Metropolis 31.10.2019 19:34 |
Metropolis 31.10.2019 19:35 |
Sorry, accidental submission. I was going to say, Brian and roger pretty much hated it, but it was definitely an efficient way to promote a single. |
SweetCarolina 31.10.2019 19:50 |
ok |
dysan 31.10.2019 20:09 |
It's always been a great cross section of the times. Just depends if you liked the times :) You might find this interesting: link |
mooghead 31.10.2019 20:18 |
They might have hated it but 20 million people watched it. Best promotion you could wish for for on the early/mid 70's. |
runner_70 31.10.2019 20:50 |
mooghead wrote: They might have hated it but 20 million people watched it. Best promotion you could wish for for on the early/mid 70's.It obviously worked well for them. SUre they hated playback stuff. Remember San Remo when Freddie did not even try to hide it that it is playback? Funny show that was |
dysan 01.11.2019 07:51 |
I think in the early days as there was such animosity towards them as a joke band they felt miming would only feed that. They turned in some great mimed stuff over the years. |
dudeofqueen 01.11.2019 12:28 |
They all possibly objected to the fact that the DJ's used to present the programs were all fucking children or corpses or a mixture of both, whilst on salary all paid for by the British taxpayer. |
The Fairy King 01.11.2019 16:05 |
dudeofqueen wrote: They all possibly objected to the fact that the DJ's used to present the programs were all fucking children or corpses or a mixture of both, whilst on salary all paid for by the British taxpayer.I can't imagine they all knew it back then right? I'd like to think they would've objected a little louder than bitching about plastic cymbals and miming... |
dysan 01.11.2019 21:42 |
Fair point. |
Star* 02.11.2019 12:14 |
Brian & Roger also hated "The X-Factor" calling it "manufactured rubbish" and 3 years later they played on the show, hypocrites or what ? |
runner_70 02.11.2019 12:41 |
Jazz+ wrote: Brian & Roger also hated "The X-Factor" calling it "manufactured rubbish" and 3 years later they played on the show, hypocrites or what ?Good point :) "C-lebrity" was a fitting song |
Day dop 02.11.2019 12:48 |
runner_70 wrote:. And to get the record straight: The guy NEVER EVER posted in the QAL section. Not a single time.So you're bullshitting as per usual. I've posted in there quite a few times. I'm sure others might recall me saying I find Lambert's voice to be thin, harsh, and grating. I've said it a few times, however, unlike you, I don't go on there every day, year after year. To say I have never ever posted on there is total bullshit. Who is Sweet Caroline replying to here then? link I'd also commented on the Queen+AL section in September on the Brian's Lost It Again thread. You're full of shit, as per usual, Martin. runner_70 wrote:. He did not post in the normal forums as well for quite a while.Oh really? This is also completely wrong. Not that how many times I post on here makes any odds. This thread by me, asking if this forum has picked up many new members since the Bohemian Rhapsody movie, as well as other threads, was "quite a while ago", was it? Oh yeah, Because September is "quite a while" ago in your pea brain, right? link runner_70 wrote: The first time he saw me on here was when I said I did not like the MBG remix.Your bullshit has already been debunked, you dumb shit. There's threads where you've replied to me on there. I've been aware of your clownish trolling for years. runner_70 wrote:. He overreacted there as well and got obsessed by his "elite" opinion and namecalled me and others who did not share his view.You are such a liar. It was YOU who resorted to name calling as you didn't like my view. You made a judgement from listening to an MP3 on the internet, whereas I'd bought the CD and listened to it on a decent stereo. Oh, that's "elite" to you, and because of such, you resorted to name calling, as per usual. You also didn't like it as the vast majority regarded the new version as an improvement. You wanted to control the narrative and you couldn't. You were repeatedly proved wrong. Therefore you began name calling and trolling. runner_70 wrote:. He singled me out and saw himself as some kind of "spokesperson" for the Glamberts, about who he did not care for at all until now. SO it was just an excuse for having a go at me. He did not even see me before posting on here.More bullshit from you. You didn't like the remix, and you couldn't accept that the majority liked it, you couldn't control the narrative, so you started name calling