Shane Jazz 08.02.2020 07:49 |
An interesting thing came up as I was thinking about Queen demos that have been leaked in various forms- hardly any of John's compositions have seen the light of day in their embryonic stages. Granted, he wrote less than the others, but no demos of You're My Best Friend, You and I, Another One Bites the Dust, Need Your Loving Tonight and I Want to Break Free have ever emerged. Was he a bit more protective of his babies? |
SpaceGrey 08.02.2020 08:02 |
What? John has long been out of business in QPL. Everyone is ruled by Brian and Roger. |
brENsKi 08.02.2020 09:28 |
i'd say that that he really didn't start writing more than 1-2 songs per LP until the mid-80s. so any demos/outtakes are less likely to surface (statistically) for the songs you mention. |
Nathan H 08.02.2020 12:23 |
He probably knew what he wanted straight away. Or maybe he didn't find the need to overwork or work too hard on them otherwise they could've lost the "magic". |
brENsKi 08.02.2020 12:54 |
Young Music Fan wrote: He probably knew what he wanted straight away. Or maybe he didn't find the need to overwork or work too hard on them otherwise they could've lost the "magic". |
brENsKi 08.02.2020 12:54 |
Young Music Fan wrote:He probably knew what he wanted straight away. Or maybe he didn't find the need to overwork or work too hard on them otherwise they could've lost the "magic".I doubt that is very likely. The writing and recording process isn't like "one-shot" photography - there'd be lots of WIP stuff - especially when you read Deacon's comments on how ANOBTD was constructed. Songs like SYW, YMBF, Misfire, You and I, If You Can't Beat Them and Who Needs You, definitely weren't "one or two take" songs Up until 1980 he was barely getting a "writing" look-in on each LP. So, in addition to the fact that (statistically) there's be less "John" demos than say "Freddie" or "Brian" during the same period, they will still exist somewhere. I'd also suggest that, the fact that he was only getting one or two songs per LP would mean he got "longer" to work on his projects. This would mean more opportunity to rework, which means more time for his ideas = more home demos, meaning more potential revisions. I think another possible fact for not hearing many John compositions in demo form: his retirement. There's more Roger/Brian and Fred stuff appearing in demo/rough mixes on deluxe editions/re-releases, because the "permission" issues are probably easier. John retired in 1998, this may have meant his WIPs may have gone under lock and key - so not as much chances of "Internet Age Leakages" A lot will also depend upon what kind of "publishing deal" John agreed to, and if it ever expired, or is null upon his retirement. In any (still in existence) publishing deal the key may be what control of copyright he waived (e.g. his moral rights – is he able to refuse his song to be used in certain ways?) I've no idea if these are significant considerations, just putting them out there as possibilities for why all those "extra tracks" that see the day on official re-releases don't tend to have many "John" inclusions. Conjecture - I know, but perhaps a combination of these possible factors ? |
matt z 08.02.2020 18:23 |
Chuck Norris had a master. That Master's name was John Deacon. *But seriously... this is a good question for the remaining duo. Who Needs You got a demo released and i actually like the performance better on it. Isn't as polished and it's fun. Maybe he recorded full demos or recorded 5-10 second bites indicating different parts of the song |
aristide1 08.02.2020 19:29 |
After you stupidly explained why there isn't a double album, now you continue in the same vein by explaining why there is no Deacon demo. It seems that you found for yourself a good niche as an expert of what might have been in Queen history, Brenski. |
brENsKi 08.02.2020 22:20 |
aristide1 wrote:After you stupidly explained why there isn't a double album, now you continue in the same vein by explaining why there is no Deacon demo. It seems that you found for yourself a good niche as an expert of what might have been in Queen history, Brenski.ffs - who rattled your padded cell? i said - in much the same way as the "Double Album" Thread - that these were ideas. i don;t claim that what I've typed are facts - just ideas, based on sound reasoning. and the thread you are referring to, i last posted in (just once) in 2005 !!! link - a reply which NO ONE argued with at the time! and even in this thread from December, we had a civil discussion link but seeing as you were so nice, i will give you ONE FACT - you;re a complete and utter moron. |
