SweetCaroline 09.02.2020 15:57 |
Post at your own risk! No matter what you post, IR will defy you and get the last word. Take a look at the index — the last poster on every topic is HER. SHE is the final authority on everything! If you respond, 15,000 words and 5 pages later you might be able to get your opinion squeezed in, but then it starts all over again! Maddening? You bet! After 8 years I haven’t figured out why she thrives on so much negativity! I have tried to be positive. I have started new topics to post positively about the QAL collaboration, but it always gets polluted by the cold one and her cronies. She must own this forum because if I did I would be pissed about all of the bandwidth she uses condemning other people for spamming and bigging up Adam Lambert. If you call her out like I am doing now, she will hound you to the end of the earth trying to get you to leave permanently or drive you to insanity. Why? |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 16:08 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Post at your own risk! No matter what you post, IR will defy you and get the last word. Take a look at the index — the last poster on every topic is HER. SHE is the final authority on everything! If you respond, 15,000 words and 5 pages later you might be able to get your opinion squeezed in, but then it starts all over again! Maddening? You bet! After 8 years I haven’t figured out why she thrives on so much negativity! I have tried to be positive. I have started new topics to post positively about the QAL collaboration, but it always gets polluted by the cold one and her cronies. She must own this forum because if I did I would be pissed about all of the bandwidth she uses condemning other people for spamming and bigging up Adam Lambert. If you call her out like I am doing now, she will hound you to the end of the earth trying to get you to leave permanently or drive you to insanity. Why?Breaking news from SweetCaroline who posts even more lies and bullshit. The last time I posted in a Queen section here was when I told you the other day that I didn't break QOL, like you implied I did. I've not posted in the Queen sections since, so you are lying when you say my name is last on every topic. But hey, once again don't let the truth stop you. There isn't even an index to see who posted last, the way QOL shows it. I don't claim to own this forum. All these lies and bullshit is your paranoia coming through. You haven't tried to be positive, because if you were, you would not be extreme as you are about me. You sound awfully angry, unhinged and upset here. If I bother you that much, then leave, door is open. I don't try to get anyone to leave, people have their own choice to leave or not. Yours, mine, everyone's choice to go or stay here. This thread is proof how you lie and how bitter you truly are regarding me. You lie even when the truth is out there, even a quick look at the other forums here would tell you my name isn't the last on every topic. Why even lie about this? The amout of lies you have said and spread about me, I don't think anyone rational would do that. But here you are...again...lying. what's in for you, SweetCaroline? Does it boost your ego somehow? Do you get some sort of twisted satisfaction when people here believe your bullshit and lies, and then go for me? |
stevelondon20 09.02.2020 16:53 |
Do we really need another fucking pointless thread like this? |
Anton3283 09.02.2020 17:40 |
stevelondon20 wrote: Do we really need another fucking pointless thread like this?No but I always said that Lambertfans are crazy |
snifflese 09.02.2020 18:10 |
What is it that you don't get about Icy's part in all of this? She says stuff, often pretty nasty and you give her a pass. Other people are allowed to have an opinion on here and post what they like regarding Adam/QAL without taking crap from the lot of you. When anyone calls Icy out, she talks about Glambert Tactics and twisting what she says. Rockchick is very rational and never gets into the fray and is always quite polite. Today She was trying to discuss with Icy and when Icy was backed into a corner she says this to Rockchic, that RC is using "shitty Glambert tactics" and very telling that RC does this. That is her fallback and she does this all the time. Her behavior with SC is the reason there is a problem here. Live and let live, but respond nicely if there is something to discuss, otherwise just ignore. Rockchic brought up the bullying here the other day and I have talked about that for a few years. You know who you are and who the really mean girl is and the filthy nasty troll. Don't go blaming other people when there are 2 prime instigators of all the nastiness. here. Of course all you Adam haters jump right in with Icy's defense. There is nothing there to defend as far as her nasty, boorish behavior or Runner's filth goes. And I am including Cosmic in here as he seems to be taking notes from the other two. Make that three peoiple and I would add St Juib to the list of the minions also, so that makes 4! Why you guys have to be so ugly just makes no sense to me. |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 18:12 |
dbl post |
brENsKi 09.02.2020 18:14 |
SweetCaroline wrote: If you call her out like I am doing now, she will hound you to the end of the earth trying to get you to leave permanently or drive you to insanity. Why?Because the accused have a right of reply, fool. BTW - it's not as if you needed "driving to insanity". I'd wager that your sat-nav was pre-programmed with "insanity" as a location setting, and has been caught in an endless mantra of "you have reached your destination" from the first day you powered it on. this isn't the first time you've started a thread to attack an individual. |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 18:38 |
snifflese wrote: What is it that you don't get about Icy's part in all of this? She says stuff, often pretty nasty and you give her a pass. Other people are allowed to have an opinion on here and post what they like regarding Adam/QAL without taking crap from the lot of you. When anyone calls Icy out, she talks about Glambert Tactics and twisting what she says. Rockchick is very rational and never gets into the fray and is always quite polite. Today She was trying to discuss with Icy and when Icy was backed into a corner she says this to Rockchic, that RC is using "shitty Glambert tactics" and very telling that RC does this. That is her fallback and she does this all the time. Her behavior with SC is the reason there is a problem here. Live and let live, but respond nicely if there is something to discuss, otherwise just ignore. Rockchic brought up the bullying here the other day and I have talked about that for a few years. You know who you are and who the really mean girl is and the filthy nasty troll. Don't go blaming other people when there are 2 prime instigators of all the nastiness. here. Of course all you Adam haters jump right in with Icy's defense. There is nothing there to defend as far as her nasty, boorish behavior or Runner's filth goes. And I am including Cosmic in here as he seems to be taking notes from the other two. Make that three peoiple and I would add St Juib to the list of the minions also, so that makes 4! Why you guys have to be so ugly just makes no sense to me.Yea, you would love it if everyone here swallowed the bullshit you and SweetCaroline are trying to spoon feed here. Now, you are bringing rockchic into this here? Gosh, you can't even fight in your own corner, you must always try to involve others, to take your sides, it's obvious.. Funny thing about you snifflese, you have stuck your nose in, all the while stirring the pot. You have nothing to say about whatever comes out of SweetCaroline's posts when she goes after me. You blindly defend iir all and SweetCaroline it, no matter what, and you also go for me, this thread is a prime example. Funk the AL haters shit, that's another excuse you like to throw around. If one doesn't fawn over AL, they are labelled as haters and worse by you and SweetCaroline. I guess Saint Jiub is in your crosshairs too now lately, why because he doesn't swallow the bullshit from you and SweetCaroline? I guess it must be sad and troubling for you that not everyone here swallows the bullshit and lies. That's all it takes for you and SweetCaroline to turn again someone. You two should look in the mirror before ever pointing your fingers at me or anyone else here. You both are so quick to wrongly judge, so much so you resort to lies to try to get others on your side. Say whatever you want about me, couple of things here now, things, at least I can think for myself, at least I don't always try to involve others, at least I don't lie, and pretend to be innocent. You and SweetCaroline are much older than I am, but you sure don't have common sense that comes with age. Any age really. |
snifflese 09.02.2020 19:17 |
No, Icy, I am pointing out how you deal with other opinions and even with RC, who is maybe the most polite person on here, at some point you start spouting the twisting of your words and shitty Glambert tactics. I don't need her for anything, but examples are always good, like the ones of our posts you bring back eons later? You are the prime brown noser in here trying to get people to side with you. I don't ask for anything from anybody, but you sure do. I almost fell off my chair laughing, reading that one. That is one of your prime motivators on here. The only one doing what you call the "shit stirring" is you and it is just so tiresome. You must get exhausted from all the fighting and complaining and moaning and calling out people that you do almost every day on here and you have the gall to blame it on others. |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 19:33 |
snifflese wrote: No, Icy, I am pointing out how you deal with other opinions and even with RC, who is maybe the most polite person on here, at some point you start spouting the twisting of your words and shitty Glambert tactics. I don't need her for anything, but examples are always good, like the ones of our posts you bring back eons later? You are the prime brown noser in here trying to get people to side with you. I don't ask for anything from anybody, but you sure do. I almost fell off my chair laughing, reading that one. That is one of your prime motivators on here. The only one doing what you call the "shit stirring" is you and it is just so tiresome. You must get exhausted from all the fighting and complaining and moaning and calling out people that you do almost every day on here and you have the gall to blame it on others.I know rockchic is polite, I've said more than once I think she's cool. Get your nose out from SweetCaroline ass, you have been smelling and spreading her crap for far too long. You have made your agenda about me clear from your first post here, where you wanted to see me banned...because your buddy was banned. Not long ago, you said that you stand by that. You have made your agenda all the more obvious as time went on. It's so messed up that you and SweetCaroline try to pretend you both are innocent...when the truth is still here in the posts you both made. Yea, you both want others to take your side, again this thread is a prime example. Why even bring rockchic up in here? Breaking news, you and SweetCaroline can be vindictive, petty as hell. Breaking news, you both aren't fooling everyone...which is what you both hate so of course you both go after me, that is it in a nutshell. I get I'm a pain in the arse, but I'm not a monster. |
snifflese 09.02.2020 19:46 |
Read your second sentence from your post above me and see how ugly you always are in your responses and then you wonder why people aren't pleasant to you? Why do you keep bringing up the original post I made? Everyone knows that I posted initially because I had read your nasty replies and your bullying attitude on QO and QZ for one post too many. I am not pretending otherwise and so your point is what? I am in intelligent person and I see what you write and how you say it and it isn't nice at all and you do bully anyone who likes Adam, but you focus on every post SC makes. There is nothing else to say. I am not sure where the lying comes in that you often accuse me of and as I just said, no one supports me here, I have no buddies like you and I really don't care. Quit writing about crap, blaming everyone for something, and criticizing everything Adam and QAL does, and maybe it could be pleasant here but not when you write crap like this for no good reason and even if you had one, still not appropriate. Get your nose out from SweetCaroline ass, you have been smelling and spreading her crap for far too long." Real nice, Icy! |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 19:58 |