and trolling. And once again you're wrong. Pointing out your obsessive behaviour regarding Lambert and his fans FOR YEARS AND YEARS does not equate to appointing myself as the spokesperson for Glamberts, you uneducated dunce. runner_70 wrote:. He surely has a mental illness and I almost pity the guy. He was screaming for attention and was desperate if I did not answer him. See how he namecalled those who did not share his views on here as well.Mental illness is rich coming from someone who has an unhealthy obsession over a pop start and has spent years and years on a forum trolling his fans. What does that say about you? Not days, but YEARS. You're such an uneducated, illiterate dunce. runner_70 wrote:. I hope they found an IP ban so far. He is reading this now and tomorrow it will be Groundhog day again - I hope not.You don't know much about the internet, do you? |
Star* 02.11.2019 17:56 |
Brian & Roger are so two faced they have changed from the two humble young men that they were with Freddie to arrogant couldnt give a fuck men. Adam Lambert has turned there attitudes to sour hard face men. |
runner_70 02.11.2019 18:06 |
Jazz+ wrote: Brian & Roger are so two faced they have changed from the two humble young men that they were with Freddie to arrogant couldnt give a fuck men. Adam Lambert has turned there attitudes to sour hard face men.Who can blame them. They have become the SImmons and Stanley of whats left of Queen. Sad to watch. See their ripoff merchandise and their ticket prices. And the Maylor Sheep eat everything up. Who would have thought that it might end this way. They were untouchable until 1991. And now this.... |
Star* 02.11.2019 18:11 |
Yeah it is very sad indeed to see May & Taylor humiliate themselves in this way, i thought they were very classy up until they got desperate taking Adam Lambert on board and then trashing Queen and loosing a hell of a lot of fans by the wayside. Seems the best bands never did reform because they just left what they reaped and left it at that. (Smart move that) |
brENsKi 27.11.2019 15:51 |
Jazz+ wrote: Yeah it is very sad indeed to see May & Taylor humiliate themselves in this way, i thought they were very classy up until they got desperate taking Adam Lambert on board and then trashing Queen and loosing a hell of a lot of fans by the wayside. Seems the best bands never did reform because they just left what they reaped and left it at that. (Smart move that)i think you'll find that many of the world's biggest rock bands have changed lineup/reformed and continued (successfully) many times: Beatles (12), Stones (5), Eagles (10), ac/dc (11), Who (5), Floyd (5), Fleetwood Mac (7), Purple (9), Rainbow (9), ELO (7), Thin Lizzy (8). Ten bands - and I count 80+ line-up changes (The Beatles from 62-70 had a 12 changes) gasman...Gasman...G-A-S-M-A-N ! |
Star* 27.11.2019 19:20 |
Sure many bands have reformed but they were your average run of the mill bands and never had Freddie Mercury as lead singer who was arguably exceptional. |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 11:39 |
Jazz+ wrote:Sure many bands have reformed but they were your average run of the mill bands and never had Freddie Mercury as lead singer who was arguably exceptional.never let the truth get in the way of your BS eh? CERTIFIED WORLDWIDE SALES: Beatles - 280,000, 000 Eagles - 149,000, 000 Queen - 144,000,000 gasman...Gasman...G-A-S-M-A-N ! |
Star* 28.11.2019 11:49 |
Actually Queen have sold over 300 million sales. Greatest Hits by Queen is the biggest selling album here in the UK ever by any band! |
Thistle 28.11.2019 12:53 |
I think you're quoting Wikipedia, Jazz+, which actually states that ESTIMATES are between 170m and 300m. Quite a big difference between the lower and upper estimates lol. Just a couple of years ago, Queen GH was sitting at around 25m sales worldwide. The same wiki pages you're reading from also put The Beatles, Elvis, MJ and Elton in the top four, with even Taylor Swift and Eminem selling more than Queen. In arguably the biggest market (the US), the top selling artists are The Beatles, Elvis, The Eagles, Billy Joel, MJ and Elton. It doesn't really matter what list I've looked at in recent times, it's the same set of artists occupying the top spots (even if their positions on that list differ from time to time). |
Star* 28.11.2019 14:25 |
If you look at Queen's Greatest Hits on vinyl there is a sticker on it saying it is the Uks biggest selling album ever. Quite an achievement and makes me so proud to be a Queen fan. Leaves The Beatles and anyone else in the shade ! |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 14:58 |
