cookies or apple tarts. Everything my Grandmother baked was fantastic, The other day I watched Elton John's iHeart concert for charity and tonight I watched Garth Brooks and Tricia Yearwood's show from their home. I like that so many musicians are dong their part to relieve some of the stress this nightmare virus situation has caused. |
Katydyd5 02.04.2020 11:50 |
JB, no new hobbies here though I may have to come up with something soon. I even gave a brief thought to one of those diamond pictures that Freddie Darling did a few months ago. I'm not crafty though and I know I would quickly lose patience. Luckily the weather is warming and I can work out in the yard. Now I'm wondering if we are going to be able to get to the garden stores for flowers and plants. I know that is almost a ridiculous worry in this time, but I look for small pleasures now. Rainbow, I have a friend who is fairly new to Queen. Several weeks ago she said she used the early version of the band filming "Somebody to Love" to wake up and get going. I immediately sent her the Montreal version of the song, and whoa!! She loved it and said that was now her favorite video. Freddie is on fire! BTW, I love card games! I'm actually missing the endless games of Old Maid, Go Fish, and Memory that my granddaughter likes to play with me. I am so impressed with the way the country is pulling together to try to relieve stress. I'm not a country music fan, but I do like Garth. Would love to see him in concert. Steven, if it isn't too much to ask, would you be willing to share your profession? You have such an interest in history that I've always wondered if you were a professor or a historian. |
MyHumanZoo 02.04.2020 16:06 |
Katyd, I like the commentary on Montreal because Roger comments several times on Freddie in those short shorts and how “it’s not his favorite look”. Makes me laugh! My only new hobby is learning the guitar so far, it is frustratingly slow at my age. I keep at it though. My father has played and performed all his life, lately he does the banjo more because the neck is smaller and easier on his hands (arthritis). He’s quite well known for it in our area, and was also on the board of directors of the National banjo association for many years. I want to play like he does without all the years of experience...not too much to ask, is it? ; ) I like doing things outdoors too, landscaping and flowers are my favorite. Yesterday I spent a few hours out in the woods around me, cutting down vines. I’m not sure what they are called, the leaves look like grape leaves though. They climb up the trees and basically kill the trees by taking over the branches with their own leaves, so the tree’s leaves get no light. We lost a few large trees before I figured this out, now I go every spring on my mission to get rid of the vines. It’s crazy, but I enjoy it! Some of them are so big I have to cut them with a saw. I have been wondering about getting plants and flowers this spring too. Chevy, your poor dad! I can’t even imagine what he had to go through and live with later. Somehow saying thanks for his service does not seem in any way adequate! |
stevendabudgie 02.04.2020 20:32 |
By the way, I have stumbled across documentary filmmaker David Hoffman's channel. He uploads a lot of original material from the past decades. There are interviews with Vietnam vets and People who lived through the 1950s and 1960s, and documentaries from that time period. link |
CHEVYMAN 02.04.2020 20:42 |
Jb050, my new hobby is to try and stay away from all these people that have this virus that are probably gonna become zombies and be running around biting everyone infecting them.Im just kidding.We just lost a 13 year old from it near where I live.It seems as if it is worse pandemonium than when AIDS was discovered in the fact its spread from touch and surfaces like the flu.I feel in time in may kill just as many I hope not but I have a bad feeling.The fact noone is listening isnt helping. |
Amidds 03.04.2020 16:42 |
Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and see how everyone is doing. I imagine things will be slowing way down for me soon as IL just extended it's quarantine until 4/30! I will probably drive my husband crazy in a very short time lol.....I am not one for sitting still! While I like the work from home thing, there's only so much I can do and have had to pop into my office a couple of times. Kinda defeats the purpose I think :( Something I have been talking to my daughter about....FL is on the upswing now in COVID cases. As a manager and ICU nurse, she has been tasked with setting up teams in her department to prepare for this. She has a week to get the teams set up and train the non-ICU nurses to get ready to care for these patients. A week is NOT enough time to train a nurse in ICU. Not wanting to be a downer here but, PLEASE PEOPLE, try to stay home and away from others to slow this down! (It sucks sometimes to know someone in healthcare.....) Love the discussions you all are having here and on the book thread, hope to get back regularly soon as I miss you all! |
stevendabudgie 03.04.2020 19:45 |
@Chevyman I am sorry to hear about your father. I hope his life not always dark and gloomy but contains Moments of fun und joy. Here in Germany there has been research going on about the generation born between 1930 and 1945, the so-called "war children" who experienced the war and/or the squalor immediately after the war. The trauma still affects them in high age and has shaped their children, too. Thus, there were families where three generations had been traumatized. @Rainbow I have not read a book with personal histories or of the "The-Battle- of-X"-type. I read "American tragedy" by David Kaiser and Howard Jones's "Death of a Generation: How the Assassinations of Diem and JFK Prolonged the Vietnam War", both documenting that Kennedy was pushed by his advisors to send combat troops to Vietnam from 1961 onwards, but resisted based on the failure of the French. And that he indeed wanted to withdraw. I once saw a short documentary movie from WW1 showing how shell shock were "rehabilitated." just to rejoin the Army. A lot of them made repetitive, "chaplinesque" movements at the beginning. One walked like he was still stumbling across wire, another one only needed to hear the word "grenade" or "bomb" to jump and hide underneath his bed in his hospital room… absolutely horrible. @Katydy5 As is said, it's my hobby. i was a Student- for a while. I leave it at that. My interest in history and "intellectual" things in general was rekindled by my commitment to the silent movie group I was in in. |
CHEVYMAN 03.04.2020 20:09 |
Steven, yeah I'm a war baby that's what my counselor talks about all the time he said witnessing my father's rages and violence gave me the ptsd.Childhood trauma he said it was called chronic PTSD from having a war veteran as a father.I always sleeped light and still do lol.Meds help but talk therapy can help alot too.I was born in June of 1973 so the war was over before that he was discharged and I was born.He used to do the strangest thing most people use steps to walk down a porch not him he would jump of the side.Come to find out he did that because he was used to jumping from those helicopters.He still doesnt use steps he is 70 years old and to old to jump like that. |
CHEVYMAN 03.04.2020 20:16 |
Oh I did talk to one of my aunts which is my Dads sister and she said he was very different before he went over seas and came back so damaged not the same.I dont remember the happy go lucky man she is talking about I only remember the devil in the mirror when he was up for days with his loaded guns.My mom finally left but we went to live with grand parents so it was all good.But yes the soldiers and family's suffer and their kids grow up angry. |
Katydyd5 04.04.2020 01:07 |
MHZ, are you taking guitar lessons or using something like YouTube to teach yourself? Is your dad teaching you? Is he still performing? I always wished I had learned how to play the piano, and for years now I've wished I could find the time to learn to play Bluegrass fiddle. Like you though, I want to be able to play well without all the years of learning. My next door neighbor is a fairly well known jazz guitar player in my area. Unfortunately jazz is my least favorite music genre, though I do enjoy when he's sitting out on his deck just fooling around with his guitar. I have that grape leaf vine in my yard too and I don't know what it is either, but it is stubborn. I think I finally got all of it, but I did have to have my lawn guys take down part of a large mature tree that had died because of it. Amidds, it seems like FL is just catching up to the rest of us. I have a friend who lives in Sarasota and she called today. They are both retired health professionals and have been following the guidelines all along, but she knows there is a storm ahead. Your daughter has been given a difficult task with a lot of stress. It does suck to know someone in health care. I think I've mentioned before that my DIL is a supervising nurse in a nursing home/rehab center. Because my grandkids are still small, she works alternating weekends doing two 12 hour shifts, rather than daily. It breaks her heart that the residents can't have visitors unless they are transitioning to death. They still have a fair number of people in and out with new admissions, patients returning from hospitals and doctors visiting patients. She is on my mind all the time. I hope those of you who are working at home are doing ok. It seems to me that it might be hard to discipline yourselves to stay focused on the job with all the comforts of home around you. I think of all of you and hope you are well. |
CHEVYMAN 04.04.2020 05:09 |
Mhz, Guitar is my favorite instrument.I started learning real young. |
Rainbow61 04.04.2020 17:15 |
Hello Everyone, I don't recall if I posted this a long time ago. This video has been around a while. I love this song and dance because it is so completely joyous...and we can all use some joy right now! Makes me wish I had been there. (Sorry that the quality of the video is not better, but it's worth a look) Have a great Saturday.... link |
MyHumanZoo 04.04.2020 18:15 |
Amidds, I hope your daughter stays safe in her job, what a tough thing for her to weather! We were in Florida when this started, returned home on the 1 st of March. We have many friends down there that are scared about the rise in cases, the older population is so at risk. It’s hard to believe they would have just a week to learn ICU responsibilities, but I guess everyone is doing the best they can with what they have. Katyd, I am doing kind of a combo in guitar learning, I am working through a book my dad recommended, and it has an online component. I also have the odd lesson with my dad. To be honest, I should take more lessons from my dad, but I hate not progressing very fast and I feel embarrassed when I play in front of him...I don’t want to let him down! He doesn’t care, and is so over the moon that I am even trying, so it’s not that he makes me feel bad. Just my own internal pressure, I guess. I play for about an hour every day and I love it, I just want to be better! I can play the piano some, not super advanced but I can play stuff. I played trumpet for years and was fairly good at it, but it’s not something you can put down and pick up years later, you lose your “lip” or pucker strength. On my lawn escapades, I spent a few hours getting rid of wild scallions that have started to grow....I had never seen these before until a couple of years ago. They popped up in the woods and now they are sneaking into the yard. You can’t really apply anything that kills them, which sucks! So I have a popper tool that goes down and pulls it by the root. My dog cannot understand why I won’t let him dig holes...and yet I go around making them myself, lol! |
Katydyd5 05.04.2020 02:46 |
Rainbow, I have seen that video before but it made me smile to see I again. So many of the people watching have such joy on their faces. It felt good to sit and smile at my computer, and I have to admit to singing along. MHZ, I'm very impressed that you spend an hour every day playing your guitar. That's dedication! What type of music do you play? I played the clarinet for a mercifully short period of time. I say mercifully because other people had to listen to me practice. I love music but never took the time to develop any expertise. I'm sure your dad must be so pleased to see you pursuing this interest. My dad was an engineer and would have loved to see me pursue an interest in math. Trust me, that was never going to happen. I planted my Morning Glories this week. Now if only the rabbits will leave them alone. I plant them so they will grow up a trellis. You would think that would be a big enough clue for my lawn guy to know not to weed wack them but two years in a row he took them out. Last year I hung a sign on the trellis with a picture of a weed wacker on it and a huge "NO!" He thought that was pretty funny and he's left the baby plants alone since. Now if only I could get the message to the rabbits. |
MyHumanZoo 05.04.2020 15:45 |
I play classical guitar...at least that is what I am trying to learn. Probably the most difficult too....silly me! I spend some of the time just learning chords though, I got a Beatles song book for Christmas and I am working my way through that one too. The Beatles have so many songs and I know them all, plus I can sing along. It keeps things interesting. I bought an electric guitar, one of Brian’s Red Specials and I want to learn that too. I finally ordered an amp this week so I can start playing around on it too. I have been watching Brian give tutorials on his guitar riffs on Instagram, I’m saving the ones I like so I can learn them. He did Bijou yesterday which is one of my favorite solos that he does, I hope I can figure it out. Most of his stuff is far too complicated for me! I’d really love to learn the flamenco style solo in Innuendo...which actually wasn’t played by Brian, but by Yes’s guitarist. That one is a pipe dream for me! I had a dream last night that I could suddenly play all the chords to Queen songs, I was playing and singing and it was so much fun to be good at it! If only dreams could come true, lol! I love morning glories...funny thing, I have some that grow in my back landscaping on their own, they climb up the side of the fencing on my dog’s kennel. I am always cutting them down because they will take over the kennel and my dog also tries to eat them off the fence. So while you are growing them, I’m getting rid of them, lol! I do think they are pretty though! |
Jo T. 06.04.2020 06:26 |
CHEVYMAN 06.04.2020 19:27 |
MHZ, I do love the Beatles John Lennon was a deep thinker.I do think at times he should've kept his wife in her place I dont think women should but themselves in their mens buisness.Women definately have places but it's not in a mans place for sure .He was so easy going though I guess he avoided conflict.I was just raised that way I wont take much lip off of a woman but try to respect mens authority.Im no good at raising plants I kill them all they meet their death when it comes to me.You.MHZ, You should play crazy little thing called love it's real easy go play.I dont think Freddie was real excellent on the guitar but he played that song.He was a beast on the piano though.Im glad it's becoming your passion I love it too. |
Jo T. 07.04.2020 00:13 |
@stevendabudgie, I read the March 20th “Daily Beast” article you posted. Thank you! Believe it or not, I take great comfort in learning that 84-year-old, AIDS activist/writer, Larry Kramer, and Dr. Fauci are “good friends” today, esp. considering that Larry Kramer once lambasted Dr. Fauci as a “murderer” and “incompetent idiot” for the “government’s failure to address the (HIV/AIDS) epidemic in the ’80s.” Larry Kramer is certainly not a man to mince words. I’d hate to be on his bad side! LOL Till I read the “Daily Beast,” I wasn’t even aware that Larry Kramer is alive today – and HIV(+), too. He’s currently working on his “last book” about today’s COVID-19 and the parallels to the HIV/AIDS crisis in the ’80s. I hope he lives to complete it. I also have the utmost respect for Dr. Fauci, both as a medical professional/scientist and as a man. He's so calm, rational and soft-spoken, a natural diplomat. The good doctor is 79-years-old. He works 15 to 16-hour days on the coronavirus pandemic AND jogs 3.5 miles daily. He scaled back from 7 miles because of the current pandemic. The man’s an inspiration. I need to up my daily workout. I feel like a slacker – and I’m decades younger! I was sad to learn recently that Dr. Fauci needs security detail. He has received death threats. @TUHI, thanks for the music parodies. Humor is essential these days. I’ve been a fan of “Weird Al” Yankovic over the years, so I’ve always enjoyed music parodies in general. BTW, the lyrics for the “Coronavirus Rhapsody” were absolutely cringeworthy. “Mama, I just killed a man.” I dreaded what came next but broke into hysterics. “I didn’t stay inside in bed. I walked past him, now he’s dead.” Forgive my black humor, my gallow’s humor, but I laughed. BTW, I don’t treat COVID-19 lightly. @Rainbow61, the Il Divo video of “Amazing Grace” was lovely. I esp. liked the Scottish bagpipes. Like you, I also watched and donated to Elton John’s iHeart Living Room Concert for America. I regret I never got to see Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood’s live-stream living room concert for coronavirus relief. I’ve actually seen Garth Brooks live in concert back in the day and own some of his old CDs, as well as Trisha Yearwood’s. I heard they performed Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s duet “Shallow” from “A Star is Born” during the live-stream. @Lsgp03, as an Adele fan, I cracked up at Chris Mann’s parody of “Hello (from the inside).” The “inside” reference made me laugh. Chris Mann does a lot of other parodies. @MHZ, that’s cool you brought one of Brian May’s Red Special and are learning guitar! @Amidds, God bless your daughter, the ICU nurse mgr.! I have family and friends currently working the front lines as nurses, physicians, a respiratory therapist and an occupational therapist. I’ve seen their cries for more PPEs on FB. They’re short-staffed, overworked and stressed on the job. Many of their reg. hospital units have been converted to COVID-19 beds. They’re afraid to infect their families back at home. 4 of my RN friends separately became symptomatic for the coronavirus from work exposure. Fortunately, none had to be hospitalized and placed on vents. After a period of self-quarantine in their homes, once they became asymptomatic, they've been back at work FT. They are true professionals and continue to give it their all for their patients in the fight against COVID-19. |
CHEVYMAN 07.04.2020 00:35 |
I kinda find it hard to laugh at anything concerning a virus that is taking lives from people in days or weeks .I have had experience with this and my life spared.It was also a virus type thing.People are still running around God bless them like they dont need to take precaution.The hospitals are full not enough life saving support devices available.This thing could end up like an atomic bomb then what shall we do.Im sorry I just dont find humor in someone fighting for their life with pneumonia that this virus creates which I'm assuming is rare and related to the virus itself and the bodies weakened immune system just cant fight it off.Lets see how many jokes and funny things people say if it kills thousands.I hope people take warning and stay home this virus needs bodies to survive and we are perfect. |
CHEVYMAN 07.04.2020 01:02 |
As far as AIDS it was around way way way before they knew a thing then boom they had to blame somebody especially when the fancy geniuses cant figure it out I guess it hurt or offended their little intelligence lol.They blamed it all on one dude That Gatean dude that was just so wrong.Then they figured out the truth it's been out for ages just like all the other sexually transmitted disease like gonnorea , claps,and,crabs, I bet that was a itchy situation lol.My brother got those once he didnt know what to do and neither did I so I told him to take my nair and but it on his private place he was on fire poor thing.He finally had to go to the Dr those things had him itching like crazy.I laugh about it now but that nair left burns on him he said he was so mad at me.I thought this story was actually funny and would lighten the mood.I was in fear my grandparents would get them crabs off the toilet.So I told him he better tell them he had been playing with some nasty girls so he did.Well that's it for STD education have a nice evening. |
MyHumanZoo 07.04.2020 16:45 |
Wow Jo T, I had no idea Fauci is 79! I would have guessed at least 10 years younger. Goes to show how staying in shape really combats the aging process! |
CHEVYMAN 07.04.2020 19:50 |
MHZ, I was looking back a few pages and saw your comment about Freddie's shorts.I can remember in a interview he said he hated his legs.I think they compliment his beauty.They blend in perfect with his body type.He was so slender you know.A short guy with long legs so cute.Ok back to the shorts I dont think those shorts they wore looked good on anyone.It was a fashion statement I guess.But my goodness it left nothing to the imagination no modesty at all do you agree.I dont think they were going for the modesty look they were going for the man hunting look and I guess they nailed it because those shorts revealed everything when a guy went shopping lol. |
CHEVYMAN 07.04.2020 23:53 |
We need to remember our nurses at this time they are working directly with these affected patients and basically risking their lives and some of these nurses are dying and losing their lives.So I'm not much for organized religion but do belief greatly in God the almighty and the power of prayer so do what you do in your way and lift these people up their lives matter and pray to guide the healing hand. |
lsg 08.04.2020 16:01 |
Wow so much to catch up on! I’ve been busier working from home than at the office, lack of office equipment not very efficient. Not complaining but it is what it is. So “shout outs “ to everyone and Ditto regarding the war, ptsd, gardening, pulling weeds, Sound of Music “ dance link ( one of my all time favorites) here here to the “history buffs” as I am one as well, inherited that from dad, HIV/Covid19 comparisons, and huge shout out to Amidds daughter in ICU. If I’ve forgotten anything it’s because there was so much to list. How much does anyone want to bet there will be a huge baby boom in December and January? Lots more Sagittarius and Capricorn’s coming! |
Amidds 08.04.2020 18:47 |
Lspg, ditto - seems as if my work takes me at least twice as long since I don't have everything I need and a good space to do it in!!! Just wanted to see how everyone is doing and if anyone is doing anything interesting in your down time. I have found a few Instagram folks who are doing fun classes on line like exercise, stretching and dance parties. It is keeping me active, which I really need, staying at home. I find I just can't sit and read or do the other little things I used to do (like crochet) since I can't get out as much. Kinda ironic because if anyone had asked me a couple of months ago, I would've thought having all this time to catch up on reading or something would've sounded awesome!!! If anyone is interested....my daughter never got the week to adjust her floor. She was given three days to renew her ICU certifications, get fitted for her mask and thrown into ICU caring for COVID cases. A lot came from the cruise ships that had been denied elsewhere. Compared to the horror stories I have heard from others about their hospitals, my daughter's seem to be doing right by their healthcare workers, which is keeping some of my anxiety down regarding her work. You may have heard this but, direct from the CDC to my daughter, the next 2 weeks are critical to stay in and avoid the virus as it's on the upswing. So, please be careful y'all!! She has described some of the symptoms and experiences (w/o violating HIPAA) of some of these patients and it really is very scary!!! Let's not take chances! Have a wonderful Wed all!!! |
CHEVYMAN 08.04.2020 20:11 |
Amidds, Thanks amidds my husband works with the dead bodies he is a cop and works security so I'm on pins and needles .I'm afraid he is gonna get it.I know what it's like to have organ failure and not to be able to breath on your own but yet not loose consiousness.It scares me to death the thought of it all .My husband took 3 bodies to the morgue this week.They have that whole unit taped off for those patients none of them are making it out of there so far.The sheriff in our town has it too and is in there he is fighting for his life he is in his 60s.I told him dont go up there unless they call him and he said it's his job and as a cop it's his duty to make sure everyone is safe and secure.He also has to handle behavioral health patients what if they got it? I'm so nervous if I get something this time I might not make it lol.people are even going crazy and licking produce in the grocery stores knowing they are infected. |
Katydyd5 08.04.2020 23:32 |
I don't envy any of you who are working at home. It seems to me that it would take so much discipline to stick to the job with all of the comforts of home so easily in reach. I'm thinking of you all. Lsgp, I thought about a baby boom too. I think you will be proven correct! : ) Amidds, I'm glad your daughter is doing ok and that her hospital is functioning well. So far the nursing home where my DIL is a nurse does not have any COVID patients. It's such a concern for those of us who have family who are considered essential workers. Both of my sons still have to go to work every day, and of course my DIL has her nursing shifts. They are all constantly on my mind. Amidds, no new hobbies here though I'm going to have to come up with something. I am used to reading a book a week but I find I can't really focus that long on reading, so I've slowed way down. I haven't been out of the house to go anywhere since the first week in March and I'm doing way too much sitting. It's about to turn cold again, so no more yard work for a while. I have done more connecting with friends who I haven't talked to in a while and that's nice. Jo, I agree with you that humor is essential at this time. I compare it to Mr. Roger's advice to look for the helpers in any crisis. I need to look for the smiles. Let me assure you that I am not minimizing the fear, despair and sorrow of this pandemic in any way. No one is laughing at the tragedy of the illness, the danger essential workers are in, or the fear that so many are experiencing. No humor there. But I do find some humor in laughing at myself. For example, I saw a meme of a person wearing a cone of shame because it would prevent one from touching their own face. I had to laugh because until this crisis I had no idea how often I touch my face and I find now that I could use my own cone. I had to laugh today when I was texting with my best friend and we were asking each other what we were doing with the day. Turns out both of us had taken showers and done laundry and that was our success for the day . Both of us were way too proud of our accomplishments. I was almost excited that I was about to walk down the driveway for the mail because I might see a neighbor I could talk to at a distance. . I've seen some very funny monologues from parents online who are trying to home school their kids. I know many of you are doing that and probably don't see the humor, but I have to admit some of the videos I see are pretty funny. So yes, I'm laughing. I know myself. I'm a lot healthier if I can see the humor. I find anger creeping in at people who are not staying home and who make statements online about defying the recommendations. I can't dwell on that. I can only do what I know is right and urge all those in my circle to do the same. Finally, I'll share that my DIL brought my grandkids to see me yesterday. Was it yesterday??? Not sure, I've lost track of my days. Anyway, they stayed in the van, but stood on the seats with their upper bodies out the skylight. I sat in a chair fifteen or so feet away and we talked. They were just bubbling over with stories and questions and general silliness. I needed that. I hope all of you are finding those small moments of joy. |
CHEVYMAN 09.04.2020 00:46 |
I am finding those moments special with my grandchild as well.I just have one but hes name is Chevy he is 4 and he is very special to me and knows everything about sharks and dinasours.The little dude can already read that's amazing they are learning so fast now in school. |
stevendabudgie 09.04.2020 22:07 |
@Joe T. @Chevyman? My maternal grandfather was a soldier in WW2, became a Russian POW and returned with the consequences of a head shot. It only showed when he had drunk a little, then he became violent. Surely my mum (born '49) and her sibling were affected. They have been leading normal lives, but regarding my mother the trauma showed in the strained relationship wih my Father and the way I was raised. I read somewhere that a few years before WW1, the German Emperor reportly said that a new war would be a "steel bath for the German nerves". What a horrible statement! Germany had not been involved in a war since 1871. "Nerves" and "nervous sickness" was a big thing in that interwar period. Ever heard of "neurasthenia"? @Katydy5 You asked how things are in Germany. I think the measures coem a little too late. When the cases in northern Italy were skyrocketing, everyone with average intelligence could gauge that the virus would enter Germany given the fact many Germans were on skiing holiday in Austria, Switzerland and Northern Italy.. Carneval or Fasching (which Freddie loved in his Munich years) was in late February, when the first German cases had already been reported. Our Secretary of Health, together with the heads of our CDC, announced on their regular press conferences they did not consider it necessary to cancel Fasching. The result was the first big cluster. And our chancellor had been conspicuously absent on the press briefings until mid-march- and she's a PhD physicist, she KNOWS what exponential growth is. The Department of Health can just issue warnings or guidelines, and,due to our federal system, only the individual "governors" of the states (Bavaria, Saxony etc.) can implement measures. Health warnings and appeals by Chancellor and DOH should have been issued at least two weeks earlier. For my part, I freaked out at the end of February/beginning of March. Two or three days after the local Fasching Parade, the first case was reported in my town (Heidelberg) I cancelled all future private Appointments and stopped going downtown. I did not go to the library to gave back books, I sent them by mail. I was dependent on public transportation, but the last ride four weeks ago turned out to be horrifying- so many passengers coughing without covering their mouths, pushing tram buttons holding onto grab handles and straps with their bare fingers, then touching their faces. This was before Lockdown were even on the table. So I bought a cheap bicycle. I work as part-time newspaper man, so I do not encounter many people early in the morning. bakeries, pizzarias etc. are still open, home delivery and/or takeaway only. I tried to order Food from a Supermarket online service, but the delivery time schedule is always completely booked out, which means the next two weeks from now. When the next day pops up it's the same thing. So I still go to the supermarket once a week. There are two within 5 minutes walking distance, so I do not Need to leave my neighbourhood. There is a lot of solidarity, I saw private notices by People offering to buy buy and bringing food for elderly and quarantined people. I know several people in my Extended Family who have been infected by or had a brush with Covid-19, but they are all fine. We are not very close, but it is remarkable how perceptions of the epidemic have been shifing from something that's far away or affecting a few people here and there to something that's "hit home" and amongst your fellows. |
CHEVYMAN 10.04.2020 01:58 |
Steven,I get it I didnt realise I had ptsd , anxiety Depression, or any of the other things till I was a 41 year old woman and I got suddenly sick.They sent me for a neuropschic evaluation and said I had severe ptsd due to childhood trama.I growing up thought it was normal for your father to make you get on the floor and hold a loaded gun to your moms head.I never understood why she stayed as long as she did.I guess maybe since she married at 15 might had something to do with it I dont know.She was born in 58 and my Dad was born in 47.He was alot older than she was.I survived it .I guess my childhood explains my fight or flight reaction when I feel backed into a corner I come out fighting I sure dont run.I learned throughout my childhood or the early years anyway to sleep light I was always ready to grab my brother at the time and hit the door in case my Dad totally lost it and tried to shoot us.We are all survivors of something .The one thing I still struggle with is my anger and they prescribe good drugs for that lol. |
stevendabudgie 10.04.2020 08:51 |
Just found this: "Coronavirus Q&A with Anthony Fauci, MD NIAID Director and Presidential Coronavirus Task Force Advisor Anthony Fauci, MD discusses recent developments in the global COVID-19 pandemic with JAMA Editor Howard Bauchner. Originally streamed on April 8, 2020." link |
CHEVYMAN 10.04.2020 13:59 |
Thanks Steven always looking for updates on the corona.I went to the store yesterday and there are shields in front of the store associates scary stuff but what are we to do.Wash hands and do the best we can.I watched a man on utube lick a vegitable and a worker slapped him down to the ground he so deserved this.I wash everything I get even milk jugs.It makes you realize how many people werent washing their hands.Im gonna go ahead and say this men stand to go to the bathroom were they not washing their hands and handling things afterwards goodness gross.My 4 year old grandson always washes his hands after he goes to the bathroom I dont even have to tell him. |
Rainbow61 10.04.2020 14:18 |
Sometimes it's hard to find that balance between having a healthy level of fear about this pandemic, but not letting it overwhelm you. For those whose work puts you or your loved ones in contact with the public in any capacity, I know you have an added level of stress. For many who live alone, social distancing could be a challenge after this much time. Thank God for the Internet! I try to focus on what I can control, because there is so much that I can't. I can control whether I go shopping in a store or order groceries (started doing that last week), I can control social distancing, hand washing, wearing a mask, how much news I watch etc. We've all been thrust into this difficult experience, but at least it's a shared experience and somehow, that makes things easier. JB050...I like the idea of starting a new hobby, but no, I haven't done so yet. I also feel exhausted at the end of the work day, even though I am working from home. MHZ...How cool that you have a Brian May guitar! That is on my dream list of purchases! A couple years ago my husband gave me the book "Queen: Easy Piano Collection". I had tried playing the first part of Bohemian Rhapsody on an electronic keyboard, but it didn't sound very good and I gave up. I should try again, although I really like the idea of having a player-piano that could do Queen songs with me pretending to play along! :) Steve...Thanks for sharing what's happening in Germany. With your interest in World War 1, did you happen to watch Peter Jackson's film "They Shall Not Grow Old"? Amazing documentary achievement. Chevy...Glad you have a grandson who brings you such joy. Little tykes love their dinosaurs! Lsgp....Ha ha! Yes, I bet there will be a lot of "corona babies". Maybe even an upswing in the number of boys named "Anthony" after Dr. Fauci. Amidds....What do you crochet? My grandmother taught me how to crochet granny squares, so I made a quilt with her guidance about 45 years ago. I have definitely forgotten how to crocet, but I still have the quilt. Katydyd....I hope you took a picture of your grand kids during their visit. What a wonderful image of them sticking their heads of the skylight of the van. Sweet moment! A couple days ago was the first time I had gotten out of the house to do anything fun in weeks. I went metal detecting with my husband in a large, unplanted corn field. Didn't find anything except a lot of nails and 2 musket balls. I wore my new Freddie "The Show Must Go On" tee-shirt thinking it would bring me luck. As I took a break, eating a sea-salt chocolate covered caramel, and looking around at that quiet scene before me, watching my husband detecting in the distance, I did, indeed, feel very lucky. |
Katydyd5 10.04.2020 15:07 |
Steven, thanks for sharing your experience in Germany. Normally I'm a news junkie but I've started rationing what I watch for now so I wasn't as aware of the situation there as I might normally be. It sounds like you are taking some good precautions to protect yourself. Actually I like the idea of the bicycle because not only will it get you around, but it will also give you exercise. I'm sorry it's been difficult for you to order groceries, but again, I'm sure you are taking precautions. It does seem like people are pulling together and there are many examples of kindnesses out there. So far I've ordered my groceries delivered twice. Scheduling a delivery date has been the issue, but I just keep hopping on the computer and checking until I can get a date. It's usually just a day's wait. I eat a lot of fresh produce so that means my buyer is touching my food directly. The first time I ordered I got two heads of butter lettuce. Well, as soon as I took them out of the bag I looked at them and I threw them away. Too much of a risk. I don't know what I was thinking, but it will be bagged salad from now on. I don't feel safe going to the grocery store at this time. I'm hearing too many stories of people getting angry over what seem to be small issues. Plus I'm so not crafty that I don't have the materials here that I need to make a face mask. MY DIL is sending me some hair ties and then I'll make one from an old tee shirt. I don't know why because I'm still not going out. Rainbow, I had to laugh. You said you took a break eating "a" sea-salt caramel. I don't normally keep chocolate around but I can't imagine if I had sea-salt anything chocolate around that I would be limiting to one. You must be a strong woman! |
CHEVYMAN 10.04.2020 17:30 |
Rainbow, We will survive this they survived alot worse in the 80s and there are some here today to tell their experiences and stories.We didnt have social media then and they didnt know what was causing the AIDS virus for a while.At least they know what's causing this virus right away thank God for that.My family was affected directly with the virus in the 80s with my uncle when nothing was really known but I'm sure he got the virus from multiple sex partners .It still affects a mother greatly to loose her son .I'm sure it affected Freddie's mom too.Life after death does have to go on it was a pretty dark sad period then with young men and women losing their battles but out of that came a rainbow and a purpose and reason for these tragedy's.I think the message is safe sex some idiots blamed it on men having sex and to stop doing it.Thats nuts those desires are the way we are created. Safe sex was the answer and it slowed the transmission down.They will figure out s reason why this virus is here and what will slow it down or stop it as well. |
Rainbow61 10.04.2020 18:19 |
Steven....I forgot to mention the recent movie "1917". The way it was filmed was stunning...like you were walking in the trenches with the soldiers. I consider it a masterpiece of film making. Katydyd....I had two sea-salt chocolate caramels with me but only ate one! I have 4 large plastic containers of them in the cupboard but usually only eat 2 per day! I wonder how Freddie would have dealt with social distancing? No parties at Garden Lodge, no touring with Queen, no going out to restaurants and clubs. He would have found this incredibly difficult. Who knows though, he might have created some amazing music because of being isolated (Well, he wouldn't have been totally isolated. I know he had Jim, Joe, and Peter at GL...but I don't think a party of 4 would have been satisfying for a long period of time!) |
CHEVYMAN 10.04.2020 19:15 |
Freddie would have gotten cabin fever. |
Katydyd5 11.04.2020 00:00 |
Hey, I tried to go back to find who first introduced us to the Finding Freddie episodes, but I couldn't find it. Was it Amidds? JB?? I don't want to step on anyone's toes by posting a link to the latest, but it's worth a look. It is part 4 of the making of Barcelona, and has a few short stories that were new to me. link Enjoy! |
stevendabudgie 11.04.2020 17:44 |
@chevyman Cabin fever? Like Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"? "Here's Freddie!" :D |
CHEVYMAN 11.04.2020 18:13 |
Steven, I love that movie here's Johnny. |
stevendabudgie 11.04.2020 19:57 |
Chevyman, have you seen "Room 237"? It's a documentary about different interpretations of "The Shining". You only hear the theorists expound accompanied with clips from the movie. Some theories are hair-raising, like "Kubrick the director) hinted at his staging the moonlandings". But it's interesting and sometimes entertaining how people can Interpret a movie in so many different ways, or project their own fantasies on it. :D |
CHEVYMAN 11.04.2020 23:44 |
Steen, I need to check that out thanks. |
CHEVYMAN 11.04.2020 23:52 |
I wanna wish everyone that celebrates Easter Happy Easter!Still practice your distancing go out on your boat alot of people fishing my way.If you got kids or family near by order a delivery service to give them a dinner from you.There are ways to not let this whole thing rain on your parade.Remember make a toast to one another and we do have social media send eachother pics.God Bless! |
stevendabudgie 11.04.2020 23:52 |
I don't know. The documentary is 2 hours long, and most of the theories are complete BS or just analytic overkill. |
JB050 12.04.2020 02:05 |
Lspg. I 2nd that. Busier working from home. Really grateful am working but have definitely noticed that too. Working this weekend too for Tuesday deadline. My heart and gratitude also to Amidds daughter. We have friend who is a nurse who got it, a week later she was feeling better and said she was ready to go back to work. Amazing, courageous, selfless people. Love the hobby answers. I know I sure sound like a very broken record but I do need to catch up. Really great to see everyone gathering here. I have been getting my Queen and Freddie fixes in. Best to all. Hope you are all safe and well. |
stevendabudgie 12.04.2020 02:53 |
I wish everybody happy and healthy easter, too! I hate being a naysayer, but even in Wuhan, things are not back to normal, although the lockdown has been lifted. If you wanna know whether there could be a second wave, just look at China. there are a few critically reporting channels: China Uncensored link China in Focus NTD link |
Katydyd5 12.04.2020 03:01 |
JB, my Freddie fixes are part of what is keeping me happy. Some of you may remember I had just gotten a new computer when this thread started and while most of my files had been saved, I lost everything I had on Freddie except my picture files. I guess that you could say that has been one of my hobbies while I'm stuck inside. It's a great excuse to spend lots of time rebuilding my files. Currently I finish my time on the computer each evening watching something from the Montreal concert. Dragon Attack is a favorite! Wishing you all a lovely Easter tomorrow! Stay safe!! |
CHEVYMAN 12.04.2020 15:41 |
Katydyd, I'm glad Freddie brings you so much happiness it seems sometimes things can get a little depressing for me in my life situation and all its drastic changes and I can crank up one of his songs and its like it was written with me in mind.Im glad you find peace with the friendships you have here you enjoy talking to folks and they enjoy your company as well.A good thing you created here he would given you a thumbs up. |
Rainbow61 12.04.2020 17:13 |
A very happy Easter to everyone and blessings to you all. |
Rainbow61 12.04.2020 20:37 |
It was strange not going to church today for Easter mass, which is my favorite mass of the year. My husband and I went for an afternoon drive to get out of the house and decided to stop by the church anyway. We were surprised to see a sign on the door saying the church was open for people who wanted to pray (and that social distancing was to be observed). We had actually expected to find the church locked. My husband and I went inside....we were the only ones there! We walked to the back of the church and then came up the center aisle and sat down. The church is fairly large and was dimly lit, highlighting the beauty of the 12 sets of large stained glass windows from front to back. It is the church where both my husband and I were baptized, made our First Communion, and got married. To be the only two people sitting there was a peaceful and solemn, yet lovely experience....one that I will always remember. |
MyHumanZoo 12.04.2020 21:38 |
Happy Easter to all! Rainbow, I am the same in that I don't like to miss the Easter service, although our church has been broadcasting online so my husband and I watched that. It is really not the same, and our pastor said this was the 4th week they have done this, it is hard to believe it's been that much already. I really hope we can get back to normal soon, but I am wondering what that will look like any more. Will church, or sporting events, or anything be able to happen like it used to? Will people be comfortable crowding into places again? I would think not...but I am wondering what adaptations will be made for our new "normal". I have been quite busy considering how little we can really do...it was my granddaughter's birthday on Friday. It was really hard to find presents when you can't really go in stores, and ordering things online is dicey with the times on shipping being impacted so heavily. We finally managed some things though, and my granddaughter's mom drove her around to quite a few houses where she got wished a happy birthday from the curb, she really loved it! They came by our house and I made a small cake for her, covered it with plastic and then put candles on it so she could blow them out and not get her germs on the cake. Then, I took my red special and amplifier on our front porch and played her Happy Birthday, she thought that was the greatest! My granddaughters love it that their Nana plays a rock guitar...not many kids can say that. Today we made up and delivered Easter baskets and had egg hunts with my grandkids (separately) and all done from the curb while they were on their steps. It is such a weird thing, but something they will surely remember! Steven it is great that you can deliver papers, I had forgotten that they even deliver papers now, since so much information is online. Katyd, how frustrating that you lost your Freddie files, I would have been furious! At least you can get things back, even if it takes a while. I got my Freddie fix yesterday and watched several DVDs that I have been putting off, one being the interviews and concert excerpts that were included with the Queen on Fired, Live at the Bowl and the other was the mini-documentary included with the News of the World box set. Both were really good, mostly they were interviews and such that I have seen clips of online, but seeing the entire interviews was really nice. Even a few new things I had not seen. If you guys want something really funny to watch, you should go to Brian May's Instagram and watch him sing the Baked Potato song...it is absolutely a hoot! He put it up today and I have been singing it all day, it is to help raise money for the NHS. If I was more tech-savvy I would try to post a link, but I'm not sure how you do that with Instagram! |
SweetCaroline 12.04.2020 21:48 |
My church had an on-line live stream today of the Easter Mass with our priest, organist/singer and lector. It was sad to see the empty church but he gave a beautiful sermon about how on the first Easter morning when the followers of Christ went to the sepulcher, it, too, was empty because HE had risen. I cried through most of the service! Hopefully, this horrible pandemic will have some positive aspects to it and bring people together in the realization of what is most important. |
CHEVYMAN 13.04.2020 01:43 |
My grandmother gets communion at her home so that's nice the priest makes those house visits. |
Katydyd5 13.04.2020 02:06 |
My church has been holding services via YouTube for four weeks now. The pastor has been filming from his home, but he did it from the church sanctuary today and I was surprised at the emotions I felt seeing my Sunday "home". One of the things I enjoyed most each week was the music. We have a great choir, and I'm Methodist, so we do lots of congregational singing too. For now individuals have been recording music videos to go with the sermons but it's just not the same. I have to have faith that it will go back to normal someday. I can't imagine not gathering with my friends on Sundays. In fact, once we get a vaccine and testing, I have to have faith that much of our life will return to normal. I just don't want to see a rush to that. I'm concerned that restrictions will be ended too soon. MHZ I loved reading how you are connecting with your grandkids. I wish I had thought to have an Easter egg hunt here from the curb. I'm going to have to be more creative because the longer this goes on, the harder it is not to see the grandkids. We've already missed a birthday and another one is coming up in May. I'll start thinking about that now. I absolutely love that you played Happy Birthday on your red special!! Your cool quotient must have gone through the roof!!! I checked out Brian May's Baked Potato on Instagram and loved it. He has the best facial expressions! |
JB050 13.04.2020 03:23 |
Hi all How everyone had a nice weekend. Katy- so cool! I’m so glad your getting to spend time rebuilding your library and enjoying doing it. Did you get to hang up your newest items or is it on hold for your son? Rainbow. Wow! I’m so deeply moved by your story of getting in the church and the special memory you made. So beautiful. Please forgive me since I haven’t yet seen all the posts if I missed replying or am duplicating with this link.. link |
Rainbow61 13.04.2020 08:01 |
I apologize for posting another non-Queen song, but this one is so beautiful, and the lyrics so hopeful considering what is happening now, that I thought I would share. The singing and orchestration are magnificent. I couldn't help but think as I watched this performance, "When will we ever be able to gather like this again?" link |
Katydyd5 13.04.2020 14:44 |
JB, loved your link. Brian certainly is a bight spot every single day and I've always loved the song "Get Back". I don't have my canvas prints up yet and it is making me crazy. I had to move the big one to get into a box for something the other day and I messaged my son just to remind him that it has been since Christmas that they've been sitting up here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. He's not likely to do anything about it until this social distancing is relaxed, but the minute he hangs the prints for me I'll share a picture of my canvas corner. Rainbow, thanks for your link too. Josh Groban has started what he's calling "shower songs" and he did his version of your song yesterday. Here's the link. He does a lot of shout outs first, but if you go about 3/4 of the way in, you'll hear him sing. link |
MyHumanZoo 13.04.2020 16:27 |
I loved Get Back, JB! Hopefully I’m not showing too much ignorance here, but who is Gary Barlow? I actually tried playing along because I have Get Back in my guitar book, but of course it ended up being in a different key. Argh! Great link as well, Rainbow, and I also enjoyed Josh Groban’s version! I adore Josh, his voice is so beautiful. I saw him in concert with Sarah Maccoughlin a few years ago and it was amazing! I don’t know what it is about that Baked Potato song but I can’t stop singing it! I hear Brian’s voice saying “wash your hands...stay indoors” and his expression....just makes me laugh! |
CHEVYMAN 13.04.2020 20:12 |
Anything Brian May sings is super Cute these days keeping himself busy like us all.He is awesome! Roger is so quite not much activity from him I'm sure he is drumming around the house driving his wife nuts .I have a friend that drums and they cant keep those hands still.I seen Adam Lambert on Instagram being his goofy self.He is alot like me sometimes we humor only ourselves.The dude can do makeup though he has beautiful eyes. |
stevendabudgie 13.04.2020 22:49 |
@Rainbow61 i did not watch those movies. I wanted to watch "1917" in the theatre a few weeks down the line.. Due to my part-time job I cannot go the movies . And then came the virus… As I wrote, I was part of a group holding silent movie seminars. 2014 was about WW1. We watched a lot of contemporary films, fiction, documentary and propaganda. Keep in mind, that, British and Americans remember that war differently than continental Europeans. It's downfall of monarchies in Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia, redrawing borders and the birth of new nation states. These were Earth-shattering events. In 2013 we held one about science fiction. I read a lot of literature about the history of the genre. It is interesting that the US Civil War gave a taste of Things to come. After the German-French War 1871 the subgenre of future war stories blossomed until WW1- and why? Because, although people knew from the Civil War that the next great one would be industrial, almost noone could imagine the trench warfare of WW1. Authors imagined fast victories. but not the stalemates with endless attatacks and counterattacks to conquer one hill. Neither did they imagine that such a war could lead to destruction of civilization. I read this book, check out the synopsis/description: link |
MyHumanZoo 14.04.2020 15:55 |
I have watched some of Adam Lambert’s IG stuff, he is really funny. Chevy, did you watch him do his eye makeup a few weeks ago? He does have gorgeous eyes, and he knows how to do them up....I have never been that good with makeup! I am wondering how well his Velvet album is doing, I really liked his Superpower song but the rest are a little bit meh for me. |
CHEVYMAN 14.04.2020 18:28 |
I really love his makeup too every female appreciates his talent for sure.If his singing career ever goes he can always go into makeup.I'm usually not too keen on guys that wear makeup but it works for him he has those feminine qualities but yet he is still just a gorgeous dude to all his female fans. A image that Freddy portrayed on stage for many years that kept them ladies chasing his tail.When he was off stage ofcourse he could be himself.The crotch rocket Freddie was packing probably kept the ladies in check .The leotards he wore on stage drove men and women wild.Poor ladies they could dream .Men you were so lucky to have known him.Adam Lambert has had a honor and opportunity of a lifetime.Alot of lady's lust after Freddie to this day I do not and yes I do enjoy men alot.I just see so much more to him than his beauty I see the artist that man behind that mask intrigues me.I can kinda relate to him.I was always the one in the corner at a party checking everything out.I was approached of course but their is so much more to you than what's on the outside and I think Freddie saw the sincere good things in oeople.If they were different that was ok.He liked those strays it seemed from what I have read. I mean he liked strange freaky people .He liked people society shunned .He was their friend.I wonder if he felt this way as a child.I wonder if he felt different.I say this because I did i felt different than other girls when I was younger.It definately showed in my mannerisms as much as I tried to mask it the older I got I couldnt.I always wished I was like the other girls and just liked the boys.Its a tough thing to try to hide.Especially once you hit about 10 or11 years old .I wonder about Freddie did he feel like an outsider too.Is that why he took so many unwanted people in.We will never know. |
CHEVYMAN 14.04.2020 18:34 |
Mhz, my text was answering you I got carried away friend. |
MyHumanZoo 15.04.2020 19:53 |
A little bit of a tangent there Chevy, LOL! I finally unwrapped my copy of a Night at the Odeon and watched it today, it was great. I’m not sure why I’ve waited so long on these...except that my husband gets a lot of Queen and doesn’t appreciate the concerts any more! Mainly because I have to turn them up pretty loud, I guess. So I have to watch them when he’s out of the house. It’s a cold snowy day here so it’s good for cozying up on the couch. I still have the Wembley concert to see. I don’t have the Budapest one, just wondering if anyone has it and would recommend it? |
CHEVYMAN 15.04.2020 21:31 |
Mhz, That's what my history teacher used to say and we would all slump down in our chairs time for one to take notes meaning me.While everyone else slept. |
Katydyd5 15.04.2020 23:45 |
MHZ, you sound like me. I have a couple of Queen DVDs that I haven't opened including Budapest. I did finally open and watch Wembley several weeks ago and loved it, and of course I opened and watched Montreal about a week ago and it's my favorite of them all. I have no idea why I haven't watched the other DVDs. I think it's knowing that once I do I will have nothing new of theirs to look forward to. Trust me, I know how ridiculous that sounds. . Also, when I first got the DVDs my family was living with me while they built their house and I couldn't have listened to them at the volume level I would have liked. I also have Brian's 3D book that I glanced through but haven't read yet. You'd think with all of this time on my hands I would have done more Queen watching! |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 01:12 |
Has anyone seen mr Mack's son ranting on IG that dude makes no since he has to be on the bong seriously.He is upset because people are posting pics of him as a kid with Freddie in Germany instead of being honored he is bitching about his privacy.All I got to say is talk to your pappy he is the one that put the pics out there telling everyone Freddie wanted to be a family man instead of who he was.I think Mr. Mack got things a little twisted and misunderstood his friend Freddie.From video footage I think he adored others kids.But from a family man perspective I dont see it even if he had settled with a good man.He was a busy entertainer we cant forget he did love the night life.I just didnt like him suggesting Freddie wanting something like a lady when if he did he wouldve kept good ole faithful Mary .He even hated busty Barbara .What a shame.Get off the bong man. |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 01:21 |
Oh also he said he wanted to set the record straight about someone gossiping about how things really were with Freddie who was he talking about? This is turning into a soap opera.He dont wanna roll old school I dont think they play.I have no idea what he was talking about he looked as if he was going into a coma.Check it out.maybe Germany issues he was referring too.I didnt like that Germany era at all drama drama dark times and rock bottom.Need for brighter days. |
Rainbow61 16.04.2020 01:21 |
MHZ...Loved your story of playing "Happy Birthday" on your Red Special. How COOL! The Budapest concert is great. You can watch the full concert on YouTube which includes the documentary footage. The video quality is excellent. Here's the link. link Katydyd...I love the Montreal concert as well. Just curious, why is that concert your favorite? I love the set list and Freddie sounds amazing. I find the audience a bit flat though. Sorry to hear you are missing your grandchild's birthday. I'm sure you will find a creative way to celebrate the day, although I realize, it's not the same unless you can be there. Steve....I have not watched many silent movies, but the ones I have seen I really enjoyed. It's a different kind of movie experience, that's for sure. I like "The Wind" with Lillian Gish and "Sparrow" with Mary Pickford. My husband liked the World War 1 move "Wings". Yes, I would imagine that one's perspective on war is greatly shaped by many factors including where you live and the generation you come from. You probably told us some time ago, but what brought you to Queen Zone in the first place? Have you been a Queen fan for years and just stumbled onto this site? |
Katydyd5 16.04.2020 01:39 |
Rainbow, I think the reason I like the Montreal concert so well is that Freddie sounds and looks amazing all the way through. MHZ I found my Budapest DVD and I'll look at it tomorrow if I have time and let you know what I think. LOL, if I have time...……………..I have nothing but time. I'm about to expose my ignorance about cars though. If one sits undriven in the driveway for too long, can the battery die? That just occurred to me today so I'm going to take it out for some exercise tomorrow. : ) That ought to use up half an hour. |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 01:44 |
Mhz, I'm so glad you enjoyed it.Im sorry yourr hubby doesnt care for Queen anymore.I love them they are timeless music.I also like Nazareth that was my moms band.The Eagles were good my dad supposidly filled in on base with them once.He also played alot of the local bars and pubs.Queen is still number one they truly were there for the fans.It just wasnt money to them when Freddie was here.He would pour his heart out to his audience and hold them up in the palm of his hand amazing.A tremendous victory and honor to be present or his friend. |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 03:17 |
The battery can die and alternator can go bad. |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 03:18 |
The battery can die and alternator can go bad. |
Katydyd5 16.04.2020 15:10 |
I had to do it! |
MyHumanZoo 16.04.2020 17:15 |
Yes Katyd, your battery can die if not used. Usually it can be recharged up if you have a charger or jumper cables to another car. You can go out every few days and run your car for 5 or 10 minutes, even drive around the block to keep the engine in shape and the battery up. We use a trickle charger on ours when we will be gone for a while, but that is plugged in so you have to have an outlet near. Let me know what you think of Budapest, I’m only on the fence with that one since it was so close to Wembley and probably had a similar set of songs. Thanks for the link, Rainbow, I will have to check it out! Funny Katyd, I am the same with not watching the videos, I kind of want to have something new out there that I haven’t seen. I have seen so much and read so much that there aren’t many new things left. I’m already dreading the day when something happens and Roger and Brian aren’t actively doing things any more! But as to favorites, the concert at the Rainbow is my favorite, I like the older songs best, Queen, Queen II, and Sheer Heart Attack are what I listen to most. I like Freddie with his long hair and I think his voice was so much more clear and versatile when he was younger. Plus the rock and roll and vaudeville styles really appeal to me from that era. Chevy, I haven’t seen Mack’s son’s stuff, but I can get being a little miffed about having his picture out there. But it doesn’t help his situation to complain, there’s not much that can be done at this point. I suppose just a young man wanting his own identity and not to be linked to someone else....although most people would probably be honored by it! |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 21:26 |
I love Freddie with his long hair he looks like a young persian boy and that jawline is gorgeous perfection.He did some nude modeling in college they say.I bet it was a delight when it came time to do his face so much detail their.A poster boy for all Indian guys of his time he made us proud for sure. |
CHEVYMAN 16.04.2020 21:43 |
Mhz, Freddie could do what ever he wanted I would be totally honored I would be at his beck and call.It is a honor he thought so much of him and his family as a boy with all his fame and social status the man just walked off the stage and was this regular guy.I think the boy is just on his menstrual cycle take some midol and it will be better in the morning.His father just rubbed me the wrong way and that's who generated those photos to begin with.He took a conversation supposidly he had with Freddie about women and family and his desire not to be gay which I dont believe he said at all.He took that and ran it around the block to several whore houses and finally it ended up in the hands of reporters.That was a figure of speech I'm sorry that's a little extremeIt upsets me a little when folks say another person finally finds peace and happiness with themselves and then that other person trys to say I'm your friend I accept you with these conditions look what I have dont you want this.Family is nice but family doesnt always follow a traditional setup.Family is where your heart is. |
Katydyd5 16.04.2020 23:39 |
MHZ, I talked to several friends knowledgeable about cars and they all told me exactly what you said. : ) I decided to take the RAV out once a week for a half hour drive just to keep things in shape. Went out today and put 15 miles on it so I feel good about that. I will say that when I was in the midst of chemo a few years ago, it sat idle in the driveway for almost six months. Periodically my son would bring his truck over and take the RAV for a few days just to keep it going but it was probably only once a month. It was like a light bulb coming on in my mind yesterday when I remembered that. I'm glad I did remember and now have a plan. I watched Budapest today and enjoyed it. The DVD is the concert, but it also has those famous Budapest pieces on each of the band members embedded in the video. For example, when Brian's solo comes along, the film makers veer off to his Budapest piece and the ride in the hot air balloon. I've always loved Freddie's part showing him shopping in the antique store, trying the vodka, riding the boat, "Interview?? Don't be ridiculous" etc. As for the comparison to Wembley, you are correct. The set list is similar and that is acknowledged in the liner notes. The explanation is that the set list maybe similar, but with Queen, you never got the same performance twice. I like all of the different eras of Freddie and Queen, but I probably prefer the later years. Then again, there are a lot of songs from the early era that I will watch over and over on YouTube. I like almost all of Freddie's looks, except for that mullet he was sporting briefly. I love the shorter, curly hair in the Crazy Little Thing Called Love video. I also really like when he had the long hair but let the curls show a bit. But overall, I think the mustache look was perfect for him. MHZ, I have an IG account but never use it. However, I was able to find Freddie Mack's FB page. link I hope that works though I know FB links often don't work here on QZ. Anyway, he has a couple of video blogs he's put up and one of them deals with the issue of pictures oh himself as a child. Since many of them are with Freddie I think they would be considered public domain, but I'm way out on a limb there because I really don't know. The thing I took from his video is that he is equally upset with people making completely false statements about his family and Freddie as he is with the pictures. He said that during this quarantine he's had time on his hands so he Googled himself and was surprised to see all the baseless statements out there.. Apparently he's going to try to correct some of them or have some removed. If you've never Googled yourself it can be interesting. |
CHEVYMAN 17.04.2020 00:44 |
Alot of those false accusations that got start were because of his father the ones concerning Freddie anyway lol.He was a child at the time when all these accusations and studio drama were taking place assuming one was a dislike for his choice in male company winnie and female Barbara.I guess Mack didnt think much of them they werent acceptable companions in his book I dont know.I personally have seen nothing but very kind things said about Mack's boy and Freddie as far as I can tell.Freddie seemed to be very generous to the family buying and helping them financially when mack had money woes.The only true issue I have with him is I feel he misunderstood Freddie when Freddie said he wanted to give up being gay.A person doesnt have that option it's something you are not something you become or change.I guess it was a misunderstanding on his part Freddie appeared to adore children for a short while from video footage and always treated them well.Can you imagine all his antiques and a toddler no way.Who knows maybe he is bored.Boredoms a disease and dramas a fix. |
CHEVYMAN 17.04.2020 00:54 |
If you choose to keep company with a celebrity you have to roll with the punches.Im sure it's not that bad and even if mack jr tries to correct social media it wont change people's opinions.Opinions are like an ass everyone has one.If you dont like someones opinion dont add logs to the fire if you KEEP adding logs you must like right can we all agree good night lovelies be safe wash hands.Try to keep busy we will survive this.I have a 4 year old blowing a whoopie cushion in my face boys!!!!!!! |
Rainbow61 17.04.2020 03:21 |
MHZ....Although there are many great Queen songs from the 80's, most of my favorites are also from the 70's. Is your Red Special "calling you" to learn any of them? Katydyd....I watched Freddie Mack's interview today. My takeaway was the same. He said his father has answered many questions about Freddie consistently over the years, so he can't figure out why there is so much misinformation regarding what his father has said. Freddie didn't seem to focus much on his ethnicity. In one of the "Ask Phoebe" posts from January of 2017, Peter Freestone said "Freddie almost never spoke of his childhood and Persian origins. He wasn’t ashamed or anything like that, but Freddie was a person of today rather than the past and didn’t want to waste precious time reflecting on what was as opposed to what is and will be." I have to admit I am very different. I have a subscription to Ancestry.com and have spent hours and hours looking up information and copying documents about my grandparents, great-grandparents etc. It fascinates me to learn about the relatives I have never met. Amidds...I hope you will be able to go to Montreux in September. It sounds like the Freddie birthday party might be up in the air. I'm counting on you to regale us with wonderful stories of the event. |
Jo T. 17.04.2020 06:48 |
@Rainbow61 (and other interested parties), Marie's Crisis - NYC's West Village piano bar where Thor has mentioned he used to work as a cocktail server (bartender?) back in the '80s - has gone virtual. Check out the link (link. I visited Marie's 2x last month in person, the week before NYC went on lockdown. If you have a Facebook account, it's easy to join the private group called "Maries Group." There's no apostrophe. Then, you can view live streams for free of Marie's regular pianists performing "living room concerts" from their apts. One of the pianist's studio apt. cracked me up. It was so small and cramped. The piano appeared to take up 1/2 his studio apt. His refrigerator was practically 1 foot from the piano. Another person that appeared briefly in the background could've been a roommate! The pianists do accept gratuities via Venmo or PayPal. I like to help out artists in these times. You can request Broadway songs or other classic songs in real time by posting a comment. My requests for "Suddenly Seymour" from "Little Shop of Horrors" on Wed. night and "Being Alive" from Stephen Sondheim's "Company" on Thurs. night were honored almost immediately - to my delight! |
CHEVYMAN 17.04.2020 15:22 |
JT and other travelers its wonderful you missed that virus while on your visits.I live in the oldest town in Oklahoma every building downtown has been restored to it's original state of being.I guess it attracts so many visitors is why they do it.We have the soldiers Fort and soldiers housing and all those old old taverns and bars down town very small town but it sure attracts many that want to check out history.The next town over where my grandmother grew up and as a teenager worked for a movie theater called the Ritz they demolitioned it.All the old timers stood outside while they did it I found that very sad.Alot of them met their spouses their and the memories.They tried to show alot of the old time films their noone wanted to see them.So their it went.Thats great those memories can still go on .I'm not a fan of broadway but my grandparents sure were.I like old music simon and Garfunkal,Nazereth, Beatles, but I'm not a fan of Broadway or musicals.My daughter does though.Im not much into karaoke stuff either.I cant sing.I cant dance either but I can play instruments and I love instruments without words.You can make up your own words in your head that's were music starts.Im a bit nervous today I had to go out and people are throwing nasty masks and gloves everywhere.I got a basket that looked as if someone had blown their nose in a glove.Yes I'm a bit of a germ a phobic anyway .I had to get an associate to get it I sure was sorry what if a child grabbed that. |
CHEVYMAN 17.04.2020 15:34 |
I think next time I go out to the store I will create me a head to toe body condom and go out in that .It sounds safe and lovely. |
Katydyd5 18.04.2020 02:23 |
Here's the link for the weekly segment on Freddie. link They've finally moved past Barcelona and now are on to Freddie's appearance at the ballet. Wayne Sleep does the interview this week. I think I've seen this particular piece as part of another documentary, but it's enjoyable. I always thought Freddie was very brave to perform with the ballet. Jo, thanks so much for the link to Marie's Crisis I can see why you would want to visit while you were in NYC, it looks like a fun bar. I've always enjoyed piano bars. I went ahead and joined the group so I could see the "living room concerts". I love that so many musicians are sharing their talents in this way now. How fun that your requests were honored so quickly. I love "Suddenly Seymour" but don't know "Being Alive." I'll have to check into that one. I love Broadway, but I did give up my series tickets for next year's season. The good thing is I was able to transfer them to my friend's daughter, so if a show comes around that I would like to see I can have her get tickets for me. EDIT: I just went and looked at the site again and watched the video of the Chorus Line opening number quarantine style. Loved it! Fun to see the dancers in their homes with so many of their kids around. link Rainbow, I think it is interesting that you use Ancestry.com. I've thought about that from time to time but never followed through Hope everyone is ok. There are some we haven't seen in a while...……..Amidds, TUHI, Lsgp, JB. I hope I didn't leave anyone out . I miss you guys! |
Thereuhaveit 18.04.2020 18:25 |
Thanks Katy for wondering where the rest of us are wandering. I do check in once-in-a-while, but still have little to offer in the way of, well, much of anything. But really, nothing Queen or FM. Sheesh, I'm boring. Glad to hear all of you who write regularly are doing well in these oddest of times. Hats off and a heart full of admiration for those who are on the front lines: health care workers, grocery workers, first responders of all sorts and stripes. They are the best of us. I sometimes pop in to other threads on QZ or the FM threads on Quora, usually to my disgust and regret. All I can say I'm so glad this group is kind and civilized, as it gives me hope. Well, I'm supposed to be writing something for something and I'm avoiding that because it requires too much concentration or something. I think I'll go watch birds; it's migratory season, lots of colorful warblers winging through. Maybe that'll give me the something I need to write the something. :) Be well, all!! |
