CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 00:19 |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 00:38 |
Does anybody know the exact date or month Jim moved into Garden Lodge.I remember Freddie had called him up on the phone at his home in the middle of the night and his land lady evicted him.Jim was angry so Freddie told him to move in GL.Im just not sure when it was. |
Star* 12.02.2020 07:34 |
Just taking a guess here but i think it may have been Before "Live Aid" in 1985 ? |
Invisible Woman 12.02.2020 07:49 |
As far as I understand reading Mercury and Me, I think it was in October or November 1985. I may be wrong, but I got that impression. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 11:52 |
Thankx guys I'm glad to here from you .I started this thread because I feel this gentle kind beautiful man doesnt get enough mention or credit when it comes to being the life partner of Freddie Mercury.He was There for for him when he could've walked away that to me says alot for his character and the love he had for him.He wasnt just the gardner that was just a job he did to earn his keep and he enjoyed it so much.Feel free to open any discussions or questions you might have about him.I think we can learn alot from eachother. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 12:20 |
Let's go back to when this love story unfolded does anyone remember Freddie and Jim's first encounter in the bar and how Freddie approached Jim? |
Star* 12.02.2020 13:05 |
Yes i liked Jim a lot he was fun and the best hunky catch Freddie ever layed eyes on! Mary seemed the jealous type and not good fun, and i know by reading books that she detested Freddie's gay friends in fact a cat given to Freddie from Jim was re-homed straight away when she got rid of Jim and Freddie's staff at Garden Lodge. She kept two of Freddie;s other cats i believe. But back to Jim i really know he made Freddie so happy he even said in a David Wigg interview that he had found that "niche" he was looking for and he was very happy in his new relationship. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 13:32 |
St16, I agree It was such a love at first sight if you believe in that kinda thing.Alot will want to argue that fact but any two human beings that find love is a beautiful thing.Freddie spent so many years searching for somebody to love him.I think apart of anybodys nature likes sleeping around and having a good time.At the end of the day it can leave you empty I wonder if this overwhelming feeling every came over him.As he saw his friends have lovers and happiness you know he yearned for this too just somebody to love.I think his cats filled that void in his life for a while too he loe them so much he was like a proud papa in all pics I have seen him in with them. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 13:34 |
Typo loved them so much |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 13:47 |
Tell all Jim Hutton fans to come this way it is a safe place to discuss him without being criticized or fighting homophobia. |
Star* 12.02.2020 17:17 |
Many Queen fans on here seem to shy away from Freddie's love life because they cannot handle the fact that Freddie loved men. I love Freddie for who he was and been gay gave him that extra magic in his music and performances. Many of his songs were about the struggle to find love or breaking up with a lover like "It's A Hard Life" where you can hear him longing to be loved. Freddie's best songs were from experience as well. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 18:34 |
St16, I can so relate with that confusing struggle all my early preteen years from10 to 17.You are correct Folks are bonkers if they cant see the pain in his music.In the 70s his struggle was at its worst I think.It was a rough time for all gays in that era nothing like today.I understand there were few places for Freddie to escape and be himself if he didnt have his music he wouldve went mad.Biohemian Rhapsody he started working on before Queen .It kills me when I listen to it one part he says he wishes he hadn't been born at all.How terrible this is to feel this way.It was misery for him to have to lay with a woman which I know was the most unnatural feeling on earth for him.He had to break free.Thats another great song. |
Star* 12.02.2020 18:46 |
" I Want To Break Free" was written by John Deacon but i am sure it made Freddie think while he was singing it. Kenny Everret fell out with Freddie when he found out that Freddie had bedded his fella Pepi. They never spoke again after that. |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 18:50 |
Kenny Everett, didnt they share another dude nicoli.I know Kenny Everrets wife said she wouldnt trust her dog around nicoli lol.Him and Kenny had some good times together before things got crazy.He got bohemian played I thank him for that.Its sad He is gone as well. |
Star* 12.02.2020 18:53 |
Kenny's wife Cleo Roccas made up that story about Freddie dressing Princess Diana up and taking her to a gay bar, bit far fetched i think ? |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 19:04 |
Yeah I didnt believe that at all |
Star* 12.02.2020 19:06 |
Think she said that to make her crap book sell lol |
CHEVYMAN 12.02.2020 19:20 |