Thistle wrote: I think you're quoting Wikipedia, Jazz+, which actually states that ESTIMATES are between 170m and 300m. Quite a big difference between the lower and upper estimates lol. Just a couple of years ago, Queen GH was sitting at around 25m sales worldwide. The same wiki pages you're reading from also put The Beatles, Elvis, MJ and Elton in the top four, with even Taylor Swift and Eminem selling more than Queen. In arguably the biggest market (the US), the top selling artists are The Beatles, Elvis, The Eagles, Billy Joel, MJ and Elton. It doesn't really matter what list I've looked at in recent times, it's the same set of artists occupying the top spots (even if their positions on that list differ from time to time).and Jizz+ is also confusing two very different sales columns - one being "claimed sales" and the other being "certified" only certified sales actually count but if Jizz+ want's to go by claimed sales - which is where he gets Queen's 300 million from, then he should also look at the same column for Elvis, Michael Jackson, Eagles - who all beat Queen's claimed 300 million by quite some distance...and at the top of that list? BEATLES = 600 ,million + |
Vocal harmony 28.11.2019 15:09 |
Thistle wrote: I think you're quoting Wikipedia, Jazz+, which actually states that ESTIMATES are between 170m and 300m. Quite a big difference between the lower and upper estimates lol. Just a couple of years ago, Queen GH was sitting at around 25m sales worldwide. The same wiki pages you're reading from also put The Beatles, Elvis, MJ and Elton in the top four, with even Taylor Swift and Eminem selling more than Queen. In arguably the biggest market (the US), the top selling artists are The Beatles, Elvis, The Eagles, Billy Joel, MJ and Elton. It doesn't really matter what list I've looked at in recent times, it's the same set of artists occupying the top spots (even if their positions on that list differ from time to time).This ^^^. The sad fact for anyone quoting sales figures as proof of levels of success is that Queen studio album sales lag quite a way behind a lot of the biggest artists In The States there album sale were never on a similar level to Pink Floyd, Zeppilin, Fleetwood Mac and the others you have listed. . World wide the figures look better but it was Greatest Hits that really sold in huge numbers and it is hat album that raised there recorded profile. The 170 to 300 million sales figures are quoted as record sales not just album sales, so probably include singles too. Yes they have a couple of years in The States of major success but failed to build on it and never progressed beyond playing arena venues, so many other bands went a lot further. |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 16:18 |
Vocal harmony wrote:This ^^^. The sad fact for anyone quoting sales figures as proof of levels of success is that Queen studio album sales lag quite a way behind a lot of the biggest artists In The States there album sale were never on a similar level to Pink Floyd, Zeppilin, Fleetwood Mac and the others you have listed. . World wide the figures look better but it was Greatest Hits that really sold in huge numbers and it is hat album that raised there recorded profile. The 170 to 300 million sales figures are quoted as record sales not just album sales, so probably include singles too. Yes they have a couple of years in The States of major success but failed to build on it and never progressed beyond playing arena venues, so many other bands went a lot further.even more staggering, that Zep and Floyd were not singles bands - therefore their worldwide sales numbers are solely albums - without the benefit/boost of singles promoting each LP. so, in reality a huge slice of Queen's sales numbers were singles - therefore the sales revue is diluted. for example (for Gerry): for every 100 records sold Zep/Floyd record sales = 100 LPs = £500 Queen record sales - (likely) 60LPs + 40 singles = £340 |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 16:30 |
