As we all know the video was made in May and it was Freddie's final time in front of a camera but I was wondering how this video came about in the first place. Was Queen due to release the song as their next single release? But it wasn't then released until after Mercury's death. The Show Must Go On turned out to be the next single release but that wasn't until October, had Queen planned to produce a performance video for that song instead if they knew it was going to be the next single? Or, did they want more calm, relaxing song to suit Freddie's delivery as they knew he was struggling physically at the time? But then why did they produce a video for no obvious outcome?
Bonus fact... Brian wasn't in the same room as the other 3 for this shoot. He shot all his footage on a different day. When there's a '4 shot' Brian was pasted in.
It was for US single release by Hollywood records, so Disney created a animated video link
However only promo radio single was released in US, like I can't live with you (no video) only promo radio single. Interesting fact is that they created also a collage video for Hitman.
Actually it's very sad. The very last queen video and Brian wasnot part of it during the filming. At that time he must have known that it was Freddie's last video. Why did he not postpone his other appointments or commitments ? And did he regret not being there afterwards??
Jekaling wrote:
Actually it's very sad. The very last queen video and Brian wasnot part of it during the filming. At that time he must have known that it was Freddie's last video. Why did he not postpone his other appointments or commitments ? And did he regret not being there afterwards??
I think he may have been doing the promotional tour for the album in America.
He was doing the 'radio tour' in the US, promoting the album and dodging questions about going on tour. Which was his commitment at the time.
The video was made in full knowledge of Freddie's condition so his close up and mid shot stuff was filmed first and pretty much as early and quickly as they could.
This day is what we seem to have the behind the scenes footage from.
Then the Brian stuff was filmed when he got back.
If they'd have waited to start Freddie might not have been alive.
The actual date of the shooting was june 26th 1991. There were several versions made by DoRo and then a promo tape was send to Queen Productions.
Brian\s part wast edited in later on as he was in the US promoting the Innuendo album.
30th of May was when the Freddie stuff was shot, you can see it on the clapper board in the behind the scenes footage.
I read somewhere that Roger and John did some extra bits without Freddie after, like close ups and stuff, but i can't for the life of me remember where, maybe that was filmed in June.
Of course there's always the rumour that Freddie did work after May and actually shot videos for Don't try so hard, Bijou, The Hitman, Delilah, an AIDs awareness PSA, an interview and an album of covers at the Boat house without anyone else (but john deacon) knowing.....
Then found time to talk endlessly with Brian about future plans for the band and how much he loved Paul Rodgers. Followed by watching Waynes World together and casually mentioning which songs he'd really like to be used in Pot Noodle and bathroom cleaner adverts or how he really wants David Bowie to say the Lords Prayer on stage in his honour, but not to the tune of Auld Lang Syne, as Cliff has already got dibs on that.....
I think the only real mystery now is when "Winters Tale" was actually recorded, It's probably some time between December 1990 and April 1991 but as far as i know there's no actual dates given.
Some of these rumours are very old actually. The rumour about a video about AIDS awareness was something I think started by the Daily Mail when he was in his final weeks. As the press were hounding him, the reporters would write anything to sell a story, and one of the things the Daily Mail wrote was that Freddie had given an interview talking about AIDS to them about a week or two before the article was published. Of course, he didn't give an interview, and he died about two weeks after the interview.
The "Don't Try So Hard" rumour was actually on this forum recently remember? I seem to remember though that this too is a very old rumour which pre-dates this forum. It may even have originated in the '90s in the press, and then somehow snowballed.
Anyway the "Days of Our Lives" video was done in the full knowledge it would be his last video, and although bits of it appeared on TV before his death - not to mention there were the promo shots taken at that time which ended up being the Greatest Hits 2 promo shots - I seem to remember reading he didn't want the video to appear in full until after he died - I suspect for privacy reasons for his family.
Clips of the "days of our lives" shoot appear on the intro to Greatest Hits 2, but of course there's really not a full shot of Freddie in colour from that shoot. There's just enough to show the public that he was out working and therefore probably "OK". Enough to keep the press off his back perhaps? I don't know.