MyHumanZoo 18.04.2020 18:33 |
I hope I catch up with everything here! Thank you Rainbow for the link on the Budapest concert....I watched it today and loved it! Visually it is amazing, so well shot, the stage is awesome and lighting rig too. I liked the extras, there were several things in there that I hadn't seen before, which made me happy! I think I will invest in this one. Katydid, I'm glad I didn't steer you wrong on the car stuff. I lived on my own for many years with a mini-farm to run so I got used to doing my own engine work on things. Not very glamorous, but necessary and it's nice to have the knowledge. And thank you for the link on Freddie Mack, I watched that the other day and it was interesting. It would be hard to try and track down all those that have posted his picture as a kid and correct it, I think that is an exercise that won't gain him anything. I don't quite understand what he is mad about though, with his statements about people misinterpreting something and his dad correcting it time and time again. What is it that was said that is incorrect? I get his irritation with people online that jump in and explain things in Facebook posts and other social media, they state things with such certainty as if they are the residing expert. Yet they didn't know Freddie or any of the people that Freddie did! And even if they had a distant connection with some random employee or friend that had interacted with Freddie, that person can hardly be an expert on everything Freddie. It seems that people read a book or two, take away whatever explanation suits them, and decide to educate the world as to exactly what happened in Freddie's life, and how he felt about things. I just don't get that. I like how we discuss things here, where we read things, digest them, compare them to things others have said, and ultimately say that no one really knows what happened. We can decide what we *think* happened, but I feel like all of us are open and realize that we don't have all the facts and can't make a final call on anything. Ok...that's my rant for the day, lol! Did any of you do the preorder on Rudi's book? I did, it sounds like Rudi is making a lot of progress on it. However he is doing so much other stuff now, he started a YouTube channel and now he's doing his weekly "broadcasts" which take some planning and coordination. I feel like he is a little bit ADHD...with his thoughts and ideas going all directions! I am interested though, last week he said that Brian May had been in contact with him to do a project. I really hope it is something worthwhile....some lost footage or a new video or something....or maybe something for their 50 year anniversary coming up? There are so many possibilities! |
MyHumanZoo 18.04.2020 19:21 |
And oops....yes Rainbow, the whole reason I started learning guitar was to play those 70s Queen songs! However (and this is a big however), I quickly discovered that they are super advanced and I will probably never get to that level, sadly. Most of that early stuff was written in really strange keys...like E flat...and chords are already hard enough but then throw in all those flats and it is beyond what I can do. And I'm sure I won't ever get to some of the lead stuff and solos that Brian does. Some of the later Queen stuff is easier, and I think I will get there on those. I am going to start on Love of My Life, although Brian plays that on a 12 string guitar I can do it on my acoustic. I can do things like Crazy Little Thing Called Love and some others that are more basic. The Beatles songs are absolutely the best for learning though, most have easy keys and not a lot of different chords in them. I just learned Norwegian Wood, which is one of my favorites. I think I am probably naturally more geared to play the bass guitar with rock songs, it is where my ear tends to go on songs and I like the rhythmic aspect. Once quarantine is over I am going to go to a store nearby and try out some bass guitars and work on that too. |
CHEVYMAN 18.04.2020 20:37 |
My human Zoo, This is just a suggestion about the guitar I learned piano first it's a little easier to learn difficult songs by guitar if you get the fundamentals on the piano first I dont know if you already play piano or not.I hope this helped.Crazy little thing is a really easy one isnt it I love that one not many cords.I learned some Eagles stuff my Dad loved the eagles and he taught me.He played by sound .I started with him then took lessons. |
CHEVYMAN 18.04.2020 20:47 |
TuHI, I dont know how I missed your post but yes I'm glad fo see you post I enjoy reading what you write.You seem to be a lovely person.Do you like bird watching? Anything to keep you busy during these slow times. |
CHEVYMAN 18.04.2020 21:01 |
Rainbow, I was unlike Freddie about my Heritage there was so much I didnt know from my Indian roots being half Cherokee Indian raised by whites and not aloud to see your indian family after age 8 .I wanted to know.I was registered white at school when I knew different.I hope you have been well and you family too!Glad to see your post these are the only human contacts we have right now safe ones anyway take care. |
CHEVYMAN 18.04.2020 21:11 |
Katydyd, I hope your well and getting what you need in during these times.Im glad to see your posts too! I love to watch ballet.Itotally love opera too! None of my friends do but I sure do appreciate a fine voice and When Freddie paired up with the Spanish lady.They looked great up there and it just was an opportunity of a life time for both. |
Katydyd5 19.04.2020 00:48 |
TUHI, I'm glad you popped in, and my friend, you are never boring. I understand the nature of a platform like QZ is that people will come in, post a lot, and then disappear. But I'm always sad when it was someone I really enjoyed and in this time of the pandemic, I find I worry if I don't see people like you and the others I mentioned. I know people are busy, I just hope they are all ok. I identified with your statement about being unable to concentrate long enough to write something about something for something. : ) I've mentioned before that I'm a voracious reader, usually a book a week. Well, I've only read three since the beginning of March. I can concentrate when I'm reading, but I'm easily distracted and then I can't get back to it. I'll decide I need a drink, and then I'm in the kitchen, and now I need a snack, and then I have to come look on my desktop computer at what kind of snacks Amazon Fresh offers, and now that I'm on the computer I might as well look at a Kristen Hampton YouTube video ( she's hilarious, goes on a bit too long, but hilarious) and then once I'm on YouTube the sidebar videos capture my interest...………….and I never get back to the book. I know that is happening because of the current situation. I can't seem to stay focused for long on anything. And birds??? Love them. I have a robin's nest on my deck that I like to watch that. I also have some natural fiber material hanging in a tree for birds to use for nests and I spent over half an hour today watching little wrens snatch pieces of it. But I was too lazy to come upstairs to get my good binoculars so I used my cheap old Girl Scout binoculars and then I wanted to clean the drawer they were in. See? No real concentration. MHZ I'm so glad you liked the Budapest concert. I hesitated to gush too glowingly about it because I'm well aware that I think Freddie can do no wrong and I might not be as discerning as others. One thing I did think about was that huge crowd and the fact that most of them would not have been able to see him or the band at all because they didn't have the big screens. I'm sure the audience was thrilled just to be there, but it's a good thing Freddie moves so much because at least they had to know that tiny little dot dashing around on the stage was him. I love the extras. LOL, I've already mentioned Freddie's section, but I also find John Deacon speaking to the little English girl on vacation absolutely endearing. Best moment is the Hungarian folk song and the audience reaction. Love that Freddie had written the lyrics on his hand but they were mostly erased by sweat. Your mini-farm intrigues me and I'd love to hear more about that! Totally agreed with your "rant". That's one of the reasons I always like to hear a source, especially for some of the more outlandish things. I don't want to repeat something that isn't based in fact. I did not pre-order Rudi's book, so I'm very interested to hear your experience. I saw his IG Live where he explained how to order, but it felt somehow odd to me. Sending an email and committing to $10 and then waiting for a return email telling me what to do next...…….well, I almost wished he done a GFM like Thor and Lee did. So, since you did order, what happened after you sent your email??? Does payment have to be PayPal?? I too saw that he and Brian May had been in contact for a project and I'm hoping it's a new video of some sort. BTW, I decided a long time ago that Rudi is probably ADHD. I had many like him in my classroom over the years. He's probably got so much going on in his head that he can't settle down. Kinda like Freddie, huh??? |
MyHumanZoo 19.04.2020 15:52 |
On the Budapest concert, I love that clip with John Deacon and the little girl too! When he spells her name for her....E M M A....be still my heart! I had not seen some of the stuff with Brian May, the hot air balloon stuff was one...and on a side note, he had on an Adidas white sweatshirt with yellow cuffs and collar, I want that sweatshirt. I am sure there are none around any more, which makes me sad! So on the pre-order of Rudi's book, it was a bit odd but I figured I could manage losing $10 if it went weird. I sent the email and got a reply a few days later saying they would be sending another email telling how to pay, I haven't gotten that one yet. Which reminds me, I should probably check my spam folder to make sure it didn't get sent there. I sent my guess in for today's trivia question, I would like to win one of the pictures with Queen or Freddie in it. I don't really need a picture of Rudi, young or old, lol! I think most of the creative people in the world are ADHD, it really takes that mind going everywhere to come up with new things. Sadly I don't have a mind like that, although my mind is always going it is not in a creative way, really. I have a mind that can find the issues and solve the problems that come up, I am creative in that way. We all have our place, I suppose! I have lots of stories on the farm, I am sure they will come up from time to time! I started showing horses when I was 10 and did it for years. My parents had bought 10 acres of property when I was in my teens and built a barn on it and fenced it, my dad did it all by hand and I helped him. We kept our horses there and in my late 20s I started breeding them and selling the babies. My parents had always intended to put a house there but never did, so I bought it in my early 30s and built a house. It was on a smaller scale, the most I had at any one time was 12. But for one person to manage them, plus maintaining all the fencing and pastures, as well as the barn, and throwing around bales of hay, bags of grain and sawdust and things like that...it made for a good workout! I had an old 1956 Ford Tractor that I used, with a brush hog and an auger for drilling fence post holes...all kinds of stuff that had to be maintained so I learned to do pretty much all of it myself. I changed the muffler on that old tractor, even took out and cleaned the carburetor and fuel filter! I figured as an educated person I should be able to figure it all out...so I did. And luckily the guys at Tractor Supply and such were happy to answer questions when I ran into a snag. I did all this while I worked full time too. I am still amazed sometimes at how I managed it all! I am much lazier now! |
CHEVYMAN 19.04.2020 16:40 |
Mhz, I love horses I always had them growing up.My grandfather had a farm he raised cows and I always had a horse or horses around christmas time we would give carriage rides to the public and then he just sold all he had and just raised cows for beef and to sale.I really missed it when he sold the farm and we moved to town.I knew how to drive at 12 I used to drive those old farm trucks all over that farm those were some good times. |
JB050 19.04.2020 20:43 |
Katy. Rainbow. And Jo T. And anyone who I might have left out. Just skimmed. :-)) Thank you for the great links!!! Now my night is set!!! All my best!!!!! |
JB050 19.04.2020 20:52 |
Katy. I just saw your post. I miss being in the regular conversation. Work weeks are flying by me in multiple deadlines which is so good. I’m really so fortunate and grateful. I can’t wait to get to watch all the cool videos you have all posted. I know it’s not Queen related so have been hesitant but it is quarantine related clever humor and good message and because we are among friends, here they are... 2 non-Queen related links that I hope bring something good. Humor, consolation, perspective, etc. :). Hope everyone and families are well link link If they don’t become links, can copy in to your phone notes and they will. |
Katydyd5 20.04.2020 00:43 |
JB, so good to see you!!! Don't worry about non-Queen links. That's the reason this thread is in the Personal forum! It frees us up to talk about anything and right now, that's important. I've already said I think humor is essential in these times. I especially liked your second link. Who could have ever foreseen where we'd be at this time. How could any of us have imagined?? If you are looking for humor, try Kristen Hampton on YouTube. She demonstrates odd products that you see in those informercials or on Amazon and she is hysterical. I sit here and laugh til I have tears running down my face. Having said that, I do really like the Queen links too. Freddie is one of my biggest escapes right now. He and Queen allow me to get completely away from what's going on. I appreciate that people continue to post links about Queen. MHZ, I'm so impressed with your farm story! You did that by yourself?? What an incredibly strong and independent woman. I love it. You deserve to be lazier now!! I watched Rudi today even though he was having so much trouble with the live feed. I noticed all of the comments from people saying they had not gotten the second email that tells them how to pay. $10 isn't a big risk so I may pre-order. The other thing is though, if he is going to autograph all of them before they are sent out, it might be easier to just order it from Amazon and have it quicker. I need to think on this a bit more. Did you guess correctly for the Trivia Question? I loved the answer and I would never have guessed. I wouldn't want that drawing of Freddie and Rudi as a prize though. Oddly enough, I'd love to have the young Rudi picture. I think he was gorgeous. He still has a very nice smile! John Deacon and E-m-m-a...………..so sweet. You can tell that John related well to children. I'll bet he was a good dad. |
JB050 20.04.2020 00:57 |
Thanks Katy I’ll check out Kristen Hampton. Anyone else watch together at home show yesterday? Adam was really good. Of course. I am with you re: Queen and how needed it is now. I am loving Brian’s online jams too. link So I went out for a walk, was so good. I used to be a regular walker, This is definitely rebuilding. Haha. I had my music on shuffle and on comes in the lap of the Gods revisited, love that song, I smiled, I love those moments where it feels like a much-needs visit. |
Katydyd5 20.04.2020 01:29 |
JB, I LOVE that link you just posted. I'm so glad to see both Brian and Roger doing things like that. I'm going to expose my ignorance, are they using Zoom? I've always really liked Brian, even though I know he can be testy at times. He's earned that right. I completely forgot the at home show yesterday until a friend emailed me right in the middle of it. I got to the tv in time to see the Rolling Stones, and I have to admit I was impressed with them. I didn't get to see Adam but surely it will be replayed at some point. I thought The Prayer at the end was beyond beautiful. Here's the quickest Kristen video I've found There's something about her that I like. I feel like she's someone I would love to have for a friend. You'd be laughing all the time. link |
JB050 20.04.2020 01:55 |
Katy Thanks!!!! It looks like it is possibly Zoom. Your wish is my command, here is the link to the together at home re-play. :-) he was in here and also on the online lead-in during the day. Haven’t come across that replay yet. I agree the Stones were so cool... of course. Perfect song too. I am also an Eddie Vedder fan, thought he was incredible too. All were good. Such a great connector ... so glad / appreciative that they did it. link |
Katydyd5 20.04.2020 02:09 |
Thanks JB! I saved it to watch tomorrow just in case I have time on my hands. Which is all I have. Time on my hands. : ) |
Rainbow61 20.04.2020 04:49 |
Jo T....Thanks for the link to Marie's Crisis. I've watched YouTube videos of patrons belting out show tunes around the piano. They were having such a great time. What a joyous atmosphere! TUHI...In the fall, the area where I live is a stop-over point for snow geese migrating south. When hundreds and hundreds fly overhead on a sunny day and their wings glow in the sunlight, it is truly stunning. Enjoy your warbler watching. MHZ...Glad you liked the Budapest concert. Freddie was in top form! Thanks for sharing your guitar playing adventure with your Red Special...I can live vicariously through your playing until I get a guitar someday. Besides being able to play Queen music, I would love to learn the guitar solos in "Freebird" by Lynard Skynard, "Hey Hey, My My" by Neil Young, "Hold the Line" by Toto and (don't laugh) "Play That Funky Music" by Wild Cherry! I guess my favorite music is the music of my youth. Chevy....I can understand you wanting to learn more about your Native American heritage. Most people want to learn about their roots. I wish I had asked my grandparents more about their childhood, but I didn't really think about that as much when I was younger. There are probably resources in your community that could help you do a genealogy search. JB050...I also feel like the weeks are flying by. I have a looming work deadline that involves inputting a lot of information into our new data base of all the consumers I have worked with from Oct. 2019-now. It's not difficult work, but it is time-consuming. I watched the "One World - Together" concert on Saturday, but someone I missed Adam Lambert's performance. Had to go back and watch that today. I love Adam's voice...was not crazy about the song he did though. I agree about Eddie Vedder...great singer. Loved his music in the movie "Into The Wild". Katydyd....I want to get Rudi's book as well, but not sure if I want to pre-order. I didn't realize it was going to be sold on Amazon. Does he give any idea of when the book will be done? Looking forward to the Rudi and Brian May project, whatever that may be. Did Rudi happen to say anymore about the project he is doing with Peter Freestone? |
Katydyd5 20.04.2020 12:26 |
Rainbow, I don't want to lead you astray. I just assumed Rudi's book would be available on Amazon at some point. I don't know that for a fact. One thing he has said several times is that pre-orders will push him to continue to work on the book. I think he has so many projects going on in his head that it is difficult for him to stick to the book. I hope he has a publisher who is holding him to deadlines. |
MyHumanZoo 20.04.2020 18:33 |
So Katydid...thank you for the Kristen link, I laughed all the way through that! I will have to watch more of her videos. I have to admit, I always wondered how painful and effective those Epilady things were! I watched Rudi yesterday, he was a hot mess. He really needs to have someone else host his show, someone with him to keep him on track, have the agenda and make sure he gets to the topics, and cut him off when he starts wandering on tangents. He never did give an update on his project with Peter Freestone as he promised, didn't cook the salad (cook?) and some of the other things too. I don't really care that he didn't do that stuff, it just irks me that he says he'll do it and then he rambles on other stuff and doesn't get to things. I was never one that could sit in meetings and let other people run them though...I can't stand inefficiency so I always want to be in charge and moving things along, lol! I did guess the trivia question correctly, but I am hoping I don't win as I don't really want that copy of a drawing that he loves so much. It's funny Katydid, I think Rudi was good looking when younger, but now I can't get past that bushy growth under his lip! Maybe we could take the Epilady to that! Ha! Wow Rainbow, you have some high aspirations on guitar, I like that! And I have to say, Play That Funky Music is one of my favorites too...I have it on my phone and I like to listen to that kind of music when I am mowing the lawn. I just have to make sure there are no neighbors around to watch me bopping around while I mow! I'll have to give it a listen again and see how challenging the guitar part is on it. I just got done with a little practicing and had a decent rendition of Rocky Raccoon going, and now that song will be in my head all day! I sure miss my farm sometimes, at this time of year I had the baby foals running around and they were always so fun and adorable. I miss having them come up and sniff my neck and nudge me with their nose. They would follow me around and always mess with everything I was working on, they would sniff the wheelbarrow while I cleaned the stalls and try to knock it over...those were wonderful moments! |
CHEVYMAN 20.04.2020 22:28 |
I would agree Rudi is a mess I dont watch his live videos but heard from ladies that do.It appears he is joining and has become a administrator to a queen fan group on fb I waunder how many will follow.I suspected this at this stage of his game I worked in car sales as a finance manager a long time my pay depended on salesmen. They did whatever they had to against one another to get that sale.I tried to warn someone when I seen it coming instead I was wrongly accused of terrible things now look.I knew this would happen.I expect he will try to become administrator to some of the other larger groups.No worries about our little 18 ladies we will take it to the grave loyalty means everything doesnt it.Have a nice evening everyone. |
Katydyd5 20.04.2020 23:53 |
MHZ, I have no idea why Kristen always does her product tests in her car, but it almost makes it funnier. Check out her videos on stamp on brows, clip on bangs, the facial exerciser and more. I mentioned before that she can go on too long, but I can never bring myself to shut her off. Her KFC Cheetos sandwich is hysterical, but too long. I watched it though because I always wondered about that sandwich. I agree, Rudi needs someone to help him with organization. The problem yesterday seemed to be low battery on his phone so he was trying to film while it was plugged in to the charger. He did say he would make the salad next week. I can't even imagine how he'll be able to do that with any kind of coherent directions. He needs to set an agenda and stick to it. I can't stand that kind of inefficiency either. I never liked to run meetings, but my principal always said I was a good one to have in meetings because I'd take as much as I could stand and then I'd bring out my BS meter, and force everyone back on track. That's what I want to do to Rudi. I also want to tell him to stop touching his nose!!!!! If we took the Epilady to that lip growth it would be unbelievably painful...…..and probably pretty funny. |
CHEVYMAN 21.04.2020 17:08 |
ADHD, is a thing I have struggled with all of my life but I managed you would be surprised how many successful people suffer from this chemical imbalance of the body.I dont agree with alot that is going behind the scenes with Rudi and how he is representing his interviews but it's not nice to make fun of someone with a intellectual attention disability.Katy you said you had a classroom full of them.I would expect a different reaction out of you.As far as a facial growth honey we all have things we dont like about ourselves and we all age we start aging the day we are born.No I dont think it would be funny at all.As far as a bs meter I dont think we need that here everyone seems pretty mellow and noone needs to get too big for their own pants.Courtious and friendly is a nice motto dont you think.Alienation of any ooster that is trying to engage in friendly conversation and is ignored looks childish and lurkers do see this trust me they do.Thus isnt good for product sales of any kind just a food for thought.This is a nice thread you have here try and welcome them for who they are please we are all different.We not say things in the way or manner people think we should say them but that's what acceptance is.Or that's what I thought it was supposed to be.I dont care how much money a person has what they wear where they live or who they like boys or girls or both.No judgement acceptance is a easy thing to give someone but I just dont think everyone is on the same page yet. |
Rainbow61 21.04.2020 22:27 |
Just finished doing several hours of data-entry for work...my brain is completely fried. I should be done this task in about 4 weeks...Aaaagghhh! Regarding ADHD: Just like MHZ said, most of the creative people in the world probably have some degree of ADHD. And regarding Katydyd's comment, I too have had children in my classroom over the years who had ADHD. I agree with her when she said about Rudi "He's probably got so much going on in his head that he can't settle down". That sounds about right from what I have heard. Of course we don't know if Rudi has ADHD...it was just an observation, but it certainly does not demean those who do live with ADHD in any way. It makes me think of one little boy I had in my third grade classroom many years ago who had ADHD. He was so creative, his mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Did he have an intellectual disability...not in the least. He was funny, kind, and had personality plus. (Just like Freddie) I ran into his parents many years later at a church event and they told me he was doing really well. I was not at all surprised. This chat thread is usually a pretty mellow place. What's nice is that this thread, and the other QZ threads I have participated in (actually just Thor's threads...I'm not involved in any other QZ threads, the Queenonline forum, Instagram, or Facebook) have always been open to everyone. This is not a private group that picks and chooses it members. As such, there is probably going to be a much larger range of personalities here. There is an amazing array of backgrounds, temperaments, points of view, ages, and life experiences. We live in different parts of the world. I've often thought about the conversations we would have if we actually met someday at an event. That would be pretty outrageous! I am looking forward to both Thor and Rudi's books. They will largely cover different time periods in Freddie's life, so I am not worried that one book will compete with the other. I'm expecting that once the books have been published and we have a chance to read them, they will spark many an interesting conversation...and maybe some friendly disagreements...but that's okay. The other day I was chatting with a good friend about doing jigsaw puzzles...of all the various Queen/Freddie products I have seen over the years, I generally never see jigsaw puzzles for sale. I would love to find one that was a collage of Freddie in his various outfits. That would keep me entertained for a long time. |
stevendabudgie 21.04.2020 22:35 |
@Rainbow61 ? I became a Queen fan around '97, when I was 14, 15 years old. My mum had "Greatest Hits 2" in her collection, and started listening to it. Shealso had recorded a 3 -4 TV broadcast of rock music videos, Queen also had a slot, so I also started watching that.. Before that I had known WWRY, WATC, IWTBF, AKOF from the radio, and "Princes of the Universe" from the TV series. I remember being very impressed by Freddie's voice in the latter, and liking it in AKOM when I was a child. (before I turned into a fan). |
Rainbow61 21.04.2020 23:33 |
Steven....If the "Greatest Hits 2" album you listened to was vinyl and not a CD, then I hope it did not get misplaced or given away over the years. There is nothing like real vinyl...and those record albums are collector's items now. |
CHEVYMAN 21.04.2020 23:42 |
Rainbow, I didnt realize Freddie was diagnosed with ADHD.Usually you have to be seen by a doctor that's when they diagnosed me.However it didnt affect my learning as it does with some children.It just made me hyper and I would finish my work quickly and would disrupt other students I talked all the time.Steven I wasnt much of a Queen fan rowing up I basically started kinda following Freddie's story some after his death I was about 17 years old at the time.I can remember thinking why are these reporters and media making such a circus out of this mans life.I know stories go around about celebrities but what put the icing on the cake for me me is when they started making up these outlandish stories about him and women and such.Some people like privacy he may have been one of those people for reasons known to him.He was no bisexual .He loved the company of men it was obvious.It to me was so damaging and sad for them to say otherwise.So that's my story that's kinda what kinda got me intrigued on him and finding out the truth and then came Thor and Lee's thread and I had seen pics of them online with Freddie and other you ng men and I just knew what the media was putting out there had to be wrong.Im not a big fan of labeling a individual you are who you are at any given time but i do understand attractions to male and females and he wasn't attracted to females at all. |
Rainbow61 22.04.2020 01:13 |
Sorry...I just reread my earlier post and realized I was not very clear. I certainly did not mean to say Freddie had ADHD. I only meant that he had some similar characteristics to the child I taught who was smart, funny, kind, and was not someone who liked to be still. But then again, that could describe many children. |
Katydyd5 22.04.2020 02:19 |
Rainbow, I think a lot of people are turning to jigsaw puzzles right now. I watch Ellen every day and she was talking about a puzzle she is working on and her guest, Wanda Sykes, also is doing a puzzle. We used to do them as a family when the boys were growing up and it occurred to me it might be a good way to pass some time now. I finally found some at a good price on Zulilly so I got two. Amazon has some but the prices are ridiculous and Target online was sold out. You got me curious about Queen puzzles so I looked on Amazon and they do have a few, but they are album cover puzzles and they are close to $30. I'd love to have one of Freddie but I wouldn't pay $30 even for him. Album cover puzzles don't do it for me. BTW, one of my canvas prints is drawings of Freddie in his costumes. I love it! I also Googled Freddie Mercury puzzles and there are a few out there if you were serious. EDIT: I just found this/ link Steven, I'm limiting my news watching these days but I did see that Germany is opening up a little bit now. How do you feel about that? |
Rainbow61 22.04.2020 03:15 |
Katydyd....The other day I set up a card table and opened up a new puzzle box. I haven't gotten to it yet though. It's a thousand piece puzzle of an old fashioned New England scene. I'm like you...doing a puzzle of a Queen album cover doesn't really interest me either. I took a look at your link. That puzzle has a lot of black in it. I'm not sure I would like that. I agree...not paying $30 for a puzzle either. I found a Freddie jigsaw puzzle you can do online. You can adjust the number of pieces as well as the shape of those pieces. It has a lot of black in it also, but I like the picture...and it is free! :) link |
JB050 22.04.2020 14:37 |
Rainbow!!! Nooo way!!! An online Freddie jigsaw puzzle! How cool!!! Copying the link now |
JB050 22.04.2020 14:42 |
Rainbow- I just skimmed back - yay re: Eddie Vedder ... Like minded. Hope your brain isn’t too mushy. I soooo know what you mean. Are you trough the bulk of your work. Katy!! Thank you for the puzzle link to!! Copied. So now I have a very important question (haha): why do men only get the Live-Aid socks (insert laughing emoji here) pics to follow. |
JB050 22.04.2020 14:43 |
JB050 22.04.2020 14:45 |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 14:53 |
I wasnt talking about book competitions of the two books period.I dont know why people insist on pinning that one on me when it's not true.I was simple stating a marketing fact that's all.In my opinion Thor and Lee's book is gonna be far more interesting because it's not gonna be from a personal perspective not a buisness one.This is also my opinion I'm personally not that fond of Rudi I dont know why maybe he tries too hard .To me someone that jumps right in there with the fans that are Freddie's and Queens to begin with has something up their sleeve.That was just my observation.It took a while for Thor and Lee to warm up to Freddie's fans more genuine to me just my thought.But just straightening that misconception out I think the book will do great always thought it would.I was just talking about marketing there are all types of marketing being two steps ahead is never a bad idea. |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 15:02 |
I'm not much into puzzles but I do like to draw so that is a great pass time.My therapist also turned me on to adult coloring books I sometimes do those.A friend of mine wants me to paint a pic on her nursery wall I'm a little nervous but it's of the sea.So it should be pretty easy free handed.Alot of little fish and sea animals so cute. |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 16:27 |
I mean from a personal perspective. |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 16:42 |
A little history lesson any of you ever tried any buffalo meat my aunt brought me some I havent had any since I was a child it's super lean and healthy.It's a hunted meat among my tribe of indian people on my Dads side.You can make buffalo chilli and it's really good.If any of you guys fish it's really good right now fishing on your boats.I dont care to much for catfish they are too dirty.I like a more clean fish such as bass or a crappy fish they are very clean.Just another way to practice that social distancing.If your not a hunter you can always catch the fish and release them.I live by a river where you can fish on a wall so that's nice when they open the gates. |
MyHumanZoo 22.04.2020 18:07 |
I have been thinking about doing puzzles too, that’s kind of funny! I also looked at the ones at the Queen site and just couldn’t part with the money for them. I have heard that there are sites that will make puzzles out of any picture that you want, I’m not sure how much they would cost though. I suppose maybe a place like Etsy would have it? I am wondering if anyone else has been seeing non-stop face masks being advertised on their social media? Mine has been nuts....I think after every post there is a mask advertisement, with all different designs on them. It’s hard to believe how fast they all got that going! |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 18:30 |
Mhz, Yes they are making them out of lacy bras they are so cute |
CHEVYMAN 22.04.2020 18:33 |
Oh and I just have to have the Mickey mouse one .One kf my guy friends is gonna get it for me before I go to treatment.I told him I was gonna get him a lacy one advertised in my fb group he says the only lace he likes is on his men and I dint think he meant a mask.So I let that one go lol |
Katydyd5 22.04.2020 23:33 |
JB!!!!! The socks!!!! I love them! I give Christmas stockings to all of my adult kids and grandkids and those socks are perfect for my sons. They like to roll their eyes about my Queen/Freddie obsession so I saw your pictures and immediately went to Amazon and put a pair for each of them in my cart. So glad you shared that! Rainbow, I marked your link for the online puzzle. I'm going to give it a try. I do a jigsaw puzzle every day on my iPad while watching tv so I'm familiar with using online puzzles. MHZ I thought your idea about Etsy was great, but they didn't have any puzzles. I wonder if Shutterfly can make personal puzzles. If so, could they use Freddie's face though? Is it that issue of public domain? While searching Etsy for a puzzle I did find a Freddie face mask and I'm seriously thinking about getting one. My DiL has a neighbor who makes masks so she got me a couple, but a Freddie mask would be great. Sadly I suspect we will have a use for them for some time to come so I might as well share Freddie with the world. As for social media and face mask ads, it's been maddening. You are correct, it's every other post. I spent some time the other day blocking all of the advertising companies so I'm not seeing them as frequently now. |
Thereuhaveit 23.04.2020 00:40 |
Checking in once more; glad to see (read) that everyone is hanging in there. The only Freddie/Queen contribution I have to offer is that when I walk, I play Queen. "Another One Bites the Dust" and "Hammer to Fall" are especially good rhythms to walk to. :) Katy, I get your lack of concentration during these past (forever it seems) weeks. I'm getting better, practicing some self-discipline, but schedules are squishy for most of us, it seems. Hang in there, you always have Freddie and Queen. MHZ, I was fascinated (and maybe a little jealous? :) )about your farm and your love of horses, My daughter was horse-crazy, too, though we never bought a farm (or horse) for her. She did have English riding lessons for a couple of years, loved it, but moved onto soccer at some point. I'll bet you miss that open space, I know I would. JB, you're fortunate in some ways to be busy, but I'm sure you're feeling this weirdness. I hope you were able to find that Freddie puzzle, you were so excited! A Freddie jigsaw--what would he think about that? Rainbow, I don't see snow geese, but there are plenty of birds flying in their V formation right now over Central Texas. I've also heard birds at night, when most birds migrate. I'll bet seeing thousands is quite something. The warblers are coming through; I have a pond in my garden and those tired little things just love the shallow parts. The cats however, are not happy that they can't go outside until after dark or if I'm outside with them. Actually, it's only my older male who's outdoors much at all. Chevy, you're just next door to me (I'm in Texas) so I'd imagine you get that same stream of migrating birds. Keep well and safe and I wish the same for your families. |
Thereuhaveit 23.04.2020 01:33 |
Just came across this on a political thread. Everyone needs a laugh right now. Enjoy: link |
Katydyd5 23.04.2020 02:27 |
TUHI! LOL. I'm thinking aren't those boys sweet to play along, and then...………………….BRAHAHAHAHA! |
CHEVYMAN 23.04.2020 12:44 |
Tuhi, Yes I bet I do too! I can swear the same little red bird comes to see me every spring but maybe he heard about the virus and is social distancing for now lol. |
CHEVYMAN 23.04.2020 14:46 |
The first thing I want to do when this epidemic dies down is go to Florida and take my grandson to Lego World he wants to go so bad.Its about 15 hrs from me I want to put this on my list for his birthday this will put a smile on his little face.It looks like fun. |
MyHumanZoo 23.04.2020 17:00 |
Hahahaha! Love that, TUHI! I was totally unsuspecting! As for the horse thing....you can maybe be grateful you never got a horse farm, etc. for your daughter, it is a crazy expensive hobby that I don't recommend! I do miss looking out my window and seeing the horses grazing peacefully and the babies cavorting around in the grass. It's very calming for the soul! Katydid, I bet you could get the puzzle through Shutterfly, if you use one of the stock photos it's probably ok. And the socks....I have a pair! My loving husband got me some for Christmas. I have yet to wear them though, I kind of like looking at them nice and pristine. I looked at some of the masks on Etsy, I do need one. But most of them said they wouldn't be delivered until mid-May, so that kind of defeats the purpose. I may end up with just a basic one instead of a Queen-related one based on the timeline. I've had an entertaining morning listening to an Italian Queen fan trying to interview Rudi on Instagram Live. Apparently Rudi's phone is the source of many problems, he talks for about 5 minutes and then it heats up and you lose his connection. I think this is what happened during his Sunday show too. Anyway...they just get started on the interview, the guy asks Rudi a question...and then Rudi starts to answer and the connection is lost. The poor Italian guy is so frustrated! Then they try again and it happens again...like 5 different times. Finally they decided to answer a question and then wait 15 minutes for Rudi's phone to cool and then they do another. Some interesting info though, Rudi says he has 35 of the total 45 chapters in the book done, he is expecting to finish by June, and then release the book in early fall. He says he is going to go country by country and do book signings, I think. Hopefully he sticks to his schedule! |
stevendabudgie 23.04.2020 19:54 |
@Katydy5 Yes, Germany is opening up a little. I still have not changed my routine. Procedures in supermarkets and groceries stores have not changed. Stores with 800 square meters maximum can open, but how does keeping distancing work in shopping malls? At least I can go buying accessories for my bike. I am still on the fence. It's the same issue like in the US: How long can shut down the economy? There are signs that many got "lockdown fatigue" and developed a lax attitude. According to the data, the infection rate dropped to 0,7 (one infected person infects 0,7 persons), but slightly rose to 0,9. There are virologists expressing concern about opening up as planned. I think the infection rate will go up again. The Spanish Flu had several waves, the second one was the worst. We may be just at the beginning of the epidemic. I am not scared anymore, but try to remain on guard. Every trip to the grocery store feels like a high risk. Next week masks will be obligatory for shopping and public transportation. Concrete measures are decided and implementented by the single states, so I only can report about the place where I live. There are reports a continued ban on major events till the end of August- no festivals, no concert etc. Musicians, club owners and event managers are frightened. The only good thing now is the fact that it is spring. Temperatures have risen. I can go out, talk a walk or sit on bench and read. |
stevendabudgie 23.04.2020 20:36 |
Do you know this? :D link |
CHEVYMAN 24.04.2020 01:29 |
Steven, I actually got out today and broke out the wind bottle only drank two Glasses but it was nice to get out for a change.I heard the U S is to open up May 1st.Boy am I ready.I have summer all planned out after my surgery.Im hitting the lakes like crazy.Thats what we do in my state .I miss my friends we all grew up together.My towns population is about 4000 or so not very many.We all have each others back here.However I may go to Florida in August if it all works out.TAking my grandson with me.Lego land here we come.i have two other grandchildren gonna be born in july they are twins.Two more boys.I have no grand daughters that's ok though I like boys they are much easier and I'm not a prissy girl so boys suit me fine. |
Katydyd5 24.04.2020 01:49 |
MHZ, I live within driving distance of KY horse country. It's so beautiful to see the miles of white fencing, green grass and horses everywhere. Everything looks so well kept and the homes, if you can see them from the road, are often quite lovely. We once took a tour of the Woodford Reserve Bourbon Distillery on the KY Bourbon Trail and saw many horse farms on the back country roads getting to the distillery. Beautiful country! I ended up ordering one of the Freddie masks on Etsy. I know that I may not get in time for the current situation, but on the other hand I'm thinking masks may be around for quite a while. If not, I'll be prepared if this happens again. I have a mask my DIL's neighbor made and it's ok and I did try to make one myself today out of an old tee shirt using directions from the internet. It only proved that there is a reason I don't do crafts. It worked, but it mostly looks like I've got a lot of bulky cloth covering my face and I couldn't breathe all that well. I'm going to try to work on it again tomorrow. I think I just need to cut the square smaller. It would help if I had scissors made for cloth cutting. I am easily frustrated with crafts. Steven thanks for the laugh! I've said it before, laughter is what saves me in situations like this so it was appreciated. Thanks also for sharing more of your experience. I'm glad to hear you are less frightened, but remain vigilant. I too believe there may well be a second wave. Are you seeing protests from groups that want things to open up right away? I'm afraid they will be the source of the second wave. What is the one thing you are really missing? I'm missing restaurants with friends and I happen to love American football and always look forward to the opening of the season. Now I wonder if we will even have football this year. And you may not be able to relate to this, but I desperately need a haircut. I'm starting to look pretty rough. MHZ, back to Rudi for a minute. The problem last Sunday was his phone, so I wonder why he doesn't get a new phone. Surely he could have one delivered?? It's encouraging to hear that he thinks the book will be finished in June and released in the fall. He has quite the large personality but I do enjoy him. |
MyHumanZoo 24.04.2020 15:42 |
I think the Kentucky horse country is beautiful too. I have driven through it and I love the green grass and fencing, that’s kind of how I patterned my property. But the painting and maintenance of the 3 board wood fencing was severely underestimated! It takes a lot of work to keep it up. In my case, I had deer that liked to run across my property, and instead of jumping over the fence, they would try and jump through it and break the boards. Ugh! Funny, I looked at those Freddie masks again last night and nearly ordered one...but thought maybe I’d try to make one instead. I am like you with crafts so maybe I will not attempt it! My mom has a friend that can make them so I may beg one from her. On the Rudi thing, apparently he has a new iPhone 11 waiting for him but it was shipped to Vienna so he can’t get it. If I were him, I would talk to them and get one shipped to Miami and just return the Vienna one when he gets there. I think he finally figured out that his computer has a camera and he can do it from there, so he was broadcasting from there last night. I like Rudi, he cracks me up...but I do get tired of him after a while. And my husband always thinks I’m listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger when he hears him! The thing I miss most is normal TV and newspapers....I am sick of hearing about Covid and I want some news and tv that is not long distance and focused on people’s homes and talking about Covid! Once things open up we can finally have new experiences and actual stuff to see! |
CHEVYMAN 24.04.2020 15:52 |
Mhz, Me Too, I turn on the TV and I avoid the news we will overcome this.I talked to the lady that smokes my house and she has given me a sign that suggests that this will soon end.I dont know if any you guys have had your homes smoked before but it rids all negative energy and bad or diseased energies.Its a common practice among my people that makes my anxiety less and me more calm at this overwhelming time any witch Dr. can do it.Its a pretty awesome experience and so is the prayer. |
CHEVYMAN 24.04.2020 16:03 |
More correct terminology would be a medicine man I used to go around with him when I was a young child the rituals are very beautiful.No pills!!!!!!! |
lsg 25.04.2020 06:52 |
Just finished watching the Budapest concert. It was great! I liked it better than Wembley actually. But Montreal, you had dragon attack, somebody to love, and that version of bohemian rhapsody was best. The audience was a bit flat because there was security and the filming going on, and the audience weren’t allowed to move about, and why Freddie said to the audience after Somebody to Love, “ if you want to move around and shift your asses, it’s ok by us, forget the cameras, etc” The sound in Budapest was magnificent. Was wondering if Freddie started memorizing that Hungarian song the day before or from London before he left. Either way he picks up languages quickly, even though the lyrics were written on his hand. But still, not easy, especially a language written in mostly consonants. It makes sense though, his mother said he could hear a tune on the radio and instantly play it on the piano. Video of the little girl with the water cups was great! Sweden relaxed their country to promote herd immunity, as Italy and Germany beginning to relax as well. They feel hers immunity will make a second wave not as catastrophic, as the second wave of anything is stronger. Georgia, Tennessee and Colorado all began rolling back today and Monday. A bit nervous about that, but maybe hard immunity will help? Not sure, just praying for it to go away. Going to miss out on some good amphitheater concerts this summer, all postponed because of virus, Doobie Brothers with return of Michael McDonald, Styx, Peter Frampton Dylan, and Stones. I have a friend who lost 2 friends and another that lost 1. Massachusetts, NYC, and Southern California . I didn’t know any of them, but my friends were affected. I also want Rudi’s book. Has anyone heard from Thor? I know this pandemic slowed its progress. |
lsg 25.04.2020 06:55 |
Kept trying to say Herd immunity but came out 3 different ways. |
lsg 25.04.2020 06:57 |
Oldie but goodie of Freddie about 18 or 19 years old |
MyHumanZoo 25.04.2020 20:16 |
I’m sorry to hear about your friends losing those close to them, lsg. It’s interesting on the herd immunity thing, it doesn’t seem like that will work, since it doesn’t work for the flu. It seems like a vaccine is the real way to stop it. But I do think it is beneficial to open things up now, because this is going to work it’s way through much of the population anyway, it’s just a matter of time. Now we know how to handle it and have the capacity to treat it. What is most sad is some will still die from it, just as they would if they got the flu. I hope you are able to see the Doobie Brothers at some point, I saw them a few years ago along with Chicago and they were fabulous! One of the best concerts I’ve attended. I would love to see the Stones too, I’ve never seen them. It’s hard to imagine going to concerts again, and being that close to people. I sure hope it happens! |
lsg 26.04.2020 01:35 |
Hi MHz, thank you. Sweden had no lockdown and did the herd immunity. It worked out ok for them, but then again, their cites are much smaller, as well as the population in general. However on the flip side, the hardest hit countries (outside of China since it originated there) were the countries with gregarious peoples, social, like to be out, being out with friends, the warmer southern Mediterranean countries, Italy, Spain, Greece. I believe Tom Hanks had contracted in Greece before he went to Australia. Not sure if that’s correct but what I heard. I haven’t seen the Stones either, they always performed either on a school night or a work night, rarely on a weekend. Gotta see them though, of course, they themselves postponed the tour, and I’m sure their ages had a huge factor. I heard they produced NEW music too. I don’t think they’ve done anything new since the 80’s. DJ’s saying it’s good too. I’m blown away Queen finished their Western Hemisphere side of the tour just in the nick of time without having to cancel one show. I’m excited Michael McDonald reunited for this tour, I always associated doobie brothers with his voice. I love “what a fool believes” and “minute by minute “ |
Jo T. 26.04.2020 04:32 |
I also saw “One World: Together at Home” last week, the benefit for WHO in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was cool to see the Stones perform. MHZ, I hope you get to see them live in concert one day. They’re all in their 70s! I remember that Mick Jagger had a heart valve replacement last year. I saw the Stones’ “Voodoo Lounge” tour back when I was a student. I was sad the Stones performed “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” last Sat. I want the coronavirus to be cured or a vaccine developed - like yesterday! LOL It was also cool to see Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder. I can’t remember who posted s/he liked Eddie Vedder’s soundtrack for “Into the Wild.” I loved the movie – and the soundtrack, too. The movie was an adaptation of journalist Jon Krakauer’s book “Into the Wild” about the true story of Christopher McCandless and his ill-fated journey in Alaska. I highly recommend it, for those who need book ideas as they self-isolate. I’ve visited Alaska 2x. One of my friends and I have always dreamed about renting an RV and driving the Alaska Hwy. from Canada to Fairbanks one day. These days, it seems a far-fetched dream. @katydyd5, I also loved the “Chorus Line Quarantine Video.” I like to dance and would love to learn those steps! I prefer it over Zumba. @MHZ, Rainbow61 & Lsgp, Budapest is one of my fav’ Queen concerts. I love how Freddie initially marches on stage draped in the Union Jack flag but then reveals the Hungarian flag on his back for "We Will Rock You." The crowd went berserk. He was so masculine and his voice was so strong. I always crack up when I see Deaky dance in the background, dressed in short shorts. @MHZ & Chevy, I recently took a temporary break from all news media in general and social media like FB and Twitter. I need a mental health break from the coronavirus. Politics is one ugly beast. It’s like the human race has devolved. MHZ, you sounded like you used to be a frontier woman! Chevy, congrats on the expected grandsons! Are they fraternal or identical twins? @stevendabudgie, thanks for the humorous image. The man resembles and speaks words like one of the characters from “Game of Thrones.” Speaking of “pestilence,” I’m still reading Randy Shilts’ “And the Band Played On.” One of the chapters starts off w/ a quote from French philosopher Albert Camus that’s sadly relevant today. He wrote “The Plague.” “In this respect our townsfolk were like everybody else, wrapped up in themselves; in other words they were humanists: they disbelieved in pestilences. A pestilence isn’t a thing made to man’s measure; therefore we tell ourselves that pestilence is a mere bogey of the mind, a bad dream that will pass away. But it doesn’t always pass away, and from one bad dream to another, it is men who pass away . . ." Lastly, I can’t remember who asked. Thor gave a book update on 4/16/20: “The book cover design is now complete and very soon will be waiting for our final approval.” |
MyHumanZoo 26.04.2020 15:32 |
JoT, thank you for the book suggestion! I am needing a new one to start and that sounds perfect. I would love to go to Alaska and drive around and then hike. I really enjoy hiking in the mountains, I have done it in Colorado and California, and the Wyoming and Montana when I was in my teens. There is nothing more beautiful. I was hoping to go back to Wyoming this summer and hike in Yellowstone, it’s doubtful that will happen now. I am somewhat courageous and determined in my hiking, I like the toughest trails (short of needing ropes and whatnot), and I have nearly killed my husband a few times as he tries to keep up! I imagine Alaska would be awesome, the pure land and air has to be wonderful to experience. My parents did a cruise up there and loved it, and my mom is not outdoorsy in the least. They stopped in different towns and experienced as much as they could. I had the chance to see the Stones when I was in college and I didn’t go...what a dummy! Back then I didn’t care for them as much. I also had a chance to see The Who in college and didn’t go, I’m not sure what I was thinking! I ordered the Budapest DVD and it arrived yesterday so I will probably be watching that again tonight. Last week when I was watching it on YouTube, I was also making a cheesecake and singing along. Bohemian Rhapsody came on and of course I was doing all the voices in the opera section and I looked up and my husband was videoing me! Not good, lol! |
Katydyd5 26.04.2020 16:03 |
MHZ, just for you. Did you see Rudi's IG this morning? He's shaving in preparation for the Live this afternoon. But...……………….the soul patch stays. LOL, not my favorite look. Back later to answer these great posts...….. |
stevendabudgie 26.04.2020 21:10 |
@Joe T. Sad, but true words by Camus! I read his novel "The Stranger" years ago. His world view is not for the light-hearted. Regarding pestilence, the Jack London book I own contains, besides "The Iron Heel", his post-apocalyptic story "The Scarlet Plague". Maybe I should read it in the near future… @Katydy5 There have been protests against the Lockdown here and there. Some fear a permanent loss of civil liberties, including the right for public Protests. Here in Heidelberg, there was a peculiar incident. A local attorney filed a constitutional complaint against Lockdown and called for protests on the 18th (which is illegal at the moment). Shortly thereafter she was compulsorily admitted to psychiatric hospital by police. Some people consider it a miscarriage of justice, a politically motived hospitalization of a regime critic. Her statements during and after hospitalization sound a little manic and paranoid. I am not the guy who clings to things, I am not the type who says: "I can't live without ". I hadn't gone out that much before the lockdown. I had been meeting people from time to time, but not that often. I still could take a walk with someone. I have not seen my band since February, I do not know when to rehearse together even after the opening. I use a DVD rental mail Service, I can get rent 8 new movies per month. The last rented move I saw was "What's Up, Doc?" with Barbra Streisand. I did not know she looked so cute back then. |
Saint Jiub 26.04.2020 21:18 |
Jo T. wrote: Lastly, I can’t remember who asked. Thor gave a book update on 4/16/20: “The book cover design is now complete and very soon will be waiting for our final approval.”Jo T. - Where did you get this update? It is not listed on the youfundme page, nor was an update emailed to me by youfundme? |
CHEVYMAN 26.04.2020 21:44 |
Saint Juib, She sends out alot of personal emails it was brought up in reference. in returning those emails being returned to her.I guess she chose to mention it that's good right?If you would send an email you would vet the same response I'm sure have a nice sunday fellas and ladies. |
CHEVYMAN 26.04.2020 21:56 |
TUHI,I sure do miss ya where are you at?Still bird watching .Speaking of bird watching I have a question .A lady I know puts bleach in her bird baths mixed with the water will that kill the birds? I sure hope not.I hope you see this I love animals and this concerns me. |
stevendabudgie 26.04.2020 22:46 |
@Chevyman A medicine man? What an interesting childhood and heritage! @Rainbow61 I want to add that the movie was not all About silent movies in the first years I was in. I was a movie buff with no particalur interest in the silent era, and I joined the Group because we watched all Kind if movies. In return you were expected to contribute something to the silent movie symposium. The first years were really fun, somebody bright his favourite Japanese Gangster movie, the week after someone else showed a European art film, and so forth. We watched a lot of sound movies In preparation for the SciFi Symposium, e.g. "The Day the Earth Stood Still", or "Forbidden Planet". At school WW1 was presented like a Kind of prelude to the rise of Hitler and WW2. WW2 and the Holocaust still overshadow everything that had come before, both in education and our political culture. So, WW1 feels as distant as the Middle Ages. It is interesting to look beyond that threshold, the 1800s were generally interesting times, both in North America and in Europe. |
CHEVYMAN 26.04.2020 23:12 |
Steven, Yes I was delivered on a Indian reservation not in a hospital a midwife and my dad were there.I got taken to hospital afterwards.I was washed with river water after birth .ofcourse this was 1973 a long time ago and secondhand information I dont remember it .A medicine man is a very highly respected person in the Indian community.They hardly exist anymore.They use prayer and natural healing process not pills or man made way of medicine.I can remember my father taking a horse in water because he had stomped a little boy and he tamed the horse.Water tames a horse that's the best way to break them in.Im pretty concerned about these birds though I'm afraid she is gonna kill them by putting bleach in the water.It was nice to hear from you. |
CHEVYMAN 26.04.2020 23:53 |
As far as pestilence which is referring to disease I dont think anyone directly affected by AIDS thought of it as a bad dream or passing thing.Especially if you have to look a family member in the face that is a shell of the person they used to be.Then watch your grandmother turn her son every two hours because he cant do it himself.Change his linings because he cant control his bladder or bowels any longer.Oh tie his arms to the bed rails because it has affected his nervous system so bad he has violent seizures. That's real disease and reality of someone dying and cant nobody do anything about it.The movie was great though but I personally liked Philadelphia with Tom Hanks such a great actor. |
CHEVYMAN 27.04.2020 00:04 |
Oh this last message was for @Joe T I'm sorry my bad I didn't address anyone. |
Katydyd5 27.04.2020 00:35 |
Lsgp, I'm sorry your friends have lost people due to this virus. It's been a nightmare. Thanks for sharing that picture of young Freddie. Every once in a while old pictures like those show up. I always wonder if someone has had them stored in a box or an old picture album and suddenly realized they had a treasure on their hands. It's sad to see so many performances canceled or postponed, but at this point I know I would not feel safe sitting in a large crowd. I had two remaining Broadway shows this year. One was canceled, the other one is postponed for now. I'm glad the NFL went ahead with the draft but I wonder what football will look like in the fall. BTW, I saw the Stones in concert when I was very young. We won tickets from a radio station and our parents had to drive us to the venue. I suspect if they had known who the Stones were it would have been out of the question. : ) Steven I don't think I knew you were part of a band. What type of music? I've seen What's Up Doc, but barely remember it. I've been watching a lot of tv lately. Just saw The Green Book for the second time. It's a fairly new movie, and is excellent. Jo, I read "into the Wild" and also saw the movie. Looking at the pictures of the bus McCandless lived in break my heart. It looks so lonely. I've never been to Alaska but it's on my bucket list. I think a road trip would be so exciting! There was so much to comment on in the previous posts that I'm sure I've missed things. Oh, one more thing. I did watch Rudi today and it was so improved over all the past Lives. He had one of his production team members helping him from Munich, and another team member in the US was also assisting. It was so much more organized. He showed videos throughout but I was most interested to hear him say that In My Defense is one of his favorites. Or maybe he even said it was a favorite. Since he's now doing the Live from his laptop rather than his phone it was much easier to watch. No bouncing around! He seemed to be sticking to a script of sorts and he explained the pre-order process in a way that was easier to understand. And one more thing. My DIL brought me a 'quarantine boredom buster" today. It's the Queen 2 jigsaw puzzle that we were talking about. The one that has so much black! She was so excited that she had found it for me that I'm determined to finish it for her. I've already figured out that my obsession to complete the border first isn't happening since the entire border is black. Finally, I think it was Amidds (very worried about her but have no way to contact her) who suggested I get the version of the Montreal concert where Roger and Brian give commentary throughout. I LOVED that! It was like having them in the room with me sharing all kinds of inside info about the concert. I wish they would do that for every concert DVD. |
lsg 27.04.2020 01:19 |
Katyd, worried for Amidds? Did I miss something? Why worried? |
Katydyd5 27.04.2020 01:33 |
Lsgp, worried because she hasn't posted in about two weeks and she was a regular. That's one of the drawbacks to a thread/forum like this. We know each other by chosen QZ names, and frankly, I like that anonymity. However, it also means that it is not possible to contact people we haven't seen in a while. I'm just hoping she's busy, or perhaps lost interest. Jo mentioned that she had taken a temporary break from social media and it could be something like that. Just keep your fingers crossed that all is well with her. |
CHEVYMAN 27.04.2020 02:29 |
This isolation is killing me do any of you recall the story about Mcjagger and David Bowie hooking up in the day.i wouldve liked to been a fly on the wall for that one.Ugly and uglier maybe just joking both men werent very attractive to me.I wonder what David's wife thought when she found out.A coffee anyone? |
CHEVYMAN 27.04.2020 12:03 |
I wanna try something quotes they are a wonderful way to express a feeling your having or just plain fun sometimes.Keep in mind they are your inner thoughts sometimes and the meanings need no explanation.Mine for today was taught to me by my grandmother beware of false prophets and liars.I didnt realise what it meant at the time but very true. |
MyHumanZoo 27.04.2020 16:32 |
Steven...I hear you on the fear of losing liberties and having that become more acceptable or a way of life. It's a fear here for some, as well. I have to admit, as an independent person I don't like anyone telling me what I can and can't do! Chevy, I think it's fine to put a little bit of bleach in the bird water, like maybe a capful to a large bird bath. Birds will drink out of swimming pools and be fine, and cities add chlorine to the water systems to cleanse it too, so we are usually drinking it ourselves. Funny...when you mentioned a witch doctor the other day it reminded me of the Bewitched show...when Samantha used to call Dr. Bombay. I loved that show! And when I first started hearing Freddie speak years ago I always thought his accent reminded my of Dr. Bombay....especially the way he said "oh dear". Weird, the things that come to the mind randomly! Katydid, how cool is it that you got the puzzle! Oddly enough, as I was looking at something the other day an ad came up for Zazzle, and that you can custom order puzzles through them. So I guess if you have any future puzzle picture needs, you know you can go through them! I watched Rudi yesterday and his show was done so much better. I will say though, I felt like we got a little less information, since now he is able to show videos more easily he defaults to that. Sometimes when he was rambling he spilled good info! I subscribed to his YouTube channel and saw an interview with Roger Taylor for an online concert that Roger did a few years back. I'm listening to it now, and it is really good! I think I will have to invest in some of Roger's albums, I like his voice and his lyrics are always so good...very deep and ironic. Rudi directed the concert and I think he did a great job on it. |
CHEVYMAN 27.04.2020 17:32 |
Mhz, Thanks I was so worried about those birds I just knew she was gonna kill them.Maybe she is doing it to keep the baths clean.I feel so much better.Im with you on my rights I like all mine too.Here in the US we got that dumb president that lacks human intelligence and is a insult to women.The whole time I'm looking at him all I see is his makeup I got no problem with a dude in a little makeup but around his eyes are extremely light and the rest of his face is red.Its foundation and the wrong color.I just can't take him seriously.Well that's enough of that hope you are well and finding something to keep you busy.Tape yourself singing bohemian Rhapsody we want to hear you I bet you are a hoot. |
CHEVYMAN 27.04.2020 18:28 |
I pay attention to detail I have since I was very young.Nothing gets past me.I was looking at pics of Freddie and his female friend companions and how did this get past me.Oh those companions were drum roll please Mary and Barbara in those pictures of course being the little charmer he must of been was kissing them.But there was a huge problem tight lips in all pics no tongue.Did noone ever notice this.Thats how you might kiss a friend or maybe your mom , sister, I just thought if you guys had time you could look back at some of his picks with these two ladies.It's definately not how a guy would lay one on a female he is with.I'm sure some of these photos were taken without prior arrangement or unexpected. |
CHEVYMAN 28.04.2020 16:11 |
Yah, the US is opening may 1st Oklahoma is anyway. |
CHEVYMAN 28.04.2020 17:14 |
However, I hope they still keep larger states closed and flights to these larger states closed or we will see a second wave of this and might not recover.Or at least keep it detained by not allowing flights in or out that would be awesome!I'm so thankful I come from a small state like Oklahoma , surrounding states Arkansas, kansas,they seemed to not get hit as hard thank goodness. |
stevendabudgie 29.04.2020 14:35 |
@MyHumanZoo You don't need to wait anxiously for a vaccine. An effective drug treatment would be a game-changer, too. Right now a lot of studies and test trials are being undertaken with some promising results (with Remdesivir, for example). |
Katydyd5 30.04.2020 12:36 |
Probably inevitable, but I just saw on FB that the Freddie birthday celebration in Montreux has been canceled. I think it's the right decision, but so sad. Hope you are all well. |
CHEVYMAN 30.04.2020 14:12 |
Social distancing also means no passing joints lol!I thought it was funny my 70 year old neighbor told me that one. |
MyHumanZoo 30.04.2020 15:28 |
I saw that Katydid, it seems kind of early to cancel but I guess people have to make plans so they needed to decide. I was considering going to the Breakthrough thing in Cleveland, I haven’t heard anything on that yet. I am hopeful our state will be opening Monday, we’re supposed to get an announcement tomorrow. We only have 30 cases and one death in my county, we have maybe 70,000 people here. |
Katydyd5 30.04.2020 15:46 |
MHZ. I think they canceled so early because so many will need refunds on plane and hotel reservations. I actually look for Breakthrough to be canceled too but maybe I'm just pessimistic. Normally I'm optimistic about everything, but I'm still adjusting to the changes. We will have a partial opening tomorrow, with more opening on May 12. I'm going to stay in til then, but I do hope to venture out on the 12th for the hanging baskets for my deck. We have horrible numbers of deaths and infection here, but the curve is leveling. I'm getting at least one more grocery order from Amazon Fresh, but after the 12th I may venture out to my grocery store. I'd be there when it opens and shop quickly in and out. |
Katydyd5 01.05.2020 01:09 |
Hi all, I've been debating about whether to bring this up, but I suspect most of you know anyway, so here goes. Most of the regular posters on QZ have migrated to a new site. link I've been lurking there for a week or so, maybe longer and I think it's well done. It has some nice advantages over QZ. Probably the biggest selling point is that there are several administrators and they have the ability to permanently ban trolls. Some of the people who plagued Thor's threads over the years have already been banned. As I understand it, they use IP identification, so a troll can't simply change a name and come back in. Once banned, they are gone. I'm not technical at all but I think that's how it works. I've noticed that pictures can actually be shared in the body of posts and that's nice. I believe there is a quote feature in the post box that would be much easier to use than the invisible buttons on the current QZ site. I didn't see an edit button which is something I use frequently, but because I'm not a member it is possible that I can't see everything available to members. The posts there are interesting and informative, but to be very honest, even if I joined, I don't think I'd post much. You may have noticed over the last week or so that they are very few new posts on QZ and it is diminishing daily. Some of the posts that are there are either trolls or bots. I don't think this means QZ is dead, but I think it is struggling. Personally I think it would be very possible to be active in both groups. My biggest concern is that this QZ will shut down at some point due to inactivity. Unfortunately there is no Personal Forum on this new site, so there would be no home for us. They do have a book board, but it is not used in the same way we used ours. We had some lively discussions and I would miss that! That might change there with new books coming out but only time will tell.. Thor's threads, the book thread and now this one have always been unique to QZ. We have developed friendships over the years that are special to this medium because we do share more of ourselves beyond our interest in everything Queen. I'm not sure that would be as accepted at the new site. I almost wish one of the people who post here and also on Queenchat would come in and share some thoughts. Better yet, maybe an administrator could stop by and share thoughts! I'm bringing this up in case QZ does shut down. I hope that is not the case, but I wanted to be able to find you all again in another place if necessary. Have any of you joined them already? Thoughts?? |
Saint Jiub 01.05.2020 02:33 |
link has an other discussion section that perhaps could be used. This new board seems to have a core of ethics that requires everyone to be a decent human being and be respectful of other's opinions. As far as I can see, the only other forum rule is: "¦ political, race, sexual orientation or religious posts/threads are not allowed and will be deleted." |
Katydyd5 01.05.2020 02:39 |
Saint Jiub, thanks for the info. I knew you were posting there and hoped you might fill us in a bit. Where do you see us fitting in though? General discussion? When I started this thread I avoided that because I knew we were going to be way too personal and I didn't want it to annoy people.. I'm not sure they want that type of thing there. Here on QZ the Personal Forum is so buried that many people may not even bother to look at it. From what I've seen the posts there tend to be fairly serious. I think I would be kinda intimidated. |
Saint Jiub 01.05.2020 04:26 |
This Friendly Chat thread is not buried in QZ, but rather prominantly at the top of the Personal section. Whoever wants to participate does so freely, and it is not bothering anyone else on QZ. My gut tells me that it would be "safe" to post in the "Hobbies & Interests" or "Other Discussion" sub-boards in the "Non-Music" section of the forum . The Queen General Discussion section on the new board might NOT be OK for general discussion that is not always about Queen. SweetCaroline trolled in the "Queen General Section" with mutliple Adam solo links (not Queen related) and immediately got banned. |
Katydyd5 01.05.2020 12:10 |