snifflese wrote: Read your second sentence from your post above me and see how ugly you always are in your responses and then you wonder why people aren't pleasant to you? Why do you keep bringing up the original post I made? Everyone knows that I posted initially because I had read your nasty replies and your bullying attitude on QO and QZ for one post too many. I am not pretending otherwise and so your point is what? I am in intelligent person and I see what you write and how you say it and it isn't nice at all and you do bully anyone who likes Adam, but you focus on every post SC makes. There is nothing else to say. I am not sure where the lying comes in that you often accuse me of and as I just said, no one supports me here, I have no buddies like you and I really don't care. Quit writing about crap, blaming everyone for something, and criticizing everything Adam and QAL does, and maybe it could be pleasant here but not when you write crap like this for no good reason and even if you had one, still not appropriate. Get your nose out from SweetCaroline ass, you have been smelling and spreading her crap for far too long." Real nice, Icy!That second sentence hit a nerve I take it? That's nothing compared to what you and SweetCaroline have done. Everyone knows why you made your first post? Boy, you sure like to talk for people here, don't you? Hmm. Ohe honey, the way you lash out at me doesn't come across as intelligent, you have lost and threw your shit at me, even when I say Lambert has done good. That wasn't good enough for you as I recall. Yea, come back to me when you call SweetCaroline out for comparing me to Hitler and the Gestapo. Getting your head out from her ass has nothing on that. Really and truly. It's funny what gets to you and what you choose to notice. |
snifflese 09.02.2020 20:14 |
It is funny what you choose to post and think it is OK to say those kinds of things. I think that is a much bigger issue. You have brought up my first post numerous times and reposted it, not that long ago, so I assume the regulars know. You tend to bring the same things up thousands of times. Check out how often Hitler and Gestapo are in your posts, probably thousands of times over the past year. You are like an elephant that never forgets anything. You may forget, but I don't need reminding several times a day. |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 20:36 |
snifflese wrote: It is funny what you choose to post and think it is OK to say those kinds of things. I think that is a much bigger issue. You have brought up my first post numerous times and reposted it, not that long ago, so I assume the regulars know. You tend to bring the same things up thousands of times. Check out how often Hitler and Gestapo are in your posts, probably thousands of times over the past year. You are like an elephant that never forgets anything. You may forget, but I don't need reminding several times a day.It's public what you posted. It proves you had an agenda about me, and you still do since you stand by it. Being compared to Hitler and the Gestapo is fkd up for anyone to do. SweetCaroline it about me, which says alot. It saya just as much thst she hasn't apologized or taken it back. And of course, you have no problem with her dozens it, but you have a problem with my bringing it up. Hmm. Your buddy was messed up to say that about anyone, not that you or her could even admit no that much. You say I'm like an elephant who never forgets anything. And... You may forget, but I don't need reminding several times a day. You are making no sense here. |
The Real Wizard 09.02.2020 20:53 |
This personal squabbling should not be on a public forum. All three of you as well as a few other resident trolls here would've been banned from any other music forum ages ago. Out of respect and common decency, take it somewhere else, please. |
snifflese 09.02.2020 21:14 |
Tell Icy to stop bringing it up and complaining thousands of times about the same old garbage and to keep a civil tongue in her mouth and then it wouldn't be an issue. Everyone else is capable of moving on and enjoying what is in the here and now and she just can't do that. |
snifflese 09.02.2020 21:41 |
Nobody had a problem a week or so back when someone posted the snifflese and icy thread. You only complain when it is not one of you that is starting the thread. If Runner and Cosmic can say the filthy dirty stuff they do on here, I don't think this one is a problem. There is no moderation, which is a shame, but Icy can't run rampant and tell everyone off and what and how they should be posting. The manner in which she lets us know our own business sure isn't nice! That is the crux of the problem on here. |
stevelondon20 09.02.2020 21:50 |
Anton3283 wrote:Not you too. Jesus.stevelondon20 wrote: Do we really need another fucking pointless thread like this?No but I always said that Lambertfans are crazy |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 22:32 |
snifflese wrote: Tell Icy to stop bringing it up and complaining thousands of times about the same old garbage and to keep a civil tongue in her mouth and then it wouldn't be an issue. Everyone else is capable of moving on and enjoying what is in the here and now and she just can't do that.Do you not realise how hypocritical you are being here. You who have complained and ranted about me in almost every one of your posts. Your blind defense of SweetCaroline and going after me, is your reason for being here. It sure isn't because you are a Queen fan. I do have a civil tongue in my mouth. You have been a big part of the problem, from your first post usually made here. Anyone want to check the Australian tour thread from a couple of years here that I recently bumped. That proved, and you prove all along that you have an all out vendetta abouthe me and you still do. Grow the fuck up. And don't ever "tell" anyone what to "tell" me. See what I mean about you wanting people on your side. |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 22:37 |
snifflese wrote: Nobody had a problem a week or so back when someone posted the snifflese and icy thread. You only complain when it is not one of you that is starting the thread. If Runner and Cosmic can say the filthy dirty stuff they do on here, I don't think this one is a problem. There is no moderation, which is a shame, but Icy can't run rampant and tell everyone off and what and how they should be posting. The manner in which she lets us know our own business sure isn't nice! That is the crux of the problem on here.That thread was actually done to try to keep things in one thread. Unlike this thread which was done as an attack and a bitchfest for you and SweetCaroline...because sometimes you both let your true feelings known. I already know she hates me, funny where were you when she said all what she said about me. Sitting there, swallowing her crap and going after me. Months later, oh you don't think any of what SweetCaroline did is bad, in fact you think I deserve it is how you tried to excuse it all. I'm a lot of things, stubborn, opinionated mouthy, but I'm not the monster you and SweetCaroline would have everyone to believe that I am. Nor are you both as innocent that you both want to protray yourselves as. Why all this? You both go for anyone who dares think and state things that you and SweetCaroline. I've seen with SaintJiub who has faced your and SweetCaroline's wrath, the latest brENsKi who SweetCaroline is going after. Sorry it's pretty obvious how you both do things. Maybe not to yourselves though, more fool you and SweetCaroline then. What you both don't realise, is both of your track records, your posts speak for themselves. |
Iron Butterfly 09.02.2020 22:49 |
The Real Wizard wrote: This personal squabbling should not be on a public forum. All three of you as well as a few other resident trolls here would've been banned from any other music forum ages ago. Out of respect and common decency, take it somewhere else, please.SweetCaroline and snifflese don't have the guts to bring this to QOL you see. They wouldn't get away with it. That's why they run here to do it. For SweetCaroline every ban she's had since 2014, she runs here to blame me, it's up to four or five bans now that she ran here blaming get me for, including one that was for a full year. She even blames me for bans of other AL fans and Glamberts. I know I'm not perfect, fk knows I'm not, but I'm not having lies said and posted about me. As for bans, yea, SweetCaroline should have been banned when she used my parents illnesses against me as a way to judge me..and she knew my father was dying. He lite had weeks left at that point, and she was very aware of it. She said my parents were healthier than me. Months later she tried to excuse that by saying it was about what she thought about my mental health . She just keeps digging her holes. By far and wide, and I've been through quite a bit of shit on the internet, but that's in a tie with the worst that's ever been said about me. She's not sorry, if she was sorry and offers an apology, I'd take it in a heartbeat if dhe was genuine , but she is sorry for none of it. She's said she hates me and has no empathy for me, and boy does she ever prove it. |
Saint Jiub 09.02.2020 23:18 |
The "Breaking News" title of this thread is so typical of Sweet Caroline ... all hype, no substance, all emotion, no intelligence. |
MisterCosmicc 09.02.2020 23:23 |
Didn’t someone think it was immature of me for posting a topic about SweetCaroline? Every week she creates a new topic bashing someone. Rockchic? You approve of this? |
runner_70 10.02.2020 00:52 |
Anton3283 wrote:Finally we agree on something. Close the QAL section and we have peace for goodstevelondon20 wrote: Do we really need another fucking pointless thread like this?No but I always said that Lambertfans are crazy |
runner_70 10.02.2020 00:53 |
snifflese wrote: What is it that you don't get about Icy's part in all of this? She says stuff, often pretty nasty and you give her a pass. Other people are allowed to have an opinion on here and post what they like regarding Adam/QAL without taking crap from the lot of you. When anyone calls Icy out, she talks about Glambert Tactics and twisting what she says. Rockchick is very rational and never gets into the fray and is always quite polite. Today She was trying to discuss with Icy and when Icy was backed into a corner she says this to Rockchic, that RC is using "shitty Glambert tactics" and very telling that RC does this. That is her fallback and she does this all the time. Her behavior with SC is the reason there is a problem here. Live and let live, but respond nicely if there is something to discuss, otherwise just ignore. Rockchic brought up the bullying here the other day and I have talked about that for a few years. You know who you are and who the really mean girl is and the filthy nasty troll. Don't go blaming other people when there are 2 prime instigators of all the nastiness. here. Of course all you Adam haters jump right in with Icy's defense. There is nothing there to defend as far as her nasty, boorish behavior or Runner's filth goes. And I am including Cosmic in here as he seems to be taking notes from the other two. Make that three peoiple and I would add St Juib to the list of the minions also, so that makes 4! Why you guys have to be so ugly just makes no sense to me.Just when you thught one looney was gone for good she is back on track,.....and here goes the shit stirring again. Strange coincidence I think.... |
*goodco* 10.02.2020 01:50 |
From 1:40 onward (insert 'band' for 'show') link Get a life, people! Gawd, I shake my head and laugh. I don't bother to read any of the diatribes, because they are all 'wash/rinse/repeat' from the years of pathetic posts back and forth to each other. Wish there was an age requirement to post. How old are the two of you? Eight? Twelve? Six? Of course, feel free to carry on, as you always do. 'Pathetic Earthlings' |
The Real Wizard 10.02.2020 01:54 |
runner_70 wrote: Close the QAL section and we have peace for goodOr you can just be a grown up and ignore it. ...but why start now? |
Iron Butterfly 10.02.2020 02:04 |