I'm sure she did there alot of people that done that.Lesli Ann Jones is one she said Freddiecwas bisexual and slept with Barbara Valentine.Theres a book that will be out soon by two reliable sources written by two of his good friends I would put my life on that book its gonna be a honest one.Its Thor and Lee's book have you donated or joined their site. |
Star* 12.02.2020 19:33 |
Never heard of that site i do know the names Thor and Lee they were two hunky clones close to Freddie. Freddie was loved. |
CHEVYMAN 13.02.2020 01:38 |
Does anybody recall the time Freddie kicked Jim out of the house or rather he sent his female messenger to kick him out and what it was about? |
CHEVYMAN 13.02.2020 19:09 |
I feel it was very unfair for the media to put some much attention on Mary Austin's relationship to Freddie when she was clearly just a beard a prop if you will.She was also his long lifetime platonic friend not his wife or lover or the love of his life.What about Jim Hutton can anybody give him the respect he deserves make a stand for what is true and right no matter what or how others feel.Theres something wrong with that picture always has been. |
Star* 13.02.2020 19:39 |
Yes i agree Freddie had an arrangement with Mary to be his pretend girlfriend because from the very start i think Freddie was in denial of his sexuality and back in the 60s 70s it was difficult been a gay man, so he must have been trying to fight the feelings of fancying men and tried looking at woman, but Mary must have been dumb or dense if she never realised Freddie was gay it was obvious from his mannerisms to the way he spoke he was really a regal man. |
CHEVYMAN 13.02.2020 21:39 |
Yes his mannerisms were absolutely gorgeous! I think she knew very well he was gay .Any woman that sleeps beside a man for 6 years knows he is gay.I think she thought she could change him because he had sex with her and other young women.I think he felt enormous guilt over his sexuality and she didnt help and she carried on that fantasy till Jim came along and she had to face the truth.Wjen he was gone on the road and in Newyork and other places it wasnt in reality for her. |
CHEVYMAN 14.02.2020 00:20 |
St16 I think it was absolutely torture for him he was in college with that girl named rosemary another beard by the way who want to get picked on at school when he was really battling himself.He was actually able to confide in her as a friend which is unusual his attractions and needs for intimacy for men.She was upset as any young woman would be but she accepted it and let him go.She figured he would embrace his lifestyle and be happy but he being a rising musician needed a beard I guess in those days and he picked Mary up.That was the biggest downfall of his life.I think depression really set in while he was with her out come all these songs of sadness and longing for love I think that says it all.He couldnt be himself with her.So it came out in his music. |
Star* 14.02.2020 11:51 |
Yeah it is so sad when Freddie could not be himself. Mary came in handy when he had to play the straight man be it around his parents or sister, but then he just got used to having Mary around as a friend. She was moaning in a magazine saying Freddie had left her too much money, and that massive mansion at Garden Lodge. I think the most attention seeking song Freddie ever wrote was in 1976 "Somebody To Love" and if he ever loved Mary it was just a brother and sister love. |
CHEVYMAN 14.02.2020 14:03 |
Yes because that's all he was capable of loving her.So many women think they can convert their men it's just not going to happen you either stay and let them embrace it or you let them go.For her she should've let him completely go . |
Star* 14.02.2020 15:16 |
Well i think Mary knew Freddie was going to be famous so she stuck to him like glue hoping he may change. I agree she should have made a clean break from Freddie especially after calling him "a gay" which was a nasty thing to say. |
doughnut 14.02.2020 16:58 |
ST16 according to Peter Freestone Freddie fell out with Kenny over cocaine. Freddie heard that Kenny had been saying Freddie was taking advantage of his purchased drugs which he took offence to. They fell out over this and didn't speak again |
CHEVYMAN 14.02.2020 17:58 |
Yeah she could barely say the word gay.Yes I heard they fell out over drugs that will do it every time. |
Star* 15.02.2020 14:18 |
Thanks "doughnut"you are correct but it was a long time ago, i know Kenny mentioned in the press that Freddie had nicked his fella too. |
CHEVYMAN 15.02.2020 21:54 |
I think Freddie started using less drugs after Jim and him picked up.I think Jim wasnt that into the drug scene.No cocaine for our boy Jim. |
Star* 16.02.2020 08:46 |
Yeah Jim came from a stable ordinary background and he was an Irish barber so down to earth and stable which Freddie needed. When i saw Jim in the recording studios where Queen were recording "One Vision" Jim had a short denim jacket on and jeans and he looked hot Mmmmm! Lucky Freddie lol |
CHEVYMAN 16.02.2020 15:41 |
Yep that's our boy or his boy rather good man with good morals. |
Star* 16.02.2020 16:43 |
I find it very sad that other Queen fans on here do not want to discuss Freddie & Jim? It is as if they are homophobic and ignore the fact that Freddie was a gay man. In the 70s Freddie sacked a couple of roadies for homophobic behaviour towards him. What happened was at rehearsals Queen were doing "Now Im Here" when a couple of roadies went past Freddie and sang "Now Im Queer! Freddie sacked them on the spot! |
