Hello everyone! As the new version of Time has been released, I then remembered about this fantastic and important concert. This concert would mark Freddie's final live performance and a great performance it is too. He mostly outsings Cliff Richard on his own songs lol.
Anyway, onto what this post is about. 2 main sources are used for this merge, the poor audience recording and a soundboard recording. Something of interest that was pointed out to me, the soundboard has actually been edited somewhere down the line as almost 1 min 30 secs is missing. I have replaced this with the audience recording. Also, after reading on UltimateQueen.co.uk it mentions that Freddie sang 4 songs that night, which includes Time, Born To Rock 'n' Roll, In My Defense & It's In Everyone Of Us. Unfortunately, no legit recording has turned up of Time as a fake recording did spread around. Maybe someday a better and more complete audience recording will turn up or even the soundboard.
The audience recording comes from brianswig's FLAC share a long while ago, so thanks to him for providing better sources and thanks to Dave76 for sharing the soundboard recording. Also thanks to Chopin1995 for providing the photographs in what hopes to be chronological order!
I have left the original and remastered files in the .rar archive file.
* AUD - ? - CDR - EAC - ? - FLAC - Audacity (Speed Correction & EQ)
** Soundboard - ? - WAV
Born To Rock 'n' Roll * [CUT]
In My Defense *
It's In Everyone Of Us **/*/**/*/**
Here's a YouTube video as a preview:
Wow, Chinwonder, thank you so much for this one, you chose the perfect time for uploading it - in couple with the new release of "Time Waits For No One" it definitely reaches the perfect and beautiful effect of this Freddie's live performance happening today. Lots of graditude to you and more power on working on further projects and best of luck
Nice mate. Oh how i would have killed just to be there to see and to hear him sing. If i'm not mistaken he did another live performance in october '88 with Montserrat but that was on playback.
This Time show needs to come out on video. Dave Clark is the man to reffer to when the question is wether this was taped in good audio and video. Maybe some day....
Great job Chin!
Freddie was incredible that day! Cliff Richard sounds like he was a backing vocalist. It's very unlikely we'll see a video of this performance, my only hopes are that someone videotaped it from the audience. If anyone wants to read my reasonings for the order of the photographs please check this thread: link
Nonetheless, this is a very historical performance and it's great we have what we have.
Chopin1995 wrote:
my only hopes are that someone videotaped it from the audience..
Sadly it's unlikely knowing how big recorders were in those days. It would have been spotted a mile off.
Our best bet is that Dave Clark filmed it and eventually is able to release it !
Chopin1995 wrote:
my only hopes are that someone videotaped it from the audience..
Sadly it's unlikely knowing how big recorders were in those days. It would have been spotted a mile off.
Our best bet is that Dave Clark filmed it and eventually is able to release it !
I'm sure it wasn't easy. But there are videotapes from Crazy Tour which was almost 10 years earlier and in small venues as well.
Also, is anyone able to hear what is being said at 2:03 during Everyone Of Us (merge)? This might be the reason why it was cut. I'm hearing "And a one more chorus follows". Who could've said that?
Chopin1995 wrote:
my only hopes are that someone videotaped it from the audience..
Sadly it's unlikely knowing how big recorders were in those days. It would have been spotted a mile off.
Our best bet is that Dave Clark filmed it and eventually is able to release it !
I'm sure it wasn't easy. But there are videotapes from Crazy Tour which was almost 10 years earlier and in small venues as well.
Also, is anyone able to hear what is being said at 2:03 during Everyone Of Us (merge)? This might be the reason why it was cut. I'm hearing "And a one more chorus follows". Who could've said that?
Those 70s tapes were shot on relatively small 8mm filmcameras.
The camcorders in the 80s were big.
Chopin1995 wrote:
my only hopes are that someone videotaped it from the audience..
Sadly it's unlikely knowing how big recorders were in those days. It would have been spotted a mile off.
Our best bet is that Dave Clark filmed it and eventually is able to release it !
I'm sure it wasn't easy. But there are videotapes from Crazy Tour which was almost 10 years earlier and in small venues as well.
Also, is anyone able to hear what is being said at 2:03 during Everyone Of Us (merge)? This might be the reason why it was cut. I'm hearing "And a one more chorus follows". Who could've said that?
Those 70s tapes were shot on relatively small 8mm filmcameras.
The camcorders in the 80s were big.
Well, clearly I'm not very knowledgeable about history of video cameras!
Thank you Chin for pieces of this wonderful gig in quality.
If only some video exist of this event...would be really great!!!
Btw, In My Defence isn't availible in soundboard version at all?