*goodco* wrote: From 1:40 onward (insert 'band' for 'show') link Get a life, people! Gawd, I shake my head and laugh. I don't bother to read any of the diatribes, because they are all 'wash/rinse/repeat' from the years of pathetic posts back and forth to each other. Wish there was an age requirement to post. How old are the two of you? Eight? Twelve? Six? Of course, feel free to carry on, as you always do. 'Pathetic Earthlings'SweetCaroline is a gradmother, she has said that more than once. Snifflese is retired she has said. Before I get accused of stalking again by those 2. I'm younger than them both by a few years, let's put it that way. I'm shocked people in that age bracket act the way they do, I've seen teenagers and preteens behave better than they do. I like the quote ;-). |
Nathan H 10.02.2020 08:11 |
If people don't like this part of the site then ignore it. Or contact the adminstrators of the site to close down. Continuously posting negative comments at people with everything they do on here isn't going to stop anything - if you're trying to get them to leave then what's the point? This part of the site will always exist! |
rockchic65 10.02.2020 08:28 |
MisterCosmicc wrote: Didn’t someone think it was immature of me for posting a topic about SweetCaroline? Every week she creates a new topic bashing someone. Rockchic? You approve of this?No I don't and I agree with The Real Wizard, debating issues and the band is one thing, personal squabling that goes on since before 2014 is IMO pathetic in the extreme, fkn annoying, spoils every thread and attempt at any kind of real discussion and on any moderated forum wouldn't last two minutes and would be deleted. |
rockchic65 10.02.2020 08:32 |
*goodco* wrote: From 1:40 onward (insert 'band' for 'show') link Get a life, people! Gawd, I shake my head and laugh. I don't bother to read any of the diatribes, because they are all 'wash/rinse/repeat' from the years of pathetic posts back and forth to each other. Wish there was an age requirement to post. How old are the two of you? Eight? Twelve? Six? Of course, feel free to carry on, as you always do. 'Pathetic Earthlings'Haha, cheers for that vid clip - funny. |
Makka 10.02.2020 15:46 |
Holy fuck!! Have a just time travelled back to primary school?? |
brENsKi 10.02.2020 16:00 |
Makka wrote:Holy fuck!! Have a just time travelled back to primary school??yes. now get your textbooks out, and face the blackboard, Teacher is speaking. ;-) |
Vocal harmony 10.02.2020 17:35 |
runner_70 wrote:You could be talking about yourself!snifflese wrote: What is it that you don't get about Icy's part in all of this? She says stuff, often pretty nasty and you give her a pass. Other people are allowed to have an opinion on here and post what they like regarding Adam/QAL without taking crap from the lot of you. When anyone calls Icy out, she talks about Glambert Tactics and twisting what she says. Rockchick is very rational and never gets into the fray and is always quite polite. Today She was trying to discuss with Icy and when Icy was backed into a corner she says this to Rockchic, that RC is using "shitty Glambert tactics" and very telling that RC does this. That is her fallback and she does this all the time. Her behavior with SC is the reason there is a problem here. Live and let live, but respond nicely if there is something to discuss, otherwise just ignore. Rockchic brought up the bullying here the other day and I have talked about that for a few years. You know who you are and who the really mean girl is and the filthy nasty troll. Don't go blaming other people when there are 2 prime instigators of all the nastiness. here. Of course all you Adam haters jump right in with Icy's defense. There is nothing there to defend as far as her nasty, boorish behavior or Runner's filth goes. And I am including Cosmic in here as he seems to be taking notes from the other two. Make that three peoiple and I would add St Juib to the list of the minions also, so that makes 4! Why you guys have to be so ugly just makes no sense to me.Just when you thught one looney was gone for good she is back on track,.....and here goes the shit stirring again. Strange coincidence I think.... |
snifflese 10.02.2020 19:34 |
Yep, you are exactly right, VH. I am Icy 2.0! It is funny, however, that Icy is never called out or criticized by anyone who is a regular on here when she does all the name calling and throwing things in people's faces. Even Runner, who is occasionally beaten down seems to have less problem on here than SC and I do. Icy is the other part of the equation and obviously there is no problem there for you. Why do I get all the criticism and I will add SC to that question? I guess it is because we like Adam and QAL. I would like to come here and say something was good in a song or a show that I enjoyed. I should be able to say such and such a song has really improved and I really enjoyed it. But something as simple as that is impossible. Icy always comes along and tells me that: (These are all the things she normally writes in her posts to me.) 1, I am bigging Adam up. Why do I do that? Don't I know he is only a cover singer hanging on QAL's coat tails. Don't I know that it was Freddie's blood, sweat and tears that made this possible and he shouldn't be benefiting from anything, I guess (never sure why exactly there is a problem, but it is somehow for her). There are certain songs he shouldn't even ever be singing (???). For a Queen fan she often throws shade at Brian and Roger and news alert, they are also Queen. I don't get that. I am not of the opinion that no one was Queen except for Freddie and don't have a problem if you feel that way, but don't start in on me because I have a different opinion. 2. Why do I need credit for Adam? Or better why do I need credit and that one I don't understand at all?? I don't need credit for anything, 3. I am not a Queen fan according to her. I never liked Freddie (maybe I hate him as Runner always says) and how dare I say I like Adam on a Queen board no less! Conveniently forgetting this is a QAL thread here. 4. I need to go and post on a Queen thread and maybe I would learn something! Why would I do that? I would be opening myself to massive criticism and made fun of. If you get the wrong cape and crown from the wrong show, Icy throws it into your face for the next year. I do not know enough to ever post there. 5. I need to learn the history of Queen before I can post here on the QAL threads,. For me it is enough that I have enjoyed them since the 1970's and like all of what they have done. Why is that a problem? 6. I have had a problem about SC's treatment. Not sure why someone can be ridiculed and sworn at and none of you find that offensive. Every kerfufle I have with Icy devolves into bans and Hitler and Trump and Gestapo, none of which were my doing and I can't be held accountable for all that water under the bridge and I don't think it needs to be reposted every darn day. Can people not get over slights on this board? I am willing to forgive and forget but no one else seems to be able to. 7. I have tried to make amends with Icy and extend a hand and it never takes. I have tried to explain why I think certain things and the last thing was something about Elvis and memories and she was downright rude and couldn't care less even though I thought it might help her understand. She doesn't discuss nicely. It is always shit stirring and Shitty Glambert tactics and the F Off when she gets really mad. I don't say those things and don't need to be told that. I have said she is delusional about Freddie and I do think that. Otherwise her attitude towards Adam and QAL makes no sense, but that isn't my problem. 8. I absolutely don't care if someone feels differently about things than I do. But I don't need to be told off in an offensive manner and I don't need to hear the same stuff every week. Can we not get on to other stuff? I will take all the criticism you want to dish out, but dish it out to the other person also. I think I should be able to post something positive about QAL here without starting WWIII here over something as simple as I thought last night's show was really great and that is all it takes to get into it with Icy. Have a chat with her also, please. |
rockchic65 10.02.2020 20:46 |
snifflese wrote: Yep, you are exactly right, VH. I am Icy 2.0! It is funny, however, that Icy is never called out or criticized by anyone who is a regular on here when she does all the name calling and throwing things in people's faces. Even Runner, who is occasionally beaten down seems to have less problem on here than SC and I do. Icy is the other part of the equation and obviously there is no problem there for you. Why do I get all the criticism and I will add SC to that question? I guess it is because we like Adam and QAL. I would like to come here and say something was good in a song or a show that I enjoyed. I should be able to say such and such a song has really improved and I really enjoyed it. But something as simple as that is impossible. Icy always comes along and tells me that: (These are all the things she normally writes in her posts to me.) 1, I am bigging Adam up. Why do I do that? Don't I know he is only a cover singer hanging on QAL's coat tails. Don't I know that it was Freddie's blood, sweat and tears that made this possible and he shouldn't be benefiting from anything, I guess (never sure why exactly there is a problem, but it is somehow for her). There are certain songs he shouldn't even ever be singing (???). For a Queen fan she often throws shade at Brian and Roger and news alert, they are also Queen. I don't get that. I am not of the opinion that no one was Queen except for Freddie and don't have a problem if you feel that way, but don't start in on me because I have a different opinion. 2. Why do I need credit for Adam? Or better why do I need credit and that one I don't understand at all?? I don't need credit for anything, 3. I am not a Queen fan according to her. I never liked Freddie (maybe I hate him as Runner always says) and how dare I say I like Adam on a Queen board no less! Conveniently forgetting this is a QAL thread here. 4. I need to go and post on a Queen thread and maybe I would learn something! Why would I do that? I would be opening myself to massive criticism and made fun of. If you get the wrong cape and crown from the wrong show, Icy throws it into your face for the next year. I do not know enough to ever post there. 5. I need to learn the history of Queen before I can post here on the QAL threads,. For me it is enough that I have enjoyed them since the 1970's and like all of what they have done. Why is that a problem? 6. I have had a problem about SC's treatment. Not sure why someone can be ridiculed and sworn at and none of you find that offensive. Every kerfufle I have with Icy devolves into bans and Hitler and Trump and Gestapo, none of which were my doing and I can't be held accountable for all that water under the bridge and I don't think it needs to be reposted every darn day. Can people not get over slights on this board? I am willing to forgive and forget but no one else seems to be able to. 7. I have tried to make amends with Icy and extend a hand and it never takes. I have tried to explain why I think certain things and the last thing was something about Elvis and memories and she was downright rude and couldn't care less even though I thought it might help her understand. She doesn't discuss nicely. It is always shit stirring and Shitty Glambert tactics and the F Off when she gets really mad. I don't say those things and don't need to be told that. I have said she is delusional about Freddie and I do think that. Otherwise her attitude towards Adam and QAL makes no sense, but that isn't my problem. 8. I absolutely don't care if someone feels differently about things than I do. But I don't need to be told off in an offensive manner and I don't need to hear the same stuff every week. Can we not get on to other stuff? I will take all the criticism you want to dish out, but dish it out to the other person also. I think I should be able to post something positive about QAL here without starting WWIII here over something as simple as I thought last night's show was really great and that is all it takes to get into it with Icy. Have a chat with her also, please.Just thought I'd point out Vocal Harmony was actually replying to runner's comment "Just when you thught one looney was gone for good she is back on track,.....and here goes the shit stirring again. Strange coincidence I think...." meaning he was saying runner could be talking about himself. |
Iron Butterfly 10.02.2020 21:02 |