CHEVYMAN 16.02.2020 19:59 |
Wow I didnt know that that's insane I'm not too popular on QZ because I speak my mind even if it's not popular.Our gay communities even today are coming out and growing and yet are still outnumbered by homophobic people unfortunately.In my opinion I dont care who is loving who or sleeping with who as long as you find love it's in everybody's human need to desire not just sex but love as well.Why should anyone care who does it as long as someone is happy and someones doing it .I always found that a little strange a child growing up in the 80s right in the middle of all the AIDS crisis and this hate mess.Why should people have to go hide in bars and night clubs to Express their affections for one another.I think there is nothing wrong with going to the bar dancing having a good time but when you have to depend on that because you dont feel safe to do so out in public as anyone would normally there was something wrong with that picture.Then society wants to bitch when AIDS hit our country what about freedom.They complained about the bathhouses well I hate to tell them something I have walked in many bars and heterosexual couples would be having sex in the bathroom stalls of any bar of your choice.It was nothing knew it's been going on for ages. |
Star* 16.02.2020 20:06 |
Yeah i am like too i speak my mind then get the wrath of all the idiots on here who defend Brian & Roger for choosing then awful Adam Lambert to replace the magnificent Freddie which annoys and disgusts me. I hate anybody who steals Freddie's thunder and has not worked for it like Lambert. |
CHEVYMAN 16.02.2020 22:01 |
Yes there is one called squirilly one never met her in my life but she spread lies about me but that's okay what goes around comes around and it is sure to come around sooner than later when you accuse someone of stealing from fans.Thats all I care to say about that and if they show up here ignore and isolate them they speak no truth and have no creadibility.I have made a mistake in the past but not what I was being accused of .Brian and Roger still want to make music I get that but Jim beach is the devil he runs the show I think the man has issues .He has started alot of Pickering and fighting here and practically left poor Jimmy boy out of the movie. |
CHEVYMAN 16.02.2020 22:06 |
Oh he left Barbara out too I forgot about her.She claim to slept with Freddie looks like he wouldve been chomping at the bit to include her.What do you think about him departing from Germany do you think it was strictly tax purposes or do you think it was to set up house with his man. |
CHEVYMAN 16.02.2020 23:28 |
Speaking of Barbara do you think Mary was jealious of her.I think she was .I dont know why .JIm sure had a beautiful hand in the garden where I wouldve drawn the line if I were him was working Mary's flowers too.She hated him so bad I wouldve been tempted to pour weed killer on her garden if I were him.He took way too much off Freddie in some ways.Like the day a man was leaving Freddie's apartment and Jim caught him I dont know about that.If both parties agree it's one thing but to creep around is another.I never heard that Jim cheated.Maybe Freddie had trust issues I can understand that one you can only be screwed over so many times till you catch on to it and start doing it yourself. |
CHEVYMAN 19.02.2020 12:50 |
Good morning Everyone Jim Lowery what do you guys think about that Shaun Mathews guys do you think he has much knowledge about Freddie and Jim's relationship .He claims too but I dont think so myself.He was a security guy after the death of Freddie fod Mary Austin at GL.He was friends with Jim for a while and sold some GL tapes that now we can view on the internet which is nice I guess.But I will stick to the people who knew Freddie best you cant go wrong there. |
Star* 19.02.2020 14:00 |
Well i do not think Freddie slept with Barbara because Peter Freestone said if Fred had slept with Bab's then he would be shouting about it from the chimney tops ! Yes Mary was very jealous of Jim because Freddie adored him so much! She is also moaning about Freddie left her too much money and that mansion at Garden Lodge! |
CHEVYMAN 19.02.2020 16:08 |
I was being a bit sarcastic about Barbara Freddie's last woman I believe was Mary.I think he did it because in those days he needed her for his beard.If it werent for that reason she wouldnt be setting so nicely and be living off Freddie's money.Guys dont need beards these days unless they are attached to their faces lol. |
CHEVYMAN 19.02.2020 16:10 |
Mary and Joe sure didnt get along he wasted no time with her.He let her know how he felt after Freddie's death.I always felt him to be so sweet. |
Star* 19.02.2020 18:02 |
Mary was stuck up and i believe she was homophobic. Freddie probably did not realise that but Mary stayed friends with Freddie as his cover up and in return Freddie kept her comfortable? |
CHEVYMAN 19.02.2020 20:14 |
She had no reason to be stuck up she grew up so poor and had nothing till Freddie picked her up.Its sa |
CHEVYMAN 22.02.2020 00:00 |
Someone just asked when Freddie lived with Mary we just cant get away from Mary questions it looks like someone should right a book about her so everyone can have a book discussion.I think she is a miserable lady who didnt get her prince and blames all his friends for everything that went down just my opinion.Lets talk about Jim or any other man a little bit of reality. |
