One of my favourite drummers ever, along with Roger, Cozy Powell and Bonham. All different in their own ways and all equally great. Peart's death is a reminder to enjoy having Roger here while we still can. :( link
I heard the reason for his retirement was due to arthritis, which was completely understandable. Ginger Baker had real issues with old Uncle Art(hritis) the last few years of his life; but when I heard the cause of death for Neil, was brain cancer, that came as a real shock. Losing lots of rock legends it seems.
Mr Mercury wrote:One of my favourite drummers ever, along with Roger, Cozy Powell and Bonham. . Peart's death is a reminder to enjoy having Roger here while we still can. :(
Roger's a good drummer, but not in the same class as Cozy, Bonzo, Moon or Peart.
SweetCaroline wrote:He will be remembered as one of the greatest!
agreed. somewhere, beyond this existence there's the ultimate drummer's jam session going on
Bonham, Capaldi, Moon, Powell, Baker and now Peart.
Their "dead" neighbours will be banging on the walls
Spacey wouldn't be hired to do MY biopic.
Tom Hanks could play the elder Neil.
btw......any comments from either Brian or Roger? Read a great interview from Dave Grohl.
Yes, legend, but disagree over best drummer.
Best drummer goes to one of Bonham, Capaldi, Moon, Powell, or Baker.
Peart was more than a drummer. He was the best percussionist ever.