runner_70 16.10.2019 18:40 |
link "Fuck you all the way to the bank"? A few Weeks ago May told the press that they had not seen one $ in return from the movie. Damn hippocrite. MAylor have become the Simmons/Stanley of Queen. But those two at least don't hide that they are money hungry. Maylor have desecrated the Queen legay with this atrocious movie and with this tool on the microphone with whom they pretend that they are still "Queen" which they are clearly NOT! The movie was successful because of the great music ONLY. It was full of lies and whitewashed May and Taylor. May has a huge ego problem since day one and he was always jealous of Freddie. I think he got off on that scene where the movie-Freddie is begging him to get back into the band. I hated this film and this scene especially! And I am a Queen fan since 1980. Roger has become as annoying like his guitar playing sidekick. A real grumpy arrogant twat |
Biggest Band On The Planet 16.10.2019 21:20 |
If your mega rich it makes sense to play down your wealth otherwise you would have people asking you for money all the time. Like what if someone who works for the band ask them for a "loan" for 10k. How could they say no when 10k is nothing to them. It would be like 10 pounds or 10 penny's to a normal person. |
scottmax 17.10.2019 07:13 |
You’re obsessed mate You need other things going on in your life other than queenzone Maybe see a doctor about your issues? |
Cruella de Vil 17.10.2019 08:53 |
"Roger has become as annoying like his guitar playing sidekick" Who on earth is this? Secondly, I recall Roger's Fun In Space album had some reference to "if you don't like this album, sod you" while Freddie dedicated his solo album to his cats. So I don't think Brian has sole right to 'arrogance'. Brian and Roger have been involved in Rock scene for well over 50 years. Let them enjoy the ride. Roger has never hinted at any reluctance to to bathe in the rock star lifestyle, so I see no hypocrisy. |
stevelondon20 17.10.2019 10:02 |
Runner needs to seriously chill out! |
Queenman!! 17.10.2019 10:19 |
I think Peter Hince has said it... it’s Hollywood entertainment. It was so easy to get the stage right but they screwed it. Wrong piano, deacon guitars, deacon amps, drumkit. Pfff |
oligneisti 17.10.2019 13:55 |
I would expect that Roger is referring to the amount of money that the movie grossed rather than money he himself has (or hasn't) earned from it. |
Theaterpup 17.10.2019 14:31 |
Queen has always been loud and proud, I'm not sure why this is continuing a shock to some fans. |
Queen Fan MS 18.10.2019 04:19 |
@Theaterpup - I have seen your name in several queen and queen related you tube videos, in the comments section. Are you the same person? Welcome to QZ. |
matt z 18.10.2019 18:16 |
The movie sucked @$$ and Rami's portrayal was borderline comical... but there were like 2 good dramatic scenes. The wigs and props were pretty bad though... never mind the completely changed story/scenario. They don't even show how hard the band worked. Freddie as a tone deaf... "higher! higher!" (louder isn't higher, nor is it a pitch.) God, that movie stunk. I was expecting it to be campy bad.... Aww... why'd you remind me of the movie again? LOL |
Theaterpup 18.10.2019 19:47 |
@Queen Fan MS Oh yes that's me, lol. Thanks! @matt z They're not saying he's tone deaf, they're saying he's a perfectionist. And the audience isn't thinking about whether it's louder or higher, it works because audiences have always wondered what the heck the song was about, it's funny to see the band doing it too. A lot of the movie is like that, appealing to the public's shared impression of Queen over the years. That's why it was so successful. |
runner_70 18.10.2019 20:25 |
matt z wrote: The movie sucked @$$ and Rami's portrayal was borderline comical... but there were like 2 good dramatic scenes. The wigs and props were pretty bad though... never mind the completely changed story/scenario. They don't even show how hard the band worked. Freddie as a tone deaf... "higher! higher!" (louder isn't higher, nor is it a pitch.) God, that movie stunk. I was expecting it to be campy bad.... Aww... why'd you remind me of the movie again? LOLIt was the biggest shit I ever saw in a theater. And I watched it two times with friends because I already had tickets (once the original version and then the german version). Hated both with passion. Worst thing was that everyone seemed to like it and cheered after the movie. A real WTF moment after Freddie was humiliated in this crap flick. EVen worse than QAL and that says something |
runner_70 18.10.2019 20:27 |
Theaterpup wrote: @Queen Fan MS Oh yes that's me, lol. Thanks! @matt z They're not saying he's tone deaf, they're saying he's a perfectionist. And the audience isn't thinking about whether it's louder or higher, it works because audiences have always wondered what the heck the song was about, it's funny to see the band doing it too. A lot of the movie is like that, appealing to the public's shared impression of Queen over the years. That's why it was so successful.I do not think ANYONE saw Freddie as an unreliable prick always late in the studio begging Saint Brian to get back into the band. NEVER! |
Theaterpup 18.10.2019 20:54 |