snifflese wrote: Yep, you are exactly right, VH. I am Icy 2.0! It is funny, however, that Icy is never called out or criticized by anyone who is a regular on here when she does all the name calling and throwing things in people's faces. Even Runner, who is occasionally beaten down seems to have less problem on here than SC and I do. Icy is the other part of the equation and obviously there is no problem there for you. Why do I get all the criticism and I will add SC to that question? I guess it is because we like Adam and QAL. I would like to come here and say something was good in a song or a show that I enjoyed. I should be able to say such and such a song has really improved and I really enjoyed it. But something as simple as that is impossible. Icy always comes along and tells me that: (These are all the things she normally writes in her posts to me.) 1, I am bigging Adam up. Why do I do that? Don't I know he is only a cover singer hanging on QAL's coat tails. Don't I know that it was Freddie's blood, sweat and tears that made this possible and he shouldn't be benefiting from anything, I guess (never sure why exactly there is a problem, but it is somehow for her). There are certain songs he shouldn't even ever be singing (???). For a Queen fan she often throws shade at Brian and Roger and news alert, they are also Queen. I don't get that. I am not of the opinion that no one was Queen except for Freddie and don't have a problem if you feel that way, but don't start in on me because I have a different opinion. 2. Why do I need credit for Adam? Or better why do I need credit and that one I don't understand at all?? I don't need credit for anything, 3. I am not a Queen fan according to her. I never liked Freddie (maybe I hate him as Runner always says) and how dare I say I like Adam on a Queen board no less! Conveniently forgetting this is a QAL thread here. 4. I need to go and post on a Queen thread and maybe I would learn something! Why would I do that? I would be opening myself to massive criticism and made fun of. If you get the wrong cape and crown from the wrong show, Icy throws it into your face for the next year. I do not know enough to ever post there. 5. I need to learn the history of Queen before I can post here on the QAL threads,. For me it is enough that I have enjoyed them since the 1970's and like all of what they have done. Why is that a problem? 6. I have had a problem about SC's treatment. Not sure why someone can be ridiculed and sworn at and none of you find that offensive. Every kerfufle I have with Icy devolves into bans and Hitler and Trump and Gestapo, none of which were my doing and I can't be held accountable for all that water under the bridge and I don't think it needs to be reposted every darn day. Can people not get over slights on this board? I am willing to forgive and forget but no one else seems to be able to. 7. I have tried to make amends with Icy and extend a hand and it never takes. I have tried to explain why I think certain things and the last thing was something about Elvis and memories and she was downright rude and couldn't care less even though I thought it might help her understand. She doesn't discuss nicely. It is always shit stirring and Shitty Glambert tactics and the F Off when she gets really mad. I don't say those things and don't need to be told that. I have said she is delusional about Freddie and I do think that. Otherwise her attitude towards Adam and QAL makes no sense, but that isn't my problem. 8. I absolutely don't care if someone feels differently about things than I do. But I don't need to be told off in an offensive manner and I don't need to hear the same stuff every week. Can we not get on to other stuff? I will take all the criticism you want to dish out, but dish it out to the other person also. I think I should be able to post something positive about QAL here without starting WWIII here over something as simple as I thought last night's show was really great and that is all it takes to get into it with Icy. Have a chat with her also, please.Aww, cute now you want Vocal Harmony to take your side. You are full of shit, sorry, not sorry if that word offends you. How many times have you stuck your nose in here, had a go at me, and defended SweetCaroline no matter what she did...that's what most of your posts are about. You came here ranting like a mad woman for me to be banned from both Queen boards , just because your friend was banned from elsewhere. Then you came out with that you have been reading my posts on QOL for 10 years even before interacting with me...or anyone else, but your mind was made up already. You really should point out some of the stuff you and SweetCaroline have done, and still do, this very thread is proof of that, instead of always spinning the lies and untruths what you both think I've done. Fact is, you both lie, twist things and continue to do, all the while trying and hoping to get others here on your side and to have a chat with me. You'd love it if Queen fans called me out, and that's exactly what you want, there were have it. Would it make you feel better if everyone be.I've done you, took your side and turn against me, it sure seems that way. This is exactly how you do it. You want Vocal Harmony to have a chat with me. Why, what do you want VH to chat with me about? Come on, do tell. You have the gall to say that you do not try to get others to take your side, but you do obviously. You couldn't even hide the way how try to do it in your post here. You are one bitter and bewildered person, keep on spinning your lies and your tales of woe. Shitty attempt from you. You and SweetCaroline have gotten very personal with me. You and SweetCaroline say I do for pity, attention, which is not true. You have to realise that you both are a big part of the problem, but nope, here is your inner and shit stir shit again. Why are you and SweetCaroline even here. It's not because you are Queen/Freddie fans at all. DoI i think you hate Freddie, no, I've never said any such thing, but you certainly dont respect him or give a shit about even discussing music. You come here expecting everyone to feel the same way you both do about Lambert. You haven't even posted outside of this subforum even once, because you don't want to learn about Queen and Freddie , never mind discuss it, you see red when Freddie is mentioned in this section. Too busy you say, but you sure have time to spew and spread your shit, funny enough. The reason you give for not posting outside of here is that you would be criticised if you posted outside of here. Huh, who knew you would be so wary about that avter all your bravodo in here? You want Adamtopia on Queen boards, basically,...Nothing but praise for AL. You are full of shit. You want everyone you come across on Queen boards to believe and swallow your shit and then for them spew it back at me. You would love nothing more, I think. Your game is very obvious, snifflese. So is your tactics. So is the shit you spread. One way or the other, I hope Vocal Harmony can make up his/her own mind. |
snifflese 10.02.2020 22:14 |
I don't want anyone to take my side. I just wanted to explain how I felt, if that was OK with you and even if it wasn't, it doesn't make a difference. Cut the garbage about taking sides, I don't care. |
Iron Butterfly 10.02.2020 22:41 |
snifflese wrote: I don't want anyone to take my side. I just wanted to explain how I felt, if that was OK with you and even if it wasn't, it doesn't make a difference. Cut the garbage about taking sides, I don't care.Bullshit that you don't care. If you did, you would not have posted it, and the way you worded it. You care enough that you want VH to have a chat with me. You care enough to spout and spread your bullshit. You care alright, as long as people go after me. |
snifflese 10.02.2020 22:43 |
I figured if VH was talking about me, I should explain to everyone on the site why I have a problem with you. If I misread it, my bad, but there is still an issue. To see the issue loud and clear read Icy's post above. She goes on her usual rant and mentions a good part of the things that I had listed. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I absolutely do not answer her the same way and I don't like the things she says to me. Disclaimer - Wasn't looking for sympathy or sides, just trying to explain from my perspective why I get frustrated. Here she is repeating just what I told you she always does: 1). Want people to side with me. Nope, just telling my side so I will feel better. 2). I always lie, about what I don't know? 3). Why am I here? I am not a Queen fan according to her. 4). I expect everyone to be a Queen fan. No, I don't. Everyone has an opinion, but it can be civil. You don't have to like anything about QAL or Adam or who knows what, but I am tired of always being attacked. 5). I don't post outside of this forum! Why do I need to and get more garbage from Queen fans? 6). I don't want to discuss Freddie and I see red, that is just silly, but talking about a QAL show doesn't bring Freddie into the conversation necessarily. 7). She says that I am full of shit. I want ever to believe and swallow my shit???? Always the shit crap from her. 8). I want Adamtopia on Queen boards. I don't post there and usually scroll quickly. I have said many times that it is way too intrusive and not my bag. What more can I tell you other than they are all pretty nice ladies and a post like the above would never happen there. That is one really good thing about it. 9). You just proved my point, Icy. Doesn't matter what I say, you start with the above mentioned things. It is impossible to try to discuss with you. You even accused RC of shitty Glambert tactics yesterday for no good reason and she is ever so careful what she posts. 10). I have explained this at least 20 times to you. When people follow a forum and read the individual posts, I would read yours since they are part of said forum, QOL. I didn't pick yours out for some nefarious reason. I was mostly a lurker. The posts often sounded mean. I didn't post much at all and was not going to get into anything with you. Avoidance seemed the better part of prudence. Unfortunately, that doesn't work so well here. I am not saying anything else on the subject, but some people need to scroll and avoid and not go on these ridiculous rants. That is exactly what I said in my first post and once again you prove me right, since that is always what you do. I am not lying or exaggerating. It gets upsetting and tiresome and people have to defend themselves at some point. Done for today, |
Iron Butterfly 10.02.2020 23:36 |
snifflese wrote: I figured if VH was talking about me, I should explain to everyone on the site why I have a problem with you. If I misread it, my bad, but there is still an issue. To see the issue loud and clear read Icy's post above. She goes on her usual rant and mentions a good part of the things that I had listed. I don't know what I am supposed to do. I absolutely do not answer her the same way and I don't like the things she says to me. Disclaimer - Wasn't looking for sympathy or sides, just trying to explain from my perspective why I get frustrated. Here she is repeating just what I told you she always does: 1). Want people to side with me. Nope, just telling my side so I will feel better. 2). I always lie, about what I don't know? 3). Why am I here? I am not a Queen fan according to her. 4). I expect everyone to be a Queen fan. No, I don't. Everyone has an opinion, but it can be civil. You don't have to like anything about QAL or Adam or who knows what, but I am tired of always being attacked. 5). I don't post outside of this forum! Why do I need to and get more garbage from Queen fans? 6). I don't want to discuss Freddie and I see red, that is just silly, but talking about a QAL show doesn't bring Freddie into the conversation necessarily. 7). She says that I am full of shit. I want ever to believe and swallow my shit???? Always the shit crap from her. 8). I want Adamtopia on Queen boards. I don't post there and usually scroll quickly. I have said many times that it is way too intrusive and not my bag. What more can I tell you other than they are all pretty nice ladies and a post like the above would never happen there. That is one really good thing about it. 9). You just proved my point, Icy. Doesn't matter what I say, you start with the above mentioned things. It is impossible to try to discuss with you. You even accused RC of shitty Glambert tactics yesterday for no good reason and she is ever so careful what she posts. 10). I have explained this at least 20 times to you. When people follow a forum and read the individual posts, I would read yours since they are part of said forum, QOL. I didn't pick yours out for some nefarious reason. I was mostly a lurker. The posts often sounded mean. I didn't post much at all and was not going to get into anything with you. Avoidance seemed the better part of prudence. Unfortunately, that doesn't work so well here. I am not saying anything else on the subject, but some people need to scroll and avoid and not go on these ridiculous rants. That is exactly what I said in my first post and once again you prove me right, since that is always what you do. I am not lying or exaggerating. It gets upsetting and tiresome and people have to defend themselves at some point. Done for today,You explained because you wanted others to believe you and side with you. That's basically this whole purpose of this thread is dare say. Thread not going to way you hoped e h VH wasn't even talking to or even about you at all. Isn't that obvious?? It is to everyone else here. VH even quoted runner. Not you, me or anyone else, but only Runner. You thought it was about you so you thought to spin your tales of woe to try to get VH to believe your side and to take your side. You also wanted VH to have a chat with me. Seriously, get a grip or some common sense. You lack it. You need it. You absolutely need to calm down. I'm sure you will be back soon enough. |