Saint Jiub, I know we are at the top of the Personal section, and in fact, are currently the only really active board on QZ. What I meant was that at least some of the people currently posting here weren't even aware of the Personal Forum because it is at the bottom of the list of forums, yet it seemed the right place for us to land. It really isn't important either way. It has worked for us. Since I'm not a member of the new site I might not be able to see every thread members can see. I just looked again and don't see the Non-Music section.That tells me I might have to re-evaluate my decision to wait a while to join because maybe as a guest I can't see all that is available. I really appreciate the information you are sharing. Thanks so much for your insight! |
Saint Jiub 01.05.2020 14:24 |
Katydyd - It is easy to register as a new user on the new site. There are over 500 members now, and the site keeps on getting busier and busier. In my mind, you have nothing to lose by joining now and just being a lurker for now if you so choose. |
Saint Jiub 01.05.2020 14:24 |
dbl post |
Katydyd5 01.05.2020 15:36 |
OK, done, you convinced me. But geez, now my name appears as "newest member". I so want to be a ghost!! Friends, I do not intend to jump ship. I'll be here as long as we can be. But SJ is right, there are boards we could use if need be. |
lsg 01.05.2020 15:47 |
Thanks for the information. |
lsg 01.05.2020 15:47 |
Thanks for the information. |
CHEVYMAN 01.05.2020 15:47 |
I did join just to check out posts and have full access to rules of the thread.I understand where they are coming from by banning certain subjects politics I get that one and religion is a tough one that starts alot of fighting.I ran across sexual orientation couldnt be discussed I understand where some of this is coming from.I don't think that one should be removed totally have they not forgotten Freddie was a gay man and expressed this not to the public during those times which I understand his reasoning for that.He did tell his friends because they told us all so here.As a child I never understood why that couldnt and shouldnt be discussed.As I got older I began to understand myself and what I was and what this meant to me and how I even differed from most gay females and I knew to keep my mouth shut.I just don't think this is the answer is to remove sexual orientation completely out of this thread.That's just my opinion .I know we all might not agree here on this but noone here has ever been disrespectful to me personally and I have always felt comfortable in discussion this subject.I do think this subject can be tastfullydiscussed along with other intimate subjects.This is something people used to be made to be ashamed of and the time for that has passed. |
Katydyd5 01.05.2020 16:09 |
Lsgp, please don't disappear here. I'm hoping we can keep this going at least for a while! |
Saint Jiub 01.05.2020 17:39 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: I did join just to check out posts and have full access to rules of the thread.I understand where they are coming from by banning certain subjects politics I get that one and religion is a tough one that starts alot of fighting.I ran across sexual orientation couldnt be discussed I understand where some of this is coming from.I don't think that one should be removed totally have they not forgotten Freddie was a gay man and expressed this not to the public during those times which I understand his reasoning for that.He did tell his friends because they told us all so here.As a child I never understood why that couldnt and shouldnt be discussed.As I got older I began to understand myself and what I was and what this meant to me and how I even differed from most gay females and I knew to keep my mouth shut.I just don't think this is the answer is to remove sexual orientation completely out of this thread.That's just my opinion .I know we all might not agree here on this but noone here has ever been disrespectful to me personally and I have always felt comfortable in discussion this subject.I do think this subject can be tastfullydiscussed along with other intimate subjects.This is something people used to be made to be ashamed of and the time for that has passed.The QZ trolls frequently use gay slurs. That is probably why. |
CHEVYMAN 01.05.2020 19:50 |
What are gay sluts? Saint Juib I'm a bit naive I guess |
CHEVYMAN 01.05.2020 19:54 |
Slurs I'm sorry I need to put on my glasses Saint Juib I know what those are I have been called many of those in my home town.Im sorry I got new glasses I need to wear them.I have opticnerve damage its terrible. |
CHEVYMAN 01.05.2020 20:25 |
At first that sounded like a title to a good porno flick. Saint Juib I dont know I have a special personality. They would probably be deleting alot of my texts.Here people just over look the ones they find a little strange.I definately like unique individuals and alot of these folks are gay and some of these subjects may pop up every once in a while .What do you think?Some of these folks are the smartest kindest people accepting people you could ever meet.I fit somewhere on that wheel I just dont know where but they accept me without judgement.I think the thread discusses alot of music I do love that music is my passion.Alot of women like to talk about Freddie's male anatomy others are more interested in who he shared his sheets with.I'm interested in the music he made with Queen and the friendships he formed that reporters said he never had.He was supposed to be a fun guy.His music and the man off stage are very interesting to me the rest can be buried as far as I'm concerned.So yes I can see in a way why they don't want these subjects approached or discussed.What a pity but at least the music is still with us. |
lsg 01.05.2020 20:59 |
Not going anywhere. |
CHEVYMAN 01.05.2020 21:21 |
It's not for me either lsgp03, I like to let my hair flow and let the horses run wild that's my idea of a good time.Its time to break some rules over there and hey teacher leave those kids alone. |
Katydyd5 02.05.2020 00:23 |
We are missing a few people here! I hope you all had a good week. Same ole same ole here. Saw a video on FB for creating a mask with a sock. Since I only have one mask, I thought I'd give it a try. I should know better. I don't like crafts and while this was hardly a craft, it did require following directions and some dexterity with scissors. After ruining three perfectly good socks I finally got one made. I will NEVER wear it outside. It makes me look like some kind of deviant. My DIL is getting me some more masks. LOL, I did post a rant on FB about the sock fiasco though and many of my friends took pity and gave me the names of people who were making masks locally. One offered to drop some by here, others just laughed because they know how I am with following directions. I'm much calmer today. I checked out the weekly podcast about Freddie. This week they posted the new version of WATC. It took me a fairly long time to come around to AL, but I do like this version. Enjoying Rudi's YouTube channel, but I have to admit I don't have any interest in Whitney Houston. I know he's proud of all of his work, and he should be, but I just want to see Freddie. Hope some people show up this weekend just to check in. |
Thereuhaveit 02.05.2020 02:05 |
I'm not sure I have much of a dog in this fight. I'm familiar with the other site as it's what I originally came across roughly a year ago when this Queen curiosity developed. It was interesting reading, lots of knowledgeable people, significantly less trolling than is on QZ, but I never joined. It also disappeared for awhile, I think. It's great they they boot the trolls, so the conversations aren't polluted. But this nice group works for me, for now. Like you, Katy, I'm not crafty. I know how to sew and have a machine, but ugh, just hate it. A neighbor is making bunches of masks and gave my hub and I each one, and a friend of my SIL made three really great masks (with pockets for HEPA filters, if desired) so those are what we're using when we're out in public spaces. I did try the bandana business, but my glasses fog up so much and I just don't wear my contacts anymore, so that was a pain. I want to spend as little time in Whole Foods as possible and that's hard to do when I can't see! Katy, my SIL made a no-sew mask using a t-shirt and she's likes it, says it's really comfortable. I still haven't looked at the video, but have it bookmarked. I think masks in public are a thing for the foreseeable future. Here's the link, if interested: link As for Freddie or Queen, I got nuthin'. |
Thereuhaveit 02.05.2020 02:08 |
A nice thing y'all might enjoy: link I love Canadians. |
Katydyd5 02.05.2020 03:10 |
TUHI, thanks for the video of the docs singing a song virtually. It was beautiful. I've seen several songs done that way and it's impressive. The link for the no-sew video was helpful because now I can see what is wrong with the one I tried to make from a tee shirt. I do have a sewing machine, but I hate it too, and the machine is buried in the basement. I'm pretty sure I know where it is under the cobwebs. So anyway, I'm going to try to re-do my no-sew tee tomorrow using ideas from your video. I'd give anything to have that rotary cutting tool she has though. She's clearly a serious sewer. The other issue, and I'm glad you mentioned it because I thought it was just me, is the foggy glasses. It's ridiculous. I'm still getting my groceries delivered from Amazon Prime and BTW, they get the groceries at Whole Foods. I've never shopped there but I'm impressed with some of the things I've gotten. I'm really pleased with the produce. Here's a link for making a sock mask..It's so easy you'll have to wonder how I could possibly have ruined three socks before I got it right. link |
Rainbow61 02.05.2020 06:26 |
Katydyd...I have looked at the new Queen Forum, but haven't signed up yet. I'm sure I will at some point. It is very well done...the discussions are interesting and I like that the administrators have the ability to ban trolls. I will continue to post here though because I enjoy the familiarity of this nice little group! Lsgp03....You mentioned some concerts you will be missing this summer. My husband and I had tickets to see Brit Floyd in March which was cancelled. I was considering seeing "Gary Mullins and the Works", a Queen tribute band, but that show was also cancelled My husband and I have plans to attend the Newport, RI Kite Festival in early July, but I doubt we will go. It's too bad the Freddie birthday party was cancelled, but I understand why the organizers had to make that decision. MHZ...This seems like a good year to go to Breakthru...nice array of guests. I wonder when a decision will be made regarding whether it will be cancelled or not? Have you ever been before? Steven...I have to admit that sci-fi is not a genre I've ever been drawn to. Fritz Lang's "Metropolis" was on TV the other day. As you know, scenes from that film were used in the Radio Ga Ga video. I watched the movie for about a minute and then turned the channel...maybe another time. I recall reading somewhere that Freddie enjoyed the movie "Imitation of Life" with Lana Turner. Very touching film. He was also a fan of "The Women" which I have never seen. I prefer drama over comedy. Chevy...Have never tried buffalo meat before. My husband had a buffalo burger when we were in Wall, South Dakota which he thought was pretty good. He likes venison, another lean and healthy meat. We have a lot in our freezer. Jo T....I am the one who likes Eddie Vedder. I discovered him while listening to the CD of "Into the Wild". Never read the book though. Hope you can do your dream "Canada to Fairbanks" RV trip someday. I love road trips. Driving through Ireland for 2 weeks was one of the best experiences of my life. I love that Brian, Roger, and Adam recorded "We are the Champions" to raise money for the WHO health care workers fund. Great cause and the video was lovely. Lsgp and Katydyd...Had to chuckle when I read your comments about your glasses fogging up with your face masks on. I had the same experience...darned glasses! Then my husband told me to pinch the wire part of the mask over my nose (we have those medical looking pale blue masks). That pretty much solved the problem. |
CHEVYMAN 02.05.2020 13:51 |
Rainbow, Its to die for it's not wild tasting and good for you.I dont like a fat meat at all.I like lean meat like ground Turkey I even like Turkey bacon with avocados and tomatoes I'm making myself hungry.If I see a advertisement of a steak with nasty greasy fatty juice from it dripping off that makes me sick.How can someone eat that.I especially hate my meat red on the inside I had to eat it that way as a child.Grandparents always cooked their meat rare disgusting.I used to work in a steak house as a teenager and this guy ordered a steak to be cooked like 15 seconds on one side and the same on the other i took the order back and it was fixed that way and he ate it.Management wasn't happy you cant serve meat that way it's still cold .I will never forget that.Have a nice weekend folks.Off to treatment next week guess I will take my sketch board and draw or my adult coloring book for pass time. |
MyHumanZoo 02.05.2020 21:25 |
Hi all! I've had a busy few days enjoying the warmer temps and sunshine, it sure raises the spirits! My granddaughters came over today and swam all afternoon in the small pond we have on our property. I figured that was a good way to keep any viruses at bay. They really had fun, and it was good exercise...although I can't believe they could withstand the water temps. I am much too wimpy to even stick a toe in! Rainbow, do you know where I could go to see what is scheduled for Breakthru and how to sign up? I've never seen anything on sites I frequent. I really hope they don't cancel. Our governor announced yesterday that we are starting to open things up slowly in most areas, except the cities where there are the most cases. Out here in the boonies we have far fewer cases. Katydid, how funny on your mask experience! I looked up instructions the other day, I figured I could hand sew a couple since I don't have a machine. But after looking at the instructions I bagged it, I had a feeling they would turn out strangely and then I wouldn't wear them. I have a hard enough time putting one on, I always feel weird in them even if everyone else has them on. Like I am buying into some kind of conspiracy....or I am part of a sci fi movie! It's just my brain working overtime, I think. I have eaten Bison before, and I like it. My husband enjoys it a lot, he is not supposed to eat red meat any more due to his cholesterol levels but once in a great while he will have a bison burger when he is really craving red meat. I have looked at the new Queen chat site, it seems all right and definitely no arguing. TUHI, I think you are referring to the Queenonline message board, it was offline for a long time around Christmas and into the new year. That is a nice site too, it doesn't quite get the traffic that the new Queen chat site seems to be getting, though. As far as moving over to Queen Chat, I have mixed feelings. I think this site will be around for a while, it's been on here for years and years, and if it stayed on through bots and endless trolls I would think it will keep on going with just a little traffic like us. One thing I don't like is that the creator of Queen chat keeps coming back to this board and continuing arguments and insults with trolls....they supposedly created the new site to get away from all that, yet they come here and keep up the insults. So I kind of hate to feed that other board when they continue to lurk and be rude on this one. That being said, it's not like I feel super strongly on it, if everyone wanted to move I would be fine with it. One funny little thing to add...I made it onto Brian May's Instagram feed last weekend! He had an online launch party for the King's Daughters, they were all there and having a good time. Brian asked everyone to post a picture of themselves in a party hat and hashtag it...so I did. He ended up scrolling through the pictures on one of his IG posts, and my picture was one that came up. He also read off one of my questions and had the girls answer it. So I was all hyped up....I had a distant connection with Brian, woo hoo! ; ) |
CHEVYMAN 02.05.2020 22:06 |
TUHI, I have never been that fond of canadians but that was a cute video.I however plan to visit Missouri again as soon as I can.I want to go back to Dolly Partons Dixie stampede.It never gets old.They have alot of live shows and comedy stuff the there if that's your thing.I saw Larry the cable guy there it was great.Oh I also want to go back to the winery before I leave. |
Rainbow61 03.05.2020 08:27 |
MHZ....Here is the link to the Breakthru Convention: link Chevy....You are not fond of Canadians? ALL the people from Canada? WOW!!!!! TUHI and Katydyd...I am not crafty either. The last time I used a sewing machine was in a Home Economics class around 1976 when I made a shirt (Which I was very proud of and actually used to wear) I did watch the video of making the face mask from the sock. That was clever. |
CHEVYMAN 04.05.2020 01:46 |
Rainbow, Well not the ones I have met in the past anyway.I should've rephrased that.I bought a mask from a lady that makes them in my home town she is pretty good at it.I gott one that has owls on it.Have a nice week everyone. |
Rainbow61 04.05.2020 02:00 |
Chevy...Good luck on your treatment this week. |
Katydyd5 04.05.2020 02:30 |
Shoot, lots here to comment on, but no time right now. I meant to come post earlier but I got busy doing I don't know what. I did want to share two pictures real quick though. Hmm.....can I post two at once? I don't think so. Ok, the first one is Roger giving an interview. Look over his shoulder----a Freddie Mercury statue! I love that he has that. |
CHEVYMAN 04.05.2020 02:30 |
Thanks Rainbow I'm nervous I get them in the same place where they give covid patients that are recovering blood transfusions.I hope they clean things well.I usually infuse over 6 hrs ×5 days.But I'm gonna try to do it 4 hrs ×5 days if I can tolerate it. |
Katydyd5 04.05.2020 02:34 |
The second picture is also Roger centered. This is his daughter Rory She's a doctor now in London. I believe she treats COViD patients, but either way she's in the medical profession. I always liked the videos of Freddie sort of examining her when she was a baby. So sweet. |
Katydyd5 04.05.2020 02:44 |
Good luck with the treatments this week Chevy. Sounds like a long time to be in the chair. Chemo was 6-8 hours, but only once every three weeks. I hope maybe someone stays with you so you have someone to talk to, or else you take things to keep yourself entertained. |
lsg 04.05.2020 03:32 |
Chevyman, Good luck with treatment, sending healing thoughts your way. I wasn’t aware. |
MyHumanZoo 04.05.2020 14:16 |
Oh goodness Chevy, somehow I missed that you were getting treatments! I hope all goes well, I will say prayers that you stay safe and it is successful. Btw...I am half Canadian, my mom is from Toronto and all of my cousins and other relatives are there! We’re not so bad... : ) |
Katydyd5 04.05.2020 15:24 |
Oh my gosh, so much to respond to that I'm sure I'll miss most of what I wanted to say had I gotten to this earlier. I want to go back to the previous page to see what I missed but if I do, I'll lose everything here so here's what I remember: First, I want to clarify that I wasn't suggesting we jump ship to that new site. I do like a lot of the features there, but though I did join, I have not posted so far. I figure I can play in both playgrounds for now. I like the intimacy on this thread and would hate to lose that. Rainbow, did you say you have venison in your freezer? Where do you get it? Venison is available in the store where I grocery shop but I've only ever gotten it from friends who hunt. I do like it, especially venison chili. Speaking of shopping, I just placed another order with Amazon Fresh. I'm not quite ready to venture out to the grocery store just yet. But...……..Amazon Fresh can be a problem. For example, apparently I thought I needed gelato. I do NOT need gelato. Nor frozen mango bars or dark chocolate with orange peel. I almost forgot to get the milk I actually need. In the grocery store I just sail right by those dangerous sections. MHZ, do you get to Canada often? As a teen, we lived maybe 30 minutes from Niagra Falls. Every single time an out-of-state relative or friend visited, we were off to the Falls,Canadian side. After a while I thought if I saw even one more bit of it's glory I'd think of going over in a barrel myself. Actually though, the Canadian side is quite impressive and we took the boys there for a vacation once. It brought a new appreciation of the Falls to me. As a child my family did some camping in Canada and also the states, but I remember the Canadian trip more than any other. It came complete with bears, a tame chipmunk by the cabin, and wolves howling in the distance at night. We went to the Expo in Montreal and I unfortunately once donated to the Canadian casinos just across from Detroit. It's a great country! Shoot, I know there was more I wanted to comment on , but that's all my gelato-deprived brain can remember right now. |
Katydyd5 04.05.2020 16:59 |
Thanks for the PMs this morning! Quick clarification: My chemo was back in late 2015/2016. It's very much in my rear view mirror now. I was trying to express an understanding of what it's like to sit for hours for an infusion, but I worded it poorly. I also forget that just because I've been here forever doesn't mean you know my history. : ) So...……………..pulling out my soapbox for just a second and then I'm done: GET THOSE MAMMOGRAMS!! Soapbox gone, and thanks again for the concern. |
Thereuhaveit 04.05.2020 17:21 |
Getting my yearly on Thursday. Squish. |
CHEVYMAN 04.05.2020 17:47 |
Thanks for the kind words everyone I'm the only one I'm here today.When entered the hospital security was every where.People in gloves, suits and masks.I had to check in there before going anywhere else.Everyone is still required to wear masks.I was just joking about canadians I like them fine there are good and bad in all people. I like all people the the same.Tame care I'm feeling a little light headed see you guys on the other side.Just kidding. |
Thereuhaveit 04.05.2020 18:02 |
Hope it all goes well, Chevy and that you're home again soon. |
CHEVYMAN 04.05.2020 21:32 |
On my way Dr ordered wrong medicine the one I had a reaction too.I had to wait from him to send over order for correct one.The other one gave me aseptic meningitis.Im so sick and so tired. |
Rainbow61 04.05.2020 23:12 |
Chevy...Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope everything got straightened out! |
Katydyd5 05.05.2020 00:16 |
Katydyd5 05.05.2020 00:19 |
MyHumanZoo wrote: One funny little thing to add...I made it onto Brian May's Instagram feed last weekend! He had an online launch party for the King's Daughters, they were all there and having a good time. Brian asked everyone to post a picture of themselves in a party hat and hashtag it...so I did. He ended up scrolling through the pictures on one of his IG posts, and my picture was one that came up. He also read off one of my questions and had the girls answer it. So I was all hyped up....I had a distant connection with Brian, woo hoo! ; )Sorry about the previous blank post. I was trying to quote MHZ and messed it up. Trying again...……. So, I saw the picture of people in funny hats on Brian's IG. Do you mean that one of those people is you???? I'll bet you are not telling which one are you. : ) I think it's cute how excited you are. |
MyHumanZoo 05.05.2020 16:54 |
Yes Katydid, one of those weird people with hats was me! And yes....I’m not telling which one, lol! I have had Brian like a few of my comments on his IG feed, and it is really exciting. Like just for one brief moment I had his attention...that’s as much as I can hope for! I used to be in Canada quite a lot, all through my childhood we always went for several weeks every year, a week at Christmas and then a few in the summer. Mostly we were in Toronto to visit my grandparents, but also in Cambridge where one of my aunts lived. Most of my cousins go to cabins in the north in the summer to fish, and we used to go with them at times. It is beautiful country! I have been to Niagara Falls a few times and it’s beautiful too. From where we were, we mostly went through Windsor and Saginaw and those areas though. I don’t go as often now that my grandparents are gone and my cousins are grown and more spread out. I went up last summer for a get together and it rained the whole time, which was a bummer! |
MyHumanZoo 05.05.2020 16:58 |
Oh...and thank you Rainbow for the link on Breakthru. I really hope they can have it, but I guess with the restrictions on travel people like Phoebe won’t be able to fly here unless those are lifted. I think meeting/seeing Peter Freestone is really the main reason I would want to attend. I’m not the type to party with people or dress up like the band or anything! |
stevendabudgie 05.05.2020 21:11 |
@Katydy5 I mentioned being in a band in one of Thor's threads. The band is attached to a music school, the members attend. Almost all of them are in their 30s and 40s and started learning their Instruments a few years ago, so relativeley late in their lives. We have been playingrock cover songs yet. When I joined the were playing those standard rock songs for music lessons, mostly "played dead" on Radio. Teh set has been getting more interesting since, with songs from Metallica, Nirvana, Joan Jett, AC/DC, Twisted Sister, for example. The band rehearses, due to our coaches time constraints, every two weeks, so it is all veryy low Level, with one gig at the school's summer party, where dozens ofsStudent from every level perform. Most members have commitments like work and Family, so the band is not always complete during rehearsals. That low level has been fine for me, I am not that energetic and self-confident for regular gigs. I have looked for other bands, but I could not join, as there are more experienced and self-confident hobby-singers out there. I find "What's Up, Doc?" ok. I watched it because the director was part of the New Hollywood movement. @JoeT @MyHumanZoo Our understanding of the pandemic and "Patient Zero" will probably Change. According to a recent report, a sample from a Frenchmen who died late December 2019 had been tested CV-positive. And in Italy they are researching an unusual spike of flu and pneumonia cases from October to December. The epidemic might have started earlier. I heard speculations About the vaper deaths in the US... @Chevyman I did not know you are unhealthy. I wish you good luck with your treatment and complete recovery. Get well soon! @Rainbow61 Thanks for the info on Freddie's favourite movies. I did not watch neither "Imitation of Life" nor "The Woman". The former was directed by Douglas Sirk, one of the many talents who fled Germany after Hitler came to power. I have a few Sirk movies on my list. I watched "Metropolis" years ago, there is a lot of literature about it- it drew influences from contemporary art and literature. Some critics considered it a mirror of German society's fears and conflicts. |
Katydyd5 06.05.2020 00:25 |
Steven, I remember you from Thor's threads but there was so much information there from so many people that I had forgotten about your band. Thanks for sharing again! I'm sure you've shared your instrument too, but I don't remember that either. Care to share again? Rainbow, I did watch "The Women" from Netflix after I learned it was one of Freddie's favorite movies. It's definitely got a lot of sharp, fast paced dialogue. I can see where he would have found it funny. MHZ. I didn't think you'd share which hat wearer was you! Worth a try though. : ) I've mentioned before that I only use IG to follow Brian, Roger and Rudi, so I'm not at all familiar with how it works. How do you know Brian liked your comments? I looked at the link for Breakthru a few months ago and while I'd like to hear Phoebe speak and maybe even Rudi, a lot of their activities don't appeal to me. I mean, trust me, you don't want me to do any karaoke. And I'm not the costume type. I'm afraid I'd be pretty much a dud at the party. |
CHEVYMAN 06.05.2020 10:57 |
Steven, Thanks Right now my hand is big as a balloon I kept telling them it was burning so it's just one of those things.I so love the bands you have discussed especially ACDC they are old school.I love the album with dirty deeds.Big balls is another good one lol.I like me some nirvana too.I can relate to how the lead man feels in his music.True artist there.I too like small groups socially large groups don't do me well. |
MyHumanZoo 06.05.2020 18:47 |
Steven...I have to wonder on the origin and timing of the virus too. There were lots of people near me in December and January saying they had a weird flu...it would be fever and muscle aches for a week or two, seem to resolve, and then come back again with a vengeance. They all said it was like nothing they’d had before, doctors were just saying it was this year’s flu strain. Who knows for sure? It seems odd now that we are faced with Covid 19. Until we have reliable antibody testing that is widespread, we may not ever know. Katydid, if you make a comment on Instagram, there is a little heart next to your comment, and people can click the heart, which is a “like”. At the bottom of your IG page there is also a heart, if there is a dot on that, it means someone has liked your comment or post, or commented back. So if you just click on that bottom heart it will show in a list who liked each comment or post. I took a screen shot of mine where it says “Brian May liked your comment”....silly fan girl moment for me! |
CHEVYMAN 06.05.2020 21:49 |
I wonder about that strain of virus being around too guys.Finally home today.All I got to say don't under estimate old folks I was waiting to be picked up from treatment where all people are picked up from and here comes the sweetest cutest little old lady being wheeled in as our eyes met we both smiled at each other.The guy wheeling her goes to lock the wheelchair and says to her is your son here yet do you want me to call him.She screams I fucking told you he doesn't have a phone three times.Her hair was sticking straight up in back it's all I could do to keep from laughing.She scared the hell out of me those poor nurses they don't get paid enough. |
lsg 06.05.2020 23:28 |
Let’s not forget Freddie’s other favorite movie “Some Like it Hot” if someone already mentioned it I missed it. I definitely see in every way why he loved that movie |
lsg 06.05.2020 23:37 |
@Chevy, glad everything turned out ok. Has anyone heard from Ammids? I haven’t gone back to read all the posts if she’s contacted anyone here. I remember her daughter is an ER nurse I believe. |
richrich 07.05.2020 02:33 |
My twin is also an actor. I was the baby in 'The Darling Buds of May'. |
lsg 07.05.2020 02:43 |
We know Freddie got angry and threw things when they didn’t go well. Watched this clip of Queen in Tokyo, 1979. His voice was shot as this was an added 6th show of what was supposed to be only 5 shows in Tokyo. The comments were 50/50 was all show, and the others said frustration due to his voice shot and the band had to sing vocals. Well I researched the April 25, 1979 show and it was indeed actual anger and frustration. Which makes sense since he has thrown irons and glasses as such into mirrors after shows. link |
Katydyd5 07.05.2020 03:05 |
MHZ, thanks for explaining IG to me. I'll never really use it other than to watch my favorites. I'm now also watching Kristen Hampton's IG page. I'm so glad I found her during this time. She brightens my days for sure. Did you see Brian's IG today? Sounds like he did some serious damage to his gluteus maximus while gardening. I listened to him do an interview the other day and he indicated he's been depressed again and I'm sure this won't help. He said he's going to go "silent' for a while to take time to recover. LSGP, I have not heard from Amidds. I guess we'll just have to see if she makes a return. I hope she's ok. Thanks for the link you posted. I happened to see that one on FB today too. I think I've said before that I don't really care to see musicians destroy equipment, and he really goes at it here. In the few glimpses we get of his face I'd say he is truly furious. His voice is definitely shot. There was another video recently on FB from the same concert and Freddie is basically talking the lyrics through and Roger is doing much of the singing. |
lsg 07.05.2020 04:00 |
Yeah, but perfectionists can get that way. Well hopefully Amidds will make a comeback. |
MyHumanZoo 07.05.2020 15:32 |
Lsgp, I feel for Freddie in that clip! It sounded painful for him. He’s really lucky that Roger could fill in so much, and that their voices blended so well! You can see the tension in everyone while they played, too. I have a feeling that Brian’s recent buttocks injury (I always hear Forrest Gump saying that word, lol!) is related to the procedure he had done to his leg in December. He was having a lot of pain in his Achilles, and so they cut a tendon (I believe) in his calf to give him relief. I personally thought that was a risky thing to do...my career was in orthopedics so I have been around joint/muscle/tendon/ligament issues all my life. When you cut something like that, it not only releases the pain you’re having, but makes the other related muscles, etc move (or not move) like they are supposed to. So he could have bent over and whereas before with all his tendons intact it would have stopped him from moving to the point where his (gluteus or other) muscles would tear. But without that tendon intact, he was able to give himself that injury while moving. I’m not a doctor, but I would put money on that being the cause. Very painful, in any case! |
CHEVYMAN 07.05.2020 23:22 |
I get depression music was probably an escape for Brian it brings him happiness if not only for a short while.As far as Freddie's temper I can relate on that as well mine is bad at times too.It seems to me he kinda had highs and lows with his temperament has anyone ever noticed this.I guess it takes one to know one. They make good meds that work well with mood swings and adjust them accorddingly.I don't know back when he were a child and teenager they might not paid too much attention to teenage outburst or mood swings especially family's that handled things privately.I do hope Brian has just pulled something and things get better prayers going up for him at this time for sure. |
Thereuhaveit 08.05.2020 00:39 |
Off topic, but this will make you smile and feel good. It's not Freddie, but I like to think he'd approve. :) link |
stevendabudgie 08.05.2020 01:07 |
@MyHumanZoo Now THAT is intriguing. Your story mirrors experiences Germans wrote about in commentary sections of German articles and YT-Videos, virtually word for word! Who knows whether it was an aggressive flu strain or an early strain of CV19... If CV cases had been in Itay last October, it would blow everything we know about the pandemic out of the water. In Italy, there are Chinese companies producing with cheap chinese laborers. The virus could have entered Italy via an infected Chinese worker, or entered China via a Chinese worker returning home… Who knows? We may have already been experiencing the second wave. I am curious how much we will know in 10 or 20 years. @Katydy5 I am the band's vocalist. I first thought About singing when a became Queen fan as a youth, and even took singing lessons for a while- I wanted to sing "like Freddie". With my lack of confidence and concentration I did not try to look for a band back then. But I later joined university choirs. @Chevyman In addition to my uncomfortableness in large groups, I am also very irritable. Singing with drums and guitars through loudspeakers was challenging for me at the beginning, and still is though to a lesser degree. I suggested "Killer Queen" two years ago, it was deemd "too difficult", due to a few little tempo changes. AC/DC was never my cup of tea, but the other members really wanted play their songs, so I "obeyed". Nirvana is interesting- Cobain listened to Beatles music, maybe that's why some of his songs are very melodic. |
CHEVYMAN 08.05.2020 01:48 |
Dude, Cobain was such a tragedy the drugs along with his mood disorder and depression just made it worse.He cries out I think in much of his music .Great musician but a very sad life indeed. I can relate to him on that level of sadness at times.I have a social phobia is what they call mine it causes me to have panic fits at times that make your chest feel heavy.Anxiety meds help but it can also be related to trama as well which alot of the time you don't overcome you just talk.I'm glad your able to face your fears with the public a musical genius is something to give to the world that shouldn't be wasted.Rock on. |
Katydyd5 08.05.2020 01:54 |
MHZ, I was wondering how it would be possible to injure the body in that particular area, but your explanation of Brian's injury as you see it makes a lot of sense. I think it's funny that he said he was going to go silent for a few days to recover, but he just can't do it. The mustache is kind of funny. Then again, my quarantine hair is getting really bad too. TUHI, enjoyed the video. One of the things I loved most about the Broadway shows was the dancing, and a good tap routine would almost bring me out of my seat. Steven, I had no idea you were the vocalist, though if I had read your previous post more carefully I would have seen that you told us there. I think that's such an achievement. I've always wished I could sing. I used to sing in the car when the boys were little, much to their embarrassment. I still sing all the time, but it's not something I should do in public. Good for you for going for your dream! Lspg, I looked at your video again because I wanted to see if Freddie actually threw the ruined mic into the audience, and he did. I've always wondered if people fought over the things he threw, and also what has happened to them since. I'll bet that mic would be worth a whole lot now. |
CHEVYMAN 08.05.2020 01:56 |
TUHI. I love very uplifting I think we all needed that at first I didn't know where they were going with all that clapping then they started to jam.It sounds like good ole southern babtist music to me with the beat and all Thank You ! |
CHEVYMAN 08.05.2020 02:11 |
Baptist sorry mispelled |
matt z 08.05.2020 03:53 |
Katydyd5 wrote: Shoot, lots here to comment on, but no time right now. I meant to come post earlier but I got busy doing I don't know what. I did want to share two pictures real quick though. Hmm.....can I post two at once? I don't think so. Ok, the first one is Roger giving an interview. Look over his shoulder----a Freddie Mercury statue! I love that he has that.Funny.... I thought this post was referencing the GIANT Freddie Statue in his back yard property..... I was perusing this site for a bit of light fluff.... since things are pretty dark and grim... But I just clicked the link and noted it's just a Mini Statue on the mantleplace! In either event, I remembered this other QZ post from what seemed like yesterday... but was apparently 5 years ago.++ link A QZ user had even linked a GOOGLE EARTH link and photo at the time to see the giant thing. I had only gone to see the musical when it hit the USA because of that Statue... I had assumed incorrectly that it would be in front of the Ahmanson Theatre out here in Downtown Los Angeles. My brother had just passed, and I needed some fluff time... and a friend of mine's wife had bought some seasonal tickets to that garbage out there (maybe they're Not ALL garbage.. but I'm not fond of musicals.. and WWRY was nothing different) As far as I'm concerned the only good "musicals" are on film... even the MONTY PYTHON stuff isn't good... (the films ARE.. however) and, well.. no offense.. but I'm a straight dude and I think that gayness surely has something to do with appreciation for musicals. Not fond of any save for these oddities: Singin In the Rain (not just a great Musical... and great FILM with an actual purpose) My Young Auntie (Shaw Brothers Kung Fu action/comedy/drama/musical) The Happiness of the Katakuris (brilliant hilarious dark comedy musical with family sentiment) Meet The Feebles... the original Brilliantly bad taste film sending up the Muppets in X rated fashion. ANYWAYS, my post was only to highlight that Roger Taylor had adopted the original Freddie Mercury statue that was positioned outside the original show run of WWRY THE MUSICAL. God that show was awful. It WAS nice to hear INNUENDO live for a bit though. |
matt z 08.05.2020 03:57 |
Shoot! turns out that that link is now dated and unsupported link here's a more recent story about it. |
MyHumanZoo 08.05.2020 15:49 |
Steven, it’s very interesting for sure, and we probably won’t know or understand it all for years. I am now reading “And the Band Played On” about the AIDS epidemic and how it all evolved...and the parallels are crazy! One would think after so many years we would have had a response to this type of thing more defined. But here we are, with many of the same issues and problems, although at least the timeline seems to be shorter on this one. I have some huge reactions to the differences between then and now about the ability to shut things down....I will save that for another day when I have finished the book. On singing...I love to sing and I do it constantly. But like Katydid, I am not ready for prime time, lol! I so wish I could do it onstage though, I feel like I could be a good front-woman! Matt...I always wondered on Roger’s Freddie statue whether it is at his current house? I remember seeing a while back that he had sold a house and moved, and I was never sure if the statue was at his original house and went with him to the new one, or if he got it at his current house. Trivial stuff, I suppose. I am with you on musicals though....I can’t abide them. Now, some of the older stuff, Sound of Music, My Fair Lady, that type of thing I enjoy. But live musicals or broadway is not my thing. I never understood how the Mamma Mia movies were so popular either. But dancing in a movie...now that I can get behind! I love Singing in the Rain....and my all-time favorite Christmas movie is White Christmas...mainly just to watch the fabulous dancing. I would love to be able to do that...and tap dancing too. The way the tap dancers are so light and loose when they do it...amazing! |
CHEVYMAN 08.05.2020 19:04 |
Mattz, I'm not fond of musicals either but I think it's fair to say many straight people love musicals as well as gay people it's up to the individual and their creative interests.My uncle was a gay man and I don't recall him going to alot of theatre or ballet performances.He spent alot of his time pumping iron and going to bars like a Begal dog hunting men.He had a one track mind to keep his body in shape and make as much money as he possibly could at his young age and he did.We all have our artistic side it's our job to explore it.Well gotta go headache I pray treatment didn't give me meningitis again the light is killing me.You guys are all in my prayers have fun and be safe. |
JB050 08.05.2020 19:17 |
Hi all!! Wow! Can’t wait to get caught up here. Hope everyone is doing well. Coming thru multiple deadlines..,,Need a Freddie/Queen fix. My best to each of you!! |
JB050 08.05.2020 19:17 |
Hi all!! Wow! Can’t wait to get caught up here. Hope everyone is doing well. Coming thru multiple deadlines..,,Need a Freddie/Queen fix. My best to each of you!! |
lsg 08.05.2020 19:47 |
Getting caught up myself, I too am wondering how gardening “shreds” a gluteus maximus” ( sounds like a name in Gladiator) but regardless. That’s the butt muscle. I can see a hamstring but Gluteus? MHZ, I am under the impression that cutting a tendon makes things worse? Surely the MD should have known what you pointed out, that cutting it would have a domino effect over time, affecting other tendons and muscles. Sounds to me all he needed was a lot of Physical Therapy, injections, pulses, electromagnetic frequencies, etc. Seems he had the means to get several opinions within nhs and private MD’s? That’s the best advise he could get? Or, maybe he was advised but didn’t take care of it properly, and went on tour. Only he knows for sure. Rudi cracks me up with his little podcasts. He gets so dramatic....he speaks so slowly when introducing his own work....”And...Now...Ladies..And..Gentlemen....Here.... Is...I’m..Going...Slightly...Mad. (Fade out) hahahaha...cute |
Katydyd5 09.05.2020 01:43 |
Katydyd5 09.05.2020 01:43 |
JB, good to see you! I'm one of those people who loves musicals! I've had Broadway series tickets since the early 90's and just this year made the decision not to renew. I did see WWRY when it came through my city this past winter. I thought it was very dated and I wouldn't go a second time, but I am glad I saw it. I can't give a source on this, but I remember reading somewhere that Roger's town had to waive some zoning requirements in order for him to have that huge statue in his garden and the stipulation was that when and if he moved, he would have to take it with him. Here's another view of the statue. |
Katydyd5 09.05.2020 01:47 |
Oh my gosh, I need to quit while I'm ahead. Matt's article has the information about the zoning requirements. And my apologies for the double post of the picture. |
Rainbow61 09.05.2020 04:36 |
Wow...I have a lot of catching up to do! Steve...There are a few Douglas Sirk movies that I enjoy including Magnificent Obsession, All the Heaven Allows, and Written on the Wind. By the way, I must be one of the few people who LOVES reading the credits after movies. When I go to a theater, my husband and I are always the last ones out. Katydyd...Yes, we have version in our freezer, courtesy of my husband! He used to hunt, but hasn't for a while. I don't like it, so it's all his! Katydyd and MHZ....I have been to Niagara Falls a couple of times, but only on the American side. I did take the classic "Maid of the Mist" boat ride, which was a blast. I have been to Canada quite a bit over the years, mainly to Montreal. The last time I was there was in December to see a Christmas concert at St. Joseph's Oratory. The church was packed...over a thousand people. All the pews were filled, many people were standing in the side aisles or sitting on the floor. I can't imagine when that type of social gathering will be okay again. Makes me sad. Lsgp...Thanks for the link to the Tokyo concert. I don't think I had seen that before. Freddie was pretty frustrated. When he threw the mic stand into the audience my first thought was, "I hope nobody got hurt". I bet everyone tried to grab "souvenirs" the band threw out. That's where being tall comes in handy! matt Z, Katydyd, Chevy...I never tire of watching Gene Kelly do his classic "Singing in the Rain" dance in the street. One of the all-time great movie scenes. I don't like all movie musicals, but there are quite a few I enjoy. The Sound of Music is my favorite. I even went to a Sound of Music movie sing-a-long years ago, dressed as a nun! So much fun to be in the theater as everyone sang from their hearts. Many of the attendees were dressed up. After the movie, all the people who wore costumes were called up together on stage. We stood in a row as the event host went down the line and asked everyone where they were from. Being that my husband and I had traveled the farthest, about 250 miles, I won the prize...a book called "Letters to Leisl" written by Charmian Carr who played Liesl in the movie. JB050...Good luck with your work deadlines. I just finished a huge data entry project at my job. What a relief to be done in time! Regarding the Freddie statue. I bet if the Mercury Phoenix Trust sold life-sized reproductions of the Freddie statue that is in Montreux (the same exact height as Freddie) there would be a ton of people who would buy one to put in their yard. |
JB050 09.05.2020 14:44 |
Have you seen this yet? So great! Love it!! Be prepared to smile. link |
JB050 09.05.2020 14:44 |
Have you seen this yet? So great! Love it!! Be prepared to smile. link |
JB050 09.05.2020 14:53 |
I wish I was his neighbor. So funny how he dusts her head. Happy weekend Freddie levity |
JB050 09.05.2020 15:12 |
Would love to see him on stage with them. How great to uplift people This way. And break free, what a full circle from banned in US to perfect anthem of the time. Love it. Here is another one link |
JB050 09.05.2020 21:32 |
Anyone else catch the live DJ on twitch. 3-hours of Queen. Was really good. Only caught about 1/2 but was really good!! |
JB050 09.05.2020 22:31 |
Rainbow!! I love your sound of music experience!! Love that be too. Grew Up with i. Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mom’s hope you are all being celebrated this weekend!! |
Katydyd5 10.05.2020 00:27 |
JB, good to see you for sure! Thanks for the laughs! That guy sure has had some fun with his time. I hope his neighbors are enjoying the show. The "live DJ on twitch?" Yikes how behind the times am I? I don't know what you are talking about. I'll second your good wishes for Mother's Day to all! My son in KY usually comes up with his family for a visit, but not this year. He did send a card though since they couldn't be here. I was so pleased! He has always signed cards with both his first and last name which just makes me laugh. Like I wouldn't be sure who it was otherwise. My other son and DIL were going to bring some hanging baskets of flowers for my deck, but it's still too cold here for outside flowers. Very unusual for us. Retail will be open as of the 12th, so I may go get some flowers next week if it warms up. I'm still really hesitant to go out because people seem to be acting like things are back to normal. Some of the things I'm reading make me think some of them have taken leave of their senses. Hope you are all well. |
JB050 10.05.2020 00:57 |
Hi Katy. You aren’t alone. I hadn’t heard of it until today. I downloaded the app. Was free to download and create a login. Looks like you can rewatch it. The DJ did such an excellent job. link It truly was the fix I needed. People getting too “back to normal” too soon makes me really nervous too. I love your plan for flowers was smiling about how your son signs the card. That’s Cute. Sounds like it’s turned into a tradition. Thanks a lot Rainbow for thinking about me and my deadlines. Two big ones out the door. Woo hoo!! So glad your past yours too and have a bit of a breather. It’s really great to be busy and working. It’s also great to have a small breath between deadlines. :-))) Be well everyone. |
stevendabudgie 10.05.2020 01:03 |
@Katydy5 @MyHumanZoo @Chevyman My singing does not come "naturally". it took almost two years for me to develop the capability to really regurlay hear and HIT the note played by the teacher. In that time I did not even consider practising at home because Id did not have confidence in my hearing abilitites. It was frustrating I experienced an improvement when I recorded a few exercises with my (new) teacher on tape, and started listening and humming to them every day. I depends on how much time you want to invest and your ambitions. I think most People can learn singing, if they practice over along period of time. Those people who are called musical have been brought up with music, that's why it flows naturally out of them. I knew two G'girls of that Kind, nonidentical twins. One had natural soul voice, the other not, but made vocally a leap after exam. She studied performign arts and played in mucsicals. She was part of the German casts of "WWRY" and "Tarzan". It's not a matter of Talent, but practice and ambition. @Rainbow61 Douglas Sirk is only one of the directors on my list. I watched Capra's "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" a few weeks ago, I liked it. my Focus is directors, John Ford, Orson Welles, Robert Siodmak, Howard Hawks etc. @Chevyman About two weeks ago, German-French broadcasting company ARTE aired a documentary about gays and opera titled "Opera Divas, Opera Queens". Gay musical theatre critics, directors and performers talk about their passion for opera and their adoration for one particular "diva" (Callas or others). Discovering opera had been a milestone in their finding heir gay identities. The documentary only shows males, but one singer talks about her lesbian fans. Allegedly, gays were more into airy-fairy soprano, lesbians into mezzosoprano Voices and singers. A funny anecdote: In Bayreuth, Location of Richard Wagner's operahouse, gays tended "to get lost in the park" in front of the the operahouse after the shows There is a pavilion between the parking lot and the opera house nicknamed "Siegfried Wagner Memorial Chapel"- Richard Wagner's son Siegfried was gay. :D |
Katydyd5 10.05.2020 02:33 |
Steven, have you watched any vocal coaches/teachers on YouTube analyzing performers? I got hooked into that when I discovered a teacher analyzing the voices of the group Pentatonix. From there I watched more of that type of video because I find it interesting. Since I'm not a singer in anyone's mind but my own, I don't understand a lot of the technical things, but it's still fun to watch. Here's one analyzing Somebody to Love in Montreal. link |
stevendabudgie 10.05.2020 04:21 |
@Katydy5 Yeah, I do watch such Videos from time to time. I watched this, for example link I still find it difficult to transfer technical things in vocal lessons to a band Situation. I practice Warm-ups at home, not the actual songs. I feel some kind of resistance and hesitancy when it comes to songs. Also, the environments of lessons and home practice are pristine, while a band session is raw and loud, which can be quite irritating. I just hope something from teaching and practice sticks subconsciously and reemerges in the band rehearsals and performances |
lsg 10.05.2020 05:50 |
Thanks JB050 for the Espanoles balcony tribute to I want to Break Free. Something tells me he might be a regular at the Montreaux Birthday celebration or Break Thru if he could. Katy I have watched a lot of the voice coach reactions on YouTube, particularly Opera coaches and everyone was impressed with Freddie, they all ended saying the same, even if the pitch isn’t perfect, his delivery and showmanship were more important. I’m under the impression Freddie is self taught in voice, I know he took piano lessons, but he taught himself the guitar, and I think same with voice. I wonder if he even understands what these reactions from voice coaches are saying. I believe Freddie was “winging it” One thing none of them brought up is because he had the 4 extra teeth it gave him more vocal range, and he knew that was significant for his singing. He studied Jimi Hendrix for crowd control, I’m sure he studied voices. Speaking of “greats” I’m sure you all heard Little Richard died today. I read Jimi Hendrix was a guitarist in Little Richards first band but fired Hendrix because he had different ideas and wanted to be the showman. Anyway, goodnight. |
lsg 10.05.2020 06:12 |
Speaking of Roger winning the right to keep the Freddie statue, which for me it should have without contest. If he owns that land, if pays the mortgage and property taxes, then that’s his to do with. It appears he lives on a lot of land, its not sitting in the middle of London. I can see if it was Freddie that brought it to the middle of Garden Lodge which is in the middle of London/Kensington, but Rogers situation is different. It reminds me a bit of the ongoing feud between Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page and his next door neighbor Robbie Williams. Jimmy is having to take Robbie to court every year over property issues. Seems Williams constantly building Things in the back that has blasting and such and Jimmys house is sacrosanct being its a historical house In a historical neighborhood, plus he’s always blasting Jimmy out of his own home with Williams loud music. Interesting though, my parents who had to listen to me in my room or downstairs with the big headphones, jamming to Led Zeppelin, Queen, Stones, Who, etc, Today would tell Jimmy.....now you know how it feels. |
Rainbow61 10.05.2020 14:37 |
Happy Mother's Day! :) |
JB050 10.05.2020 15:26 |
Happy Mother’s Day!!! You are all Queens!!! I also recall reading that Freddie used a part of his Vocal chords that we don’t even use when talking. Don’t quote me on that. I’ll post if I can find the source. Have a great day all!!! |
Rainbow61 10.05.2020 16:13 |
JB050...I have seen a few analyses of Freddie's voice, but this is one of my favorites because it examines the way he sings several different songs. link |
lsg 10.05.2020 18:28 |
Happy Mother’s Day to all! Hope you enjoy it well. Rainbow, thanks for that link, I saw it a long time ago but wanted to see it again. I once got in a distressing discussion with someone who kept saying Freddie was not a better singer than A.L. We all know AL can sing, but he’s no Freddie. I still watch YouTube but without signing in because his taunting email replies are still sitting there. I kept explaining basically this video above but he wouldn’t have it. He kept saying Freddie was great for “other things” as he put it.......I was incensed....I was like.....what other things! He WAS the Queen sound, other than Brians guitar, but his voice was the FOCAL point of Queen! It made Queen. I kept saying you will never see AL as a “legend” as Freddie, there won’t be conventions and statues for AL and how do you explain that.....he just kept responding “he was good for other things”. I stopped making comments on videos because I have to watch my blood pressure from insane comments like that one..... |
Katydyd5 11.05.2020 01:25 |
Steven, thanks for your link to Linor (last name??) analyzing Somebody to Love in Montreal. I liked her version so much more than the one I shared. To be honest, I was just looking for any example of a singing teacher analyzing Freddie. So, I looked at your link, , enjoyed her so much that I just sat here and looked at four more of her videos. She clearly adores Freddie's voice and performances, and she's so knowledgeable that I learned quite a bit. This next link was very interesting to me because she's listening to his top vocals and one of them is my very favorite part of Who Wants To Live Forever. The amazement on her face tells the whole story. link |
lsg 11.05.2020 02:27 |
Katy I’ve seen Linors videos on Freddie as well, and you and I both like the version where he sings Who Wants to Live Forever very STRONGLY. He sang it both on Friday July 11th and Saturday July 12, 1986. The strongest version is the link you gave which is the Friday July 11, 1986 version. But not everyone finds it as its listed in the European way, with the day before the month. (11-7-1986) Thanks for bringing that back. My favorite version. |
lsg 11.05.2020 02:27 |
Katy I’ve seen Linors videos on Freddie as well, and you and I both like the version where he sings Who Wants to Live Forever very STRONGLY. He sang it both on Friday July 11th and Saturday July 12, 1986. The strongest version is the link you gave which is the Friday July 11, 1986 version. But not everyone finds it as its listed in the European way, with the day before the month. (11-7-1986) Thanks for bringing that back. My favorite version. |
JB050 11.05.2020 15:33 |
Rainbow!!! Thank you so much for pulling that out and posting it. That’s exactly the one. .. where he talks about his use of his “ventricular fold“ :-))) |
Amidds 11.05.2020 19:00 |
Hi all! Geez, I missed you guys and have tried to catch up but there's just toooo much!! Hope all of you are doing well and I really appreciate some of you asking about me ,and, sorry to have worried some of you :(. It's been a crazy few weeks of constant technical issues, painting my kitchen/DR/Fam Rm combo (yes, I jumped on THAT bandwagon). Slowly hoping to get back on track and expect to go back to the office in the next couple of weeks which will help me keep track of you all. Sad to say, I seem to have much more free time there lol! Just a few mentions that I vaguely remember from trying to catch up. Yes, it was me that introduced the Freddie blogs and I'm glad someone kept that up. I am a few episodes behind on that as well. Have given up on following Rudi just because I found that I wasn't getting much new info and his lives were kinda irritating (so sorry, I know that's prob not a popular opinion but, it is what it is). I also did not pre-order his book because his disorganization isn't leading me to believe I will enjoy it. But PLEASE, if anyone knows any more or gets theirs and like it, let me know. Won't be the first time I was wrong!! There was a mention about Thor's book and an update. Last I heard, the book was done but there will be COVID delays on publishing. I KNOW I got that info from an email from GoFundMe so, it should still be there. Lastly, someone asked about my Switzerland trip. As far as I know, we will be able to travel to Paris and Switz in September but, I have been notified that the festival was cancelled! Broke my heart, but I understand. We will still see the statue and go to the casino if we can. I know some of you asked about my daughter. Her hospital is down to 2 COVID units and starting to re-open the other units as they were so, she gets to go back to her management position and stop bouncing around all the ICU's. She's very happy but says they expect another increase in cases soon with things opening up in Fl. She's also desperately wanting to get back to the times where she could stop for a coffee on the way to work and not fear getting verbally/physically attacked which seems to be a trend now days. She had a couple of incidents but, thankfully, nothing major. OK, last thing.....one of my brothers-in-law passed away on Friday after a long struggle with cancer. He wasn't allowed visitors until it became obvious that he didn't have long. The hospital then allowed his wife and kids in to see him and say goodbye. Not sure yet what the family will do as wakes/funerals can't happen now. Makes it that much more difficult that they have a huge loss and are now unable to lay him to rest as they would like. Again, it is what it is BUT, very unfortunate!! Hate to leave you all on a depressing note but i DO hope everyone is doing well. I'm gonna try to finish catching up on all the links you have left and please, if anyone wants to DM me here, feel free! |
MyHumanZoo 11.05.2020 19:24 |
I hope you all had a great Mother’s Day! I got to see my mom for a bit through masks but it was still great! I have spent a while now listening to the links you all gave on analysis of Freddie’s voice and it has been a blast. I have seen those videos suggested before but never watched them, I just thought it was people saying “wow, Freddie was good”, which I already knew so I just didn’t watch them. But it’s cool to see it analyzed the way he used his mouth and throat to get the tones, and how he varied everything with intensity and body movement. It made me love Freddie more and I didn’t think that was possible! I went out on Friday to get some flowers, not the best idea because now the temps are freezing so they are living in my garage until it warms up. But I have always found if I wait until after Mother’s Day they are too picked over and the nice ones are gone. |
Katydyd5 11.05.2020 19:29 |
Amidds, you cannot know how happy I am to see you. The nature of any forum like this is that as well as we think we know each other, we really don't know each other at all. I would have sent out a search party for you, but of course, I couldn't. I'm sorry about your BIL. That's been one of the hardest things with this because people can't be with their loved ones as they make the transition to death. I'm glad his family was able to say good-bye. And of course, funerals are equally sad in that no one can say good-bye in that way now. I will have two memorial services to attend at some point and while I'll be glad to share in the joy of the lives lost that way, being unable to be supportive at the time is so hard. More later...………..but I had to do a happy dance that you are back!! |
stevendabudgie 11.05.2020 19:44 |
@MyHumanZoo That is what vocal coaches focus on. Just look at opera singers, they open their mouths in the most extreme manner and virtually chew the scenery. I heard he had taken a few lessons in the late 70s or early 80s. BTW, I have heard about a book which is a critical account of NIH's and Big Pharma's role in the AIDS epidemic, "Good Intentions" by Bruce Nussbaum. It is from the early 90s, so maybe some of the Information on certain drugs has been refuted and the NIH/FDA have changed for the better since publication. |
CHEVYMAN 11.05.2020 23:42 |
Steven,That was a cool find those aren"t my types of music so i had no idea on that awesome my uncle however wasn't into any of those.I guess i just meant everyone has different musical abilities or tastes.I remember him listening to alot of Air supply ,Hall and oates, Boston, Journey:,Before that the seventies i couldn;t say those were his college years and i was a bit young to remember.I just never took to that style of music my ex likes some of it i think.I don:t want to get her talking about it though.We were always very different her basketball me band.She was very social me not so much.Me married 27 years her single for the last 10.Well buddy i hope this finds you well and keep doing what you love till next time.Peace be with anyone i missed in conversation. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 00:01 |
Steven; I'm getting old I hope this doesn;t detour us from speaking but i don't put alot of emphasis on labels.Which means to me you are who you are and that's it.However if someone tells me they identify or label themselves as such cool it's okay with me.My ex for an example she was gay when i met her she said so.She still is today it don't change and i don't think it has to have a label that person knows who they are.I guess i just don't follow or keep up with alot of the upcoming events around me either maybe i should start.I am a strange duck but that's alright atleast i'm not boring right. |
lsg 12.05.2020 01:10 |
Ammids! Yay! Thank you for updating us and so very sorry about your brother in law. Glad your daughter A-ok too. |
stevendabudgie 12.05.2020 01:30 |
@Chevyman. I did not want to put labels on people. That documentary was uploaded in early May, I watched it shortly prior to somerbody mentioning about musicals and homosexuals, that's all. Its director is Rosa von Praunheim. link According to an interview von Praunheim himself was never into opera, but his deceased friend, Werner Schroeter, was. There's even a book on gays and opera, "The Queen's Throat: Opera, Homosexuality, and the Mystery of Desire", the author gets a lot of screentime in the movie. I myself met and knew several gay men, I only met one who studied musicology and was into opera and classical music. Speaking of labels: Although I am not gay there were people initially thinking I was gay due to my way of speaking and mannerisms, :D |
Katydyd5 12.05.2020 02:43 |
Amidds, I missed Rudi's Live yesterday, and last week I was playing games on my iPad while he was talking because he's doing so much self-promoting. . He's got one of his people helping him now so it's much better organized, but he's spending more time talking about projects other than Queen, and I'm just not interested. I think he's done some wonderful work over the years and deserves to be proud of that, but I don't need to listen to him once a week. I didn't pre-order the book, partly because I don't completely understand the process. I'm sure I'll get his book when it comes out and I may yet pre-order but I'm ok waiting for now. I thought of you when I saw that the birthday party in Montreux was canceled. What a disappointment! Glad your daughter is ok, but sorry to hear about verbal/physical incidents. People are definitely on edge. MHZ, I'm jealous that you have your flowers. It's been way too cold here, but I may go out briefly this week to get some. You expressed my greatest fear; that they will be picked over. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 02:48 |
Steven; What band did you say you played for?I wish i could sing but boring me just plays piano;and occasional guitar.I didn't know you were a musician.Do you travel alot?I always wished i had such a talent.I always thought it was so ordinary to play just my instruments but to sing and play what a gift you have. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 03:16 |
Amimids, I think I have to agree with you on Rudi he just doesn't want to make me chase my tail around the room if you know what I mean.He got real friendly with the fans too quick with the I love you and all.I just ain;t buying it for now.If I'm wrong later i will eat those words.At first I liked him even followed him on instagram but I think the deal breaker for me is when I seen him and Peter team up together.Did they ever announce their surprize does anyone know.The first live he did I know his gf was supposed to meet and help and no show from her maybe that affected him some a bit.I just can't follow him it's like the price is right with all the contestants and such.Hope for the best prepare for the worst. |
stevendabudgie 12.05.2020 11:43 |
@Chevyman It's just a hobby. And even from that Point of view it's low level. I know hobby bands who are ten times better and quasi-professional. I knew people whose singing jsut came naturally without thinking about technique. What kind of music do you play on the piano? |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 16:21 |
I mainly play Gospei hymns my grandma was a music teacher at catholic school.It's a very important instrument in that faith.She also gave kids music lessons to kids at our house for extra money I was one of her students lol.I had no choice put to learn it .A Catholic cerimony is beautiful especially around Christmas time every year. I can remember looking at my grandmother at that piano at church and It seemed like she sparkled from head to toe.But that's about all I noticed because the rest of my time I spent there was misbehaving knocking on the confession door at 8 and then hiding.I was so bad.I would say the piano is my least favorite instrument but important if you go on to play others.that's where your fundamentals are taught.I played the flute from 7th grade till I graduated that's how I paid for some of my schooling Indian Ed paid part and I got a partial music scholarship.No academic scholarship for me my studies bored me stiff. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 16:21 |
I mainly play Gospei hymns my grandma was a music teacher at catholic school.It's a very important instrument in that faith.She also gave kids music lessons to kids at our house for extra money I was one of her students lol.I had no choice put to learn it .A Catholic cerimony is beautiful especially around Christmas time every year. I can remember looking at my grandmother at that piano at church and It seemed like she sparkled from head to toe.But that's about all I noticed because the rest of my time I spent there was misbehaving knocking on the confession door at 8 and then hiding.I was so bad.I would say the piano is my least favorite instrument but important if you go on to play others.that's where your fundamentals are taught.I played the flute from 7th grade till I graduated that's how I paid for some of my schooling Indian Ed paid part and I got a partial music scholarship.No academic scholarship for me my studies bored me stiff. |
Amidds 12.05.2020 16:24 |
I'm glad I'm not the only one a little turned off by Rudi. Don't get me wrong, seems like a really nice guy but, I have to agree with the self-promoting and withholding of the "surprise". I'm usually a very patient person, just don't like the games. Oh well, no doubt I will buy the book if it turns out to be anything new or worthwhile. Kinda trying to find my way around these interesting convos I've missed out on so, forgive me if this had been explained......@stevendabudgie - did your comment about voice lessons refer to Freddie? Everything I've ever read said he never had any. Do you know where you heard that? If you were referring to someone else, I apologize. THAT would be a new nugget of info I'd be interesting in hearing about (if it is FM)! MHZ, funny you mention that about flowers. At the beginning of this whole thing, i knew I would probably not be able to get out to buy my annuals, so I ordered some online. I kept getting upset that they weren't getting shipped but, every time I would think that, we'd get snow or super low temps. I was just notified they will be here tomorrow and it's really the best timing - prob saved me a lot of money had I been able to go out to buy some and the temps kept killing them. Of course, I say that and we'll get snow this weekend lol. Chicago weather is awesome :( |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 16:24 |
Steven; My text was meant for you sorry about the double. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 17:08 |
Amidds, Yes I'm glad I'm not the only Rudi critic too!I was very disappointed with him and peter's deal whatever it was.I understand they might be friends but I just got a gut feeling about the promotional stuff and then there's peter.He has said many times Freddie was his friend but I just seen him change so much with standing beside what is right to joining them if you catch my drift.He looked at a script that from his stories were didn't match at all .It makes me question his loyalty to a certain degree.It makes me wonder as a fan if Freddie were here today would he approved that script or would he have told them like he did with his masterpiece It goes out as he wrote it to go fuck themselves tell the truth.I don't know him i would like to ask some of his true friends that question.Maybe Peter was just the PA after all.This subject isn't meant for trouble but it sure does intrique me.I do believe the stories in peter's books were how things were he was being honest I just want to say that for the record. |
JB050 12.05.2020 21:21 |
Amidds! I 2nd everything Katy said!!! Really great to hear your “voice”. Sounds like you have had a lot going on! What are you doing to the kitchen? Haha. Sounds like a great freshen-up. That’s crazy that your daughter is experiencing cross remarks. Ugh. Good to hear that st least for now she can get back to her “usual” That’s funny about being busier at home. So true. Amidds and Katy — My deepest condolences. I agree it’s been heartbreaking that families can’t get to their loved ones. So glad his wife and kids were able to get there. Unprecedented times for sure. I also, one day, will get to go back and catch up on conversations. And say hi to Steven. :-)). Seems like interesting things happening as always. Yes Amidds for sure THE BOOK another post-shelter-in item for us all to share. All my best To all of you. |
Thereuhaveit 12.05.2020 21:49 |
Amidds, I'll echo what others have said: glad you're back, and safe, and condolences to you on your loss. It's tough times when you can't be in company with loved ones. Recently, I attended a funeral through Facebook. It was odd to say the least, but actually quite a lovely service with only the rabbi in physical attendance, but many conveying sweet stories about the deceased and supporting the family. Weirdly, it was quite comforting, which surprised me. As for your flowers and your Chicago weather, you might consider following a Chicago garden blogger, Jason, at link . I follow him, he follows me, we both garden for wildlife with as many native plants as possible. You might enjoy his posts--he's fun. He also complains about the snow. That said, gardeners are their own sort of weird... Glad to see every one is chiming in here and there, keeping well and healthy. What a nice group. |
CHEVYMAN 12.05.2020 23:32 |
TUHI, My poor niece graduated from college and they called their names online.It's probably better safe for awhile I guess.She said I hope when I get through my other I think 4 years of college I can actually walk through an actual graduation. |
Katydyd5 13.05.2020 00:00 |
TUHI, I marked your garden site to look at from time to time. I'm nowhere near the gardener you must be, but I like to hear from those who garden for wildlife. The only wildlife I'm looking to attract are butterflies and hummingbirds. I would like to find some way to keep the darn raccoons off my patio cherry tomatoes I've had in the past. I hope I can find some still at the stores when I finally get out. What are you looking to attract? Amidds, it interests me that you ordered plants online. I've considered it this year but I've been afraid they might not be good quality Please let us know what you think. |