CHEVYMAN 23.02.2020 20:14 |
Yes Mary played fake around Jim and pretended to like him .When Freddie died Jim was crying one day she says dont cry you will be joining him soon.That is so cruel.She is a sociapath. |
Star* 24.02.2020 13:13 |
Well i never heard that but she sounds very bitter. I bet she still hates gay people. She must have known right from day one that Freddie was gay it was so obvious in his mannerisms and the way he spoke etc..... She stuck to him like glue because he was an up and coming rock superstar. |
CHEVYMAN 24.02.2020 19:15 |
Yes What gets me everyone wants yo talk so kindly of her when she was clearly not a very sincere person.She wore many masks depending on who she was around.I just wish more people wanted to really talk about who Freddie was.Aside from his friends which are few and far between most spread so many lies like he was bisexual.I never heard any gossip or stories of him being either a woman after Mary.As much sex as he was having if he were into women I'm sure he would have done kids out there some where and there are none.No women have claimed to be with him either.But some men have.Dont get what is so wrong to want to sleep with a man instead of a woman it's just a body to me.Its the connection between the two people is what makes the chemistry not their gender preference.Who cares I guess alot of people where Freddie was concerned.He made beautiful timeless music.He was a kind generous heart from what I have been told that's what matters well I could go on and on. |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 05:42 |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 05:43 |
Does anyone know if Jim is buried Ireland ? |
Star* 06.03.2020 11:20 |
Jim did go back to Ireland to live but he may have been cremated. |
pittrek 06.03.2020 11:58 |
ST16 wrote: Many Queen fans on here seem to shy away from Freddie's love life because they cannot handle the fact that Freddie loved men.What makes you think that? I have a shocking revelation for you - most people DON'T CARE about other people's sex life. And that used to be called "normal". Or "respecting other people's privacy". I love Freddie for who he wasCool, me too. and been gay gave him that extra magic in his music and performances.That's a weird thing to say. It sounds like being attracted to people of the same sex is some kind of a superpower. Many of his songs were about the struggle to find love or breaking up with a lover like "It's A Hard Life" where you can hear him longing to be loved.Yes, love is the source of world's best music for centuries. But do you actually think that if he was straight he wouldn't be able to write these songs? Well, if he was straight he probably wouldn't do VIDEOS like Hard Life, I give you that. Freddie's best songs were from experience as well.Not sure about that. One of his best early songs is Ogre Battle, and I doubt it was written from experience. |
pittrek 06.03.2020 12:00 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: Tell all Jim Hutton fans to come this way it is a safe place to discuss him without being criticized or fighting homophobia.Queenzone is a safe place??? I wouldn't say that, every thread turns into people arguing, often with childish insults |
pittrek 06.03.2020 12:03 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: I'm sure she did there alot of people that done that.Lesli Ann Jones is one she said Freddiecwas bisexual and slept with Barbara Valentine.Theres a book that will be out soon by two reliable sources written by two of his good friends I would put my life on that book its gonna be a honest one.Its Thor and Lee's book have you donated or joined their site.Well, Freddie WAS bisexual. |
pittrek 06.03.2020 12:04 |
CHEVYMAN wrote: I feel it was very unfair for the media to put some much attention on Mary Austin's relationship to Freddie when she was clearly just a beard a prop if you will.She was also his long lifetime platonic friend not his wife or lover or the love of his life.What about Jim Hutton can anybody give him the respect he deserves make a stand for what is true and right no matter what or how others feel.Theres something wrong with that picture always has been.What makes you think that? That's pretty rude think to say. Did you know them personally? |
brENsKi 06.03.2020 15:24 |
brownbrownno she wasn't. sexual orientation is not something an individual chooses. it's not like he chose Jim over her. he chose Jim over other men - that's the difference. Mary as an intelligent woman completely understood this and was not jealous of something that no one could have any control over. and, I'd suggest that it WAS JIM who was jealous of Mary: FFS it's gotta hurt when your lover, Freddie Mercury says this: "To me, she (Mary) was my common-law wife. To me, it was a marriage. We believe in each other. That’s enough for me. I couldn’t fall in love with a man the same way as I have with Mary.” that fucking stung Jim so bad, that he saved it up, let it fester away - his jealousy (of Mary) and his not inheriting Garden Lodge. it ate away at him until resulting in his slagging her off in his book. brownthe people that say such disparaging things about Mary, their relationship, her inheriting Garden Lodge etc are spiteful jealous nobodies. the ONLY voice that counted with regard to Mary was Freddie: He loved her so much, he left her a mansion - if people can't respect the true love he had for her, then they're nothing less than immature fools.brown brownbrown WHAT FREDDIE SAID ABOUT MARY: blue red green purple one thing that's absolutely for sure: Jim would never have slagged Mary off while Freddie was alive. Freddie loved her far too much, and jealous, small-minded Jim knew that; had he done so, then Freddie would've jettisoned Jim. |
