Steve Vai's an animal! I saw him a few years back and it was one of the best and weirdest concerts I've ever been to. In the Starmus video that's actually the first time I've seen someone licking the guitar for a reason :) The vocalist on WATC needed to rehearse more. He had a bit of a shocker,
Holly2003 wrote:
Lovely and very interesting new arrangement of 39, although the backing singers sound a bit like Monty Python and the lumberjack song.
Hahahahaha....that's all I can think of when I hear it now! :)
Nice to see him sing the second verse of WWTLF. For a 72 year old guy, he still sounds great.
As for the solo played by Steve Vai, I'll just quote Steve Vai himself: "I can listen to any player and pantomime their sound, but I can’t do Brian May. He’s just walking on higher ground."
And the arrangement of '39 is refreshing.
Holly2003 wrote:
The vocalist on WATC needed to rehearse more. He had a bit of a shocker,
Didn't he just!! Is it the same bloke who messed up Bo Rhap with Bri and and Kerry Ellis at that big outdoor amphitheatre type gig a couple of years back??
The whimpering grey haired man in a painted suit haunts my dreams.
Alas, that must be Brian the wizard, who spilled a lot of royal blood after the dark skinned foreigner had died.
Holly2003 wrote:
The vocalist on WATC needed to rehearse more. He had a bit of a shocker,
Didn't he just!! Is it the same bloke who messed up Bo Rhap with Bri and and Kerry Ellis at that big outdoor amphitheatre type gig a couple of years back??