Thereuhaveit 13.05.2020 00:35 |
Katy, the site I linked to is for someone who gardens in Chicago. But I do follow his blog, as he does mine. I enjoy a wealth of good, locally owned nurseries here in Austin, so personally haven't purchased plants online, but most online nurseries and seed sources have good products. My sister-in-law (who recently purchased the house next to ours--I know, kind of odd, but also nice) purchased both a fig and plum tree from an organic nursery in California, that specializes in trees. You'd probably need to do some research, but online nurseries are mostly considered viable resources. Chevy, I'm sorry your niece couldn't experience her graduation in person, but I'm glad all of the new graduates were safe. |
Amidds 13.05.2020 18:52 |
You guys never cease to amaze me with your sweetness! Hard to find decent people online, in my opinion, but I always look forward to talking with you all. Thanks for the condolences, and mine go out to you all as well. TUHI, trying to wrap my mind around a FB service!! It makes sense but soooo weird! I haven't heard anything from my sister-in-law so I don't know her plans, but, I will let her know about that in case she would be interested. As far as the plants, I prob will follow the blogger just cuz I never know what to plant and when BUT, i tend to stick to 5 pots I have for some colorful annuals every year as my allergies don't allow a lot of outdoor time for me :( That's OK, I end up killing most things anyway lol. All brown thumb here! Katydyd - I ordered them from Breck's. A few years ago, I got some tulip bulbs from them to fill in a couple of spots and they are very beautiful and hardy - even I wasn't able to kill them! This time, I ordered a hosta for a shady spot that we had to get a bush pulled from and some annuals for those pots. I will try to remember to let you know if they work out. I just got the box today and haven't really looked at them yet lol. JB - I talked to my daughter today as she was coming home from a meeting at the hospital and we were still talking as she stopped at a store. I literally told her she was crazy! BUT, she got in and out with no comments so she must've known what she was doing. See, even at 27, your kids can't behave enough to spare our worries!!! I just saw on Insta today that there will be a FM tribute concert played on Queen's YT channel this Friday for anyone that is interested. Not sure, but it looks like it is just a replay of the original, nothing new. Still should be fun for those who never saw it or just haven't watched it in a while. They said it's to support COVID so idk if it will be a fundraiser or what. OK, y'all, gonna try to plant those plants and then get back to work. Talk to you soon! |
Katydyd5 13.05.2020 23:33 |
Ventured out today because the local garden store had one, only one, of the hanging baskets I always look for because hummingbirds love them. My first time out and so embarrassed because my mask kept fogging up my glasses. I think I'm going very early to one other store tomorrow in hopes of finding a few more things. I drove by that store today and it was packed with people, very few in masks. I'm not ready to risk that. Amidds, was it you who suggested I get the DVD of the Montreal concert with Brian and Roger providing commentary? I did and I loved it. It was like having them in the room with me talking about all the little things I love to notice. I wish they do that for every concert video. |
MyHumanZoo 14.05.2020 01:46 |
Amidds, it’s great to see you back! I’m glad your daughter is managing the hospital work, and that it appears to be lightening up. Let’s hope it does that everywhere! I finally hung up my hanging baskets and planted my flats of flowers today, now to cross my fingers that it doesn’t freeze and that the deer don’t decide to consume them as a tasty treat! Steven, it is amazing to see the vocal analysis, I knew that there were techniques in singing but to see which part of the throat is used for a certain sound, and how to use the cheeks and lips to vary things, it makes it different when I watch singers now. The same goes when I watch any guitar players, I just watch their fingers and strumming, etc, I want to soak it all in. On Rudi, I like the guy but I’m growing pretty tired of the same old stuff. His backstage show doesn’t interest me a lot, I watch but don’t really pay close attention. I do find his question and answer interesting, he shared some really neat stuff about Freddie at the Days of Our Lives shoot, it was emotional. I expect that is most of what we will get in the book, stuff we already knew but we’ll get Rudy’s emotions about it. |
Amidds 14.05.2020 15:01 |
Katy, I did not recommend that DVD but, i believe that it's on YouTube. If it's the same, it is awesome. There are a few different ones out there and I love to hear them reminisce about how they made a song, what they were thinking and feeling! Those are my favorite! Scary that so many people don't feel the need to wear a mask or to not wear it correctly! I'm the type that always advocates for people being themselves and doing whatever they want BUT, in this case, they're choices can affect so many others in such a hugely negative way that I don't understand - it's stupidity! My office has been open since the beginning and I am only one of 2 people working from home. Mostly because my husband is in the high risk group due to his age and because I take care of my mom (she just turned 90!!). I can't help but think that, if she gets this, it will be because I exposed her to it. Why would someone want to take the chance of basically killing other people or put them through so much suffering?!?!? MHZ - yes, I do imagine that that's exactly what Rudi's book will be which could be very interesting. Have you pre-ordered it? Has anyone? Just curious if he's given an expected release date. He makes a lot of "just finished a chapter" updates which, I think we've deduced doesn't mean what we think it does. Makes me wonder if he's getting close to finishing. Then, of course, the wait like with Thor and Lee's book with possible publishing delays! |
MyHumanZoo 14.05.2020 15:27 |
Amidds, Rudi has said the book will be finished in June and out for release in the fall. Considering the increasing things he is doing with his weekly show and new stuff happening I am beginning to wonder on that timing! I did preorder, well...I sent the first email saying I would preorder about a month ago, but so far they have not sent the link for ordering yet. Apparently they are trying to figure out the best way to do it and the right bank or whatever to go through. It sounds like preorders are in the hundreds or perhaps a thousand so far. Rudi claims he will sign all of them, he doesn’t care how many. But those are the only ones he will sign. Not holding my breath on that one either! Katy, I am the one that suggested you watch the concert with Brian and Roger commenting...I loved it! I feel like there is another one they do it on...but maybe I am thinking of the BoRap movie itself? I need to go back and look. |
Katydyd5 14.05.2020 15:59 |
Whoops, MHZ, sorry, I thought it was Amidds. I've always studied the concert videos watching for communication between the band members, little mistakes, etc. It was great having Brian and Roger point all of that out to me. I'd actually missed one song where Freddie forgot the lyrics, but covered nicely as Brian said. I've always wondered what it must have been like for them to be on stage with Freddie and if they ever gave any thought to what an incredible frontman they had in him while concerts were in progress. Watching the DVD with commentary makes it so clear that they knew exactly what they had. I'm pretty sure there is a DVD with commentary from B and R on the videos they made through the years. I've seen the individual pieces on YouTube and I may even have a DVD that I haven't looked at yet that contains those commentaries, but I'm not sure. Anyway, one of my favorites is It's A Hard Life because, to use Rogers' word, he finds it so stupid. Brian defends the song as one of Freddie's best, but doesn't have a lot of positive to say about the whole experience. I think it's fun to look for people in small roles who were important in Freddie's life. link |
stevendabudgie 14.05.2020 16:05 |
@Amidds My condolences. @MyHumanZoo It is fascinating how a subtle change in the cheeks or mouth can make a big difference in vocal quality. @Chevyman I envy you. I tried to learn classical piano when I was in my early twenties, very difficult. I still do not have feeling for rhythm. |
lsg 14.05.2020 20:17 |
Thanks Katyd for that link. I know they didn’t care for that stage production. Found another commentary from Roger and Brian for Radio Gaga link |
CHEVYMAN 14.05.2020 22:56 |
Steven, It's never to old to learn I started when I was about three just setting beside my grandmother she made me be very still and watch her while she entertained her guests on holidays.Sometimes they would have friends over to play cards and drink a little all catholics get their drink on and she didn't drink so she would play the piano while they drank.Of couurse I would sneak out of bed and watch with enthusiasm they lived in at two level house at the time.That's how I discovered where the key to the alcohol cabinet was.I and my brother and our friends had many good times thanks to that alcohol cabinets generosity.Then there was the time we stole my grandfathers mustang he had totally restored.It ran out of gas so we just left it and had friends pick us up .Well someone came along put gas in it and stole it for real.They wreaked and totalled it.We were such bad kids especially my brother he talked me into so much mischief.I don't know why I started that conversation maybe because I had to remind him of us when his daughter took his truck without permission. |
Katydyd5 14.05.2020 23:17 |
Thanks for the link Lsgp. I thought I'd seen all of the commentaries, but this one seems new to me. |
lsg 15.05.2020 23:26 |
Love Freddie’s face at the very end of this video link |
CHEVYMAN 15.05.2020 23:54 |
Freddie was a man of many faces and a guy of few words it seems you can tell by his interviews.It appears in interviews he would rather be doing something else.I would be the same way ask me the questions I will answer some of them honestly and some of them I will give you bullshit answers because their none of your buisness that's a good way to answer questions in a interview.Reporters really did ask him some dumb questions they already knew the answers too.Back to his face if you look at his baby picture his mom was so proud of his looks.His expressions didn't change much at all. |
Katydyd5 16.05.2020 00:40 |
Lsgp, your clip is from one of my favorite documentaries. Freddie is so relaxed in that interview that he's giving his full smile throughout. It's such a playful interview! You've reminded me that I had the complete documentary before I got the new computer but it's one of the files that I lost. I'm going to go see if I can find it again and put it back in my files. |
Jo T. 16.05.2020 03:21 |
I watched the 1992 Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert for AIDS Awareness to raise money for the World Health Organization (WHO) and its COVID-19 relief efforts (Google will match w/ a $2 donation for every $1 donated, up to $5M.) in its entirety for the very 1st time tonight. I've seen video of George Michael perform "Somebody to Love" @ the tribute countless of times in the past but had never viewed the tribute from start to end. Yowza! I almost started to bawl when Robert Plant performed Zeppelin's "Thank You." "If the sun refused to shine, I will still be loving you . . . " Then, he broke into "Crazy Little Thing Called Love." Brian May later played keyboard and sang a heartfelt "Too Much Love Will Kill You." Of course, the late George Michael absolutely slayed "Somebody to Love." Sady, it was also one of John Deacon's last times he played bass in the band. Thanks to the band Queen - and Google - and their efforts to raise money for pandemic relief! link |
Jo T. 16.05.2020 04:40 |
CHEVYMAN 16.05.2020 13:07 |
Oh guys I forgot to mention it slipped my mind his baby picture had won a baby contest.Freddie was a photogenic person by nature I do belief he loved someone coming over and throwing some pillows on the floor and snapping some random photos.His facial structure was radiant and those rosey cheeks.His eyes told it all they were so dark absolutely gorgeous.When I think of his career with Queen and musical history those are the ones that bring the most happiness I think. |
CHEVYMAN 16.05.2020 13:11 |
Ofcourse his amazing voice that no one can replace can we all agree.I think he might of sang till his throat bleed that’s talent. |
Rainbow61 19.05.2020 06:27 |
Hi everyone, Spent about 7 hours metal detecting over the past couple of days. Found 2 horse shoes, a bunch of musket balls, and many nails. What I most want to find now is a horse bell or sleigh bell. Thanks to all who posted those YouTube videos of voice teachers discussing Freddie's singing. I like many of those videos because they discuss technical aspects of singing that I know nothing about. For example, I had never heard of "vowel shading" before. Have you noticed the proliferation of "watch me watch Freddie singing" videos though? The ones done by professional vocal coaches I will watch on occasion, although they are of varying quality. The reaction videos done by someone sitting in their home listening to Freddie sing...sorry, but could you be more self-absorbed? Those videos are not about Freddie, they are about someone's need to be the center of attention. I'll pass! Amidds....Sorry to hear about the loss of your brother-in-law. Difficult to deal with under any circumstances, let alone during this time of social distancing. Glad to hear your daughter is doing fine, although it is disheartening that she has to worry about being harassed. Jo T. I didn't watch the replay of the Freddie tribute concert, but have seen George Michael's rendition of "Somebody To Love". I agree...he nailed it! Lspg...Thanks for the Bob Harris interview clip. I have seen it before...one of my favorites. I always crack up when Freddie says "Oh, please mother" after stating he has survived on "jabs". I have to admit I am not exactly sure what "Jabs" are since that is the only time I have ever heard that term, but a few possibilities do come to mind. :) Katydyd, TUHI and MHZ....I smiled when you talked about planting flowers. We don't even have leaves on the trees yet, although they are budding. I am not a gardener, but I would love to plant Freddie Mercury Roses at my house. That soft yellow, pinkish/apricot color is stunning. I don't think they are available for purchase anymore, but even when they were, you couldn't get them in the US. I have the Freddie Rose as my Instant Messenger photo at work...I didn't want a picture of myself. I'm sure nobody knows what it is...but I do! |
CHEVYMAN 19.05.2020 12:12 |
Rainbow,I do agree about the ones that do get self absorbed and it not being about Freddie but themselves.I just can’t bring myself to watch that tribute However I bet axel Rose was amazing he is my wild man.Bless the ones that took their time to honor I know it was a difficult but rewarding thing to give. |
MyHumanZoo 19.05.2020 18:41 |
So I finally watched the tribute concert this weekend. I had avoided it for years....it just seemed too final, like once I listened to it Freddie’s death is real and that’s it. My logical self knows he is gone, but somehow that concert felt real enough to experience his death all over again. Plus, I knew no one could do the songs like he did, and I didn’t want to hear other artist’s interpretations. And finally...it felt wrong to see the other guys having fun without Freddie! But I decided it was time...and I have to admit I really enjoyed it. All the artists were good, and tried to honor Freddie. I was just floored by the number of people in attendance, and the rollicking good time they were having. Most of all, it looked like John Deacon was having so much fun...that broke my heart. Because it was really the end for him with those big performances, and I so wish he could have kept having that fun somehow. I did love the end, where Roger signs off and Freddie in his crown and robe came on....very emotional!! While I’m on the emotional stuff, I am wondering, every time I read a Freddie book, as I am reading it just feels like maybe this time the ending will be different, and that Freddie will survive this time. Does anyone else ever feel that? It’s like...we know how he contracted it and the timing and all, and maybe if he had just done things a little differently, or stayed on his meds a bit longer at the end he would have been around today. And my mind always seems to go there....I always feel like the ending will change, and then I am even more sad when the book is done that he is gone. It is probably just my own weird reaction! |
Rainbow61 19.05.2020 23:23 |
MHZ....I know exactly how you feel about wanting the ending to be different. I also feel the same way every time I watch West Side Story! It's amazing that the tribute concert sold out in just a few hours, before the line-up had even been announced. It shows how much Freddie was loved...people just wanted to be part of the collective send-off. Can't imagine what it was like for Brian, Roger, and John to perform that day, though, without Freddie. |
Katydyd5 20.05.2020 01:52 |
Jo, thanks for the link to the Tribute concert. I marked it with the intention of watching it later. I did notice that the link said it would be up for only 48 hours but I figured I have so much time on my hands that I would have no problem fitting it in. Well, I forgot and now the link is gone. I have seen bits and pieces of it on YouTube and I'm always impressed that you can feel the love everyone was feeling for the event, the band and the man. I did start to watch Jo's link when she first put it up, but lack of time made me scroll to the end and I saw Freddie in the robe and crown. So emotional! I'm sure you all saw Queen open the Academy Awards 2 years ago (??)/ When Freddie appeared in the crown at the end of their performance at the Awards it just grabbed my heart. MHZ, I get how you feel when you are reading Freddie books. I always make sure no one is around when I get to the end of the books because I know how I'm going to be. I know what happens, but it never fails to break my heart. So many "what ifs?" Rainbow, we have had non-stop torrential downpours beginning last night and going all through the day. There has been massive flash flooding in the area with lots of road closures. I'm so worried my plants will drown. For the first time ever I can't get my morning glory seeds to germinate and I think it's because the ground has just been too wet. I did have one hummingbird come by on a scouting expedition the other day. And some stinkin' squirrel dug up a pot of dirt I had ready for some basil. It's definitely spring here. |
MyHumanZoo 20.05.2020 13:30 |
Rainbow, where do you go to do your metal detecting? I’ve only seen it at beaches...guessing you probably wouldn’t find sleigh bells there, lol! Katydid, if you can find that version of the tribute concert online it would be worth watching. I liked it because it was edited, it was just the performances with no time in-between, and no excess stuff. I think before the versions I saw were maybe 3 hours long, another reason to put off watching! But this version was 1 1/2 hrs, and no Liz Taylor speech, Bowie doing the Lord’s Prayer or that kind of stuff. We have had non-stop rain and flooding too, although today is finally supposed to be dry. I am worried about my flowers too, they look pretty drowned. Hopefully they will bounce back. And in the middle of all that our geothermal unit konked out on Sunday, so no air conditioning or heat. They are here for the next 2 days replacing the thing, so I have workers swarming my house. The only good part is that maybe all the activity will stop the stupid cardinal that has been banging against our windows for the last 3 weeks! He has a nest in the bushes near the window, and seems to be attacking his reflection all day long. So it is thud, thud, thud....all the daylight hours. I tried putting things in the windows, leaving the lights on, even covering the windows outside with towels. He just moves to another window to do it! He’s got to have long term brain damage by now! I know it is slowly driving me crazy and I’m not the one hitting my head.... : ) |
CHEVYMAN 20.05.2020 15:11 |
Rainbow, You would love the town I live in I live in a military historical town they are always finding things from the war with their metal detectors. Last year they just did repairs on the military barracks the soldiers were housed in and people can check the sites out free of charge when they come to town it’s pretty cool. |
Rainbow61 20.05.2020 23:12 |
MHZ and Chevy...My husband and I detect in a large farm field...we got permission from the owner to detect there. We have done detecting on small beaches, but we mainly find bottle caps and bits of aluminum foil! That's kind of a drag because we still put all those unwanted items in our bags to carry out and dispose of. Once the corn starts to grow, maybe several inches high, we won't detect there until it is harvested, so our window of opportunity is small. People have to be very careful about where they detect. Many places, especially those of historic significance, are illegal to detect on. Also, one should never detect on private property unless permission has been granted. Most people who detect are really passionate about history and abide by the rules of detecting. They have found thousands of artifacts that have gone into museums. However, there are always those few who give the hobby a bad name. Now that the Freddie birthday party has been cancelled in Montreux, are they just moving this year's "pink and black" theme to next year, or might they have something else planned for his 75th birthday? Also, I would imagine in November of 2021, sadly the 30 year anniversary of Freddie's death, there will be some kind of special memoriam. |
CHEVYMAN 21.05.2020 00:50 |
Rainbow,I’m glad you and your hubby get together and enjoy this hobby you have with metal detecting.I have picked up a new hobby I love to draw but I found adult coloring books please don’t laugh it really is relaxing and I enjoy it, I like playing my guitar but my hands go numb on me so I had to give that one up for right now.I hope to pick it up soon again it’s been a big part of my life since I was young and my fathers. |
Katydyd5 21.05.2020 12:14 |
MHZ. I know you pre-ordered Rudi's book. Did you see that instructions for pre-ordering have been simplified? If you are still listening to his Live IGs on Sunday you already know this. I gave up on those a couple of weeks ago when he began spending more time on other artists. Anyway, here's the pre-order site in case you were unaware. Says even those who have pre-ordered by the original method should go here and not wait for the second email. link |
CHEVYMAN 21.05.2020 13:50 |
I guess a lot of people have preordered Rudis book. I certainly don’t want to detour or push my opinion on anyone. Hopefully he will be more organized this time around I think I shall wait and see what happens .I know a lot of the ladies in group have ordered I think you pay extra for a personal message on your book. if that’s the case by the time you pay for little extras you could buy two books well let me shut up I’m not buying one preordered anyway. Thanks for info though I don’t follow him I got a bad taste in my mouth over something I don’t know to be fact but just suspicion so that’s for me to deal with. Happy Thursday this week went fast guys. |
MyHumanZoo 21.05.2020 14:47 |
Very interesting Rainbow....I didn’t even realize detecting was done for historical pieces but it makes sense. It must be exciting every time it goes off! Thank Katydid, I did see the instructions for preordering on Rudy’s book, so I went ahead and did it. I’m glad he finally got it figured out. I saw a link on a fan page for an interview with Brian today, and in watching it discovered I have a channel called AXS on my tv and it has lots of old concerts on it. So now I am watching some great stuff! It’s the little things that make me happy! |
Jo T. 24.05.2020 04:58 |
MyHumanZoo wrote: Steven, it’s very interesting for sure, and we probably won’t know or understand it all for years. I am now reading “And the Band Played On” about the AIDS epidemic and how it all evolved...and the parallels are crazy! One would think after so many years we would have had a response to this type of thing more defined. But here we are, with many of the same issues and problems, although at least the timeline seems to be shorter on this one. I have some huge reactions to the differences between then and now about the ability to shut things down....I will save that for another day when I have finished the book.@MHZ, I’ve been reading Randy Shilts’ excellent – but imperfect - “And the Band Played On: Politics, People, and the AIDS Epidemic,” too, on/off for the past few mos. Tell me when you’re done reading it. We can share our thoughts on the book. I welcome others, too. Yes, the parallels between the book and today’s COVID-19 pandemic are crazy - and scary! Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in the U.S. is also mentioned in the 1987 book! Have you read that far yet? Thank God for the “DRAMATIS PERSONAE” at the start of the book. The book has so many players. I constantly have to refer back to it. It’s hard to keep track of the names of all the scientists, physicians, AIDS patients, political advocates, etc. Even though I have yet to complete the book - I'm working on it - I've read enough pages to strongly believe that it should’ve been nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-Fiction or the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting, but it wasn’t. The late Randy Shilts was a tremendously, tremendously talented journalist. I mourn his loss. Ironically, he himself succumbed to AIDS in 1994 at the age of 42. He passed away 3 years after Freddie Mercury. Sadly, even though it has been 40(+) years since HIV/AIDS was 1st identified in the U.S., there remains no cure or vaccine. I pray it's not the same for COVID-19 and that the timeline is shorter, like you said. I also pray that those who have developed the antibody to COVID-19 after they've recovered from the infection have immunity. I try not to get my hopes up too high whenever I learn in the news about potential treatments and/or vaccines being developed. I fear they'll get dashed, but I remain cautiously optimistic. |
Rainbow61 25.05.2020 14:23 |
An update on Brian's gardening accident...which evolved into something much scarier! I'm relieved...and shocked at the same time. link |
Katydyd5 25.05.2020 15:36 |
Rainbow, thanks for sharing that! I was stunned when I read it. I think Brian leads a fairly healthy life and this shows that heart issues can happen to anyone. I understand the sciatic pain because I have dealt with it in the past. It became all consuming for me and I ended up needed an epidural to get past it. I also have a collapsed disc in my back which causes me some problems. No wonder he was a bit depressed. I hope it goes well as he recovers. It's made me more aware of his age and that he's a treasure I want to be around for a long time. Jo, I haven't read And the Band Played On, though I did see the movie. I'll be interested to see what you and other readers think. I hope everyone is doing well. We've been a bit quiet here so I assume we are all busy. I was part of a drive-by birthday parade for my grandson on Friday. I don't know if this is common across the states, but in our area emergency vehicles will participate in the birthday drive-bys so he had a fire engine in his parade. He doesn't like to be the center of attention but he could not resist the fun of the parade. He was so delighted it just warned my heart. I had my DIL and a close friend by for a while on Saturday. We sat out on the deck in the breeze and just talked. It was so good to see friends in person. That's the extent of my celebration of this holiday for me. It dismays and actually angers me to see the huge crowds across the US participating in holiday fun. I haven't loved being shut in for two months now, but I'm not going to break free and go crazy! I desperately need a hair cut but I just read a good resource on activities that are safe, and hair salons were near the bottom of the list for safety. Plus I think my stylist is going to retire so I'd have to go to a new place. Nope, not yet. Take care my friends and be well! |
JB050 25.05.2020 16:01 |
Hi all! Rainbow. Thanks so much for sharing Brian’s video. I have so much respect for him. What an honest “conversation”. He went through a lot. So glad he’s on the other side of it now. How’s everyone doing? Did you see the Queen and Adam “you are the champions” release? And, so exciting to see that Thor and Lee’s book is approved. Woo hoo! I haven’t read thru recent posts yet so am probably repeating on both. :-) |
JB050 25.05.2020 16:03 |
Jo T. I second that about Robert Plant’s performance at the tribute concert. |
Rainbow61 25.05.2020 17:49 |
Reading Brian's news was startling. I'm glad he acted quickly and didn't ignore his symptoms simply because he has a healthy lifestyle (non-smoking vegetarian who exercises and is not over-weight.) Someone who might otherwise think "I can't be having a heart attack". He truly is a treasure in many ways...a man I deeply admire. Katydyd...Sounds like you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. Did the fire trucks spray water on people? They do that here during the 4th of July parade when it is really hot out. So glad your niece is doing better...that must have been scary for her family. Jo T. I started reading "And the Band Played On" about 15 years ago. I completely agree with your comment about how hard it is to keep track of all the people. I recall getting about a third of the way through the book, but never finished. I have seen the movie numerous times though. The film did a nice job of capturing the fear and frustration that existed at that time, although as you said, the book (and movie) are imperfect. I don't remember who made the comment about reading multiple books at the same time, but I have often done the same thing. Currently, I am reading the non-fiction history story "Empire of the Summer Moon" about Cynthia Ann Parker, her son Quanah Parker, and the conflict between the Comanche and settlers in Texas. It was a Pulitzer Prize finalist...totally absorbing. |
Amidds 26.05.2020 14:33 |
Hi everyone! Last Wed, I started going back into the office. My mother could no longer push off some tests and had to go to the hospital for them. She's fine, just regular testing, but I figured I might as well get back to work as a hospital will probably be the worst exposure for us! I was hoping that getting back to a regular routine would help me feel less discombobulated but, not yet lol! Rainbow - the metal detecting sounds so interesting! Have you ever tried it in a national park? I don't know what the restrictions on that would be but, I imagine that might be somewhat fruitful!! I did not watch the tribute concert though I have seen in before. I remember it being pretty cool but, whenever I hear an artist besides Freddie sing Queen songs, I tend to mentally make comparisons and can't fully enjoy. Wish I could! I have actually been out shopping when a remake of Killer Queen has been on in the store and literally stopped what I was doing cause it kinda threw me off!!! I just heard about Brian on the news this morning. I didn't watch the YT link from Rainbow yet but I was SHOCKED! I know Brian is "older" but, never expected that! As the Band Played On......I don't think I have read that one but it sounds like something I've been tempted to pick up a number of times. Wondering why I haven't now.....is that the one that focused on patient zero so much???? I'm sure I'm getting something confused here! |
MyHumanZoo 26.05.2020 18:39 |
Jo T....I have just finished reading And the Band Played On...I agree it is really excellent! The level of investigation on it is just amazing. I have to also agree that it gets very confusing with the amount of people and where they are relevant. At first I referred back to try and keep everyone straight, but after a while I just stopped and usually could figure it out after a few pages, and if not I decided they maybe weren't that significant to the story. I think the most moving parts were reading about the relationships and what they all had to go through as the disease progressed, and just how loving and supportive their partners and friends were to them. It made me think of Freddie and how awful it must have been for him as his condition went downhill. And to not have any real treatments or hope, it is staggering to imagine it, and how many went through it all! The one thing that was never revealed was why the gay population with AIDS got Kaposi's Sarcoma, and yet others that got AIDS (hemophiliacs, Haitians, etc.) did not get that very often. He talked a lot about it, but no resolution. Maybe it hadn't been figured out yet when he wrote the book, I think it would be interesting to know the answer. And yes AMIDDS, this is the one that talked about patient zero a lot. It is hard to believe that anyone would be so cavalier about giving someone else a disease. Katydid, I'm glad your grandson got a nice parade! The fire fighters and police will do the drive by celebrations here now too, it is really great for the kids. I live in the city limits so I often hear the sirens during the day and it is nice to know that someone is getting a pick-me-up! On Brian's latest health info, I must say that is a sobering disclosure. I guess I know he and Roger are getting up there in age, but I have always figured they were getting the best care and are being healthy so they probably didn't have something like a heart attack lurking. It just goes to show that no one is untouchable and that even a clean bill of health doesn't mean we'll be ok. I hope he recovers quickly and gets back to playing and feeling like his old self again soon. |
Katydyd5 27.05.2020 00:55 |
I just stuck And The Band Played on in my Amazon cart, but I'll have to think about it for a while. I think I tried to read it once before and got bogged down. I rarely quit on a book though so that would have been unusual for me. I know I saw the movie. Currently I'm plodding through a book about the Tudors and I'm often confused about who some of the people are. Luckily I know the history well enough that I can skim over a lot of the intrigue and just get on with it. MHZ, I know what you mean about Brian and Roger's age. I do think about it sometimes. It's one of the reasons I made it a point to get to the Queen+AL concert last summer. I'm so grateful I did because who knows if they will be able to tour again. Rainbow, we did a tiny bit of metal detecting at the shore years ago, but never found much of anything. I've often thought that going south of here for a couple of hours might yield some Civil War finds. |
Rainbow61 27.05.2020 07:49 |
Amidds...Metal detecting in a national park would be fascinating, however, detecting on federal properties such as National Parks, National Historical Sites and Monuments, and Native American Lands is a felony. You can be fined up to $10,000 and possibly go to prison! It is illegal to even have a detector at those sites. Having said that, the National Park Service has often utilized the skills of volunteer metal detectorists to find artifacts in battlefields and other historic sites during controlled archaeological surveys. I have never done anything like that before, but would gladly participate if I had the opportunity. Katydyd...I would love to find Civil War artifacts if I had permission to detect on someone's private property. Alas, I don't live anywhere close to where Civil War history took place! Chevy...Coloring books for adults are very popular. I have a few, but never use them. The ones I have are far too detailed and drive me nuts! Katydyd...I still hold out hope that Queen+AL will tour again in the US. However, now that their European tour dates have been pushed back a year, I suppose that is less likely. If they do return, I would probably go to more than one show this time. I thought about, then dismissed, seeing them in NYC after the show I saw outside of Boston last year. At that point, only resale tickets were available and they were ridiculously priced. Also, finding a place to stay outside of NYC, taking a train in, getting to the venue (walking a ways or possibly taking the Subway) and then repeating that after the show was just WAY too complicated and overwhelming for this small city gal. MHZ...I just watched a great interview on YouTube with Laurie Lynd, the writer/director of a 2019 film entitled "Killing Patient Zero". The purpose of the film is to correct the harm that Lynd believes was done to Gaetan Dugas' name. Lynd talks about "And the Band Played On" and Randy Shilts (a man he greatly admires). I have never seen Lynd's film, but the interview was interesting. link |
CHEVYMAN 27.05.2020 13:08 |
I saw the movie and the band played on but didn’t read the book the movie had a slow start. I noticed that it was so much like a puzzle as they had no clue but finally figured out it was being sexually transmitted. It’s a very good reference book for those wanting to learn about the origins of that virus.Good choice in books JT! |
CHEVYMAN 27.05.2020 17:16 |
Rainbow, My heart does go out to Gaetan”s family it must be terrible to watch your family suffer like that and be falsely accused. He was so cooperative with them it really helped them figure out they were dealing with a disease that was sexually transmitted. Someone had to give it to him though and the person before that so really he just wasn’t the villain they claimed him to be. I’m glad they did this for his family I respect their silence a friend of his said he was one of the most kind giving people you could ever meet.i forget it was on utube somewhere. He wasn’t doing anything in my opinion that anyone else wasn’t and it’s good he was so kind and helped the investigation.As far as him knowingly infecting other men I doubt he did I think at first they thought eit was cancer . so no one was taking precautions if anything because of his picture I think a lot of people started using condoms but sadly for many it was too late. |
CHEVYMAN 27.05.2020 17:16 |
Rainbow, My heart does go out to Gaetan”s family it must be terrible to watch your family suffer like that and be falsely accused. He was so cooperative with them it really helped them figure out they were dealing with a disease that was sexually transmitted. Someone had to give it to him though and the person before that so really he just wasn’t the villain they claimed him to be. I’m glad they did this for his family I respect their silence a friend of his said he was one of the most kind giving people you could ever meet.i forget it was on utube somewhere. He wasn’t doing anything in my opinion that anyone else wasn’t and it’s good he was so kind and helped the investigation.As far as him knowingly infecting other men I doubt he did I think at first they thought eit was cancer . so no one was taking precautions if anything because of his picture I think a lot of people started using condoms but sadly for many it was too late. |
Jo T. 27.05.2020 17:40 |
R.I.P. Larry Kramer! @stevendabudgie, till you recommended the documentary "How to Survive a Plague" last year, I learned about the AIDS activist/writer for the very 1st time. Thank you! @MHZ, OMG, you're done reading the 600-page "And the Band Played On" already? I'm only halfway through it. Larry Kramer figured so prominently in the book. After I get done reading it, I'll start on Kramer's works. I'm very saddened, but at least Mr. Kramer got to live to the age of 84, through the help of modern medicine (antiretroviral therapy or ART). He himself was HIV(+). BTW, he passed away from pneumonia. I copied and pasted below Dr. Fauci's comment about his late friend on 5-27-20.: “This is a very, very sad day. It’s the passing of a true icon,” Fauci told The Associated Press, saying he was glad that he’d recently had a chance for a last phone call with Kramer. “I had a very long and complicated and ultimately wonderful relationship with him over more than three decades,” Fauci said. “We went from adversaries to acquaintances to friends to really, really dear friends.” |
CHEVYMAN 27.05.2020 18:05 |
My Human zoo, Brian’s ordeal is quite scary all my dads 8 siblings have stents or some kind of heart surgery and diabetes he doesn’t though. one brother has CHF and had a bad heart attack and still doesn’t watch his fluid intake.Indians are pretty bad about being diabetic and having heart disease but Brian was the picture of health. |
Amidds 27.05.2020 18:14 |
Rainbow - that's too bad about the national parks! Make sense on their part but, that's where I would want to do it! Kind of like, if I ever had the opportunity, I would love to participate in an archeological dig!!! I know it's not the same but I feel like the excitement in finding something good would be the same :) Gaetan Dugas - that's the name I couldn't think of before regarding the book! Geez, he and John Murphy really got the raw end in the older reporting didn't they? It's nice to see people are still trying to clear up the info but, like most things online, once it's out there, you can't really stop it! I just may have to grab that book now with how you all talk about it!!! Finally watched the Brian May that Rainbow posted. Poor guy had a series of really bad luck huh? So glad that he seems to be getting over all of that! I had a herniated disk about 1 1/2 yrs ago, the month before my daughters wedding. I was able to attend the wedding w/o any pain as long as I didn't twist or dance, thank God! The herniation was severe enough to pinch 2 nerves which still cause me problems. No pain but I'm still somewhat limited in lifting, certain movements so, I can only guess that Brian may have a long road ahead of him and may have to alter his lifestyle a little. Even so, he's very fortunate to be getting over the pain and have his heart problem seemingly resolved!!! |
MyHumanZoo 27.05.2020 18:35 |
Katydid, I saw them last summer too, and for the exact same reason. I thought this may be my last chance. I saw them once in Columbus and it was so good I actually traveled down to Charlotte and caught their last US show. I have to say, I never dreamed it would be as good as it was. I didn’t stop smiling the whole time...and I don’t think I slept the night afterward either, I was so jacked up! Rainbow, thanks for that link. I did feel like the guilt placed on Dugas in the book was excessive, Shilts really hammered that in. I remember thinking that no one could be quite that callous, but then with the level of deep investigation it seemed like there had to be some truth to it. As much as Shilts went into so much detail, with so many interviews and such, I think some is probably true....in fact they even say in that video clip that Dugas could remember 72 of his sexual partners which made him good for the study. But like all stories, I have a feeling that his actions were not really to the extent (and not as villainous) as Stilts made it to be either. As all things, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle! I need to find the movie and watch it now. For those of you that like hearing Brian and Roger narrate things, below is a link to them narrating their greatest hits. It’s fun to hear their input! Hopefully it works, I’m not great with links! link |
CHEVYMAN 27.05.2020 21:45 |
MHZ, The movie is on utube the whole entire thing. Just click in the title. |
Katydyd5 27.05.2020 23:15 |
Jo T, you mentioned ATBPO is 600 pages. I took it right back out of my cart. I'm not adverse to big fat books, but the book I'm currently reading is close to 700 and I'm just not ready to take on another one. Plus, I do think I either read or attempted to read it years ago. MHZ, I'm trying to think when I "met" you. I think I first became aware of you on the book thread, rather than on Thor's old threads, right? I'm asking because I saw Queen+AL in Columbus too! We could have met for dinner or something before the concert. I was up way high in the arena. How about you? We considered staying in the city because we had kind of a long drive home and it was late at night, but like you, we were so jazzed there wasn't a moment of tiredness! I'm so glad I got to see them. |
MyHumanZoo 28.05.2020 16:08 |
Chevy, I was talking about seeing the Band Played On movie, is the link for that one there? I must admit, I never look to see how big a book is when I get them on Kindle, so I didn’t know the book was 600 pages. I just kind of monitor as I read, and when I noticed it took about 6 hours to read 1% of the book I realized what I had done, lol! Katydid, I can’t believe we were both at Columbus! We definitely could have met up. I was sitting about halfway up on Brian’s side of the stage, I wanted to be as close to him as I could afford. Now I kind of wish I was farther back to see the screens and also see the guys when they came to the end of the center aisle part of the stage and sang Love of My Life, etc. but it was still fantastic. We stayed out in a suburb town, can’t remember the name at the moment. We didn’t want to pay the expensive downtown hotel prices. The next day we drove over to the tennis tourney in Mason, I was tired but we had a blast there too. I think you and I first met on the book thread, I didn’t really participate much on Thor’s thread. |
Katydyd5 28.05.2020 16:35 |
MHZ, I just got around to listening to the link you shared of Brian and Roger narrating Queen's greatest hits. I LOVED it! Thanks for sharing. The stories they tell add so much to the music and it's just so obvious how close they all were. They speak of Freddie with such affection. This is exactly the type of thing that appeals to me. I'm so interested in the back stories of the band. I can't believe I almost missed your link because this was a delight. I'm sharing it again just in case others can't find it: link I really am sorry we missed the chance to meet at the concert. And you were practically in my backyard at the tennis tournament. Funny how lives cross...…………..We were dependent on the screens to see a lot of the action because we were up a ways., but I didn't care. If I'm picturing the arena correctly we were in the first section up from the floor, hmmmmm, or maybe the middle section up from the floor.It didn't circle the whole arena, just the area directly in front of the stage. Definitely not the nose bleed section, I wont do those. Wherever we were, there were people just to our left sitting at high top tables and waitresses were bring them food and drinks. I count it as the best concert I've ever been to and I"ve been to a fair amount. |
CHEVYMAN 28.05.2020 17:00 |
MHz, Go to utube type in and the band plays on movie and the entire movie pops up to watch. |
MyHumanZoo 29.05.2020 14:33 |
Katydid, I’m glad you liked the commentary from Brian and Roger, I love those too! I really wish they would do it on more things, it can’t take long and it is so interesting and entertaining. I was in the first section above the floor at the concert too, just way on the right side. We were right on the aisle so I was able to get up and dance around, it was such a blast! I have been to a decent number of concerts, but this is this first rock type concert in quite a few years. I think my very first concert was seeing Loverboy waaaayyyy back when! |
Rainbow61 29.05.2020 22:07 |
MHZ....Thanks for the link to the Brian/Roger greatest hits song discussion. I had never seen that one before...watched it a couple of nights ago and enjoyed it very much! Brian and Roger talk about Freddie with such warmth and respect. In addition, I find their voices very relaxing. Katydyd and MHZ...When I saw Queen in Montreal, I was half way up on the left side. In Connecticut, I was about half way up on the right side (Brian's side). We had a direct view of the part of the stage that projected into the audience for both of those shows. For the concert at the Xfinity Center outside of Boston last year, I was a little more than half way back, slightly left of center from the front of the stage. All of the seats were pretty good, but I did rely a lot on the big screen. I would definitely pay more to sit closer the next time (fingers crossed) they tour in the US/Canada. Without a doubt, last year's concert had the best crowd energy and is my all time favorite show! My first rock concert was "Cheap Trick"...about 40 years ago. Yikes....where did the time go? |
CHEVYMAN 30.05.2020 20:43 |
Rainbow, I here you my First concert was kiss in 1991 I think. I was 17 years old it was a blast I can still remember in art class painting all their faces on ceramics. I thought I was so cool. I also did masks of the house of pain they were pretty wicked. I wanted desperately to go to a Metallica concert but I never got too I loved that song enter sandman. I used to listen to some way out their. That was long ago I’m old and so are all those artists lol. |
CHEVYMAN 30.05.2020 20:47 |
I wish I had the privilege to have been old enough to attend a Queen concert but when they were touring the US I was maybe 8 or 9 When is the last time they toured in the US? |
CHEVYMAN 30.05.2020 20:53 |
I know this is off the subject but heavy on my mind their were two missing toddlers sister and Brother in Tulsa Oklahoma about 2hours from me. They finally drained a pond and found both their little bodies this saddens me their mother went to sleep and left them awake in the house. They got out and this tragedy happened. I keep my grandson a lot I go to sleep he goes to sleep right beside me you can’t second guess a small child. This is incredibly sad. |
MyHumanZoo 01.06.2020 15:55 |
Chevy, that is so sad about those children, my heart goes out to the family! I had a crazy experience the other day, I heard pounding on my door, like crazy urgent pounding, and there was a young boy about 10 or so babbling about his baby sister, she was gone and his mom went for a jog and his dad took off and the boy was absolutely frantic because they have a big pond on their property. it sounded at first like his dad had come and taken off with the little girl, but it was hard to tell because he was in a panic and hard to understand. I finally figured out where he lives and I know his parents, they are the nicest people and would never do anything harmful, so we got in my car and drove over to his house. He told me his dad had gone to the store to get something for a problem in the house he was fixing. I was pretty sure his dad had taken the little girl with him to the store, but I checked all over the property around the pond and such and tried calling his dad, who didn't answer. A few minutes later his mom arrived back from her run and she said dad had taken the little girl to the store (local hardware store where you can't get cell service inside). All was ok, it was just that the boy didn't realize that dad had his sister and thought she had come to harm, poor little guy! He was just sobbing, I told him it was all ok and he did the right thing to come and find me. I'm glad it all had a happy ending, I was praying the whole time that I would not find that little girl floating in the pond. It took a long time for my heart rate to go down after that! I finished the Into the Wild book that you guys recommended, it was good. So what is the thought on this....do you guys think he realized going into his Alaskan hike that he would probably die? I am just flabbergasted that he would not prepare more fully for something like that...not having the right equipment or training or anything, it sure seems like a death wish. He was obviously quite smart, so he had to have known what could happen without adequate prep, wouldn't he? I have to say I just don't understand that wandering life of having nothing and living on the edge. Although I would love to be able to travel to all those places and hike them, see the land and camp and live out in the wild for a while and experience that peace and beauty, I would not do it without money, resources, and food, lol! |
CHEVYMAN 01.06.2020 20:27 |
MHZ, I’m glad the boys sister was okay I looked after my brother too we had a pond too when I was 6 and he was 2 my parents were always preoccupied if you catch my drift. So he was like my child I did most of the watching. Hope everyone is having a lovely day it’s gorgeous outside.We have been missing TUHI I hope she is just busy with summer or bird watching I gave up on that I can’t be still enough.I’m way too hyper for that ever time I go out they fly away the only thing that sticks around is the neighbors dog that try’s to jump my leg. I’m the only one he does to lol! |
CHEVYMAN 01.06.2020 20:28 |
I meant hump my leg lol |
stevendabudgie 01.06.2020 20:56 |
@MyHumanZoo I neither read the book nor watched the movie, but the story is interesting. It sounds like he he had been a spiritual person and felt alienated from society for years. He might have lost grip on reality, slipping into a psychotic episode. Maybe he was unhappy with his life, but did not know any alternatives to life style. Maybe he wanted a brush with death leading either to an epiphany or his death. I myself would never go into the woods on my own, let alone. without enough resources. |
Rainbow61 01.06.2020 23:11 |
MHZ...Wow...That was a frightening story! Kudos to your young neighbor who sprang into action and to you for being such a calming presence. I feel bad for him though...that unpleasant memory will stay with him forever. I guess the dad should have let him know he was taking his sister with him. Also, I can't imagine how you felt while walking around that pond. That is just terrifying. I have only seen the movie "Into the Wild" and have not read the book. I have read some articles about the story though. Opinions about Chris' adventure are quite varied. Many idolize him as an idealistic free-spirit, an adventurer who lived life on his own terms, throwing off the restraints of a materialistic society to live freely in the beautiful Alaskan wild. His abandoned bus has become a mystical shrine, inspiring thousands of hikers to pay homage over the years. On the other hand, some believe that Chris was wholly unprepared to live off the land in a place as harsh and unforgiving as the Alaskan wilderness, and as such, he is looked upon with some disdain....his bus being seen as a shrine to stupidity. I wonder what the opinion is of Alaska State Police, National Park Service rangers, or local Fire/Rescue Department personnel who have to save "McCandless Pilgrims" who get sick, hurt, or lost in their attempt to reach the bus? Just this past February, five hikers had to be rescued...one with severe frostbite to his feet. Crossing the river can also be quite treacherous...a couple of women have drowned attempting to do so. |
Katydyd5 02.06.2020 00:22 |
MHZ, your story about your neighbor is frightening The good thing is that the young boy knew to come to you for help. That says something about you. I'm glad it all worked out. Kids are so fascinated by water and it's imperative to set rules and watch them constantly. I read "Into The Wild" some time ago and I remember admiring the free spirit and courage, but by the end of the book I was almost angry at Chris for his complete unpreparedness to live off the land. His story should be a cautionary tale but for too many, it encourages them to take risks. Speaking of books, I was perusing Queenonline.com because I've been looking for face masks with a Queen theme. I do have one Freddie Mercury mask but I'd like another. While looking I discovered there is a new book coming out in October. I believe the title is Queen- The Neal Preston Photographs. According to the description there are over 300 photos of concerts and behind the scenes with the band. Apparently Brian and Roger are also contributing. The page said the book is available for pre-order, so I checked Amazon. I want a bit more information about the book before I order, but I thought the price of $40 was pretty reasonable for a coffee table book. Here's the link: link Does anyone know any further details about the book? There are some thumbnail photos from the book on the Amazon page and I have seen most of those photos before. One photo of Freddie and Mary was new to me though it had appeared on FB earlier this week. |
Jo T. 02.06.2020 02:26 |
@MHZ, I finally got done reading Randy Shilts’ “And the Band Played On” today. I feel like I had completed a literary marathon (Yes, Katydyd5, it was indeed over 600 pages.)! When I read that you (MHZ) had completed the book already, I quickly sprang into action! LOL BTW, I have yet to see the movie. Are you aware that both Dr. Robert Gallo (His team at the National Cancer Institute in the U.S. demonstrated that HIV was the virus that caused AIDS.) and Dr. Luc Montagnier (His team @ the Pasteur Institute in France were the 1st to isolate the HIV virus.) from the 1987 book are still alive today? 83-year-old Dr. Gallo and 87-year-old Dr. Montagnier were interviewed in separate interviews about COVID-19 about a month ago. You can catch the interviews on YouTube, except I couldn’t understand the French for Dr. Montagnier. We’re well-aware that 79-year-old Dr. Anthony Fauchi, who was mentioned in the book, is alive and well today, but 84-year-old Larry Kramer passed away on 5-27-20. I would love it if Drs. Fauci, Gallo and Montagnier work together and live long enough to find effective treatment and/or develop a vaccine for COVID-19! Again, it’s crazy – and scary - the parallels between today’s coronavirus pandemic and HIV/AIDS in the early ‘80s. From the book, I was appalled at the blood banks’ greed (including the venerable American Red Cross) and how resistant they were to testing donated blood, as well as the U.S. government’s initial apathy to HIV/AIDS, because AIDS affected mainly the “4 H’s” as referenced in the book (homosexuals, Haitians, heroin IV-users and hemophiliacs) vs. mainstream America. It was hard to read about the horrendous AIDS deaths and the impacts on their families and friends. @Amidds, yes, Patient Zero or Patient 0 was mentioned in detail in “And the Band Played On.” However, the name John Murphy was NOT mentioned at all in the Shilts’ book. The “O” in Patient 0 was meant to be “O” for “Out of California,” not zero. Gaetan Dugas was a Canadian citizen vs. a U.S. citizen, a California resident. However, the letter "O" got mistaken for the numerical “0” or zero, hence Patient 0 (zero). Even though he was no saint (He continued to have unprotected sex in bathhouses, even after he was warned by medical professionals he could spread HIV. It was probably due to denial and anger.), it was later proven scientifically many years later that Gaetan was inaccurately identified as the person who introduced AIDS to North America. Even though I greatly admire Shilts as a journalist, he should never have “outed” Gaetan Dugas' name. I don’t believe Shilts shared Gaetan’s name for malevolent reasons. He felt it was for the greater good and for truth in journalism, but he should’ve respected Gaetan Dugas’ privacy. His name was unfairly maligned due to unintentional inaccuracy. @Rainbow61, I watched the YouTube video you shared of the interview of Laurie Lynd, Canadian writer/director, of the 2019 documentary “Killing Patient Zero.” I haven’t seen the documentary but would be interested. I esp. would like to see his next project, a feature documentary about journalist Randy Shilts, after it’s completed. I’m one of the ones who had read journalist Jon Krakauer’s “Into the Wild” and saw the movie based on the book. MHZ, if you’d like a book recommendation, I’d recommend Krakauer’s excellent, non-fiction “Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster,” where he was a member of a group of mountain climbers who scaled Mt. Everest in 1996, and many of them perished in a storm during the descent. I own both the paperback version and later on, I bought the hardcover edition that included awesome photos. About “Into the Wild,” Christopher McCandless was only 24-years-old when he died. Do I feel he was ill-prepared and foolish to venture into the Alaskan backcountry on his own? Yes, but he was also young, idealistic and romantic. He was a dreamer. Weren’t we all – or many of us - or was it only me? LOL Darwin had mercy. I was spared. When you’re young, you feel invincible and take unnecessary risks. I read the book back in 2007, not long after the movie came out, so my memory isn’t fresh. I don’t recall feeling Chris was self-nihilistic or depressed and suicidal. I believe he wanted to live. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 02:41 |
Katy, I don’t know if it’s a fact but someone said on another thread they are photos they had seen before but 300 is a lot of photos so I’m not sure. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 02:59 |
People are gonna need 5 coffee tables by the time all these lovely books come out . I also think Dugas should’ve had his privacy if anything they had no clue and he helped them out tremendously.I do think he should’ve followed advice about the bathhouses. But truly no telling how many strains of the virus a person would be infected with and if they have had several sexual partners I’m talking 50 or more.Good evening and sleep well. |
Rainbow61 02.06.2020 06:43 |
Jo T. I agree with you about one's youth being more of a risk-taking time. I did things years ago that I would never do now. When I was 18, I went on an overnight backpacking trip deep into the Adirondacks with several others. I was part of an Outdoor Club. It was February! We hiked through the mountains and had to snowshoe across a lake to get to our destination. We slept in an open lean-to that night. It was freezing out, but at the time it was an exciting adventure. I also used to bike out to a local beach at night and go swimming in the dark...by myself. I never once felt uncomfortable doing that. I also doubt Chris McCandless embarked on his journey considering it could turn out the way it did. The recklessness of youth can be dangerous...and in his case, deadly. Katydyd....I saw the announcement of the new Neil Preston photograph book coming out in October. I'm sure the pictures will be beautiful and I do enjoy looking at Queen photo books, but I'm not sure I will order that one yet. I may wait to hear what others think first! One of my favorite picture books is "40 Years of Queen" but that's because of the many little pockets throughout the book filled with fun memorabilia items. |
Katydyd5 02.06.2020 12:17 |
Rainbow, I agree that youth is a time of risk-taking. I did some things then that make me wonder what I could possibly have been thinking. It made me cold just to read about your backpacking trip. I'm assuming you had a special cold weather sleeping bag. My eldest son went camping in Canada in the winter with the Scouts and I remember we had to buy a very expensive thermal (?) sleeping bag. I can't imagine snowshoeing across a frozen lake. I'm sure it was safe but I have a phobia about crossing ice that I just realized as I was writing this, comes from a poor choice I made in my childhood. It turned out ok, but could have been very serious. To this day I can't watch a movie scene where someone breaks through the ice. Biking to a lake and swimming alone??? Clearly, you don't read crime novels. : ) As for the Neil Preston book, I looked at the link again this morning and the price has changed and is now aligned with what I had heard about the book. I also did some Googling about Neil Preston and am impressed with his body of work. We will have seen most of the photos but I like the idea of a collection of his work. There will be some new pictures, but most will be familiar. The photo of Freddie and Mary looking at slides together was new to me and I think there will be other new pictures, though many may leak to the internet before the book comes out. I feel myself leaning towards purchasing the book for myself for Christmas. |
Amidds 02.06.2020 13:20 |
Wow MHZ - what a scary story! So glad it had a happy ending and he had such a nice neighbor to help him! I'm sure some people wouldn't have wanted to "get involved" :( Jo T. - the points you mentioned about patient 0 is exactly why I avoided reading that book. While I hope Shilts had the best of intentions, Dugas and his family had gone through so much due to this "error" that I find it hard to read those references after he has now "been cleared". Katydyd - I haven't heard anything about that book, thanks for bringing it up! I, too, will wait until I have heard more. I had gotten pretty excited about a couple of re-releases last year and bought a couple (The Treasures of Queen being one example) and was pretty disappointed. Plus, I feel as if people like to say "never before seens pics" and I've seen them all....many times....I don't know if they're baiting people or I am too obsessed that I've seen it all lol. Keep us updated if you find out more. Chevy - I laughed at your comment about having to get multiple coffee tables for these books. I only have one and don't have more room for tables, I might have to get my hubby to reinforce the one we have ;) |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 13:41 |
I too took some crazy risks as I was in my youth. There was a cliff where we all partied in the summer it was called pure hell and we would jump off of it. One of my friends took the dare and jumped broke his neck on the way down and to this day is a Quad in a wheel chair. He was in a nursing home a while meet his wife there she was his nurses aide. She was his angel and still is today. I feel guilty it was my idea to go out there but yes when we are young we take risks I was 17. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 14:06 |
Amidds, I felt so bad for Dugas people say he was a great friend and very giving . He helped them .No telling how long it would’ve took them to figure it out. He was right if he got by sex someone gave it to him. I just feel your sex life is your own buisness . Men went to bars to socialize with other men and dance and express themselves. I don’t see why that was anyone’s buisness you know. Then this plague came out and they just had to be the only ones with it because they were having more sex .Well I just think even with all the knowledge today they still catch a lot a lot of the blame.It was nuts to ask these men to remember all the sexual partners they have had. If you have casual sex you don”t always get a name and a number especially if the hookup was not satisfying lol. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 14:22 |
Ok the books here it goes I had a friend say it’s a free market so I’m gonna put my pennies thought in.I do believe these other two books coming out have a lot of collaborations with Queen productions and Jim Beach boy genius himself.I do think these books are coming out now as a ploy for sales in completion with Thor and Lees book. There I said it. I think what they are doing is a dirty thing to do.However, The fans want to know more about that intimate side of Freddie Thor and Lee got them over a barrel on that one. The others got his professional side that has been talked to death nothing new. They really didn’t know Freddie I don’t believe he still had his mask on he was pretending when he was around them. He was being the great pretender lol.Freddie was full of people inside himself.I believe only the guys saw the real him. |
Katydyd5 02.06.2020 15:34 |
Amidds, his publisher isn't advertising the Preston book as "never before seen" photos. Rather it's a restrospective of a rock photographers work with Queen over the years. Preston has published three other books of his photographs including one on Led Zepplin and two others that appear to be various artists both in concert and life. I enjoy photography books and the fact that this one happens to be based on Queen only increases my interest. Here's the picture of Freddie and Mary that was new to me. While many of his photos are already favorites of mine, the hope that there might be a few gems like this encourages me. Most likely I'll purchase this book based on his pure talent, and if I do I'll let you know what I think. You'll have to wait for October though. : ) |
MyHumanZoo 02.06.2020 18:06 |
Jo T, you must have ripped through that book pretty fast! I actually just watched the movie yesterday (thank you Chevy) and it was good, it really condensed a lot of info into a meaningful movie. It was quite interesting that at the beginning a group going to look at a bath house walked right by a poster with Freddie on it, and then when they were in the bath house itself they played Play the Game the whole time in the background of that scene! Sending a subtle message there...I suppose. I still marvel at the parallels between Covid and the AIDS virus. And the misinformation that comes out...of course when something new like this happens they are really just guessing on transmission modes, etc. And on the Krakouwer book (pretty sure I slaughtered that spelling) I finally realized why the name was so familiar, when you said the book Into Thin Air was by him it hit me...I actually heard him speak a few years ago! He spoke at a national sales meeting my company had and talked about his hike on Everest, it was fascinating. On the Preston book, I saw that was coming out for preorder, I haven't decided on that one yet. I saw that it was supposed to have some photos not seen before, so I am tempted to get it. I have never been one much for photo books, but if it has some good narrative in it then I might go for it. I don't think that they are in any way trying to compete with Thor and Lee's book, I'm not even sure they would have an idea that was coming out. I think everyone is just capitalizing on the resurgence of Queen after the BoRap movie. Since Queen has now been discovered by a new and younger audience that is thirsty for info on Queen and Freddie, this is the perfect time to come out with something. Rudi is doing the same thing..in fact now he is talking about maybe doing a Brian book and a Roger book....I have a lot of doubts that will ever happen though! |
MyHumanZoo 02.06.2020 18:11 |
And one other thing I was going to mention on Chris McCandless and his Alaskan hike...It has been shown that the male brain does not fully mature until age 25, meaning they have trouble with impulse control until that age. Which is why you see so many young men doing foolish things...and why their auto insurance rates are so much higher, lol! They not only are having impulse control, but the raging hormones of youth can drive them to do things that they would never do later in life with a clear head. So you have to wonder how much all of that played into his actions. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 19:18 |
MHZ, your correct men don’t fully mature till later in years that’s one reason I do like my male friends older I’m 46 and I prefer to have male friends in their late sixties early 70s even. I love to here their stories and love taking in their wisdom. They usually have good advise they don’t steer you wrong they have been there. At one point in my marriage of 27 years I had considered jumping ship I’m an impulsive person as well. I had a older guy friend that told me to not do that the grass isn’t greener on the other side of the fence. Well I listened and he was right. So you can learn a lot from fellas a few years ahead of you men your age lack sense I just can’t connect with them at all. |
CHEVYMAN 02.06.2020 19:31 |
As far asPreston”s book I think if it sparks your interests we are all individuals with different curiosities and many of you are avid readers and that’s a good thing.Looking at old photography is captivating. I personally like looking at. Paintings. Indian art is my passion but Japanese art is beautiful too. |
Katydyd5 03.06.2020 12:07 |
Good morning! I'm going to volunteer to be the guinea pig for all of you on the Preston book. : ) I'll go ahead and pre-order it based on my enjoyment of photography books in general and my love of Queen. I have not pre-ordered Rudi's book based only on his lack of organization. I fully intend to purchase it when it becomes available because I think it will be loaded with both professional and personal stories. I passed on Never Boring and Treasures of Queen so I'm ready to take this one on. It won't be released until October, but I'll let you all know what I think then! |
CHEVYMAN 03.06.2020 13:06 |
Good morning to you guys! As I lay last night I was thinking about the first thread started by Thor just wanting to connect and maybe get to know some of the people his friend held so high and gave so much thanks for everyday.It had been many years with him not under the public radar able to lead a normal life. Well with the book and all him and Lee both have been put through the ringer. I asked myself is any other of the book Authors catching this much abuse or hell from writing a little coffee table book of memories. I think not what would Freddie think sure the fans were important to him but going back looking at those garden lodge tapes he loved his boys too. I leave it here for honest open messages today without judgement. |
Amidds 03.06.2020 13:27 |
Katydyd, I did it again, typed faster than my thoughts. I didn't mean to imply that Preston advertised it that way, I've just learned over the past year to be a little patient and wait for more info. At least, I try!!! Also, I would just be surprised IF there was anything new. It seems as if most pics are probably out there already after all this time. Of course, Thor and Lee's book would be the exception as they are from a personal collection that were apparently put away until now. So, thanks for being the guinea pig!!! I REALLY hope it's something new! With the holdup on Thor and Lee's book, I would love to have a book that isn't the same old, same old. Chevy, interesting thought on authors catching hell. While I, admittedly, have NO real idea, my guess would be they suffered quite a bit more than other authors. Mainly because they are just average Joe's that don't have the protection that published authors generally do. Also, they came on to a platform that is really sub par as far as moderation goes and the ability to block/ignore the haters. I'm sure they had no idea what would happen and thought, like most of us do, that people wouldn't throw their hate at them unprovoked - that they would be able to touch base with nice people and be able to share their love. Of course, the majority of the people on here are generally nice but, the bad ones really brought a new level to dickishness. Haha, I made up a word, but it works ;) I found this place towards the end, right before Thor and Lee disappeared and was SOOOO disappointed. I have sooo many questions lol!!! Also, so many other good peeps disappeared - has anyone heard from any of them? Oh, side note Katy, I couldn't open the attachment, could you let me know what it is? I can maybe do a Google search then. |
CHEVYMAN 03.06.2020 14:30 |
Amidds, I think your right they are very average joe kinda guys which really draws you too them . They do have a nice charm to them too I like that. I guess it’s a sharks line of buisness lucky they are men and are tough I would have cried at some of the stuff that has been said. I guess that’s the difference between what makes men stronger in some aspects in handling things in comparison to women.I come off hard but I’m really a soft person at heart and I do like those guys I guess I’m partial.I think those regular joes are gonna have some very interesting stories though. Freddie was a character and a half . |