Star* 06.03.2020 17:02 |
Mary hated all of Freddie's gay friends she was bitter and spiteful. She got rid of a cat Jim got Freddie when he was ill shortly after Fred died how petty that woman was. |
brENsKi 06.03.2020 17:50 |
ST16 wrote:Mary hated all of Freddie's gay friends she was bitter and spiteful. She got rid of a cat Jim got Freddie when he was ill shortly after Fred died how petty that woman know nothing. you only repeat the bile-infested murmurings of other idiots. do the quotes from your God (Freddie) mean nothing to you? Freddie would not consider you a true fan at all. and he certainly would have no time for those who disabuse people of his thoughts on Mary. you're a poisoned dickhead. personally, i'm glad that Freddie held Mary in such high regard and left his mansion to her, as well as financial security for her kids: why? >> because the act of leaving so much to someone tells the whole world that you really do love that person - beyond everyone else. >> because it eats at the very being of nasty little turdwits like you, clawing and scratching at the "injustice" lobes of your tiny brain...wrestling with the futility of your being totally impotent to change things. Freddie would've hated c*nts like you - c*nts with absolutely no tolerance for outcomes that don't meet your desires. more importantly, he'd hate c*nts like you who are quite simply: spiteful, violent, fantasist, myopic, insincere, racist, fuckwit, dullard, c*nts. |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 20:38 |
This was not what I created this thread for if you guys cant behave like adults dont return.Freddie wasnt bisexual I dont believe in putting labels on someone it has created so much hatred and separation and misunderstanding in our world but what I can say from hearing it from friends that are about to release a credible book that's gonna blow shit out of the water he loved men in every way possible he didnt look twice at a woman their words. not mine.Jim wasnt jealious of Mary he understood Freddie's deep platonic love for her and the need to provide for her and her children after his death.He built a home for Jim in Ireland that suited him he was a single man with no family to care for.Im gonna watch my wording because so many people have spread so many lies about Freddie and friends it will just add fuel to fire.You guys really wanna know truth buy Thor and Lee's book I think it's almost completed check the Go fund me site.Be nice to eachother. |
CHEVYMAN 06.03.2020 21:05 |
I will say from my view and opinion of Mary while Freddie were alive she was one way to his friends nice humble sweet lady.When he died she did some questionable things to the occupants of Garden lodge and to his long time trusted circle of friends that came to GL to see Peter I believe she was very cold to them and she hadn't been prior to his passing.Mary in my opinion wasnt uncomfortable around gays because she was friends with Peter Straker for years and he was gay.She had a problem with the gay men in Freddie's life he met after their separation I feel she may have held hard feelings toward them for Freddie exploring his sexuality and shedding his mask and that heavy load he had been struggling with for so many years.So before you cast stones do your homework make sure you are talking to people that actually were friends with Freddie anyone else is just like we are fans that know nothing but what we read.This info is from two sources that were his friends look back through Thors thread I dont know where its located but it talks about Mary's behavior towards him after Freddie's passing.The other source is from Peter Freestone himself it's in his book. |
Star* 06.03.2020 21:21 |
Brenski We all know you only put my posts down because its me, if someone else had written what i did you would pass it by. So as usual your post was read and fully dismissed because if anyone on here is a cunt its you you stupid Irish Leprechaun ! So sad that you actually call me a liar when i say i have seen Queen live from 1979 to 1986 maybe you are jealous. |
brENsKi 06.03.2020 22:14 |
blueblue purplepurple greengreen orangeorange brownbrown redred brENsKi wrote:Gerry, are you being paid by the BNP to be a racist pig?...or is racist pig your natural disposition?tealteal DodgerBlueDodgerBlue oliveolive maroonmaroon darkgreendarkgreen OrangeRedOrangeRed LimeGreenLimeGreenMORONIC RACIST IMBECILE! |
brENsKi 06.03.2020 22:25 |