@runner_70 Here's something I've been curious about: If you think the depiction of Freddie was so unflattering, then what exactly is your impression of people who did like the movie? Do they enjoy seeing Freddie look bad? Do you think they just don't get it somehow? |
john bodega 19.10.2019 06:13 |
I actually liked the movie for its unintentional comedy. Of course a movie primarily pushed by Brian is going to have a virtual clone playing him on the screen, but Freddie gets a guy that looks like he just got stuck with the virus from Resident Evil. |
runner_70 19.10.2019 07:39 |
Theaterpup wrote: @runner_70 Here's something I've been curious about: If you think the depiction of Freddie was so unflattering, then what exactly is your impression of people who did like the movie? Do they enjoy seeing Freddie look bad? Do you think they just don't get it somehow?Most people who like the movie are casuals. Those who hate it are diehards. And those being diehards loving it - i really cannot figure out why as it is so obvious what Maylor were trying to do: Whitewashing themselves and insultng Freddie. The movie is a total shame. WOrst thing is that those who were not familiar with QUeen history before take the movie for real. I heard lots of freinds going like "Wow he did live Aid even though he was that ill" or "Oh Freddie lived a total sad life". B U L L S H I T. But the effect this shitfest of a movie has |
runner_70 19.10.2019 07:40 |
john bodega wrote: I actually liked the movie for its unintentional comedy. Of course a movie primarily pushed by Brian is going to have a virtual clone playing him on the screen, but Freddie gets a guy that looks like he just got stuck with the virus from Resident Evil.LMAO. Good one. I thought he was Bugs Bunny going to a costume show dressed as Freddie. "Unintentional comedy" hits it! Too bad it is not funny at all! |
Theaterpup 19.10.2019 12:33 |
@runner_70 Even if they’re casuals they’d be able to tell if a character in a movie is written to be unflattering. And I’ve seen that happen in biopics and biographies, people saying “I don’t like so and so after seeing that.” I haven’t seen that happen with Bo Rhap. Exactly the opposite. And if Maylor wanted to insult Freddie, I think they would have just come out and done it over the years. Or just not participated in tributes, etc. They wouldn’t go out of their way at the 11th hour to make a movie, heh. @john bodega And I like the movie because it’s intentionally funny. It’s not a pretentious drama like most biopics tend to be. |
PrimeJiveUSA 21.10.2019 19:50 |
Almost positive Roger is alluding to how successful the movie has been. Brian and Roger were only Executive MUSIC Producers on the film so there will be little money coming their way from the film itself. Now, they have benefited from the increase in record sales and concert tickets but not the film. Graham King and 20th Century Fox are the two big recipients of the profits. I have to laugh at the tabloids reporting a windfall for Roger, Brian, John and Mary of TENS OF MILLIONS. LOL. No...those profits rightly go to those who have a financial stake in the film which Queen certainly don't. |
runner_70 21.10.2019 20:59 |
PrimeJiveUSA wrote: Almost positive Roger is alluding to how successful the movie has been. Brian and Roger were only Executive MUSIC Producers on the film so there will be little money coming their way from the film itself. Now, they have benefited from the increase in record sales and concert tickets but not the film. Graham King and 20th Century Fox are the two big recipients of the profits. I have to laugh at the tabloids reporting a windfall for Roger, Brian, John and Mary of TENS OF MILLIONS. LOL. No...those profits rightly go to those who have a financial stake in the film which Queen certainly don't.You think they gave their music to the film for free??? No doubt they have to be taking part in the movie's success and get a huge cut. If not Jib Beach screwed up with the contract. Don't believe everything Maylor cater - it is vice versa: You can hardly believe any of the recent crap anymore. |
Theaterpup 23.10.2019 14:36 |
@runner_70 Business isn't as cut and dry as all that. |
PrimeJiveUSA 23.10.2019 15:04 |
@Theaterpup Thank you...especially the movie "business". Movie studios are notorious ate notorious for all kinds of shady "accounting" where it is hard for anyone outside of the studio and the film's producers to get a bite at the profits. Anyways...having your music in a film does not get you a "huge chunk" of a film's profits. LOL. The only people that get a "huge chunk" of a film's profits are those that have a financial stake of INVESTMENT in the film. Only other case ate mega-star actors that are able to get an agreement for a certain % of profits on the back end. Having your music on the soundtrack never gives you a "huge chunk" of a movie's profits. Sure...thete licensing fees paid to the artist but not much beyond that. The REAL money an artist makes is ancilliary from the EXPOSURE the film gives and the resulting soundtrack album sales and back catalog sales. Now...THAT'S where an artist can get a "HUGE CHUNK" of the profits. LOL |
PrimeJiveUSA 23.10.2019 16:09 |
Sorry...runner_70 used the words "huge cut" and not "huge chunk" but the meaning is exactly the same. |