MyHumanZoo 03.06.2020 14:53 |
Katydid, I have the Treasures of Queen book and preordered Rudy’s so we will have all the new books covered! Amidds, I am like you and discovered the Thor and Lee book thread kind of late. I wish I’d found it earlier too. I am guessing that not only did they stop sharing because of the troll hate, but because they didn’t want to share stories on here that would later be in the book. They want the book to be all new and unheard info to attract more people. I am guessing of course, but that is what I would do! I have to say the hate that came in on that thread was so uncalled for, I am shocked daily at how mean people can be behind a screen and keyboard. Chevy, I’m glad you took the advice and stayed in your marriage. I do enjoy the company of older people in general, I love the information and stories they have. I was at a graduation party on Sunday and sat with a much older couple, the husband has been in state government for many years, and told us so many stories of things he had seen and experienced. It was really fun! I am not that much of a talker (my husband shines in that category so we make a good pair, lol) so I like being with anyone that will keep the conversation going. Anyway, on the subject of staying in marriage it seems like so many people give up on marriage too easily now, it has become sort of a temporary commitment for so many. It is a tough thing to stay, but I wish more would at least try! |
Katydyd5 03.06.2020 15:48 |
I was a part of Thor and Lee's threads from the beginning and really enjoyed the experience. There were some people who objected to the book because they felt that the guys were betraying the friendship of a very private man. I've heard the same objection to both Phoebe and Ratty's books. There were also trolls who came in just to be ugly.. Thor established a kind of ground rule early on to ignore and isolate the trolls and most of the time that worked. Occasionally people interacted with trolls, and then the situation escalated. Thor often intervened to remind people of the ignore and isolate request. Much of the conversation though was delightful and informative. I know that eventually there were so many people participating that Thor was spending large amounts of time each day trying to keep up. Once he and Lee got into the book writing and publishing, their time was severely compromised. If you look back at the threads, much of the ugliness had little to do with their experiences with Freddie or the book itself. People got embroiled in hot button discussions that often turned negative and I know that was disheartening to Thor. It wasn't what he had hoped when he created the community. In the end he was discouraged by that, the occasional trolls and the immense amount of time they have worked on the book. I do think he also wanted to protect the stories they intended to share and not reveal too much. Amidds, you make a good point. Established authors would have more protection than Thor and Lee. Also, Thor started his thread here to clear up some untruths that had been floating around about who he was. I don't think he started his initial thread with the idea of writing a book, though it may have been percolating in their minds and the generally positive reception they found here encouraged them. Unfortunately this site is not well-moderated and they did take some hits. Overall though, I think they handled it well. Every author takes a risk when they publish a book. Some people are going to like the book, some aren't. I think Thor and Lee are fully prepared for that. I hope they are able to find a way to promote the book that does not involve QZ, or at least not this version that is not moderated. Amidds, you are also correct that many great people disappeared. That was always so sad for me because I enjoyed so many of them. I do think it's the nature of a forum like this. People drift in and out as their interest wanes. Some also left because of the harshness of some posts. I am in touch with only one of them now and we have developed a wonderful friendship. She happens to be Parsi and is open to answering all of my questions, and trust me, I have many. :) I would hope we do see Thor and Lee again at some point, but they still have months of hard work ahead of them. |
Katydyd5 03.06.2020 15:53 |
Amidds, I am going to attach the link for the picture again. If you still can't see it, go to Amazon and search Neal Preston. Under the large picture of the book, there are some thumbnail pictures. The picture of Freddie and Mary is there. You will be familiar with all of the other pictures. I am well aware that I will know most of the pictures in the book. As I said in an earlier post, I will be glad to have them all in one place. As it is now, all of my Freddie pictures are in a huge folder on my computer that has absolutely no organization at all. If I want to find a particular picture I have to wade through hundreds. The book will be a lovely resource for me. |
CHEVYMAN 03.06.2020 18:35 |
I just was looking at a picture of Freddie and his mom when he was a baby it was precious.Indian babies all over the world no matter their genetic heritage always have heads of black hair. All articles I have seen say and give reference to the fact Freddie was born to two Persian Indian parents. They are Very attractive some light some very dark but very much the same facial and body characteristics.They did move from were he was born but that doesn’t change who they were they were a lovely family proud of their heritage blood and roots.I have baby pics of myself and Cherokee Indians have similar characteristics to eachother too. I had a main of dark brown hair that stuck straight up. It got lighter as I got older my mother was white so she was a strawberry blonde where my father was full blood Cherokee. |
CHEVYMAN 03.06.2020 20:01 |
I truly think Thor and Lee”s book will sell very well. Their honesty and good personalities will take them a long way. Besides that I think Thor is definitely a people person he will talk to anybody lol. I kinda got that feel about him here when he was interacting with the fans.My birthday is in June if I could make a special wish it would be that the book sales would do so well they both can retire and just travel together with friends if they wish. That’s what your supposed to do when your retired. That does sound inviting and I hope it happens .You are supposed to wish for good things to happen for people and I think they have paid their dues and it’s time to relax and fly high and have a little fun. |
Amidds 04.06.2020 13:46 |
Katy, thanks for the info. Link still didn't work for me but I found it on Amazon. Have to say, most of it looks familiar but, might be some new, interesting info in there!! Even though I ended up with a couple of book disappointments, I agree with having the pics all in one place. I also still have a tendency to prefer paper books that I can flip through instead of being at my computer all the time!! I also believe you are correct, Katy, that Thor didn't come to QZ with a book in mind. I believe it came much later after he saw the interest and love people have for Freddie. I'm glad he stuck with it, instead of becoming discouraged by the haters, so we can all look forward to the book with some new info and stories from people who loved him. Question though Katy - you say Thor and Lee have months of work ahead of them......the book is done now and the hold up is with the printing due to everything going on yes? Just clarifying as I have NO idea what it takes to write a book, publish, etc, etc. |
Katydyd5 04.06.2020 16:03 |
Amidds, I don't know all that is involved in publishing a book either so I was just speculating. In his last GFM update Thor said they were waiting for the sample copies before production could be amped up but Covid was slowing things down. Once production is amped I'm not sure what the next step is. I do know they have to autograph and ship out all of the pre-ordered copies. I think that will be a daunting project in itself and will take time Then they will have to decide about promoting the book, book signings, etc. I'm not sure they knew all that was involved, but I'm so happy they stuck with it. Also, glad you finally got to see the attachment even though you had to do some searching. I noticed the "sombrero" photo's of Freddie and Roger will be included. I've always loved those photos because they guys seem so playful. I figure many of the actual concert photos will be pretty standard, but it will be the behind-the-scenes pictures I'll enjoy. I pre-ordered, so it's a done deal. |
CHEVYMAN 04.06.2020 16:48 |
Amidds, Have you ordered a book from Thor and Lee yet they super cheap I know they will have a lot of photos no one has seen before they kept their collection private throughout the years. It will be a plus people will want to see all those young hotties lol.I think it would be interesting if it shows any of the old buildings and places they used to go . I love history. |
CHEVYMAN 04.06.2020 16:54 |
It’s that time pride month and my bday month time to celebrate. My state celebrates but Oklahoma isn’t like these larger states they still try to down play. So I try to enjoy others celebrations and pictures I really love the floats and costumes.Two guys last year were dressed like bumble bees. I asked one of them if I could touch his stinger which was on his ass and he let me he had a nice firm ass lol. |
CHEVYMAN 04.06.2020 16:56 |
Oh another guy was dressed as Bruce kardashian |
MyHumanZoo 05.06.2020 16:48 |
Katydid, do you know if you can still preorder Thor and Lee’s book? I would love an autographed copy. I think when I was going through their thread there was a lot going on with the go fund me stuff and they kept talking about refunding and stuff so I didn’t order then. They left shortly after I read those threads. So my next book plunge is to read Cynthia Lennon’s book. I have long been a Beatles fan, back in college I read quite a few books on them. Cynthia’s book came out a lot later, and I saw it was cheap with a Kindle discount I had so I grabbed it. I am by no means a John Lennon fan, I actually think he was kind of a strange guy and mostly not nice to others. But he did write some great songs! I wanted to go see Paul McCartney on tour last year, decided against it because the only seats left were nosebleed and pretty expensive at that. Now I am kicking myself because who knows when he will ever come around again. Gggrrrrr. : ) |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 17:46 |
You can still order I think They are still taking donations. |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 17:48 |
MHZ, You can always message Thor or JT she might could reach out for you or knows how you can touch base with them.Love is peace and is the answer. Love is all you need. |
Katydyd5 05.06.2020 17:51 |
MHZ, here's the link to Thor's GFM page. Since it is still open I'm assuming you can still get an autographed book. I did go ahead and email him just to make sure, but I think it would be fine. I'll let you know if I hear different. link I wasn't much of a John Lennon fan while he was alive, Paul was always my guy. In time though I've come to really appreciate John and his creativity. I remember being devastated when he died because it almost seemed impossible that someone would have done that. |
Amidds 05.06.2020 17:54 |
MHZ, if I remember correctly, as long as you donate $50, Thor and Lee will send you an autographed copy. After I donated, Thor had asked everyone to DM him our shipping address thru GoFundMe so you should do that as well. You could also just DM him to see if they are still actively taking orders before you donate.... |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 18:04 |
Yah, another book order for the guys awesome!!!!!!!!! |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 19:54 |
MHZ, I do love the Beatles very much they are one of my favorite bands. John was my favorite beatle as long as he wasn’t listening to his wife. That lady told him what pants to wear. For a lady of her times she was pretty bold I think.I kinda wonder how many trips those two went on and I’m not talking about a holiday.She seemed out there somewhere sometimes Does anyone know?I wasn’t a child of the sixties so please educate me. |
CHEVYMAN 05.06.2020 20:12 |
Okay I didn’t even know John was married before yokoI have a lot to learn I just know the music side.Supposidly his first wife died of cancer not to long ago. |
Katydyd5 06.06.2020 01:59 |
Happy Friday all! My family was just here for a small celebration and it was so great to see them. It's been so long and just to be around the kids made my spirits soar. LOL, I did see my DIL and the kids earlier this week to do some garden shopping, but twice in one week feels like heaven. Anyway, my son finally hung the Freddie canvases they gave me for Christmas (!!) and I said I'd share a picture once it was done, so, voila. I love that I can just glance to my right as I sit here and there he is. It's been a great day! Hope you all have a lovely weekend. Quick edit: I already had the two of the canvas prints. My son just hung the three they gave me. |
CHEVYMAN 06.06.2020 02:19 |
They look great Katy I’m glad you saw your son and grands I love to see those paintings they are precious gifts. |
Rainbow61 06.06.2020 05:37 |
Katydyd....Glad you had such a wonderful day. Love your Freddie picture corner. I don't have any Freddie/Queen pictures on display, but I have my Funko-Pop dolls to look at. I went to my office yesterday to pick up some papers. I hadn't been there since mid-March. It was strange because there were only a few people in the building that has 2 floors and multiple offices. Anyway, I always listen to Queen music on my short drive to and from work...today was no different. Often I'll play one song over and over. Today it was "Who Wants To Live Forever". Definitely one of my favorites. I love the gentleness of Brian's voice with Freddie's powerful vocals. On the last thread there was a discussion about Queen + Béjart: Ballet For Life. Some people had ordered the video (don't remember who). I recently saw the announcement that the documentary will be available for free viewing on June 18-21. Just watched the trailer...it looks really good. I never cease to be amazed at how difficult ballet dancing is...that fellow human beings can leap and spin and move like that! I love the combination of power and grace. |
MyHumanZoo 06.06.2020 14:04 |
Katydid, I’m glad you had a fun day! It sounds like a blast, and I am jealous of your Freddie pics. I would love to have some, but I think it might drive my husband over the edge, lol! And thanks to all on the info on Thor and Lee’s book, I’m going to hop over and order if I can. We have finally gotten some lovely weather here and now I need to get out and enjoy it. Hope you all have a great day! |
CHEVYMAN 06.06.2020 16:12 |
MHz, Congratulations on the purchase of your new book. It is a nice day outside I’m trying to plant flower seeds in pots with my grandson and I planted two days ago and they are already growing hopefully I won’t kill these. |
lsg 06.06.2020 21:44 |
Haven’t been able to read many of the past pages yet, but Wow Katydy love those canvas prints! I have been putting together a Rock room myself. Its all Freddie, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page. All black and white prints. I like your selection and placement. Thanks for being the guinea pig for the neal preston book. Im interested in it myself but will wait on your analysis. I know rudi is disorganized but Im still getting the Rudi book only because he worked so closely with Freddie and Queen, and still speaks with Brian. I trust that the publishers will create the organizing of his work. Chevyman, sad and bad news of those children, poor parents. I know there is more to touch upon but need time to catch up |
CHEVYMAN 06.06.2020 22:50 |
Lsgp03, awesome a rock room that will be cool.We definitely got all these books flying around right now stela’s those of you that enjoy reading will be busy. Did you order Thor or Lees book yet I think it’s finished. But a few weeks left to tie things up according to last update. Haven’t heard from you in a while I went to lake today my friends actually stood me in water I was scared of rocks underneath my feet but it was fun. I love the smell of fish water at the lake. |
CHEVYMAN 06.06.2020 23:42 |
I meant for those of you that love to read. I’m texting from my iPhone. |
Katydyd5 07.06.2020 02:26 |
Thanks all for the nice comments on my canvas corner. It's in my "office" where I use my desk top computer. The room is very small and there's very little space to add any more, but I could try if I found one I loved. The ones you saw are to the right of me, and to my left there's a hanging Freddie Mercury calendar, and a print of a cabin in KY that has nothing to do with Freddie. : ) I also have my Montreux statue in here and a goofy picture of Freddie and me that my son made for my birthday. So this is as close to a Queen room as I will ever get. Lsgp, your Rock room sounds fun. Have you ever heard the CD that Robert Plant and Alison Kraus made? The most unlikely of pairings imaginable, but it really works. Are you still listening to Rudi Live on Sundays? I stopped a couple of weeks ago when he began to focus more on some of the other artists he's worked with. I'm still eager to get his book. He paid Brian a lovely tribute when he had his health issues and said that he had talked with him. Sounds like we are all busy, or as busy as we can be while still social distancing, with summer activities. Metal detecting, gardening, trips to the lake are all taking up our time. It's good to be outside!! I did finally start grocery shopping at the actual store again. It was driving me nuts not to pick out my own produce, so I strapped on a mask and went. Ah, cherries, watermelon, raspberries...……..I'm in heaven. |
Rainbow61 07.06.2020 04:46 |
Saw yesterday that Brian was voted "Number 1 Rock Guitarist Of All Time" by readers of the magazine "Total Guitar". Way to go, Brian!!!! I ordered a copy of the magazine. :) |
Jo T. 07.06.2020 06:49 |
@Katydyd5, I like, I like, your corner of the world! Like Lsgp03 mentioned, I like the "selection and placement," too. You have an aesthetic eye. I like how the colored Freddie canvases pop against the bare, white walls. @MHZ, I finally saw the HBO film of Randy Shilts' "And the Band Played On" on YouTube. Thanks to Chevy for recommending the medium. I was honestly reluctant to see it and hadn't planned on it. Movie adaptations of great books rarely live up to the book. I wondered how the movie would condense a 600(+)-page book that had so many players into a 2-hour movie. However, you had me sold when you mentioned the scene of the Freddie Mercury poster in the bathhouse and Queen's "Play the Game" in the background! Actually, I believe the poster is a Tom of Finland poster, although the man does resemble Freddie from the back. Freddie was a fan of Tom of Finland. I cracked up when I saw musician Phil Collins appear as a bathhouse owner. Of course, the movie couldn't live up to Randy Shilts' monumental book, but it was decent. I liked the video montage at the end of the movie, where you saw those who had died from AIDS, including Freddie Mercury, Larry Kramer (whose character was NOT featured in the movie), etc. BTW, I was unaware the late John Lennon's ex, Cynthia Lennon, wrote a book. I'm more of a Stones fan vs. the Beatles, but I do like Paul McCartney songs like "Hey Jude," "Let It Be" and "Eleanor Rigby" (The strings in the orchestra absolutely devastate me. Seriously, cry me a river for "Eleanor Rigby."). I heard that McCartney wrote "Hey Jude" for Julian Lennon, the son of John and Cynthia Lennon as his parents went through a divorce. The song was originally called "Hey Jules." @Rainbow61, I believe it was me and JB050 who had ordered the "Queen + Bejart: Ballet for Life" DVD last year. OMG, I forgot all about it! I have yet to watch it. I had removed the cellophane wrap though. I'll have to watch it in the near future. I had told JB last year that I'd watch it before the end of Dec. 2019, and it's June of 2020! I had also planned to see the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) tour of "Swan Lake" in my metropolis last April, but it was canceled due to the pandemic. I had seen a live stream benefit for the ABT on YouTube during the pandemic. I've had so many concerts refunded or postponed. I donated some of the refunds to local food banks, to buy PPE for frontline workers and to the World Health Organization (WHO). I honestly wonder when I'll ever see a concert or theatre live again, but honestly, that's a 1st-world complaint. |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 13:16 |
Katy, as you. Get more paintings please post I would love to see it come together |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 17:07 |
Thanks for your post JT I’m glad you got to see the film it’s a slow start but has one of my actors he played in the movie Vision Quest . Girl I wasn’t familiar with Tom of Finland but I am now lol. He is a lovely artist. He captures scenes in perfect motion and makes them appear as if they are actually happening at that moment in time.I was hesitant at first to look but I said forgive me father for I have sinned and took the plunge and girl I could not take my eyes off one particular photo. Wow it was gorgeous yes I’m a woman but I did enjoy viewing those porn scented they were so lovely. Everyone should check it out once you start viewing his art there is no turning back highly addictive I get why men want men after I seen his art I really do. |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 17:19 |
I mean scenes I am on my iPhone again small buttons. |
Rainbow61 07.06.2020 17:39 |
Jo T....So you have removed the wrapping from the Queen + Béjart DVD...that is a promising start! LOL. I find the video montage at the end of "And The Band Played On" so poignant...beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. That is also one of my favorite Elton John Songs. While I recognize almost all of the people in the montage, there were a few I was not familiar with. On the following Wikipedia page, they list the people who appear in that montage. link |
CHEVYMAN 07.06.2020 18:11 |
Mathew Modaine is the actor I like in the Band played on. He also played in a movie called Vision Quest.He was one hot thang. |
lsg 07.06.2020 23:54 |
Yes Chevyman Thor and Lees book ordered last year. Going to get rudi’s as well....eventually...when he eventually gets it done. lol |
lsg 08.06.2020 00:20 |
Katydy, its all black and white glossies, identical frames. Queen and Led Zeppelin are my favorite bands that I can listen to all day every day. I work out only to Queen though, I have certain songs synchronized with certain machines and for power walking on the treadmill. Lol, it works though. JoT I thought the same thing about the movie And the Band Played On, Phil Collins cracked me up.... and I noticed the Freddie poster too. Ya know Freddie said early on he knew he was going to be a legend, sometimes I wonder if while living in India he had his Vedic Chart done. They say the Indian Vedic is the most accurate but complicated firm over Tropical western. Someone said in some written article that he didn’t believe in that, and i don’t believe that for a second. He knew he was going to be a legend and he also tried to live life quickly trying almost everything as if to squeeze as much in as possible. Who knows. Katydy, yes I saw and heard the Robert Plant & Allison Kraus album. I think they sounded great together. I saw an interview with plant and he says he cannot stand to listen to led zepplin music anymore and probably the prime reason he won’t tour again with Page and Jones. Plants heart was Always in American blues so his alliance with allison was natural. Jimmy page on the other hand will kill for a reunion. Not to mention it would help him get away from constantly filing suit and going to court against his next door neighbor, singer Robbie Williams for property issues. Lol! Speaking of Zeppelin, did any of you see on YouTube the kennedy center tribute to Led Zeppelin back in 2012? Hearts rendition of Stairway to Heaven was amazing and even Led Zeppelin gave heart a standing ovation. I know this is Queen oriented but while on the subject of the rock room.... |
lsg 08.06.2020 01:16 |
Someone gave this to me as a gift. Its so cool. Superimposed on a page from a very old dictionary |
Katydyd5 08.06.2020 01:19 |
Jo, I had to laugh when you mentioned my stark white walls. I had the whole house painted a while ago and everyone wanted me to go with more color. I dug in my heels though and the house is white. The painter told me he thought it might be boring, but when he was finished he was delighted with how bright, light, and clean the house looked. I use my wall hangings and other things for the pops of color. I was in the process of redecorating my downstairs when the virus hit, and it all came to a halt. I have a love of deserted houses and sadly, most of those photographs are still out in the garage waiting to be hung. I have to get a few pieces of furniture so I can see where they will look best. I had seen And the Band Played On several years ago, but wanted to see it again after all the discussion here. It was hot and humid yesterday so it seemed the perfect time for a movie. I would have missed the poster and the music during the bath house scene if someone (MHZ??) hadn't mentioned it. Jo, I don't think I had ever heard of Tom of Finland though after Googling I realized I was familiar with his work and could see his influence on Freddie. Rainbow, thanks so much for the link. That montage was heartbreaking, and while I knew most of the people, your link was very helpful. I was so involved with identifying the people as they were shown that I was almost surprised when Freddie appeared. It was like a little shock to the heart. Lsgp, I probably saw the Kennedy Center tribute to Le Zeppelin because I never miss watching that, but sorry, I don't remember it. Just saw your link...….very cool! |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 01:30 |
Yeah I had googled Finland’s art for the first time once and my brother went to use my computer and I had left it open that’s before my accident and I ran before he got there and shut my computer off. I would’ve died if he saw that I was looking at naked men lol |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 01:39 |
Keep I mind my brother went to catholic mass every Saturday with my grandmother he would’ve told her for sure. This is the lady that flipped out when I and my friends were watching purple rain and the sex scene with that hot chic and prince was on and my grandma thought we were watching porn.That’s Oklahoma friends. |
Jo T. 08.06.2020 03:00 |
Jo T. 08.06.2020 03:19 |
@Lsgp03, Led Zeppelin and Heart ARE Queen-oriented! Robert Plant and the remaining members of Queen performed Zeppelin's "Thank You" during the Freddie Mercury tribute. Also, the band Heart once toured w/ Queen. In an interview, Nancy Wilson relayed how Freddie Mercury had a "big thing" (platonic) for Ann Wilson. He wanted to "hang out" w/ her. Check out 1:54/7:40 (link. I'm a longtime Heart fan. When I was young, I wanted a voice like Ann Wilson. I last saw Heart in concert in Aug. 2019 during the Heart: Love Alive Tour. Joan Jett and Elle King (another fav') had opened up for Heart. Ann and Nancy Wilson sounded fabulous! Yes, I've seen Heart's rendition of "Stairway to Heaven" @ the Led Zeppelin tribute @ the Kennedy Ctr. many times over on YouTube. Ann Wilson was awesome! @Rainbow61, I agree. The montage @ the end of the film "And the Band Played On" was poignant and lovely. I actually wasn't familiar w/ the Elton John song "The Last Song." Thanks for the Wiki page about the montage of famous individuals who had succumbed to AIDS. Besides Freddie Mercury and Larry Kramer, I myself could only identify Ryan White, Rudolf Nureyev, Arthur Ashe and Liberace. One face was VERY familiar to me, but I couldn't recall his name or where I had seen him. From the Wiki page, it dawned on me he was actor Robert Reed (Mike Brady from the TV sitcom "The Brady Bunch."), the all-American Dad and iconic TV father! It's no wonder he kept his sexual orientation a secret. It would've been scandalous and destroyed his career if he had come out of the closet. I grew up watching the syndicated reruns of "The Brady Bunch." I wasn't aware Robert Reed was gay and HIV(+). For me, the most heartbreaking images of the montage were the up-close, innocent faces of the babies born to HIV(+) mothers. You realized that back then, those babies didn't survive. |
lsg 08.06.2020 03:41 |
JoT, I understand that, what I meant was this thread in Queen related, not Zepplin related, even though Queen loved Zepplin I have watched Rudi backstage today on YouTube. It was all Queen, and some preludes of what will be in book, but went so far to temp you to get the book to read the rest of the story. It was ok today. |
JB050 08.06.2020 04:25 |
Hi all! In case you didn’t see this yet... link |
JB050 08.06.2020 04:32 |
Lsgp! Thank you for sharing that!! Super cool!! And, saved to my photos :-) Jo T. I’m so far behind here but looks like you pulled out the FVF! Yay!! Can’t wait to hear from you once you watch it!! (Or am I behind on that update? Haha) I hope everyone is well! |
Katydyd5 08.06.2020 12:28 |
Lsgp, when Rudi first started his Lives I would set Alexa to remind me to tune in. Once he began to focus more on his other projects I was less interested. I completely support his right to talk about anything and everything he's done. He's been prolific and successful in his career. I just don't have the interest in that. Maybe I'll check him out next week. Actually, aren't the Lives available on his YouTube channel? |
MyHumanZoo 08.06.2020 15:26 |
Wow, lots of good conversation topics coming in lately! Rainbow...I ordered the magazine where Brian was voted best guitar player too, I can’t wait to get it. Jo T, wasn’t the poster on the way in to the bath house scene? I thought it was outside on the street, but maybe we’re talking about the same one. It went by so fast that I assumed it was Freddie, maybe I’ll go back for another look. I also was surprised that Larry Kramer was not in the movie at all, especially since he played a fairly big role in the book. Maybe it was too hard to try and address all the themes in the book though. So far the Cynthia Lennon book is really good, lots of detail about John and the rest of the guys as they were getting famous. She and John were together something like 10 years or so, it ended when she came home and found John and Yoko together at her house....ouch! I am a huge fan of the band Heart...the Dreamboat Annie album is my favorite. I would love to see them in concert. I didn’t realize that they opened for Queen , I need to check that out. I also love Led Zeppelin, I have just started to get into their albums more deeply. LSPG, that is a really cool picture of Freddie, I love it on the dictionary background! Chevy, nice try at trying to get the guys in your thread and Brian’s Health to play nicely, there is really no reasoning with them. They are determined to argue like children and try to destroy the site here. So yesterday was my birthday, it was absolutely a fantastic day! My son and grandkids were here, and my parents came over too...their first outing since the Covid thing hit. It was so beautiful we were able to mostly be outside and enjoyed the weather. My husband got me a an electric guitar I had asked for, and it is a thing of beauty. I got an autographed Brian My red special at Christmas, I love playing it but I don’t want to rub off his signature by playing all the time. So I got a cheaper one that I can bang around on, but it’s really pretty. All white with gold knobs and details. I am now in guitar heaven, lol! |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 15:28 |
JT, I didn’t realize Tom Brady had AIDS either he kept it well concealed. Your right it would’ve been not good for it to be known when the Brady bunch first aired in the 70s that he was gay that would of been suicide for his career. You and I probably watched it as reruns on television as children I loved it.I”m glad you enjoyed the movie the parts of the movie about infants with HIV made me sad too. You will have to report back the movie was long but the book had so much more the movie left out I’m sure. |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 15:52 |
MHZ,, I agree I just saw that pic of poor Brian recovering and the terrible comments being made to him on Instagram by a few of the fans and thought how can they look at him in that weak state and say such horrible things. Your right he must never stop playing music it’s his soul I should know this. I was just so bothered by this. I just walked away. I really don’t see how Thor or Lee did it for as long as they did it’s terrible. I’m not perfect but I do correct my actions when I do wrong.Brian is in his 70s they been Rocking since 1973. That’s the year I was born that’s something to be very proud of.Thats 47 years wow I’m old! |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 16:16 |
I’m breaking my posts up they are a little long and overwhelming at times.There is a new site but they have put so many limitations on the subjects you can discuss. It’s the Queen machine site I guess lol. No talking about religion or talking about sexuality or being Gay it is absolutely banned. They are taking our freedom of speech. You can definitely discuss the band and Freddie and other subjects. I find that funny they ban talk of Anything to do with apart of who the front man of QUEEN was. To me that just makes no sense. That means no discussions of certain parts of his life that were him.Anyway that’s lovely isn’t it .Do they even know what Queen means lol. I think Freddie had a good idea. He made it work and it’s still around why change it.I know many of you aren’t fond of this site I’m not either I think this subject can be approached like any other it’s not a dirty word. It’s not immoral. It’s nothing to be ashamed of . It wasn’t 50 years ago and it isn’t now.As a child I found the world around me confusing when it came to such things and as an adult I still see some of the same old things happening will it ever change. |
Katydyd5 08.06.2020 16:32 |
lsg 08.06.2020 16:32 |
Katydy, yes on YouTube. I don’t have instagram but apparently he does it on instagram then when the hour is over he uploads his videos you YouTube. This past Sunday (6-7-20) he dedicated the entire hour to Queen and Freddie. |
lsg 08.06.2020 16:33 |
Happy Birthday MHZ! |
CHEVYMAN 08.06.2020 17:16 |
Happy bday MHZ our bdays are in same month. Mine is the 30th I think JT is this month too we rock! I will be 47. |
Katydyd5 08.06.2020 23:59 |
Happy Birthday MHZ! I beat you by two days, mine was Friday. I actually like the new site, and visit at least once a day. First of all, the mechanics of the site are refreshing after trying to navigate around QZ. PMs are so much easier and the ability to edit and quote is right in the reply box. No searching around for invisible buttons! :) I mostly lurk there, though I have commented a few times. I like the General Forum because there are lots of interesting topics. They had a lovely thread going for Brian right after his health crisis. I also like the Pictures thread. Though I've seen most of the pictures I like to read the comments. There's an interesting thread where a guy analyzes each song in the set lists of various concerts. He often points out small things I have missed and it's fun to go back and look. The book thread has potential and someone did mention the Preston book. I'm not as interested in some of the other threads, though I may explore them in time. There are lots of knowledgeable people to learn from. In addition I love the fact that they can permanently ban trolls. This QZ simply does not have that ability. The new site has a very limited number of topics that are not up for discussion. As Saint Jiub said here on his thread, he thinks the reason they don't want to see discussions on sexual orientation is because there were so many gay slurs in the discussion on this QZ. People got very personal and were often attacking each other's orientation with no mention of Freddie. I will say they often update the site and change things, so maybe they will be more open at some point. They do have the ability to remove argumentative people and I like that too. Having said that, I don't like the fact that one of their moderators feels the need to come here and try to police this site for trolls. It seems to be more of a personal vendetta. Their site is quite nice and I don't see the need to come over here. I find it quite easy to isolate and ignore trolls, and I'm sure anyone offended by a troll can do the same. There is so much going on with the new site, I hope he eventually tires of coming here. |
MyHumanZoo 09.06.2020 00:36 |
Wow Katydid, all these birthdays together...Happy Birthday to you! I always love to joke about my birthday....I share it with Prince and Mike Pence..the three of us are so much alike, like peas in a pod.....hahaha! In reality I can’t imagine 3 more different people, kind of ruins the astrology stuff. Chevy you are just a baby at 47, I turned 56, yikes! Katydid, you are right about the one person coming back to stir up trouble here, I can’t understand why he feels the need. He claimed to hate it when he was here, made the new site to get away, and now returns constantly to create drama. It’s irritating, but I suppose we can only hope he grows up and goes away at some point. JB, I saw that concert where everyone in the crowd sings BoRap while waiting and it is amazing! I can’t imagine how that makes Brian and Roger feel, to know how pretty much the whole world knows their song! I don’t know if anyone else has cottonwood trees, but we have a woods around our house with many of them and we now have a yard that looks like it is covered with snow. They shed this cottony stuff in huge amounts. It is in the trees, bushes, my flowers, even covers the entire surface of the pond. I would like my green grass back! |
Katydyd5 09.06.2020 01:18 |
MHZ, my backyard and most of the others around here are loaded with cottonwoods. I like them!! Ours are finished shedding now for the most part. JB, I meant to thank you for the link of the crowd singing BoRhap. I had seen it, but it always moves me. |
Saint Jiub 09.06.2020 01:22 |
"You say it's your birthday. It's my birthday too" ... Actually my birthday was June 3rd, and I am now 58. It is such a joy getting old, as I spent this morning getting an endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Fortunately everything is OK, and I will return to work tomorrow. About the queenchat owner, I believe his purpose is to call Gerry out on his bull crap. The last bull crap was when Gerry called Brian greedy, and Gerry was called out on that bull crap. Please keep in mind that Gerry has also derided and insulted the website owner's Irish nationality. Gerry has also been polluting this QZ board for 7 years with his homophobic "facts" about Adam Lambert as well as other racist comments. Of course Gerry keeps reregistering after countless bans, causing mischief, presenting his ignorant obtuse opinions as fact, and then becoming incensed and insulting toward anyone who disagrees with him. |
Katydyd5 09.06.2020 01:38 |
Happy Belated St. Jiub! I know Gerry's history and I know how offensive he is. I've seen him denigrate the Irish and it's reprehensible. It's just that when it becomes a pissing contest between the two of them, the original intent of the thread disappears. If the queenchat owner wants to report Gerry couldn't he just do it quietly? Does he have to engage?? Now ducking and taking cover...…...or would the witness protection program serve me better??? |
Saint Jiub 09.06.2020 02:31 |
Gerry starts with general insults when someone disagrees with his hateful comments. Gerry won't get banned for general insults on a forum that prizes free speech. Gerry does not deserve a "free pass" to continually spread his hate even if it is general insults. Regarding the Brian topic, Gerry started the insults after two people disagreed with him. A cockroach like Gerry ideally should not be tolerated when he continually spreads his hate while ignoring 12 repeated bans. Ignoring works on most trolls, but unfortunately does not work with Gerry. My advice is to ignore Gerry, pretend the argument is not happening when Gerry is confronted with his bull crap, and continue posting in that topic as if nothing happened. Gerry ramps up his insults and is banned in a few days. |
CHEVYMAN 09.06.2020 13:16 |
Happy bday Saint Juib Mine is the 30th many June birthdays . I have to have that same procedure and I rescheduled Because I’m scared. I never even had a enema lol. So I can’t imagine a procedure back there it sounds uncomfortable so I put it off.I was hoping respects would be paid to Brian and raicism is never okay. Advice well taken.My mom was Irish my Dad was Indian what a combination. I love Irish history it’s so interesting and enjoyed my grandparents stories as a child. |
CHEVYMAN 09.06.2020 15:57 |
MHZ, I hope you had an awesome bday! I feel old I think JT is our youngest I won’t give her age but she is right around my sisters age she is a baby for sure. We start aging from the time we are born we can’t stop it . It reminds me what Freddie said about him and the band being four old Queens. He said he would sing his songs in his wheelchair if he had too. Bless him I wish he had been able too. |
stevendabudgie 09.06.2020 17:06 |
Dear Katydy5, Dear MHZ, Dear St. Jiub, Happy Birthday! By the way: I do not know whether this forum is the right place., but I I have got the idea of looking for voice or video chatting partners (video or audio) to train my English conversational skills. I neither have a strict schedule nor a high frequency in mind- just a casual chat from time to time. |
stevendabudgie 09.06.2020 17:06 |
Dear Katydy5, Dear MHZ, Dear St. Jiub, Happy Birthday! By the way: I do not know whether this forum is the right place., but I I have got the idea of looking for voice or video chatting partners (video or audio) to train my English conversational skills. I neither have a strict schedule nor a high frequency in mind- just a casual chat from time to time. |
MyHumanZoo 09.06.2020 17:28 |
Happy Birthday St Jiub! I’ve had to do the whole colonoscopy and stuff, not the most fun thing ever! I think I was never so happy when I was done and they said I wouldn’t have to do another one for 10 years. Katydid you are lucky to have your cottonwoods done with shedding. I think it’s really pretty for a while, then it starts clogging the air conditioner and getting in the lawn mower and my tolerance ends. I get that Gerry has been a plague on the board for a long while, but there is no point in continuing the fight anymore. There is a new site and coming back here to stir up things doesn’t serve a purpose. No one needs to call Gerry out on his crap, we all know it’s crap and just ignore it. Gerry is apparently free to spew it here, so why specifically come back to make things miserable for the rest of us? It makes no sense to start a new site and continue to fight here, unless he just wants to put nail after nail in the Queenzone coffin. And what does that earn him? He will never “win” against Gerry, because there is no contest. The never-ending search for more and more disgusting names to call each other is not a fight worth winning anyway. The only true win is to be the bigger man and stop antagonizing Gerry. And now I apologize to everyone on our nice peaceful thread for dragging the controversy here. I will stop now! |
CHEVYMAN 09.06.2020 17:58 |
Agreed MHZ! |
Katydyd5 09.06.2020 17:59 |
MHZ, I need to apologize too. I just wanted to share that I DO like the Queenchat site and think it has a lot to offer. I sure didn't mean to start all of this up. |
CHEVYMAN 09.06.2020 19:16 |
It does have some nice threads there I guess I just got used to this one I adjust to change well. Arguing does get nowhere that’s right MHZ and this is a peaceful thread here. The one running there seems to be doing well there. Just like the one running this thread is doing well here so all is good as far as I’m concerned. Ignore and isolate foes work and has created success in the past I’m just glad there are good people here. |
lsg 09.06.2020 21:13 |
Ok Stop. My birthday was May 30. A lot of us are Gemini’s and Cancerians! Hahahaha |
lsg 09.06.2020 21:15 |
Ok Stop. My birthday was May 30. A lot of us are Gemini’s and Cancerians! Hahahaha Happy Birthday to us all! |
Rainbow61 10.06.2020 06:29 |
A belated "Happy Birthday" to Katydyd, MHZ, St. Jiub, and Lsgp!!! MHZ...I can't wait to get my copy of "Total Guitar" either. Just received an email confirming my order has been dispatched. I hope the cover is intact when it arrives...the cover photo is part of the reason I ordered the magazine! "The Real Wizard", one of the moderators on the new Queen discussion site, had a wonderful post about why Brian deserved that honor of "greatest rock guitarist of all time". Last year I ordered the June copy of "Guitar World" because Brian was on the cover and featured in a story...not that I am a big Brian fan. :) MHZ and Katydyd....We have some fluff-shedding trees in our yard also. I thought they were poplars, but after you mentioned cottonwoods, I wasn't sure. I went outside and grabbed some leaves from our yard to compare to online pictures. (Strong winds blew down a large branch last Sunday) Yup...it's an Eastern Cottonwood. I do like the white fluff, but don't like how easily the branches break off in the wind. If you sneeze, you end up with branches on the ground. Steven...If your conversational skills are equal to your writing skills, then your English is great! Regarding the poster of Freddie in "And The Band Played On"...I wonder if the producers needed permission to use his picture as well as the song "Play The Game"? The film soundtrack is so stark and haunting. It brilliantly captures the somber mood of the subject matter...it really moves me. |
lsg 10.06.2020 11:37 |
Thanks Rainbow! and happy birthday to those coming up now in June.....there’s a few more here. Katyd, what is the name of that new Queen forum website? I had it and somehow lost it.... the one with all the rules. Thanks |
Katydyd5 10.06.2020 12:38 |
We sure did have a lot of birthdays clustered into a few weeks! Happy Birthday to all! Steven, I think your English is excellent! I don't know anything at all about formats for personal conversation. Well, not quite true. I am aware of Zoom but have never participated. Lsgp, here's the link. They don't really have that many rules and what they do have don't seem restrictive to me. I'd rather have a few guidelines to ensure civility, than have open warfare which often occurred here. If you look at the site you won't be able to see all the possible threads until you join, but maybe the forum rules are available for visitors to see. If that concerns you they are in the Non Music forum at the bottom of the page. link |
lsg 10.06.2020 14:42 |
Thanks |
CHEVYMAN 10.06.2020 15:07 |
Lsgp ,It is a nice new thread but I just wasn’t interested in the limitations not being able to discuss certain subjects. But other than that I think they do fine at keeping trouble out. You may enjoy it give it a try I signed up it’s just not my thing. |
CHEVYMAN 10.06.2020 15:09 |
Give it a try I’m still on my iPhone computer down. They have the smallest buttons on these IPhones. |
CHEVYMAN 10.06.2020 15:12 |
I use zoom a lot for Drs visits lately. I will however have to see neurology in person next time he really can’t examine my reflexes or muscle strength over a camera lol. |
MyHumanZoo 10.06.2020 16:15 |
It is crazy that so many of us have birthdays so close! That must mean something...I’m not sure what though, lol! I now have a carpet of cottonwood in my garage, it blows in every time we open the door. Rainbow, I need to get that copy of last year’s magazine featuring Brian. I remember when it came out, but I never realized until now that you could order individual copies of magazines online. Speaking of that, I do have the copy of Life magazine featuring Queen...at least I think it is LIFE. It came out around the time the movie did. I have actually never read that one! I just figured it was probably the stuff that is already known about them. My husband bought it for me at the local pharmacy. If you guys haven’t seen Rudi’s latest video you should check it out on YouTube, at Doro tv. He did one sharing some secrets behind Queen, it is fairly interesting. I think he will do more of those, it sounds like he was much closer to Freddie than we knew. |
Katydyd5 10.06.2020 16:23 |
MHZ, I also have the Life magazine that came out after the movie. MY DIL got it for me. Not much new in it but I was happy to add it to my collection. I've always thought Rudi was very close to Freddie. When you work that closely with someone for so many years you can't help but grow a relationship. I'll have to check YouTube tonight when I have more time. |
Saint Jiub 11.06.2020 00:14 |
We have a lot of Geminis in this topic because of our collective adoration for the California NY daughter twins. |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 02:39 |
Saint Juib, I guess I may be a bit partial I don’t take too many people very easily and when I found out they may be writing a book about Freddie I thought hell yes good for Freddie. It really has nothing to do with the two guys I think they have been more than generous with the fans.It honestly could’ve been anyone that said yeah I knew Freddie this is who this guy really was these are some of the great times we had with him. I’m sorry fans some of the things your being told isn’t true he did like dudes.We know this because we like dudes too and that’s what we were doing as Gay men hanging out in New York. He was one of the guys.Honesty may not be popular but it goes a long way with me. This part of Freddie’s history is left out for whatever reason and I’m glad it’s gonna get told.So I guess there is admiration on many followers parts especially the followers that have been around since the beginning. I think Katydyd is an original one and I know she has a lot of good memories and stories to tell from the first thread.Maybe she will share sometime with some new folks.SaintJuib were You apart of the first thread. |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 02:45 |
Sorry about the long post should’ve made two |
Saint Jiub 11.06.2020 02:47 |
Yes Chevy, - I was in the the 1st Thor thread from near the beginning. I participated occasionally in Thor's threads, but did not participate a lot in Thor's threads as I am an introvert. |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 03:40 |
SaintJuib, I’m not real sociable either this thread has kinda been my therapy. Helped with depression and PTSD for sure. I get overwhelmed in crowded spaces so this has definitely helped me lots.Friends of mine love bars but since my accident I really get overwhelmed in them. I would rather get a bottle and drink at home.It’s all good we do our best and that’s good enough. |
Amidds 11.06.2020 16:03 |
It's amazing how much I miss over just a couple of days!!! First off - Happy Birthday to everyone!!! I almost feel left out as my bday isn't until September. Then again, I share a bday month w/Freddie so it's all good!!! It's also nice to see, with people sharing their ages, that I'm not the only "older" one here!! Maybe that's why we can all relate?!?!? Finally got some kinks worked out on my damn comp so was finally able to see Katy's canvas prints (love!!), Lsgp03's pic of Freddie (background kinda blurry, was the dictionary page relevant or random?) and JB's link to the Green Day concert (hadn't seen it, thanks so much for posting it!!) Will admit I'm a little confused about this whole Gerry thing and another site. I feel like I should know who he is - does he go by a different user name? Don't mean to open up anything negative though so feel free to ignore me if it's gonna bring up bad stuff ;) I also remember some discussion a few pages back about the Beatles.....memory is not so great but I think I still have some old memorabilia left from when my brother passed. Held onto it just cause I thought that, someday, I might run into a fan that would appreciate it. I'm not a huge fan AND not sure where I put the darn box. BUT, if I find it, I will post what I have and if any of you are interested, would love to send it to someone. He had a huge collection of Beatles and Dr Who items but nothing Queen :(. I was kinda surprised too cause he was a huge Flash fan!! |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 16:45 |
Amidds, I was born in the wrong era my friend I love the Beatles they Rock! I like all those old bands I also like Black Sabbath. |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 16:45 |
And the Doors |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 16:46 |
In the day I’m not gonna lie me and my friends smoked a hell of a lot of weed and listened to the doors. |
CHEVYMAN 11.06.2020 16:52 |
Amidds, I don’t know Gerry I don’t know a lot of those screen names that keep changing I just heard he has created havoc in the past. I don’t get the whole name changing thing I love my screen name it’s nice plain and simple kinda like a one named person when you think of it it’s kinda like the name CHER LOl. |
Katydyd5 11.06.2020 23:55 |
Amidds, if you still want to understand the Gerry situation, can you PM me and I'll explain it? I'm so sorry I got the topic started because we've never had trouble with him on this thread and I don't want to draw him here. I'd just say be very cautious if we suddenly get a "newbie" posting. |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 00:31 |
Thor has an update if you guys want to check it out. |
Katydyd5 12.06.2020 02:26 |
Amidds, that's cool that you have your brother's Beatles collection. It's awfully nice of you to consider donating it to a fan. When I took all of my old albums to Good Will, many of the early Beatles records were in the box. I always like to think that someone who collects records was looking through the records in the GW store and felt like they had come upon a treasure. Lsgp, I did watch the Rudi Live on YouTube last night. He had some good stories to share, but the problem for me is that it takes him too long to get to the point. My mind starts wandering, and then I'm looking at a catalog on my desk, and then I'm going through a pile of papers and then and then and then...……………..We talked about this before, but I wish he would define "chapter". He can't possibly mean a normal chapter or the book will be massive. |
Amidds 12.06.2020 13:09 |
Chevy - yep, saw the update. Not surprised that the publisher is moving so slow but, will admit, very disappointed that there will be another delay. I totally understand the situation but I was really hoping for something good to come out of this year...... Katy - my brother was kind of a hoarder so not sure what I have left that is in good condition but, for a true fan it would probably be interesting. My area was supposed to have a "junk away" day this month so my hubby and I shifted a ton of stuff around in our crawl space for that. Due to COVID, the pick up got cancelled and now that box is buried behind all the stuff we can't get rid of lol!! You probably made someone's year with your albums!! That's one thing I haven't been able to part with, my album collection, even though I don't play them :) Will PM you later on the Gerry thing as not remembering is driving me nutty lol. |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 14:13 |
Amidds, I know this covid thing has been so hard on all people. Hopefully it’s the end of it. Are flights back up again? |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 16:02 |
I was kinda worried about the flights are they taking any new precautions due to the covid virus. I hope they do I think it would make me a little nervous to take a flight. I do understand that’s the only way a lot of people see family which is so very important . It’s essential to our sanity these days. I know people are getting vacation fever like crazy. Maybe they can take their boats out or do camping. I guess not everybody is from the country like me. It didn’t hurt us that bad our idea of a good time is outdoor stuff a lot of beer drinking we stay in cabins a lot.We also go fishing and to the lakes that’s Oklahoma.The thought of a vacation in a large place would scare me to death with social anxiety.I would sure love to go back to Branson though I really love it there. |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 16:16 |
I watched hoarders on television and there was an episode where this lady was pooping in buckets. That was disgusting another episode a man had so many cockroaches in his home he couldn’t cook on his stove because they would get on his food. They were in his bed also.It made me sick. Another episode a man collected rats and let them crawl all over him and they would chew on him talk about your fetish.I get hoarding but that is hoarding to the extreme.I hope I didn’t make anybody sick if you ever want a good diet watch the hoarding series. |
Amidds 12.06.2020 17:22 |
Hmmm, can't seem to PM you Katy. Every time I try, I get kicked off the site?!?!??! Figures! Chevy, I know flights are running but I don't think international ones are yet. Not sure what all of the airlines are doing but, Norwegian is the airline we're taking to Paris and they have notified me about what they have. Apparently, their system isn't just recirculated air - they have some filtration system that the air goes through before it is pushed back out. It's supposed to rival some hospital techniques. Now, my husband was an airline mechanic for many years and had never heard of this BUT, he's been out of the game for a couple of decades. He says he believes the explanation that I probably just botched up here. He also said it may depend on the age of the plane so not all planes would have this capability. idk, it's a little above my pay grade lol! |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 17:39 |
Amidds, Okay my uncle was a mechanic too but passed away along time ago so I don’t know how all that stuff works. My aunt works for American Airlines but she works in accounting.So they are taking people from the US to Paris is it for work or fun lol. |
Katydyd5 12.06.2020 17:43 |
Amidds, I PMed you this morning, trying to explain the situation you asked about. I also have trouble at times accessing the QZ PM site. I repeatedly get the "timed out" notice but if I keep trying, I eventually get in. The ease of PMing is one of the features I really like about queenchat. I've forgotten when you scheduled your trip to Paris. I'm thinking September. Yes? I wonder what is going to happen with international travel. My niece had rescheduled her April wedding in Mexico to January of 2021, but I'm wondering if that will happen. With cases continuing to spike in the US, I wonder if we will be back to anything resembling normal by then. I AM getting a haircut tomorrow, and after 13 weeks it is desperately needed, but I do have some concerns. I'm slowly getting out, but I weigh each situation for safety. |
MyHumanZoo 12.06.2020 18:13 |
Amidds, I would love to hear what you have in your Beatles collection! I have read so many books, and I have collected a lot of the vinyl. I need to dig that out, I haven’t listened to them in ages, I got most of them on CD later so I could listen more easily. I had posters and other things too, I can’t remember what I kept though. I’d be happy to buy some if it’s stuff of interest. Ironically I have been playing through my Beatles song book since I got my electric guitar, and having a blast with it. Most of their songs are very easy from a chord perspective and I know them all so well. I played Blackbird the other day, one of my favorites! Katydid, I am a bit like you on Rudi’s stuff, I start doing things as he rambles and then I catch something and have to back up and listen again! His emotional pauses make me giggle sometimes, mostly when he tells the same story twice and has the exact same pauses and dramatic tone. I’m sure it is emotional so I am not laughing at that, just that he does have a little bit of the dramatic flair from directing, I think! The only thing I will say on the Gerry stuff is that I have had several exchanges which were perfectly polite (with multiple of the personalities, lol!). It is really the antagonists that stir him/her up. It takes more than 1 person to argue! I am on a quick vacation in Florida, we were supposed to come down in April but couldn’t with the Covid stuff. We flew down last night, everyone had masks on and they even handed out packets with a mask and hand sanitizer and stuff as we boarded the plane. I would say it was a little over half full. It is quite swampy here, but still nice to get out for a change in scenery. |
MyHumanZoo 12.06.2020 18:20 |
Chevy that hoarder stuff is nuts! I stumbled upon a channel on YouTube that is a company that cleans up hoarder places after the people have died...and sometimes they die in their homes and they have to do hazmat cleaning and stuff. I cannot believe that people can live like some do, it is hard to understand that it is actually a disorder, one would think that the mess would wake them up to it but obviously it is something they can’t overcome. Amazing what the mind can do! Anyway, the cleaners must get paid well to clean these places out, they are full of rotting food and pet feces and things, and this company is in Florida so the guys are fully suited up and sweating while having to smell all that. I’m not sure you could pay me enough for that job! |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 21:26 |
MHZ, Hell no I was watching them scoop that poop up with a shovel. The lady would pee in a cup and make her granddaughter dump it outside. Nasty heifer I’m sorry I draw a line she even had plumbing she just didn’t want to use the toilet.Goodness her boyfriend finally left her well of course he did she was taking dumps on the floor. That ain’t sexy lol. Can you imagine what it smells like. Bugs crawling all over everything there is no way I would set down.I would burn my clothes.I would rather live in a neat and clean tent in the wilderness naked and afraid. |
CHEVYMAN 12.06.2020 21:31 |
There was also one with a father and two little kids welfare stepped in and removed the children until he cleaned it up. When they returned the little boy had a shaved head and omg they had shaved the little girls head too. She looked like a little boy. I guess they had head bugs.Poor things |
Rainbow61 12.06.2020 22:31 |
Amidds...When I went to Ireland a couple of years ago, my husband and I flew on Norwegian Airlines out of Stewart Airport near NYC. As far as I know, they no longer fly from there, which is a shame. In fact, I don't think Norwegian flies out of any airports in the Northeast anymore, but I haven't checked in a while. We got a great deal on tickets at the time. I bought the tickets before we had any B& B reservations or even our car rental! I was excited to fly on Norwegian because Freddie had been chosen as a "Tail Fin Hero" and I was convinced I would be fortunate enough to fly on the "Freddie plane", but alas, it was not to be. Most people have seen this picture before, but here it is anyway. Katydyd...I agree with your comment about Rudi. In addition, Freddie obviously trusted Rudi a great deal to have selected him as the director of his final video. Discretion was paramount at that time. What's nice about all of these books coming out (the Neil Preston Book, Thor and Lee's, and Rudi's) is that we have choices. You mentioned the Life Magazine that was published after the movie. I didn't get it because I didn't think I would read/see anything new. However, I understand how others who didn't have any Queen books would be thrilled to buy the magazine. I would rather have choices that I pass on then to have no choices at all. |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 04:25 |
I just kinda like to say without making a big wave I just don’t get the purpose of these other two books at this same specific time frame. I get choices and everyone wanting wanting something different or maybe wanting all three. It just seems a little weird to me that’s all that the two other authors are supported by Queen management. I by no means want to start ugliness I just dont want this to be skipped over or overlooked. I do feel there is a slight angle behind this. I had been looking back Rudi has been working on this project for years as a maybe possibility and all the sudden it is in the works as a rush now I’m just saying and his title does intrigue me. |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 04:34 |
Sweet plane Rainbow! |
stevendabudgie 13.06.2020 17:01 |
@Rainbow61 @Katydy5 Thanks! But reading and hearing a language passively is different than writing or talking. Writing a mail or post without time constraint is different than an spontaneous chat where you have to react instantly. And by reading blog and articles, I know some sophisticated political or scientific terms, but lost some knowledge of common everyday vocabulary. I had classmates who went to the US or Canada and spoke English with native speaker's security, without the slightest accent. |
Rainbow61 13.06.2020 18:42 |
Chevy...As far as the publication of these 3 upcoming books, I guess we will have to politely "agree to disagree". :) Whether people liked the Bo-Rhap movie or not, the one point most can agree on is that it smashed all box-office expectations. The resounding success of the movie showed there is an audience hungry for anything Freddie or Queen related. Therefore, it comes as no great surprise that Freddie/Queen books have been written after the film. It has already been about a year and a half since the movie's premiere, so it makes sense to get those books published and made available while the interest is still high. Neil Preston was the official Queen photographer for many years, but that is not his only accomplishment. He has already enjoyed major success as the official photographer for several other rock groups and has been the photographer at major sporting events including 6 Olympics. It's obvious that Brian and Roger gave Neil's photo book their blessing because they have contributed anecdotes to the book. All authors would love to have that kind of participation when they publish books about living legends. It gives the book credibility. As far as Rudi's book, I have no idea if it has Queen Management's blessing or not, but being that Rudi was a trusted video director for Queen, and Rudi has stated he is still in touch with Brian, Roger and Queen management, they are probably quite aware of Rudi's book. That doesn't necessarily mean they are contributing to it though. From what I gathered on Rudi's last YouTube talk, he hasn't even finished the book yet, but if Brian and Roger choose to give it their blessing, then kudos to Rudi. Thor and Lee have been working on their book for a while. Although there have been some delays with Thor's knee surgery/recuperation and now COVID -19 slowing down production, they have remained steadfast in this book project and have enjoyed public support for their venture as well. I think they see the finish line! I assume Thor and Lee don't have a relationship with Queen Management and that's perfectly okay. It doesn't mean anything bad if they don't. Thor and Lee did not inhabit the international rock world as did Neil and Rudi, they got a glimpse of it through Freddie, so Thor and Lee's story comes from a completely different perspective. Their book will largely focus on Freddie's world outside of being a rock star, so why would Brian, Roger or Queen Management have any involvement in that? Thor and Lee have an incredible story to share that is quite unlike the others. I really look forward to their book. This is pure supposition on my part, but I doubt that Thor and Lee know Rudi or Neil Preston or vice-versa. (I can't emphasize enough that this is just my opinion) I don't know if Rudi and Neil know each other, but that is far more likely. None of this really matters though. That the three books could possibly be published around the same time does not imply anything untoward on the part of those involved. I don't see these books competing with each other as they are all so different...and being different does not mean that one book will be any more or less truthful in its depiction of Freddie than the others. No one is trying to undercut the other, steal anyone's thunder, or cover anything up. I don't think there is anything to be worried about or suspicious of. There is nothing nefarious going on. Freddie was such an amazing person...what a complete and total privilege it was that Thor, Lee, Rudi, and Neil all had the great fortune to have known him. And now...it will be our great fortune to be "invited" into the world they shared with the extraordinary Freddie Mercury! |
Saint Jiub 13.06.2020 19:37 |
Rainbow61 wrote: Whether people liked the Bo-Rhap movie or not, the one point most can agree on is that it smashed all box-office expectations. The resounding success of the movie showed there is an audience hungry for anything Freddie or Queen related. Therefore, it comes as no great surprise that Freddie/Queen books have been written after the film. It has already been about a year and a half since the movie's premiere, so it makes sense to get those books published and made available while the interest is still high. Thor and Lee have been working on their book for a while.It had been suggested to Thor that he write a book way back in July 2017, well over a year before the Bo Rhap movie's release in October 2018. There is NO WAY that Thor and Lee's book was conceived as a "cash in" as the idea germinated before the movie's release. In July 2017, the movie was in shambles, and the final script for the movie had not even been written. link |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 20:55 |
Saint Juib, I think I already read that somewhere I believe it was here my problem isn’t with their book at all trust me.I think they have been more than generous here. I believe some of those in the past had suggested other wise about cashing in that’s a little silly isn’t it.Thats before I started following I believe . As far as things are many are getting frustrating because it is taking so long. I think that is a little rude but it doesn’t matter to me one way or the other. I would take their truth before I would take someone who is feeding the fans enough bait like Rudi to keep them biting and coming back.Im not saying he wasn’t a friend and buisness associate but not all friends are as close to him as they say I believe in my opinion meaning Rudi. And just because someone works for you doesn’t make them Golden.This is all just my opinion. |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 21:17 |
Competition this isn’t in anyway a competition that’s not what it’s about. In my opinion it does as you say have to do with the film and it goes beyond money.They painted a pretty family fantasy that was everyone’s dream Rock star.Management wanted for the new generation of viewers to believe in Boy meets girl love and he briefly toyed around with bisexuality. That was wrong he has made them so much money and still is.So these two books that are backing up this beautiful fantasy I bet they will have many pics of Mary Austin. Rudi’s Book is devoting one whole chapter on Mary. Are any 2 of these Queen books going to have Jim Hutton or any of Freddie’s other bfs in them. I say not for one he was private for another they don’t want that in their books. This is just my opinion so yes I do think it’s good somebody is standing up for a dead man who can’t say he was gay in the year 2020 Amen. |
MyHumanZoo 13.06.2020 21:34 |
Rainbow, that was an incredible description of each book and the way they came about...well said! Chevy, I honestly don’t understand why it upsets you that these books are coming out around the same time? As you say, it’s not a competition. They are completely different books, and likely by the time each comes out there will be significant gaps of time between them anyway. People are definitely hungry for Freddie info, and like me will probably end up with all 3. All the books can come out and it will be fine. As to the focus on Freddie’s sexuality, I am quite sure the Preston book will have nothing on it if he was their concert photographer. Rudi has a chapter on Jim, and has talked about Freddie’s love for him. But why is it so important that these books focus on Freddie’s sexuality in any specific way? It’s not their job to explain whether Freddie was bi or homosexual, who he loved more, or anything of that kind. And if they do say something about it, it doesn’t mean that what they say is Freddie’s real truth. They will only be repeating what they saw or heard, interpreted through their perspective. They were not inside Freddie’s head to know the actual truth. I sincerely hope that these books don’t create more Jim vs Mary drama, as it really is none of our business who Freddie loved more, or what any of them did behind closed doors. |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 21:48 |
MHZ, I don’t expect anyone to agree or understand it it okay. Everyone just has an opinion and that ones mine. We all got our own. But to me it is truly awful what media and even his management which he trusted with his legacy done to him after death. I don’t gotta worry about that I’m not famous lol. |
Rainbow61 13.06.2020 22:43 |
St. Jiub...Thor and Lee announced their decision to write the book in late December 2017. Prior to that, people posting on their thread had certainly encouraged them to think about it, as their stories were so interesting. In my earlier post, I simply said they had been working on their book for a while. What I NEVER said or implied in any way was that anyone's books were a "cash-in". Not sure how you interpreted my words as such. I have been supportive of Thor and Lee's book writing venture from day one and was one of the early people to donate to their GFM account. I would never have done that if I thought the book was going to be anything less than a tribute to their dear friend. I will buy Rudi's book and will probably end up buying the Neil Preston book as well. In terms of coordinating a book with the movie's release or some time thereafter, that is simply a smart thing to do. By the way, this is what Thor posted on Dec. 29, 2017: "So, that brings me to the good news and the bad news- We have decided to go ahead with the book, overloaded with photos and written content!!!!!! Lee has so little time available and we have made a deadline for ourselves of coordinating it's release with the upcoming Bohemian Rhapsody movie. Therefore, due to the work involved in this project by two non-novelists, we feel we should end this thread." MHZ...I agree! While Freddie's sexuality is still a hot button issue for some, I truly think most people are beyond that and do not care to label what he was. Freddie was a shining light. Period! |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 23:25 |
I’m not angry at all but I saw a reply that I didn’t answer it has tooken Thor and Lee a while to write their book. Well I have done research and it has been even longer for Rudi he has been at this a long time then all of a sudden he is like mad out there working on it. He’s utube live videos are like fishing tournaments he baits his fans that’s crazy.Oh maybe a good soap opera when he has a top secret tune in for next time to see how the page turns. I thought he was playing the prices right was he on a toy horse.Thor and Lee never did or said any of these things to the fans. They answered questions if they didn’t know they would say so.Then the Peter Freestone secret my goodness they looked like the three stooges without the third stooge.I mean who does this. |
CHEVYMAN 13.06.2020 23:34 |