ST16 wrote:So sad that you actually call me a liar when i say i have seen Queen live from 1979 to 1986 maybe you are jealous.i have nothing to be jealous of. my accounts of the Queen gigs I attended have actual details (flesh on the bones)...not some trumped-up fairy stories about "workmen removing fuses from street-lights around Elland road" or "Queen's PA for Elland Rd putting a strain on the national grid" why would anyone be jealous of someone pretending he saw Queen live? still no actual dates from you for these gigs: ST16 wrote:Sorry missed out the middle date which was September 1984 Birmingham NEC. Satisfied now? ST16 wrote:Newcastle St James Football Ground July 1986I reckon you saw Q+AL live, felt ashamed and now you are rewriting your own history. so how was that Q+AL gig you attended @ Newcastle, Metro Radio Arena (13 January 2015)? |
CHEVYMAN 07.03.2020 03:34 |
This Thread is done closed as of now if you choose to conversate it will be without my approval or input date closed March 07,2020.So if anyone sees this thread open under my name it was with good intentions anything from this day forward has nothing to do with me or my opinions. |
Star* 07.03.2020 09:43 |
Brenski I have looked back and my mistake it was not Elland Road where the street lighting was blacked out it was actually Milton Keynes Bowl 1982! And no i would never waste my money on going to see AL & two desperate ex Queen members fooling the public into believing it is still Queen. To be honest i have nothing to prove to you or others on here, where i go and what i see is my business. |
Star* 07.03.2020 09:43 |
Brenski I have looked back and my mistake it was not Elland Road where the street lighting was blacked out it was actually Milton Keynes Bowl 1982! And no i would never waste my money on going to see AL & two desperate ex Queen members fooling the public into believing it is still Queen. To be honest i have nothing to prove to you or others on here, where i go and what i see is my business. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 10:17 |
ST16 wrote:Brenski I have looked back and my mistake it was not Elland Road where the street lighting was blacked out it was actually Milton Keynes Bowl 1982!you are an utter fantasist and a liar! 1. MK Bowl is right next to the A5 - a four lane main road. street lights would not be off. the other side of the Bowl is Watling Street - another main road. 2. it wasn't "your mistake" - you were adamant it was Elland Road. all you are doing now is compounding your initial lies with more lies - in a drowning attempt to stay afloat. your posts from January 2020 give you away: you've never claimed to have attended MK Bowl, now (two days ago) suddenly you were there and it wasn't Leeds you saw an "electrician removing a fuse from a street lamp" - fucking hysterical claim - were it not so pathtetic ST16 wrote: 27 Jan 20, 08:37: [color=red]Yeah i attended Elland Road Queen gig on May 29 1982. I remember most of the street lighting was turned off for miles to compensate for Queen's powerful lighting rig and in fact if you look behind Rogers drum kit you will some Street lighting on a distance road turned off as it was quite late when Queen performed. Great memories.[/color] ST16 wrote: 27 Jan 20, 18:06: red ST16 wrote:05 Mar 20, 17:56[color=red]Brenski dont patronise me and for the record i will yet again tell you and everybody else on here that i have seen Queen : Newcastle City Hall - Dec 3 1979 Newcastle St James Football Ground 1986 Birmigham NEC 1984 Leeds - Elland Road - May 29th 1982 Please never accuse me of lies because you just accuse folk of things to start a fight. Cut down on the drink and drugs for a clearer mind matey.[/color]you're full of shit! - you either remember the street lights around Elland Road being "off" or you don't. you claimed you could see the street lights being off from inside the stadium. we proved that was impossible. now you claim it was MK - a concert that wasn't even in your Queen list of two days ago! at least now everyone can see what a fantasist lying racist you truly are. fuck off Walter Mitty! |
Star* 07.03.2020 14:05 |
Brenski i never said i attended Milton Keynes because i saw the street lights off behind Rogers drum kit on the Dvd of that concert. God we are going back 38 years for christ sake. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 15:07 |
QE2. wrote:Brenski i never said i attended Milton Keynes because i saw the street lights off behind Rogers drum kit on the Dvd of that concert. God we are going back 38 years for christ're changing your story again. you were so adamant having seen "street lights off" behind the drum kit at Elland Road - backing this up with fishy tales of the lighting rig breaking the national grid (lol) and witnessing an electrician removing fuses from street lamps we proved you wrong. now you're saying it was MK. you wriggle from one hook to another. tell you what, we'll humour you for a minute. let's accept you've not been continually lying through your teeth, and you really DO claim you saw "street lights off" behind the drum kit, when watching the DVD. you did no such thing. tell you why. there's nothing to see behind the stage - as I told you in a previous post. the two pictures below tell you all your fantasist mind needs to know: first picture, 1970s - shows the bowl surrounded by tall trees, second aerial picture mid 80s, and the last one shows thin lizzy the year before queen - shows nothing but fields and tall trees behind the stage area. so there was NOTHING to see behind the drum kit - just open fields/trees." title="source:" />" title="source:" />" title="source:" /> it would be an excellent point in time to stop now and just admit you are wrong. |
Star* 07.03.2020 15:37 |