Jazz+ wrote: If you look at Queen's Greatest Hits on vinyl there is a sticker on it saying it is the Uks biggest selling album ever. Quite an achievement and makes me so proud to be a Queen fan. Leaves The Beatles and anyone else in the shade !I hardly think Greatest hits albums count in isolation. Queen and the Beatles have released many Greatest Hits compilations. You'd need to add up combined sales of ALL of them to make a fairer comparison. So, when you've combined certified (not claimed) UK sales figures for: GH, GHII, GHIII, Queen Rocks, Absolute Greatest, Deep Cuts 1, 2, & 3, Forever, Platinum Collection, Liver Killers, On Fire, Montreal, at the Beeb, On Air, Hungarian Rhapsody, Live magic, Live at Wembley, Rainbow, Hammy Odeon vs Hollywood Bowl, Live at Beeb, On Air, Essential Beatles, Greatest Hits, Red Album, Blue Album, 20 golden hits, rock n roll music, past masters 1, past masters 2, number 1s, anthology 1, 2, 3, One, Love then you'll have an accurate compilation comparison Moreover, - you should be comparing like for like. Beatles biggest selling original LPs (UK figures) Sgt Pepper 4.5m Abbey Road 3.2m Rubber Soul 2.5m White album 2.2m blue Queen's biggest selling original LP (UK figures) blue so queen's biggest-selling original recording doesn't even match the Beatles 5th best selling original LP. One final point in this argument: Sgt Pepper sold 4.5m in the UK - without any single included to promote it. Queen's Greatest Hits had 17 singles promoting it! another reason why YOUR comparison just doesn't work. |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 17:09 |
well, Gerry - unlike yourself - I don't post statements that can't be backed up with actual facts. I've had a quiet afternoon, so, I've managed to seek out the WORLDWIDE total album sales list for the biggest sellers: For a band who had one album sell 25 million (to date), Queen are surprisingly way down the list. Beatles album sales more than double that of Queen - which for a band that had only half the recording life of Queen's is quite incredible. Even Rihanna (who's been around (10 minutes, comparatively) to Queen, has out-sold Queen. Top-selling artists worldwide from 1954 to 2016, based on certified album sales (in millions) The Beatles - 257.7 Elvis Presley - 206.8 Michael Jackson - 169.7 Madonna - 164.4 Elton John - 159.4 Led Zeppelin - 137.2 Garth Brooks - 135.8 U2 - 135.6 Mariah Carey - 128.3 Eagles - 125.8 Celine Dion - 120.8 Pink Floyd - 114.1 Rihanna - 114.0 Whitney Houston - 110.2 AC/DC - 108.7 Billy Joel - 98.8 Bruce Springsteen - 97 Queen - 95.6 Barbara Streisand - 95.1 The Rolling Stones - 93.9 © Statista 2019 |
Star* 28.11.2019 17:13 |
Brenski Out of date figures are just not good enough and very outdated. In fact you are the one going about sales figures and not me. You should contact many authors of Queen biographies and tell them that they are wrong and you are right including the Queen fan club, fool. |
The Circle of Eidolon 28.11.2019 17:53 |
Jazz+ wrote: Brenski Out of date figures are just not good enough and very outdated. In fact you are the one going about sales figures and not me. You should contact many authors of Queen biographies and tell them that they are wrong and you are right including the Queen fan club, fool.We The Circle of Eidolon have read this thread and now feel we should ask Jazz+a question. What year are you, Jazz+, living in? We ask this because the post you are answering contains figures published this year. Are you a time traveler or able to jump parallel universes. If you believe the figures to be out dated you clearly don't belong in 2019. . . . . You Jazz+ have proven yet again you lack the capacity to learn and understand. The Circle of Eidolon has spoken and yet again you Jazz+ have failed. We require no answer, there is no argument. |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 19:13 |
Jizz+ wrote: Brenski Out of date figures are just not good enough and very outdated.the figures provided are from 2019. try to read and digest. (see below) [color=brown] brENsKi wrote: Billy Joel - 98.8, Bruce Springsteen - 97, Queen - 95.6, Barbara Streisand - 95.1, The Rolling Stones - 93.9 [/color] red Jizz+ wrote:In fact you are the one going about sales figures and not me. You should contact many authors of Queen biographies and tell them that they are wrong and you are right including the Queen fan club, fool.YOU referred to sales at least twice in this thread alone - let me remind you (see below) Jizz+ wrote: green Jizz+ wrote:blueat this point in time, you are clearly so moth-like in your attention span that you can't even remember/follow your own argument/points. idiotic (at best) and severely lacking (at worst). |
AlbaNo1 28.11.2019 21:01 |
