Shall we all bugger off to Queen Online where it looks like people moderate and care about the place?
(Although there doesn't seem to be a 'serious' forum, it is all watered down stuff in too many forums....)
Actually no. I posted one thing that was negative about A*** L****** and it has been removed so... Go there if you want to be spanked by nuns x
If you absolutely love everything that has the word 'Queen' attached to it then crack on.
Enjoy xx
mooghead wrote:
Actually no. I posted one thing that was negative about A*** L****** and it has been removed so... Go there if you want to be spanked by nuns x
If you absolutely love everything that has the word 'Queen' attached to it then crack on.
Enjoy xx
So we have the confirmed reason why the board was shut down. ANY message board has a back up or archive - they completely deleted the old board. And the new Admin is not JLP who hated QAL and was open about it. It is censorship like in the german Queen forum - only glowing AL reviews are allowed. Rewriting Queen history second stage. First one was the movie
It's not censorship on the german board. It's common practice if someone can't behave himself at all. If this forum here would be moderated properly, you wouldn't be here too.
VfLDOTL wrote:
It's not censorship on the german board. It's common practice if someone can't behave himself at all. If this forum here would be moderated properly, you wouldn't be here too.
It is as the policy is "just be positive about QAL"
mooghead wrote:
Actually no. I posted one thing that was negative about A*** L****** and it has been removed so... Go there if you want to be spanked by nuns x
If you absolutely love everything that has the word 'Queen' attached to it then crack on.
Enjoy xx
How dare you be negative about Adam Lambert. Goatboy was Freddie's favourite singer. Even Paul Rodgers had wet farths meeting him.
mooghead wrote: If you absolutely love everything that has the word 'Queen' attached to it then crack on.
I absolutely love quite a few things (songs) in the 70's that have the word Queen attached.