I am not wriggling from one story to the next, they were actually in the lamps when we past the stadium at Leeds back in May 82 but also i got muddled up with the fact that the lamps way back behind Rogers drum were off late at dark. Go and check the footage of Milton Keynes if you do not believe me. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 15:52 |
QE2. wrote: I am not wriggling from one story to the next, they were actually in the lamps when we past the stadium at Leeds back in May 82 but also i got muddled up with the fact that the lamps way back behind Rogers drum were off late at dark. Go and check the footage of Milton Keynes if you do not believe me.why are YOU still wriggling? look at the photos i've posted. just admit you are wrong. |
Star* 07.03.2020 16:39 |
Why not sit down and watch Queen at Milton Keynes on the track "Action This Day" and you will see in the distance behind Rogers drums are street lights on the highway. Don't accuse me of lying because your making a bigger prat of yourself. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 16:40 |
QE2. wrote: Why not sit down and watch Queen at Milton Keynes on the track "Action This Day" and you will see in the distance behind Rogers drums are street lights on the highway. Don't accuse me of lying because your making a bigger prat of yourself.there is/never was a highway behind the stage. check the pictures. you're being idiotic. just stop and think: first picture = 1970s second picture = mid 1980s third picture = 1981 look at the aerial photo. there's no roads behind the stage...there's no houses, property or streets. it's all fields and trees. please stop making yourself look stupid. whatever YOU THINK you saw is not a street may have mistaken a part of the lighting scafolding for a lampost, you may have even mistaken an overhead telephone/electricity pole...because they do run through fields in the countryside. but that ain't street lights. best you can do now is retract. i doubt you will. |
Star* 07.03.2020 16:42 |
Ok then i will take a picture myself from the fucking Dvd and prove it. |
Star* 07.03.2020 16:58 |
Brenski Here is the pic where there is street lamps and a highway in the distance of Roger Taylor proving you do not know what you are talking about. Apologise now then? |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 17:06 |
QE2. wrote:Ok then i will take a picture myself from the fucking Dvd and prove it.please bear in mind that this was your latest claim QE2. wrote:Brenski I have looked back and my mistake it was not Elland Road where the street lighting was blacked out it was actually Milton Keynes Bowl 1982!stop and think for a minute. the nearest road immediately visible behind the stage is Watling Street - from the backstage area there's 300yds of fields and trees. even if you can see streetlights (half a mile away behind all those fields and trees) that do happen to be off - any picture proves nothing. this is at 8pm in summer...the street lights wouldn't be on at that time in any case. street lighting does not come on in summer til sunset or later... usually 9:15 - won't see any footage from when streetlights should've been on - the concert finished around 9:45-10pm. and there's NO WAY the street lighting was blacked out at MK - the concert was moved from Arsenal FC to MK due to residents was moved to Milton Keynes because at that time the bowl area was non-residential and anyhow, your claim was that the streets were blacked out is rubbish, i don't recall having any problems finding our way out afterward. even today - the surrounding area is largely rural/industrial units...there aren't many houses close to the bowl" title="source:" /> |
Star* 07.03.2020 17:19 |
It was getting to dusk when Queen came on stage and as street lamps have photo cells to detect its getting dark they would however turn on but they did'nt. Plus you see cars going by but i cannot tell how far away they are from the stage, but at least i have proved street lights where in the distance of the stage which you denied. So you owe me an apology Mr. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 17:28 |
QE2. wrote: It was getting to dusk when Queen came on stage and as street lamps have photo cells to detect its getting dark they would however turn on but they did'nt. Plus you see cars going by but i cannot tell how far away they are from the stage, but at least i have proved street lights where in the distance of the stage which you denied. So you owe me an apology it wasn't. i was there. the sky was still very bright. and the back of the stage is in the West - check the aerial google map i posted. therefore, all of that area was directly in view of the sun - which had not yet set. so the sky was still relatively light. as i pointed out earlier sunset was much later. doesn't matter how much is proven to you - even by people who were always know different. there's no point trying to reason with you." title="source:" /> you're wrong. the street lights would not be illuminated at 8pm on June 5th there was no blackout - there was no need...the bowl was not in a residential area. i'll give you one more piece of assistance: what happens when you film something with the sun behind it? it all looks darker than it really is. try it. the longer you continue the more foolish you look. the best thing to do now is >> leave this whole discussion until the summer >> check the street lighting in a nearby non-residential area at 8pm >> check how light the sky is in the west at 8pm at least then, you'll see i was right. there was NO NEED for street lighting at 8pm. in fact there really wasn't much need at 10pm when we left the gig...although there was no problems locating our car, so lighting couldn't have been a problem... i'll leave it to you. not arguing any more. I've proven my point. you've proven nothing. |