This list shows Queen as the 7 th biggest certified selling rock band. Uncertified sales will clearly put sales well over 100m. A rest of the world sales figure could be worked out by deducting US sales figures . I think on rest of the world figures Queen up to top two, We can do a lot with stats . And these don’t include the new formats like Spotify. But even taking these indisputable figure on this list Queen are ahead of The Stones and The Who. That’s the marker . Not Rihanna. And as for U2. I don’t want that conversation.Queen are the least American act on the list apart from Pink Floyd. |
brENsKi 28.11.2019 23:10 |
AlbaNo1 wrote: This list shows Queen as the 7 th biggest certified selling rock band. Uncertified sales will clearly put sales well over 100m. A rest of the world sales figure could be worked out by deducting US sales figures . I think on rest of the world figures Queen up to top two, I don’t want that conversation.Queen are the least American act on the list apart from Pink Floyd.most surprising thing about this list, for me? No Bowie. |
Thistle 29.11.2019 00:10 |
Out of date figures are out-dated? That's a cracking argument, Gerry. I'm not having a go (really) but Brenski, VH, Alba and Circle of Eidolon are correct. Your love for Queen is not in question, but you do need to see the bigger picture. |
ggo1 29.11.2019 06:06 |
Whatever the accurate sales figures, Queen are among the top selling artists of all time, worldwide, and possibly #1 in the UK, but definitely top 3. Thats pretty good. There's plenty of great artists who don't come close. Such as my 2nd, 3rd and 4th favourite bands who would all love to have sold just 5% of what Queen have done. Bowie not being on the list is hardly a surprise, he is critically acclaimed but apart from let's dance never had a mega selling album. I say that as a Bowie fan. Also who really gives a fuck, it isn't a sport, it's art. The biggest selling movies of all time are not the best movies ever made. Made in Heaven is Queens biggest selling non compilation, There's not many of us who think it's the best. The best selling Beatles album is sergeant pepper but it's not as good as the white album, Abbey road or revolver. (IMHO) Bowie sold less in his career than Alabama and only a fraction of what Garth Brooks sold. Sales figures and who's best artistically don't really compare. If sales figures mean so much, listen to Bieber, Luis Fonsi (whoever the fuck he is), Rhianna and BTS. They have outsold everyone else this year. Oh and Drake. Anyhow, Brian and Roger are ridiculously rich, and they thank you for your continued support in keeping them that way. If they'd only sold 25% of the records we think they have... Brian and Roger would still be very rich and would thank you for your continued support. |
ggo1 29.11.2019 06:06 |
Whatever the accurate sales figures, Queen are among the top selling artists of all time, worldwide, and possibly #1 in the UK, but definitely top 3. Thats pretty good. There's plenty of great artists who don't come close. Such as my 2nd, 3rd and 4th favourite bands who would all love to have sold just 5% of what Queen have done. Bowie not being on the list is hardly a surprise, he is critically acclaimed but apart from let's dance never had a mega selling album. I say that as a Bowie fan. Also who really gives a fuck, it isn't a sport, it's art. The biggest selling movies of all time are not the best movies ever made. Made in Heaven is Queens biggest selling non compilation, There's not many of us who think it's the best. The best selling Beatles album is sergeant pepper but it's not as good as the white album, Abbey road or revolver. (IMHO) Bowie sold less in his career than Alabama and only a fraction of what Garth Brooks sold. Sales figures and who's best artistically don't really compare. If sales figures mean so much, listen to Bieber, Luis Fonsi (whoever the fuck he is), Rhianna and BTS. They have outsold everyone else this year. Oh and Drake. Anyhow, Brian and Roger are ridiculously rich, and they thank you for your continued support in keeping them that way. If they'd only sold 25% of the records we think they have... Brian and Roger would still be very rich and would thank you for your continued support. |
Star* 29.11.2019 11:29 |
@Thistle Brenski has the brass neck to present figures from some silly Statista survey, and i cannot honestly see AC/DC or U2 selling more than Queen. Different sources tell a much different story depending what side of the pond you are on. |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 12:05 |
