Sebastian 15.07.2019 11:42 |
Hi there I wrote this about 'You're My Best Friend'. Hopefully some of you may find it useful. Any corrections are welcome. Trigger warning: I refer to Mercury by his name (Frederick) not by the shortened form of it. Same for everyone else: Brian rather than Bri, John rather than Jack, Roger rather than Rog. |
bucsateflon 15.07.2019 11:49 |
nice, do one about SMGO and BohRhap and post them on reddit also. |
dysan 15.07.2019 12:08 |
John's full name is actually Johnmothy Deaconjohn |
Martin Packer 15.07.2019 12:15 |
Nice! |
Queen Fan MS 15.07.2019 13:18 |
Nice. quite informative. thanks. |
aristide1 15.07.2019 13:30 |
The amount of information is impressive and a little frightening. It must by nice to operate at a level were there is no competition (probably no one will claim that Sarm Studios didn't have a Trident CB-9066). It must be also frustrating for you to be deprived of real feedback, other than "well done". Even if the facts and the guesses might not be 100% true, it still is a fabulous analysis done with great style. |
Sebastian 15.07.2019 14:21 |
aristide1 wrote: It must by nice to operate at a level were there is no competition (probably no one will claim that Sarm Studios didn't have a Trident CB-9066).If they didn't, hopefully someone will! |
The Real Wizard 15.07.2019 16:05 |
Brilliant as always ! |
kosimodo 15.07.2019 17:49 |
As always exiting to read! |
thomasquinn 32989 15.07.2019 17:53 |
Impressive and very interesting, thank you Sebastian! This must've been a lot of work. |
stevelondon20 15.07.2019 17:57 |
Seb, this is awesome. Well done mate. |
freddies bell end 15.07.2019 18:38 |
I’d like to call Sebastian by the name I prefer. Sebastopropofol. Even though it’s a name he has never used as an alias or was born with, that’s what I will the MAGA loving man. I hear Sebastopropofol prefers to call his Red Hat wearing idol, Donny or Donnay, depending on his mood. Only one guy deserves than Sebastian name and that’s the ex-Skid Row singer. |
stevelondon20 15.07.2019 19:14 |
Lol. Gotta laugh. |
Arnaldo "Ogre-" Silveira 16.07.2019 00:45 |
"Now that everybody’s got an acceptable name..." ;) Fantastic job, Sebastian!!! Such an enjoyable read! Thanks a bunch! I really do appreciate your efforts!!! Cheers, Ogre- |
Sheer Brass Neck 16.07.2019 02:20 |
Sebastian, that is fantastic analysis, well done. Keep them coming. |
sahm 16.07.2019 11:16 |
Thank you very good piece |
Stick 16.07.2019 17:51 |
Very, very cool. Thanks a lot for this fantastic analysis! |
Adam Unger ( 17.07.2019 00:01 |
Thanks Sebastian. A pleasure to read. |
freddies bell end 17.07.2019 04:00 |
A great job Sebastopropofol! You need to do A Human Body soon! |
freddies bell end 17.07.2019 04:01 |
Sebastopropofol, Do Doing Alright and Blag |
dysan 17.07.2019 08:06 |
Arnaldo "Ogre-" Silveira wrote: Such an enjoyable read! Thanks a bunch! Ogre-Just an FYI because I see this on a lot on sites around the internet. 'Thanks a bunch' is primarily used as a sarcastic / ironic term. Like "you left the window open all night and I got robbed - thanks a bunch!" |
brians wig 17.07.2019 09:02 |
Seb. WHERE do you get the idea that Freddie changed his name from Farrokh to "Frederick"? |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:07 |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:07 |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:07 |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:07 |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:08 |
Sebastian 17.07.2019 09:08 |
freddies bell end 17.07.2019 11:22 |
Just because you have the proof doesn’t mean it’s correct Mr. Sebastopropofol. |
brians wig 17.07.2019 22:26 |
Thanks Seb. The first link was adequate! :-) |
EDWOOD 17.07.2019 23:44 |
This is very good, detailed work Sebastian! Enjoyed reading it. Now how about the other songs on the 15 studio albums plus the band members (11 isn’t it?) solo albums?! :-) QP should employ you as their new archivist. However due to the fact that the work is correct, detailed, etc - I doubt they’d go for it knowing their track record of errors throughout their documentation! |
Sebastian 18.07.2019 00:19 |
EDWOOD wrote: Now how about the other songs on the 15 studio albums plus the band members (11 isn’t it?) solo albums?! :-)Thank you for your message (and thanks to everyone else for the kind words). The problem is, in at least 90% of the cases, I've got no access to the separate instrument/vocal stems (let alone tracks). The next one is 'We Will Rock You' and then 'Champions', and hopefully I'll do a few more. |