Star* 07.03.2020 17:34 |
I think you are the foolish one because you stated earlier there was NO street lights at all behind Roger because you know it all apparently. Lamps do not go by time they use photo cells so even if it went dark at 2pm because of a storm they would switch on. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 17:43 |
QE2. wrote: I think you are the foolish one because you stated earlier there was NO street lights at all behind Roger because you know it all apparently. Lamps do not go by time they use photo cells so even if it went dark at 2pm because of a storm they would switch on.wrong. the photocells are only there to override the programmed timers, which are linked to sunrise/sunset. this only happens as you say in emergency conditions. this proves that when we exited the concert at 10pm it may still have been light enough to not require street lamps to light up. check below. read it carefully. In the United Kingdom, there is a legally enforced lighting-up time, defined as from half an hour after sunset to half an hour before sunrise, during which all motor vehicles on unlit public roads (except if parked) must use their headlights. Streetlights are usually set to come on automatically near the beginning of lighting-up time, although modern lamps monitor the light level and turn on when this gets too low, and so are influenced by weather. They may also be set to switch off automatically when road usage is reduced, often at midnight, although currently most stay on until about the end of lighting-up time. check the link for full info link this is ridiculous. it's like the only way to stop you is to second guess every twist and turn of your argument and present ALL of the facts from the outset. look how many times your argument has changed direction, while mine has been consistent throughout. just stop and think why those who usually jump to your defence/support runner_70 aristide florian and albano1 - haven't helped you this time. because they ALL don't want to look stupid. sure they'll argue on your side on opinion pieces, but never on actual facts. you're on your own...because you're wrong. I don't know how many times you need proving wrong. but I have now for the last time. you are now officially arguing with no one. |
Star* 07.03.2020 17:47 |
No street lamps have timers now they are photo cells and as that piece of info you pasted says the weather could be an influence on the photo cells to turn the lamps on if it suddenly got dark so they are not programmed at all. |
brENsKi 07.03.2020 17:53 |
QE2. wrote:No street lamps have timers now they are photo cells and as that piece of info you pasted says the weather could be an influence on the photo cells to turn the lamps on if it suddenly got dark so they are not programmed at was 1982! you stupid cunt...all of the street lights had timers - to save money. and they were programmed on/off according to sunset. which is easily predicted...because the earth doesn;t suddenly shoot off at a random angle from the sun. last time stupid: it was summer, it was a warm sunny day. there was no weather related reason for the lighting to go on early. sunset 9:17 street lighting would come on about 9:45. i've proven every single irrational point of yours wrong, and still you keep coming some punch-drunk boxer who hasn't the clue how big a hiding he's taking. sorry, one final point. YOU keep citing me as the cause of arguments. but i wasn't here for 3 years, and many people have told me how unbearable this place had been because of YOU and a couple of others. you're the bully who won't accept being proven wrong. please stop now. i'm out of this, now, you fucking dolt. you can have the last word...but EVERYONE can see you are wholly wrong on every idiotic non-point you've made you're foolish beyond belief. and i'm gone from this discussion. |
CHEVYMAN 07.03.2020 18:04 |
I have contacted administration and they are aware of this current situation so you two need to pipe down this thread is going to be taken down soon.You will have to find another place to disrespect one another.Take you arguements away from here to the forums section and create something and have it out maybe folks over their want to here your bs but noone here does.You dont pay for this site to run neither does anyone else I'm tired of looking at this shit.If someone else had you come over to this thread to start bullshit it can end up back over to them and you can take it back over there.So you guys better leave it will be shut down and you now have an eviction notice go to the personal section and eat eachother alive I dont care. |
Star* 07.03.2020 18:06 |
Silly cunt many street lamps had photo cells in 1962 mainly highways and residential areas in the 70s had concrete lamps with timers which got phased out in late 1974. Please don not patronise me matey because my dad worked with street lights in his long career as he was an electrician. |