Jazz+ wrote: @Thistle Brenski has the brass neck to present figures from some silly Statista survey, and i cannot honestly see AC/DC or U2 selling more than Queen. Different sources tell a much different story depending what side of the pond you are's NOT a survey, you dimwit. It's actual (non-wiki claimed) sales figures. If you had a functioning brain and were even half aware of the world around your "cabbage-induced coma", you'd be aware that the following will constitute a huge amount of those two bands total sales: AC/DC four biggest sellers total 73m Back In Black - 40m (22m USA alone) Highway to Hell - 13m Dirty Deeds - 11m Razor's Edge - 9m U2s four biggest sellers total 72m ¦ Joshua Tree : ~25m ¦ Achtung Baby : ~17m ¦ Best of 1980-90 : ~16m ¦ Rattle & Hum : ~14m but you knew all of this anyway, and everyone here knows you will refute it, regardless. and we all know why - because being an utterly impossible cockhead is your sole purpose in life. |
Star* 29.11.2019 12:21 |
@Brenski Please do not speak to me in that manner your not at work now you wanker. |
Star* 29.11.2019 12:24 |
If that is the way you go on at home your brother and father are better of fucking dead than dealing with you. |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 12:26 |
Jazz+ wrote:If that is the way you go on at home your brother and father are better of fucking dead than dealing with you.I'm quoting this so that you can't delete it later. anyone anywhere bothered enough to do something about this "person" ? I know there's not exactly any moderation here, but, seriously? |
Star* 29.11.2019 12:32 |
You know what to do then dont ya Fuck off again for 5 more years looser |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 12:33 |
Jazz+ wrote: @Brenski Please do not speak to me in that manner red not at work nowredyou wanker.fixed it for you. |
Star* 29.11.2019 12:35 |
See you cannot help yourself can you i pity you ! If only your own life was as perfect at correcting a spelling mistake eh! |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 12:39 |
Jazz+ wrote:See you cannot help yourself can you i pity you ! If only your own life was as perfect at correcting a spelling mistake eh!Gerry pities me - my life is over. Home bought and paid for - a long time ago, 2 or 3 foreign holidays a year, loving wife and son, great circle of friends, six-years semi retired (on full index-linked Civil Service pension), working 3 mornings a week. Seriously, fella - my life is terrible - i don't know how I manage from day to day. |
Star* 29.11.2019 13:16 |
Trouble with you is you have too much time on your hands so you come on here been arrogant and your head up your arse. Instead of been a pain on here try helping your wife with the housework or shopping and try to be a nice person. I am not usually nasty but you have been so bitter towards me that i have to defend myself. I am a Scorpio and eventually anyone that crosses me will get stung! |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 13:33 |
Jazz+ wrote:I am a Scorpio and eventually anyone that crosses me will get stung!This ^ says it all really - or everything EVERYONE here needs to know about you Gerry. You genuinely believe in astrology. Astrology - that bizarre concept that tens of millions of people (worldwide) that only share the same date of birth, also share the same personality traits? You subscribe to the notion that the position of Antares on the ecliptic, somehow predestines your whole being? Utter nonsense! The best one can surmise from this latest "Gerevelation" is that you have a lot in common with Mystic Meg, Russell Brand et al: You all talk through Uranus |
Star* 29.11.2019 14:00 |
That is your opinion but many do believe in zodiac signs, because the earth is a positive force and we as humans have positive forces too it really is a very deep and specialist subject and there is more too it than just reading someones column in the newspapers. Astrology is another interesting subject but i guess you are very negative about that too? |
. 29.11.2019 14:12 |
What's all this got to do with Mike Smith? |
brENsKi 29.11.2019 14:22 |
Jazz+ wrote: That is your opinion but many do believe in zodiac signs, because the earth is a positive force and we as humans have positive forces too it really is a very deep and specialist subject and there is more too it than just reading someones column in the newspapers. Astrology is another interesting subject but i guess you are very negative about that too?Astrology is not real. You've got more chance of seeing the Tooth Fairy, Father Christmas, Shergar and Saskwatch drinking in the same pub, than astrology being proven to be anything but guesswork with "flowery words". Astrology is the fallback of those who refuse to be accountable for their own words and deeds. |