RobbyBloodshed 18.07.2019 03:56 |
This was a great read, thank you! |
Stick 18.07.2019 04:06 |
@Edwood Have a look at this: link |
Queen Fan MS 18.07.2019 07:01 |
@Stick - Thanks for sharing the link. @Sebastian - This looks exhaustive. I don't think I have the knowledge to understand the technical or some of the musical aspects but I will definitely be going thru it. Looking forward to your write up on WWRY and champions as well. |
tomchristie22 18.07.2019 09:35 |
Always a pleasure reading these. More substantive discussion about the music is what this board needs. On a songwriting level, it seems like John liked to differentiate the second verse in some way. Verse 2 in Spread Your Wings goes into the minor mode and uses completely different chords than verse 1. Not a very common technique in popular music, but he uses it seamlessly. More and more, John is becoming my personal favourite songwriter of the four. That may be mostly because my personal taste has moved away from heavy rock. But I do think he's still highly underappreciated as a writer of soul/funk music. e.g. I wonder what percentage of the general public realised that he wrote Another One Bites the Dust, at least prior to the recent movie. |
Chopin1995 18.07.2019 15:51 |
Wonderful! If I could add something it would be the structure of the song, something like:
1 Verse
2 Verse
Well, I found even more:
Overall, it's a fantastic job and easy to read. Can't wait for more!
Stick wrote: @Edwood Have a look at this: linkI love this page but I've heard Seb doesn't like it and have a plan do make a new version in the future? It would be really great. |
Sebastian 19.07.2019 03:23 |
Chopin1995 wrote: If I could add something it would be the structure of the songI felt adding something like that (or functional harmony charts, etc.) would've made it way too long and be a bit all over the place. I haven't ruled it out completely, but for the moment I wanted to focus on what each instrument/vocal consisted of and add some notes (limited by my extreme ignorance on the subject matter) on effects used and stuff. Chopin1995 wrote: I love this page but I've heard Seb doesn't like it and have a plan do make a new version in the future? It would be really great.One of the main issues was precisely that it tried to be way too many things at once, which made it overwhelmingly chaotic and ridiculously inaccurate. |
Chopin1995 19.07.2019 16:26 |
Sebastian wrote:Still, quite a few people seem to like it. Anyway, respect for your valuable work!Chopin1995 wrote: If I could add something it would be the structure of the songI felt adding something like that (or functional harmony charts, etc.) would've made it way too long and be a bit all over the place. I haven't ruled it out completely, but for the moment I wanted to focus on what each instrument/vocal consisted of and add some notes (limited by my extreme ignorance on the subject matter) on effects used and stuff.Chopin1995 wrote: I love this page but I've heard Seb doesn't like it and have a plan do make a new version in the future? It would be really great.One of the main issues was precisely that it tried to be way too many things at once, which made it overwhelmingly chaotic and ridiculously inaccurate. |
Sebastian 20.07.2019 10:49 |
'We Will Rock You' is ready and shall be published on Monday (though there may still be corrections along the way) but I'm gonna do 'Champions' later on since now we've got access to the 24-track contents and that's far more exciting but will take me a while longer to go through them all. If I can manage to find the time, I'll do 'Under Pressure' for the 29th of July. |
freddies bell end 20.07.2019 15:30 |
Hurry up Sebastopropofol |
Chopin1995 20.07.2019 21:37 |
Sebastian wrote: 'We Will Rock You' is ready and shall be published on Monday (though there may still corrections along the way) but I'm gonna do 'Champions' later on since now we've got access to the 24-track contents and that's far more exciting but will take me a while longer to go through them all. If I can manage to find the time, I'll do 'Under Pressure' for the 29th of July.Great news! |
The Real Wizard 01.08.2019 18:39 |
aristide1 wrote: It must by nice to operate at a level were there is no competition (probably no one will claim that Sarm Studios didn't have a Trident CB-9066). It must be also frustrating for you to be deprived of real feedback, other than "well done".Well, you could have been the first, asking what his source was, or how he came to that conclusion. Instead you just contributed to your perceived idea of no "real feedback." |