Do you not realize that what you’re doing right now is worse than what he is doing? Stop spamming. Your meaningless threads are drowning out any real conversation that happens here.
I love the way you call me Martin, it’s amusing. It’s probably due to the fact that you can’t figure out my identity.
You are so butthurt =)
What’s even more hilarious is that once you were a contributing member on the page, and then you became so butthurt over Runner’s criticism on the new Mr. Bad Guy mixes, that you spam the page like a child, demanding that he be banned. Grow up. Go focus on your wife/girlfriend, I’m sure she’d enjoy your attention more than the page enjoys it.
MisterCosmicc wrote:
I love the way you call me Martin, it’s amusing. It’s probably due to the fact that you can’t figure out my identity.
You are so butthurt =)
What’s even more hilarious is that once you were a contributing member on the page, and then you became so butthurt over Runner’s criticism on the new Mr. Bad Guy mixes, that you spam the page like a child, demanding that he be banned. Grow up. Go focus on your wife/girlfriend, I’m sure she’d enjoy your attention more than the page enjoys it.
I think you misread. But I can call you Martin if you like?....
Hey, Martin! Go write some more blogs online. That's your music credentials right there... writing blogs LOL * Facepalm *