I've always felt that Freddie's "Yeah, give it to me" ad-lib during the outro/tag was from a live show but I haven't been able to figure out the exact show.
Obviously there's outtakes from "A Kind Of Magic" and "Living On My Own" but that one ad-lib alludes me.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the reply!
It definitely gives me a Wembley vibe but that could just be because they used the sample that's in "Mother Love".
I emailed Brian. Hopefully he'll reply. I remember someone asking him years ago on his SoapBox about the "A Kind Of Magic" samples in "IWBTLY" and he said something along the lines of, "Yes, there's lots of little surprises in there".
It's going to continue to bug me if we don't find out.
I've always assumed it was just an unused outtake from something. There would be plenty of unused ad libs from Freddie on songs they recorded in the studio to choose from so there's not much reason to assume it's anything other than that. Plus it doesn't sound like it's from a live show sooooooo
Thanks for the great replies, everyone.
I've skimmed through both Wembley's at the most likely call and response moments and haven't found it.
Next: Budapest!
One reason this interests me so much is that it points to the possibility of more Magic Tour multitracks existing.
Music Geek Alert:
My case for calling this a Magic Tour vocal is that Freddie's voice has the characteristic rasp of live '86 without the frogginess of live '84. Also, the wireless (Sony?) microphone he was using had a slightly deeper or "low/mid frequency emphasized" sound than the silver Unisphere that he used at the piano(which I felt suited his voice better). You can hear this on "In The Lap Of The Gods" from Wembley where he uses both microphones during that song.
Brian hasn't emailed me back, yet.
Everyone:Email Brian about this most important question
Ready? GO!!!
We'll get to the bottom of this, or I'll eat my hat (or reasonable facsimile crafted from actual edible foodstuffs)
While we're on this topic, can somebody detect the Freddie's sample from 'Shove it' which starts on 2:36 (the link is below)? Sounds like a post-AKOM vocal, so it's definitely from era predating Miracle sessions or something from the very early stages of it.
PS it's neither from 'Gimme the Prize' nor 'Princes of the Universe' link
pietrek wrote:
While we're on this topic, can somebody detect the Freddie's sample from 'Shove it' which starts on 2:36 (the link is below)? Sounds like a post-AKOM vocal, so it's definitely from era predating Miracle sessions or something from the very early stages of it.
PS it's neither from 'Gimme the Prize' nor 'Princes of the Universe'
My guess is he recorded it in the same sessions as Heaven For EVeryone