I was talking about Rudi and Peter Freestone. One more thing I bet when Thor and Lee started going through photos of Freddie they had pics of other friends almost all who had passed. Maybe that brought up some hard stuff for them.I know when I look at pics of me and my uncle mike he used to use me when he lifted weights . He would have me walk on his back.That picture is painful to look at. So those other Writers weren’t dealing with all that death so young it makes a difference.It stays with you. |
Katydyd5 13.06.2020 23:42 |
Rainbow, I thought your post was outstanding. It was clear that you put a lot of thought into it and you articulated what I have been thinking every time this topic comes up.. Rainbow, you certainly did not say that Thor and Lee viewed the movie as a cash-in. and I was sorry to see your post diminished to one small point. Many times they said they wanted to coincide the release with the movie. It was their primary goal!! And what's wrong with that? I've never heard of an author who didn't hope to have a best seller . The movie has nothing to do with this topic. It's old news. The guys knew interest in Freddie would peak and it would be a good time to release the book. As for people being frustrated that it's not out yet, I've not seen that. I think all of us, including Thor and Lee, wish it could have happened faster, but we all understand why it didn't. Perhaps there has been frustration expressed on another medium, but I have not seen it. To the best of my knowledge only 2-3 people asked for refunds on their GFM donations. As for the comments about the other books, Rudi has clearly stated on his Live Broadcasts that there will be a chapter on Jim, one on Mary and one on Barbara. In fact he talked at length about how much love he saw between Freddie and Jim, and others. Neil Preston is a well-known rock photographer. I am sorry that I shared that picture of Freddie and Mary that will be in the book because that was construed to mean that there will be many pictures of Mary. I should have known better than to share it. I just thought some of you might enjoy a new picture of Freddie. MHZ and Rainbow, I agree. I think most people are long past labeling Freddie. It's an ancient argument. Finally, I don't see the constant need to attack Rudi. He's quite the character and has his own way of doing things, but it's easy to avoid looking at his YouTube channel if the material there offends anyone. He's been in the entertainment industry for his entire life and he knows how to do promotion. I think it is just silly to keep dwelling on conspiracy theories about other authors or the "Queen Machine" out to get Thor and Lee. I don't think that helps Thor and Lee at all. |
Rainbow61 14.06.2020 00:16 |
Thank you Katydyd! I also have not seen people complaining about Thor and Lee's book. In fact, people are still sending in their donations. I agree with you about Rudi's YouTube videos...people do not have to watch if they don't want to. Choice...it's a wonderful thing. Chevy...No insult was intended in stating that Thor and Lee's book has taken a while. I think they had a vision of what they wanted their book to be and would not settle for something that didn't meet their standards. Nothing wrong with that. I'm sure looking through all of those slides was difficult for them at times, as it is for all of us when we see photos of people we have loved and are no longer with us. I have that experience every time I see pictures of my father and my grandparents. |
Saint Jiub 14.06.2020 02:11 |
Rainbow - I did not intend to hammer on you, and did not mean to imply that you thought that the Freddie book was a "cash in". However, back at that time, Jacky from the Queen Fan Club was hostile to the Freddie book, and there were suspicions that Jim Beach and QPL were trying to prevent publishing the book, as it did not fit the QPL narrative. Jacky and Jim Beach also seemed to imply that the Freddie book was a cheap "tell all" cash in. Meanwhile, Rudi's and Preston's books appeared to have the full support of QPL. I think Thor's and Lee's motivations to write the book are pure, and that the Bo Rhap movie was a secondary consideration to them. I think that any mention of the Freddie book in association with the Bo Rhap movie risks more QPL accusations against the Freddie book, and I would rather let sleeping dogs lie. I just think that the Freddie book stands on its own merits, and should not be associated with the Bo Rhap movie. Sorry if I overreacted. |
Rainbow61 14.06.2020 04:06 |
St. Jiub...The fact that Freddie was comfortable with Thor and Lee visiting him at Garden Lodge during the summer before he passed, at a time when he was limiting his social circle, says a lot about how Freddie felt about them. I also think the Freddie book should stand on its own merits. We're good now! :) |
CHEVYMAN 14.06.2020 16:05 |
Rainbow, I agree it does say a lot about them being as he was so sick that he considered Thor and Lee so close and felt peace and comfort with their presence it means everything. He probably was glad Thor was a nurse as well and could do things for him without maybe going to emergency services. That terrible media camped outside his house I read.I’m curious if they were ever bothered I hope not.I know poor Elton was. |
CHEVYMAN 14.06.2020 16:23 |
I also wanted to clear something up when things settled.What I was talking about was about Freddie spent all that time becoming comfortable with himself. It goes and has nothing really to do with labeling him. He found himself and his inner peace. The fans so disliked his physical transformation that he went through on stage between the 70s and 80s. They thought in the Early 80s it was a fashion another fashion statement. It wasn’t though nor was It just head knowledge .It was him it was his heart his soul and who he was as much as anyone else.So what we are talking about isn’t just a matter of sexuality it’s more of a disrespect to him as a person.Thats what I was meaning and it was taking out of context.It seems that it keeps repeatedly being done to him.It doesn’t make me angry at those that call it labeling and other such wording because I know they just don’t simply understand it. |
CHEVYMAN 14.06.2020 16:39 |
I meant to say others wonder why I refer to those wordings I feel like the rest of the population can relate to that specific terminology and clearly they do because they seem to keep calling him things he didn’t discover about himself instead of things he had discovered about himself.Enough said on that people have their own ideology on him truth or not. His friends even said he was who he was. To me that’s good enough. I have never seen a celebrity desrespected and those around him disrespected as much as I have this man it’s kinda crazy. Change of subject is well overdue sorry for giving my two cents. |
Rainbow61 14.06.2020 17:33 |
Chevy...I know the media became a big problem...don't know if it was an issue during the time of Thor and Lee's visit (In terms of reporters being outside of Garden Lodge) but it might have been. Maybe Thor and Lee will address that in their book. People were initially surprised at Freddie's short hair and mustache look, some might have even been upset about it, but those who didn't accept Freddie's new style, and what that represented, ended up being a minuscule drop in an enormous bucket when you consider the size of the adoring and enthusiastic crowds Queen played to in the 80's. Take comfort in knowing that Freddie is now, and will remain, one of the most respected and beloved rock stars of all time! |
MyHumanZoo 14.06.2020 18:08 |
I still don’t understand, and I’m sure I never will get the need to hammer that Freddie was gay, and only gay, and that is the only important fact about him. Freddie doesn’t need anyone to stand up for him and say he is gay, he could....and DID say it when he was alive. They addressed it in the BoRap movie, the band has acknowledged it, we have acknowledged it....the world has acknowledged it. To assign somewhat evil intent to those writing books without knowing that person, or even having listened to what they say about Freddie doesn’t make sense. I’ll leave the subject now, and apologies if I offended you in any way Chevy, that is definitely not my intent. I am looking forward to getting and reading all the books on Freddie, and intend to read them with an open mind, then make any necessary conclusions afterwards. |
CHEVYMAN 14.06.2020 18:31 |
Agree totally Rainbow well said! |
CHEVYMAN 14.06.2020 18:34 |
MHZ, no apologies needed it’s just opinions your good and your input I always enjoy reading as well as all the others. |
stevendabudgie 14.06.2020 19:05 |
New study suggests coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan may have started in August: link One US politician tested postive for coronovirus antibodies, but the last time he was sick was in November (as far I remember). |
lsg 15.06.2020 02:11 |
Katyd, I agree Rudi takes to long to get to the point, he’s good at casting the fishing line out, then reeling in, then casting out again. I do look forward to the book, but I don’t care for the idea that the preorder is made without a final price on the book. Thor and Lee had a fixed price on the preorder. However I am sure Rudi’s book is going to be competitively priced with similar books, so not to concerned. Amidds, a random page from a very old yellowed out page from a dictionary at the letter “M” is the background of the photo. But the artist pulled a page from the words that begin in “Ma” rather than “Me” so the definition of Mercury would be on the page his photo was superimposed on. Artist messed up here. |
Katydyd5 15.06.2020 02:59 |
Steven, I meant to reply to your earlier post about conversational English. You are, of course, correct about the difference between taking the time to write in English, and having a spontaneous conversation. When I was still teaching, I had many ELL (English Language Learners) in my class. Often they started with no English at all. I was working with 7-8 year olds so they were very receptive and actually learned the language fairly quickly. They spent part of the day with English tutors, and the rest in the classroom. I would say close to 40% of the children in the school were ELL students. They often understood spoken English before they were willing to risk actually speaking. It was a great joy to watch their progress. One issue I had is that I speak very quickly and that might have made it harder for them to understand. I had to constantly remind myself to slow down. Do you come across many native English speakers in your city? If I'm remembering where you said you lived, don't you have a large university there? I'm wondering if you could possibly connect with some people there. |
Amidds 15.06.2020 13:39 |
Katy, never got your PM. Don't know if it's this site or me as I am still having problems opening the attachments on here. I will continue to work on it lol. MHZ, lucky you to be in Florida! I am seriously considering going to visit my kids cause I am feeling stir crazy. Of course, it's hot as hell down there now and not everything is open but, I'd like to be out in the sunshine and relaxing (and I've only been back in the office a couple of wks lol!) Rainbow, not too familiar with Norwegian but, since just my daughter and I are going to Paris, I will be flying to Orlando to travel with her so that's where Norwegian kicks in. It was actually $300 cheaper to go from Orlando than Chicago which more than pays for my flights to/from FL! We're just keeping our fingers crossed that we can go and things will be open at the time! I know Versailles has opened up, keeping my fingers crossed for the Louvre. I have a nephew there so he will keep up entertained too. Of course, we have that side trip to Montreux at the time too. Even though our main reason in going there has been cancelled, we will still see the FM statue and maybe see the studio. Of course, I have warned my daughter that we will be returning to celebrate FM's bday there someday when things are back to normal :) Lspg03, haha, love the intention! I assumed they would put it on a relevant page but I couldn't read anything. Even though they messed up, it's still pretty awesome! Stevendabudgie, I have heard a lot about that theory of the virus being here earlier than we thought and that many people may have had it and not known. I had traveled to FL in Nov and Dec. Both times I got sick and assumed I picked something up on the plane. My Dec illness was so bad that I had pretty bad coughing and a fever which I passed on to my son-in-law down there. Took a while to get over all the symptoms. Makes me wonder if I had a light case of it then and makes me want to get the antibody test to check. I don't usually get sick and can't remember the last time I got that bad so I wouldn't be surprised!!! Re: the book discussion. I honestly don't think any of these people are trying to "cash in" especially not Thor and Lee. That being said, I couldn't care less if that's what anyone's intention is. People have a right to make money and as long as their not hurting anyone, go for it!! However, if I thought that was their motivation, I might not buy it lol! There's always gonna be people out there that have nothing better to do than criticize someone for their actions without knowing their actual thoughts/intentions. As long as these books are well done and not "tell-alls" or full of lies like the Jones book, I'm more than happy to have them! |
MyHumanZoo 15.06.2020 15:50 |
Amidds, it is really hot in Florida right now...so be careful what you wish for, lol! We are getting the daily afternoon rains too. But it is still lovely and relaxing. I am ready for my husband to find something to do though....he is a restless soul and doesn’t do well sitting still for long. Which means he is constantly either doing something that requires my input....or planning to do something, which requires my input! I am used to being on my own all day so I have had to adapt. I did finally finish my book by Cynthia Lennon though, I thoroughly enjoyed it. She is really a lovely person, very sweet and really doesn’t have much of anything bad to say about John and even Yoko, even though they treated her pretty horribly. She strikes me as a rather naive and nice, too nice to stand up for herself in most situations, which was probably her main problem. I am very jealous of your trip to France and Switzerland Amidds....I really hope I can get to Montreux myself one day. I have been to the Louvre, but I am not much of an art person so I was not a good one to appreciate it. They told me when I went in that you couldn’t see it all in one day....but by golly I managed to do it! |
Katydyd5 16.06.2020 02:20 |
Amidds, you didn't miss much with my PMs. I actually sent them in three parts because QZ will cut off a PM if it is too long. It generally takes me three or four tries to get in to the site and I find that frustrating. I'll shamelessly plug the queenchat site for the ease of their PMs! I'd like to get the antibody test too, though they say it isn't reliable. I was sick for about two weeks in late February. Terrible cough, low-grade fever, chills and exhaustion beyond anything I'd experienced before. I even skipped my last Broadway show, Les Miz, because the thought of going to the theater and sitting for a whole show was simply beyond me. It's not uncommon for me to get sinus infections but this was totally different from anything I'd ever experienced. My former in-laws lived in Florida and I used to dread the visits down to see them. I am not fond of the heat at all and it was relentless. My son and his family were just there visiting my DIL's mother and they spent some of the time in enclosed bathrooms due to tornado warnings as a result of Cristobal. I hope we don't have a rough hurricane season. It's absolutely the last thing we need. Amidds, even though the birthday party for Freddie has been canceled this year I still envy your trip to Montreux. I'd love to see the statue and to have the studio experience. I want to hear all about it upon your return! |
Amidds 16.06.2020 13:30 |
MHZ, I'm sure it's very hot! When I go down this time of year, we usually just spend time at the pool or beach and take it easy. I'm a lot like your husband where I can't sit still but, the heat this time of year usually zaps me so I don't mind being lazy!! I would be interested to hear how you did the Louvre in one day! When my daughter and SIL went last year, they picked just a few rooms and concentrated on those. It was hard because my daughter is very artistic and my SIL is not so, settling on stuff they were both interested in was difficult I guess. Katy, maybe it's QZ then and not me. I won't worry much about it, the name had just tickled the memory banks and I was curious what I forgot this time lol! I haven't looked into getting the antibody test around here yet, still trying to limit going out too much as I really worry about bringing it to my mom. If I feel brave enough to go to Fl before our big trip, I'll see if my daughter can do a test - I really feel as if it's going to make a difference when a vaccine comes out. It may be like Shingles where, if you have had it, no point in getting the vaccine. Plus, I have a major sensitivity to eggs which is how they grow the vaccines so I can't even get flu shots or I'm deathly ill for days. So, if I've had it and a vaccine won't help, less for me to worry about!! Keeping my fingers crossed for Paris/Montreux!!! I too, am still looking forward to it even though the bday party was cancelled and I still have small hopes that things will clear up and maybe SOMETHING will happen at the time-boat trip with Peter perhaps? LOL - will def let you guys know how it went and post pics of the statue and studio if we can get in along with anything else FM related!!! Not that pics aren't all over online for that stuff..... |
Katydyd5 16.06.2020 23:54 |
Amidds, I DO think it is the QZ site, not our computers. I definitely want to see pictures of anything you see in Montreux. Doesn't matter if I've seen tons of similar pics, this will be someone I know sharing the trip! |
Amidds 17.06.2020 13:16 |
Katydyd, awesome! But, be ready, I am the picture Queen! One thing I really want to do is leave a message on the wall outside of the studio - has anyone seen that? It's like a message board to Freddie and I love it! I know it's not the same BUT if anyone wants me to add their name and take a pic, let me know. Do I sound weird lol? I just think it would be fun to see our names up there in a special location. Gosh, all these little things that may not happen if the trip gets cancelled :( Hate to bring up all the bad going on but, everyone doing OK? Don't know if any of you live in any of the areas hit by riots but I think of you all when something happens and hope everyone is staying safe!! |
MyHumanZoo 17.06.2020 14:33 |
Yesterday we went to the beach and had a great day, my husband managed to sit still for quite a while! I got some reading done and we went for walks, too. It was one of the only days where we didn’t get the afternoon showers, which helped. I don’t mind hot weather at all, I am cold all the time so it’s nice when I can walk around and be warm for once. As for the Louvre, I basically hustled through all the areas and rooms, I didn’t stop much to take it all in. I am not good at appreciating art, I look at stuff and think, ok...that’s nice and then move on. I did stop and admire the Mona Lisa, and a few other big name pieces. I am a fast walker too, which helped! Amidds, if you get to Montreux and can put our names outside the studio I would love it! I love looking at the pictures from anywhere related to Freddie and Queen, so feel free to post them all. In fact, if they’d had a Freddie room at the Louvre I probably would have spent all day there, lol! |
JB050 17.06.2020 15:14 |
Happy belated birthday MHZ Amidds - looking forward to seeing some of your trip pics if you are willing to share. Really excited for you. You all have probably seen this before, but just in case link Thinking about you all .. sorry I have been MIA. |
Katydyd5 17.06.2020 15:35 |
JB, not sure what your link is supposed to share! When I click on it, I'm seeing birthday wishes for a friend of mine on FB. When I tried again, I got a post about two local missing dogs. Somehow I don't think that's what you were aiming for. |
JB050 17.06.2020 15:46 |
Hi Katy. Haha. Spot on. Definitely not what I was going for. See if this one works. It’s the clip of Freddie stopping the concert to calm the crowd where they were fighting. link |
Amidds 17.06.2020 20:32 |
MHZ, will def add your name. You can let me know in a PM (if it's working) if you want your real name or MHZ. I am much the same way with walking fast and glancing, especially when I shop, tho I don't enjoy shopping at all. So, who knows how much I will absorb. We are actually strongly considering taking a tour we saw on Airbnb conducted by a French historian/comedian. His tours are highly rated and he hits a lot of the high points in a "fast-moving" tour. My daughter said all the placards are in French so, this way, we will move fast, get a history, a laugh and can go back after to spend more time on things we are actually interested in. We'll see. Of course, I'm just hoping it's open at this point!! JB, I don't remember actually seeing that clip so, thank you. If I'm not mistaken, that was in Ireland. If memory serves, between that fight and the crowd's behavior, that's why Freddie said he would never go back there and, I don't think they did!! Did get a big chuckle about Katy getting the bday and dog stories though - was it a magical link JB? :) |
JB050 17.06.2020 22:19 |
Amidds. Hahaha. I guess I accidentally linked to Facebook and the really funny part is, everyone will likely see something different. When I follow it, it goes to my “friends” posts. So yes. I guess it is a magic link. Haha. :-)) That tour sounds interesting. True, as you said will be a plus if places aren’t opening up then. I think it’s great that you are still getting to go. Another plus, shouldn’t be as crowded. ;)) |
JB050 17.06.2020 22:20 |
Amidds. Hahaha. I guess I accidentally linked to Facebook and the really funny part is, everyone will likely see something different. When I follow it, it goes to my “friends” posts. So yes. I guess it is a magic link. Haha. :-)) That tour sounds interesting. True, as you said will be a plus if places aren’t opening up then. I think it’s great that you are still getting to go. Another plus, shouldn’t be as crowded. ;)) |
Katydyd5 17.06.2020 23:40 |
Amidds, I love the idea of a group message on Freddie's wall! Add me to the list!! JB, I had seen that clip, but thanks for sharing again. It is the concert at Sloane and the one that soured Freddie on Ireland. It always makes me a little uncomfortable because it could have gone bad pretty quickly. I know they have a lot of security around the stage, but that's a mighty big crowd. |
JB050 18.06.2020 00:04 |
Amidds, I missed that. I’d love to be part of group message on the wall. What a great and very thoughtful idea. Katy, yes. Crowd behavior definitely. He handled it amazingly. I’m sure security was grateful. Sounds like there were pockets of issues in the arena. |
Amidds 18.06.2020 13:45 |
Oh JB, you have always been a tricky one ;) OK, two more names to add to my list. We have plenty of time but, as we get closer, we should decide on the message and you all can let me know if you want me to use your QZ names. Before my Ireland trip got cancelled, we had been planning to drive past the castle where that concert was. I love to be able to see the places I read about with actual eyes, ya know? |
JB050 18.06.2020 16:44 |
Amidds. Thank you?!!?!! Haaahaaa. So cool about the group message. Well, Maybe you will get to Ireland and a 75th birthday celebration. ;-)))) how do you like my idea for your 2021 vacation planning. Hope all of you and your families are well!! |
JB050 18.06.2020 16:44 |
Amidds. Thank you?!!?!! Haaahaaa. So cool about the group message. Well, Maybe you will get to Ireland and a 75th birthday celebration. ;-)))) how do you like my idea for your 2021 vacation planning. Hope all of you and your families are well!! |
MyHumanZoo 18.06.2020 18:46 |
JB, I have heard about Freddie stopping that concert due to the bad behavior, but I had never seen the video....thank you! He really went about it well. One would have to wonder now whether it would go like that. Amidds, I think I’d like my real name on Freddie’s wall....not that it would make any difference, I suppose! I just wouldn’t want it posted in a picture on here, so if you can send the pictures privately that would be best. Although I suppose we have a little bit of time yet to figure things out. |
lsg 18.06.2020 21:21 |
Amidds! I envy you! The statue and the studio! Please put my name there to? Pretty please with a cherry on top? Katydy agreed on heat. Ugh.. |
lsg 19.06.2020 00:43 |
Amidds wrote: Oh JB, you have always been a tricky one ;) OK, two more names to add to my list. We have plenty of time but, as we get closer, we should decide on the message and you all can let me know if you want me to use your QZ names. Before my Ireland trip got cancelled, we had been planning to drive past the castle where that concert was. I love to be able to see the places I read about with actual eyes, ya know?Me too! Please add my name to the wall! Thanks! |
lsg 19.06.2020 00:44 |
Katydyd5 19.06.2020 00:46 |
LOL, it's a good thing we have some time to decide what names we want Amidds to use on Freddie's wall. I'd prefer Katy, but that's because I try to keep my online life and my private life separate. MHZ, even if Amidds shared the pictures privately, we'd all still see your name wouldn't we?? Just thinking out loud, I don't want this to turn into a big deal. Saw this on FB today, and I'm going to try to watch it. It will only be posted for 24 hours. That drives me crazy because it means I actually have to remember to watch. link |
lsg 19.06.2020 00:47 |
Doesn’t this guy here in this picture look like circa 1990 electronics salesman? |
lsg 19.06.2020 00:51 |
I mean looking at that photo you would not think global musical legend, and if you put a 1974 long haired Freddie picture next to this, you’d never know it was the same guy. |
Katydyd5 19.06.2020 00:59 |
Lsgp, I love almost all of Freddie's looks. The one I didn't like was the mullet and that was short-lived. I even think the bearded look from his last years looked good. |
Amidds 19.06.2020 13:06 |
Lsgp, you are added! We DO have plenty of time but put your thinking caps on, idk how much space will be available so we might have to be creative ;) No worries about real names - if that's what you want, maybe I can have my daughter put her hand over the real ones if you don't want it seen?? I'm the same way, I really try to protect my identity and that of my kids on social media cause you just never know. Plus, I have a crazy ex and his current wife that I try to hide from so, I get it! We'll figure it out! Since the party isn't going to be happening, I will have a couple of days to do this! And thanks for the pic - he DOES look like a salesman. Of course, he could've been selling air and everyone would've bought from him!!! Katy - thanks for the link! I'm one of those people that has a really hard time listening to Queen songs with any vocals that aren't Freddie but that seems like it would be really interesting! Of course, I will have a problem remembering too lol |
MyHumanZoo 19.06.2020 19:32 |
I suppose it doesn’t really matter if it’s my real name...the thought will still be there. And now I kind of like the idea of all of our QZ names being on there as a group...so we can represent ourselves together with Freddie! That picture cracks me up...it does look like a salesman....or as we get around here some of the religious groups where young men put on a white shirt and tie and hand out brochures door to door. That sure isn’t a Freddie job though!! : ) I listened to a Rudi interview today, he had it with the leader of an Italian Queen fan group. Rudi actually shared interesting stuff....like that he was the one that first came up with the idea for the ay-oh call back with Freddie on screen, this was first done at the tribute concert. And that the criteria for the performers at that concert were singers that Freddie really loved. He also talked about Michael Jackson...and described him as very, very,very,very strange! I even counted the “very’s”! Rudi had to sign a contract that he would not look Michael in the eye (look another direction) whenever Michael entered a room. On the book side, he said that he had gotten “unpublished” pictures from photographers around the world to send him pictures to put in it. I have my doubts on the unpublished status, I sure hope it really isn’t stuff we’ve all seen before. He will also have pictures of his own in it that have not been seen. He also said he’s going to put some of his Art Rudi Art pictures in it...I am hoping that goes away as I don’t need to see that stuff. I am afraid this book is going to be so fat...he said it was 60 chapters, I think? I am still wondering if he even has a publisher, or if he is doing all this thinking someone will just print it as-is. I highly doubt that. So who knows what it will really end up being. |
CHEVYMAN 20.06.2020 01:34 |
MHZ, A little strange is good it keeps you in suspense and in extreme curiosity about the other person. A little strange is always good. Freaks are the the funniest people to be around I remember a party where Freddie had ordered them to go out and get the strangest people that could be found to attend. I recall reading there were women there smoking cigarettes with their vaja jas lol.How would a woman do that ? That would be so interesting. And a tank with painted naked people in them how beautiful I bet that was. He definitely had a taste for the freaky side me too Freddie lol. |
CHEVYMAN 20.06.2020 01:41 |
MHZ, Who knows who the publisher is it would be nice to see some of Freddie’s art. We all know he took gratis design in college. He made some beautiful pieces of clothing any woman in that era would’ve been proud to wear. He could take a rag and make a whole entire outfit and then have someone take pics of him in them. That’s a true artist let’s hope he keeps on task and doesn’t go to far off the beaten track. I get lost real easy if something takes a lot of detours. |
Katydyd5 20.06.2020 02:03 |
MHZ, is that interview with Rudi and the Italian fan group on his YouTube? I might take a listen when I have a bit more time. I agree with you, I'm not interested in seeing him put his Art Rudi Art pictures in the book. I've seen some wonderful fan art, but I can see that on FB or even on Rudi's page. I've always assumed he had some personal photographs and I hoped he'd include them in the book. I'm curious about his publisher too. Surely they would be helping him refine some of his ideas. It seems they get grander by the day! Amidds, I struggled for a while with Adam singing Freddie's songs, but finally came around and I'm so glad I did. I absolutely loved the concert last summer, and with the current situation I am so grateful I saw the band. The one song I was worried about was Who Wants To Live Forever. That is probably one of my very favorite songs, and I was worried that Adam might not do it justice. Well, no worries. It was fantastic. I think it helps that he doesn't try to imitate Freddie. |
JB050 20.06.2020 14:44 |
Hi all!! MHZ — thanks for the Rudi Recap! I am going to try to remember to watch at least some of the watch party. To relive the concert a little. But, Amidds, I completely understand where you are coming from, I usually watch something with Fredfie as well. Lsgp - nice photo. :-) |
CHEVYMAN 20.06.2020 20:31 |
Lsgp03, Freddie in that tie he does look so nice their we are so used to seeing him in his stage attire. He does look very handsome here for sure.I agree 70”s Freddie went through a huge transformation in looks but that jawline and facial features didn’t change much over the years. I will confess I do love 70”s Freddie I dig those costumes he wore and let’s face it the way he thrashed his head around on stage he looked like something of animal kingdom very hot. |
CHEVYMAN 20.06.2020 20:41 |
Amidds, The larger city over from me were hit by the riots but I live in such a small town I totally avoided it. My town has a population of 5000 people.The riots in Oklahoma weren’t too bad even the ones near OKC.My town has one grocery store one bar McDonald’s and a speed limit of 25 through town so that’s how small we are it makes me thankful and makes me feel more safe away from the city. |
Rainbow61 21.06.2020 16:51 |
Happy Father's Day to all the dads, stepdads, and father figures out there. Have a wonderful day! |
JB050 21.06.2020 19:36 |
I 2nd Rainbow!! Happy Fathers Day to all!! I am watching the watch party now anyone else? |
Rainbow61 22.06.2020 00:39 |
JB050...Just finished with Queen's "Tour Watch Party". That was a lot of fun! I put my hands above my head and clapped during Radio Ga-Ga...and even though I knew Freddie would appear on screen during "Love of My Life", it still got to me. The only number I didn't care for was "Fat Bottomed Girls"...not because of the singing, which was great, but because I wanted the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders OUT OF THE WAY! Sometimes they were blocking Brian, Roger, and Adam. I'm glad Queen didn't have any "special guests" during the show I was at last year. I only want to see the guys perform. Watching those concert clips really makes me want to attend another show. Amidds...Thanks for your kind offer to add our names to the Freddie wall on your trip to Montreux. Please add me to your list. You can use Rainbow61. Can't wait to see the pictures when you get back. MHZ....Have you received your copy of "Total Guitar" yet? I don't have mine. I'm assuming orders are not shipped as quickly during this slow down period? I'm just hoping it didn't get lost. |
Katydyd5 22.06.2020 00:51 |
JB, I forgot about the watch party until I saw your post, so while I didn't see it live, I did just watch it. Wow. It brought back so many memories of the concert last summer. I turned the sound up as loud as it would go and just immersed myself. Did you guys notice Brian's nail polish during I Want To Break Free? The only other time I've seen him do that is way back in their black and white period. Freddie's nails were black of course and at times Brian's were white.This time they were silver. It was fun to see Roger and Rufus do a drum battle. I always shudder a little when Adam goes down into the crowd. Security goes with him, but still! That must be a nightmare moment for them. Rainbow, I totally agree with you on the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. Brian had trouble getting around them! The crowd loved it, but me, not so much. I did some singing along too, and I always cry during Love Of My Life, even though I know Freddie is coming. Rainbow, is your copy of "Total Guitar" being mailed from the US? I don't know much about the magazine. I think mail can be significantly slower now. It took a week and a half to get a card to my niece in Texas, and a letter I mailed to Sweden never got there at all. Both Amazon and Zulilly have posted disclaimers saying orders may be slower than usual. Life sure has changed. |
Jo T. 22.06.2020 05:11 |
I saw the Queen + Adam Lambert Tour Watch Party on Sun., the 21st. Was it Katydyd5 who 1st shared the link about the watch party on the thread? Thank you! It certainly brought back fond memories of last summer’s “The Rhapsody Tour,” during its North American leg. I count myself fortunate to have been able to see the concert live - 2x! The most poignant part of the watch party was when Queen performed “Who Wants to Live Forever” from the Isle of Wight Festival in the UK in 2016. Adam dedicated the song to the bar patrons and staff killed and wounded by a mass shooter at the Pulse, a gay nightclub, in Orlando, Florida, a couple of days earlier. @JB050, after buying the DVD back in the fall of 2019, I FINALLY watched Queen + Bejart Ballet for Life for the very 1st time - online! LOL I liked the mix of Queen songs, Freddie’s solo works and Mozart. I’ve always respected the strength, grace and agility of ballet dancers. @MHZ, after I read Randy Shilts’ “And the Band Played On” earlier in June, I recently completed Tony Kushner’s play “Angels in America.” I really liked it. Even though it’s a drama, the dialogue was hysterical. I have never seen the HBO version of the play. Next, I plan to read the late Larry Kramer’s “The Normal Heart.” Those 3 books should do it for Pride Month! For those interested in Jon Krakauer’s book “Into the Wild” and/or its film adaptation,” I saw on the news that the abandoned bus in the Alaska backcountry - where Christopher McCandless spent the last months of his life before he died of starvation in 1992 - was finally removed last Thurs., 6-18-20, via airlift by an Alaska Army National Guard helicopter out of concern for public safety, because visitors have died or have had to be rescued during their pilgrimage on the Stampede Trail to the “Magic Bus” (link. You can even see the awesome video of the bus being airlifted! The scenery is breathtaking. If my memory serves me well, those trees are black spruce. I also recall the locals referred to the trees as "pipe cleaners." |
Amidds 22.06.2020 14:29 |
Well, as per usual, I completely forgot and missed the watch party!!! I even had it written down! Sundays are usually difficult for me to plan anything as I do spend most of the day at my mom's-cleaning, laundry, cooking, etc. On top of that, with the hopes that we WILL be going to Paris/Switzerland, we finally booked our Paris Airbnb's. I'm glad we waited as we made sure to book one with a full refund guarantee up to the day of arrival. I had booked our Montreux Airbnb before COVID hit w/no guarantee so....fingers crossed as always!! Rainbow, I have added you to the name list!! The only problem is both my daughter and I are very short so we may have to squeeze the message in where we can reach lol! Hoping there's a space for us!! Chevy, glad the riots didn't come close to you! I'm an hour outside of Chicago so we didn't have riots either thank God. We did have a number of protests but, they remained peaceful overall!! I did just see that MPT and Hard Rock are doing some Pride merch if anyone is interested. It showed up on my Insta and I haven't looked into it yet so I can't make a recommendation. |
Katydyd5 22.06.2020 15:24 |
Amidds, the video from the watch party will be up for another few hours if you want to try to catch it. It's well worth a look. I'm so glad you went ahead and booked the trip. That must make it seem more real for you. So you are going to stay in an Airbnb rather than a hotel? Prior to the virus hitting I had friends who had retired and were staying for months at a time in AirBnBs all over Europe. In fact, they were in Spain when it hit hard there. At first they were going to try to ride it out, but thankfully their children convinced them to return home. Jo, I'm so impressed with the reading you do.. I'm back to reading at least a book a week, but I'm probably 8/2 in favor of fiction. Do you read fiction at all? Isn't the HBO production of "Angels in America" several hours long? I think I've seen bits and pieces, but never the whole thing. I'm also sure I saw "The Normal Heart" because I wanted to see Jim Parsons in a dramatic role. . I'm making it sound like I avoid books and wait for the movies, but that's not true at all. I like both mediums, and will generally enjoy both the book and the movie. Jo, thanks for the video of the Magic Bus being removed. I found it rather poignant. I understand the need for removal, but it seems somehow sad. I'm trying to remember something. I know Christopher starved, but wasn't he also eating a native plant that eventually poisoned him? That could be totally something I've made up. Some of the MPT pride merch showed up in the sidebars of FB and I meant to check it out, but didn't. Think I'll take a look now. Quick edit: I really like the Hard Rock Café shirt. A portion of the proceeds go to MPT so I may consider it. |
lsg 22.06.2020 18:00 |
I missed the watch party too! Is there a way to still see it somewhere? Or is it gone? |
CHEVYMAN 22.06.2020 19:05 |
I want to wish a belated Happy Fathers Day to all the Fathers out there and to all Uncles because I sure had an awesome one and we can’t forget all the important men in our lives.Amidds, I’m glad you didn’t experience anything dangerous through the riots either.Overall I think covid helped that situation out a lot that’s one positive thing I guess we can take from this experience lol.Jo, It’s always nice to see your post and I’m pleased to see that your gonna start the book the Normal Heart. I saw the film of course it was really well directed and had some great actors. I’m all about the actors I want to know who is starring in these movies.Im always intrigued to get your insight after you read the books.Hope your not working to hard and enjoying your summer.Peace to you my friend! |
Katydyd5 22.06.2020 19:16 |
Lsgp, you might be too late, but here is the link. link It was only going to be online for 24 hours. |
JB050 22.06.2020 22:31 |
Katy and Rainbow! Woo hoo! I agree, it was so much fun to watch. Maybe they will re-run it. I agree, it definitely took me back to relive the concert. Katy, you are good! I missed the nail polish. Of course I wasn’t looking at the screen the whole time. Was definitely singing along. I loved the overhead shot of the phone lights in love of my life. Breathtaking. Jo T ... So great you watched it!! Hysterical that ended up watching online. That’s something I do too. Haha. What did you think? Did you watch all way Thru in one sitting? If you didn’t already watch them, you might like the DVD extras too. @JB050, after buying the DVD back in the fall of 2019, I FINALLY watched Queen + Bejart Ballet for Life for the very 1st time - online! LOL |
JB050 22.06.2020 22:31 |
Katy and Rainbow! Woo hoo! I agree, it was so much fun to watch. Maybe they will re-run it. I agree, it definitely took me back to relive the concert. Katy, you are good! I missed the nail polish. Of course I wasn’t looking at the screen the whole time. Was definitely singing along. I loved the overhead shot of the phone lights in love of my life. Breathtaking. Jo T ... So great you watched it!! Hysterical that ended up watching online. That’s something I do too. Haha. What did you think? Did you watch all way Thru in one sitting? If you didn’t already watch them, you might like the DVD extras too. @JB050, after buying the DVD back in the fall of 2019, I FINALLY watched Queen + Bejart Ballet for Life for the very 1st time - online! LOL |
Katydyd5 23.06.2020 02:18 |
JB, I have to admit that I'm fascinated by details, so I was glued to every aspect of that concert. I noticed the guy behind the drum set in the Central Park songs and still can't figure why he was there. I'm even more focused when I'm looking at photographs. Obviously I see the central figures, but I'm often very interested in the surroundings or the background. For example, if it's a picture in Garden Lodge, I'm looking at the decorating, or the table settings, or even what you can see outside the windows. If it's a picture in a restaurant, I'm looking at what they were eating or drinking. I think all of that tells a much deeper story. Shoot, it's so bad, I keep a magnifying glass by my computer so I can really check things out. Nah, I'm not obsessed. : ) |
lsg 23.06.2020 03:28 |
Thanks katyd, yep, too late. *sigh* |
Katydyd5 23.06.2020 12:33 |
Have you guys seen the new stamps that will be released?? link |
Amidds 23.06.2020 13:30 |
Aannddd I missed the 24 hr posting! Busy day yesterday and just saw your post today Katy. Hopefully they will repost because that does sound pretty cool! Yes, we're going for Airbnb's. They are slightly cheaper and....ssshhhh....if they are allowing travel but enforcing a 14 day self-quarantine, we figure that won't be enforced at an airbnb. I'm sorry if that makes us sound like jerks but, yeah, it's Paris! I mean, if we're offered refunds in that case, we'll take that option. If they don't and our only choice is to go, I'm not staying in!! We'll obviously wear masks, etc. And thanks for the merch link Katy! I'm not really into stamps but there is a lot of new cool stuff on there I haven't seen before. Hmmm, where's that damn credit card ;) |
CHEVYMAN 23.06.2020 13:53 |
Amidds, Credit cards are my worst enemy I love to shop I can always find something I need. My grandson is 4 he loves new clothes what 4 year old loves new clothes it’s because I’m a compulsive shopper.He has everything he has a polo in every color and everything under armor ever designed for kids. I’m really sick I need an intervention lol.His bday is in August no idea what to buy him he has everything.He is spoiled rotten and I have done it. I think online shopping is the devil. |
CHEVYMAN 23.06.2020 13:56 |
Paris that would would be Skid Row alley for me in terms of spending too much money. It’s making me sweat just thinking about it. |
Katydyd5 23.06.2020 15:29 |
Amidds, I'm not into stamps either, but I didn't get a gold coin when those came out, and the stamps are calling my name, so......I'm attaching a photo of the set I like. Of course, it's way too expensive, but I'm thinking it would look so nice in my Freddie room. Plus a big part of me likes to get these things just to see my kids' eyes roll. : ) You are right, there seems to be a lot of new merch. I like to get something from MPT to honor Freddie's birthday. Last year I ended up getting the statue and I love it, but I may go a bit cheaper this year. Maybe a mug? |
MyHumanZoo 23.06.2020 17:09 |
I hope you all had a nice Father’s Day weekend! I was quite busy, my husband’s dad and his wife came for the weekend and stayed with us, so we had several gatherings. It was fun, but it’s nice to get back to my normal routine. I did sit down yesterday and watch the concert online, I really enjoyed it. I loved the back and forth between Roger and Rufus on the drums. Speaking of Roger, did you notice he has a new single out called Isolation? I may have to get that one. Anyway, I did see that Brian had on silver nail polish for one song...he actually has gel nails now because without them his nails get completely torn up during concerts. He must have decided to paint them for that one. Rainbow, I haven’t gotten my issue of Total Guitar yet either, I am guessing that it takes a while coming from Europe. I saw the stamp sets that came out, they are pretty cool but I’ll probably pass on them. I got the coins that came out a few months ago, those are nice but I am just not into the stamps as much, for some reason. |
Rainbow61 23.06.2020 22:33 |
Lsgp...The picture of Freddie with the white shirt and tie...I'm thinking stock broker or financial adviser. :) Katydyd...Funny that you mentioned Brian's painted nails...I saw that as well. Nail polish makes the fingers more noticeable while playing, so maybe that's why he did that...or maybe it was just a fun style choice. I had the same thought about security when I saw Adam walk into the crowd. During the 1981 Montreal concert when Freddie is singing "We Are The Champions", he walks to the edge of the stage and shakes hands with many enthusiastic fans who were lucky enough to be that close to him...but all I could think of was what would he do if someone did not let go, or worse yet, pulled him into the audience? Amidds...Thanks for adding my name to your ever growing list for the Freddie tribute wall. It seems like they would need to repaint the wall from time to time to make room for new people to sign it, but maybe what we see are all the original signatures? I looked into Airbnb when my husband and I went to Ireland, but honestly it seemed far too complicated. I ended up using Booking.com for all the rooms. I love that site...so user friendly and the rooms were really reasonable. We stayed at 12 different places on our trip. (1 motel and 11 B&Bs). I had the luxury of room searching months before we left, so sometimes I'd book a room at a B&B, only to find another place I liked better, so I'd cancel the original and book at the new place. Cancellations were a breeze...and I did the cancellations far enough in advance as to not inconvenience the owners. In addition, it was really easy to communicate with the B&B owners through Booking.com. I love to travel and always enjoy hearing about other people's travels as well. Chevy...Sounds like it's time to cut up your credit card! :) Jo T. Thanks for the link to the video of the bus from "Into The Wild". What a strange sight to watch the bus "flying" over the forest. I wonder if it will eventually be relocated to a more accessible place? I bet people will still hike to the original spot, though. MHZ...Thanks for the update on the magazine. The magazine I ordered last year took a long time to reach me...so I just have to be patient! I was up late last night when I read an article about the soon to be issued Queen stamps. I am not a stamp collector either, but that didn't matter. I had to order a set! I ended up buying the "Presentation Pack" on QueenOnline.com because I wanted all of the stamps, but not to display. FYI...if you go to link, there are twice as many choices there. |
stevendabudgie 23.06.2020 23:14 |
@Amidds Accordign to a new study the Virus was already in Italy in December 2019 link link Meanwhile there has been an outrbreak amongst employees of a meat processing plant in Guetersloh., Germany. Over 1500 people have been tested positive. It's not in my Region, but the fact that local authorities gonna implement a Lockdown of the city and its surroundings is alarming. The meat company has come under fire due to the the violation of corona hygiene rules. Guetersloh's citizens are of course outraged. Travelers from Guetersloh are denied entry to other states like Bavaria. @Katydy5 Yes , I live in a City with a big University. My impression is that most students are so occupied with their studies or research frequent meetings for language practice are not very likely. |
Katydyd5 24.06.2020 00:33 |
Rainbow, your link won't work for me! Says "page not found". |
CHEVYMAN 24.06.2020 01:32 |
Rainbow, I know girl I used to work twelve hour days or more at the dealership for 19 years. But when my incident happened well some folks fill their time drinking some gambling and I quit drinking because of my liver enzyme count. So my drug is shopping not good coping skills I know.I used to work so much closing car deals I didn’t have time for that nonsense.I just need to stop it I stopped drinking I can stop this too thanks for the suggestion. |
Rainbow61 24.06.2020 06:03 |
Katydyd...Which link? I just tried both of them and they worked for me. (One wasn't live...but it worked when I copied and pasted it) You can access both links through the article on QueenOnline: link Sounds like you have some wall space that you might be filling soon! :) |
Katydyd5 24.06.2020 12:40 |
Got it, thanks Rainbow. I haven't purchased anything yet, but probably will. I want something I can display because otherwise I'll just stick them in a drawer and that will be that. |
Amidds 24.06.2020 13:25 |
Chevy, lol, you might want to have someone hold onto those card for you!! I'm not too bad but, when it involves Queen, I tend to buy quickly. Which is why I have those couple of book purchases last year that were a disappointment! Katy, I had to laugh at your kids rolling their eyes. It's become a constant joke in our house that, every time a Queen song comes on, I wear a Queen shirt, etc. my family rolls their eyes and complains about my fascination. It's all in humor, they're not really judging me, BUT I do love to go for that reaction! Rainbow - no problem! As long as we get there and can reach an open space, we're in!! My daughter actually got me into the Airbnb. I admit, I was very hesitant as first but the prices are usually a lot less than a hotel, you get a lot more space and sometimes you can get in an area where you couldn't with hotels. Our Ireland trip sound a lot like yours....we had an even mix between hotels and Airbnb's depending on where we wanted to stay. We got refunds on all of our Airbnb's and from 1 hotel. Another hotel gave us a credit and the last wouldn't respond so I ended up cancelling my card before they could charge it, lol. If we can't make it to Switzerland, the Airbnb we booked doesn't give refunds this late but it may fall under the original company/COVID refund policy. Just keeping my fingers crossed!!! Stevendabudgie - thanks for the articles, very interesting. On a side note, I'm glad I don't work for a place that is testing sewage!! I have a couple of meat plants in areas very close to me that had COVID outbreaks too. Makes you wonder why, doesn't it? It's food, they should be using protective gear all the time so, why these places with outbreaks? |
Saint Jiub 24.06.2020 18:40 |
For those interested, it might not be a good idea to pre-order Rudi's book as it appears Rudi has yet to finish writing the book ... This is translated from an Italian website and posted on the new Queen board: link ... | UPDATE | Rudi Dolezal's book MY FRIEND FREDDIE will hardly be released within this year as the author keeps promising. In a recent live video published on his YouTube channel, the director confessed to having not finished writing the new chapters of the book he has been dedicated to since last February. We don't even know how many pages it will have yet, as the stories of the former director of over 30 Queen & Co music videos and documentaries. '' They're saved here and there on the computer hard drive ", as he said himself. Earlier, in mid-April, Rudi had unfortunately had to cancel a half-hour live agreed with Comunità Queeniana Italiana saying '' I have a problem: I can't go live from now, I'm sorry, because I have to focus on my book ". Evidently confused, he has then exponentially increased the number of live and live connections with the whole world, literally clearing up all his past productions (his only economic gain, clearly), and it is very clear that he has no longer devoted himself to the work so decanted on his book. Too bad, because we're all pretty curious to discover new stories. Let's hope that when and if the book is published (already in 2015 a book of his was withdrawn from the sale because it was never completed! ), it's not the representation of a broken record that repeats the same things we all already know, and that maybe Dolezal has already said extensively these months. ???? PROPOSED TO TALKS DONE THIS MONTHS... ???? I updated our webpage with Rudi's last words. As always, the new text is written in green color to be distinguished from the many material I have already transcribed in the last few months comunitaqueeniana.weebly.com/more-of-that-jazz/rudi-dolezal-le-memorie-dei-suoi-anni-con-i-queen-primavera-2020 comunitaqueeniana.weebly.com/more-of-that-jazz/rudi-dolezal-le-memorie-dei-suoi-anni-con-i-queen-primavera-2020 ???? On the link page, at the end of everything, I recommend not preorder the book in special pre-order via the author's website. For heaven's sake, we won't miss a penny of what we anticipated, since Rudi has personally guaranteed that he will fully reimburse any customer who no longer wanted to wait for the book. The real reason, indeed, the real reasons are that: 1) we don't know how many pages he will have; 2) we don't know when and if it will be published for sure; 3) We don't know how much the shipping and it will have to be expensive beyond average because it's not managed by large distribution. It's better to wait for it to be officially published on the usual online and physical sales chains (if there will be...). ???? - Claudius Taxon Translated from Italian |
stevendabudgie 24.06.2020 20:31 |
@Amidds That's a good question. Meat processing plant are factories making products for mass consumption. They are just a different kind,of assembly lines. Employees don't have always time to desinfect. Here in Germany, the harsh, exploiting conditions of seasonal Workers from Eastern Europa is an issue. Virologists argue that the main causes of meat plant outbreaks are cool temperatures, bad air conditioning and air humidity thus enabling the coronavirus aerosols to stay stable and float around for a much longer periods of time. Add to to the mix the facts that there more shouting at such places,. Shouting emits higher viral loads than soft talking. There was a case here where dozens of choir singers got infected during a rehearsal. |
CHEVYMAN 25.06.2020 00:41 |
Amidds, meat is outrageous I’m not much of a red meat eater. Hamburger meat is very expensive I prefer chicken or fish so I’m good.Its the small things in life that make me happy. Saint Juib, I get it about the preorders on the book I guess it’s up to the individual I guess as long as refunds are available no harm done. I didn’t plan on ordering Rudis book anyway for personal feelings so it won’t affect me but I know many have put their money down in good faith to receive a copy. Covid has been a rough experience on our nations It’s even slowed down Thor and Lees project it happens. At least with Thor and Lee we have these threads to look back on when we get bored lol. I’m truly sorry for those excited for The ones that put up money on Rudi”s book if these statements are truly the case. |
Amidds 25.06.2020 13:15 |
Saint Jiub - very interesting and, what a contradiction to what he was saying when I was actually still watching his lives. I know we had that discussion where, every day, he said "I just finished another chapter(s)" and it seemed he either writing at lightning speed or was confused as to what a chapter really is. I would really like to see it come to fruition and give us some good tidbits that we haven't all read hundreds of times but, this makes me glad I didn't preorder! Stevendabudgie-Excellent points with the cool temps, shouting, etc. Never thought of that. And, as this virus was unknown, you can't really blame people for their ignorance and not knowing exactly what to do. On the other hand, it is now summer and cases are rising so, are people just not isolating and wearing masks or is there another factor? I know the news is full of stories about how, in the south of the US, numbers are rising dramatically. In talking to my daughter, however, those numbers are in younger people and mostly asymptomatic. Her hospital isn't yet converting all their ICU's back to COVID units and don't plan to. Now, anything can happen to change that BUT, makes me wonder if there is gonna be another twist to this pandemic and we all just have to face the fact that there will be a new way of life where we need to stay safe while still living and hope the medical community can come up with a vaccine SOON!!! On a Queen note, Katy, those stamps popped up on my Insta today so now I'm rethinking buying them. The coin I had ordered was very nicely packaged and included some trivia (nothing new) but it was more that just the coin. Looks like the stamps may be the same way. |
CHEVYMAN 25.06.2020 14:20 |
Amidds, I’m glad you didn’t preorder too ! But did he say this with love and respect if he did then that ought to count for something lol.Didnt he always say that to the fans I don’t know I just heard from others. Maybe there was a huge tornado and blew all his hard work away. I’m so damn bad that was hateful.I just hope everybody gets their funds back. If not they may have to make a trip to Florida and like the three little pigs story the big bad wolf may half to huff and puff and blow his house down. I’m in a strange mood I’m kidding I’m sure refunds are available.Ignore me! |
CHEVYMAN 25.06.2020 14:35 |
Amidds, On a different more serious note I went to counceling and you are supposed to wear their special hospital style masks not your designer ones and this lady got pissed and threw the facility mask on the ground.People don’t want to wear the approved masks the homemade ones don’t work. Everyone is gonna be required to wear a certain kind if they want to enter public places. Meaning the buisness will have security issue them if not bye !bye! That’s why we are seeing more cases I think not wearing the correct hospital style masks that are approved.Looks like more job openings for security that’s positive. |
Katydyd5 25.06.2020 16:19 |
Darn, I just lost a long post because it "timed out". My apologies if it somehow appears twice. I'm going to try again. Amidds, I did not pre-order Rudi's book either, but like you I hope the project does come to fruition. I've been following the discussion on queen.chat since it began and the thread is really rather short. St. Jiub provided the link if anyone is interested. Most of the posts are negative, but it's all personal opinions. I really hope Rudi isn't about to become the hot button target for negative people. Even the author of the translated Italian link SJ provided suggests just waiting for the book to come out rather than pre-order, and again, it's a personal opinion. If you go to Rudi''s social media sites you will see positive posts. I'd much rather take the positive approach and remain hopeful. Amidds, as for COVID, again, I'm taking the positive approach and hoping for a vaccine. Cases are on the rise in the suburbs surrounding me and that concerns me. I did go to Costco yesterday before I knew about the local rise and was immediately sorry. It was my first time in months and they didn't even have what I wanted. Though I only saw one person without a mask, the store was way too crowded for me. I got out as fast as I could with purchases under $40 which NEVER happens for me in that store. But I was happy to see everyone with masks. We cannot get hospital grade masks here. They are reserving them for frontline medical workers. Medical experts say any mask is better than none. My concern is that so many people seem to be complacent about the situation. Restaurants open here and then close again because either staff or patrons tested positive. I LOVE to eat out, but it won't be happening any time in the foreseeable future. I also know people putting off medical issues because they are afraid to go to the doctor's office or the hospital. My niece lives in Texas and got very sick several weeks ago. She was given a COVID test that was negative, but she got steadily more sick. Because she is young, they wanted her to ride it out at home if possible. Finally she became so sick that she had to go to the emergency room. She was given another COVID test, again with negative results. Turns out she had murine typhus, which comes from flea bites. She's a vet and someone had abandoned a litter of kittens at her office. She took them home, they were infested with fleas and voila, murine typhus. My point is she stayed away from the hospital much longer than she should have though she recovered quickly once she had the proper treatment. I have other friends who live in Arizona, another hot spot. Their daughter is a nurse there and she says the COVID units are full, with concern where to put the overflow. Life is definitely going to be different for all of us. I don't like the way the mask feels on my face, but I would never go without one both for my sake and those around me. As for the stamps, I'm definitely going to get them, probably framed. Just haven't done it yet. |
CHEVYMAN 25.06.2020 17:04 |
Where my husband works in a hospital they are making the incoming patients wear the hospital grade masks security there has to enforce it or you don’t come in. Indian health follows the same hospital policy’s too in Oklahoma now I hope they start t in every state for everyone’s sake they had a huge hospital meeting about it.I bet costs are outrageous but so is medical ICU care. |
CHEVYMAN 25.06.2020 17:06 |
Eating places Walmart may not due it yet but they will have their own pretty soon too I bet. |
MyHumanZoo 26.06.2020 15:46 |
Steven, interesting on the meat plants, we also had several shut down near me due to outbreaks, this was back in early May, I think. We’d had hardly any in the area and that definitely increased our numbers. As if that wasn’t a gross enough job already, add in the virus risk and there’s no way I would do it! Katydid, I have never heard of that typhus and getting it from fleas...it kind of scares me! I am always so nervous about wild animals and birds having bugs, that gives me more creepy crawlies, lol! I am glad they figured it out though, and hopefully she will be ok. Speaking of that, one of my dogs either captured a squirrel, or found a dead one in the woods and ate it yesterday. Then it came back up in piles around the yard (thankfully outside!). Now I am watching them for any disease...bugs...worms they could get from it. To top it off, I don’t know which one did it so I have to watch them both, and I am not wanting either one very near me at the moment, which confuses them. On Rudi’s book, I am hopeful he will get it done, he says he locked himself in Miami before Covid came around to finish the book (in March, maybe?). And then quarantine lockdown helped. Since he seems pretty ADD I am sure it’s hard for him to focus and finish. I think the pre-order money is to help encourage him to finish it. Since it’s only $10, I don’t see it as a huge gamble, if he does finish I’m not obligated to buy it at whatever price or length of book, and if he doesn’t, I have wasted 10 bucks in far worse ways! So for me, it’s a wash. |
Katydyd5 26.06.2020 16:09 |
Just found this link on queenchat. It's a "Lockumentary" about backstage life on a Queen+AL tour. The video is the first installment and is only 5 minutes long, but it's fun. I've always thought working backstage would be so interesting. The accompanying article also gives the dates for their 2021 tour starting in May. I hope that happens!! link MHZ, I think that murine typhus is more common in states like Texas, though I also believe it can be found anywhere. I know what you mean about bugs and wild animals. For whatever reason I have a fair number of birds that crash into my front window. Usually they are a bit stunned, but eventually fly away. If they happen to die, it gives me the heebie jeebies to remove them because I know they have bugs. I love dogs, but don't have one anymore. My lab once tangled with a skunk in my backyard and I could tell a story about a rabbit, but I'll spare you. Hope your dog/s survive the squirrel incident without any further issues. |
Rainbow61 27.06.2020 20:57 |
Amidds and Katydyd...Yes, I get the occasional eye roll from my husband. Actually more than the eye roll, I get the "raised eyebrow, tilted head, stare combo"...mostly because I take any opportunity to turn to him and say "That reminds me of Freddie" and then proceed to explain why. I take great delight in doing that and seeing his reaction. Last night we were watching a kids baking show and the British host happened to mention "Top Of The Pops". Aha, there was my cue! We also watched the Canadian Baking Championship afterwards...one of the contestants actually made a koi pond sandwich cake. My husband immediately turned to me and said "Yes, I know the koi pond reminds you of Freddie". Darn...he beat me to the punch! LOL As far as Covid-19...I agree, we just have accept the fact that this is the "new normal" and live accordingly. I didn't mind the initial quarantine because I was hopeful it would only last a few months. While the quarantine is mostly over, the social distancing/face mask wearing will be here for the foreseeable future. A slow reopening is taking place, but there will be setbacks with a continued spike in positive tests. I wear a mask everywhere and am still cautious. I just received an email from the theater my husband and I go to a couple times a year for concerts...they have suspended all shows for the remainder of 2020. I have a feeling it will be like that for many of my favorite autumn and Christmas activities as well. I did not pre-order Rudi's book, but will buy it (assuming it is reasonably priced). His book writing process has been inconsistent and a bit disorganized. However, he has a reputation to protect, and for that reason, I assume he will complete this project. Amidds...I also thought the Royal Mint coin was nicely packaged. I bought the one with the picture of Freddie jumping off the stage on the cover...the inexpensive one! I have it propped on my computer desk. I will probably prop up my stamp package on the computer desk as well. |
Amidds 29.06.2020 13:36 |
Katydyd, agree! I am glad I didn't pre-order Rudi's book but will definitely take a look when it comes out. As far as the negative people.....just wait, you know they won't be able to help themselves! Gonna show my age here a little but whatever happened to keeping your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say???? I'm glad everyone has different opinions and, if you can discuss those differences intelligently, have at it. If you only want to be negative.....SHUT IT!! Ok, that was my rant for the day ;) I took last Friday off work to take my 90-year-old mom on various appointments that were absolutely necessary, one being a blood draw at the hospital. We are on Stage 4 of reopening so I was allowed to escort her and we got scanned before entering. The interesting this is, we have N95 masks from my daughter. There are many masks with that number but these are hospital grade, top notch. The hospital had us remove those and put on the paper surgical masks that are a lower grade! I didn't argue cause it's still a mask and we weren't going to be around a lot of people but I thought it was a little crazy. Rainbow, I got the same coin and, it too, is propped up on my computer desk!!! Great minds!!! |
MyHumanZoo 29.06.2020 18:03 |
Amidds, I so wish everyone remembered that saying about not saying anything if you don't have something nice to say! Wouldn't our world be such a calmer and nicer place right now if that were the case? I am recovering from a long weekend of doing my dog agility competition. It went quite well and my dogs both did great, but it is a long time of sitting and waiting until your moment to go. Then it is 30-40 seconds of running....then more sitting. I'm not sure why that is so exhausting, but it is! They had us wear masks during the run, which seemed pretty crazy to me. You are by yourself in a huge indoor arena, with only a judge in there with you. Then we all crowded in the building next door to see our results. Of course you could wear your mask there too, but it wasn't required like during your run. And most people didn't wear masks in the crowded area. Hopefully nothing got spread, but the rationale behind when and where to have your mask on made no sense. |
Katydyd5 30.06.2020 01:44 |
MHZ, I didn't know you do dog agility competitions! Very cool! What is the breed of your dogs? In the beginning of June I had to go to the cancer center for my annual appointment with my oncologist. They checked my temp at the door of the building, but accepted any masks and only offered masks to those who didn't have them. I've decided that for the time being I'm not going anywhere but the grocery store, and I'm wearing a mask wherever I am. On a positive note my grandkids came by tonight for dinner and they brought their parents. : ) It was just so good to see them. We did eat inside for the first time because it was too humid to be out on the deck. I haven't seen my other son and his family since Christmas since they live farther away but I'm longing for a visit with them too. I miss people! |
JB050 30.06.2020 04:37 |
Amidds. Hope your M is doing well. Good you were able to go with her. Katy. Love that you noticed all those details. I loved reading the stamps conversation. I had broken down and ordered. Since my brother’s bday is in Sep and mine is in Oct figure good gift. Katy. I think I got the one you had pictured in the link. If not that same one maybe a smaller similar one. They are really cool. Hope you are all doing well. So true about the new normal. Still working from home and being cautious. Take good care! |
MyHumanZoo 30.06.2020 18:39 |
Katy, I have goldendoodles, they both have one English golden retriever parent, and one poodle parent. They are so wonderful, I actually wanted golden retrievers but my husband is a clean freak and did not want the hair all over, so these were kind of a compromise. They don’t shed, and they are the smartest, sweetest, cutest guys! I got into agility because I missed horse showing, but didn’t want to do the horse thing again, so I found this. My dogs love it, and it gives us something to work on together. I have thought about trying scent work with them, there are competitions for that too. But for now I am sticking with agility because it keeps me active too. If I can remember how to post pictures I will put one up of my boys sometime. On the masks, Amidds, I just read where N95 masks don’t filter the outgoing breathing you do, they filter what you breathe in. So they may have had you switch masks for something that better filters your breath, so you are less likely to infect others. Did you guys happen to see the release from Queen to celebrate 40 years of The Game? It just went up on Instagram this morning for me....I immediately went to order something and it’s all sold out already. It got posted around 4:00 a.m. eastern time. It kind of irritates me, the UK/Europe gets the jump on this stuff. I suppose I could make it so I get alerts when they post stuff, but I don’t want to be awakened every night just to hear the latest clip from them! I really wanted the picture disk, and they only issued 1980 of them. People can order bunches of them and then sell them for more, it’s nuts! They put a limit of 3 on but some can just keep ordering until stock is gone. Oh well, there goes that collectible! |
Rainbow61 30.06.2020 23:29 |
MHZ...I don't own a dog, but I do enjoy watching the dog shows every year on TV. Once in a while I catch the agility test which is a total hoot to watch. One of the things I disliked about having a dog was the shedding. We had a yellow lab...her hair was always drifting across the floor. She was my husband's dog...so well behaved. We could put a small piece of food on the floor in front of her and say "No" and walk out of the room. When we walked back in a short time later, she would be staring at the floor...but had not touched the food. Of course we always said "okay" so she could snatch it up. I did not realize "The Game" had been re-released until I saw your post. I wouldn't have purchased it anyway (I have the original) but I see your point about not finding out in time. Orders were limited to 3 per costumer, but with so few available, it should have been 1 per costumer. They are pretty cool with that cover picture on the disc. Amidds...That is strange about the mask. I really feel for all of those seniors in their 80s or 90s who are alone and would love to have a family member or close friend take them to doctor's appointments, tests, or treatment, but don't have anyone. I bet your mom is grateful to have such a devoted child! JB050...I am still working from home. I had expected to go back before this, but now I am not sure when I am returning. I prefer to work from home anyway, so it is fine with me. Katydyd....Sounds like you had a nice evening. So did you make something special for the grandkids? Chevy...A while back you mentioned that June 30 is your birthday, so happy birthday! |
Katydyd5 30.06.2020 23:54 |
MHZ, I grew up with a Golden Retriever and love the breed. Due to the shedding I switched over to Labs for my kids. They shed too, but not so bad in my opinion. But Goldendoodles??? I love them! My brother had always had Irish Setters but his wife wanted a dog that would not shed so they got a Goldendoodle. He was such a smart dog! Every time I see pictures of GDoodle puppies I think I want one, but I come to my senses. I'd love to see a picture of your dogs. All you have to do is use (full reply) rather than Quick. That allows you to post pictures. I saw the news about The Game on FB this morning. I knew there were only 1980 copies but I had no idea they would be sold out so fast. Seems unfair. |
Rainbow61 01.07.2020 01:27 |
I'm really showing my dog ignorance. I have heard of labradoodles, but I don't recall hearing about goldendoodles before. I'll stick with snickerdoodles! :) |
