Shooting at a jellyfish is err... not something I would do myself but if you've ever ate prawns, squid, fish, crab or lobster it's probably best to keep your moral indignation to yourself.
Big difference between hunting and eating your catch, and hunting just to compensate for 'small willy syndrome'.
Let's face it: they look absolutely idiotic.
Probably a tank of jelly fish (even lamer) or a spawning of them.
Things like that can be predictable and it wouldn't be surprising if a tourist enterprise would take people to shoot spawning animals.
Now if they reversed that and took tourists to shoot spawning human BABIES in maternity. ..... THAT would be an OUTRAGE!
It's an airsoft gun and later a pole that they use to get the jellyfish away from the boats propellers. It just shows how the Daily mail blow things out of proportion.
Think Brian will appreciate that Roger's trying to keep the jellyfish away from the propellers to save them. He'll probably still give Roger a lecture on protecting animals tho XD