snifflese 11.02.2020 01:48 |
That is no tale of woe. Just check out your lovely response to me and you hit all the notes that I wrote in my post that I find so hard to deal with. It is you that does those things, not me, Icy, so take your make believe stories somewhere else. |
Iron Butterfly 11.02.2020 02:17 |
snifflese wrote: That is no tale of woe. Just check out your lovely response to me and you hit all the notes that I wrote in my post that I find so hard to deal with. It is you that does those things, not me, Icy, so take your make believe stories somewhere else.Thought you were done for today, lol. Obviously not. Your tales of woe, your twisting and your bullshit, that's what your response to VH was about. Oh dear, you thought VH was talking to you, did it hurt your feelings? Then you say you wanted VH to chat with me? What about, do tell? |
snifflese 11.02.2020 02:45 |
We both need to stop these arguments and the only way is if you just ignore what I post, if I post, and stop with all the nastiness and orders as to what I should be doing or not doing, as the case may be.. You can ignore me and I will happily ignore you, then there should be no issue. Go "discuss" and critique someone else, all your buddies should be fun to talk to. That would be great and I will scroll over your stuff. Kind of like the Great Compromise. |
Iron Butterfly 11.02.2020 03:18 |
snifflese wrote: We both need to stop these arguments and the only way is if you just ignore what I post, if I post, and stop with all the nastiness and orders as to what I should be doing or not doing, as the case may be.. You can ignore me and I will happily ignore you, then there should be no issue. Go "discuss" and critique someone else, all your buddies should be fun to talk to. That would be great and I will scroll over your stuff. Kind of like the Great Compromise.Don't tell me what to do. What is irony9 is that you have stated a few times you would ignore my posts, you never have managed to do so. What has you angry, upset ranting away here in this thread is that you resort to spiNing your tales of woe, shit etc. Not enough for you obviously, because you want someone else to chat with me. You cant even say what you want VH to chat with me about. I'm not one of your former students. You cant tell me what to do, or anyone else on a public board, you are not an administrator or a moderator here. Good thing you aren't, because even something as simple as the word shit gets to you. Sorry, not sorry that you aren't getting your way in this thread. Boo hoo. |
Saint Jiub 11.02.2020 04:30 |
If only SC and sniffy could behave like logical rational human beings devoid of unnecessary irrational emotional personal attacks. You know, like rockchic. |
Iron Butterfly 11.02.2020 08:08 |
Saint Jiub wrote: If only SC and sniffy could behave like logical rational human beings devoid of unnecessary irrational emotional personal attacks. You know, like rockchic.Damn right. Rockchic and I had different views a couple of days ago, but she's still cool in my books. I said before SweetCaroline and snifflese could learn a thing or two from rockchic. |
snifflese 11.02.2020 14:28 |
And so could you, big time! I said let's give it a break and you go on and on and on. You were not especially nice to RC by the end of that discussion resorting to mentioning her shitty Glambert tactics, just not as nasty as you get to SC and me so I wouldn't go patting myself on the back, if I were you. You just won't give up no matter what. Why don't you include Icy in that remark, St. Juib? Her remarks are way nastier than anything I say, but she is your buddy and they can say anything, right. That is quite hypocritical. I have seen a good number of very personal unflattering remarks from you also. You are no paragon of virtue on here either. |
Saint Jiub 11.02.2020 18:55 |
I don't include Icy because SC is the instigator, and you are her obedient sycophant sidekick and defender. Icy is only defending herself against character assassination. Whatever forum SC goes to she leaves a wake with her odd combination of arrogance and ignorance. She is all hype and no substance. Everything is marvelous or evil with her. There is no middle ground with her. SC is as obnoxious as Trump, but she has fewer redeeming qualities than Trump. There are a dozen of other people on QZ that call her out on her bullshit, but she generally ignores other's comments. She only demonizes Icy, and ignores everyone else's legitimate complaints. I don't know why Icy has a bullseye on her forehead with you two. I guess it is just your stupid 7+ year feud. On the off chance that Icy would die of pneumonia, SC would still have many detractors that call SC out on her empty headed bullshit. SC is the worst troll on QZ, even worse than runner or gerry. She only posts on QZ because she is immune to banning that she would get if she went back to QOL. All runner and gerry have are their meaningless glamtart / goat / ladyboy comments. Gerry and runner post their bullshit comments here, but do not attempt to muzzle any replies to their comments. SC cannot handle any negative criticism of Adam, and she belittles all those who do not toe her line: "Oh you haven't seen AL live in concert ... you can't possibly have a basis for any opinion" Furthermore her opinions are solely based on emotions and have no semblance of intelligence. Her only ugly skills are copy/pasting of links and biased Hollywood tweets, and of course majorly stirring the pot. SC may believe that she is a glorious advocate for AL, but her annoying shtick likely turns more people away from AL than attract "converts". |
Iron Butterfly 11.02.2020 20:15 |
snifflese wrote: And so could you, big time! I said let's give it a break and you go on and on and on. You were not especially nice to RC by the end of that discussion resorting to mentioning her shitty Glambert tactics, just not as nasty as you get to SC and me so I wouldn't go patting myself on the back, if I were you. You just won't give up no matter what. Why don't you include Icy in that remark, St. Juib? Her remarks are way nastier than anything I say, but she is your buddy and they can say anything, right. That is quite hypocritical. I have seen a good number of very personal unflattering remarks from you also. You are no paragon of virtue on here either.Wahhhh!!!! Butthurt alert. You have instigated to say the least, from your first post in, it was clear you wanted revenge just because your buddy SweetCaroline was banned from elsewhere. You wanted me banned from both Queen boards, that's how much of a hissy fit you had. You and SweetCaroline don't not only have a vendetta about me, it's revenge you want..and need to soothe both of your minds. Maybe if everyone had a go at me, it would make you both feel so much better, that's how I see it. In all I've said about SweetCaroline, I've never used her family tragedies against her. I've never compared her to Hitler and the Gestapo...do you not see what is wrong to do that. No. You defend it, no matter what and think I deserve it. You are as horrible as SweetCaroline. Truly you are. Remember the time you came here saying I posted about my own homophobia experiences on QOL, and you said I did for attention. ..but you came here to mock me for it, because you would not get away with it for a second on QOL. Speaking of QOL, you and SweetCaroline have gone as far as to say that you think I am in with a certain mod on QOL...that I brown nose him, and say I have a say of who gets banned even. According to SweetCaroline, im to blame for all of her bans, and even those bans of others, but not once has she proved, anything why, because she can't. Another thing you don't post on QOL, you both run here to say all that garbage, and to blame me. It's actually sick what you both do. It's just as sick that you both try to protray innocence when all of your posts are still here. Every last one. This thread was meant to start a flame war, and as an attack on me. No other way to put it. The lies, the spinning of tales make you and SweetCaroline look unhinged. Not going the way you wanted to obviously want and need, so guess what, you attack me again. Of course you do. Guess what. Rockchic and I disagreed heavily a couple of days. I won't speak for her, but I hold nothing against her, she's still cool in my books. Here you are trying to still get people on your side. Rockchic, VH, anyone you think you have a chance in swaying. Now you want Saint Jiub to include me in that remark. Yep, you sure want people to go after me, nothing else would please you more. Remember the time you said I was a Queen bitch...and all the times you had a go at me for nothing, even my saying AL was good during a performance wasn't good enough for you. I think you see red everything you see my posts, no matter what I post. You and SweetCaroline are sparkle cows to the extreme. Thank goodness I know all Glamberts are not like you two. The way you both have judged me but Queen fans, GTFO and STFU. Poor little snifflese, worried about out getting criticised by Queen fans outside of this subforum, boo hoo. You can dish crap out, snifflese, but you won't even be able handle criticism by Queen fans. How do you and SweetCaroline cope with things in real life I wonder. |
Iron Butterfly 11.02.2020 20:18 |
Saint Jiub wrote: I don't include Icy because SC is the instigator, and you are her obedient sycophant sidekick and defender. Icy is only defending herself against character assassination. Whatever forum SC goes to she leaves a wake with her odd combination of arrogance and ignorance. She is all hype and no substance. Everything is marvelous or evil with her. There is no middle ground with her. SC is as obnoxious as Trump, but she has fewer redeeming qualities than Trump. There are a dozen of other people on QZ that call her out on her bullshit, but she generally ignores other's comments. She only demonizes Icy, and ignores everyone else's legitimate complaints. I don't know why Icy has a bullseye on her forehead with you two. I guess it is just your stupid 7+ year feud. On the off chance that Icy would die of pneumonia, SC would still have many detractors that call SC out on her empty headed bullshit. SC is the worst troll on QZ, even worse than runner or gerry. She only posts on QZ because she is immune to banning that she would get if she went back to QOL. All runner and gerry have are their meaningless glamtart / goat / ladyboy comments. Gerry and runner post their bullshit comments here, but do not attempt to muzzle any replies to their comments. SC cannot handle any negative criticism of Adam, and she belittles all those who do not toe her line: "Oh you haven't seen AL live in concert ... you can't possibly have a basis for any opinion" Furthermore her opinions are solely based on emotions and have no semblance of intelligence. Her only ugly skills are copy/pasting of links and biased Hollywood tweets, and of course majorly stirring the pot. SC may believe that she is a glorious advocate for AL, but her annoying shtick likely turns more people away from AL than attract "converts".Bravo again. Kudos again. This a million times over. |
snifflese 12.02.2020 00:28 |
Everyone has their his or her own opinion and your opinions aren't mine! I see things entirely different than you guys. To each his own! |
AngelR 12.02.2020 00:53 |
