I Seem to remember is was private footage filmed by one of Freddie’s so called New York daughters. It last I think about 24 minutes and was filmed in this gay club. Was spread in the 90’s among the hardcore queen collectors trough the fan club and indeed Sikke van Veen and a few others own a copy.
"I also formed a rock band, Taxi. Peter Straker (singer) hired Taxi as his backing band to open the show for Tina Turner in 1983, at the Hammersmith Odeon. That was a real buzz. We then headlined The Royal Festival Hall. It was a nice experience to get out on a big stage.
Freddie Mercury used to show up at some of our gigs and, on one occasion, he got up on stage at the Hog's Grunt, Cricklewood and sang "Jail House Rock" with Taxi (captured on video). He was brilliant! People in the audience didn't believe it was Freddie. They thought, 'God, that guy don't 'alf look like Freddie Mercury!"
Peter Straker describes that evening in "This was the real Life, The Tale of Freddie Mercury ", Evans, David; Minns, David :
...." Of course we used to go out a lot together too, everywhere from the opera, the ballet, as well as nightclubs and ordinary pubbing for however famous Freddie was he was no snob and enjoyed going where everyone else went. One particular night, after going to a few pubs in a chauffeur driven car needless to say which made life so much easier my band Taxi led by Michael Allison were performing at The Hog’s Grunt at Production village in Cricklewood. Freddie and I decided to pay them a surprise visit. By the end of their set, after imbibing a little more, Freddie decided that we ought to do an impromptu version of Jailhouse Rock. Although it was one, and remained one, of Freddie’s favourite songs, at the time I hardly knew more than the first line. Heavily prompted by the boys in the band and Freddie, we somehow managed to get through to a scrappy end. Apparently a very private video exists of the ensuing performance and I have nightmares about the film emerging from obscurity at least once a week.
By the end of the song, the audience still couldn’t believe we were there and up on stage doing it and a couple of people had to come up to us to ask Freddie in sheer disbelief, “Are you really Freddie Mercury?” Still not convinced even after he had replied that he most certainly was, they probably still don’t believe what happened in front of their very eyes to this day. And off we sped into the night !
Much, much later when I was appearing at the Piccadilly Theatre in the West End with Carol Woods, Debby Bishop and Maria Friedman in Blues in the Night, Freddie, who had a continuous love affair with theatre would come on many occasions and just surprise us and turn up in the wings and watch the whole show......... "
Queenman!! wrote:
I Seem to remember is was private footage filmed by one of Freddie’s so called New York daughters. It last I think about 24 minutes and was filmed in this gay club. Was spread in the 90’s among the hardcore queen collectors trough the fan club and indeed Sikke van Veen and a few others own a copy.
Maybe someone should ask New York daughters about the footage since two of them are on QZ :)
bootlegger wrote:
videofootage with audio exist, as there are video/audio footages of the show Fred did with Samantha Fox as well...
I was going to write something like "nice to know it exist" but it turns out 30 seconds was uploaded on Samantha Fox official channel! I've never heard the audio part from that performance before. Do you know how long the entire footage is?
sorry my friend... hello, a few days ago I shared it in face with the same title hehe, and it happened where I got the photos
hola, hace unos dias lo comparti en face con el mismo titulo jejej, ya les paso de donde obtuve las fotos..link
Thanks! Didn't want to be mean or anything, but its the difference between 1 person (the poster) using translate, and everyone else using translate who wants to read it. Thanks!