stevendabudgie 01.07.2020 05:23 |
@Amidds Regarding cool temperatures, shouting etc.- these were general Impressions from a German virologist in a German talk Show. The host asekd him about the epidemic in South America where the climate is hot. and case numbers are exploding. The virologist replied that South America had high temperatures, but also high air humidity. German media reported other contributing factors. The fact that those seasonal workers were quartered at the same place, mostly in shared flats There has been speculation about a possible superspreading event in May, a church mess many employees had attended. And. like your daughter's account, most infected plat were asymptomatic. There have were very few hospitalizations. I wonder whether the high of number asymptomatic cases indicate a mutation making the virus more harmless or whether it is statistical anomaly? Above virologist stated that we should accept the virus as part of our lives. The EU has aprroved to drugs for treatment, Remdesivir and Dexamethasone. Today I am reading that the US administration has been buying all stocks of Remdesivir worldwide… I wonder whether new inventions in ventilation and air conditioning could also make difference. Or what about devices emitting microwaves or laser beams atomizing the aerosols? Meanwhile, the economical Impact in my town cannot be denid, the two biggest Nightclubs went broke. There is another pandemic threat loomig in China: link link @Chevyman Here in Germany, people don't have to wear approved masks to be allowed entry. Designer ones suffice. It seems to have worked here to a certain degree. @Katydy5 It also my concern that people get complacent, especially now with things opening up. The next weeks and months People will go on vacation. How many will get infected and spread the Virus by travelling? |
stevendabudgie 01.07.2020 05:23 |
@Amidds Regarding cool temperatures, shouting etc.- these were general Impressions from a German virologist in a German talk Show. The host asekd him about the epidemic in South America where the climate is hot. and case numbers are exploding. The virologist replied that South America had high temperatures, but also high air humidity. German media reported other contributing factors. The fact that those seasonal workers were quartered at the same place, mostly in shared flats There has been speculation about a possible superspreading event in May, a church mess many employees had attended. And. like your daughter's account, most infected plat were asymptomatic. There have were very few hospitalizations. I wonder whether the high of number asymptomatic cases indicate a mutation making the virus more harmless or whether it is statistical anomaly? Above virologist stated that we should accept the virus as part of our lives. The EU has aprroved to drugs for treatment, Remdesivir and Dexamethasone. Today I am reading that the US administration has been buying all stocks of Remdesivir worldwide… I wonder whether new inventions in ventilation and air conditioning could also make difference. Or what about devices emitting microwaves or laser beams atomizing the aerosols? Meanwhile, the economical Impact in my town cannot be denid, the two biggest Nightclubs went broke. There is another pandemic threat loomig in China: link link @Chevyman Here in Germany, people don't have to wear approved masks to be allowed entry. Designer ones suffice. It seems to have worked here to a certain degree. @Katydy5 It also my concern that people get complacent, especially now with things opening up. The next weeks and months People will go on vacation. How many will get infected and spread the Virus by travelling? |
Amidds 01.07.2020 13:32 |
Chevy - Happy belated birthday!!! Hope you had fun! Birthdays are the time to exercise those credit cards ;) MHZ-I've never owned a dog. I figure between working full time and all of life's responsibilities, it wouldn't be fair. I would love to own one someday and love the "doodle" varieties. Yes, please show pics sometime! Rainbow - IDK about devoted child, it's what you do for family right? Plus, we are just about the only ones left except for some distant cousins. My father's family all passed early and most do some weird circumstances (for the mystery lovers out there, I'll have to share the story some day) and my mom is the last of her siblings. And you know my brother and father have passed. Kinda grim BUT, I'm pretty glad I was adopted to avoid that health/death history. Stevendabudgie-coincidentally, my daughter has mentioned a mutation. She also gave me the long story of virus's, how they mutate and all the factors that effect their "strength". Won't bore you with details and, keep in mind, she is NOT a virologist but, basically, a virus wants to keep its host alive so mutations are to be expected. Sounds like the premise for a movie doesn't it? Recently I made a comment about pics I see of Freddie where someone labels it as "rare". Mostly, I've seen the pics numerous times but, saw one on Instagram that I don't think I've ever seen before. I will try to attach here or in a separate post. Looks like Freddie, Phoebe and Paul shopping in Japan maybe? Just curious if any of you have seen it or if we can really count it as "rare" lol. |
Amidds 01.07.2020 13:33 |
Hope this works.... |
Katydyd5 02.07.2020 01:12 |
Well Amidds, now I want to hear the family mystery story! As for the picture, I have seen it, but it's not one that is as common as many are I think you are right, it is Japan. Have you seen the pictures of Freddie shopping in a porcelain shop and then maybe a linen shop in Japan? If I'm remembering right he's wearing a red sweatsuit. I get a kick out of seeing him shop since I know he loved it so much. My favorite shopping pictures are in the shop in Hungary. He looks so handsome in every one of those pictures. Steven, I won't be doing any traveling this year, that's for sure. I'm not a big traveler anyway, but I do take long weekend trips at times. Actually I prefer to travel in the fall. I really don't like the heat and I'm not exactly fun to be around if I'm too hot. Do you do much traveling around Europe? I'm not talking this year, but in a more normal time would you be traveling? |
Amidds 02.07.2020 13:39 |
Katy-I am pretty sure I've seen the pics you are talking about though, you're right, shopping pics of Freddie are kinda common lol!!! I actually checked out the Queenchat board you all have talked about yesterday and saw a thread consisting of "rare" pics of FM. There were actually a few I hadn't seen before - it was like striking gold!!!! I didn't get too far into it but, I need to go back and see if I can download any of those!!! I will have to jog my mom's memory to make sure I get the story right but, my paternal grandfather (whom I never met) had a LOT of siblings. Every single one passed early, most due to unknown causes and some in weird places: railroad tracks out in the middle of nowhere in Colorado was one, back of a movie theater was another, a couple involved running moonshine! My dad apparently had a very exciting family but, he was a "boring" pipeline engineer his whole life lol. Travel update: our flights to Pars got cancelled. In talking to a co-worker, he advised that it may have had more to do with the airline than the destination so, we are going to try to book different flights. I may sound crazy but, I am determined to go if possible!!! Of course, if every place we want to go is closed, we'll skip it this year and shoot for next. |
CHEVYMAN 02.07.2020 20:30 |
Hi Everyone sorry I have been absent I have been a little blue . I been on twitter some but it’s not as interactive you can kind of be to yourself. My daughters boyfriend about strangled her to death she passed out and he was gone. She then called the police and they found him and he is in jail awaiting trial. I had no idea he was abusing her. It really upsets me. It’s a class D felony to strangle someone. I worry if he gets probation she will go back to him. He has done this type of thing before it was in a newspaper article that he had hit a girlfriends mother so he is violent and that concerns me so that’s why I have been distant. Hope everyone has a fun 4th and stay hydrated peace and love to all. |
Rainbow61 02.07.2020 23:22 |
Chevy...Very sorry to hear about your daughter's situation. Domestic abuse continues to be a such serious issue all over. Make sure your daughter has the number for the domestic abuse hotline in her area. They are usually staffed 24 hours/day and can offer counseling and shelter to victims of abuse. My best to her. |
Rainbow61 03.07.2020 06:18 |
Katydyd...Did you ever order the framed Queen stamps? Many of the stamps sets sold through the Queen Online Store are now sold out. I don't know if the ones sold through the Royal Mail site are also sold out. I am a bit concerned that I might not get the "Presentation Pack" I ordered. I had a pending charge on my credit card for it, but that charge dropped off and did move move to the "complete" category, which is unusual. The "Presentation Pack" is no longer available either. I sent an email inquiry to the Queen Online Store...am hoping my dropped charge doesn't mean my order has been cancelled. Amidds....Wow...that is quite the family history you have! Hopefully, someone wrote down all of those interesting stories. Steven...Yes, the economic impact of the virus has been insurmountable for some businesses. I expect to hear of more closings in the coming months. There is so much uncertainty now...thinking about next winter's flu season, especially if there is a new flu threat as discussed in the article you recommended, is almost too much to take in. |
stevendabudgie 03.07.2020 06:53 |
@Amidds The virologist I mentioned (Streeck) was guest again in the same talkshow, He pointed out that there were a couple of other coronaviridae producing common human cold. According to Streeck, the last one to enter the human race emerged ca. 600 years ago and probably was more harmful than now, Another guest was Lauterbach, a politician and physician and epidemiologist. He countered that Covid19 might have turned harmless in 50 years, but we had to deal with the dangers now. He stressed that we do not know enough about possible longterm damages, especially to the brain. The body overreacts to the new virus with a so-called cytokine storm, meaning inflammation of most organs. The brain is inflammated in a lot of severe cases. Lauterbach pointed out that the brain tissues of some patients seem to age rapidly. He mentioned post-SARS syndrome that hit patients from the 2003/2004 outbreak. Years after recovery, some still suffer from chronic fatigue, depression, sleeping disorders and cognitive deficits. I recently watched a TV report showing a young mathematician still suffering severe concentration problems after getting sick with CV in March/April... Lauterbach named another viral diesease, Encephalis Lethargica, causing both fever and neurological symptoms to illustrate his point. I myself am not necesserily afraid of dying, but getting crippled by this disease. link link link |
Katydyd5 03.07.2020 15:48 |
Rainbow, thanks for the heads up on the stamps! I hadn't ordered because I'm sort of guarding my credit card purchases due to the fact that I'm using the card much more than normal during this pandemic time. I wanted to hold off for a while. Still, I checked and you were right about the stamp status on the QOL site. I feel certain that they will obtain more that will be available later, but, well, I guess I wasn't as certain as I sound so I checked Royal Mail and they are temporarily out of stock, but will have more available in August. I went ahead and ordered the framed picture set I wanted. Figured better safe than sorry. Amidds, your family history sounds like the makings of a good forensic investigation book! I hope your family has more details that you can dig into. You mentioned that you checked Queenchat and found a thread of rare pictures. Is it on the General Discussion board? I can't find one specifically called "rare" but I do follow the pictures board and sometimes see photos I have not seen before. The shopping picture you shared is one that is more rare than others. I'm always excited to find pictures I have not seen. For a while I was convinced that there were no new pictures, but people are still finding and sharing new shots of Freddie. I hope that as his contemporaries age, more will come to light. I'm so sorry your Paris trip was canceled, but admire your determination to make this work. What do you think about Europe closing its borders to US visitors? I'm not at all surprised. I don't want to dwell on Covid, but I learned some disturbing information yesterday. Our governor had a teleconference which he hasn't done in a while. He showed a map of the counties of the state, and five are colored red, which means a heightened danger to those living there. I was upset to see my county is red. Worse yet, I later found out that the city with the highest rate of new cases is mine!!!!!!! Well, shoot, that's scary. I've only been out grocery shopping but that really concerned me. I'm supposed to take the car in for a checkup this week but I'm going to see if they are still offering the pick up/delivery option because I'm not sure I want to sit in the waiting room while they do the check. I also have a routine check-up with my doctor. Yikes, it's hard to know what to do. I'll say an early Happy 4th to those who celebrate! Our local fireworks are still going off tonight, but the park will be closed and people will have to watch them from outside the park. They will move them to the highest hill in the park and they say the fireworks will be larger than normal so that more people can see them from almost anywhere in the city. I live on top of a hill myself so I've always been able to see them from my bedroom window. It should actually be better this year. I've never been one for crowds, so this is fine by me. |
lsg 04.07.2020 01:53 |
Happy Birthday Chevyman, and wow, regarding your daughter. I am very sorry about this! I hope she realizes soon she can do better than this, glad he’s arrested. Ammids hope you find flights, but maybe the trip could be better enjoyed next summer. But if I were in that situation I would be looking for other flights. However, the EU has still closed off travel from America right? Thanks for that shopping photo of Freddie. Haven’t seen that one myself. Do you know or can copy and paste the link or name the thread from Queen-chat those photos are in? |
lsg 04.07.2020 04:58 |
Old 1977 article. If you scroll down the article begins. I found it interesting 1/2 into the article, written in 1977 Freddie talks about (he maybe going mad) Approximately 12-13 years later he does “I’m going slightly mad” link link |
CHEVYMAN 04.07.2020 18:36 |
Thanks for the BDay wishes my BDay is always 4 days before Independence Day . I was trying to locate a garden lodge tape it’s on the 4th with Barbara Valentin , Jim Hutton, joe, and some others with fire works. I couldn’t find it. It must have been removed it was very nice. I know I have a sick sense of humor but I thought to myself I hope one of those fireworks don’t drop down Barbara’s shirt it would be interesting to see which of those Gay gentlemen will volunteer to dive in after it.They could look for the barbecue utensils to assist her lol! I wish I could’ve found it I think Mary was even there. |
CHEVYMAN 04.07.2020 18:59 |
Lsgp03, That’s a interesting article I love that video too they did a great job on his hair piece. He still had good spirits with all the terrible pain he must have been experiencing by then not to mention the damage it started to probably have on his neurological system.I don’t know if he had any or not but some patients do. |
CHEVYMAN 05.07.2020 00:39 |
I want to give a shout out to a special friend I won’t give out her name to protect her privacy but I want to thank her for the beautiful bracelet she sent me and hope we can continue to be friends . I apologise for hurting her feelings things got heated quickly and had nothing to do with her. I don’t remember her screen name but remember she was lovely and from France. Thank You!Hope the boys are having a blast for the holiday. |
Katydyd5 05.07.2020 01:18 |
Lsgp, I'm confused. I looked at both of your links and can't find where Freddie talks about going mad. Am I looking at the wrong thing? Also, I think you might have been talking to Amidds when you asked for the Queenchat link for photos, but I'm going to take a shot at it. Are you talking about the shopping photos where Freddie is in the red sweatsuit? Or are you talking about the Queenchat photo thread? The photo thread is in General Discussion, near the top. As for the red sweatsuit pictures, they aren't in that thread. I have them in my giant Freddie photo file, and I can look if you are really interested though it would take me some searching. Sounds like everyone in my neighborhood is shooting off fireworks. It's going to be a long night/week. Last night some fool was shooting them off at 4:00 in the morning. Edit: I just Googled "Freddie Mercury shopping images" and the two red shirt pictures I was thinking of are there. |
Katydyd5 05.07.2020 12:50 |
Wow, I'm having trouble even getting to this site this morning. Then I wrote a quick post but it timed out before it could post. So annoying! Anyway, here's a shopping photo that showed up on FB this morning that I don't think I've seen before. It was taken in Japan. |
CHEVYMAN 05.07.2020 12:52 |
We just went to my oldest daughters for the 4th no drinks of course because they don’t drink anymore. So good food no fireworks thank God for small favors. She did have a slip and slide for children my grandson is a only child so he had a blast. There were two other children there.I sure would’ve like to have had a Bahama mama like I did last year but she announced no drinks.I had friends getting together that own a cabin but I would rather see my kids and grandson.Many of my friends don’t have children and aren’t married and I am so my life has always been somewhat different. I’m not as carefree as they are.However when we get together it’s on we have a real good time always. I hope all of you had a great time too! |
Amidds 06.07.2020 13:40 |
And here I am, trying to catch up again lol!!! Had another long weekend w/my mom. These past two have been difficult and, if it wasn't for COVID, I would probably be trying to convince her to move to assisted living. Needless to say, we didn't have an opportunity to discuss my dad's family which, obviously is not the most important thing right now but, like Rainbow and Katy said, I would like to get accurate deets for my curiosity and my kids. My mom's family has an extensive book, in print, of the family history going back many generations. The best thing about it, is it proves we are related to Shakespeare and my kids both got a big kick out of bringing that book into school at some point and showing their teachers!!! Here is the link for the pics: link. Hope I made it clickable for you!! Chevy - so sad to hear about your daughter!!! I hope she can get herself out of such a scary situation and find happiness again!! Lsgp - yes travel is still restricted right now from the US. We plan on using the credits from our cancelled Ireland trip to re-book the Paris trip as airlines are not charging change/cancellation fees still. Since you never know what the world will be like in September, we will take the chance, hope things are better, or still have a credit for future trips!!! Such a crazy time but, I am trying to stay hopeful!! Stevendabudgie-how scary!!! Really makes you think what people with COVID will suffer long term!! And, of course, since this is new, it will be a long time before we know!! I might have mentioned this before but, my daughter had told me how COVID attached itself to cells and makes it so sedation is prevented/prohibited (???) in COVID patients. So, basically, someone who needs to be intubated is awake and aware while the procedure takes place and lessens the effects of pain killers, etc!!!! Nothing like having a horrible illness and being able to suffer through the treatment as well!!! It makes sense then, that the virus can alter other functions and create havoc in a permanent way. I wish everyone could be made aware of these things - too many people out there not social distancing and not wearing masks! Hope everyone had a good 4th!!! I know it prob wasn't too exciting if you're being careful, but, safe is best!!!! |
Katydyd5 06.07.2020 16:02 |
Here's an interesting Rolling Stone interview with Roger. link Amidds, I want to answer your post, but will have to be later when I have more time. |
CHEVYMAN 06.07.2020 17:04 |
Amidds, when I was sick that’s how it was I could see and hear the Drs talking but I was paralyzed on a vent. I could blink though. I heard them say she may not make it that scared the hell out of me . My heart goes out to the families and patients. My lungs are permanently damaged from the GBS so I wonder if that’s why the covid patients can’t be sedated either. I never smoked one day in my life and I’m sure a lot of them hadn’t either it probably weakened their lungs.Thanks for your thoughts on my Daughter I think after the trial we have her talked into attending school out of state with family for a while.I hope she still will after court. |
lsg 06.07.2020 17:07 |
Katydy its 1/2 down the article approximately 12 paragraphs down which started with “The lavish presentation “ I just thought while he said it as a joke, it was prophetic. I was referring to the photos Ammids mentions that were rare, but she couldn’t remember where in queen-chat she initially saw them. |
CHEVYMAN 06.07.2020 17:26 |
Lsgp03, They were beautiful photos my favorite 70s Freddie he looked so much like a Persian boy back then. That gorgeous black hair. |
MyHumanZoo 07.07.2020 00:00 |
Hi all, I am trying to catch up with all the posts after a busy weekend! I do love the pictures of Freddie shopping, he looks happy and so interested in what he is doing. I received my Guitar magazine today that featured Brian as best guitarist ever, so I get to look forward to reading it. I didn’t realize that it came with a CD of Hammer To Fall, which is pretty cool! I also got my fan club magazine, so even more fun reading to come. We had fun on the 4th, we were in a flotilla with our pontoon, we decorated it up with my husband’s business and patriotic stuff. The whole lap around the lake took 2 1/2 hrs in the mid-day heat. We did win best commercial float...although we were the ONLY commercial float, lol! It was really fun though, and I have never seen so many people on the lake. It was great because everyone could be outside and distanced from each other. At night we went back out on the lake with some friends and my granddaughters to watch fireworks, and they were so gorgeous. There was a full moon right where the fireworks went off, and they had 3 barges full of the fireworks all going and timed to music on the radio. Yesterday we took our granddaughters tubing on the lake all afternoon, so we got our share of water fun. Now I am completely exhausted! |
Katydyd5 07.07.2020 01:35 |
Lsgp, thanks, I was able to find that paragraph with the help of your lead line. I got a kick out of it because I could hear Freddie's voice through that whole section. Amidds, I like your hopeful attitude about travel. We really don't know what September will be like and maybe you will be able to go. I sure hope so because I'm counting on lots of descriptions from you. Sorry things have been rough with your mom. The next step that you are considering is a tough choice, especially if she is at all resistant. The awful thing right now is being unable to visit family in those situations. MHZ, glad to hear your Guitar magazine finally came and with the added bonus of a CD! I wonder if Rainbow got hers. Those fan club magazines have a lot of info packed into them don't they? Your weekend sounds like fun! I think fireworks over water are beautiful. |
lsg 07.07.2020 02:58 |
Ammids and katyd, thanks for the photo link, I’m down to page 18, but had to stop and go to bed...,,saw so many interesting pics, but man those guys on Queen chat have discussions on what Freddie wore in a particular country on a particular date! Jeez...and research on the haircuts etc....I just want to see and hear them. Glad you found the paragraph in the article....it’s humorous, but interesting, like it was a prophecy. |
MyHumanZoo 08.07.2020 00:29 |
Katydid, thanks for the link to Roger’s Rolling Stone interview, it was interesting. I like hearing his thoughts on things, I usually focus so much on Brian I just get his perspective. The Total Guitar magazine is pretty cool, it has lots of different top lists of different types of guitarists, and it is cool to see where they are and how they are rated. Of course there is quite a number that I have never heard of....but I impressed myself with how many I do know, and which bands they were with too. The CD with the magazine is actually instructions on how to play Hammer To Fall, so now I’ll get to learn it! It’s pretty scary that you are in the middle of the Covid hotspot, Katy. I hope you stay safe! And Amidds, I hope you can get things going well for your mom! |
Rainbow61 08.07.2020 08:19 |
MHZ....I have yet to receive my copy of Total Guitar magazine. It sounds great! I had no idea it would come with a CD either. Fingers crossed that my magazine is just late and not lost. I'll be very disappointed if it doesn't arrive. A couple pages back you mentioned how quickly Queen items are sold out, often before the US even finds out they are on sale. Yesterday around noon, I read that Queen is re-releasing "The Studio Collection" vinyl box set. It is $400...and was already sold out! That was pretty fast considering how expensive it is. I wasn't interested in ordering it because my husband gave that to me for a birthday gift a few years ago...maybe 2017. I believe he got it on eBay for a very decent price. That was before the movie came out and all things Queen suddenly became very costly. My box set was previously owned, but basically brand new. The records are beautiful. Katydyd....Loved the Rolling Stone Interview with Roger. I appreciated his honesty when asked if he misses being on stage and the rush of a live audience and he replied that he didn't miss it yet. I was happy to hear that he and Brian are in daily contact though. Surprised to read that Queen's manager had a heart attack...I assume Roger was talking about Jim Beach and not their stage manager, but I am not sure. Amidds...You probably told us already, but how long will your European trip be? I admire the fact that you are so flexible about this...I know I would need to have more solid plans only 2 months away! My husband and I have to get our passports renewed...they expired a few months ago. We had planned on renewing them through the Post Office, but didn't want to go there in the midst of the pandemic, so we let them lapse. I don't have any trips planned in the near future, but I want my passport anyway. |
Katydyd5 08.07.2020 11:39 |
Rainbow, I had initially missed the info on Queen's manager having a heart attack. I've since read on queenchat that it was Jim Beach, but I've been unable to find any further information on that so maybe they are speculating. Whoever it is, I hope all is well now. |
Amidds 08.07.2020 13:23 |
Lsgp, glad you are enjoying the link! I was so surprised to see pics on there that were new to me. And, YES, the dialog amongst those "experts" are crazy. I love it though - adds a little insight to things I hadn't really thought about. Katydyd, thanks for the link on Roger's interview. I always felt that he has been very genuine and as honest (as could be) during interviews so it's always nice to hear new ones! Rainbow, interesting question because our trip has gotten shorter with each rebooking. It will now be 10 days with a 3 day side trip to Montreux. I actually did book new flight yesterday with the Ireland credits we had. We spent more because I bought extra insurance, just in case. Of course, now Europe has put up the travel ban on the US *sigh*. I'm realistic enough to know that this probably will not happen but, I like/need to have something positive to look forward to. Regarding passports, my daughter and SIL were able to download an online form for renewal and mail it in. It took longer to get their renewals that way but was much easier. This link may help: link. I don't remember, but I don't think they had to include new pics. Not too hard to do yourself if you have a printer though. Thanks for the well wishes regarding my mom guys!! She has good and bad days and a lot of the bad days are due to her stubbornness in not asking for help :(. I told her last week that she has to at least consider a part time home nurse which makes her nervous (COVID), and my daughter suggested we call Medicare office to see what programs they have here regarding home visits. Guess that's what I will attempt today - thank God government agencies are always available and helpful (puke emoji lol) |
MyHumanZoo 08.07.2020 17:53 |
Rainbow, I saw that studio set come out and wanted to get it...then I saw the price! I would love it, I’ll probably wait a while a get it on EBay like your husband did. I have all the albums on iTunes, but I really want discs of everything. Someday, I suppose! I already got the eye roll from my husband when I got the Total Guitar magazine and some Queen leggings on the same day! (The eye roll is typically accompanied by a “you’re obsessed” under his breath!) I saw that news about Jim Beach, I hope he’s ok! What are the odds that he and Brian would have them so close together...and luckily during a down time for the band? Good luck with Medicare, Amidds, government agencies are usually a black hole from which you may never return, lol! |
stevendabudgie 08.07.2020 19:09 |
@Katydy5 I do not work full time, so I do not have much money for travelling anyways. If I had, I would travel to Kanada and US and not only visit cities like New York, but also explore more rural or natural areas like the Rocky Mountains, Great Plains or Yellowstone National Park. And visit places like Graceland and Are51. :D I would like to take several months off to travel North America. .The same for Australia, motherland of the budgie. :D That country has fascinating landscapes and unique animal life. Travelling through Russia's wilderness would also be interesting. I would stay at home and switch to home delivery, too. @Amidds It is scary, but it seems to affect a perecentage of the severe cases. I wonder how many undetected asymptomatic or mild ones are in the US right now...miliions? @Chevyman Happy Birthday! Sorry to hear about your daughter. |
Katydyd5 09.07.2020 02:06 |
Amidds and Lsgp, I find the posts on queenchat almost intimidating because it makes me aware of how much I still don't know. I've posted three or four times, but I'm generally pretty reluctant. I know I'm obsessed, but some of those people are REALLY obsessed! Did you see the spreadsheet on Freddie's outfits for the News of the World tour? It's interesting and I have to admire the dedication it took to produce that, but I can't even begin to imagine the time that went into the research. I've learned a lot there, but prefer the easy conversation we have here. Amidds, I get the need to have something to look forward to. I've always been like that, looking to the future. Sometimes I have to remind myself to enjoy the present too. Steven, your dream travel choices are so interesting. NY City is a must, and you could spend an entire vacation there. The national parks like Yellowstone or Yosemite are spectacular and I'd like to see them too. What interests you about the Great Plains? The history of that area fascinates me. I'm definitely not an Elvis fan, but I'd see Graceland if I was in Memphis. You really could spend months here and not see everything. I'd recommend the northeast, and particularly Nantucket. Fascinating history of whaling there. LOL, I didn't realize Australia was the motherland of the budgie. I know you told the story of your QZ name on Thor's thread long ago, but didn't you have budgies as a child? I'd like to see Australia, or perhaps even more, New Zealand. I've been to Canada numerous times and it's a great country. My only other experience outside the US was Germany. : ) We had American friends who were living there for a couple of years working for Procter and Gamble, so we visited them. One of the most memorable parts of that trip was the few days we spent in Berlin, when it was still divided. West Berlin was so cosmopolitan, but East Berlin was an eye opener. Another highlight was a boat trip down the Rhine, with a castle around every bend. Oh and a classical music concert in the evening on the lawn of the Reichstag, culminating with fireworks over the building. Hmmmm………..this little trip down memory lane has me wanting to look at the photo album of that trip. I envy those of you who are able to travel frequently and I'm so glad you share your trips here. Amidds, I'm completely hoping you get to Montreux and share everything with us. The rest of your trip too, LOL, but Montreux for sure. |
Amidds 09.07.2020 13:31 |
MHZ, black hole is a perfect description! For instance, got nowhere yesterday, no one is answering the phone and websites get you nowhere. So glad my tax dollars go to this....... Stevendabudgie, you bring up an excellent point about the asymptomatic cases. I only have the one area of Florida I can speak of but it is the largest hospital in that state and ranked in the top 10 in the nation for various departments. Their ICU's are near full capacity BUT that includes 1 unit that has been close to full of COVID patients since the beginning and 1 more that is nearing capacity now. The news implies Florida is being overrun with COVID due to the numbers but, obviously, not in the hospitals (yet). One can only assume that these numbers are highly asymptomatic then but they are not reporting that. My daughter says their biggest problem right now is a staffing shortage due to self-quarantine. Apparently, a lot of staff have been exposed though she doesn't know where (beaches, work, etc). It's nothing they can't handle right now but, if those cases become symptomatic.....yikes! I love your travel ideas. Up until my kids were grown, we spent a lot of vacations at national parks or beach destinations in the US. When they were old enough, the hubby and I started to hit islands (I'm a beach baby!). Now that my kids are fully grown and have an income, we are starting to plan the big ones. Of course, this year would've been the start and you all know how that is going! I have high hopes of hitting a lot of areas in Europe when we can, Australia and a few more islands. And I WILL get to a bday celebration in Montreux someday even if we hit the area this year!!! Katy, glad I'm not the only one that felt intimidated on queenchat! I haven't spent much time on there but, each time I feel like that and do prefer our less "detail oriented" discussions here lol! I saw that discussion on the outfits and my head started to spin a little ;) |
MyHumanZoo 09.07.2020 15:22 |
Oh Steven, I really hope you get to come and see some of the US! It is SO beautiful....the Rocky Mountains are amazing, it just takes your breath away. Yellowstone is gorgeous too, just seeing Old Faithful erupting is a thrill, and there are mud pools all around it. The wildlife you can see will amaze you too. I was really fortunate as a kid my parents took my brother and I on vacations and drove all these places, we didn’t have much money so we camped in a tent the whole way. They are the best memories! From childhood my dream was always to live alone on a mountain top with a horse farm! I still aspire to that, I really am a hermit, lol! I have returned as an adult so I could fully appreciate it, and I still love it just as much. I have been many places, outside the US, mostly because of my work. I went to Germany many times and I love it there. Berlin is lovely, that is where I went for work. But I did visit the southern part in Bavaria, my son was in the army and stationed at (pardon me as I butcher this spelling) Grafenwoer. We visited him a few times and that countryside is so pretty. We drove around to Amburg, Nuremberg, and Munich, saw some of the old castles and even got to a Christmas market which was fantastic. I could easily live there. Now that I am retired, I wish I had taken advantage of the trips I had for work, and had gotten out to see more sites. My trips were always so full of work though, and with jet lag it was hard to work up the energy. I should have forced myself! Amidds, it is interesting that the hospitals are not completely full in your part of Florida yet, when I listen to the news it sounds like they are all bursting and at emergency status. The news just isn’t as straight forward as it used to be, I would like to have Walter Cronkite back! : D |
Rainbow61 09.07.2020 22:40 |
What a day.... I was THRILLED to finally get my Guitar World magazine with Brian on the cover! I've only had time to glance at it...looks like there are a lot of pages dedicated to Brian, so that's exciting. Was also happy to read Thor and Lee's update today. Things are moving along. So looking forward to their book...I don't care when it comes out! Finally...I just found out today that the agency I work for has to reduce our hours due to some complicated stuff that has to do with our grant (I work for a not-for-profit agency that is largely funded through grants) We will be in some kind of Work-Share program. Not sure what it all means yet... except a smaller paycheck. Our hours could be cut anywhere from 20%-60%. We will find out next week. This could last for a couple of weeks...or months. Nobody knows. |
Katydyd5 09.07.2020 23:20 |
Oh wow Rainbow, sorry to hear about your job. Is this due to the pandemic? I was excited to read Thor's update too! Progress! I wonder if this is the first time the guys have gotten together this year. I hope they can enjoy the time! |
CHEVYMAN 10.07.2020 00:57 |
Steven, Thank You for the concern about my daughter I will try to post here a little more often since I won’t be on twitter after my experience with the adult photographer pervert lol. I didn’t realize how crazy people are a guy messaged me wanted me to take some pics for him .Since I’m in a wheelchair I thought that would detour him . Well it didn’t he said from the waist up.I said well how old are you clients he said not over 30. I laughed I told him I’m 47 dumbass sorry can’t help you. He then says oh but I thought you were much younger okay then I have to get rude and it wasn’t nice from there on. He was probably some old fat bald dude wacking off on the other side of the screen lol.Some sick people. |
CHEVYMAN 10.07.2020 01:05 |
Rainbow, I’m sorry about your job too! I hope things soon resolve themselves. The place where I used to work before I couldn’t work anymore had to let all their car salesmen but 2 go and a fleet of cars returned because they just aren’t selling cars.Its tough on everyone we aren’t alone that’s for sure my prayers are with you and yours. |
Amidds 10.07.2020 14:58 |
Rainbow, so sorry to hear about your job!!! I hope everything works out! I suppose we could say at least you're working but, really, those platitudes don't help when your funds get cut :( I just read a story about a guy in California that applied for unemployment in early March and got denied because they can't verify his identity. Apparently, the driver's license, utility bill, passport, birth certificate and lease weren't enough proof so he gets nothing and is suffering tremendously. Thanks government!! Umm....that wasn't very encouraging was it? Sorry, I'm just getting so sick of how many people are getting the short end of the stick. I was excited to hear the update from Thor!! I know he has no control over the situation but that book has become one of the bright spots of this year for me and I'm very anxious to see it!! Anyone interested in a Fl COVID update: talked to my lovely, overworked daughter yesterday. She said they are just now seeing effects from the uptick in COVID patients. Interesting thing is, they are mostly asymptomatic, undiagnosed patients. Small verification of our previous conversation speculating over this exact thing. So, what's happening is, they have 2 units full of known COVID patients but the hospital hasn't had to flip any other units over and those units are being used for their intended purposes (NICU, PACU, Labor/delivery, etc). Now, however, the patients coming in for other reasons besides COVID are being tested (SOP) and coming up positive at an increasingly higher rate. The worst part of that is, the healthcare workers may/may not be utilizing all the PPE assuming these patients are COVID free and may have been exposed. Of course, this brings up the question of "why aren't you always using the PPE as a matter of protection?" and I guess it's a balance between conserving the supplies so they have them when they need them vs. being overprotective. Just shaking my head..... |
CHEVYMAN 10.07.2020 15:19 |
Amidds, I totally agree let the man have his money unemployment isn’t much anyway but it’s a lot when you have nothing. Our government can be so twisted I was watching something on tv last night and the government was paying welfare benefits for a family equaling 100,000 dollar salary job. Their housing was paid for and food on top of that. They had 2 kids already aged out of the system and they had kids on welfare that was paying them over 60, 000 a year. I know in a lot of states this doesn’t seem like a lot but in my state this is a lot of money and people work actual jobs for these amounts of money. But our government won’t help a displaced worker that’s shameful and in California he will be lucky if he doesn’t end up in a tent. I heard it’s very expensive. |
Katydyd5 10.07.2020 15:36 |
Amidds, I feel your frustration. My county just went to mandatory masks and people are fighting it. It's gotten ridiculous and almost scary to go out because you never know when someone is going to lash out. I had a check-up visit with my doctor yesterday and he told me not to go out for any reason because infection is on the rise here. I told him grocery shopping was my only outside activity and he told me that was fine, but to get there early and get in and out quickly which I was already doing. I might have mentioned that I haven't seen my oldest son since Christmas. He and his family went to visit his in-laws in Florida in May so we were waiting two weeks when they got back before seeing them. For whatever reason we didn't get that visit in and now they are going to Gatlinburg, Tennessee for a quick vacation . Are you kidding me???It's so hard for me not to have something to say about all of the decisions they are making. Steven, I went through the photo album I made when I was in Germany and almost nothing is labeled! What could I have been thinking? Apparently I expected to remember everything and I now know how foolish that was. Our friends lived in Glasshutten, so I know we saw that town and also Frankfort. We visited other friends in Hamburg. Based on a postcard of Heidlebiurg at the beginning of one section of the album, we were there, but none of the sights we saw are labeled. There is a castle and a lot of churches. i know that doesn't tell you much. We saw one old town, Rothenburg, that had a lot of Christmas shops. It wasn't exactly a Christmas market that MHZ mentioned, but it was lovely. I have a lot of German Christmas decorations that I got while there. I have great memories of the visit, I just don't know exactly where I was some of the time. ( Eye-rolling emoji here.) I think I'd be a much better traveler now. |
CHEVYMAN 10.07.2020 17:02 |
Why are people driving in their own cars with gloves and masks on their faces????? |
Amidds 10.07.2020 22:21 |
Chevy, do you know what you were watching? I don't doubt you cause it sounds like the government but I'd be interested in sourcing that. There is so much good to be done with all that money that flows through politicians fingers..... Katy, I can't even say anything negative about your son since I am obviously planning a Paris/Montreux trip and my daughter is (maybe) coming home next week. I really get the need to do something that alleviates the stress and hopefully everyone is really careful! That being said, I still have no gone anywhere unless it's a necessity. Heck, I'm still paying the extra for GrubHub so I don't have to run in a restaurant on the nights we don't feel like cooking. I am a very (ahem) frugal person so, that should tell you something! Re: your pics - I did that a couple of times and it killed me. Now I obsessively mark the pics as soon as I get them. My kids laugh but I learned that lesson!!! Guess what? Bet you all thought I'd forget about the Beatles stuff! I remembered! Unfortunately, my memory is a little off cause I only have 3 Beatles items left. The rest of the box I have is all Dr. Who stuff. I will post the pics of the three items and if anyone is interested, DM me and I will mail them to you. And if anyone is interested in Dr. Who stuff let me know as well (mostly books and picture discs). Oh, and don't laugh at the quality of the pics, I literally had to go in our semi-dark crawl space for these. Best part is....every time I go up there, I hit my head on the light fixtures! My hubby calls me Calamity Jane lol. |
Amidds 10.07.2020 22:23 |
Guess it will only let me do one at a time.... |
Amidds 10.07.2020 22:23 |
Amidds 10.07.2020 22:23 |
CHEVYMAN 10.07.2020 22:38 |
Amidds, It’s called benefits Britain life on the dole it’s on utube. I was just so annoyed beyond words. |
Katydyd5 11.07.2020 02:27 |
Amidds, you are braver than I am if you are going into your crawlspace. I have one in the basement and there is some stuff stored up there, but I'll never find out what it is. Too afraid of spiders! You might be able to get some money for the Beatles memorabilia on something like Ebay. Have you ever used it? I used to look at some things, but never bought. For a while two elderly gentlemen ran a store in town where they would take your things and for a small commission, they would sell them on Ebay. I actually got rid of a lot of stuff and there was no stress for me. It was kind of fun to watch the bids on my things. I never got what I thought I should have, but at least i cleared out some things. As for my son, Gatlinburg is a resort town in the Smokey Mountains. They will only be there a few days and there are things they could do that would be fairly safe like hiking. But I know they will go to restaurants and pools. Hopefully some of the more touristy things like Dollywood wont' be open. I could check online but I'd rather not know. I try not to judge the choices people are making now, but this one directly affects me. I want to see them, but I want to know they are taking precautions. My other son and his family live here and they feel the same way. Right now we have a pool party scheduled in August so we can see them. It would just be family and we would be outside. I'm still depending on DoorDash for restaurant food. It's sad that the big excitement of my week is looking at all the DoorDash options to decide what I want to order on Saturdays. Tomorrow it is Chinese. |
JB050 11.07.2020 02:49 |
Hi all!! Sorry I have been MIA! I am working to catch up on the Great conversations here. I know it continues to be such an unprecedented time. As for trips and outdoor restaurants, I keep Saying the same thing your all saying. I completely understand people’s need to get out and be around people. I also am one of the very cautious ones who is really not going anywhere and still doing Curbside pickups. I keep saying it’s so personal. I am being xtra cautious for my Mom too. Very scary to think my decisions could be life or death for her. Katy— Sorry to hear that about your county. Take care!!! Glad your all checking in so we know all are well. if it helps you to know, curbside has been working really well. GFS and Aldi are not charging extra for it and it’s been really easy to navigate their sites. I also ordered framed stamps but, good to know it might be held up. Amidds — Wow! Your family history IS Something! Thank you for sharing that. I agree it would be great to record each of those cases. Wow!! So, was most of that before you were born? Thanks for all the links and photos. I need to catch up on those too. I know this is very unrelated, but I just got through with the 6 podcasts about the movie Almost Famous (20th anniversary). Really great interviews. In case there are other lovers of that movie here. :—))) Am thinking about all of you. Stay safe. Be well. |
JB050 11.07.2020 02:55 |
Amidds! Thank you for the update from your daughter, just saw that. That’s the other scary part carriers with no symptoms. Would love to hear what you are all doing to keep your spirits up. In addition to Queen and a Fredfie fix. By the way, have you seen these. I haven’t watched much of it yet but it’s on my list. :-))) link |
Katydyd5 11.07.2020 12:55 |
JB, good to hear from you! Thanks for the link.The videos are short and informative. I've been following those each week because I'm always so interested in what goes on behind the scenes. That rain in Australia must have made it rough for everyone! About groceries, I WANT to go to the store. I had been using Amazon Fresh which worked out great. Site was easy to navigate and they delivered it to my porch, no contact. No delivery fee if above a certain limit and I always was. I switched to in-person shopping the beginning of June because I love summer fruit and I wanted to be able to choose my own. Amazon shops at Whole Foods so it was always nice, but I need to SEE it. Right now I'm loaded up with cherries, plums and peaches and I feel happy. Keeping my spirits up? Hmm.....I'm actually doing pretty well and I think it's been because I can be outside. Unfortunately July has been 90 degrees and up each day so I don't go out much again. Humidity feels like a heavy blanket as soon as I step outside the door. Still, phone calls, emails, FaceTime with the grandkids etc keeps me going. I have had my local family here a few times and that helps. I hope people keep checking in. Just seeing how others are handling things helps. |
JB050 11.07.2020 14:12 |
Hi Katy!! Ya, it’s incredible what they perform through. I agree the rain must have been a huge challenge. I smiled reading about wanting to pick your own produce. And your selection of fruit at home. Soo good! I’m right there with you. I have wanted so badly to go in to Whole goods lately, it will be my first store to go back in to. Haha.. That’s really great that You are able to get to the store and that the Amazon delivery worked so well. We are outside the delivery area. regular contact with your family... ya!! Loved your poetic description of blanket of heat. So true. I know we talked before about going they thinks and purging that’s been something else I’m doing even more of now. Filled my back seat with bags for shredding a few weeks ago was great to get rid of. Hope everyone has a good day. |
JB050 11.07.2020 14:12 |
Hi Katy!! Ya, it’s incredible what they perform through. I agree the rain must have been a huge challenge. I smiled reading about wanting to pick your own produce. And your selection of fruit at home. Soo good! I’m right there with you. I have wanted so badly to go in to Whole goods lately, it will be my first store to go back in to. Haha.. That’s really great that You are able to get to the store and that the Amazon delivery worked so well. We are outside the delivery area. regular contact with your family... ya!! Loved your poetic description of blanket of heat. So true. I know we talked before about going they thinks and purging that’s been something else I’m doing even more of now. Filled my back seat with bags for shredding a few weeks ago was great to get rid of. Hope everyone has a good day. |
MyHumanZoo 11.07.2020 15:21 |
Rainbow,sorry to hear about your job, hopefully this is just a temporary dip. I have reading my Total Guitar magazine on my schedule today, can’t wait! We have had the oppressive heat and humidity just like you, Katydid. Thankfully there was a front that moved through yesterday and it is gorgeous today. I took advantage yesterday as it cooled off and trimmed all along the edge of our yard, we have a woods on 3 sides that is always attempting to take over our yard so the cool temps made it easier for me to hack away at the wildness! We don’t have mandatory masks here, but to the north of us they do. We are still quite fortunate to have a smaller number of cases in my county. Everyone is pretty much out and about too. I would say I see maybe 25% wearing masks. You all are lucky to have Whole Foods nearby, the closest one to me is over an hour away. I sneak in there if I go shopping in the “big city” but I would love to be able to shop there regularly! |
Katydyd5 11.07.2020 16:14 |
MHZ, we have a slight break in the heat here so I went out and trimmed back an out-of-control bush and some vines. Came back in and sat under the ceiling fan. Not going out there again til October!! The Whole Foods here is maybe 45 minutes away. I'm just inside the Amazon delivery area for that and it was wonderful this spring. I just picked a delivery time and voila, it was on my porch. Kroger has a pick-up service, but people say they often substitute or delete items without notifying te customer. Amazon just tells you they don't have it as your fill out your order. I will say they often didn't have things I wanted, and worse yet they had things I didn't need but ordered like gourmet dark chocolate with orange peel. I wouldn't even look at that if I was physically in the store.One place i'd like to get to at some point is Trader Joes. It's maybe 40 minutes away, but I love to poke around in there. Speaking of purging, I've got a bunch of stuff for Good Will. I wonder if they are taking donations. |
JB050 12.07.2020 07:45 |
The Good Will here is. And they have distribution center location for drop offs also. |
JB050 12.07.2020 07:45 |
The Good Will here is. And they have distribution center location for drop offs also. |
Amidds 13.07.2020 13:48 |
Katy, lol, our crawl space is semi finished so, it's not horrible. And our Good Will is open as well - we spent the last 2 weekends dropping off all that stuff we had pulled out so I was able to get to the box w/the Beatles stuff. Yes, I have done Ebay. Think I mentioned my brother was a low level hoarder-I was able to sell enough of his gaming/collectibles/Harley parts (along w/his Harley) to help my mom pay to re-do her upstairs. My brother lived with her as he was mentally handicapped and he was a very heavy smoker - after his death, she had to have carpet replaced, walls re-painted w/special paint to cover the tar and some bathroom remodeling done. Ebay sales paid for all of that believe it or not. These items aren't in the best of shape and wouldn't pull in enough to make it worth my while. That's why I thought it would just be nice to give it to someone who could enjoy it. Haven't gotten any messages, btw, so don't know if my messaging works....... Was able to pick my mom's brain a little regarding my dad's family. She couldn't recall much, unfortunately, but she did confirm that one uncle was found in Colorado on train tracks. He apparently was an alcoholic and "living with the Indians" (90 year old vernacular) so they assumed alcohol poisoning, the theater death was natural causes as well (I have my doubts due to age), another uncle was a dirty cop (Chicago, what can I say), and he mysteriously died, another was a mob hit found in the Fox River, another from complications due to "gassing" during the war and another lost an arm in a factory accident and kinda went crazy. That was out of 9 siblings on my dad's maternal side and the deaths had all happened w/in a 2-3 year period when he was in his teens or 20's so in the 1940's or 1950's. I'm sure investigation practices and beliefs were no where what they are today, hence the "mysterious" deaths. I told her that her "assignment" this week was to see if she could recall any specific names so we can do a Google search. Nowadays, you never know what you'll find!!! JB - thanks for the link!!! I love the "behind the scenes" stuff. I never think about that kind of thing until I see a vid like this and I find them sooo interesting!! |
Katydyd5 13.07.2020 15:33 |
Amidds, wow on the Ebay sales! I had no idea it could be that lucrative .I think it was so generous of you to offer your items to anyone who would enjoy them. I still have some of my Beatles stuff too, and am looking to get rid of it, so I don't need to add to the collection. If I were you i'd be resaarching all kinds of places to find out more info on relatives like that. I see a book in your furtue!! BTW, I just PMed you so you can see if your PMs are working. |
Amidds 13.07.2020 20:46 |
Hmmm....not sure what happened. My settings were off, just fixed everything and found a slew of PM's!!! So sorry to everyone that I didn't respond to, you prob though I was ignoring you and I wasn't!!!! Just sent PM's to Katy and MHZ for the most recent ones....hopefully they went through with my new settings. |
Rainbow61 13.07.2020 22:49 |
Hi Everyone...I have a lot of catching up to do. Will do that soon. Just a few quick things... The other day I received an email confirmation that my Queen stamp order had been dispatched. That was great news...had been concerned after the credit card charge for my order dropped off a couple of weeks ago. I will be interested to hear what others think of the stamp sets they ordered. I know some people purchased the framed stamps. I only ordered the "Presentation Pack". I haven't looked at my "Total Guitar" magazine yet. Am waiting for the perfect uninterrupted moment. Will have considerably more "free time" now since I found out on Friday that my work hours are being cut by 60%. Starting this week, I am only working 2 days/week. At least it is at a nice time of the year! I have many tasks to keep myself busy. Of course, I will be watching Queen at Live Aid this evening for the 35th anniversary. I have the DVD, but will probably just pull it up on YouTube on TV. I absolutely enjoy everything about that performance... no matter how many times I watch it, I am still thrilled when I first see the guys burst onto the stage. My favorite song that night was "Hammer to Fall". Such amazing energy. That song never seems to be anyone's favorite in the set, but I love it! |
Katydyd5 14.07.2020 01:00 |
Rainbow, I got an email requesting that I rate the Royal Mail service on the stamps i ordered. The email acknowledged that I may not have received the stamps yet, so I should hold on to the survey until I had the product in hand . I think I have to wait until mid-August. I'll be excited whenever they get here. I understand waiting for the right moment to read your Total Guitar magazine. You guys finally shamed me into watching all the videos I was holding on to, but I still haven't even cracked Brian May's 3 D book. Apparently I'm waiting for the perfect moment for that. : ) As for your job, wow, getting cut to 2 days/week is serious. I have to admire your attitude about the situation. FB has been full of Live Aid clips all day and I've looked at every one. Oddly enough, the question of "favorite song" has been asked repeatedly and "Hammer to Fall" is often the choice! "Radio Ga Ga" seems to be running a close second. I think my favorite moment is the call and response, and I will never tire of WWRY. Something about that opening beat just runs through my body. "We Are the Champions" is also a favorite. I love the power of the performance and I'll never forget watching it live. For some reason Queen had always been on the back burner for me, but when I saw that performance I was captivated and immediately went out the next day and bought a greatest hits album. |
Katydyd5 14.07.2020 12:39 |
I'm posting this for no other reason than it just popped up on my FB feed. Of all Freddie's costumes, this is the one I really don't like. I don't mind his white, black or striped shorts at all, but this just looks like a giant onsie to me. Ok, off to do something productive, which obviously this isn't. : ) |
MyHumanZoo 15.07.2020 14:48 |
Speaking of cleaning things out, I need to do a purge of my stuff! I still have a closet full of work clothes that I just don’t wear any more, I go through on occasion and remove things, but it’s time to make it a major ordeal. We luckily have a resale shop in my small town so I can sell my work stuff and I get a decent amount for it. I wish I could get my husband to purge things, he still has stuff from high school! He is sentimental though, and hates to get rid of stuff because of the memories. I have a basement full of stuff that should be thrown out....things like artificial trees even, but since they were his mom’s he hates to get rid of them. I don’t mind keeping some things...but trees is stretching it! I have seen all the Live Aid stuff, I should watch it again but just don’t seem to have the desire for it. I’ve watched it a lot though. One thing I love is how Freddie starts out with “hey hey hey Hammer To Fall!” Katydid, I love all of Freddie’s 70s outfits, but I do like those onesies better when the legs are full length. His legs are so skinny and his feet are so long...shorts just look strange on him! |
stevendabudgie 15.07.2020 17:58 |
@Katydy5 I only know the Great Plains from movies like "Dances With Wolves", so I am interested in the view, the eperience of the vast landscapes. I could add dozens landmarks like Devil's Tower or Grand Canyon. The diverse histories and cultures of These regions are also interesting, but I would need a years to explore. It would be comparable to travel Europe. Culture even differs from borough to borough in big cities like New York. I had budgies when I was a kid. "Budgie" is the short version of "budgerigar". There is rumour that it's a word used by Native Australians, meaning "good to eat". :D They are as ubiquitous in Australia as pidgins or sparrows are in Europe or the US. New Zealand is also interesting, but somehow I am more drawn to Australia. I was in Berlin in 2002. Only short sections of the wall were left. I could not exactly tell the difference between East and West except in public transportation. West Berlin had a huge subway System East Berlin did not have. Berlin was huge construction site in the 1990s, with a lot of demotilition, construction and restauration work. I heard that before the fall of the wall, West Germans fled to West Berlin to avoid conscription. West Berlin resident could not be conscripted due to the city's legal and diplomatic status. So it was safe haven for all kinds of "alternative" People, pacifists, artists etc. My father visited Berlin shortly afterthe fall of the wall and was impressed by the West-East difference. My mum visited the City in the 60s, which was scary experience. A West German tourist was picked out by the STASI because he he made a remark about the "Wirtschaftswunder" ("economic miracle"), a term which describing the West German economic boom and reconstruction after 1945. There are many castles in Germany also because Germany was splintered into dozens, at one time hundreds of counties and kingdoms, all of which were sovereign states in their own right. And every Count or king had his own Castle, summer residence etc. Regarding churches in Heidelberg, you surely visited These: link link @Amidds So many asymptomic cases can be proof that the actual mortality rate is lower than anticipated. Streeck conducted the first field research wordwide. They went to Gangelt in Heinsberg district, where the first big cluster erupted in Germany due to a superspreading event. They tested for the virus and antibodies and went into households to question People and take samples from surfaces. One surprising discovery was there were more asymptomamatic cases than previously assumed. They found antibodies in individuals who did not notice a thing. The Research team visited gangelt on regular basis. After analyzing the data collected from the timeframe they came up with a mortality rate of 0,34 %. Which is surprising, but also controversial as Gangelt is a small community. and cannot be compared to cities. Meanwhile, more restriction have been lifted since the beginning of July. Several articles about longterm were published by maisntream News media in the last two weeks, I wonder whether this is coincidence or a concerted effort to remind people to stay safe. @MyHumanZoo America is one of the few regions one can go up the mountain or into the woods, build a house and live on his/her own without being bothered by anyone. You can even live off-grid and self-sustain. In Europe, only the east provides such opportinities I watched a documentary about religious sect living in an ecological, almost self-sustaining community in Siberia. Beautiful landscape, but hard work. |
stevendabudgie 15.07.2020 18:15 |
Oh, I meant pigeons, not pidgins. :D |
Rainbow61 15.07.2020 22:13 |
I apologize for this post being so long...that's what happens when I am AWOL. MHZ and Amidds...I have been in the midst of a major cleaning project in our cellar. When I say major, I mean it will take well over a month, maybe two, to finish. MHZ...your husband still has stuff from high school...I still have things from elementary school including all my report cards from Kindergarten through 5th grade! Everything has sentimental value, consequently, I have boxes of stuff which I am trying to organize. I have all the doll clothes my grandmother knitted and crocheted when I was a kid. I have all my comic books (many of which only cost 15 cents back in the day). I have my Barbie and Ken dolls (but not my Barbie Camper...not sure where that went to.) I also found a photo album that had a ton of stamps I collected as a child. I knew I had a few stamps, but had forgotten I had so many (about 7 pages worth). I guess I do have something in common with Freddie! My mother has been on a cleaning tear the past couple of years. Sometimes I take the things she is giving away...I now have a few boxes of old dishes that belonged to my grandmother (I certainly can't give those away.) I am rather hopeless! Despite my sentimental attachment to nearly everything, I do have a considerable pile of items I will either donate or put in a yard sale this summer. Steven...I hope you get to see all the places on your travel bucket list. I am never happier than when I am traveling with my husband. The majority of my travels have been done in the US. My only trips outside the continental US were to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Ireland. I believe most of "Dances with Wolves" was filmed in South Dakota near the Rapid City area. I think the plains and rolling hills of South Dakota are beautiful. I love wide open spaces. One of my best vacation experiences with my husband took place in Custer State Park in South Dakota. It was the first full day of our 2 week western trip. We were slowly driving through the park when a herd of bison came over a hill and slowly walked down the side of the road toward us. We pulled over so we didn't block traffic (as did many other cars). Hundreds of buffalo walked past us on each side of our car...they were only several feet away. We watched them for over an hour until the last one passed by. It was spectacular...what powerful and majestic animals! Katydyd...You mentioned Nantucket...I have never been there, but in general, I love the Northeast coast, especially Rhode Island and Maine. Ah...the smell of the ocean! By the way, I wouldn't go into your crawlspace either even if it held a pair of free front-row tickets to the next Queen + AL show with plane fare to see them in London! I am petrified of spiders. I am glad my husband is not, otherwise, I could never have married him. LOL. As for my job...I'm not happy my hours were cut, but I know things could be far worse. This might be the universe's way of nudging me to get my stuff organized! |
JB050 16.07.2020 14:21 |
Rainbow— I am right there with you re: clearing out. You have amazing treasures. It’s so difficult to part with these. You are so right it’s finding a good organizing system. :-)). I have been finding notes Handwritten to me when I was in college. I’m sure I’m not alone here in having a bin of concert shirts. Would be fun to hear what shirts everyone has. I have one from the first year of Lollapalooza, if you can believe that. I was going to go back for the specifics of what happened with your job - was glad that Katy recapped... and see you are down to 2 days. Sounds like so far that has been ok. I hope it’s not causing hardship. Great that you are getting a chance to go thru things. Katy- That’s cool that you viewed the live aid anniversary posts. Photos. And videos. Perfect thing to do on the anniversary. Have you seen the video about Bob G and live aid coming in to being. It’s so amazing what he / they pulled off. Was funny that he held a press conference saying which bands would perform when they had not all committed and he got immediate calls from Band managers. I came across this online, hadn’t seen it before posting for anyone who may be interested. link Hope everyone Is well ... have a good day / night. |
MyHumanZoo 16.07.2020 19:48 |
JB, that is a great link, I enjoyed it. I haven't seen any of that before. I struggled a bit at knowing who everyone was. What was interesting to me is how tall Brian appeared in that crowd of people near the beginning. I think the population in general has gotten so much taller since then, because a 6' 3" person (even with tall hair, lol!) isn't that much of a standout now. But everywhere you see Brian back in those days he just towers over everyone. Kind of fascinating to see the change. Rainbow, it's fun to go through all that stuff that we have kept over years! My parents have been trying to gradually clean things out, since they are older and are contemplating moving into a retirement community. I got some of my old Barbies and my old Barbie camper (it is a broken up mess!). When I was talking about my husband keeping stuff from high school, I was talking about clothes and shoes....and he won't throw those out because they are perfectly good and he thinks he may wear them again....yikes! There are a lot of reasons that won't work....besides the size of them, and him, now! ; ) He has lots of sentimental stuff and I don't mind keeping it as long as we have space...just feeling like we have lots of his mom's stuff and maybe a dusty old artificial tree that once sat in her house could maybe be parted with...but we keep it anyway! Steven...I'm not sure if the antibody test in Europe is the same as we have here in the US, but it has been shown that the test we have will show positive for antibodies if that person has been infected by other corona virus, not necessarily the Covid 19 one. So the antibody test is not necessarily accurate. I don't think they know the rate of positive tests due to other viruses, so who knows exactly how many people really had Covid? Its so hard to rely on any info, it seems. |
JB050 16.07.2020 21:33 |
Good news is: my stamps arrived Not so good news: the glass in both sets is completely shattered. Now begins the exchange process if possible. It must have had a rough trip. :-| Hope yours are all arriving in tact. |
stevendabudgie 16.07.2020 21:37 |
@MHZ I have looked it up. In Heinsberg, they did both RT-PCR and antibody tests on every subject, |
Rainbow61 16.07.2020 23:01 |
JB050...Ugh...Sorry to hear about your stamps! That is so disappointing. Did you get them through the Queen Online Store? I bought a shirt from them a couple of years ago that was too small. I contacted customer service by email and they issued me a credit voucher so that I could reorder the shirt. I had to return the other shirt...but that's because it was my mistake for ordering the wrong size. (I think there might be some sizing differences between the US and the UK.) In your case, they should absolutely pay for the return. Are you going to try and order the same framed stamps again or will you get different stamp sets this time? |
JB050 16.07.2020 23:24 |
Thanks Rainbow!! I did order through the Queen online store. Good to know!!! It would be great if I could get at least one framed set since one was for a gift. I’ll check and see what the options are and will post an update. Thank you for your caring & insight. :-)) |
Katydyd5 17.07.2020 00:00 |
Wow, you guys have been so prolific and there is so much I want to comment on but it would make for a novel-length post so I'll be quick and come back later for more. First, JB, thanks for the link! I hadn't seen that and it was fun to see who I recognized. I keep trying to peer around all the people for a glimpse of Freddie, but no luck. Elton's hat was something else. Is that the hat he wore during his performance that Freddie later told him made him look like the Queen Mother? I saw Jim Beach once or twice, Gerry Stickels and Denis O'Reagan. Also saw Roger out in the crowd in the grandstand. The atmosphere must have been so incredibly electric, what an experience to have been there. Also to JB, I was upset to hear that your stamps arrived with shattered glass. I ordered mine from the Royal Mail and don't have them yet, so now my fingers are crossed that it arrives intact. Please let us know how your exchange goes. |
Rainbow61 17.07.2020 00:00 |
JB050...If you go to the Queen Online Store home page, you will see a link for "Help and Support" at the bottom of the page. Click on that...and then click on "Returns and Refunds". There is a drop down box that addresses the problem: "My item arrived damaged". Good luck! |
Katydyd5 17.07.2020 02:40 |
Steven, "Dances With Wolves" is one of my favorite movies. My daughter-in-law's great great grandparents were full-blooded Sioux. She does not know much about that side of her family, though she met some who came for a family reunion. She hopes to see the Great Plains and learn more someday. Her Dad has some records, but they are sparse and there is much to learn. Have you seen "Last of the Mohicans"? That's another favorite of mine and another interesting part of the country to explore. I have only seen the Grand Canyon from an airplane. I did not have the window seat, and the man in that seat was an ESPN photographer and well traveled so he wasn't at all impressed. I was so excited I was practically in his lap so I could see and he wasn't impressed with that either. I got out my photo album from my German trip again and I did see The Church of the Holy Spirt. Thanks for sharing the links so I could identify it. We also toured that castle that is on the hill and I have pictures from the interior. I seem to have been quite impressed with the huge wine cask and the story behind it. I have a picture of my sons standing on top. As for Berlin, that is an experience I will never forget. I mentioned in another post that we were visiting American friends who were living in Germany while working for Proctor and Gamble. They went with us to Berlin. I had a pen pal at that time who lived in East Germany and had children slightly younger than mine. We planned to meet him in East Berlin and had some gifts for his kids. Two days before we were to meet, he called me at my friends' house and told me his vacation day had been abruptly canceled, no reason, and he would not be able to meet. He seemed anxious and told me to be careful while we were in the East and not to try to bring in the gifts even to give to someone else. As we were crossing into the East, we had to go through a long, narrow corridor, stopping to show our passports to a guard. We pushed all four passports through the window, he looked quickly, pushed back my husband's and those of my sons. He waved them through door at the end of the corridor, but he held my passport. He had a list I couldn't see, but he ran his finger down the list, stopped, and began to compare my passport with the list. He kept looking at the list, then at me. Then he picked up the phone and made a call. It was all I could do to stand there calmly. He finally let me go, and when I opened the door to go in to the East my family was standing there, along with my friends and their two children. My friend was laughing and he just said "Thank you for that excitement. We will probably have a tail the whole time we are here. Try to act normal." All I could think was that if I hadn't come through the door I hoped they would find an American Embassy and save me. While there we visited a museum that was filled with treasures taken from other countries. It was also filled with armed guards. We ate lunch at some outdoor area and the sausage was a sausage in name only. Definitely mystery meat. The lemonade was pale yellow and tasteless. Soldiers were everywhere. At the end of the day, crossing back into West Berlin we had to make sure we had no Eastern money as it wasn't allowed to leave. We did not know that. This time they made my husband go back alone to give the money to anyone who would take it. He said there were people just waiting by the door for the money and he got rid of it quickly. As I said, and experience I will never forget. Steven, here's where I know I'd be much better at telling the story than I am at writing it. You were right about the difference between speaking and writing. BTW, I had parakeets when I was young. "Budgie" is a much cuter name! : ) |