snifflese wrote: Everyone has their his or her own opinion and your opinions aren't mine! I see things entirely different than you guys. To each his own!All I can see - constant personal attacks from runner, Sc and Icy at each other with other members joining in from time to time. The same situation was on QOL but MODs stopped it. Nice to have QOL back again! |
Iron Butterfly 12.02.2020 01:26 |
snifflese wrote: Everyone has their his or her own opinion and your opinions aren't mine! I see things entirely different than you guys. To each his own!Fact, you and SweetCaroline come here to post things, lies about me that you would not dare say on QOL. Because you both would not get away with it. QOL is back, SweetCaroline is over there with a "new" name, why doesn't she go over there to blame me and spread her lies about me? Simply put, she is too chicken shit. She was told that I wasn't the reason for her four month ban, but she still blames me for that and every ban she's has before and after. Four or five bans altogether, she's had and blames me for...not good enough right, so she blames me for bans of other people as well. She has not provided a shred of proof that I'm to blame what she claims. Things can get heated, I'm guilty plenty of it, at least I have the guts to admit it, and dont pretend to be innocent or the victim. But the hate you and SweetCaroline have for me is fkd up. At this point, I think you both are fkd up. Even Saint Jiub can see right through your bullshit, and you have the gall to still try to convince him that you are right, and not only am I wrong, but to try to paint me as this horrible person. What sick kicks you and SweetCaroline must get from it all of this. I bet you both were hoping everyone would believe your sides of the stories and turn on me, and the fact it isn't, why don't so and so have a chat with me, why don't you tell this to me...it's very obvious what your games are. Your "opinions" SweetCaroline's "opinions" is based on the lies SweetCaroline has fed you, that you swallow, and you both spread about me, and hate you have for me. How very desperate you both are. This thread is proof of so much. |
Vocal harmony 12.02.2020 12:56 |
Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera. |
Iron Butterfly 12.02.2020 13:05 |
Vocal harmony wrote: Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera.VH!!! You are meant to have a chat with me, you know. ;-). Please grant snifflese's wish ;-). So, how's the weather where you are? Hopefully better than here. Will that count as a chat, snifflese? |
Vocal harmony 12.02.2020 13:30 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:It'was bloody freezing this morning when I started work at 6!Vocal harmony wrote: Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera.VH!!! You are meant to have a chat with me, you know. ;-). Please grant snifflese's wish ;-). So, how's the weather where you are? Hopefully better than here. Will that count as a chat, snifflese? How's that for an answer ;)) |
Iron Butterfly 12.02.2020 15:56 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Cold here too, not as bad as the recent cold snap.Iron Butterfly wrote:It'was bloody freezing this morning when I started work at 6! How's that for an answer ;))Vocal harmony wrote: Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera.VH!!! You are meant to have a chat with me, you know. ;-). Please grant snifflese's wish ;-). So, how's the weather where you are? Hopefully better than here. Will that count as a chat, snifflese? I hope it warms up, this winter seems to have dragged on. Great answer ;-) |
Iron Butterfly 12.02.2020 16:26 |
@snifflese, as you can see, VH had a chat with me. ;-) |
Vocal harmony 13.02.2020 12:08 |
Iron Butterfly wrote:Thank you. . . .just to complete the weather picture, it was even colder at 2:30 this morning when I finished! Off today than I'll be doing it all again tomorrow somewhere equally cold I think!Vocal harmony wrote:Cold here too, not as bad as the recent cold snap. I hope it warms up, this winter seems to have dragged on. Great answer ;-)Iron Butterfly wrote:It'was bloody freezing this morning when I started work at 6! How's that for an answer ;))Vocal harmony wrote: Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera.VH!!! You are meant to have a chat with me, you know. ;-). Please grant snifflese's wish ;-). So, how's the weather where you are? Hopefully better than here. Will that count as a chat, snifflese? |
Iron Butterfly 13.02.2020 12:35 |
Vocal harmony wrote:Brrr. Nights and mornings can be very cold here ( Alberta). It was so cold a couple of weeks ago, that I saw light pillars for the first time, quite a sight.Iron Butterfly wrote:Thank you. . . .just to complete the weather picture, it was even colder at 2:30 this morning when I finished! Off today than I'll be doing it all again tomorrow somewhere equally cold I think!Vocal harmony wrote:Cold here too, not as bad as the recent cold snap. I hope it warms up, this winter seems to have dragged on. Great answer ;-)Iron Butterfly wrote:It'was bloody freezing this morning when I started work at 6! How's that for an answer ;))Vocal harmony wrote: Isn't it great that the person who thought I was responding to them, so replied to me, hadn't thought to apologise for the mistake having had it made clear I was actually clearly responding to our resident dick head. Do carry on with your three way battle it reads like a badly written soap opera.VH!!! You are meant to have a chat with me, you know. ;-). Please grant snifflese's wish ;-). So, how's the weather where you are? Hopefully better than here. Will that count as a chat, snifflese? Enjoy your day off. |
MisterCosmicc 24.02.2020 20:45 |
Iron Butterfly 28.02.2020 22:59 |
MisterCosmicc wrote:LMAO. |
Iron Butterfly 29.02.2020 20:28 |
SweetCaroline wrote: Post at your own risk! No matter what you post, IR will defy you and get the last word. Take a look at the index — the last poster on every topic is HER. SHE is the final authority on everything! If you respond, 15,000 words and 5 pages later you might be able to get your opinion squeezed in, but then it starts all over again! Maddening? You bet! After 8 years I haven’t figured out why she thrives on so much negativity! I have tried to be positive. I have started new topics to post positively about the QAL collaboration, but it always gets polluted by the cold one and her cronies. She must own this forum because if I did I would be pissed about all of the bandwidth she uses condemning other people for spamming and bigging up Adam Lambert. If you call her out like I am doing now, she will hound you to the end of the earth trying to get you to leave permanently or drive you to insanity. Why?Sure, you don't post about people, only the shows like you claimed earlier today *sarcasm*. What is this thread then? You have singled out me and another poster to start a thread to have a go. You must get a kick out of lying so much...I bet you really hope others fall for your shit, and that's why you lie so much. |
Iron Butterfly 23.03.2020 10:27 |
Bumping this, since Saint Jiub seems to be in the line of fire for the ObnoxiousSweetCaroline thread. Well, take a look at who started this thread and what SweetCaroline and snifflese posted in this one. Hardly innocent...no matter how much they say they are. |
MisterCosmicc 04.04.2020 02:40 |
Did you see Gerard Way was dreaming about ‘The Show Must Go On’? Queen streaming and sales have been increasing during this crisis. Remember last year when I was saying something bad will happen, maybe sooner than later, and millions will be listening to Queen? Maybe even as they go into their final sleep, the last thing they hear will be Freddie Mercury? And look at that... whole cities listening to Queen... crazy, but it was bound to happen. |
MisterCosmicc 04.04.2020 03:03 |
After watching whole videos of cities playing Queen music, I can imagine one Adam Worshipper was thinking, maybe angrily, “I hope they at least give Supah Powah a spin!” |
snifflese 05.04.2020 15:41 |
Could care less if Adam gets a spin or who plays his music. I like it and that is all that matters. I don't think that most of his fans are quite so obsessed. I think you people have a problem, as you are so worried about Adam singing and people liking it. He seems to be a huge threat somehow. If you didn't worry about how popular Adam has become singing Queen music, you wouldn't have all this angst and constant need to promote Freddie and degrade Adam. Ridiculous! You need to find something more important to focus on. You seem to have this death obsession and what music is going to be played. At that point for me I could give a crap as to the music. It would not be on my mind at all and I think most people wouldn't be thinking about it either. They would be thinking about family at that point! That is such a crazy idea of yours. |
Freddie Jupiter 05.04.2020 23:48 |
In my own case I'm not threatened by crapbert at all. I just can't stand his vocals and his technique grates me. I quite want to see Brian and Roger play live but I can't because he's going to be there ruining the experince. But if Brian and Roger decided to do a tour without crapbert just as instrumentals I will most likely go see it. I also think performing the songs purely as instrumentals would be very poignant and more respectful to Freddus than having this muppet interfere with the experince. |
MisterCosmicc 06.04.2020 06:27 |
snifflese wrote: Could care less if Adam gets a spin or who plays his music. I like it and that is all that matters. I don't think that most of his fans are quite so obsessed. I think you people have a problem, as you are so worried about Adam singing and people liking it. He seems to be a huge threat somehow. If you didn't worry about how popular Adam has become singing Queen music, you wouldn't have all this angst and constant need to promote Freddie and degrade Adam. Ridiculous! You need to find something more important to focus on. You seem to have this death obsession and what music is going to be played. At that point for me I could give a crap as to the music. It would not be on my mind at all and I think most people wouldn't be thinking about it either. They would be thinking about family at that point! That is such a crazy idea of yours.You sure? You sound offended. |
snifflese 06.04.2020 14:57 |
Offended?? I don't think so. I just think all your death talk is ridiculous, as is your need to make Freddie the end all and be all for everyone in the world. He can be that for you, but I doubt that applies to most people. It just sounds foolish. |
MisterCosmicc 06.04.2020 15:25 |
He is, though, well... for many. I said do last year, and it’s been happening. People on here doubted it. Queen’s streams have increased in regions with devastation. Did you hear any cities playing Supah Powah? No? Why not? |
snifflese 07.04.2020 01:15 |
Fine, I am really impressed, but don't really care. How would you ever expect Adam or almost anyone else to come anywhere close to Queen's streaming numbers? They have been a band since 1970, which is 50 years ago, and have produced tons of albums and are enjoying a huge resurgence with their own movie, touring and playing over 230 concerts in the last 6 years and you think Adam should come anywhere close to them? Who is dreaming, now? I am not sure anyone compares to the most iconic band ever. Go find something productive to do. We all know what is patently obvious and the reasons for it. No one compares to Queen in my book. Doesn't mean, however, that I can't love Adam's voice and enjoy QAL. I won't be playing anyone's music at the end of days! |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 03:36 |
snifflese wrote: Fine, I am really impressed, but don't really care. How would you ever expect Adam or almost anyone else to come anywhere close to Queen's streaming numbers? They have been a band since 1970, which is 50 years ago, and have produced tons of albums and are enjoying a huge resurgence with their own movie, touring and playing over 230 concerts in the last 6 years and you think Adam should come anywhere close to them? Who is dreaming, now? I am not sure anyone compares to the most iconic band ever. Go find something productive to do. We all know what is patently obvious and the reasons for it. No one compares to Queen in my book. Doesn't mean, however, that I can't love Adam's voice and enjoy QAL. I won't be playing anyone's music at the end of days!That’s you. You have the bad habit of trying to speak for everyone. People are playing Queen in areas completely ravaged by the virus, death, and fear, so yes, it’s on many minds. You lack emotions, thus your love of emotionless music, and the lack of care about who wrote what, the meaning of songs, etc. Adam has many contemporaries who stream far more than he does, please don’t make excuses for him. Queen were always streaming so much, and in digital sales charts since those charts came out. They’ve had high digital sales before the film, and before Adam was on American Idol. |