Negative Creep 09.02.2020 13:08 |
How many home demos are "out there" for ANY Queen songs? |
stevelondon20 09.02.2020 21:52 |
Would love to know |
Nathan H 10.02.2020 08:01 |
Negative Creep wrote: How many home demos are "out there" for ANY Queen songs?I'm not sure that there would be any in the 80s onwards because when they were recording in the studio they were often on their own or at the very least not all there at the same time. However, the 70s especially the earlier albums there may be several recordings, a home recording by Brian in the 60s of White Queen has always rumoured to have existed. |
brENsKi 10.02.2020 22:30 |
Young Music Fan wrote:I wouldn't rule it out completely, well not just yet.Negative Creep wrote:How many home demos are "out there" for ANY Queen songs?I'm not sure that there would be any in the 80s onwards because when they were recording in the studio they were often on their own or at the very least not all there at the same time. However, the 70s especially the earlier albums there may be several recordings, a home recording by Brian in the 60s of White Queen has always rumoured to have existed. Even as recently as 2018, there were Beatles "White Album" demos leaked. so you never know. |
Markman38 11.02.2020 06:55 |
I think there are less demo's of John because wouldn't sing. I can imagine his ideas where more loose because he needed Freddie to give a voice to his ideas |
Negative Creep 11.02.2020 22:45 |
I would imagine there ARE home demos for most songs (whether they still exist is another thing), but I'm not aware of Queen home demos being plentiful - so why would anyone then expect there to be any of John's songs floating about? They all had home studios, and recorded stuff to bring to the band so there's no reason to not imagine there are a lot in the archives. But as shown on the NOTW set - they will not release any, but may produce hybrid songs using different elements of them. |
Supersonic_Man89 14.02.2020 12:49 |
What about the demo of Backchat? |
FriedChicken 17.02.2020 07:44 |
So far I have these demo's/alternate versions/outtakes of John songs my collection. Misfire (guitar outro outtake) If you Can't Beat Them (early version with alternate vocals) You're My Best Friend (Backing Track Mix 2011) (*2011 reissue release) Spread Your Wings (BBC Version) (*Queen on Air release) Spread Your Wings (Alternative Take) (*NOTW 40th Anniversary release) Who Needs You (Acoustic Take) (*NOTW 40th Anniversary release) Back Chat (Early take) Back Chat (alternative mix) Cool Cat (with David Bowie Cool Cat (alternative take with David Bowie) One Year Of Love (25-1-1986, Town House Studio's alternative version with guitar) Rain Must Fall (Vocal slave) My Baby Loves Me (early version of 'My Baby Does Me') My Secret Fantasy (Demo) Not a bad score, is it? |
IanR 23.02.2020 18:20 |
If you Can't Beat Them (early version with alternate vocals) ??? Lucky git! |
MyHumanZoo 24.02.2020 00:20 |
Now that’s a great collection Fried Chicken! |
Sebastian 24.02.2020 10:53 |
FriedChicken wrote: Not a bad score, is it?Especially considering he wrote relatively few songs, so those ones are already a significant percentage. |
aristide1 24.02.2020 14:29 |
Sebastian wrote:I know how much you like scores and percentages but let's face the truth, there are no real "John's songs" to apply your statistics on.FriedChicken wrote: Not a bad score, is it?Especially considering he wrote relatively few songs, so those ones are already a significant percentage. There are only a few lucky riffs and simple tunes thrown into Queen blender over the years, and for which he was generously credited individually, and insanely generous credited globally on the last albums. Maybe that's why John is so resentful, it's hard for him to be considered tolerated. Although he had no problem with cashing the money. |
emrabt 24.02.2020 16:06 |
aristide1 wrote: There are only a few lucky riffs and simple tunes thrown into Queen blender over the years, and for which he was generously credited individually, and insanely generous credited globally on the last albums. Maybe that's why John is so resentful, it's hard for him to be considered tolerated. Although he had no problem with cashing the money.I don't think this is true. |
GAP 27.02.2020 12:37 |
If you Can't Beat Them (early version with alternate vocals). It's one of my favs, any chance for sharing this song, please? |