Katydyd5 17.07.2020 12:31 |
Hey! Can you all see the new buttons by the post date? That will be so helpful! |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 15:45 |
Hello everyone hope you summer is pleasant and enjoy the rest of it love to you all |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 15:49 |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 16:26 |
CHEVYMAN 17.07.2020 16:48 |
These are pretty cool buttons for sure. Saves time I guess have a nice weekend. |
MyHumanZoo 17.07.2020 18:42 |
Wow, Katydid, that is quite an experience in Germany! You must have been in a full anxiety attack, I’m pretty sure I would have been! Thanks for pointing out the new buttons by the posts....I wonder how those suddenly appeared? It’s not like they actively seem to do work on this site. But I will take it, it is a nice surprise! Hope your summer is going well too, Chevy! |
stevendabudgie 17.07.2020 21:48 |
Katydyd5 wrote: Steven, "Dances With Wolves" is one of my favorite movies. My daughter-in-law's great great grandparents were full-blooded Sioux. She does not know much about that side of her family, though she met some who came for a family reunion. She hopes to see the Great Plains and learn more someday. Her Dad has some records, but they are sparse and there is much to learn. Have you seen "Last of the Mohicans"? That's another favorite of mine and another interesting part of the country to explore. I have only seen the Grand Canyon from an airplane. I did not have the window seat, and the man in that seat was an ESPN photographer and well traveled so he wasn't at all impressed. I was so excited I was practically in his lap so I could see and he wasn't impressed with that either. I got out my photo album from my German trip again and I did see The Church of the Holy Spirt. Thanks for sharing the links so I could identify it. We also toured that castle that is on the hill and I have pictures from the interior. I seem to have been quite impressed with the huge wine cask and the story behind it. I have a picture of my sons standing on top. As for Berlin, that is an experience I will never forget. I mentioned in another post that we were visiting American friends who were living in Germany while working for Proctor and Gamble. They went with us to Berlin. I had a pen pal at that time who lived in East Germany and had children slightly younger than mine. We planned to meet him in East Berlin and had some gifts for his kids. Two days before we were to meet, he called me at my friends' house and told me his vacation day had been abruptly canceled, no reason, and he would not be able to meet. He seemed anxious and told me to be careful while we were in the East and not to try to bring in the gifts even to give to someone else. As we were crossing into the East, we had to go through a long, narrow corridor, stopping to show our passports to a guard. We pushed all four passports through the window, he looked quickly, pushed back my husband's and those of my sons. He waved them through door at the end of the corridor, but he held my passport. He had a list I couldn't see, but he ran his finger down the list, stopped, and began to compare my passport with the list. He kept looking at the list, then at me. Then he picked up the phone and made a call. It was all I could do to stand there calmly. He finally let me go, and when I opened the door to go in to the East my family was standing there, along with my friends and their two children. My friend was laughing and he just said "Thank you for that excitement. We will probably have a tail the whole time we are here. Try to act normal." All I could think was that if I hadn't come through the door I hoped they would find an American Embassy and save me. While there we visited a museum that was filled with treasures taken from other countries. It was also filled with armed guards. We ate lunch at some outdoor area and the sausage was a sausage in name only. Definitely mystery meat. The lemonade was pale yellow and tasteless. Soldiers were everywhere. At the end of the day, crossing back into West Berlin we had to make sure we had no Eastern money as it wasn't allowed to leave. We did not know that. This time they made my husband go back alone to give the money to anyone who would take it. He said there were people just waiting by the door for the money and he got rid of it quickly. As I said, and experience I will never forget. Steven, here's where I know I'd be much better at telling the story than I am at writing it. You were right about the difference between speaking and writing. BTW, I had parakeets when I was young. "Budgie" is a much cuter name! : ) |
stevendabudgie 17.07.2020 21:49 |
Katydyd5 wrote: BTW, I had parakeets when I was young. "Budgie" is a much cuter name! : )Never nudge a budge…-ey! :D Years ago I had a fun thread on potential Queen Songs on budgies…"Budgerigarian Rhapsody", "Some Budgie to Love", "A Kind of Millet", "Another One Bites the Seed",... In British English, "parakeet" is the term describing the whole family of small parrots. Here in Heidelberg, hundreds or thousands of rose-ringed parakeets live in the open. Katydyd5 wrote: Steven, "Dances With Wolves" is one of my favorite movies. Have you seen "Last of the Mohicans"? That's another favorite of mine and another interesting part of the country to explore.No, I have not seen LOTM. I have seen DWW several times, the last time was about 20 years ago. I only remember the great cinematography and it being sooooo long. There are impressives scenes like the buffalo hunt. I grew up with the German "Winnetou" movies showing an Indian experiencing adventures with his white friend. Those movies were made in the 1960s and still are popular here. Although there is no realismn or historic accuracy, but rather a fictitious depiction of Indians, the movies feature a good, noble Native American hero as protagonist. To me, they were entertaining western action movies. Ironically, a lot of Germans have been turned on Native American culture by "Winnetou". link The fascination for "Winnetou" had already begun long before the first movie, with the adventure novels they're based on. link EDIT: Just found this video about the problematic aspects of the "Winnetou" Cult. link Katydyd5 wrote: As for Berlin, that is an experience I will never forget. I mentioned in another post that we were visiting American friends who were living in Germany while working for Proctor and Gamble. They went with us to Berlin. I had a pen pal at that time who lived in East Germany and had children slightly younger than mine. We planned to meet him in East Berlin and had some gifts for his kids. Two days before we were to meet, he called me at my friends' house and told me his vacation day had been abruptly canceled, no reason, and he would not be able to meet. He seemed anxious and told me to be careful while we were in the East and not to try to bring in the gifts even to give to someone else. As we were crossing into the East, we had to go through a long, narrow corridor, stopping to show our passports to a guard. We pushed all four passports through the window, he looked quickly, pushed back my husband's and those of my sons. He waved them through door at the end of the corridor, but he held my passport. He had a list I couldn't see, but he ran his finger down the list, stopped, and began to compare my passport with the list. He kept looking at the list, then at me. Then he picked up the phone and made a call. It was all I could do to stand there calmly. He finally let me go, and when I opened the door to go in to the East my family was standing there, along with my friends and their two children. My friend was laughing and he just said "Thank you for that excitement. We will probably have a tail the whole time we are here. Try to act normal." All I could think was that if I hadn't come through the door I hoped they would find an American Embassy and save me. While there we visited a museum that was filled with treasures taken from other countries. It was also filled with armed guards. We ate lunch at some outdoor area and the sausage was a sausage in name only. Definitely mystery meat. The lemonade was pale yellow and tasteless. Soldiers were everywhere. At the end of the day, crossing back into West Berlin we had to make sure we had no Eastern money as it wasn't allowed to leave. We did not know that. This time they made my husband go back alone to give the money to anyone who would take it. He said there were people just waiting by the door for the money and he got rid of it quickly. As I said, and experience I will never forget. Steven, here's where I know I'd be much better at telling the story than I am at writing it. You were right about the difference between speaking and writing.Quite scary! Believe it or not, some East Germans still believe that not everything had been bad in old GDR. East German state security did a lot of terrible things. They even assigned agents to marry individuals who were "suspicious" or "seditious" in the eyes of the state. There are people who had been married for years when they found their spouses out to be informants. |
Katydyd5 18.07.2020 01:34 |
Steven, if you get a chance you should see Last of the Mohicans. It's a period drama taking place during the French and Indian War. I will tell you up front that it is romantic, but it is also full of adventure and excitement. The scenery alone is worth a look because it is spectacular. Though it is set in upstate NY, it was actually filmed in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. The score for the movie is another reason to see it. The music is haunting. And now............back to Freddie. |
Rainbow61 18.07.2020 05:48 |
Steven....I also highly recommend watching "Last of the Mohicans". Like Katydyd said, outstanding story and acting...breathtaking scenery. The soundtrack is incredible. You can't go wrong with Daniel Day-Lewis as the lead actor! Wes Studi also does an amazing job. Definitely one of my favorite movies. I noticed the Queen Breakthru convention was cancelled for this year and has been rescheduled for next year. That was expected. I hadn't planned on attending...but it certainly sounds like fun. I am hoping for a return to normalcy in 2021! JB050...Actually, I only have a few concert T-shirts. While I have been to a number of shows at smaller venues over the years, I was never interested in getting souvenir concert shirts. The Queen + Adam Lambert show in 2017 was the first concert shirt I had purchased in 30 years! I also have a concert shirt from their show in 2019. While Queen has always been my favorite rock band, my favorite solo performer was Dan Fogelberg. I fell in love with his music in my late teens. I saw him twice in 1987 and have that concert shirt, which is my oldest. My husband and I just returned a while ago from viewing the NEOWISE Comet. That was pretty neat! We used a spotting scope...I would not have been able to see it with the naked eye, even though I was wearing my Brian May tee-shirt for inspiration. :) Supposedly the comet has a split tail, but we did not see that. We intend to go out a few more times to watch. It will be closest to Earth on July 22 and is only visible in the Northern Hemisphere. |
Katydyd5 18.07.2020 13:05 |
Rainbow, thanks for getting us back on track. I was reluctant to start this thread for several reasons, but once I decided to do it, I chose the Personal Forum because administrators have indicated that it is available for ANY conversation that interests the participants. As we have gotten to know each other we have broadened our discussions into many areas and I'm so grateful for that. I feel as if I know all of you! However, I did hope that we would keep the focus on Freddie and I am very guilty of straying from that. My last few posts have been way out there and kind of self-indulgent and I apologize for that if anyone was offended. So, back on topic...... JB, I've never been one to buy concert t-shirts, though I did have two from James Taylor concerts. I wanted to buy a Queen+AL shirt last summer, but for whatever reason, I didn't. I have several Freddie t-shirts, and of course, my Freddie face mask. I'm sorry to hear that Breakthru was canceled, but it was inevitable. I'm so hoping we will get back to normalcy in 2021. I don't hold out much hope for this year. Rainbow, I have not seen the Comet. For some reason I thought it was visible with the naked eye, so I'm probably out of luck. In closing, I hope we have not offended anyone with our meandering conversation. Everyone, EVERYONE, who posts here is a valuable part of the group. I'm grateful for all of you. I'm anxious to have the three books we are waiting on in our hands because that will certainly turn the conversation to a more Queen-like direction. |
Rainbow61 18.07.2020 18:20 |
Katydyd...As you mentioned, we have gotten to know other posters over time, so naturally, we like to share things beyond Freddie and Queen. That's the beauty of this particular thread and I think it's perfectly fine. It's the friendly, low drama aspect of this thread that makes it a very comfortable and fun place to participate. Of course, not everyone is interested in discussing the same topics, so some comments elicit further conversation and some comments are left alone. That's okay as well. Also, this thread might encourage us to share random musings about Freddie and Queen that we might not normally mention on other threads or forums. I saw James Taylor 3 times...all in college gyms back in the early 80's. Regarding the comet...yes, there are people who can see it with the naked eye...but I would not have found it that way. My husband found it just by stepping into the street in front of our house, looking in the general direction he knew the comet was located, and seeing the fuzzy tail. Afterwards, he got binoculars and could see it much better. That's when he came into the house to tell me and we decided to look at it in a darker place, away from the street lights about 10 miles from our house. Even when I knew where the comet was though, it was very hard for me to see it without the spotting scope. If I used my peripheral vision, I could somewhat see the tail, but it was so faint, that it was almost unrecognizable. The setting was beautiful though...on a county road without much traffic, right next to a lake, balmy breezes. Perfect! |
Rainbow61 18.07.2020 19:43 |
Yesterday, the Queenonline site indicated the studio box set of Queen vinyl albums had been reissued, but was no longer available through the Queen Store. However, it can be purchased through Amazon. Unfortunately, Amazon is out as well, but it is being sold through Amazon third party dealers. The cheapest one available through a third party dealer is $852.86. The most expensive box set is being sold for a whopping $975.04. That's CRAZY! I noticed the same thing with books, through eBay or Amazon third party dealers...the prices shot through the roof after the movie came out. I'm glad I purchased my books and music before then. |
Rainbow61 19.07.2020 07:14 |
Today is Brian May's birthday! The "guitarist extraordinaire" is 73 years young! |
JB050 19.07.2020 18:02 |
Hi all!!! Rainbow- thank you very much for the additional information re: Queen online site. I have a message in to them. It does say expect delays in responses. Will keep posting as I have updates. Katy, I am never surprised but always impressed with your people spotting in videos. I now need to watch the live aid behind the scenes again to see if I saw/see all you mentioned. I do remember also seeing Sting and Phil Collins in that video too. I love that it showed giving / getting autographs reminded me of the stories in Jim’s book about that. How they joked about it being “For the kids” think it was joke of Freddie’s and Phil Collin’s right? I think the story was Freddie said is it for you and Phil said no for the kids. Looks like Phil got done amazing signatures for his kids that day. They must have an incredible collection. Rainbow— ohhh that’s so cool about the comet!!! Katy and Rainbow Dan F and James T. Wow!!! Haven’t seen either. It is so true about the music we grow up with gets us they so many things and lives in us. Both had to be exceptional to see live. I did get to see Elton a few times in the 80s. My first concert was Simon and Garfunkel. I was 12. :-)). Thought I still had the shirt but hasn’t turned up so far. I’m a way, in our missions to clear out, it’s probably a good thing not to have so many concert shirts to decide about. Haha. Katy really appreciate and liked your post about the conversation. Rainbow-I so agree with you too about the relationships. Friendly chat is the perfect name for this thread. I do hope they join in and continue to post also. So nice to have the mix of conversations. That’s it got me for now. Will continue to update on the stamp return process. Have a great day/night all!! |
CHEVYMAN 19.07.2020 18:30 |
Jb050, I don’t remember Simon and Garfunkel but I’m familiar with their song bridge over troubled water such a beautiful song I believe my dad liked some of their music. I also like Elvis version of that song. |
MyHumanZoo 19.07.2020 18:34 |
Happy Birthday Brian May! I hope he has many more! I have never been a concert t shirt person either....I always wish they came in colors other than black, maybe then I would have gotten some. I am not much for wearing black, and for some reason black concert t shirts just remind me of the kids in high school that spent more time smoking funny cigarettes than studying! ; ) Now looking back I wish I’d collected a few, I did get one from the Queen + AL concert last summer and I love it. Rainbow, I saw that Breakthru was cancelled, I am disappointed, I was going to attend. Hopefully next year we are back to some kind of normal with things! |
CHEVYMAN 19.07.2020 18:35 |
JB050, It seems Simon and Garfunkel were active in the 60s and 70s that’s why I wasn’t familiar all the best bands were happening either before I was born or when I was too young to remember. I’m starting to discover them now. A great era back then us kids born in the 70s missed out on. |
stevendabudgie 19.07.2020 20:38 |
@Chevyman have you seen "The Graduate"? Its soundtrack has a couple of S&G songs, "Mrs. Robinson", "The Sound of Silence", "Scarborough Fair". By S&G, I discovered Andy Williams, who sang a beautiful rendition of "Scarborough Fair" with Simon and Art. I also discovered some 1960s bands a short while ago, "Beach Boys" for example. I think they influenced Queen with their vocal harmonies. |
CHEVYMAN 19.07.2020 20:45 |
Thanks Steven I will check that out I do love The Beach Boys too! |
Katydyd5 20.07.2020 00:47 |
Rainbow61 wrote: It's the friendly, low drama aspect of this thread that makes it a very comfortable and fun place to participate. Of course, not everyone is interested in discussing the same topics, so some comments elicit further conversation and some comments are left alone. That's okay as well.Rainbow,I totally agree with your comments. My problem is that unless I reply right away to comments that interest me, chances are I will forget when I come back later, or I will be unable to find the comment. It's not that I wasn't interested but rather that things got lost in the shuffle. There are a few people we haven't seen lately and I do hope they are just busy elsewhere and will make it back soon. We are a small group, but I really enjoy us. |
Katydyd5 20.07.2020 01:07 |
Aha, so I can use the quote feature! Great! I had tried on another thread an messed it up. JB, I'm always interested in the background of videos or pictures and I like looking for people I should know. Phil Collins collecting autographs was funny. That's why I like those sound check videos you and I have been sharing, though I couldn't find a new one for this week because I can't remember where they originated. Maybe it was just a short series! MHZ, I agree about black tee shirts. I used to wear a lot of black but it just isn't flattering anymore and it's so darn hot. I had a black tee on the other day and after being outside I was sweating like a race horse. TMI, I know. All of my Freddie shirts are black so I don't wear them often. JB again, James Taylor was wonderful in concert. I think i saw him three times. He was always so laid back and mellow. For whatever reason his voice is very soothing to me. I remember one concert where we were sitting on the lawn at a riverfront venue. The stage hadn't been fully lit when suddenly he was just standing there on the stage alone in a white tee shirt and loose pants. He wasn't announced, he was just there, and he said "Hi" and the crowd went crazy. It was as if he was singing to a group of friends. I was blessed to see Simon and Garfunkel when they debuted (is that spelled right? Looks funny) Bridge Over Troubled Water. What a moment. I also saw Elton, the Rolling Stones, and Rod Stewart so how I managed to miss Queen I'll never know. My musical taste is very eclectic. I've seen Andrea Bocelli three times, had season tickets to the Symphony and Pops in my city for years though to be honest I wasn't a big fan and even saw Dolly Parton when we lived in Louisiana. Oh, and John Denver twice I think! Josh Groban once........I guess I've been lucky! MHZ, are you still listening to Rudi Back Stage? If so, what did you think of his final statements?? Finally, a big Happy Birthday to Brian May. I think he's a treasure. He posted a picture on his IG page with Anita and said he'd been away from social media a bit because he's had some setbacks. I was sorry to hear that. I so want him to be able to tour at least one more time. |
lsg 20.07.2020 02:28 |
What’s going on with Rudi? His backstage #21 today, at 46 minutes said his landlord gave him 2 weeks to move out. What the hell? He said he always paid the rent on time, so cannot imagine what happened there. However, I don’t believe any landlord can force someone out with only 2 weeks notice. Furthermore, I don’t believe any landlord can kick someone out during COVID-19, and because south Florida is the new epi-center for COVID, I seriously doubt the landlord can do this. Interesting why he was told to leave, even while paying rent on time. Hmmmm.... |
Jo T. 20.07.2020 03:42 |
Happy b-day, Bri! It remains 7-19-20 in my time zone, 20 mins. to spare! Have you seen the recent YouTube video where bandmates Tyler Warren and Neil Fairclough of Queen + Adam Lambert perform a cover to "Sail Away Sweet Sister" from "The Game" for Brian's 73rd b-day? Thanks to QueenZone member, FreddienotFreddy, for sharing it. It's truly sweet - and awesome (link |
Katydyd5 20.07.2020 12:12 |
Jo, thanks for that link, what a fantastic b-day tribute. I'm so impressed with the work it must have taken to make that video. BTW, I remember FreddienotFreddy! Maybe she will stop in someday too. : ) Lsgp, I'd have to listen to the Rudi backstage again to fairly comment on your post. He had mentioned it on his IG so I went to his YouTube page and listened to just that portion of #21. Did he mention a work visa situation? Even so, I don't think the landlord would be able to use any problems with that for an eviction. Did he also say he was verbally forceful with the guys who came to check out the washer situation for the fifth time, minus precaution measures for COVID? I would need to hear more to make a judgement, but two weeks is unreasonable unless he had some sort of pre-warning. I can't even imagine needing to move all of that stuff, plus where does he go? I think we need more of the story. EDIT: Jo, I sent you a PM. Normally I don't like to announce that, but I think you are one who does not receive email notice of PMs. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 12:16 |
Lsgp03, Maybe Rudi is going through more than we know about. I don’t want to speculate but coming from two parents with substance abuse problems watching him it kind of reminds me how they used to act when they were high on dope. I can spot it a mile away. I just hope this is not true but long time drug abuse usually last a lifetime. That maybe why he is getting evicted drugs takes your money it’s the love of your life. You choose it over everything even your children. That may explain his behavior and disorganized behavior on utube.Time will tell just keep him in your prayers addiction ain’t no joke.He didn’t used to behave like that if you look at footage with Queen just check it out. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 12:23 |
I listened to bridge over troubled water last night probably 20 times . I’ve been depressed again it’s so lovely and a touching song. It’s a great message as well I just love it. I like Elvis singing it too. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 12:26 |
I watched the version were Simon and company were in Central Park it was amazing .He was in complete control of that piece I’m so excited talking about it. |
Katydyd5 20.07.2020 12:45 |
I'm going to step out on a dangerous limb here because I was misunderstood for this once before. I don't like to speculate about the reasons for behavior but I'm going to share my view again. Rudi has been on a health kick for some time now. I doubt he's deeply involved in drugs of any kind though I have no way of knowing. He did do drugs at the time he was working with Freddie, as did Freddie. My personal view, from years and years of experience is that he has ADHD. His manner of speaking, his lack of focus, and his disorganization all speak to that. In addition to experience with ADHD children in the classroom, my elder son is diagnosed as is one of my grandchildren who has needed an IEP to help her cope. Many of you know I enjoy watching Kristen Hampton's product testing videos. She's hilarious but scattered in her delivery and can go off on tangents. She freely admits she has been diagnosed with ADHD and is sometimes medicated for it. I have often wondered if Freddie might have had some ADHD characteristics. If you watch some interviews closely he often leaves sentences unfinished while he moves on to another topic. It's as if his mind is working too fast for his mouth to keep up. The One Vision has many illustrations of his free falling speech. When he's telling Roger what he wants to hear on the drums, there is not one complete sentence and Roger looks baffled. Later when the guys are working on lyrics, again, many incomplete sentences. He's unable to think of the word "syllables" when he's describing what he needs from the lyrics so he uses lots of replacement phrases. There is nothing wrong with an ADHD diagnosis. Sometimes I even wonder about myself. But again, I do feel strongly that Rudi deals with ADHD just from watching him speak. I'd much rather give him the benefit of the doubt on this one. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 13:25 |
I do as well Katy but from experience I do know behaviors of people with addiction and have since I was a very young child and he does exhibit some signs and he has had those struggles in his past. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I too suffer from attention defeceit and my son as well he had a iep in school but it didnt stop him from wrestling and doing the things he was passionate about. I didn’t treat it as a disability therefore he was just like any other of his buddies. I meant no harm by voicing my concerns but addiction is a monster that never goes away.It took my mothers life they wheeled her into an emergency room dead with her purse and and two small children. It doesn’t ever stop and it has no morals.I just said I hope he isn’t having those struggles again all it takes is a trigger to take you on that highway to hell of addiction again he is in my prayers for what ever is going on in his life. |
Amidds 20.07.2020 13:56 |
OK so much to catch up on-great topics! Daughter and SIL are in from Fl so we spent the weekend at my SIL's parents' lakehouse. Interesting COVID note: here in IL there is a TON of talk about people travelling here from the "hot spots". You have to fill out a form at the airport or get a $2000 fine, you have to remain in quarantine for 14 days, etc. They were not given a form, there was no talk at all at either airport about COVID, both airports were practically empty. Glad they had smooth travel but wondering why the talk in IL about caution and no one seeming to care. Weird!! JB, I love that, even when you're missing for a while, you come up with a vid gem to share with us!!! Thank you! Katy, wouldn't be surprised with the ADHD "diagnosis". I know I've mentioned before how I stopped watching his lives because he went off on tangents and I couldn't keep up. In most, if not all states right now, there are freezes on evictions. They say even when the freeze is removed, the time it will take to catch up in court over violations will prevent a lot of evictions. I wonder if something else is going on or if there is a communication breakdown. Kind of like when Rudy says he wrote multiple chapters in a day but it's probably more like paragraphs or something? Some awesome news for those who have Sirius XM - there is now a QUEEN CHANNEL!!!!!!! Heard about it last night leaving WI and immediately programmed it into my favorites! It's CH 27 and I'm soooooo excited!! Regarding the t-shirts: I don't collect concert shirts but, this year found I had a large number from my kids sports and vacations. I saw a website Projectrepat that make tshirt quilts so, that's what I did. It really cleared up drawer/closet space and put all my fave memories together in one quilt. I ended up doing one for my son with all his sports uniforms or state shirts and he loves it! So, that's my suggestion for those of you wanting to do something with your shirts - I've heard great things about that site or I can talk someone through it if you're handy! |
lsg 20.07.2020 14:36 |
Ammids I have been glued to channel 27 Sirius for a week now. Unfortunately it is temporary and only until August 13th I believe, or the 17th, can't remember. |
MyHumanZoo 20.07.2020 20:03 |
I have been listening to the Sirius XM Queen channel too...and have been amazed at some of the deep tracks they play. I really thought it would all be the later 80s stuff, with BoRap thrown in here and there. It’s a nice surprise! I just wish it was going to stay on air longer too. On Rudi...I haven’t watched this week’s show yet, but judging by some of his latest posts and shows he seems to be losing it a little. Last week’s show was a mess, and he ended up doing it over. And then he does the shows without a shirt on! Now come on, I know it’s warm in Florida but he’s inside and he is doing a show for people all over, and frankly I don’t want to see his nakedness, lol! Take the effort to put on a shirt, for Pete’s sake. Then he goes on a mask wearing rant on IG, with so much misinformation in it I can’t even start...he said the government recommends we all stay 9 meters apart now.....huh? That is 27 feet!? My husband is usually around when I listen to the shows, and he heard that rant and was just in disbelief. It’s interesting, because I said to him...it sure seems like Rudi is on something...or else he broke his health kick and is on the sauce! I don’t know, just lately he has seemed different, maybe he is off ADHD meds....maybe he is on something else, or maybe just having some kind of a health issue. As far as getting kicked out, something makes me think he is probably the tenant from hell that is always complaining, having issues, and irritating those around him. I mean, he is running in his condo for an hour at a time, if the floors or walls are thin that would get on my nerves. I really hope he is ok, but things are off and I’m not sure what is happening with him. The only good news is that he said Brian May will be on his show in a couple of weeks. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 20:57 |
MHZ, That’s kinda what I meant your words were much better put in a kind way. Usually once you have been an addict all it takes is a trigger and it’s back to buisness again I seen my mother struggle and destroy so much. You could of told her that her mom was on fire in the street and if she was fixing to use she would say hold on a minute let me take this hit I will put out that fire in a minute. Her bf and father of her youngest children got scared when he couldn’t wake her put her and their children In the car got to hospital got wheelchair she was already changing colors. He put her in wheel chair handed his 5 year old daughter her purse and put his 2 year old son out of the car and took off. She was dead with two small children standing there. Drugs takes your morals it changes your behavior makes you do things you would never do not high. So I was just seeing some signs in him I felt I seen in my own mother as a child that’s all I meant I’m sorry I didn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.Im not perfect by no means I’m an alcoholic that’s my drug of choice it’s just as damaging to yourself and others. It’s all a struggle. |
CHEVYMAN 20.07.2020 21:02 |
When I think of drugs and what it does to families I think of AC/DC”s song highway to hell. It sure is that. |
Katydyd5 20.07.2020 23:11 |
You guys that have Sirius XM are so lucky! I'd love to take a road trip and listen to that. MHZ, thanks for your take on the Rudi situation. I stopped watching him after three or four episodes because it was just too difficult to listen to him meander around topics or go on and on about the same thing. Frankly, I found it kind of boring. So instead of listening to an entire broadcast I check into his YouTube channel once in a while and listen to bits and pieces. I did listen to his rant last night about the eviction, but I really should not have commented on it with such a limited exposure to him over the last few months. I don't even check his IG as often as I was because of his delivery. He's larger than life, and that's ok, but it wears me out. LOL, and MHZ, I agree with you on the shirtless stuff. I mean, why?? I think there must be a much bigger piece of the eviction story that he's not telling. I wonder if he's had warnings. Amidds, I like the idea of the t-shirt quilt. I wear a lot of tees though and I'm not ready to turn them into a quilt. Oh, LOL, who am I kidding? I'm not crafty, it would never happen. Can you share a picture of the one you made?? Chevy, I'm sorry about your mother. The story is heartbreaking. |
lsg 21.07.2020 01:27 |
.......after Rudi’s eviction notice, who knows how long the book gets finished. I do hope for his sake he gets this resolved, also for his eldest who planned on studying marine biology in Florida and would live there in the same place. Chevyman, no words..... |
lsg 21.07.2020 01:27 |
.......after Rudi’s eviction notice, who knows how long the book gets finished. I do hope for his sake he gets this resolved, also for his eldest who planned on studying marine biology in Florida and would live there in the same place. Chevyman, no words..... |
Rainbow61 21.07.2020 07:04 |
I was quite excited to get my Queen stamp set in the mail yesterday. Very nice. I have it on my computer desk near my Queen Royal Mint coin and my Lego Freddie! Before yesterday, I had only watched one of the Rudi Live broadcasts...not during the actual broadcast, but afterwards on YouTube. That was probably a couple of months ago. However, after all of the recent Rudi discussion, I did go back and watch about 10 minutes of the last two shows...specifically the parts about wearing masks, his impending eviction, and how it is too hot to wear a shirt. Hmmm...let's just say he seems to have some stresses in his life. Some time off to relax and regroup might do him some good. Amidds...I love the idea of the tee-shirt quilt. What a wonderful keepsake. I know of a lady who had a memory quilt made for her son after his father, her husband, died when her son was young. She used clothing that had belonged to his father. I'm sure her son will always remember the moment the quilt was given to him. MHZ and Katydyd...I love black tee-shirts...definitely my first choice! White would be my second. My two Queen concert shirts are black. Chevy...Very sorry for your painful past! I hope you continue on your healing journey. You mentioned liking the song "Bridge Over Troubled Water". One of my favorite versions of the song was done by the American Idol contestant Clay Aiken. His version is faster and has a different feel to it, but I think it was well done. I loved the gospel choir accompaniment. Here is a link to his American Idol performance of that song: link Jo T...Thanks for passing along the link of Brian's band mates singing "Sail Away Sweet Sister". I agree...they did an amazing job. Very talented musicians! |
Amidds 21.07.2020 13:26 |
Lsgp, well, that's disappointing! I was hoping the Queen channel was gonna last! I've only been listening to it a couple of days but I love that it does seem to be ALL Queen - no "Queen-like" bands, and little interview snippets. Chevy, so sorry you had to go through that! Absolutely heartbreaking and scary. Katy, I'll try to remember to take a pic of the quilt tonight. It was seriously easy-if you can cut squares out of cloth and use a sewing machine lol. It was a bit time consuming but well worth it. Like I previously mentioned, Projectrepat does a nice job if you ever decide to go that route and they always have massive sales. I have to admit, I seriously LOL when you all mentioned a shirtless Rudi! The mental image my mind conjured up was not pretty and I'm happy I missed it! Whatever he's going through, I really hope he sorts it out. I did order the Presentation Pack of the Queen stamps and have not received them yet. I know it took a bit to get the coin and the world wasn't quite as messed up then but I'm excited to see it. |
CHEVYMAN 21.07.2020 21:49 |
Rainbow, Thank you I just love that song so much. My grandparents raised three of my mothers children which included me thank God . But the two children by that other man went into foster care they never had a chance. When they aged out I found my sister she had already been in prison lost her children she reminded me so much of my mother. She told me my half brother had been murdered which was drug related and they don’t know who did it. I feel they didn’t have a chance at all. It makes me thankful I had my grandmother and came from good Christian people.The other two children’s father was a member of the hells angels club so they had a real hard life when they got out of foster care. |
CHEVYMAN 21.07.2020 21:53 |
Thank you Katydyd! |
Amidds 22.07.2020 13:11 |
Lsgp and anyone else that has Sirius XM - Queen station reverted back to Deep Tracks this am for me, did that happen to anyone else? I'm gonna be a little upset if they stopped it early! Almost embarrassed to say I wasn't aware of this: "Don't Stop Me Now with long lost guitars" played on that channel yesterday. I had never heard of that. I tried to Google it and not much info - just that Brian didn't like the song so, overnight, added in more riffs. Has anyone heard that? Know more info? Katy-gonna try to attached a small portion of the blanket. Had to fold it over to block out shirts with names/schools on it but you can get the idea ;) |
MyHumanZoo 22.07.2020 14:37 |
Amidds, the Queen channel has switched back to deep tracks for me too....I am bummed. I heard on an ad that you can still get the Queen channel for a few more weeks if you stream it online, I haven’t checked that yet. On the Don’t Stop Me Now with guitar backing, I knew of that. Brian never really liked the song and thought it was too light with only piano to drive it. So he went back and put heavier guitar on it, Freddie (and the rest, I think) didn’t like the guitar heavy version. Brian said that since it was Freddie’s song, he got the final decision and so it went with mostly piano. I *think* Brian talks about it in the extras of the Days of Our Lives documentary. It is on YouTube somewhere, I’m sure. Rudi has said that basically he has not left his apartment at all since this began back in February. I wonder if that has contributed to his current moods? He could be going a bit stir crazy. Also, I recall him saying at one point that he has major anxiety issues, and so leaving his apartment required sort of “practicing” at going out again. This is all a part of his need to have on a mask, a face shield, and gloves. He put them on once and walked outside and then it seemed liked he holed up in his condo again. Also interesting, it seems he has 2 condos next to each other, one he lives in and the other is his office. Judging by the amount of stuff in there, I sure wouldn’t want to be the one to pick him up and move! Chevy, I’m so sorry about your mom, what an awful thing to experience! My heart goes out to you and your siblings! God bless your grandparents for raising you. |
CHEVYMAN 22.07.2020 17:54 |
MHZ, I really resented my mother for many years she left me my brother and sister with my Dad. He was a Vietnam veteran so he was suffering from ptsd and couldn’t care for us. She basically got up one morning jumped on a back of a Harley and left us. She had two more children with this other man and those are the children that ended up in foster care. Since my father wasn’t fit to raise us my grandparents took us I just wish they would’ve took Brooke and Todd but they didn’t.When I met Brooke it was like we were from different worlds she has lived a hard life she was born in 1985 and she looks my age and I’m 47. She has lived the school of hard knocks It really kills me when I think about it. I wonder why we couldn’t all be together my grands were Christian people and taught me the right way to be. They didn’t have that opportunity it’s said. |
Katydyd5 22.07.2020 19:01 |
Amidds, I absolutely love the quilt! Now I'm sorry that I donated all of my tee's to Good Will. I had the JT shirts, lots of school spirit shirts, sports tees and lots of fun shirts I used for different science themes at school. It would have been so cool. I wouldn't have been able to make the quilt myself, but I would have paid someone to do it. MHZ I am so happy that you posted your thoughts on Rudi. I know he did his share of drugs in the day, but I had never heard that he had an addiction problem with either drugs or alcohol so I just don't buy that he somehow backslid and that is the problem now. I firmly believe ADHD explains some of his unfocused talk, but your thoughts make a lot of sense to me. As far as I know you are the only one who has faithfully watched each of his Backstage broadcasts so you would have a good feel for his reaction to the pandemic. When I was watching regularly, and again in the snippets I've watched since then, I sensed a high level of anxiety over the virus. He has seemed to be more afraid than I would have expected. You said that he has anxiety issues and had to practice to leave the apartment. To me, that says a lot and I feel a lot of compassion for him. The man lives alone, away from his home country and his children. I would not blame him for being fearful. I feel very shut in my home and very much shut out of the life I was living, but I am still able to see my closest friend and my near-by family. What would it be like if I had no such contact? I don't think he can be blamed for being a little stir crazy. I wear a mask everywhere, but I don't wear gloves or a face shield. That signals a high level of fear to me. I hope he is able to resolve the apartment situation. I did hear him say that he has the office we see in the videos, but he also has the neighboring condo as his home. My heart goes out to him and I hope he is able to find some peace. |
Rainbow61 22.07.2020 20:17 |
As I had mentioned before, it seems like Rudi has some stresses...but then again, don't we all! A worldwide pandemic that resulted in tens of thousands of deaths, social distancing the likes of which we have never experienced before, economic devastation, and widespread civil unrest...there haven't been many bright spots in the news the first half of this year. I am just thankful I could isolate with my husband...it would have been much harder to be alone during that period. I know Rudi has been very focused on his health and has taken some impressive positive steps with good results (running every day, no alcohol etc). I don't think he would do anything to compromise what he has worked so hard to achieve. I'm sure he is yearning for normalcy as are the rest of us. Since I can't do the "big" normal things I typically do during the summer (vacation, county fair, concerts, local events) I have to rely on the "small" normal things to be satisfied (scary movie night with my husband, swimming in the lake, walks, reading on the porch) Of course, it is good to have things to look forward to...like books about our favorite singer! |
lsg 23.07.2020 01:57 |
Ammids, yes, lost Queen Channel yesterday, but these things are always temporary. Before, channel 26 did a month long of Led Zeppelin. Whenever these channels do this, it’s never permanent. But they could have left it on longer. katydyd, you mentioned you used to live in Louisiana. I’ve lived there 3 separate times. Do you mind telling where? |
Katydyd5 23.07.2020 02:36 |
Lsgp, we lived in Louisiana for almost exactly a year and what an experience it was! I did bring back a love of good Cajun food. : ) Still wish I could find boudin around here and I've been known to serve turducken for Thanksgiving! We lived in Sulphur, just outside of Lake Charles. It was like living in an exotic foreign country. I'll never forget the first time driving down to the Gulf. There were ditches alongside the road and I could not believe what I was seeing. I told my husband there were alligators in the ditches and he told me I was crazy. Yeah, well either there are alligators in the ditches or there are a lot of floating nostrils and eyeballs just above the water!! We got to New Orleans several times and I loved that city! Where did you live?? |
CHEVYMAN 23.07.2020 15:32 |
Katydyd, is Cajun food spicy or does it depend on what part of Louisiana. |
Rainbow61 23.07.2020 16:07 |
Katydyd...What did you do while in New Orleans? I have been there a couple of times, once while on a road trip with a friend in the mid 80's. We stayed at a youth hostel in the middle of the city...had a great time. We did the typical touristy things...walked down Bourbon Street, ate beignets at Cafe Du Monde, listened to some jazz music at Preservation Hall, and visited the grave of the Voodoo Queen. Just saw on the Queen site that Brian will be one of the guest guitarists at a "concert" hosted by Nuno Bettencourt which will be shown on AXS TV on August 3. Unfortunately, we do not have that cable channel. Darn! If you want to watch some insanely fast guitar playing, check out Nuno playing "Flight of the Wounded Bumblebee". link |
lsg 23.07.2020 22:55 |
OMG! Katydyd, I lived in Lake Charles! I developed the absolute WORST respiratory allergies from the air those Sulphuric plants emitted from across the lake. Since I was not born nor reared there, my body was not accustomed to all that coming from the other side of the lake. I then moved to Ruston where I attended LA Tech, then New Orleans. The happiest adult years of my life were in Louisiana. The FOOD! It’s not the same since post Katrina. Completely different now. Me and my old college roommate agreed to fly there about 4 years ago for a long weekend just to eat. No where do they prepare food in the USA like there. We stayed in the quarter but I don’t think I would go back. Not the same. My early Queen years were in LC. I missed the Queen concert in New Orleans! I really miss that time. New Orleans was a great place to live during that time. |
lsg 23.07.2020 23:09 |
Meant to be more specific.....missed the Queen concert in NOLA, 1978 |
CHEVYMAN 24.07.2020 23:33 |
Everyone check your emails you have updated info you guys know what I mean have a nice weekend. |
Katydyd5 25.07.2020 00:44 |
Lspg, I can't believe you lived in Lake Charles! Small world! I don't remember smelling the sulphur plants but maybe the memory has faded. I'm really sorry to hear that you feel the food has changed since Katrina. I suspect we will be saying the same thing about food and restaurants after the pandemic. Sad. I brought back some good local cookbooks and can still make a great shrimp etouffee. Shrimp trucks used to come into the neighborhood with their fresh haul from the Gulf. Shrimp was only $1.00 a pound, and I'm talking BIG shrimp. I can de-head and clean shrimp with the best of them. I'm not good with years so I didn't realize Queen were in NO in 1978. We would have been there then! That makes three concerts now that occurred near me that I missed. NO, Philadelphia and my current city. I'm still kicking myself and asking what I could have been thinking. Rainbow, Sulphur is on the western side of LA so the drive to NO took a while. We went a couple of times, usually to take people who had come down to visit. We did the usual tourist things. I don't really care for jazz but we did go to a bar to listen to some. While in an oyster bar I bit down on a partially formed pearl! I just recently threw it away. It looked kind of like partially chewed gum. Nothing you'd want to have set in jewelry. I did love the cemeteries. Really beautiful and gothic. Easy to imagine ghosts there! I don't think we have AXS, but I will have to check. |
Katydyd5 25.07.2020 00:47 |
Rainbow, forgot to thank you for the link. I don't think my fingers were ever that nimble! |
lsg 26.07.2020 03:11 |
Katydy, that 1978 concert was the one they always referred to as that party with “drawfs walking around with bowls of cocaine on their heads” etc....that was the year and place. I must have miscommunicated about post Katrina.....I wasn’t referring to the food changed.....it was the city itself changed....the ambiance....the people. |
lsg 26.07.2020 03:19 |
lsg 26.07.2020 03:19 |
lsg 26.07.2020 03:20 |
lsg 26.07.2020 03:23 |
This was from that party at the the 1978 concert in New Orleans. Its the “cleanest “ photo available from that party |
Jo T. 26.07.2020 04:32 |
I have fond memories of New Orleans, even though I wouldn’t want to live in the state of LA. It’s too hot and humid. It’s a cool place to visit though. I was in NOLA for a week in June of 2018 for a professional conference hosted at a major hotel chain on Canal St. It was the same year of NOLA’s 300th b-day earlier in May. Thus, the city was already in party mode. The unrelated conference also happened to fall in the very same week of the NOLA Pride Parade, the 1st time I had ever attended a gay pride parade – and by default, too! I remember all the bright colors and fabulous costumes. The parade marched through Canal St., right in front of my hotel. We then followed the parade on foot as it wound through the French Quarter and passed by Bourbon St. It was an absolute blast! I had never been to Mardi Gras before, so that's probably the closest I'll ever come to it. However, it was before the movie “Bohemian Rhapsody” came out later in 2018, or else I would’ve been aware to visit and photograph Freddie’s fav’ hotel, the Royal Orleans (today’s Omni Royal Orleans) in the French Quarter. Per Phoebe’s 1st book. Freddie loved NOLA. I can totally see him reveling in the atmosphere. Katydyd5, you mentioned the cemeteries. I’ve been a fan of playwright Tennessee Williams’ “A Streetcar Named Desire” since high school, where I played the part of Stella in a scene for drama class. In the play, the tragic heroine, Blanche DuBois, rode a streetcar named Desire, then transferred to a streetcar named Cemeteries to visit her sister, Stella, who lived in New Orleans. It foreshadowed Blanche's ultimate demise. One night, after my conference, because there was actually no streetcar named Desire in existence, I rode the streetcar named “Cemeteries” instead that travelled northwest on Canal St. and terminated at - well, the cemeteries! It was very, very eerie to see the above-ground marble vaults and tombs at dusk. The cemeteries were referred to as the “Cities of the Dead.” For those who aren’t aware, because NOLA falls below sea level and the water table is high, graves have to be constructed above the ground. Previous floods had unearthed graves. I don’t believe in ghosts, but I couldn’t wait to get back to the hotel when it got dark! BTW, happy 71st b-day, Roger Taylor! Last year, on the 27th, the day after his b-day on July 26th (The band had a 2-day break after the Houston concert on the 24th.), I'll never forget how we in the audience sang happy 70th b-day to Roger when Queen played at my metropolis. I still have the video. I recall last year how many of us shared our awesome concert experiences of the North American leg of "The Rhapsody Tour!" |
lsg 26.07.2020 06:03 |
Wow JoT, what a great experience. That video is equivalent to a brick of gold, and I’m not referring to selling it, I mean to have been a part of that, and having a video of everyone singing happy birthday,,,,,,,was he surprised? Or just took it in stride? |
Jo T. 26.07.2020 06:43 |
@Lsgp03, I never uploaded my cell phone video to YouTube, but others have from the concert. You can catch it on YouTube. Roger was moved, but it was hardly unexpected. You see, Brian May's b-day is July 19. The audience sang to HIM on the same tour a week earlier when the band played at The Forum in Los Angeles (I had seen it on YouTube.). |
Rainbow61 26.07.2020 20:54 |
Happy birthday to Roger Taylor! Just as they did for Brian's birthday, Tyler Warren and Neil Fairclough from Q+AL did a song for Roger. This time they chose "Rock It (Prime Jive) from The Game. Really fun, energetic tune...their rendition was great. I'm sure this has been all over FB, but for those of you who haven't seen it yet... link |
CHEVYMAN 27.07.2020 11:54 |
Rainbow, Thanks for the upload Roger is my favorite Queen I have a thing for drummers. Have you ever noticed a drummer can’t set still they have to be tapping on something. He used to be blonde and hot now he is silver and still hot. He was beautiful in the 70s they all were .A drummer sometimes isn’t noticed as much as the rest of the band but I have to say out of all the bands Roger and Tommy Lee from Motely Crüe sure were.I hope work is looking up for you and thinks are brighter take care. |
CHEVYMAN 27.07.2020 12:05 |
Something unique about our good ole Roger drumming relives stress hormones in the body and it burns twice as many calories as any other instrument played in a band. Our Roger will live to be 100 yah!!!!!! |
Katydyd5 27.07.2020 15:47 |
Lsgp, thanks for correcting my misunderstanding when I thought you said the food had changed since Katrina. I knew the city was still in flux ,but I'm glad to hear the food remains spectacular. Jo, I loved learning that you played Stella in a drama class! Your love of the arts obviously started early Did you pursue that any further? I'm sure the NO Pride Parade would be similar to Mardi Gras. They do know how to party there! One of the first events we went to after moving to Sulphur was Calcasieu Parish Days. It was a celebration of the history of Calcasieu Parish (county) and we figured it was a good way to get to know our new city. My son was 3 and absolutely loved the parade. It was the first time we had experienced beads and trinkets being thrown from floats. Later I remember searching for a hot dog for him to eat with none to be found. That's when we were introduced to "fair food" LA style. We ended up with heaping plates of crawfish, corn on the cob and potatoes. My 3-year-old dug into the crawfish. BTW, I said before that I can make a good shrimp etoufee. Correction, it's a crawfish etoufee. I can get frozen crawfish in my local grocery store. Certainly not as good as fresh, but it works. Rainbow, thanks for the Warren/Fairclough link. They are both so talented. I had not seen the link, though birthday tributes to Roger were all over FB. I still have hopes that the band can all tour again next summer. |
Katydyd5 28.07.2020 12:14 |
Amidds, not sure where your plans stand at this point and I'm sure you've seen this, but thought I'd share. link |
Amidds 28.07.2020 13:19 |
Katy - I actually follow them on IG. Haven't booked anything due to the European ban on US travel but, this is on my list along with a couple of other things if we get to go. Gotta admit, I'm not really holding out much hope at this point. I will remain positive though and re-book for next year if we can't go this year!! Of course, the flight I have booked to/from Orlando for that trip probably won't be cancelled so I'm trying to figure out what we can do there while social distancing. *sigh* I assume everyone saw Thor and Lee's book update??? Few errors to correct and then hopefully to print! It would be awesome if the books were shipped by Freddie's bday! NOLA talk has been interesting. I went a few years ago and we took tours through the cemeteries and the Garden District, did a lot of partying on Bourbon Street, etc. Can't remember the month but is was hot and steamy!!! Would love to go back but, maybe in the winter months! |
MyHumanZoo 28.07.2020 15:39 |
I guess I am one of the few that didn’t love NO, I went a few times for a national conference there and it just wasn’t for me. Bourbon street was smelly and dirty, and we could not go out and jog/walk around the conference center due to crime. I did have a few awesome meals though, so that was nice! I enjoyed the songs from Tyler and Neil celebrating the recent birthdays. Those guys are incredible talented. I would say their version of Prime Jive was almost better than the original! I follow them on IG and Tyler put on a concert every week during the Covid shutdown, just him and a guitar doing songs and it was really good. Plus, he did them and requested donations to a particular charity each week, which was so thoughtful. |
lsg 29.07.2020 16:52 |
Thanks for the Freddie-Tours link, hope to hit all that area in next few years. |
Rainbow61 30.07.2020 00:31 |
Katydyd...Thanks for the link to the site that offers the tours. I was surprised to read that the Freddie Tour company just started this year. In the "News" section on that site, there is an article (in French) about the tours in the newspaper "24 Heures". I copied and pasted that article into Google Translate with some strange results. From what I can gather, Freddie's apartment is up for sale??? This was the last part of the translated article: :) "Everything is under construction", according to a specialist who indicates "that the sale will be complicated unless you fall on a wealthy person, who would have a real crush." |
lsg 31.07.2020 13:28 |
My Human Zoo, I felt the same as you after my last weekend food trip to the French Quarter. It was post Katrina. But it was the best of times when I lived there in the 70’s and part of the 80’s. During the time of Queen tour 1978 and also the disco era. NOLA was an amazing place to live during that time. |
MyHumanZoo 31.07.2020 15:09 |
Glad to know I’m not the only one, Lspg! I should say, I’m not a fan of cities in general, I find them confining and just too messy and crowded. I can be there for a day or maybe two, but I just get that crawly feeling of needing to get out. The traffic and beeping of horns, people pushing by, that kind of thing really bother me. Growing up in a very small town made me that way, I’m sure. I like lots of grass, trees, and space around me! |
lsg 31.07.2020 22:58 |
MHZ, I’ve never NOT lived in the big city suburbs but I have reached a point in my life that I cannot stand the city. I just want a quiet life in the country, or at most, just a big town....but not a city. |
Katydyd5 01.08.2020 18:43 |
Wanted to check in on you guys and was so disappointed to see that QZ has been spammed by a bot. I reported it and hope they can correct it soon. |
Katydyd5 02.08.2020 01:10 |
So, I'm kinda bored. I don't like the fact that it almost feels normal to me now to be unable to go to restaurants, movies, etc. I'm doing way too much sitting around, that's for sure and I miss my friends!. So, while I was sitting today I was looking through some of my Freddie files. I have one file of some of the "making of" videos that I enjoy so much. The first minute and a half of this particular video shows the fun side of Freddie and it makes me happy. I wonder how many takes it took to get him landing on the chair right. They both seem to be having so much fun. I felt sorry for the man behind the chair who must have been there to steady the chair because it can't have been comfortable having them land on him. I love Freddie's expression when the suspenders fail him! I know he was a perfectionist in his work but the laughter and fun seem to be a big part of this one. link Lsgp and MHZ, I've always lived in the suburbs of big cities, and I do love the proximity of all of the cultural things that are available in the city. Most of the time though I'd prefer to be out in the open and away from the crowds now. I seem to have reached a point where crowds irritate me. Hope you are all well and maybe not as bored as I am! |
FreddieDearie 02.08.2020 17:28 |
Ok. I know this is a WAAAAY OLD response. And it came from the other thread but I was told it was closed and people have come here. But I feel it necessary to clear up a discrepancy. . Quote SM” ”...Villers I hope you're feeling better now. I wanted to vent a little about something that has greatly disappointed me on Instagram.com. ... I thought I had found a good account as the name was FreddieAndJimForever but I was disgusted by what I saw and continue seeing on that page. It's a young lady that claims to be fan of Mr Mercury and Jim but all her posts are awful. Raunchy gay sex jokes about Mr Mercury. Addressing him as simply "a useless bottom". ..She claims to know you both Mr Thor and Mr Lee and tries to lead people to believe she's close with you but I refuse to believe two guys as kind as you would get mixed up with that sort of thing. She claims Mr Freestone hated working for Mr Mercury and calls Mr Fanelli a bitch every few minutes. ... An entire hour talking about who was the sponge and who was the stone in Mr Mercury's bed?? I'm disgusted. I really expected better from his fans. I keep trying to avoid seeing those posts but do not know how to block an account. So I will just get offline. What worse is this not a teenager. What a shame. ” . I don't know why SM, Dustin, Squirrely etc are playing dumb, but Villers/Queenmemes/Katie was all in 1000% talking and laughing about Freddie being a bottom. I have video of the live where Queen_memes.kl was joking with ”FreddieandJimforever” about how Freddie wasn't abused by boyfriends because Freddie was just into ”HateF**king”. She thought it was oh so funny and was going right along with ”FreddieandJimForever”. . killers queenmemes_kl was ooking about how sexy it was that Freddie had fingermark bruises on his arm. Quote: ::: @freddieandjimforever: The appeal with Winnie... he could have a good angry fu*k and just feel good... I think the whole Bill Reid thing, that was totally just hate fu*#ing....Phoebe pretty much said Freddie liked to hate fu*k. ” And what was Villers response? queen_memes.kl: ”Hate fu*#ing LOL ?????? Can we talk about the finger bruises on Freddie’s arms and the fact they came from hate fu*#ing lmao”**** She would give thumbs up to freddieabdjimforever making fun of Freddie being a bottom. FreddieandJimforever even did a LIVE announcing she was gonna talk about Freddie being a bottom, and Villets/Queen_memes was there and ALLLL FOR IT. When I would post about it being inappropriate that they were fertilizing gay men and gay sex.... That all came at me for telling them it was wrong. I just wanted to say something because when I posted about that behavior I was lambasted for finding fault and being a party pooper, Suddenly SM Posts and Villers suddenly got religion as if she wasn’t part and parcel of the whole ugly behavior ????? |
CHEVYMAN 02.08.2020 20:12 |
FD, this thread has nothing to do with what you are upset about it’s a peaceful little thread in a poke little town that talks about music and random everyday stuff. I looked on Instagram I haven’t been on there in a while and there looks like activity that may interest you one of the posters there still contribute message her and take your beef up with her.I don’t know you have nothing against you but these ladies here don’t discuss such matters either they take body shaming very seriously as well. |
CHEVYMAN 02.08.2020 20:31 |
If these friends are posting this kind of trash about their friends dear friend hopefully that friend will see their true colors I seen it along time ago maybe he will see it now.I personally thought the pic of Elton Johns ass today was extremely inappropriate. Between him and his guy friends fine but I’m a bit old fashioned and that’s not for ladies to be looking at . Yes not nice at all people talk about pens penis sizes and yes I created a thread because I wanna know why do women do this. The Woman on Instagram I thought was a gay young lady why would she want to look at eltons ass.I didn’t go looking for his as it was just there. What if these same men went and posted pics of our vaginas that would be social suicide. They would never hear the end of it.Yes this does bother me I would never do this and then go laugh it up to a gay gentlemen’s face it disgusting. |
FreddieDearie 02.08.2020 20:54 |
Chevyman, I want to clarify and older discussion. You told me that I couldn’t post on the other thread, so because it said that the discussion in general had moved over here, I brought it here. The ladies and men here all stood up for Villers and then Lee and Thor actually did a live with her. So it seems they have no problem when she does it, just not when other people do it. |
Saint Jiub 02.08.2020 21:17 |
I knew Chevy would fail to abide by Thor's level-headed advice of how to deal with trolls: "Ignore and isolate." I hope Chevy learns that is counterproductive to shotgun spout every thought that comes into her head. FreddieDearie, however makes Chevy look reasonable by comparison. Please - Ignore and isolate. |
CHEVYMAN 02.08.2020 21:29 |
Well I don’t think it’s a very kind thing to do regardless of who does it. I have no idea who that lady is but I personally think no one should be talking about those things or showing any man”s ass . If they told you to bring it here and they have no problem with it and you do . Just ignore it I guess. But I don’t follow others if I think something is wrong it’s wrong. I don’t think a lady should be doing this unless she is a another man my opinion. Good luck on that one.I have gay men friends and they are horrified at the thought of it so am I. Saint Juib take your 19 percent I didn’t know she was a troll and put it up your ass!!!! |
CHEVYMAN 02.08.2020 21:36 |
My grandparents raised me right they raised me not to give shit but not to take it either. When you insult me you insult my people Saint Juib so from good ole conservative Oklahoma which I’m not I have fought my whole life. I was raised not to back mouth a man but you piss me off so fucking bring it!!!!! |
Saint Jiub 02.08.2020 21:45 |
Ignore and isolate. |
Katydyd5 02.08.2020 22:08 |
St Juib, I want to thank you for trying to be the voice of reason. This has been such a lovely place to share with friends and in the course of one day, it may have been destroyed. We all knew FreddieDearie was a troll from her posts on Thor's threads. His "ignore and isolate" guidance worked most times. it would have worked here again. Again, Saint Juib, thank you for trying to put a stop to the ugly, vulgar posts. I'm sorry that in so doing, you are now a target. No problem, I'm sure to be next. To all the good friends I've made here, you know this mess of posts today was never my intention for us. I hope you will come back at some point and put isolate and ignore into practice and we can return to what we had. |
CHEVYMAN 02.08.2020 22:34 |
I didn’t tell her to relocate here I told her to message villers. And yes I’m upset he is insulting me by comparing me to someone of such nature. It’s in writing I told her to message her. I further more messaged her myself and thanked her for bringing that troll back around with her vulgar posts and pics. I don’t get why and how you people choose who you judge and who you don’t. You say this woman has had bad behavior on this for site in the past. How in the hell is that any different from anyone else that has used bad behavior or said harsh words.Or falsely accused a innocent person of wrong doing.You guys try to pick me out every single time all I did is state my opinion. I do think it’s wrong it’s not funny.If you can accept willers making fun of gay men having sex and you don’t have a problem with it. Why not someone that makes a mistake let’s not split hairs on which one is bad or worse or we all belong in the pits of hell Amen. |
Saint Jiub 03.08.2020 00:26 |
Saint Jiub wrote: FreddieDearie, however MAKES CHEVY LOOK REASONABLE by comparison.I backhandedly "complemented" Chevy. |
Rainbow61 03.08.2020 01:50 |
This is a chat thread and as such, a broad array of topics are always welcome for discussion. However, in no way can this be construed as ALL topics are APPROPRIATE for discussion. There is a tacit understanding that a healthy dose of "self-censorship" and common sense is essential! Hostile, angry, or profanity laden responses serve no purpose. Thanks to those who have always made civility the bedrock of your conversations. |
Rainbow61 03.08.2020 02:12 |
I anyone watches the Nuno Bettencourt And Friends special that is on TV tomorrow, please let us know what you think. I'm bummed that I will be missing Brian May do Bohemian Rhapsody with the rest of the guys. I think it will be fantastic. A classic Queen song played by some of the best guitarists in the world...how can you go wrong? |
CHEVYMAN 03.08.2020 02:17 |
Rainbow, I know not all topics aren’t good to discuss that’s why I suggested the poster message the lady she had the problem with. I never told her to stop here. It is in writing on the other closed thread.It bothered me when I was compared to be a little bit better than someone starting trouble. I try not to talk about things of a sexual nature cause I know it’s offensive to you ladies and I’m a little more open. We are all different. But that’s pretty much how I feel at the moment.It did make me angry and it’s something I struggle with everyday. I don’t always have success. |
Katydyd5 03.08.2020 02:50 |
MHZ, did you watch Rudi Backstage today? I took a quick look on his YouTube page and kind of skipped through it but I wanted to know if he mentioned any more about his eviction?? I noticed that looking at the background of his office he's done absolutely no packing so he can't be going anywhere soon. Amidds, did you come up with anything to do in the Orlando area if you have to go that route? Are you a beach person? One more question. Do any of you ever look at or participate in the QOL chat forums? If so, what do you think? |
CHEVYMAN 03.08.2020 03:04 |
I agree.i just didn’t like what saint had to say I meant no harm at all. Then I got pushed and I have a fight or flight reaction. I’m always in a fight mode I have been my whole life I apologise. |
FreddieDearie 03.08.2020 05:10 |
Chevyman, What “Saint” said,... too bad Saint didn’t feel that way when his/her pals were sexually fetishizing gay men. They say ignore and isolate because that’s how bigots like to keep their bigotry going unabated. Ignore all those people who say things “black lives matter” or “don’t put children in cages” or “don’t sexually fetishize people”. Too much like “socialism” to speak out against bigotries. Bottom line is, our posts speaking out against that kind of behavior is here for others to see, regardless of certain “types” pretending they ignore it. |
FreddieDearie 03.08.2020 05:12 |
Chevy, I was messaging the persons I had a problem with. The persons I had a problem with were those in this thread and the other who were complicit and even cheered on what she did. |
FreddieDearie 03.08.2020 05:15 |
Chevyman, Don’t apologize. They’re bullying you to keep your mouth shut. You should feel free to speak your mind as long as you’re not personally and dorectly attacking someone. |
FreddieDearie 03.08.2020 05:15 |
Chevyman, Don’t apologize. They’re bullying you to keep your mouth shut. You should feel free to speak your mind as long as you’re not personally and dorectly attacking someone. |
Amidds 03.08.2020 13:26 |
Oh my, I was off for 3 days and things sure took a bad turn eh? Well, let's get things back on track, shall we? Katy, thanks for the behind the scenes link you posted. That type has always been my favorite - where people seem to be having fun and just being themselves. It shows their true nature, not something fabricated which shines through on the link you shared. As far as Orlando, yes I am a beach person! 100%! But, we haven't thought too much about it yet due to restrictions. If you remember, we had gotten a refund from Norwegian when they cancelled our flights and used our United Ireland credits to re-book our Paris flights. United emailed me this weekend stating they changed our flights to include 5 hours layovers in NY each way but did not cancel yet. While we fully expect them to be cancelled, we haven't made definite plans for Fl yet but I have suggested we try to get an Airbnb that includes a boat so we can spend time on the water away from people. Re: QOL chat forums - I have not participated but do like to read them occasionally. Some of the discussions (esp the ones w/the pics I referred to before) are very interesting but a little beyond me lol! On another note - anyone reading anything interesting? I always look for recommendations, especially before I plan on spending time on a plane! |
MyHumanZoo 03.08.2020 17:06 |
Rainbow, I am recording the concert with Nuno Bettencourt tonight, just in case I forget it’s on (always highly possible!). Hopefully it will be online after so you can see it. Katy, I haven’t watched Rudi’s show yet, but he did have an Instagram post that said this is likely his last show from Miami and that he has started packing. He did not say where he is going yet, maybe that is in his show, I’ll let you know. Amidds, I sure hope you are able to get your vacation plans nailed down! It would be tough having everything up in the air. I have been reading a lot of Beatles stuff lately, right now I am on a biography of Paul’s life. My mom gave me the book “Big Little Lies” to read, she said it was good. I know it is a TV or online series too, but I’ve never seen it. That will be next on my reading list. If any of you have read it, I’d be interested to know. |
lsg 03.08.2020 17:23 |
Katydyd, I watched Rudi. The usual stuff. He did state later that he is getting signs the USA doesn’t want him. Which is silly. I think the translation for that is “ I’m looking around for another place in Miami Beach but no one has a vacancy because I don’t have good references from last HOA” He only spent a minute on that. Not sure that’s what it is but I’m sure he’s been looking around since he got notice. But the show itself was the usual. |