snifflese 08.04.2020 04:00 |
Well excuse me, but the folks I know in my life don't worry about things like Queen's music or any of the things that are discussed here. I think you people who are all consumed with this topic are not the norm and a very small minority of people. I like music a lot more than 90% of the people I know and none of them worry about the things you post here. I am not making any excuse and I have no idea what you meant by the streaming sentence. What excuses am I making? NO ONE is probably ever going to sell more music than Queen, as they are iconic and have been around for 50 years. You mentioned previously how their streaming has gone up, not me. I assume it is the movie and touring and their prominence in social media because they are playing again. This topic is stupid and you can obsess about it all by yourself. |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 04:13 |
snifflese wrote: Well excuse me, but the folks I know in my life don't worry about things like Queen's music or any of the things that are discussed here. I think you people who are all consumed with this topic are not the norm and a very small minority of people. I like music a lot more than 90% of the people I know and none of them worry about the things you post here. I am not making any excuse and I have no idea what you meant by the streaming sentence. What excuses am I making? NO ONE is probably ever going to sell more music than Queen, as they are iconic and have been around for 50 years. You mentioned previously how their streaming has gone up, not me. I assume it is the movie and touring and their prominence in social media because they are playing again. This topic is stupid and you can obsess about it all by yourself.Listening to Queen’s music isn’t being “worried about Queen’s music” I, myself, listen to more music by other bands than by Queen. How often do you listen to Adam Lambert? Daily? And yes, Queen’s streaming went up in places dealing with severe tragedy. As soon as COVID-19 was spreading, I kept an eye on the streaming charts, to see if they listen to Queen more often while in despair, and yes, they do. I’m not sure what’s stupid about that. I told you a year ago it would happen during a situation like this. I personally don’t care about what YOU think. You’ve said you don’t care over and over, yet your replies wouldn’t exist if you didn’t care. You are obviously offended, and you shouldn’t speak for others. Please stop assuming about what others think. Don’t say “we” in reference to how people think about Queen. You are you, not we. Don’t say “no one cares.” Speak for yourself. Don’t base your views on those who you know, you’re an Adamtopia member... of course those you know won’t be playing songs featuring Freddie Mercury. I mean, why the Hell are you replying? Queen streams going up, what’s the problem? What’s to be upset about? Adam’s dismal streaming? His latest flop? I can’t wait to hear your blame on COVID-19 for that... I’ll just point to Queen’s increased streams. You said you thought it was the touring. Really? Hilarious. After they tour a country, streams do go up a bit... for a week or two. They won’t be touring anytime soon. |
snifflese 08.04.2020 13:47 |
It is your snarky attitude that offends me. Of course, Queen streams more, sells more, blah, blah, blah and I don't care, I expect that. But you rub it in people's faces with the nasty little remarks, like are they going to play Super Power and you delight in the fact. That is the problem. I am not a member of Adamtopia, never post there, except once or twice for a ticket question years ago and I haven't listened to any music in a month. I don't stream or listen to much of anything, including Adam. I go to concerts and that is about it. So, don't assume things about me. But I don't know a single person like you, thank goodness, and never have met anyone like you and as previously noted, I have known lots of folks from all over in my life. People here are outliers in my experience. Notice the MY? It is just your attitude of glee about anything showing Adam as way inferior to Freddie that just is extremely offensive, like some little kid who has some candy and waves it in front of everyone else. Grow up! |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 15:52 |
snifflese wrote: It is your snarky attitude that offends me. Of course, Queen streams more, sells more, blah, blah, blah and I don't care, I expect that. But you rub it in people's faces with the nasty little remarks, like are they going to play Super Power and you delight in the fact. That is the problem. I am not a member of Adamtopia, never post there, except once or twice for a ticket question years ago and I haven't listened to any music in a month. I don't stream or listen to much of anything, including Adam. I go to concerts and that is about it. So, don't assume things about me. But I don't know a single person like you, thank goodness, and never have met anyone like you and as previously noted, I have known lots of folks from all over in my life. People here are outliers in my experience. Notice the MY? It is just your attitude of glee about anything showing Adam as way inferior to Freddie that just is extremely offensive, like some little kid who has some candy and waves it in front of everyone else. Grow up!And it offends you. Go listen to some music. You need it. |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 15:52 |
snifflese wrote: It is your snarky attitude that offends me. Of course, Queen streams more, sells more, blah, blah, blah and I don't care, I expect that. But you rub it in people's faces with the nasty little remarks, like are they going to play Super Power and you delight in the fact. That is the problem. I am not a member of Adamtopia, never post there, except once or twice for a ticket question years ago and I haven't listened to any music in a month. I don't stream or listen to much of anything, including Adam. I go to concerts and that is about it. So, don't assume things about me. But I don't know a single person like you, thank goodness, and never have met anyone like you and as previously noted, I have known lots of folks from all over in my life. People here are outliers in my experience. Notice the MY? It is just your attitude of glee about anything showing Adam as way inferior to Freddie that just is extremely offensive, like some little kid who has some candy and waves it in front of everyone else. Grow up!And it offends you. Go listen to some music. You need it. |
snifflese 08.04.2020 16:21 |
The idea of Queen being extremely successful and doing well does not offend me, nor does Adam not being anywhere close to their stature (and probably never will) offend. It is you that offends me with your attitude. There is a difference. i don't expect Adam to be Freddie or Queen or any other star. He is fine the way he is. I love his voice and he seems to be a balanced, kind individual. He doesn't need worldwide fame for me to be a fan. The only part I am offended by is your cram it in my face attitude. As long as you understand that part, we are good. |
rockchic65 08.04.2020 17:51 |
Cosmicc's pissing contest on Freddie's behalf is really quite pathetic. |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 19:11 |
snifflese wrote: The idea of Queen being extremely successful and doing well does not offend me, nor does Adam not being anywhere close to their stature (and probably never will) offend. It is you that offends me with your attitude. There is a difference. i don't expect Adam to be Freddie or Queen or any other star. He is fine the way he is. I love his voice and he seems to be a balanced, kind individual. He doesn't need worldwide fame for me to be a fan. The only part I am offended by is your cram it in my face attitude. As long as you understand that part, we are good.Are you offended by SweetCaroline’s in your face attitude about Lambert? |
snifflese 08.04.2020 19:31 |
How is that different from you and what you do? I don't believe she is ever negative about Queen. Her opinion is her opinion. I do not see my name on her post and that is not my business. Ask her yourself. |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 21:27 |
snifflese wrote: How is that different from you and what you do? I don't believe she is ever negative about Queen. Her opinion is her opinion. I do not see my name on her post and that is not my business. Ask her yourself.You replied to me, I didn’t mention your name. She always goes on and on about Freddie’s clothes and chest hair. Yes, it’s her opinion, and I have mine, and she says her opinions just as much, maybe more, than I do. So why are you offended by my posts and not hers? You seem to have an issue with every person in here who are more into Freddie than Lambert. |
snifflese 08.04.2020 22:04 |
You have got to be kidding. Add up how many posts you have written about this and then compare hers to your posts and they are very few and not very wordy. Most of your posts say negative stuff about Adam at great length. Hers don't even compare to yours. I don't have a problem with people who prefer old Queen and Freddie, tons of people do. I do have a problem with people who are nasty and very spiteful about things. You fall into that category as there always has to be some dig about Adam's inferiority in what your write. There is a respectful way to disagree and an A.. h... way and you are included in the second choice! Don't whine to me! |
MisterCosmicc 08.04.2020 22:20 |
snifflese wrote: You have got to be kidding. Add up how many posts you have written about this and then compare hers to your posts and they are very few and not very wordy. Most of your posts say negative stuff about Adam at great length. Hers don't even compare to yours. I don't have a problem with people who prefer old Queen and Freddie, tons of people do. I do have a problem with people who are nasty and very spiteful about things. You fall into that category as there always has to be some dig about Adam's inferiority in what your write. There is a respectful way to disagree and an A.. h... way and you are included in the second choice! Don't whine to me!Yesterday you had a problem with Saint Jiub... You don’t seem to enjoy anyone’s opinion except SweetCaroline or Rockchic’s... and they are Adam Worshippers. You have a huge issue with Icy. Perhaps Adamtopia.com would be a better site for you? Why are you here if you hardly listen to music? Just for entertainment? |
snifflese 09.04.2020 01:35 |
Yep, St. Juib goes out of his way to say condescending things. He is a complete minion of Icy's and that is one lady I am not going to respond to. It is like talking to a wall, nothing computes that I say and before we know it we are stirring the sh... Talk about someone who can't tolerate any opinion but her own. You can't handle any opinions unless they are Freddie obsessed individuals. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!! That just gave me the best laugh of the day. I just can't deal with that nonsense and I am at the point that you are included in that group. Didn't have a single problem with anyone else yesterday. I have told you numerous times that I don't post at all on Adamtopia. I scroll quickly through every few days. I think that it would be better for Adam fans, if you posted on a Queen specific thread and not on the QAL thread as you are quite the sh.. stirrer yourself on here! |
Iron Butterfly 09.04.2020 01:58 |
snifflese wrote: Yep, St. Juib goes out of his way to say condescending things. He is a complete minion of Icy's and that is one lady I am not going to respond to. It is like talking to a wall, nothing computes that I say and before we know it we are stirring the sh... Talk about someone who can't tolerate any opinion but her own. You can't handle any opinions unless they are Freddie obsessed individuals. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!! That just gave me the best laugh of the day. I just can't deal with that nonsense and I am at the point that you are included in that group. Didn't have a single problem with anyone else yesterday. I have told you numerous times that I don't post at all on Adamtopia. I scroll quickly through every few days. I think that it would be better for Adam fans, if you posted on a Queen specific thread and not on the QAL thread as you are quite the sh.. stirrer yourself on here!Why the hell are you even bringing me up when I haven't been posting at all lately? You can't keep myou name out of your posts even when I'm not around. Man, you have issues. |
Saint Jiub 09.04.2020 02:12 |
Some computer bot recently necro-ed one of my topics on the QZ General Discussion page from September 2017. link As I recall, at that point I was bored with the bickering about QAL, but that was before SC started spamming sections beyond the QAL section in late 2018 and early 2019. SC always seemed to be insisting that everyone watch the Bo Rhap movie or the Show Must Go On documentary (or go to A QAL show) as gateway drugs for QAL. Since then, I have posted in the QAL section to provide an alternative viewpoint to the cult spamming of the chief QZ sparkle cow and her chief minion. If not for those two spammers, I would be ignoring the QAL section. |
snifflese 09.04.2020 03:56 |
I don't ever spam, Juib, another lie from you. Everything I write is a statement from me, not taken off of another site. You could go back to avoiding, as it would be much more pleasant in here w/o you! That is a great idea!! I mentioned you only, Icy, because Cosmic said I had issues with you, otherwise I would have avoided mentioning you at all costs. I was replying to what he said to me. Sorry about that! |
Saint Jiub 09.04.2020 04:26 |
snifflese wrote: I don't ever spam, Juib, another lie from you. Everything I write is a statement from me, not taken off of another site. You could go back to avoiding, as it would be much more pleasant in here w/o you! That is a great idea!! I mentioned you only, Icy, because Cosmic said I had issues with you, otherwise I would have avoided mentioning you at all costs. I was replying to what he said to me. Sorry about that!I did not mention your name. I am not sure how you think I am accusing you of spamming, unless you are having a Carly Simon "Anticipation" spasm with my "chief minion" comment. There is more to spamming than just posting links ... like your sycophantic "marvelous" posts, your frequent diatribes, and endless attacks on a particular poster. |
snifflese 09.04.2020 04:50 |
You said those two spammers and you mentioned SC and me. I don't click on links here (except for Brenski the other day and Brancelli) , so I assume it was me. It is tit for tat around here and I don't curse or say the things that get said to me, so I am not even in the same ball park. I happen to think QAL and Adam are pretty marvelous and I am entitled to my opinion. |
Iron Butterfly 09.04.2020 05:56 |
snifflese wrote: I don't ever spam, Juib, another lie from you. Everything I write is a statement from me, not taken off of another site. You could go back to avoiding, as it would be much more pleasant in here w/o you! That is a great idea!! I mentioned you only, Icy, because Cosmic said I had issues with you, otherwise I would have avoided mentioning you at all costs. I was replying to what he said to me. Sorry about that!You also write for SweetCaroline because you barely give her a chance to "defend" herself, but you swoop in defending her no matter what. Through act you put on pretending you are just so innocent and without any fault, it's laughable. I'd say you do have issues about me, since you can't keep my name out of your posts, even when I am not here posting. You could not help but to bring me up, and to have a go at Saint Jiub as well. You have proven that you shit stir, and that's your main reason to be here. |
Iron Butterfly 09.04.2020 05:57 |
snifflese wrote: You said those two spammers and you mentioned SC and me. I don't click on links here (except for Brenski the other day and Brancelli) , so I assume it was me. It is tit for tat around here and I don't curse or say the things that get said to me, so I am not even in the same ball park. I happen to think QAL and Adam are pretty marvelous and I am entitled to my opinion.No, you aren't in the same ballpark. You are worse. |
snifflese 09.04.2020 13:26 |
Can you not read Cosmic's and Juib's posts above where Juib talked about TWO spammers and mentioned my name and SC's? Who do you think he meant by chief minion? The two of you can't be that dumb. I don't spam, however. Cosmic said I have issues with you. Those two things were mentioned before I wrote my post Blame the sh.. stirring on them. That is ALL you ever say, so you proved my point perfectly. That is why it is useless to try to have a dialog with you. That is all you ever say and it isn't especially helpful. Let's not go to worse since I could find really horrid posts from you, but I am not that kind of person. I DO NOT WANT any interaction with you, as everyone knows we don't get along. Go talk to all your little minions. I have had no arguments on here lately until Juib and you return and then it starts again. Cosmic is another loyal agitator. Why can't people who like QAL just talk about it here w/o other people who just want to hate come here and ruin it? This is a fan site at the end of the day and I doubt that Glamberts or anyone really goes over to the Queen threads and just craps on it. Not sure why this part would be any different. The idea is called respect and most of you do not understand that concept at all. I am sure there would be posters here but all this hate and dissension scares people away. They finally have it all sorted out fairly on QOL and you don't make a peep there and never bring up sh... st.. Funny that! |
Iron Butterfly 09.04.2020 19:59 |
snifflese wrote: Can you not read Cosmic's and Juib's posts above where Juib talked about TWO spammers and mentioned my name and SC's? Who do you think he meant by chief minion? The two of you can't be that dumb. I don't spam, however. Cosmic said I have issues with you. Those two things were mentioned before I wrote my post Blame the sh.. stirring on them. That is ALL you ever say, so you proved my point perfectly. That is why it is useless to try to have a dialog with you. That is all you ever say and it isn't especially helpful. Let's not go to worse since I could find really horrid posts from you, but I am not that kind of person. I DO NOT WANT any interaction with you, as everyone knows we don't get along. Go talk to all your little minions. I have had no arguments on here lately until Juib and you return and then it starts again. Cosmic is another loyal agitator. Why can't people who like QAL just talk about it here w/o other people who just want to hate come here and ruin it? This is a fan site at the end of the day and I doubt that Glamberts or anyone really goes over to the Queen threads and just craps on it. Not sure why this part would be any different. The idea is called respect and most of you do not understand that concept at all. I am sure there would be posters here but all this hate and dissension scares people away. They finally have it all sorted out fairly on QOL and you don't make a peep there and never bring up sh... st.. Funny that!LMAO. Yes, i can read. You are the one who brought up my name to have a go at Saint Jiub, even though i e not been posting for a few days. It seems you can't help but to throw insults, even when I'm not posting. Tell you what, when you call out your buddy for the attacks she has said and spread about me, even this thread is proof of that, which is far worse than anything Saint Jiub and MisterCosmicc has ever done, that would be one thing. I have read and caught up on posts here and you are offended, insulted why exactly? You are easily offended, so much so, I think you look for things to be offended by so you can cry foul. Really, you think Glamberts don't ruin Queen threads? There is one person here who has and has done countless of times fit AL in anywhere she could think of. News threads, Elton John threads, the Nile Todgers threads on QOL which turned into places where SweetCaroline spammed about AL. That's just three examples. You are not aware of that. Go look in the biopic thread here on QZ. Funny you are running to me to complain and bitch about what you think two other posters do, while you have no problem with what someone else does blindly defend someone else, no matter what. The irony and mind fuckery from you is obvious. What do you want me to say or do about Saint Jiub and MisterCosmicc exactly? All I see is you crying foul and shit stirring. Oh and by the way, funny that you are using shit stirring in your posts now. |
snifflese 10.04.2020 03:43 |
You forget that I don't consider SC's spamming an issue. My idea of ruining a forum is calling posters nasty names, using ugly names to talk about Adam and trashing Roger and Brian and any other kind of disrespect that seems so prevalent here. Usually the s s in in reference to what you always say!! Cosmic brought you up specifically and I replied to what he said. I didn't mention you just out of the blue! |
Iron Butterfly 10.04.2020 04:30 |
snifflese wrote: You forget that I don't consider SC's spamming an issue. My idea of ruining a forum is calling posters nasty names, using ugly names to talk about Adam and trashing Roger and Brian and any other kind of disrespect that seems so prevalent here. Usually the s s in in reference to what you always say!! Cosmic brought you up specifically and I replied to what he said. I didn't mention you just out of the blue!Of course you don't consider her spamming an issue. No surprise there. Don't come running to me bitching about what you think a couple of other posters do here and cry foul about that. Given your record, that's galling. Yea, MisterCosmicc mentioned me, you could even take your own advice to scroll past that, now could you. Do you forget the time you said I can be the Queen bitch? Or does that not fit your innocent act you try desperately hard to protray yourself as. Thing is, you are worse than a hypocrite, you are a troll who thinks Freddie looked scary, but you gotta defend what AL wears, right? You have trashed Freddie and so has your buddy, so please stop the act that you both are so innocent. Really, this very thread proves what you are like. SMH. You feed of the shit you spew. |
snifflese 10.04.2020 18:39 |
Just for once SHUT UP, Icy. There are always huge issues when you get back on here to post. When you were gone for a few days, it was relatively peaceful and no one really was too offensive. Here you come again and it starts all over. You might think about that! All you do is repeat yourself about past crap and nobody on here cares. At some point people who are adults, put on their big girl pants and STFU about it and move on. I don't usually resort to profanity, but maybe that will catch your eye! |
Iron Butterfly 10.04.2020 19:13 |
snifflese wrote: Just for once SHUT UP, Icy. There are always huge issues when you get back on here to post. When you were gone for a few days, it was relatively peaceful and no one really was too offensive. Here you come again and it starts all over. You might think about that! All you do is repeat yourself about past crap and nobody on here cares. At some point people who are adults, put on their big girl pants and STFU about it and move on. I don't usually resort to profanity, but maybe that will catch your eye!Why can't you shut up?? I wasn't even posting here at all and look who brought my name up to have a go at at another poster. You, that's who. Don't put the blame on me for daring to set your shit straight. Go fuck yourself with your shit. You are worse than a hypocrite, you are unbelievable with the shit you post and spread. |
Iron Butterfly 10.04.2020 19:15 |
snifflese wrote: It is your snarky attitude that offends me. Of course, Queen streams more, sells more, blah, blah, blah and I don't care, I expect that. But you rub it in people's faces with the nasty little remarks, like are they going to play Super Power and you delight in the fact. That is the problem. I am not a member of Adamtopia, never post there, except once or twice for a ticket question years ago and I haven't listened to any music in a month. I don't stream or listen to much of anything, including Adam. I go to concerts and that is about it. So, don't assume things about me. But I don't know a single person like you, thank goodness, and never have met anyone like you and as previously noted, I have known lots of folks from all over in my life. People here are outliers in my experience. Notice the MY? It is just your attitude of glee about anything showing Adam as way inferior to Freddie that just is extremely offensive, like some little kid who has some candy and waves it in front of everyone else. Grow up!Aww, you are offended by a snarky attitude. Lol. |
MisterCosmicc 11.04.2020 19:43 |
M’Supah Powah |